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EARN 15 CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS! ———— #® EDUCATE Bae ON aca. e. We) #« COLLABORATE « MOTIVATE ed SUMMIT GNA a s7sous.sasocan MAY 7-9, 2014 AROS Ma OV | | [| | TTS STS pee RIZONA ATs Soa Introducing the rewards program... a on | ...that’s as unique as you! Geena Your American College of Forensic Examiners Institute membership entitles you to exclusive access to AchieveLinks’, the rewards program with 500 FREE that's as unique as you. Links at sign-up Just visit htp:// to activate your FREE, membership. Then, your everyday purchases will earn Links™ reward points towards ACFEI membership dues, 2014 Executive Summit, must-have merchandise, and once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Don’t miss out on your rewards! Activate your FREE account now. A WET INIT \CHIEVELI S ere rch son www edo mot sen eect hore of NEE no oes one vies ata teres of ih thr, Iapatorary obo ommece puesto = the ede Postage Pad tore i, ad Sr Into BI ED ml eR com ‘Sood eee anes to eran Colee of Fred mines ete 1s Ent ute Sree Sai x FORENSIC EXAMINER’ Roba O Boek DR, PH, PO OMe (iobckawteicon) aca Peer akopacel com) ula rooks ulebooksgacte com) [ACCREDITATIONEOITOR: ‘Megan Tuer megan tumergaceom) Brandon Alms random ct com) ‘Stephane Lindberg (eprangadecan) ovens: Meagnn Pack meagan packscticom) FREE SUBSCRIPTION! BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP INCLUDE: + FREE Subscription to The Forensic Examiner* + Networking and referral opportunities, through the association + Free online continuing education credits Access to certification programs Member only rates at the Executive Summit, Exclusive Affinity benefits such as discounts ‘on Hertz car rentals, special rates on Liberty, ‘Mutual insurance premiums, and rewards points when you shop online through Achievelinks. TO BECOME A MEMBER: Call us at 800.592.1399 YES! 1 WANT A LG ito: 1D Payment Enclosed ACFE 1D Charge my Credit Card 2750 East Sunshine Street Springfield, MO 65804 = MasterCard, Name iscover Address ‘AmEx «iy, State Zip Credit Card # Exp. Date. Signature ‘YOU GAN ALSO JOIN TODAY AT WWW.ACFELCOM Winter 2013 THE FORENSIC EXAMINER’ 3 ns RENSIC ES ARIZONA EXAMINER’ | eee ICSON, ARIZONA HILTON TUCSON EL CONQUISTADOR SnuC Co UU P eared Uorh & Liuisixioke Contents CE ARTICLES FORENSIC NURSING: 5 Key to Disaster Preparedness Strategy by Linda Doyle FEATURES 16 CLOSE ENCOUNTERS WITH ‘CRIMINAL MINDS by Katherine Ramsland, PhD, CMI-V 52 DMOKNIVES: AN INTERVIEW WITH FOUNDERS BRIAN CATHEY AND ROB GARCIA 70 TACTICALLY TRAINING WOMEN: AN INTERVIEW WITH KAREN BARTUCH FORENSICS INTHE NEWS SUCCESS FILES Kevin Theriault FICTION: Never a Cross Word by Shelly Reuben NEW MEMBERS ACFEINEWS ACCREDITATION BOOK REVIEW Optimal Living 360: Smart Decision Making for a Balanced Life by Sanjay Jain BOOK REVIEW Forensic Nursing: Evidence- Based Principles and Practice by Rose E. Constantino, Patricia A.Crane, and Susan E. Young BOOK REVIEW Expert Witness in the Legal System by Morris Zedek, PhD. ACFEILOGO PRODUCTS SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE HOTEL INFORMATION ABOUT THE AREA ‘TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS SPONSORSHIP INFORMATION EXHIBITOR INFORMATION ACFEI BREAKOUT SESSIONS APA / AIM BREAKOUT SESSIONS. ABCHS BREAKOUT SESSIONS CONTINUING EDUCATION APPLICATION FORM. Winter 2013 THEFORENSIC EXAMINER’ 5 Nichole: 6 Apostalou 5A, PA CFA ‘Donna Garbecz Bader, NSN ANC. CFN. Cli Larry Barksdale, WA E-Robert Bertll, 00, MLV Kenneth blackstone M5, CFC, Cl David. Boye CFA DBA CPA CA ules Brayrman CPA. CVA John Bick, PHO, MA. CMV Richard Brooks PhO, CGEM Dennis Caputo, NS, CM, OEP ‘Dennis M. chevalier, I, CPP, HPC, 85 Andrew N. Denno, MD ames A. Digable, Pi, CPA, ABV. CFF John Shelby DuPont, O05, Raymond Fish PhD, Per Freitag. PhD, MO sue Gabel £40, SN MS RN Ron Grass OC. MS Alchardc. Hall. MO.CFP John J. Maberstroh, DC CFC CHV Raymond F. Hanbury, PHO. ABP {Leo Holznthal PE BSE MSE Matthew Howard Ph, MSS, 84 edwards. Myman, PD alae M. Agha, PhO Nursing Jackson, NS BN Seott A Johnson MA, L2, DABS Pili Kaushall PAD rc Krevter, PhO, CPA, CMA, CFM, Puneet Arora i, MBES,CFR, CM Ralph caresecchi MPS, CML tarry D-crumbley, PhD, CPA, CFA {Sue Gabriel, ED, MEN, MPS, AN, CEN ‘Amy M. Gari, DPH, APRN, ACNE. C#N Joseph A suchniewiez MA, CO, CFC LPT -Michao iting Karagiozs, D0, MDW, CF? CMY Frank ivingstone MO, CFP ‘Moe Fr spacing nd consistenycomidertons the numberof desgntons ted hes ben ita, Ronald 6 Lanfranchi PhO, cl. ‘Monique Levermore 20 Jonathan Upman, PRD Judith Logue ho ‘ke Meacham, P90, LCSW Davide, 005 Leonard. Morgenbesser PhD ncques Ama Okoni, PHD Nora E.osborne,00, CM Ronald. Panunte, PE CE, CFE. CVF Larry H Pastor MD, C=C Mare Rabinof £40. C# Jerald. Ratner, iD, CP Harold. sk, PAO susan PRebbins, PHO LCSW OCSH,CHESW JameR Rosen-Granden,°r0 ‘Bouglas Ruben PhO 2. Bradley Sargent, CPA CF5,C-FA Wiliam sawyer PhO Howard A. shave, 40 Mary .Stagno,P3y0,AN ames Stone i, MBD, CLV Seorges. swan iD liam A.robin, MA Robert Tovar MA. CPP Patil A Wallace PHO, CECE Raymond webster, PeD Dean A. wideman MSc MEA, CFC, CML 2013 EDUCATION COMMITTEE ‘Nee For spacing and consistency considerations the numberof designations sted has beenlimite, ‘Joan. eti, CPA, AER CFC. COMA John 0. Petkanas, DDS, CFC, CH Jerald. Ratner MO, CFP Douglas H-Rubon, PhO Larry F Stewart CEG MSS Kevin thera 85 CCL CFC Mark Tom, ACFEI EXECUTIVE ADVISORY BOARD. CHAIR {yr ee, MO, 1D, CER CY ‘MEMBERS: ‘Maryn Nolan, MS (Cai Anerion Boor cf Forensic Counselors ames H. Hutson, D05,CHHV ‘ai enericon Board of Forensic Dentisty Kevin Theriault 85 CFC (Chi eerie Board of Forensic Examiners ‘Ben Venktash, engi FE (Chi, enoian Board of Engineering and Technolgy {sue Gabriel Ea, MENA CEN (Ci nein Board of Forensic Nazing ‘Douglas Fountain CChietmert Arnarcan Sond of Forensic Socal Werkers Rodeo J Rosado, PRO (Chai, marian Board of Psychologie Specaies ‘oroggM. Stutchman (Ch nein Board of Recorded Evidence Robert Boyden, PAD. MS SCSA (Chai neican Board of Certified Criminal Investigators '5-sandy sanbar, MO, POD JO, FCLM. Chal Legal disor Board Robert K Minn CPA, MBA, oF (Chai American Board of Forensic Accounting “CONTINUING EDUCATION [AEE provides continuing eestin cits for ccoun ‘ars muses pitas des poycologts couse Saal waren and mariage ae ary tees Approvals for continuing education actives ate subject fechange Fortne most up-to date satus, plese check the cous extlog on our Website ot Contact the Registrars oie tol re at (600) 425.979 [ACFEIisan approved provide of Continuing Education bythe fllowings ‘ected Counc for Cntouing Medal Education National asrocation of tat Board Accoutoncy Nelonel Bordo Ceri Cumeslors Catteni Board of Registered Nurses American PochologclAsacaion Cait Eoard of naval Seances evocation of Sell Work Boers ‘American Dent Assoction ADA CEP) ‘ThelMisour Shots Associtono sponsors Pole Orcer Standards Traning Post) accrediation or the American ColegeofForeniframinrsinsttut acti ‘amber ofthe NetionalCerteston Comicon andthe “Thefthics exam Laweam dence exam Catfed Mekal Investor hem vel erties Fores count, GlFA" eam, Certed Forensic Muse CFN® exam andthe CergedFrersc Consultan FC" exam areal approved forGl Bil bone 6 THE FORENSIC EXAMINER’ Winer 2013, Pee U eed AMERICAN BOARD OF CERTIFIED CRIMINAL INVESTIGATORS" CCHAIR: Robert Boyden, PhO, M5,5CSA VICE CHAIR: Dennls Cheval, CPP, IPC, CM Dither Ali, CAMS, CCL Ss, PC Kenneth E: Blackstone, MS, CF, Cl Marvin “Gene” Bullington, CFC Mark Boutwell SI Ml, Cl Cl, CPPP,FIPC Henry Scott” Browne MS, FS, Cl John Daab, PD HBA. MPS, Cl CEC Cel ‘Joseph A Juchnlewicz MA, CCL CFC ?T Eric Lakes, CLWE MCSE David Millsap, CCl CMA “Thomas R. Price CF, CC, FACFE,DABFE Harold F. Rsk, Ph, FACE, DABPS (yt H.Weeht, MD J0, CFP. CMIEV AMERICAN BOARD OF FORENSIC ACCOUNTING? ‘CHAIR: Robert K. Minn CPA CFA, CVA, CFF, roy VICE CHAIR: Stewart L Appelrouth, PA, CFLM, CVA, CFA Gary Bloome, CPA CiFA ‘Alexander Lamar Casparis,CPA,ABY, CFF, ITP Hugh M. Christensen CPA, ABV, CFF, CVA, CrFA Suzanne. Hillman, CPA, CF, CFA, CTP Michael G. Kessler, rFA, CICA Eric A. Kreuter, PhO, CPA Robert Lechter,CPA CFA Joan €. Pern, CPA. CiFA, CFC CGMA ‘Joshua Rader, CPA, CFA, ABY, CFF 5: Bradley Sargent, CPA, C7, CFLM, CVA Larry Settles, CPA, CaF, ABV, CTP Richard M-Teichner, CPA CH. ABV, CVA, CFF AMERICAN BOARD OF FORENSIC COUNSELORS* CCHAIR: Marlin J. Nolan, MS James B. Clarke A LPC, NCC, MAC Rhiannon Condon, LPC, (CSW COC, CADC ‘ilar M. Sloane. 0, [LN AMERICAN BOARD OF FORENSIC DENTISTRY ‘CHAIR: James H. Hutson, O05, CY Bill B.Akpinar, DDS, CH Benjamin Antloqul, ODS Stephanie L. Anton-Bettey, DDS, CMI, CFC Robert Byrd 005 Dennis Flanagan, DOS Brian Karasi DMO, MScFin MEA, CMV R. Gordon Klockow, DDS ‘Chester B. Kulak, DMD, CMI CFC John Petkanas, 005, CFC, CMI Kathryn Vitillo, MO AMERICAN BOARD OF FORENSIC EXAMINERS? ‘CHAIR: Kevin Theriault, 85, CF, CCL ‘ess Armine, OC Ronna F. Dillon PaD, lth Bruce H. Gross, "HD, 10 MEA Henry P-Hambel, hi, CPP MEMS-M Darrell. Hawkins, J, CWIEY Edward Heyden, FaD Michael W- Homick, PhD, EdD Michael iting Karagiois, 0, Moi, CF, CMV ‘Anthony Kemmertin, CMV, DABFE Ronald . Lanfranchi, OC, PhD, CMV John L Laseter, PhD, CMV Lawrence Lavine, 00, MPH, CF, CMY [Leonard K: Lucan, PhO. CFC, CPS! Mare A.Rabinof E40, FC Luts Rivera, CPA, CFF James AWilliams, PAD, CFC AMERICAN BOARD OF FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY* CCHAIR: Ben Venktash FRSHIUK) FSE VICE CHAIR: George C. Frank CFC ‘VICE CHAIR: James P. Waltz PE, MBA, CEM, LEED, AP AliFayad, PE Gregory Harrison, PhD, PE Michael Nunez, Ph, PE AML"BIN" Petrelli, A, NCAR, TAID, CFC Max Porter, Ph, PE, CEC John Robbins, PE Frank Stephenson, PhD, PE AMERICAN BOARD OF FORENSIC MEDICINE® ‘CHAIR: Cyril H. Wecht, MO, JO, CF2,CME VICE CHAIR: Matthias L Okoye, MD, MSc JO FRCP Michael cardell, MO, 0 ohn A. Consalvo iD Louis. rmiseh I io, CFPC Michael Fitting Karagioas, 0, MDiv, CFP,CMLV Lawrence Lavine, 0, MPH, Civ CFC Kenneth A Levin, 0, CFP, FACFE DABFM, DRBFE E Franklin Livingstone, MD, C=? “Manijeh KNkakbtar, MD, MPH, CFR CLV John R Parker, MO, CFP FAP Jerald H. Ratner, MO, CFP '.Sandy Sanber, MO PhO. JO, FCLM ‘AMERICAN BOARD OF FORENSIC NURSING" ‘CHAIR L, Sue Gabriel, EdD ISN, BN, CFN, MES ‘Donna Garbace Bader, MSN, INC CPN, C4, CFC Marilyn A Bell, RNC Ms, CMF, CFN, CFC (tia J. Curtsinger, RN, CN, SANE Linda Doyle, RN CEN Ch: CLNC Diane L-Reboy, MS, RN. CFN,LNCC, CNLCP Suzanne Rotoo, PAD, NSN, AN, CF, SANE-A, SANE? AMERICAN BOARD OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SPECIALTIES" ‘CHAIR: Rodolfo J. Rosado, PhD VICE CHAIR: Douglas H. Ruben, PhO CarolJ. Armstrong, PhD, MS, LPC Martha Barham RN, PhO, CFC Madeline M. Daniels, Pi0, OL Ronna Dillon, PhD, CL. Raymond Hamden, PAD, CMLY Raymond F: Hanbury, PhD, ABP, LPC Paula M:Mackenzle, PsyD Helen D. Pratt, PaO Richard M. Skafl, PO CCharlesR Stern, PhD, CULV Joseph ¢. Yeager, Phd Donna M. Zook, PhO, CFC AMERICAN BOARD OF RECORDED EVIDENCE" ‘CHAIR: Gregg M. Stutchm Ernst FW ck) Alexanderson, 84, MBA Eddy B.Brixen Stephen C. Buller Marisa Dery yan 0.Johnson, 2A Michael. McDermott. JD Jennifer Owen, 8 Thomas. Owen, Eh AMERICAN BOARD OF FORENSIC ‘SOCIAL WORKERS? ‘CHAIR EMERITUS: Douglas Fountaln. PHO, LCSW James Andrews, WSW, LCSW, CMFS¥ Matthew A. apezzuto, PhD, iS, AFC Viola Vaughan-Eden, PhO, LCSW, CMESW Nathalie P. Hughes, MSW, CMSW Tina Jaeckle, PD, LCSW, CFC, CMS Shannon C.Lebak SM, LCSW CMFSW Michael. Meacham, PhO, LCSW Kathleen Monahan, DS HFSW, LMFT, CE, MW ‘Susan Robbins, PhD, LCSW, DCW, CMS ‘Christine Routhle,AF5¥, LCSW, CMFSW Steven J. Sprengelmeyer, MSW MA, LISW, west LEGAL ADVISORY BOARD ‘CHAIR: 5. Sandy Sanbar, MO, PH0,10, (Ci Rbraham, 2, PHO, 10 ‘Michael Cardwell, MD,10 Joseph F. Connolly I MDA. MEd, 1D, FRSA. Paul. Friedman, 8, HD, 1D Robert Fish, 005,10, FAGD James. Greenstone, £40, 10, C14 Pamela Ann Geyer, RN, CFN.JD Robert Hall PhD, {Cynthia Lee, PhO, JO, Wham "Bill MeClure, DC, JO Robert W. Muench 1D Joshua K Roberts, D (yr H. Wecht MO), CFR, CMY Winter 2013 THE FORENSIC EXAMINER’ 7 NEW MEMBERS Geraldine Adams Robert Alexander Salah Alzanbagi Sella Anzaldua Reviewer ASWB. Kelly Berisha Leah Brady Michael Bulmer Robert Candland Victor Carbone Alex Caylor Kenneth Cliburn Claitecee Clinger Steven Collins Maureen Cooney Sandra Davis Era Deatmon Gustavo Debourg Charles Dally Eric Eleroth| Norma Everett Paje Fae ‘Dwight Ferguson wthy Fogarty Dan Foy Soren Frederiksen Michael Gambino Andrea Giambrone Margie Gilbert Richard Gonzaler Karla Gothard Mary Groce Madison Arthur Hallstom Kelly Harcis Shannon Hoots Cid Caitlin Hosn George Hunt Janet Jesiolowski Wilbert Jones Teresa Jorgensen ‘Azam Karaki Susanne Kee WELCOME new Members Paige Keim Sung Kim Tino Kyprianou Jay Lake Greg Langford Amber LaRoe- Winter Matthew Lee Jessica Lond John Lowery ‘Tammera Maroney Keith Martinous Vivian Mathis Charles MeAleer Shara McDonald Dianna MeMullan Rebecca Mowen David Myerberg Natalie Myers ‘Tekyam Krishnakumar Naidu Christian Nino-Moris Chris O'Connell Dana Oldham James Panel Hasroukh “Harry” Patel William Ptard Jan Polasky Melissa Richard Ellen Rittenberg Nathan Rosato Kimberly Rosborough Scott Rosenguist Ashley Rusciano Lynn Ruse Diane Sancher-Bianco Elise Schack Mark Scribner Gillian Sheppard ‘Trisha Sheridan Jennifer Skrdulis Nakesha Smith anna Stieler Angela Suarez Shitley Sunn Eunice Tilley Reginaldo Ticott Joseph Tolner Arcuro Uribe Rachelle Valenauela William Viealdo Kathleen Walker Rick Watts Connie Wells Kure Wessels Beverly White Raphael Woodall Heather Young, Stephen Zamucen Christopher Zubiate NEW FELLOWS Donald Jones NEWLY CREDENTIALED Carolyn Adams Kelly Berisha} Richard Bond. Jobn Bunting Douglas Carner Sandra Davis Lorraine Edey Norma Everett ‘Timothy Fogarty Margie Gilbert Diane Glenn Paul Hamilcon Donald Haneline Sheena Havens Yoerte Hurd Susanne Kee Jay Lake Erica Lemberger ‘Mark Makara Tammera Maroney. Vivian Mathis ‘Matthew McKinnon Shannon Morfeld Arthur Nowlin Chris O'Connell Tara O'Hare Della Ostendorf ‘Chuistopher Pembrook Michael Powers Ellen Rittenberg Ernest Rogers Daniel Roig Nathan Rosato Lynn Russell Rosario Sanchez Sherece Shavel “Tisha Sheridan Franklin Singh John Sullivan Shirley Sunn Shelliann Thread Loreta Tnyjillo James White ‘Anne Wilson Raphael Woodall ‘Dus space Imitators degrees and profssoral Gigraons are nat sted |B THE FORENSIC EXAMINER Winer 2013, ‘As you may know, ACFE has been working towards aligning our certification programs to meet National Commission for Cert fying Agencies accreditation guidelines, The American Board of Forensic Nursing has led the way and achieved a major goal this month when the nursing survey was sent out to all nurses By receiving feecnack from a diverse network of forensic nurses, ‘we wil be able to ensure program integity and determine the importance ofthe proposed job task. Please keepin mind we willbe senng out surveys inthe future for all forensic specialties and we will need your help in making sure the surveys are completed and dispersed to relevant professional. ACFEI has been working with Nathaniel Cole our Certified In struc, Corte Certified Forensic Accountant program to offer lve instruction in Nigeria. f you ae interested ina lve traning, please contact member services fr details at 800.423.9737. ‘We visited Pitsburg, PA recently to exhibit the ACFEI booth for the Wecht Insitute of Forensic Science and Law's 13th annual conference. During our time, we learned about the JK assas- siration and met some wonderful people. If you know of a con ference that would be beneficial for ACFEI to attend and extibit, please contact member services at 800.423.9737. Additionally, Took for our JFK Symposium follow-up in our spring 2074 issue. TUCSON * ARIZONA 2014 EXECUTIVE SUMMIT MAY 7-9, 2014 TUCSON, ARIZONA Don't forget to register forthe 2014 Executive Summit before Dec. 318¢ to receive a discounted rate! Call member services at 800.423.9737 10 sign up today, A tentative pre- sentation schedule is now available online wien you visit ‘ Winer 2013 THEFORENSIC EXAMINER 9 FORENSICS IN THE NEWS MOM M LO) ESIC ey STEALING VOTES THE CYBER WAM is aad 77 yg eee Wt we Pieter ec Pic 4) Marcos hoped to guarantee victory by rigging the elec HaMCOSHP Cc. . > <— Pee ae ra ate tnc) CF | Mepeucciae icteric ecu eer recente ue cy even net Bee emt eee a cor eer ede gt | ot eee one eeu eres es cae he Identities of almost 750 people, and that’s a setlous thingy sold rales Rees ane nt ere ie ot re Renee ee ge eee a aceon Mert meee ee eee er a eee Se eee cr: as Cee aoe emi em tats en \Weaver could later retrieve every keystroke they made, enabling him to obtain their eee eee nT ent are) nme sters, from kindergartners through ge students, 7 people in their ¢ rating for rams; county and stat fairs; and police academies rc ee) SHADOWS & LIGHT: NEI aN Ne ate FORGED PHOTOS August 08, 2013 — You decide to order some software from an unknown online seller. The price isso low you just ca pass itup. What could go wrong? Plenty. Whether youre downloading it or eee eet ee ee er Saree eee er ee Parente cee ct Sree seen be mem nccrecg Rights Coordination (IPR) Center—of which the FBI isa key parener—is warn- eure era possibilty that illegally copied software, including counterleit products made to Jook authentic, could contain malware Our collective experience has shown this to be truc, both through the complaints we've received and through our investiga- tions I also been validated by industry studies, which show that an increasing ee ee ete eee cae en Loksatta teresa ts often contains malware. Pe ere Se sce une oe vedures mo trated? Using alternate light sour ultraviole virtual invisible evidence; dusting for Angerprints; shoe and tire print impres sketching crime dibs jg a tour of the ERT kc Members of our ERT staff who take part intheirvalue, both ho participate and for 5 and recovering der for the the FEL CONTAIN MALWARE , CONSUMER ALERT: and even ftom peer-to-peer networks. The physical discs can be purchased from on- Jine auction sites les-than-repurable web- Ce ee Ra and kiosks. Pirated software ean also be found pre-installed on computers overseas, which are ordered by consumers online and ‘then shipped into the United States. ‘Who's behind this crime? Criminals, hackers and hacker groups, and even or- ganized crime rings. Pret ee See ern) software may not work properly. Your op- crating system may slow down and fil to eee eta Pte ee te cotter ene identity theft and financial fraud—after malware takes hold of your system. eps anes the all tory in its entry, please vst pee ey ae eed eee ee 4 PIRATED SOFTWARE MAY oT ‘THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CERTIFICATION & ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATION WHAT IS A CERTIFICATION PROGRAM? CCettificaion i the process theough which an organization grants recognition to an individual, organization, process, ACCREDITATION WHAT 1s ACCREDITATION: decade peasy vuln

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