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ECDIS = Electronic Chart Device Information Display.

Different Vector Chart and Rastor Chart.

Vector Chart = Approved – has correction every week as per any navigation Change – we
can modify on it, more clear , we can Zoom out / in , WGS serving, we can use it as primary
or back up system at Navigation.
Rastor Chart = Approved – We Can’t make Zoom in /out , display not clear, we can’t
modify on it, another Hydrographic system and we can’t use it as primary system.

MIM 1193.001 Marine Port Information and Regulation.

9.5 – The depths quoted, as well as those shown on the reference charts are in metres based
on Lowest Astronomical Tide datum (LAT). Local Diurnal tidal rise is approximately 1.5 m
(5feet), in spring and 1.0 m (3.3 feet) in neaps based on Saudi Aramco Tide Tables.
Current Saudi Aramco tide tables are to be consulted.

9.4.3 - Tanajib inner channel dredged 8 mtrs and width 200 mtrs. inner harbor and Basin 8
mtrs. - inner channel will be 1 way traffic when – wind speed exceed 20 knots – restricted
visibility less than 1 NM. – movement of self propelled barge – towed cargo barge – Aramco
fuel barge.

9.4.4 – the port of Tanajib is to be closed to Traffic and all vessel movement when wind
speed exceed 35 knots. Or visibility less than 0.5 NM.

11.9 – Crossing the 3 trench pipe lines

.- Max draft up to, and including 5.0 mtrs. 10 knots, 5.5 mtrs. 7 knots. And 6.0 mtrs.
5 knots.

11.9.2 – Vessel with draft exceed 6 mtrs. But less than 7 mtrs. To be request dispensation
from the Rig Move Group 48 Hrs. prior to crossing for the first time, one hour prior crossing
again is to contact port control and ask permission by excessive draft and or dispensation
letter number. Pipe line to be crossed with tide LAT + 1 M and Maximum speed 5 knots and
cross at mid point between channel beacons.

11.9.4 - Vessel with draft exceed 7 mtrs. Are not permitted to cross until the Rig Move Group
assessed the situation on a case by case basis at least 48 hrs. notes prior arrival pipeline.

11. Tanajib Pier Port Regulations.

11.1 – Speed limit, they may speed in the channel between T1 to T8 8 knots while in
Harbor Max 5 Knots.
11.10- Handling of Floating Objects –

11.10.1 Vessels sighting floating objects which are, or may be, a danger to Navigation or to
Saudi Aramco Facilities will;

.- Report the sighting to Tanajib Port Control.

.- Keep well clear of the object at all times.
.- Give the position of the object and its likely course.
.- Specify the sixe of the object and the material it is made from, if possible.
.- Standby in the position, keeping well clear of the object and monitor its movement.

11.11 Repair to Vessel or Entering of Vessel’s Tanks.

11.11.1 - Repair to vessels while alongside to pier not allowed without Permission from port
control. Saudi Aramco Work Permit Procedures will be followed.

MIM 1193.005 Minimum Under Clearance for Marine Vessels.

5.2 - authorities for give permission Producing Department (field Service) (marine
Department) (Rig Move Group).

Ras Tanura Port Control (for movement in Ports of Juaimah and Ras Tanura).

5.3 – At all time any vessel, Barge or Rig engaged to crossing over pipe line, Sub Sea
installation for Aramco the minimum (UKC) is to be 5 mtrs. or more.

5.3.3 – Any Vessel has to cross must have permission first from 5.2 to cross by (UKC) less
than 5 mtrs.

5.4 – All Vessel, Barge, Rig other than crossing over pipe line the minimum (UKC) 1 mtr. or

5.4.1 – All Marine craft while loading alongside at Pier minimum (UKC) permitted to be 0.3

6. – Factor to reduce the risk of damage to vessel and subsea Installation. Squat effect , effect
of wind and swell, postoht of equipment and her accuracy the state of tide effect list and
trim, loading effect for UKC , last Chart surveying old in position.

MIM 1193.006 Marine Vessel requirement for maneuver when 500 mtrs.
Zone of offshore structure and Rig.

6.7 – Prior entry 500 mtrs. Zone for any installation must complete Check list.
6.8 – Checklist, Voyage Passage plan Go – No Go, Pre arrival and Dept. Check list are to be
pilled on bridge and kept for a period of at least “6 Months”.
7.1 – The max speed for any vessel into 500 mtrs. Zone for offshore structure or Rig is “3

Note : Any Vessel can increase this speed for safe navigation until vessel the vessel can
maintain a ‘Safe Navigation’ situation. to be noted in the vessel Logbook and the Rig or
Field Service to be informed.

7.3 – The use of auto Pilots prohibited within 500 mtrs Safety Zone.

7.4 – No Vessel can approach to Rig by “Head On”

Only “Beam On” and “Stern On” is permitted.

7.5 – The Max speed for any Vessel within 100 mtrs. Of Rig is 0.5 Knot.

8.4 – At a safe distance from Rig, no Closer than 4 Vessel lengths the Master will stop in
Water to Ascertain wind and tide effect on the vessel at that location.

8.5 – while maneuver Master will ensure he have safe exit, and if it compromised the matter
will safety abort the maneuver until the safe Exit route to be clear.

6.5 – All vessel will plot the track on chart at regular Interval must always be less than “30

MIM 1185.002 Reporting Procedures, Documentation and Master Duties

for the operation of all Vessels.

3.8.38 – As per Marpol Every Vessel 400 GT and more must Have SOPEP.

3.16 – The Aramco Form 155 Medical AID report should complete by Master prior Employ
going Clinic.

3.35 – Daily Rest hour is 10 hours. Maybe dived to minimum 3 period on of which must be at
least 6 hrs. and interval between consecutive periods of Rest shall not exceed 14 hrs.

6. – Before entering of departing from any Saudi Arabia Oil Field, Master must inform the
controlling GOSP.

MIM 1192.001 Marine Vessel Operating Practices.

2.5 – Interval at recording position at Oil Field never exceed 15 minutes, and 30 minutes at
clear Water.

MIM 1193.504 Marine Department Emergency Response Plan

Call 110 at any Emergency situation and VHF for Port Control Ch. 11, 16 and 80.
MIM 1193.507 Safety Drills inside Marine Vessels.

5.3 – Before and After any message is send.

10.1 Fire Drill.

10.2 Abandon Ship Drill

10.2 Note: There must be sufficient lifejackets for every person on board the vessel/barge,
plus an additional 10% in a location outside the accommodation. The location of the spare
life jackets must be known to all.

10.3 – Man Overboard. All Aramco and Contractors working offshore must be able to swim.

10.4 Watertight Integrity/Collision Drill.

OIM 1198.001 Operation Instruction Manual (1.519) Work around

offshore producing facility.
6.1 – Movements during darkness hours or at Visibility less than 4 nm shall made at the
discretion of the Rig Move Master and all Authority related the matter.

9.6 – Master Should drop anchor between spar buoy and side of Rig and never on the far side
of buoy….

MIM 1198.002 Operating Procedure for Rig Supply and Standby Vessels.
FiFi Class I pumping rate 2400 M3/h / Class II 7200 M3/h / Class III 9600 M3/h.

4.4 – On hire Inspection will return main propulsion, Bow thruster performance and anchor
Handling Equipment to meet or Exceed the specifications in the contract and will require also
to stop in the water from full ahead within 40 seconds. Vessel that do not meet all of these
criteria will be rejected.

5.6.2 – required document for loading Drilling Mud – Cargo manifest include quantity and
weight – Material data sheet – storage and circulation instruction no loading without that.

- Once loaded from any source, the MUD is not to be curried onboard for more than 7
- Notification is to be sent to drilling when the MUD has been onboard for more 5 days
and everyday after that until it is removed from the vessel.

8.3 – Each vessel shall ensure minimum 3 crew members are utilized for mooring operation.

8.6 - Snatching of materials is not permitted when sea high exceeds 1.5 mtrs.

8.7 – Captain of AHTSS must not place the stern or any portion of the vessel between the
legs or under the hull of a Jack up Barge / Rig.
8.9 – if the vessel used more than 45 % from Engine or thruster during operation to maintain
snatch position, she must pull out clear and not return until condition are safe to resume

8.10 – upon condition of the mooring operation the vessel position system are to remain
running for 30 minutes whilst the vessel “settle” to ensure maneuverability is available if

- Prior to commencing any mooring operation the Master shall take into account;
- 1. Prevailing weather conditions.
- 2. Safe operation distance off the Rig.
- 3. Location of Sub Sea and surface installation in relation to vessel position.
- 4. Condition of mooring ropes.
- 5. Nature of seabed and water depth where the anchor is to be deploy.

Main Engine to be activated whenever;

- 1. Wind or surface current speed exceed 16 knots or 1.0 respectively.

- 2. Combined Sea and swell is in exceed of 5 ft. (1.5 mtrs).
- 3. When another supply vessel is going to be secured alongside.
- 4. Anchoring in poor holding ground or in shallow water where (UKC) is less than twice
the draft of the vessel.
- 5. Vessel will keep her Engine during operation incase another vessel is working close
to it.

G.I. M 2.709 Gas Testing Procedure (Use of Portable GAS Monitors).

- Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH). Lower Explosive Limit (LEL).
- Threshold limit Value (TLV). The time when most people can work 8 hrs. a day and day
after day without any harmful.
- Hot work is not permitted if the atmosphere is above …0 % of (LEL).
- Work is not permitted if atmosphere has O2 concentration above 23.5% or Above 50 %.
- Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) shall be if any atmosphere condition Exist.
- O2 concentration is less than 20 %.
- Flammable / Combustible mixtures are at or above 5 % and less than 50 % of the LEL.
- H2S concentration is between 10 and 100 Part Per Millions (PPM).
- Confined space entry is not permitted at concentration above 23.5 % O2 , at or above 50
- LEL above 1200 PPM CO, above 100 PPM H2S, or above IDLH of any other toxic gas.

No atmosphere – supplying Respirator is required if;

- * O2 Concentration is between 20.0 % and 23.5 %.
- * Flammable Mixtures are less than 5 % of the LEL.
- * CO is at or below 35 Part per Million (PPM).
- * Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) is at or below 10 PPM.
- * Other potential toxic Gas concentrations are at or below their threshold (TLV).
An atmosphere – supplying respirator shall be continuously worn IF;
- # O2 less than 20.0 %.
- # Flammable mixture are above of 5 % and less than 50 % of the LEL.
- # CO concentration is above 35 PPM and at or below 1200 PPM
- # H2S concentration is above 10 PPM and at or below 100 PPM.
Confined Space Entry not Entry Permitted;
- $ O2 >23.5 %, LEL >_ 50 % , CO > 1200 PPM, H2S > 100 PPM.
Portable Gas monitor alarm set points;
- @ O2 , Low Alarm 20.0 % , High Alarm 23.5 %.
- @ LEL 5 %.
- @ H2S 10 PPM.
- @Carbon Dioxide (SO2) 2 PPM.
- @ Chlorine (CL2) 0.5 PPM.
- @ Ammonia (NH3) 25 PPM.

G.I. M 1851.001 Offshore well site Emergency Response Operation Roles &

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