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NIM: 1911311032
CLASS: A2 2019
Attendence Number:11

What I can conclude from the film is The benefits of emotional support to both nurses
and the clients are huge. Fundamentally, emotional responses arise from ones thoughts,
feelings, experiences etc which abound in the nurse patient relationship. Some people are
able to find intrinsic emotional support and some are otherwise. Patients particularly are
vulnerable while receiving care and therefore an emotionally stable nurse will be better
placed to provide the emotional supports patients' require. It is always stressed that nurses
provide emotional support to patients , but recently, emotional support to nurses have been

Teams are built with peopleand collaboration in teams has beenrecognized as the
backbone of peri-operative patient care. In addition toworking together, collaborationmeans
understanding of each other’sneeds, focus on goals, sharing of resources, benefits, and mutual
support.Thus, the resulting outcome of patientcare is far greater than one that any in-dividual
could ever offer indepen-dently. Fostering collaboration canmaintain efficiency and fluency
ofwork and make OR an enjoyable working environment. In addition, encouragement to
build professional relation-ships and to challenge traditionalboundaries without fear of
retaliationis important. However,the stresses thatperioperative team members
currentlyexperience might be one of thebiggest challenges to be overcome tomaintain
collaboration and good patient care in OR

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