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China MediaExpress

inter-city bus TV Media

Research Report

For: Fujian Fenzhong Media Co., Ltd

Written By: CTR Media Intelligence
August, 2008
China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV Media



Detail data

Entrusted by Fujian Fenzhong Media Co., Ltd , CTR executed the


Following information quoted from :

èFujian Fenzhong Media Co., Ltd was founded in May 2002 with a registered capital of

RMB 20 million, headquartered in Fuzhou, Fujian Province. As a branch of Fujian

Fenzhong Media Co., Ltd , China MediaExpress has been committed to offering highly

efficient quality programs, ads and information services for TV on inter-city and city-

suburban (county town) shuttle buses and coaches. The company has been

consolidating cooperation with big coach companies and its business has already

covered most major expressways between cities in China.

èChina MediaExpress has a set of audiovisual passenger vehicle player that has won

a national prize and an automatic control system, the two of which combine to empower

the automatic play of programs upon the start of the vehicle and to insert a commercial

after every thirty minutes of programs.

Research Method

èMethod: through questionnaire survey CTR gather the basic data

from bus companies and AV Center under the Ministry of

Communication, all the data we collect and submit are actual,

reliable, also match the requirement for the research.

èTime Period:2008-7-21 to 2008-7-31


1、Amount of contracted vehicles, LCD screens and monthly sum

of passengers – data provided by related bus companies.

2、Statistical data of advertising inter-city buses, LCD screens,

harddisk playback mode and monthly sum of passengers in the
whole china – data provided by AV Center under the Ministry of
Term Definition

èInter-city bus: refers to buses have 27+ seats, travel between cities and take

the expressways only.

èAdvertising Inter-city buses:the inter-city buses play commercial ads at their

on-bus LCDs.

èHarddisk playback: refers to the AV devices use harddisk (non-DVD/VCD/CF)

as record media for download, playback and manage programmes and ads. Such

devices also must have password and playlist control function.

èVehicle amount and sum of passengers: all the data are categorized by the

location of bus companies.

China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV Media



Detail data
China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV Media
Bus TV Media Brief
èThe following data of China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV Media was collected in July,2008.


Contracted Bus Com panies 34

Contracted Buses 13,6 73

LCD Screens 30,3 54


Mont hl y Sum of Pas s enger 53, 000, 000

Dai l y Sum of Pas s enger 1, 766, 667

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV Media
Bus TV Media Brief
è The following data of China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV Media was collected in July,2008.
Bus Company Contracted Vehicle Monthly Sum of
on-bus LCD Screen
Location Amount Passenger(10k)
Total 13,673 30,354 5300
Shang hai 2127 5114 820
Tianjin 1509 3185 472
B e ijing 1497 3310 902
Cho ng qing 1230 3146 415
Fuzho u 1177 2472 386
N anjing 1176 2409 428
C he ndu 917 1890 338
Y anc he ng 624 1319 199
Shijiazhuang 607 1301 339
Shanto u 523 1421 182
C hangzho u 502 1093 196
G uangzho u 501 1033 147
Huaian 495 998 182
Huizho u 276 589 84
Xiam e n 274 567 122
He yuan 238 507 89
Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV
Media Vehicle’s Coverage
è Until July 2008,China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV Media Covered 55% of all
advertising inter-city buses, and 81% of those with hard disk playback devices.

All playback mode Harddisk playback



Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
China MediaExpress inter-city bus
TV Media On-bus LCD’s Coverage
è Until July 2008,China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV Media Coverd 57% of all
advertising On-bus LCD, and 82% of those with harddisk playback devices.

All playback mode Harddisk playback

China Others
Mediaexp 18%


Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV
Media Passenger’s Coverage
è Until July 2008,China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV Media Coverd 57% of all
passengers, and 85% of those experienced harddisk playback devices.

All plackback mode Harddisk playback

China 15%


Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV Media
8 inter-city bus start Cities’ Brief

èThe chart below shows 8 inter-city bus start cities’ general situation until
July 2008. Monthly
Contracted Passenger
Vehicle (10k)
2 5 00 Contracted Vehicle Monthly Sum(10k) 1 0 00
2 12 7
90 2 900
2 0 00 82 0 800
15 0 9 14 9 7 700
1 5 00 600
1 1 77 1 17 6
47 2 500
1 0 00 38 6 428 400
50 2 501 300
5 00 196 27 4 200
1 47 122
0 0





















Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV Media
15second TVC audience’s statstic formula

è15second TVC will be played after every 30 minutes programe on the inter-city bus TV media.

èMonthly sum of passenger will be divided into 16 different group, depends on their travelling time spend on
inter-city bus.
0.5hr.-1hr. (exclude 1hr.) 1hr.-1.5hr. (exclude 1.5hr.)
1.5hr.-2hr. (exclude 2hr.) 2hr.-2.5hr. (exclude 2.5hr.)
2.5hr.-3hr. (exclude 3hr.) 3hr.-3.5hr. (exclude 3.5hr.)
3.5hr.-4hr. (exclude 4hr.) 4hr.-4.5hr. (exclude 4.5hr.)
4.5hr.-5hr. (exclude 5hr.) 5hr.-5.5hr. (exclude 5.5hr.)
5.5hr.-6hr. (exclude 6hr.) 6hr.-6.5hr. (exclude 6.5hr.)
6.5hr.-7hr. (exclude 7hr.) 7hr.-7.5hr. (exclude 7.5hr.)
7.5hr.-8hr. (exclude 8hr.) 8hr and longer

èGroup 15second TVC audience = each group of passenger * N

N = each group passenger’s travel time / 30 mintus
Total 15second TVC audience = sum of Group 15second TVC audience

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV Media
8 inter-city bus start cities’ CPM of inter-city bus TV media

è The CPM of 8 inter-city bus start cities until july 2008

Bus Company Monthly Sum of Monthly Sum of 15sec TVC CPM of15sec TVC
Location Passenger (k) Audience (k) Quotation1 (RMB)
Shanghai 8199 42139 152,000 3.61
Tianjin 4719 32375 83,000 2.56
Beijing 9017 69185 148,000 2.14
Fuzhou 3856 23782 62,000 2.61
Nanjing 4281 22499 58,000 2.58
Changzhou 1959 10077 26,000 2.58
Guangzhou 1469 9927 32,000 3.22
Xiamen 1220 4896 15,000 3.06

1:15sec TVC Quotation : The price for a 15sec TVC playback every 30mintues by China Media
Express inter-city bus TV media.

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV Media
8 inter-city bus start cities’ CPM of their local TV media

èThe CPM of 8 inter-city bus start cities’ local TV media during Jan.,2008
to June, 2008.
CPM of a 15sec TVC broadcast in Local city TV
Bus Company Location
media (RMB)

Shanghai 140
Tianjin 59
Beijing 133
Fuzhou 268
Nanjing 153
Changzhou 317
Guangzhou 114
Xiamen 255

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
China MediaExpress inter-city bus TV Media



Shanghai Ba-Shi(Group) Industrial Co.,Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 1892

2、On-bus LCD 4622

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 532700 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 240900

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 935600 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 229100

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 1323600 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 118000

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 771500 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 117200

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 818200 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 61800

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 949600 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 85500

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 736200 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 84300

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 67900 8hr. And longer 112500

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Shanghzi Zi-xing Passenger Transportation

1、Contracted inter-city buses 235

2、On-bus LCD 492

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 5150 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 180 800 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 3060 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 265 900 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 850 00 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 1730 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 106 900 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 148 500 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 108 300 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 1360 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 0 8hr. And longer 6300

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Tianjin Long Distance Transportation
Co., Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 1270

2、On-bus LCD 2687

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 30300 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 99700

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 27000 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 155100

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 176400 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 81700

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 632300 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 122900

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 309700 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 8900

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 633200 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 196100

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 264000 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 10500

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 1210000 8hr. And longer 0

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Tianjin A-er-sha Passenger Transportation

1、Contracted inter-city buses 122

2、On-bus LCD 252

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 114800 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 59700

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 0 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 215500 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 5900

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 0 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 0 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 0 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 0 8hr. And longer 16500

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Tianjin Jin-yu Transportation Co.,Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 11 7

2、On-bus LCD 24 6

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 0 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 4 37 00 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 5 21 00 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 69 90

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 4 07 00 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 0 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 11 20 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 0 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 1 75 60 0 8hr. And longer 19 00 0

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Beijin Yin-jian Transportation Co.,Ltd.
5th Branch

1、Contracted inter-city buses 862

2、On-bus LCD 1943

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 0 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 277400

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 0 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 1264000 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 216900

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 0 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 0 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 164600

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 0 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 0 8hr. And longer 244400

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Beijin Long-xiang A-er-sha Passenger
Transportation Co.,Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 42 8

2、On-bus LCD 92 8

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 0 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 49 07 00

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 0 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 8 26 60 0 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 12 80 00

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 4 09 60 0 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 64 80 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 2 19 90 0 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 3 00 10 0 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 1 07 24 00 8hr. And longer 14 37 00

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Beijin A-er-sha Passenger Transportation

1、Contracted inter-city buses 207

2、On-bus LCD 439

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 0 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 500200

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 0 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 1514700 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 782200

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 0 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 396300

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 0 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 0 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 0 8hr. And longer 0

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Chongqing Long Distance Transportation
Group Co., Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 1230

2、On-bus LCD 3146

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 249300

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 597500 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 132600

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 869600 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 508800 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 348000 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 84800

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 434000 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 375000 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 405100 8hr. And longer 143000

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Fujian Vehicle Transportation Company
Fuzhou Branch

1、Contracted inter-city buses 486

2、On-bus LCD 1048

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 57690

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 57320 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 40030

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 139180 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 345690 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 18170

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 400990 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 160280 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 44520

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 318750 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 69080 8hr. And longer 51230

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Fujian Vehicle Transportation Company

1、Contracted inter-city buses 467

2、On-bus LCD 951

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 24960

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 183010 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 29370

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 458230 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 17310

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 257480 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 52020

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 66550 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 80780 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 18400

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 226370 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 93760 8hr. And longer 94250

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Fujian San-fu Express Passenger
Transportation Co., Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 128

2、On-bus LCD 268

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 0 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 0 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 0 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 17150

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 135080 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 87880 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 103800 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 20870 8hr. And longer 12260

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Fujian Min-shen-fa Express Passenger
Transportation Co., Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 50

2、On-bus LCD 104

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 0 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 0 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 0 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 0 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 0 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 13900

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 0 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 0 8hr. And longer 52700

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Min-yun Nan-fu Express Passenger
Transportation Co., Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 26

2、On-bus LCD 58

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 0 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 8460

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 0 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 0 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 0 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 65830 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 0 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 0 8hr. And longer 5310

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Xin-guo-xian Group (Fuzhou) Transportation
Co., Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 20

2、On-bus LCD 43

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 0 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 0 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 0 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 0 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 8700

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 0 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 0 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 0 8hr. And longer 18830

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Huizhou Tai-hu Vehicle Transportation

1、Contracted inter-city buses 2 76

2、On-bus LCD 5 89

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 3 732 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 1 140 40 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 2 08 30

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 4 800 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 3 599 10 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 1 18 000

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 1 561 0 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 4 825 0 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 0 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 8 525 0 8hr. And longer 3 77 40

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Fujian Min-nan Transportation Co.,Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 274

2、On-bus LCD 567

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 50370 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 274000 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 15870

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 308580 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 70650 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 310320 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 50780 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 2

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 127820 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 0 8hr. And longer 11210

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Jiangsu Nanjin Long Distance
Transportation Group Jin-lun Ads.
1、Contracted inter-city buses 691

2、On-bus LCD 1402

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 119600 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 128600

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 227500 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 47600

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 288000 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 98700

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 400200 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 51800

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 178100 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 16500

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 329800 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 253600 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 22500

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 161900 8hr. And longer 33900

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Jiangsu Yuantong Travel Transportation

1、Contracted inter-city buses 23 1

2、On-bus LCD 47 7

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 1 44 20 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 38 30 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 1 96 20 0 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 1 50 00 0 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 25 70 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 1 24 20 0 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 11 20 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 8 01 00 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 8 18 00 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 8 47 00 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 4 69 00 8hr. And longer 12 30 0

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Nanjin Yin-fa Travel Transportation Co.,Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 162

2、On-bus LCD 341

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 89300 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 19000

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 53400 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 127300 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 17500

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 84500 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 91300 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 50600 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 84000 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 31900 8hr. And longer 12400

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Xin-guo-xian Group (Jiangsu)
Transportation Co., Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 92

2、On-bus LCD 189

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 25800 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 7200

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 44900 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 5500

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 0 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 10900

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 46900 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 23300 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 0 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 47700 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 6800

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 18600 8hr. And longer 28600

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Sichuan Chengdu Long Distance
Transportation (Group) An-jie Travel
Trans. Co.,Ltd.
1、Contracted inter-city buses 6 12

2、On-bus LCD 1 256

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 8 8000

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 2 886 00 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 3 856 00 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 3 826 00 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 6 1800

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 4 111 00 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 1 917 00 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 3 7100

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 2 186 00 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 1 399 00 8hr. And longer 2 2000

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Sichuan Vehicle Transportation Chengdu

1、Contracted inter-city buses 30 5

2、On-bus LCD 63 4

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 39 60 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 1 11 40 0 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 2 92 30 0 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 9 89 00 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 12 00 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 1 16 90 0 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 3 51 30 0 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 5 50 00 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 6 96 00 8hr. And longer 92 00

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Hebei Gao-ke Expressline Media Co.,Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 607

2、On-bus LCD 1301

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 137800 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 195300

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 202000 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 379500 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 610700

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 152400 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 278000

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 155300 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 370000

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 261800 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 299100 8hr. And longer 344000

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Shantou Chao-yang Vehicle Transportation

1、Contracted inter-city buses 523

2、On-bus LCD 1421

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 438700 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 20400

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 93000 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 779800 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 73800

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 0 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 141400 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 7000

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 14900 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 199200 8hr. And longer 56400

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Changzou Highway Transportation Co.,Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 502

2、On-bus LCD 1093

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 74300 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 61800

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 96200 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 381500 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 11100

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 173900 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 473100 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 258900 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 12800

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 268300 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 130100 8hr. And longer 17200

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Guangdong Yue-yun Er-qi Transportation

1、Contracted inter-city buses 255

2、On-bus LCD 522

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 159330 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 106510

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 39440 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 227540 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 75270

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 0 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 70320 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 6370

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 0 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 61970 8hr. And longer 28720

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Guangzhou New Age Express Co.,Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 246

2、On-bus LCD 511

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 0 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 64880

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 74830 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 149350 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 84600

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 0 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 103420 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 26010

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 130140 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 25650 8hr. And longer 34870

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Huaian Vehicle Transportation Group
Advertising Department

1、Contracted inter-city buses 495

2、On-bus LCD 998

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 109800 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 170900

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 204700 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 221200 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 35700

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 294800 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 156400 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 216000 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 12700

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 279100 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 3900

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 81900 8hr. And longer 28000

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Jiangsu Yanfu Highway Transportation
Group Co.,Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 226

2、On-bus LCD 471

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 108800

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 159400 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 40600

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 28300 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 0 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 45700 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 14100

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 69800 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 155800 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 5070

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 48900 8hr. And longer 29900

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Jiangsu Yanfu Highway Transportation
Group Dongtai Branch

1、Contracted inter-city buses 1 61

2、On-bus LCD 3 47

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 3 6900

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 1 439 00 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 0 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 4 430 0 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 1 1700

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 7 780 0 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 8 900 0 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 8 610 0 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 6 640 0 8hr. And longer 1 4500

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Jiangsu Kuailu Yanchen Vehicle
Transportation Co.,Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 55

2、On-bus LCD 11 9

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 0 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 0 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 0 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 4 03 00 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 4 38 00 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 1 86 00 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 1 01 10 0 8hr. And longer 0

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Dongtai Vehicle Transportation Company

1、Contracted inter-city buses 182

2、On-bus LCD 382

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 27100

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 49100 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 20000 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 16300

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 0 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 31400 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 6600

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 82500 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 174200 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 11900

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 49500 8hr. And longer 40600

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
Xin-guo-xian Group (Heping) Transportation
Co., Ltd.

1、Contracted inter-city buses 23 8

2、On-bus LCD 50 7

Monthly sum of passengers travle with contracted inter-city buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

0.5hr.-1hr.(exclude 1hr.) 0 4.5hr.-5hr.(exclude 5hr.) 0

1hr.-1.5hr.(exclude 1.5hr.) 4 43 70 0 5hr.-5.5hr.(exclude 5.5hr.) 31 60 0

1.5hr.-2hr.(exclude 2hr.) 0 5.5hr.-6hr.(exclude 6hr.) 0

2hr.-2.5hr.(exclude 2.5hr.) 0 6hr.-6.5hr.(exclude 6.5hr.) 25 30 0

2.5hr.-3hr.(exclude 3hr.) 0 6.5hr.-7hr.(exclude 7hr.) 0

3hr.-3.5hr.(exclude 3.5hr.) 3 42 50 0 7hr.-7.5hr.(exclude 7.5hr.) 0

3.5hr.-4hr.(exclude 4hr.) 0 7.5hr.-8hr.(exclude 8hr.) 0

4hr.-4.5hr.(exclude 4.5hr.) 4 16 00 8hr. And longer 41 00

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
AV Center under the Ministry of

1、 No. of national-wide inter-city bus appr. 43820

2、 those with harddisk playback devices appr. 16960
3、 No. of national-wide on-bus LCD appr. 90520
4、 those with harddisk playback devices appr. 37220
5、 national-wide monthly sum of passenger appr. 158052000
6、 those experienced harddisk playback devices appr. 62439000

Inter-city bus: refers to buses have 27+ seats, travel between cities and take
expressway only.
Harddisk playback mode: refers to the AV devices use harddisk (non-DVD/VCD/CF)
as record media for download, playback and manage programmes and ads. Such
devices also must have password and playlist control function.

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies and AV
Center under the Ministry of Communication. All the original data provided by bus companies
and AV Center under the Ministry of Communication.
appendix:China Media


(Air-Bus TV Media)
Fuzhou International Airport Air-bus Co.,Ltd.

1、Contracted Air-bus 25

2、On-bus LCD 53

Monthly sum of passengers travle with Air-buses, divided by on-bus travelling time

20mins.-40mins.(exclude 40mins.) 0 60mins.-80mins.(exclude 80mins.)282100

40mins.-60mins.(exclude 60mins.) 0 80mins. and longer 0

1、China Media Express bus TV media services also covered Air-bus TV media. Above statistics
provided by bus companies.
2、Air-bus: refers to the bus services which permitted by the authority, operate between airport and city

Data source:CTR through questionnaire survey collecting data from bus companies. All the
original data provided by bus companies.

For more information, contact us

at 010-8201-5388 or visit us at

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