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25/6/2020 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL VII-[GRUPO1]

Examen parcial - Semana 4

Fecha de entrega 25 de jun en 23:59 Puntos 150 Preguntas 6

Disponible 25 de jun en 0:00 - 25 de jun en 23:59 1 día Límite de tiempo 90 minutos Intentos permitidos 2


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Historial de intentos 1/9
25/6/2020 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL VII-[GRUPO1]

Intento Hora Puntaje

MÁS RECIENTE Intento 1 58 minutos 115.71 de 150

 Las respuestas correctas estarán disponibles del 25 de jun en 23:59 al 26 de jun en 23:59.

Puntaje para este intento: 115.71 de 150

Entregado el 25 de jun en 11:53
Este intento tuvo una duración de 58 minutos.

Parcial Pregunta 1 40 / 50 pts

Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with an appropriate word from the
box. There are 5 extra words you DON’T need to use.

From time to time rip off landscape in a mess wrinkles

bargain freckles in a hurry waste time

1. The car cost only $2000. What a bargain .

2. As I grow older, I get more wrinkles on my face.

3. From time to time , when I’m alone, I like to meditate.

4. I’m not god at using the easel when I paint. I feel


5. My husband is waste time every morning because he always gets up


Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:

From time to time 2/9
25/6/2020 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL VII-[GRUPO1]

Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:

waste time

Parcial Pregunta 2 35.71 / 50 pts

Read the sentences and choose the correct option to complete them.

1. She was upset because she [ Seleccionar ] arguing with her


2. They aren’t used to [ Seleccionar ] the weekend indoors.

However, this Saturday, they will [ Seleccionar ] stay at home

because they are sick.

3. His cat is not eating well. He’d [ Seleccionar ] take him to the

vet right away.

4. That house [ Seleccionar ] in 1850. He mustn’t

[ Seleccionar ] it.

5. That’s the man [ Seleccionar ] I love!

Respuesta 1:

has been

Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:

have to 3/9
25/6/2020 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL VII-[GRUPO1]

Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:

was built

Respuesta 6:


Respuesta 7:


Pregunta 3 12.5 / 12.5 pts


Read the text and indicate if the sentences are True or False.


Last month I had an extraordinary weekend Of course, animals generally can’t speak.

at a place called ‘Black Horse Farm’ in the For John and Helen, this is not a problem.

country. It was a lovely setting in the hills of The answer is telepathy: communication

north-west England, far away from the without words. If we can develop our ability

nearest roads. The track which led to the to communicate telepathically with our four-

farm was bumpy and wet. My purpose? To legged friends, we can begin to understand

attend a seminar for people who are the beauty and joy of relationships outside

interested in developing their skills of our normal, every day experience. By doing

communication with animals. The company this, we can begin to understand the world.

which runs these weekends is called Mind Communicating telepathically is about

Set and it claims to have been successfully transmitting thoughts directly to another

training people to communicate better with person or animal without speaking. John

animals for over 25 years. and Helen believe that speaking is a poor 4/9
25/6/2020 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL VII-[GRUPO1]

My first impression was very positive. The form of communication. They believe that

people who welcomed me were not at all we are trained to speak as children and so

what I had expected. John and Helen, the never develop our potential to communicate

hosts, were both extremely charismatic and in other ways. Animals, on the other hand,

had a great sense of humour. In short, they according to Mind Set, are able to

appeared very normal and incredibly polite. I communicate with physical movement and

had rather expected to feel as though I was action. Furthermore, animals can

amongst madmen and women. This was not communicate telepathically by sending

the case. mental pictures, feelings and knowledge to

After dinner on the Friday evening we were anyone who is trained to receive them.

given an introductory lecture by both John Even more impressively, John and Helen

and Helen. They were clearly used to doing claim that animals can also receive such

such talks and held everyone’s attention. messages.

The main message of the talk was that we, At this point on a Friday night, having driven

as the human race, are increasingly in need for seven hours from London, I was ready to

of a better connection with the living things pack my bag and set off for the nearest pub.

around us. In this time of increasing However, when I saw the demonstration that

environmental disasters, we are searching followed the lecture, I was quite frankly

for meaning and a relationship with our amazed. From that moment, I knew that it

environment. In essence, their message is was going to be a fascinating weekend.

that we should learn from the animal By Richard Bevington

kingdom about how to live in harmony with

the Earth. In order to do this, we have to Taken and adapted from Language Leader
Upper Intermediate
learn to communicate with the animals

around us.

The author was at the farm for a week. [ Seleccionar ]

The author’s first impression on arrival was exactly what he had expected.
[ Seleccionar ] 5/9
25/6/2020 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL VII-[GRUPO1]

The first lecture of the weekend was interesting.

[ Seleccionar ]

Learning to communicate with animals can help us to have a better relationship

with the Earth. [ Seleccionar ]

Animals can learn to communicate with people by talking. False

Respuesta 1:


Respuesta 2:


Respuesta 3:


Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:


Parcial Pregunta 4 5 / 12.5 pts

Read the text again and using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the
passage, answer the questions below. Don’t forget to write capital letters when

Where was the farm located? England Farm . (3 words)

How long have they been training people? Twenty- ve years . (3 words)

What’s the name of the first lecturers John and Helen . (3 words)

What’s the definition of telepathy? Transmitting though . (3 words) 6/9
25/6/2020 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL VII-[GRUPO1]

How long did it take Richard to arrive to the farm? Seven hours . (2


Respuesta 1:

England Farm

Respuesta 2:

Twenty-five years

Respuesta 3:

John and Helen

Respuesta 4:

Transmitting thoughts

Respuesta 5:

Seven hours

Parcial Pregunta 5 10 / 12.5 pts


Listen to the conversations and select the correct option.

What time does the plane leave? 9:00 AM .

How will the group get to the hotel from the airport? They will be going by bus .

Which is the first place they are going to visit? [ Seleccionar ] .

What is the group planning to do around Times Square for about an hour?
[ Seleccionar ] .

What are they going to do after dinner? They will be attending a Broadway play .

Respuesta 1: 7/9
25/6/2020 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL VII-[GRUPO1]

9:00 AM

Respuesta 2:

They will be going by bus

Respuesta 3:

Liberty Island

Respuesta 4:

They're going to have lunch

Respuesta 5:

They will be attending a Broadway play

Pregunta 6 12.5 / 12.5 pts

Listen to the conversation again and complete the sentences below with ONE OR
TWO WORDS) according to what you hear:

The man is reviewing the first two days of the itinerary. (2 words)

They were able to purchase discount tickets.

They are staying at the hotel on a weekday instead of the

weekend .

People who like to exercise can go jogging around Central Park.

Respuesta 1:

two days

Respuesta 2: 8/9
25/6/2020 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE-INGLES GENERAL VII-[GRUPO1]


Respuesta 3:


Respuesta 4:


Respuesta 5:


Puntaje del examen: 115.71 de 150 9/9

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