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Characteristics of a Contextual Teaching Learning Approach

The contextual approach has characteristics that distinguish it from

other learning approaches. Johnson identified eight characteristics of a
contextual approach, namely:

a. Making meaningful connections

b. Doing significant work
c. Self-regulated learning
d. Collaborating
e. Critical and creative thinking
f. Nurturing the individual
g. Reaching high standards
h. Using authentic assesment

Further explanation was stated by Komalasari that the characteristics

of contextual learning include learning that applies several concepts :
(relating), (experiencing), (applying), (cooperating), (self-regulating) and
(autentic assesment).

Based on the opinion above, it can be concluded that the contextual

approach has a special characteristic that is :
 learning that links learning material with real life students
 applying learning that is fun and not boring.
 Directing students to think critically and collaborate by exploring the
concepts and information learned,
 as well as the application of authentic assessment to assess
learning holistically.

Components of a Contextual Approach

The contextual approach in its implementation certainly has
components that reflect the concept of the contextual approach. According
to Trianto the contextual approach has seven main components, namely:

a. Contructivisme
Knowledge is built by humans little by little, the results of which are
expanded through a limited and not abrupt context.
b. Inquiry.
The knowledge and skills acquired by students are expected not to
be the result of remembering a set of facts, but the results of finding
it yourself.
c. Questioning
In learning, asking questions is seen as the teacher's activity to
encourage, guide and assess students' thinking abilities.
d. Learning Community
When using a contextual approach in the classroom, it is
recommended that teachers always carry out learning with study
e. Modeling.
Learning using a contextual approach, modeling can be designed
by involving students.
f. Reflection
Reflection is a response to events, activities, or knowledge that has
just been received.
g. Authentic Assessment
Authentic assessment is the process of gathering various data that
can provide an overview of student development.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Contextual Approach

Each model, strategy and method of learning always has strengths and
weaknesses. However, these strengths and weaknesses are expected
to be a concern for teachers to improve on positive things and minimize
weaknesses in the implementation of learning. The strengths of the
contextual approach are:
 Learning becomes more meaningful and real. This means that
students are required to be able to capture the relationship between
learning experiences in school with real life. This is very important,
because by being able to correlate material found with real life, not
only will the material function functionally, but the material learned
will be firmly embedded in student memory, so it will not be easily
 Learning is more productive and is able to foster reinforcement of
concepts to students because the contextual approach adheres to a
constructivist flow, where a student is required to find his own
knowledge. Through a constructivist philosophical foundation
students are expected to learn through experience rather than

In addition to strengths, contextual approaches also have

weaknesses. Trianto stated contextual weaknesses are : The
application of contextual learning is a complex learning and difficult
to implement in the context of learning. Then learning using a
contextual approach also requires a long time.

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