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4/28/2020 Profit with JavaScript

Crush It with JavaScript

A course that’ll supercharge your coding skills, teach you how to complete real-world projects and make a living as a modern JavaScript web developer.

**Now With Live Coaching Calls Every Week For All Students.**

Enroll Now

30+ Hrs Of Video Content

Private Facebook & Slack Communities

This is What You Get When You Enroll:

15 Modules

Weekly LIVE JavaScript Coaching Calls


A course that’ll supercharge your coding skills, turn you into a JavaScript master, and teach you how to make a living with JavaScript as a modern web

Your JavaScript Developer Roadmap to Freedom

Module 1
In This Module:

This is where we map out your yearly financial goals and the roadmap to get there. These determine everything else from here on out. We also figure out whether full-
time, part-time, or freelance is the role for you based on your personality type.

JavaScript Developer Roadmap

Length: 2 Hours

Difficulty: 1/16
4/28/2020 Profit with JavaScript

Release Date: December 14th

✔ What is your current cash flow & where do you get your money?

✔ How much do you currently work?

✔ What kind of lifestyle do you want?

✔ What kind of financial benchmark do you want to hit?

✔ How many hours do you want to work?

✔ What is your work ethic like?

✔ Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?

✔ Should you freelance, do full time, or both?

✔ How do I get the maximum ROI from JavaScript and this course?

JavaScript 2/16
4/28/2020 Profit with JavaScript

Crash Course
In This Module:

In this module we’ll master the fundamentals & lay a solid foundation so when we build real-world projects in the future modules, you are ready & have a deep
understanding of all the pieces. If you've never coded in JavaScript before, this is going to be fun.

We Cover Things Like:

Module 2
Release Date: December 21st

▫ Where do you write your JavaScript code

▫ Primitive data types (Integers, Booleans, etc.)

▫ Variables

▫ If/else Statements

▫ Logical Operators

▫ For Loops & While Loops

▫ Functions & Methods

▫ What is Scope

▫ Arrays (Lists)

Length: 2 Hours


Deep Problem Solving with JavaScript

In This Module:

If you don’t learn problem solving, you will suck as a developer. This is a take no prisoners module where we go deep into the world of problem solving. This is going to
be hard. You might cry. But, if you make it through, the world will never be the same.

We teach you how to solve problems from scratch. I’ll show you behind the scenes of how I problem solve. From breaking the problem down into component parts,
writing stuff on a whiteboard, to solving problems & coding up a beautiful solution. 3/16
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Module 3
Length: 2 Hours


Release Date: December 28th 4/16
4/28/2020 Profit with JavaScript

In This Module:

We master Document Object Models in JavaScript. This is what allows you to write JavaScript code and make your app functional. Without this, you can’t
make a dynamic website or a web app. Yeah, let's code some stuff up and dominate.

We Go Over:

DOM-inate with JavaScript

Module 4 5/16
4/28/2020 Profit with JavaScript
Release Date: Jan 7th, 2020

▫ How to manipulate the DOM with JavaScript

▫ Document Object Model (DOM) & Accessing Their Elements

▫ Browser Object Model (BOM)

▫ What are Nodes and Elements? + Common Misconceptions

▫ Event Listeners (Handling Interactability)

▫ Changing CSS with Pure JavaScript

▫ Add, remove, and toggle classes

Length: 2 Hours


Ultimate Environment for JavaScript Developers

In This Module:

I'll show you how to leverage the best tools for web developers to 10x your productivity and results. These are the tools and workflows I use to get projects done quickly
and effectively, without having to slow down and halt my creativity or critical thinking.

I've tried over a hundred different tools when it comes to coding and productivity, and these are the ones I've decided are the winners.

Module 5
Length: 2 Hours


Release Date: Jan 14th, 2020

✔ Google Inspect Tool (like a boss)

✔ ZSH | Terminal

✔ Alfred

✔ Spectacle (Best window management)

✔ Visual Studio Code (How to set it up like a modern web developer)

✔ VIM (Yes, it's difficult, but a total game-changer)

✔ Droplr

✔ Stack Overflow

✔ Git

Module 6
In This Module:

Here we learn the the more complicated and cutting edge parts of JavaScript and Web Development. We'll improve the quality of your code with industry
standard techniques and immensely increase your worth as a JavaScript Developer. 6/16
4/28/2020 Profit with JavaScript
Concepts We'll Learn:

Advanced Modern JavaScript

Release Date: Jan 21st, 2020


▫ Promises

▫ Asynchronous applications & Awaiting

▫ Reading, Writing, and Handling JSON data

▫ Integrating APIs to your apps

▫ Design Patterns (follow these when solving problems)

▫ ES6+ Industry Standards

▫ How to Build Scalable Web Applications with ES6+

▫ Callbacks & Functional Programming

▫ Recursion

▫ Closures

▫ Pass by value & Pass by reference

▫ IFFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expressions)

Length: 2 Hours


Module 7
In This Module:

We learn how to code Object Oriented applications with JavaScript. This really simplifies representing any ideas we have in code for us. It's a 100% necessary
technical skill if you want to be considered a real developer and land clients or full-time jobs.

What We Cover:

Object Oriented Programming with JavaScript

Length: 2 Hours


Release Date: Jan 28th, 2020

✔ Classes (ES6+)

✔ Objects and Creating Models

✔ Methods

✔ Class Variables / Global Variables

✔ Overriding

✔ Constructors

✔ Prototype & Deep Dive Prototype

✔ Class Inheritance

✔ Prototypal Inheritance (Learning composition) 7/16
4/28/2020 Profit with JavaScript

Module 8
In This Module:

Mini-Project 3:

Rock Paper Scissors

What you'll learn...

We'll build a beautiful Rock Paper Scissors app from scratch using Vanilla JavaScript

Mini-Project 1:

Your Age In Days Calculator

What you'll learn...

We'll build a simple GUI app that will calculate your age in days.

Mini-Project 2:

Random Cat Generator

What you'll learn...

We'll build an app that randomly generates cats in a uniform grid using CSS FlexBox and JavaScript

Let’s Build Mini-Projects with JavaScript

Get through these, and you'll have proven that you are prepared to move on to bigger and more impressive projects.

We take our first delve into using everything we just learned and build three, complete, beginner friendly mini-projects:

See Below For Details On Each Project:

Release Date: Feb 5th, 2020

▫ Your-Age-In-Days Calculator

▫ Random Cat Generator

▫ Rock Paper Scissors Game

Length: 3 Hours


Module 9
In This Module:

Alright. Impressive project. We have graduated from the beginner projects and now we are jumping straight to something difficult. We're going to code up a game
of Black Jack using JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.

Project: Build a Blackjack App with JavaScript

☝ This Is What We Will Be Building

Length: 4 Hours 8/16
4/28/2020 Profit with JavaScript


Using JavaScript, we build a complete, fully featured Black Jack app from scratch, complete with card visuals, poker table, interactive buttons, official game rules, sound
effects, and an artificially intelligent dealer bot to play against us. We go pretty deep into some of the things we just learned, so buckle up for this one.

Release Date: Feb 12th, 2020

Module 10
In This Module:

What's Involved In This Project:

Project: Build a Twitter Clone App with JavaScript

Length: 3 Hours


We build a Twitter clone app with JavaScript. Most importantly we will learn how to make scalable web applications, using the advanced techniques we learned in
previous modules.

Release Date: Feb 19th, 2020

✔ JavaScript


✔ Promises

✔ Bootstrap


✔ jQuery

✔ FlexBox


✔ APIs


✔ Classes & Objects

Module 11
In This Module:

Project: Build a Real-World Google Maps Project That's Worth $5,700 on
These kinds of apps are used all throughout the web and are a very common request from clients.

We'll learn how to leave markers around the globe, locate stores in any specified area, render and embed the Google Map interface in any app or on any
website, and more.

These apps have the potential to pay a lot. One client was paying $5700 on to build a store locator app for them.

Plus they look good on any portfolio. 9/16
4/28/2020 Profit with JavaScript
This Project Covers:

Release Date: April 17th, 2020

▫ How to read External APIs into our own applications


▫ Google Maps / JavaScript API

▫ jQuery

▫ Promises

▫ FlexBox

Length: 3 Hours


We will be using the Google Maps API to add map functionality to our apps and websites:

Module 12
In This Module:

We build a Chrome Extension that serves as a Todo list app. This is a real job paying $327 on, a real freelancing platform. Pay good attention to the
Google Chrome Browser Extension part, that's the important part.

What's Covered:

Length: 3 Hours


Project: Build a Google Chrome Extension & Deploy to Chrome Web Store with JavaScript
✔ Core fundamentals of Chrome extension development

✔ How to make Chrome browser extensions

✔ How to publish your Chrome extension to the Chrome Web Store

✔ How to get through finishing a freelance project

✔ Object Oriented Programming

✔ How to test Chrome Extensions

✔ Learn to integrate JS app into a Chrome extension

✔ Firebase Database API to store user data

✔ How to Problem Solve

Release Date: May 1st, 2020

Module 13
In This Module:

We'll learn the leading library for visualizing data on a webpage. Very useful for business, data science, analytics, and anything development or freelancing related. Plus
they just make your apps look clean 👌. Were gonna be learning the super-cool D3.js library here. Where we can do cool things like this:

Data Science Visualization with JavaScript

We'll learn how to create and use data visualizations like this, how to embed them in our website in all kinds of ways for our clients (or for ourselves), and more.

We Cover: 10/16
4/28/2020 Profit with JavaScript
▫ D3.js JavaScript Library

▫ Data manipulation

▫ Analyze & visualize large data sets to solve real world problems

▫ Classes and Objects

▫ Advanced JavaScript Techniques

▫ How to use public data set APIs

▫ Problem Solving

Release Date: May 10th, 2020

Length: 2 Hours


Module 14
In This Module:

Here we actually build and host our own online portfolio website. We're going to house all of the projects we just built here (surprise), so that we are ready to apply to jobs
and land freelancing clients. None of your work matters if you can't showcase it to people and market yourself.

Things We'll Be Doing:

✔ Learn how to design a professional portfolio website

✔ Learn to stand out professionally

✔ Create a winning website from scratch using JavaScript

✔ Allow clients to see who you are

✔ Market your skills to potential job opportunities

✔ Showcase your skills and projects

✔ Learn how to deploy your website to make it live

Length: 2 Hours


Project: A Modern Portfolio for a Modern JavaScript Developer

Release Date: May 17th, 2020

In This Module:

This is the last piece of the puzzle. This is where we show you actual ways you can make a living from coding. You have all the technical skills. You have the
porfotlio. You have the confidence. You have the belief. You have the bills to pay (lol). Now let's show you the soft skills you need to finally land a job or clients,
keep your boss or clients happy, and get paid what you're worth.

Here's What We'll Be Going Over:

Module 15

How to Make a Living & Crush It with JavaScript as a Modern Web Developer
💸 How to create a resume that gets you the interview

💸 How to prepare for your interview 11/16
4/28/2020 Profit with JavaScript
💸 How to land Junior Dev positions

💸 How you can Get an Interview at Google, Twitter, Khan Academy, & other big companies

💸 Where to find clients

💸 How to qualify clients

💸 How to create a professional proposal that stands out

💸 How to properly price your clients' projects

💸 The most valuable way to price your project

💸 Manage your clients, keep them happy, and get paid on time

💸 How to retrieve the scope of the project from your client

💸 How to freelance as a web developer. From no money to potentially making 6-figures, all on your own time.

Length: 3 Hours


Release Date: May 24th, 2020

"I just got a contract for $110,000.

This is all thanks to you Qazi.

I'll be using JavaScript for 90% of the code."

Nazar Maaly, Freelance CG Generalist

Auliya Izham
Clever Programmer Student

"I just got my first client in the 1st week of Qazi's course... And I just learned how to code 3 weeks ago."

Neeloy Saha

Freelance Developer

"I went from zero to making $2,000 in my first contract. I also am getting paid a really good hourly wage just to maintain the website."

Kitty Pang

"I just got a paid internship as a remote developer with freedom to work from anywhere."

Remote Web Developer

"I just landed my first client and they have

already paid me $400... AND I get to be in a

mansion!" 12/16
4/28/2020 Profit with JavaScript
Casey Gierke, Environmental Scientist

Jon Harmon
IT Specialist

"2 weeks of your course taught me more than my 12-week community college... I 💩 you not."

Ankur Masih

Software Developer at TCS Canada

"I landed a full-time job with TCS Canada as a developer with a starting annual compensation of $90k."

Mark Mallett
Microsoft Office Specialist

"I used Qazi's freelancing strategies to negotiate from a $60 to a $150 rate for an estimated 15 hours of work, plus possible future maintenance/enhancement gigs.Go
ahead, apply what you learn in the course. You'll be glad you did."

"I landed my first freelancing jobs & I want to thank Qazi. Without him, I would not be able to achieve
Victor Cabrejos, Computer Science Student at Lewis University

Rob Albury, SOC Manager at Fortress Information Security

"I got my first client and the life lessons from this group have changed my life. I was able to take my kids
on vacation and work the way I wanted to. Thank you again for all you do"

So, Who's Teaching Me?

Hi, I am Rafeh Qazi, and I'll be your instructor for this course.

3 years ago, I dropped out of community college with a 2.0 GPA to found Clever Programmer and teach
others how to become successful programmers. I was making 6-figures as a freelance developer at the time,
and my professors were asking ME for advice!

Fast forward 3 years later, and now I have hundreds of thousands of students enrolled in my courses, and
plenty of testimonials to prove my methods work. Welcome to the club 💻 🚀.

And This is Nazariy Dumanskyy. He will be the co-instructor for this course 🔥. 13/16
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Programming for over 7 years and working full-time for 4 as a Full-Stack Developer, he has interviewed at
companies like Google, Twitter, Square Space, Khan Acadamy, and Palantir, but decided to leave the full-
time developer life for the freelancer life. (He's been killing it!)

Point is, he knows his stuff and is here to make sure you leave this course inspired with the knowledge you
need to get that job, find those clients, or just go further in your development career.

"Qazi and his team are great guys and trust worthy. Get off your *peach* and join one of Qazi's courses.
You will not regret it, I promise you."
Brett Edelson, Senior Software Developer

Here's what you get

✅ Lifetime Access (Any device, anywhere)

📹 30+ Hours Video Course

👨👩👧 Facebook Community

📚 15+ Modules

🚀 4 Monthly LIVE JavaScript Coaching Calls

💻 5 Mini Projects

👨💻 Build Twitter Clone and Google Maps Application

Build 2 real world JavaScript projects worth $5,700 on Upwork

📈 Build 8 JavaScript Projects (Portfolio Ready)

✍ 10+ Guides/Cheatsheets

Master Problem Solving

Object Oriented Programming with JavaScript

🔥 Learn Advanced JavaScript (Prototyping, ES6)

Master Freelancing Skills as a Developer

📹 How to Get Job Interviews with Google, Twitter, and more

💸 6-Figure Developer Roadmapping Worksheet

💰 2+ Freelance Proposal & Contracts

💰 JavaScript Developer Job Proposal That Sells (NOT resume)

💰 You'll get one of the instructor's job resume that landed him Full-Stack web developer job interviews with Google, Twitter, Khan Academy, and SquareSpace

Enroll Now

30 Hours Of Video Content

Private Facebook Community 14/16
4/28/2020 Profit with JavaScript
This is What You Get When You Enroll:

15 Modules

Weekly LIVE JavaScript Coaching Calls

If you don’t love this course and you’re on the 29th day, 23rd hour, 59th minute, and 59th second… I’ll give you your money back.

I’m also going to munch on those delicious processing fees for you.

Why do I offer this juicy guarantee and why am I so confident?

Let me tell you exactly why.

I’ve scoured the internet down to the deepest layer of hell finding invaluable blog posts, resources, curating countless bookmarks, watching every YouTube tutorial, using
Udemy/Edx/Coursera, and everything else to learn what I have learned.

After, I took all of that and turned it into one simple system that’s NOT EASY... But WILL get you results when you follow it.

I then taught 100’s of students this material 1-on-1 by coaching them. They loved my material and they got results. PERIOD.

I’ve invested thousands of hours of my own sweat and labor, curating, crafting, researching, and building the perfect course for you that gives you the same experience as
when you drive a Rolls Royce. This material is well researched, tested, and proven.

This is why I’m so confident. So…

I want to make it really easy for you - take the course and try for yourself. If you don’t love the course or don’t see ANY results, email me, show me you did the work and
didn't just give up, and I’m going to refund you 100% of your money back. We need action takers here. Committed ones. Or I can't help you.

As simple as that. Capiche?

*See "Terms of Service" at the bottom of this page for full details*


Try out Crush It with JavaScript for a complete 30 days and 100% risk-free.

Here's what you get

✅ Lifetime Access (Any device, anywhere)

📹 30+ Hours Video Course

👨👩👧 Facebook Community

📚 15+ Modules

🚀 4 Monthly LIVE JavaScript Coaching Calls

💻 5 Mini Projects

👨💻 Build Twitter Clone and Google Maps Application

Build 2 real world JavaScript projects worth $5,700 on Upwork

📈 Build 8 JavaScript Projects (Portfolio Ready) 15/16
4/28/2020 Profit with JavaScript
✍ 10+ Guides/Cheatsheets

Master Problem Solving

Object Oriented Programming with JavaScript

🔥 Learn Advanced JavaScript (Prototyping, ES6)

Master Freelancing Skills as a Developer

📹 How to Get Job Interviews with Google, Twitter, and more

💸 6-Figure Developer Roadmapping Worksheet

💰 2+ Freelance Proposal & Contracts

💰 JavaScript Developer Job Proposal That Sells (NOT resume)

💰 You'll get one of the instructor's job resume that landed him Full-Stack web developer job interviews with Google, Twitter, Khan Academy, and SquareSpace

Get started now


If you have any questions or concerns about the course, email us. We're happy to help.

30 Day Money Back. Just show me that you put in the work & I'll give you back your money no questions asked. See "Terms of Service" below for details.


1540 Vine Street Apt #423, Los Angeles, CA, 90028, USA

This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

*Earnings representations made by Rafeh Qazi, Clever Programmer, and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, "Clever Programmer") are aspirational statements only of
your earnings potential. These results are not typical and results will vary. The results in this video and on this page are OUR results and from years of testing. We can in
NO way guarantee you will get similar results.

30 Hours Of Video Content

Private Facebook Community

This is What You Get When You Enroll:

15 Modules

Weekly LIVE JavaScript Coaching Calls

Clever Programmer. Copyright 2020.

Privacy Policy

Terms of Service 16/16

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