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Why Trotskyites Are Counterrevolutionaries Like their Idol Trotsky?

By MLM Study Group-Metro Manila

1. They are hostile to the theory and practice of Marxism-Leninism and to the
Communist and Workers’ Parties that adhere to Marxism-Leninism.

2. They oppose Lenin’s teaching that there must be a revolutionary party as the
advance detachment or vanguard of the working class, consisting of individual
proletarian revolutionaries belonging to definite Party organizations.

3. They oppose the class dictatorship of the proletariat as the key element of socialist
revolution and of realizing socialist democracy for the working class and other
oppressed classes..

4. They oppose the principle of democratic centralism and advocate the bourgeois
liberal freedom of factions within the communist party.

5. They oppose the serial emergence of socialist countries by advocating a so-called

permanent revolution in which all countries become socialist at the same time.

6. They oppose the socialist revolution led by Lenin and Stalin and pontificate that
socialism is impossible in a single country.

7. They oppose the two stages of the revolution where the vestiges of feudalism are
still considerable and there is a need for a new democratic revolution under the
leadership of the proletariat and based on the worker-peasant alliance.

8. They oppose the tradition of the Third International with the so-called Fourth
International, which they seek to impose on the international communist movement
that now includes parties that are independent, equal, mutually respecting and
mutually supporting parties.

9. They oppose the Chinese people’s democratic and socialist revolution led by the
Communist Party of China and Mao.

10. They deny the victories of the socialist revolutions in the Soviet Union and China
until modern revisionism undermined socialism and restored capitalism.

11. They have cheered the anti-communist line of Nazi Germany and other other
fascist regimes and scorn the key roles played by the Soviet Union under the
leadership of the CPSU and Stalin and the China under the leadership of the Chinese

Communist Party and Mao in defeating the fascist armies of Germany and Japan,

12. They deny the victorious application of Marxism-Leninism in colonies and

semicolonies which resulted in the powerful trend of decolonization.

13. They follow the example of Trotsky in supporting imperialism, fascism and other
reactionary regimes and currents in the name of fighting so-called Stalinism against
the communist parties and against the working class.

14. They have misrepresented themselves as the real Left or real communists but
have served the fascist regimes before and during World War II and the US
imperialist Cold War by harping on the anticommunist, anti-Stalin and anti-Mao line.

15. They have served as the source of propagandists and entryist spies or
penetration agents of imperialists and fascists against communist parties and the
working class since the time Trotsky was expelled from the ranks of the Bolsheviks.

16. They welcome the restoration of capitalism in former socialist countries as

vindication of Trotsky’s counterrevolutionary betrayal of the socialist cause of the
working class.

17. They welcome the anti-worker neoliberal policy and the so-called global value
chain as a preparation for the permanent revolution of the working class with no
consideration of differences in the national histories and circumstances.

18. They pontificate that the new democratic revolution led by the working class in
the Philippines and similar underdeveloped countries is necessarily bourgeois
nationalist and is a subordination of the proletariat to the national bourgeoisie.

19. They echo the big lie and slander of the anti-communist regimes in the
Philippines that the Second Great Rectification Movement of the CPP from 1992 to
1998 was a “bloody purge” instead of being the educational campaign that criticized,
repudiated and rectified the errors and bloody crimes of the Trotskyites and other

20. They inspired the Filipino Trotskyite Ricardo Reyes in 1979 to spread the line that
the Philippine economy was already industrial capitalist (as Marcos likewise
claimed), that the people’s democratic revolution through protracted people’s war
was invalid and that reformism and urban insurrections were called for.

21. They obscure the fact that the Trotskyite Reyes was the first to approve
Kampanyang Ahos in 1985 and that his Trotskyite sidekick Nathan Quimpo carried
out the torture and murder campaign against communists and mass activists in the
name of ferreting out “deep penetration agents”.

22. They also deny the fact that the Trotskyite Popoy Lagman started the anti-DPA
hysteria and crimes in the Manila Rizal region, together with Nilo de la Cruz, by
claiming the so-called June “breakthrough” of 1987,and they extended the torture
and murder campaign to the Southern Tagalog and Northern Luzon regions. (They
obscure the fact that later on Lagman and de la Cruz had a falling out over the Php
250 million bribe money from the Amari real estate firm, leading to the murder of
Lagman by the RPA group.)

23. They now insist again that because of the neoliberal policy the Philippines is
already industrial capitalist and that the issue is already socialism and yet they
pontificate that socialism is not possible in any single country.

24. They preach that the people’s war should be stopped and they applaud the
military campaigns of suppression and then blame both the legal democratic forces
and the armed revolutionary movement for whatever brutalities that the reactionary
military perpetrate on them and the people.

25. They assist the Duterte terror regime by red tagging the legal democratic forces
and lumping them with the CPP and the NPA to embolden the regime to engage in
abductions, torture, murder and other forms of state terrorism.

26. They misrepresent the diplomatic efforts and gestures of the revolutionary
forces of the NDFP, the legal democratic forces and peace advocates of various
classes and institutions to encourage the Duterte regime to engage in peace
negotiations in 2016 and 2017 as capitulation to or alliance with and subordination
to the Duterte regime and the national bourgeoisie and gloat that the regime is
unleashing state terrorism against them and the people.

27. They deny the glaring fact that since the beginning of the Duterte regime in 2016
it has been waging all-our war against the Filipino people and revolutionary
movement and that the revolutionary forces have been carrying out a people’s war
which continues.

28. They deny or belittle the nationwide growth in strength and advance of the
revolutionary forces (the CPP, NPA the NDFP, its revolutionary mass organizations
and the people’s democratic government) from modest beginnings in 1968 and 1969.

29. They tout Trotsky and themselves as revolutionaries superior to Stalin and Mao
and entire revolutionary movements but they cannot cite any revolutionary victory of
Trotskyism anywhere in the world.

30. They are notorious for being special agents of the fascists in World War II and
subsequently of US imperialism and reactionary puppet regimes against communist
parties and revolutionary movements during the Cold War and thereafter until now.

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