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Humans, most of the times, are happy when events of their liking happens, their inner emotions

expressed, innate desires fulfilled and they are free of all restraints. However, this does not necessarily
always falls into ethical domain. Making oneself happy would lead to anarchy and chaos in the world
devoid of morality.

When we make ourselves worthy of happiness it means that our actions are ethical, moral and neutral.
When we act under our inclinations we are happy but it may be prejudiced at someone and we shall not
be worthy of that happiness as it comes at the cost of snatching someone else' happiness.

However, if we act out of rationality knowing that what we are doing is the right thing to do will put us
in exalted domain of morality. It means that our act shall be governed by moral duty and not our
inclinations.This rational and reasoned act will give us inner satisfaction and peace and happiness thus
gained would be absolute and free from any worldly determinant. This way we will make ourselves
worthy of happiness.

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