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Assessment Task Sheet

Australian International Academy, Kellyville

Name: ___________________________ Date: _______________

Year Level: 10 Subject: English
TITLE: U3: Perspectives of Adversity and life!


● In Class task: Wednesday 16th September 2020
● 40 minutes P3 Discursive essay
● 30 minutes P5 Reflection

Key concept Related concept(s)

Connections Genre

Task Description

“It is in justice that the ordering of society is centered.”

― Aristotle

Part I: Discursive Piece of Writing:

Use this quote as stimulus for a piece of discursive writing which explores the main
themes and makes specific textual reference to the play, A Beautiful Life.
Write a discursive response of 700 to 800 words.

In your response, you must include at least ONE literary feature from your chosen
discursive text.
Either: The Nick Cave Song That Changed My Life, The New Yorker
Or: The Internet Is Making Writing Better, The New Yorker

Part II: Reflective Justification

Write a 350 to 500 word justification of your creative approach and process including the
literary features from your chosen discursive text.

Key themes in A Beautiful Life:

● Identity
● Conflict
● Adversity
● Relationships
● Values
● Society
● Justice

Features of Discursive Texts:

Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet

● Explores an issue or an idea and may suggest a position or point of view
● Approaches a topic from different angles and explores themes and issues in a style that balances personal
observations with different perspectives
● Uses personal anecdotes and may have a conversational tone
● Primarily uses first person although third person can also be used
● Uses figurative language or may be more factual
● Draws upon real life experiences and/or draws from wide reading
● Uses engaging imagery and language features
● Begins with an event, an anecdote or relevant quote that is then used to explore an idea
● Resolution may be reflective or open-ended

Criteria C (Producing Text): / 8 marks
Criteria D (Using Language): / 8 marks

NESA Outcomes

A student:
EN5-2A effectively uses and critically assesses a wide range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge for
responding to and composing a wide range of texts in different media and technologies
EN5-3B selects and uses language forms, features and structures of texts appropriate to a range of purposes,
audiences and contexts, describing and explaining their effects on meaning
EN5-4B effectively transfers knowledge, skills and understanding of language concepts into new and different
EN5-6C investigates the relationships between and among texts
EN5-7D understands and evaluates the diverse ways texts can represent personal and public worlds
EN5-9E purposefully reflects on, assesses and adapts their individual and collaborative skills with increasing
independence and effectiveness

Australian International Academy, Kellyville Assessment Task Sheet

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