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This examination has three components, namely: General Education and its Proficiency and Professional Education. General Education
covers the following areas: English, Filipino, Mathematics, General Science, and Social Science. Professional Education includes: Foundations
of Education (Historical, Philosophical, Sociological, Anthropological, and Legal), Principles and Strategies of Teaching, Measurement and
Evaluation, Social Philosophies.

Choose the answer for each item. On the Answer Sheet provided, shade the CHOICE, which corresponds to your answer.


1. What relationship is shown between education and invention?

A Study made a number of years ago said the more education a man has, the less likely he is to be an inventor. Now, the reason for that
is quite simple. From the time the boy or girl starts in school, he or she is examined three or four times a year, and of course, it is very, very
disastrous if he/she fails. An inventor fails all the time and it is triumph if he succeeds once. Consequently, if education is an inhibition to
invention, it is due entirely to the form by which we rate things and not because of any intellectual differential.

I can take any group of young people any place, and teach them to be inventors, if I can get them to throw off the hazard of being afraid
to fail. You fail because your ideas are not right. You should not be afraid to fail, but you should learn to fail intelligently. By that I mean, when
you fail, find out why you failed, and each time you fail it will bring you nearer to the goal.

-from 100 Stories You Can Use by Frank Mihalic

A. The former is the cause of the latter C. Education is not useful for the inventor
B. One’s education guarantees an invention D. Education does not encourage a person to be an inventor
2. According to the selection, what is true about an inventor?
A. An inventor succeeds in all endeavors
B. An inventor always succeeds in the first attempt
C. An inventor gives up on the first failure of the experiment
D. An inventor experiences failures several times before he/she succeeds
3. How are the ideas mentioned in this statement connected, “If education is an inhibition to invention, it is due entirely to the form by
which we rate things”?
A. The sentence enumerates reasons for invention
B. The sentence conveys the result of being uneducated
C. The sentence compares education and invention
D. The sentence gives cause-effect relationship between education and invention
4. What is the writer’s view about failure?
A. I is disastrous C. It is an inhibition to invention
B. It helps people learn and get near their goal D. It hinders one’s desire to succeed
5. What could be the message of the selection?
A. Success comes to those who persevere C. Failure reflect one’s limited intellect
B. Success brings pride to one’s country D. Failure stops people form inventing things

Music Can Heal Mental Wounds but Only in the Right Hands
By Eva DorotheeSchmid
1 Human beings have known about the healing properties of music since Biblical times –according to the Old Testament for example David
soother King Saul’s aching brow by reaching for his harp.
2 There are also many references to the healing potential of music in texts left behind by the ancient Greeks.
3 The same properties are not put to good use in the modern filed of music therapy. Music therapy is psychotherapeutic procedure which
does not compete with traditional medicine but rather tries to complement it.
4 Music arouses emotion, soothes, comforts and can lead to changes in behavior. It can also encourage the healing process, increase a
person’s ability to tolerate pain and help them overcome their fears.
5 All this can result in changes in the body’s chemistry
6 Studies show that the right sort of music cause the body to release an increased amount of so-called endorphins with the results that
the person becomes less sensitive to pain and feels much better.
-from Manila Bulletin, August 2007
6. The writer discusses
A. The causes of music therapy C. the music in Biblical times
B. The effects of music D. the music for life
7. The ideas are arranged using _____________ as a pattern of organization.
A. Enumeration B. cause-effect C. Problem-solution D. chronological
8. The writer defines a concept/term in paragraph
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D.4
9. According to the selection. the following are the effects of music except:
A. Emotional healing B. academic excellence C. Pain tolerance D. behavioral change
10. There are ___________ effects of music mentioned in paragraph 3.
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
11. The writer wants to explain
A. That music can replace medicine C. How music can useful for well-being
B. When music can complement medicine D. Why music is popular

The Cook’s Prayer

Lord of all the pots and pans and things, since I’ve no time to be
A saint by doing lovely things, or watching late with Thee,
Or dreaming in the dawnlight, Or storming heaven’s gates,
Make me a saint by getting meals and washing up the plates.
-from 1000 Stories You Can use by Frank Mihalic
12. Who is speaking in the poem?
A. A saint B. The Lord C. A cook D. A wife
13. Which of the following tells what the speaker does?
A. Watches late at night C. Dreams in the downlight
B. Storms heaven’s gate D. Washes up the plates
14. How does the speaker in the poem regard the saints?
A. With admiration C. With understanding
B. With compassion D. With sympathy
15. What do the last two lines mean? The speaker is saying that he ______________
A. Be given patience so he can do his work C. Like his job and praying to his saints
B. Wants to be a saint of pots and pans D. Does not like to work at night

It is said:
That there is hardly a bar of music which Beethoven did not rewrite at least a dozen times.
That Bryant rewrote THANATOPSIS a hundred times
That Gibbon rewrote his AUTOBIOGRAPHY nine times
That Plato wrote the first sentence of his REPUBLIC nine times
That Virgil spent 12 years writing his AENEID

-from 1000 Stories You Can Use by Frank Mihalic

16. What does the word bar mean in the selection?

A. A vertical line drawn to show division of notes C. A strip of wood used for obstruction
B. A gate closing a road D. A railing in a court
17. What could be the reason for capitalizing some words in the selection?
A. They show the importance of greatness C. They reflect insights on human nature
B. They stand for concepts difficult to understand D. They represent great works of persistent people
18. What could be inferred about the people mentioned in the selection?
A. They are gifted with power C. They are admired for who they are
B. They are born to succeed in life D. They are recognized in their discipline
19. Which is the best statement that tells the main idea of the selection?
A. One’s greatness is the product of brilliance C. Perseverance makes one reach his or her goal
B. Success is measured by one’s effortless creation D. Success is for every person who waits for it patiently
20. Which is the best way to paraphrase the sentence?
Theresa was worried about passing the very difficult test.
A. Receiving a passing grade on the difficult exam concerned Theresa.
B. Theresa was worried about receiving good marks on the test, which was very hard.
C. She is worried about the results of the test.
D. The outcome of the test made Theresa so worried.
21. Which among the following is not a type of thesis statement?
A. Analytical thesis statement C. Argumentative thesis statement
B. Expository thesis statement D. Literary thesis statement
22. Which two questions is essential in writing the supporting details of an argumentative paragraph?
A. Why and So Why? B. How and Why? C. Where and When? D. When and Why?
23. For thousands of years, rice _________ a staple for many people.
A. Is B. Had been C. Was D. Has been
24. Beth’s new digital camera is more user-friendly than ______I have seen.
A. Anyone else B. Any other C. Another D. others
25. What makes the sentences below wrong?
Patrick bought a new car- a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VIII- last week.
A. The indefinite article “a” was overused
B. The verb “bought” should have been “has bought”
C. The verb “bought” should have been “ has been buying”
D. The writer should have used dash instead of hyphen
26. All of the following have misplaced modifiers except:
A. The pianist played a new composition sitting on the piano bench
B. We heard the bus crashed on the radio
C. We boarded the train with three suitcases heading toward our ancestral home in Ilocos Sur
D. I arranged the flowers for my mother using the new vase
27. All of the following are parallel except:
A. She left me angry, frustrated and wearing a frown
B. We have things to do, people to see, and places that should be visited
C. I enjoyed the opportunities it offers, the fringe benefits I receive and I earn a good salary
D. My father prepared the main course and fixed the dessert
28. Which would be appropriate subordinator to be used to complete this sentence?
_________she finally grew accustomed to the dark; she noticed a small chest in the corner of the room.
A. When B. Where C. While D. Because
29. All of the following show faulty use of the coordinating conjunctions except:
A. Marian sings in the choir, for she is a soprano
B. The clock chimed nine times but JC knew he had overslept
C. I studied the children and they were watching in awe as the parade floats went by
D. I tried to sleep , yet the thought of tomorrow’s math exam kept me awake
30. Which illustrates the proper use of comma?
A. When you call, and need someone, Rommel will come C. When you call and need someone Rommel, will come
B. When, you call and need someone Rommel will come D. When you, call and need someone Rommel will come
31. Which is a sample of a proper use of (“ “ )?
A. Irene laughed nervously and began, “Ladies and gentlemen.” C. Irene laughed nervously and began, “Ladies and gentlemen.
B. “Irene laughed nervously” and began, ladies and gentlemen. D. “Irene laughed nervously and began, ladies and gentlemen.”
32. Which of the following expressions can help you involve other members of the group in the discussion?
A. Do you agree with his opinion? C. What do you mean?
B. Let’s go on to another point, D. Personally, I believe that….
33. Mathematics_______________ to be one of the least popular subjects among students.
A. Appear B. appears C. appeared D. has appears
34. Technology ______________classroom teaching and learning in the last decade.
A. Changed B. changes C. will change D. has changed
35. Dr. Day is one of the language teaching experts___________________.
A. Who advocates reading for pleasure C. Who advocate reading for pleasure
B. Who advocated reading for pleasure D. Who will have advocated reading for pleasure
36. Maria wishes to say no to a friend who is asking for help in their homework. What should she say?
A. I’d be glad to help C. Can you repeat what you said?
B. I’m with you D. I’m sorry but I’m busy
37. What error is committed in the sentence below?
Having eaten their supper, the cook told the men to clear the table
A. Fragment B. Dangling modifier C. Faulty Coordination D. Faulty Parallelism
38. The hyphen is correctly used in all of the sentences below, except for.
A. The Democrats won a landslide election, 24-0
B. I am looking for the editor-in-chief to submit my grade
C. My father witnessed the signing of the Filipino- American treaty
D. Vanessa acquired a second-hand refrigerator lately
39. Which among the following is a thesis statement?
A. Tarsiers are considered as the smallest species of primate, and they are also considered as one of the tourist attractions in
Bohol. However, they easily get stressed, making their lifespan shorter. Thus they should be returned to the wild.
B. Tarsiers are considered as the smallest species of primate, and they are also considered as one of the tourist attractions in
Bohol. Because of this, they should be returned to the wild
C. Tarsiers, the smallest species of primate and one of the tourist attractions in Bohol, should be returned to the wild because
they easily get stressed , making their lifespan shorter
D. Tarsiers, the smallest species of primate and one of the tourist attractions in Bohol, should return to the wild
40. All of the transitional/cohesive devices below may be used when writing / showing a process, except____________.
A. Nevertheless B. moreover C. finally D. next
41. Which word in this sentence needs to be capitalized?
Whatever you do, father, will please me very much.
A. You B. much C. will D. father
42. Which sentence illustrates the proper use of ( : )?
A. There are three causes: poverty, indolence, and injustice C. There are three causes: poverty, indolence: and injustice
B. There are three causes: poverty, indolence, and injustice: D. There are: three causes poverty, indolence, and injustice
43. What intonation contour or pattern applies to the question “Who will join the parade?”
A. 232 B. 223↑ C. 231↓ D. 233↑
44. Which sentence is marked as 233↑231↓?
A. Do you like to join torch parade?
B. We want peace, good health and a happy family life
C. Diane, as well as her friends ,are planning a trip to the north
D. Do you prefer to go swimming or jog in the park
45. Which of the following sounds in the Trager and Smith Transcription System would you consider a critical sound for Filipino learners of
A. /a/ B. /iy/ C. /i/ D. /uw/
46. Every woman, man, child ____________the right to live.
A. Have B. has C. had D. do have
47. The excellent speaker can ________ even the most complicated ideas.
A. Get across B. get through C. Get away D. get along
48. I drive my neighbors up a wall with the loud banging of my new set of drums. The underlined phrase means__________
A. Bump into my neighbor’s fence C. annoy
B. Make them envious D. let them listen and enjoy
49. I was simply making a tongue-in-cheek remark. I didn’t mean to offend her. The underlined idiom means____________
A. Impossible B. joke C.lie D .sketch
50. How did the students react when the teacher __________________ the mistakes on their test papers?
A. Provided for B. picked out C. Pointed out D. gave away
51. Ang batayang pangungusap ay umalis ang mag-anak. Alin sa mga sumusunod sa pahayag ang may pampalawak na pang-abay?
A. Umalis ang mayamng mag-anak. C. Umalis agad ang mag-anak
B. Umalis ang mag-anak na iyon D. Ang mag-anak na nagmamadali ay umalis
52. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pahayag ang may paningit?
A. Kalabaw raw ni Kuya ang nawala C. Ang kalabaw na mataba ni kuya ang nawala
B. Kalabaw ni Kuya sa bukid ang nawala D. Walang tamang sagot
53. Alin sa mga sumusunod na salita ng diptongo?
A. Salaysay B. Aliwan C. Sayawan D. Luya
54. Alin sa mga sumusunod na pahayag ng paghingi ng tawad ang di-pormal?
A. Pasensya ka na C. Patawarin mo ako
B. Pagsisikapan kong di na mangyari itong muli D. Huwag ka nangmagalit, Hindi ko na gagawin muli
55. Alin sa sumusunod na mga slaita ang wasto ang pagkakabaybay?
A. Panbukid B. Pambukid C. Pam-bukid D. Pangbukid
56. Alin sa mga pangungusap ang pokus sa aktor/tagaganap?
A. Bumili ng laruan si Gel sa SM para sa kanyang inaanak C. Binili ni Gel ang laruan sa SM para sa kanyang inaanak
B. Binilhan ni Gel ng laruan ang SM para sa kanyang inaanak D. Ibinili ni Gel ng laruan ang kanyang inaanak sa SM
57. Alin ag tamang pangungusap na patanong na hango sa batayang pangungusap na pasalaysay.
BP: Mamamasyal sila sa Biyernes
A. Saan sila mamamasyal? C. Bakit sila mamamasyal?
B. Kanino sila pupunta? D. Kailan sila mamasyal?
58. Uri ng tulang nagsasaad ng marubdob na pandamdamin sa isang paksang matatawag din tula ng puso.
A. Pandamdamin B. Pasalaysay C. Pandulaan D. Paawit
59. Mga salaysay na nagmula sa Banal na Kasulatan na kinapupulutan ng magagandang aral.
A. Oda B. Dasalan at Tuksohan C. Parabola D. Pabula
60. Mahiwagang dasal na ginagamit bilang agimat, pangkulam, pangagamot at pang-enkanto,
A. Bugtong B. Bulong C. Tula D. Dasal
61. Epiko ng Bikolano na isinalin ni Padre Constancio.
A. Hudhud B. Ibalon C. Alim D. Mahabharat
62. Itinuturing na pinakamahabang epiko sa buong mundo.
A. Iliad and Oddyssey B. El Cid Campeador C. Divina Comedia D. Mahabharata
63. Epiko ng mga Munslim na naglalarawan sa kagitingan ng isang prinsipe.
A. Ibalon B. Bidasari C. Alim D. Bantugan
64. Mala romansang Malay na nasasalig sa matandang paniniwala na magtatagal ang buhay kung papaingtan sa hayop.
A. Ibalon B. Bidasari C. Bantugan D. Lilasari
65. Mga salaysay na nagmula sa Banal na Kasulatan na kinapupulutan ng magagandang aral.
A. Oda B. Dasalan at Tuksohan C. Parabola D. Pabula

Kapag may isinuksok , may madurukot

66. Ang halimbawang kawikaan ay bagay sa komposisyon ukol sa_______

A. Katipiran B. Kasipagan C. Katapangan D.Katamaran
67. Paano mo ilalarawan ang isang ahente na mahusay kumumbinsi o humikayat sa pamamagitan ng mga salita?
A. May tali ang dila B. Matamis ang dila C. Mahaba ang dila D. May dilang anghel
68. Kapag napagod tayo sa katatanaw sa taong ating hinihintay, sinasabi natin:
A. “Nanghahaba na ang aking leeg sa kakatanaw sa iyo.” C. “Itanim mo sa iyong isip”
B. “Itaga mo sa bato.” D. “Ilista mo sa tubig”
69. Sa awit na: “O, ang babae kapag minamahal
May kursunada’y aayaw-ayaw
Pag panay ang dalaw ay nayayamot
Huwag mong dalawin, dadabog-dabog.”

Anong uri ng tayutay ang matatagpuan?

A. Pag-uuyam B. Pagtawag C. Pagsalungat D.Pagtatambis

70. Kung ang pagpapalit-tawag (metonymy) ay nagpapalit ng katawagan o pangalan sa bagay na tinutukoy, alin sa mga sumusunod na
halimbawa ang di-dapat maisama sa pangkat?
A. Tatlong baso ang nainom ni Jimmy dahil sa matinding uhaw
B. Natanggap ni Lisette ang hampas ng langit sa mabibigat niyang kasalanan
C. Dapat nating igalang ang puting buhok
D. Ang kahabag-habag na payong ay nahulog sa kanal
71. Kung ang pagpapalit-tawag (metonymy) ay nagpapalit ng katawagan o pangalan sa bagay na tinutukoy, alin sa mga sumusunod na
halimbawa ang di-dapat maisama sa pangkat?
A. Tatlong baso ang nainom ni Jimmy dahil sa matinding uhaw
B. Natanggap ni Lisette ang hampas ng langit sa mabibigat niyang kasalanan
C. Dapat nating igalang ang puting buhok
D. Ang kahabag-habag na payong ay nahulog sa kanal
72. Kung ikaw ay gagamit ng paghihimig (onomatopoeia) sa pahayag na ito, alin sa mga sumusunod na tunog o himig ng mga salita ang
angkop na piliin mo?
________________ang hanging dumating dala ng malakas na bagyo.
A. Dumadagundong B. Kumakalabog C. Rumaragasa D. Umuugong
73. Piliin ang taglay na kahulugan na iba kaysa sa karaniwang pakahulugan sa mga sumusunod na pahayag.
Mataas ang kanilang paminggalan
A. Ambisyoso B. Maramot C. Kuripot D. Kumain dili
74. Malakas ang hangin ni Erni, siya na naman ang bida.
A. Matalino B. Mayabang C. Madaldal D. Matapang
75. A man jogs around a circular path whose diameter is 50m. About how many times will he have to go around the circular path to jog a
distance of 1 ½ km?
A. 5 times B. 10 times C. 12 times D. 15 times
76. What is the probability of getting a prime number when a die is tossed?
A. 1/6 B. ¼ C. 1/3 D. ½
77. The mean score of a set of 30 tests is 85. Find the sum of the 30 test scores.
A. 2,250 B. 2,360 C. 2,550 D. 3,240
78. A show manufacturer conducted a survey of the average shoe size among women to help him decide what shoe size to put on display.
What measure of central tendency would be most appropriate for his purpose?
A. Mean B. Mode C. Median D. Any of the three
79. Suppose that the family has 2 children. What is the probability that the family has at least 1 girl?
A. ¾ B. ½ C. 1/3 D. ¼
80. A card picked at random from an ordinary deck of cards. Find the probability of picking a black ace
A. ½ B. ¼ C. 1/13 D. 1/26
81. How many combinations can be made from the letters A, B, C and D if the letters are taken 2 at a time?
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
82. In how many ways can two swimmers chosen from a group of six swimmers?
A. 15 B. 30 C. 45 D. 90
83. How many 1/16 are there in 2 5/8 ?
A. 42 B. 44 C. 46 D. 48
84. Which of the following is divisible by 3 , but not 9?
A. 11,070 B. 40,206 C. 45,072 D. 19,386
85. The distance between towns on a given map is 2 ¾ cm . It ½ cm represents 6km, what is the distance between the two towns?
A. 18 km B. 33 km C. 36km D. 42km
86. Margo paid P400 for a blouse. If the blouse was sold at 20% discount , what was its original price?
A. P80 B. P480 C. P500 D. P540
87. Which o the following numbers is greater than -3/2?
A. -4/3 B. -3 C. -7/4 D. -2
88. Simplify 1/3 +2/5 +2/6
A. 1/14 B. 1/5 C. 2/3 D. 2/5
89. The area of a square is 144cm2 . What is the perimeter?
A. 12 cm B. 15 cm C. 48 cm D. 72 cm
90. What is the area of the largest circle that can be cut out of a square paper whose side is 40 cm?
A. 62. 8 cm2 B. 84 cm2 C. 524 cm2 D. 1 256cm2
91. What is the median score?
A. 18 B. 20 C. 23 D. 25
92. What is the mode of the scores? Classes Mean Standard
A. 18 B. 20 C. 23 D. 25 Deviation
93. What is the range of scores? I – Magalang 24.7 2.16
A. 18 B. 22 C. 23 D. 25 I – masunurin 26.4 2.53
94. Marco has two sticks of lengths 9 cm and 12 cm. He needs a third stick to form a triangle. I-Masipag 25.7 2.87
What could be the length of the third stick? I-Matipid 26.4 2.72
A. 12 cm B. 13 cm C. 14 cm
D. 15
95. The volume of a cube is 1000cm3 , What is its surface area?
A. 10 cm2 B. 100cm2 C. 600cm2 D. 625cm2
96. Which of these triangles CANNOT be a right triangle?
A. Obtuse B. scalene C. isosceles D. equilateral
97. The area of a square is 144cm2 . What is the perimeter?
B. 12 cm B. 15 cm C. 48 cm D. 72 cm
98. What is the area of the largest circle that can be cut out of a square paper whose side is 40 cm?
A. 62. 8 cm2 B. 84 cm2 C. 524 cm2 D. 1 256cm2
99. A card is picked at random from ordinary deck of cards. Find the probability of picking a black ace.
A. ½ B. ¼ C. 1/13 D. 1/26
100. Each of the six faces of a certain cube is painted either green or blue. When the cube is tossed, the probability of the cube landing with
the blue face up is 2/3. How many are green?
A. One B. two C. three D. four
101. When we say that chemical reactions in the cell waste energy, we mean that:
A. Energy is being destroyed C. Chemical energy is being converted to heat energy which is lost
B. Pieces of chemicals are being broken D. Cells use only the chemicals they need and get rid of all excess chemicals
102. Which of the following process takes place when ice cubes form vapor without passing through liquid state?
A. Transpiration B. Condensation C. Sublimation D. Evaporation
103. In which of the following mediums will sound travel slowest?
A. Air B. Brick C. Oil D. Water
104. Large quantities of calcium carbonate are dumped into polluted lakes to fight the effect of acid rain. It is inferred from this action that
calcium carbonate is a/an _________________.
A. Acid B. Base C. Neutral substance D. Powdered substance

105. Today, a computerized machine could send regular electrical impulses to the heart muscles in order for it to beat rhythmically. What is
this machine called?
A. Homeostatic machine B. Laser C. Pacemaker D. Pressure maker
106. A grasshopper was put inside a covered bottle. After sometime, the grasshopper died. The statement: “the grasshopper died because of
the oxygen in the bottle was exhausted is__________________.
A. A fact B. A hypothesis C. An inference D. A conclusion
107. Chemical heat energy mechanical energy (with wasted heat)
The sequence of energy changes shown explains which event?
A. A flashlight is on C. Gasoline burns to power a car
B. A candle burns D. Electric current runs a refrigerator
108. Consider the problem: “which toothpaste brand is more effective in killing mouth bacteria?” which of the following variables is
A. Brands of toothpaste C. Number of time to brush teeth
B. Brands of toothbrush D. Number of persons to brush teeth
109. The following statements given the underlying principles of technology except:
A. All the technological system could fail C. Technologies always have side effects
B. All technologies involve control D. Technology often provides tools for science without constraint

110. ________are professionals who are experts in handling animal disease

A. veterinarians B. animal husbandry C. doctors of cattle D. doctors of medicine
111. The school physician prescribed ______________ to children in inner town who are suffering from night blindness.
A. vitamin C B. vitamin A C. iron sulfate D. vitamin B 12
112. ________is used to measure the volume of liquids.
A. beam balance B. beaker C. meter D. graduated cylinder

113. Among the materials below which can best transmitted sounds?
A. gas B. water C. metal D. air
114. Earthquake intensity can be measure by using
A. anemometer B. barograph C. seismograph D. psychrometer
115. Voting is one of our constitutions rights. Those who are deprived their votes are normally.
A. execute B. disenfranchised C. franchised D. exiled
116. Glass breaks easily. Which property of matter is exhibited?
A. Tenacity B. Ductility C. Malleability D. Brittleness
117. Phenomenon when the length of day and night varies depending on the inclination of the earth’s axis?
A. Coriolis effect B. Solstice C. Spring D. Equinox
118. Why does the greenhouse effect result temperature near the earth’s surface?
A. Ozone traps ultraviolet radiation C. Carbon dioxide traps infrared radiation
B. Clouds trap infrared radiation D. Soil absorbs incoming radiation
119. Why do the four seasons occur on earth?
A. The sun’s axis is tilted C. The earth rotates from west to east
B. The earth rotates on its axis D. The earth’s axis is tilted
120. Simplest substance that cannot be decomposed further by ordinary chemical means?
A. atom B. compound C. mixture D. element
121. What may occur when the blood vessel going to the brain is blocked?
A. Heart attack B. Stroke C. Hemorrhage D. Tumor
122. Which of the following concepts is relevant to environmental education?
A. Infiniteness of resources utilization C. Balance of nature and interdependence
B. Advent of inorganic fertilizers D. Rapid urbanization and dependence
123. This is the amount of space occupied by matter.
A. density B. Volume C. Weight D. Mass
124. Greenhouse effect is caused by
A. excessive use of solar energy C. destruction of our forests
B. use of carbon dioxide by green plants D. depletion of minerals by over farming
125. A diet full of animal fat usually come up with Patients found ill of:
A. diabetes B. Hypertension C. kidney malfunction D. Sclerosis
126. Molds are under what kingdom?
A. protista B. fungi C. plantae D. Animalia
127. Diffusion in the human body_____
A. regulates blood flow.
B. plays an insignificant role in the body’s functioning
C. allows an even distribution of substances throughout all cells of the body
D. comes into play in times of extreme illness
128. Streptococcus is under what kingdom?
A. Protista B. Fungi C. Plantae D. Monera
129. When a bus suddenly stops, standing passengers tend to move forward, this because of
A. friction B. centripetal force C. gravity D. inertia
130. Smoke is a harmful form of ozone. This can be found in _______
A. troposphere B. stratosphere C. ionosphere D. exosphere
131. Children in upland areas are prone to goiter. What do they need for their diet?
A. Multivitamins B. iodine C. Protein D. iron
132. The source of energy responsible for life on earth is_____
A. moon B. star C. wind D. sun
133. Flooding is often times attributed to:
A. wanton destruction of gold mines C. conversion of agricultural land to subdivisions
B. wanton cutting of forest trees D. using wood for fuel
134. _____ is the simplest substance that cannot be decomposed further by normal chemical means.
A. molecule B. mixture C. compound D. element
135. ______explains why a bullet from a gun eventually falls to the ground.
A. Universal Gravitation B. Applied force C. Action and reaction D. Inertia
136. During wars, what is most dreaded by nations?
A. biological war B. Atomic bomb C. anthrax D. hydrogen bomb
137. Children are discourage to play in floodwater since:
A. feces of cockroaches are floating C. feces and urine of animals abound
B. urine of rats are contagious D. urine of people around
138. Which of the following is an important factor in explaining why seasons occur in the Earth?
A. Earth rotates on its axis C. Earth axis is tilted
B. The sun rotates on its axis D. The sun’s axis is tilted
A. This causes day and night
B. The sun does not rotate
C. The tilted axis causes the uneven distribution of heat form the sun
D. The sun is not tilted
139. Which of the following is an orderly, systematic approach to problem solving?
A. Conclusion B. hypothesis C. experiment D. scientific method
140. What is the correct order for steps in the scientific method?
A. Gather data, formulate hypothesis, have a question , develop method, draw conclusion
B. Formulate hypothesis, have q question, draw conclusion, gather data, develop method
C. Have a question, formulate hypothesis, develop method, gather data, draw conclusion
D. Develop method, have a question, formulate hypothesis, draw conclusion, gather data
141. Which of the following environmental conditions has been blamed for the usual occurrence of “fish kills”?
A. Acid rain B. Eutrophication C. Atmospheric pollution D. Silting of lakes
142. What is the escape mechanism by which the mud fish and the catfish change from darker colour to a lighter colour one depending on
the colour of the water called?
A. Protective mimicry B. Adaptive coloration C. habitat protection D. aggressive coloration
143. Good weather usually prevails in a high-pressure area .This is because the descending air which characterizes a high-pressure
A. Cools and increases its capacity to hold water vapour C. Warms and increases its capacity to hold water vapour
B. Warms and reduces its capacity to hold water vapour D. Cools and reduces its capacity to hold water vapour
144. Which of the following technologies can serve as alternatives to scalpels and cauterization?
i. Lasers ii Inoculation iii. Ultrasound iv. Radiation
A. i and iii B. i,iii,iv C. ii,iii,iv D. ii and iv
145. Which of the following is an example of a physical change?
A. Burning metal C. Formation of two gases during electrolysis of water
B. Changing of iodine crystals into a violet gas D. Formation of a black solid from heated iron and sulfur
146. Good weather usually prevails in a high-pressure area. This is because e descending air which characterizes a high-pressure
A. Cools and increases its capacity to hold water vapor C. Warms and reduces its capacity to hold water vapor
B. Warms and increases its capacity to hold water vapour D. Cools and reduces its capacity to hold water vapour
147. Ultrasound is often used by medical workers to obtain features of internal body parts. Infrasound on the other hand is commonly used
in ________________________.
A. Monitoring conditions in pregnant women
B. Detecting harmful living tissues inside the body
C. Seismographic surveying of structures below the earth’s surface
D. Providing instant moving pictures of tidal waves and earthquakes
148. How is the conservation of mechanical energy described in a falling object?
A. A falling object loses kinetic and gains potential energy
B. A falling object loses kinetic energy and loses potential energy
C. A falling object gains kinetic energy and gains potential energy
D. A falling object gains kinetic energy and loses potential energy
149. When we say that chemical reactions in the cell waste energy, we mean that:
A. Energy is being destroyed C. Chemical energy is being converted to heat energy which is lost
B. Pieces of chemicals are being broken D. Cells use only the chemicals they need and get rid of all excess chemicals
150. He is known for his “Philippine 2000” which is meant to make the Philippines as an economically developed country.
A. Ferdinand Marcos B. Fidel Ramos C. Diosdado Macapagal D. Joseph Estrada
151. Which of the following example shows the heroism of the Filipinos during Japanese period in the Philippines.
A. Support for KALIBAPI B. Defending Bataan C. Being a Makapili D. Cooperation with the kempetai
152. “ The Man of the Masses” , he promised to give the common tao justice
A. Manuel Roxas B. Elfidio Quirino C. Ramon Magsaysay D. Cooperation with the kenpetais
153. For two centuries the chief source of official and individual income in the Philippines was the
A. Obias Oias B. Tobacco monopoly C. Royal company of the Philippines D. Galleon Trade
154. First woman President who restored democracy in the Philippines as an economically developed country.
A. Melchora Aquino B. Corazon Aquino C. Imelda Marcos D. Gregoria de Jesus
155. The American introduction of the democratic ideas made Filipinos aware of their rights as citizen of the Philippines. Which of the
following rights shows abused of freedom?
A. Right to vote during elections
B. Right to be elected to office
C. Right to express grievance through demonstrations even if traffic is disrupted
D. Right to own properties anywhere in the Philippines
156. It is that definite or portion of the earth’s surface which is the subject to sovereignty rights and interests. From the political
standpoint , it is referred as
A. State B. Government C. Sovereignty D. Territory
157. Despite the strong protestations from Mang Jose, the government took away from his private property for public use upon payment
to him or just compensation. What power of the State was involved in the particular case?
A. Police power B. Power of Eminent Domain C. Power of taxation D. Absolute power of the State
158. It is the department which has the authority to make laws and to alter or repeal them
A. Administrative department B. Executive department C. Judicial department D. Legislative department
159. Its advantage is that it serves as the training ground for the national leaders.
A. Bicameralism B. Constitutionalism C. Primary jurisdiction D. Parents patria
160. It is prerogative inherent in the state where it is called upon to protect those with less than full capacity to take adequate care of their
own interests.
A. Eminent domain B. Parents patria C. Police D. Taxation
161. The term of office of the senator
A. One year B. Three years C. Six years D. Twelve years
162. The power to declare the existence of a state of war belongs to
A. Congress B. President C. Sandigang Bayan D. Supreme court
163. Amendment or revision of the Constitution may be proposed through any of the following except
A. Constitutional convention B. Constitutional assembly C. People’s initiative D. People’s power
164. An enrolled bill may become a law after a lapse of
A. 30 days B. 60 days C. 40 days D. 90 days
165. The canvassing of the votes of the president shall be done by congress and presided by :
A. Chief Justice B. Secretary of National Defense C. ombudsman D. Vice president
166. It refers to the act of the president of staying the execution of a convict
A. Amnesty B. Pardon C. Commutation D. Reprieve
167. It is the only constitutional court in the Philippines
A. Court of Appeals B. Family Court C. Sarah court D. Supreme court
168. It is designed to prevent any person or class from being singled out as a special subject of hostile discriminating legislation
A. Due process B. Equal protection C. Right speech D. Writ of Habeas Corpus

169. The government under President Aquino was

A. De facto B. De jure C. Both a and b D. None of the above
170. The president declared martial law on the ground or rebellion. What if any, is the effect of such act?
A. The declaration of martial law will not automatically suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus
B. The operation of the constitution is not in any manner suspended
C. A state of martial law does not supplant the functioning of the civil courts
D. All of the above
171. Which of the following positions does need the confirmation of the Commission on Appointments?
A. BIR Commissioners B. Navy captains C, Consul D. Ambassador
172. The following are the members of the judicial and bar council except:
A. Professor Law B. Retired justice of the Supreme Court C. Ombudsman D. Secretary of justice
173. The budget of fiscal year 2012 was submitted to the President for action. He called a press conference saying that he will exercise his
pocket veto on certain items of the said budget. Is the President clothed with the pocket veto power?
A. Yes B. No C. None of the above D. both of the above
174. The General Appropriation Act of the year 2012 allocated P10 million to each to the members of the House of Representatives P150
million to the senators for countryside development notwithstanding that the President recommended its abolition. What remedy can
the present president employ to refuse release of the funds?
A. Abolish congress B. Exercise the power of impoundment C. Exercise his pocket veto D. All of the above
175. A division of the Supreme Court failed to decide a given case. How shall the case be resolved?
A. Raffle the case to another division B. Archive the case C. Decide the case end banc D. Decide the case in absentia
176. Can the Supreme Court justice be removed by filling a criminal case against him?
A. No B. Yes C. both of the above D. All of the above
177. Police officers arrested the accused based on the information supplied by the rape victim herself who pointed at him. Is the arrest
without warrant valid?
A. No B. Yes C. both of the above D. All of the above
178. When may stoppage and search of vehicles without warrant be valid?
A. There is a report supplied by undercover agent
B. Where accused is carrying bulging bags and was suspiciously quiet and nervous when asked about its content
C. Where the physical appearance of the accused fitted the description given in the confidential report
D. All of the above
179. Who has sole power to try and decide an impeachment case?
A. Supreme Court B. Senate C. People D. House of Representatives
180. The following maybe removed by impeachment except:
A. Chairman of COMELEC B. Senator C. Commissioner of BIR D. Chief of Justice


1. Devices can make a lecture more understandable and meaningful. What is the most important thing a teacher should consider in the
selection and utilization of instructional materials?
A. Objectives of the lessons C. Attractiveness of instructional materials
B. Availability of instructional materials D. Degree of interest on the part of the students
2. Teacher E asks student A to identify and analyse events, ideas or objects in order to state their similarities and difference. In which part
of the lesson does said activity take place?
A. Preparation B. Generalization C. Application D. Comparison & abstraction
3. Which part of the lesson is involved in giving of situation or activities based on the concepts learned?
A. Preparation B. Generalization C. Application D. Comparison & abstraction
4. Teacher F wants the class to find out the effect of heat on matter. Which method will help him accomplish his objective?
A. Project method B. Laboratory method C. Problem method D. Expository method
5. In Math, teacher G presents various examples of plane figures to her class. Afterwards, she asks the students to give the definition of
each. What method did she use?
A. Inductive B. Laboratory C. Deductive D. Expository
6. Teaching Tinkling to I – Maliksi becomes possible through the use of
A. Inductive method B. Expository method C. Demonstration method D. Laboratory method
7. What is the implication of using a method that focuses on the why rather than the how?
A. There is best method
B. A typical one will be good for any subject
C. These methods should be standardized for different subjects
D. Teaching methods should favour inquiry and problem solving
8. When using problem solving method, the teacher can
A. Set up the problem C. Propose ways of obtaining the needed data
B. Test the conclusion D. Help the learners define what is to be solved
9. Which part of the lesson does the learner give a synthesis of the things learned?
A. Motivation B. Application C. Evaluation D. Generalization
10. The strategy of teaching which makes of old concept of “each-one-teach-one” is similar to
A. Peer learning B. Independent learning C. Partner learning D. Cooperative learning
11. When using instructional material, what should the teacher primarily consider?
A. The material must be new and skilfully made C. The material must stimulate and maintain students’ interest
B. It must be suited to the lesson objective D. It must be updated and relevant to Filipino setting
12. Which is NOT a provision for the development of each learner in a good curriculum?
A. Extensive arrangements are made for the educational diagnosis of individual learners
B. Self-directed, independent study is encouraged wherever possible and advisable
C. Self-motivation and self-evaluation are stimulated and emphasized throughout the learning opportunities of the school
D. The program provides a wide range of opportunities for individuals with the same abilities , needs and interests
13. In the elementary level, English literature and Social studies relate well. While history is being studied, different literary pieces during
the historical period is being studied as well. What curriculum design is shown here?
A. Separate Subject design B. Discipline design C. Correlation design D. Broad field design
14. Ms. Mateo, a History teacher considers the element of time in arranging the content of her lessons in World History. What way of
establishing sequence is given emphasis by Ms Mateo?
A. Simple to complex B. Part to whole C. Concrete to abstract D. Chronological
15. Teacher Dominguito believes that a new respect for the child is fundamental in curriculum. Thus, all activities in the classroom are
geared towards the development of the child- the centre of the educative process. To which approach in curriculum does Teacher
Dominguito adhere?
A. Learner-centered B. Subject-centered C. Problem-centered D. Pragmatic
16. Which curriculum design element is taking place when Eduardo, a 4 th year student can connect the lessons he learned in a subject area
to a related content in another subject area?
A. Articulation B. Balance C. Continuity D. Integration
17. The following curricular changes too place in what particular period? Restore Grade VII, double-single session was abolished and more
textbooks were written by Filipino authors
A. American period B. Philippine republic C. Japanese occupation D. New society
18. What process is being undertaken by curriculum developers when they enrich or modify certain aspects of a particular program
without changing its fundamental conceptions?
A. Curriculum improvement C. Curriculum design
B. Curriculum change D. Curriculum implementation
19. What refers to the authenticity of the content selected by the curriculum developer?
A. Feasibility B. Learn ability C. Significance D. Validity
20. Which is NOT a component of curriculum designing?
A. Objective B. Learning content C. Learning experiences D. Diagnosis of needs
21. What do you call the curriculum when the teacher puts into action all the different planned activities planned activities in the
A. Recommended curriculum C. Taught curriculum
B. Written curriculum D. Supported curriculum
22. Prof. Delos Santos is thinking of an online learning approach by which content provides links to information at other locations and
serves as a focal point for a distance education experience. Which of the following should she use?
A. Teleconferencing B. Self-paced program C. Web-based instruction D. Computer-aided instruction
23. With the increasing use of educational technology inside the classroom, what role is expected of the teacher?
A. Facilitator B. Researcher C. Knowledge giver D. Source of information
24. It is impractical to bring real objects to the classroom s Aaron constructed a three-dimensional visual instead. Which of the following
did he construct?
A. Chart B. Cartoon C. Model D. Graphic organizer
25. Prof. Mandanas would like to use an audio compact disc in teaching a lesson in Filipino. In which activity in the teaching-learning
process is it very effective?
A. In developing listening skills B. In teaching creative writing C. In composing poems D. In building concepts.
26. If I have to use the most authentic method of assessment, which of these procedures should I consider?
A. Traditional Test C. Written test
B. Performance-based assessment D. Objective assessment
27. After doing the exercise on verbs, Ms. Borillo gave a short quiz to find out how well the students have understood the lesson. What type
of assessment was done?
A. Summative assessment B. Formative assessment C. Diagnostic assessment D. Placement assessment
28. Ms. Ortega tasked her students to show how to play basketball. What learning target is she assessing?
A. Knowledge B. Reasoning C. Skills D. Products
29. What type of validity does the pre-board examination possesses if its results can explain how the student will likely perform in their
licensure examination?
A. Concurrent B. Predictive C. Construct D. Content
30. Which term refers to the collection of student’s product and accomplishments in a given period for evaluation purposes?
A. Diary B. Portfolio C. Anecdotal record D. Observation report
31. Mrs. Pua is judging the worth of the project of the students in her Science class based in a set of criteria. What process describes what
she is doing?
A. Testing B. Measuring C. Evaluating D. Assessing
32. Ms. Ricaforte uses alternative methods of assessment. Which of the following will her NOT likely use?
A. Multiple choice test B. Reflective journal writing C. Oral presentation D. Developing portfolios
33. Mrs. Nogueras is doing an assessment OF learning. At what stage of instruction should she do it?
A. Before instruction B. After instruction C. Prior to instruction D. During the instructional process
34. In a positively skewed distribution, the following statements are true EXCEPT
A. Median is higher than the mode C. Mean is lower than the mode
B. Mean is higher than the median D. Mean is not lower them the mode
35. If quartile deviation is to median, what is to mean?
A. Standard deviation B. Mode C. Range D. Variance
36. Miss Cortez administered a test to her class and the result is positively skewed. What kind of test do you think Miss Cortez gave to her
A. Post-test B. Pertest C. Mastery test D. Criterion-referenced test
37. The result of the test given by teacher A showed a negatively skewed distribution. What kind of test did teacher a give?
A. The test is difficult B. It is not too easy or too difficult C. It is moderately difficult D. It is easy
38. Standard deviation is to variability as mode to _______________
A. Correlation B. Discrimination C. Central tendency D. Level of difficulty
39. Goring perform better than 65% of the total number of examinees in the district achievement test. What is his percentile rank?
A. P35 B. P65 C. P66 D. P75
40. Which is a guidance function of a test?
A. Identifying pupils who need corrective teaching C. Assigning marks for courses taken
B. Redacting success in future academic and vocational education D. Grouping pupils for instruction within a class
41. Mr. Labanga, an elementary school teacher in Science found out that many of his pupils got very high scores in the test. What measure of
central tendency should he use to describe their average performance in the subject?
A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. Range
42. Which of the following indicates how compressed or expanded the distribution of scores is?
A. Measure of position B. Measure of central tendency C. Measures of correlation D. Measure of variability
43. Mr. Gringo tried to correlate the scores of his pupils in Social studies test with their grades in the same subject last 3 rd quarter. What test
validity is he trying to establish?
A. Content validity B. Construct validity C. Concurrent validity D. Criterion-related validity
44. In his second item analysis, Mr. Gonzales found out that more from the lower group got the test item 15 correctly. What does this mean?
A. The item has become more valid C. The item has a positive discriminating power
B. The item has become more reliable D. The item has a negative discriminating power
45. Mr. Lorenzo would always give the chapter test on a Friday. What schedule of reinforcement is used by Mr. Lorenzo?
A. Fixed Interval B. Variable Interval C. Fixed Ratio D. Variable Ratio
46. Here is a test item: “The improvement of basic education should be the top priority of the Philippine Government. Defend or defy this
position.” What type of question is this?
A. Analysis B. Convergent C. Evaluative D. Low level
47. Student A wishes to write a lesson plan. Which question s/he asks herself first?
A. What material will I need? C. What do I want to accomplish
B. How will I get things started? D. What exercises will I give my students?
48. Which of the following characterizes best an effective classroom manager? One who is friendly yet
A. Rigid B. demanding C. business-like D. buddy-buddy
49. Which of the classroom activity below is effective?
A. The concept learned is applicable to daily life C. The techniques and approaches used are varied
B. The variety of instructional materials used is evident D. The laughter and enjoyment of students are contagious
50. Which of the following characterizes beat a well-managed class? Which learners?
A. Are controlled by the teacher C. Blindly obey teacher’s instructions
B. Pursue their task without inhibition D. Are engaged in an activity that leads them to realize the set goal
51. Which of the following belongs to a lower-order thinking skills?
A. Teaching for meaning C. Encouraging creativity
B. Asking convergent question D. Making the students aware of their mental processes
52. When should Teacher M undertake the task of setting up routine activities?
A. Every homeroom period C. On the very first day of school
B. Every day at the start of the session D. As soon as the students have adjusted to their schedule
53. Which of the following marks a conducive environment?
A. Excessive praise B. long assignments C. Individual competition D. cooperative learning
54. Which of the following helps develop critical thinking?
A. Asking low level questions C. Blind obedience authority
B. Asking convergent questions D. Willingness to suspend judgement until sufficient evidence is presented
55. What design element established the vertical linkage form level to level to avoid getting gaps and wasteful overlaps?
A. Articulation B. Balance C. Scope D. Sequence
56. What refers to the authenticity of the content selected by the curriculum developer?
A. Feasibility B. Learnable C. Significance D. Validity
57. What do we call the allocation of content to a definite grade capable of learning?
A. Time allotment B. Grade Level C. Grade replacement D. Maturity level
58. Which pattern of experience centered curriculum centers on the normal activities of children and is based on each child’s needs,
interests and potentials?
A. Child centered B. Activity C. Social function D. Specific competencies
59. Which curriculum development phase focuses on the change which will take place in certain aspects of the curriculum without changing
the fundamental conceptions?
A. Curriculum planning B. Curriculum improvement C. Curriculum design D. Curriculum evaluation
60. Which is NOT a component of curriculum designing?
A. Objective B. Learning content C. Learning experiences D. Diagnosis of needs
61. Who controls the subject centered curriculum?
A. Learner B. Teacher C. Parent D. Separate subjects
62. To ensure success in curriculum development, which of the following specific actions should a curriculum leader avoid?
A. Work with people not over them C. Use your status frequently to establish discipline
B. Keep channels of communication open D. Show that you too desire to improve
63. Which of the following is a reason for the continuous appraisal of the existing curriculum in all levels?
A. New national policies in government C. Changing needs and condition of society
B. Economic status of the people D. Political trust of the country
64. Which of the following best defines curriculum development?
A. The total mental phenomenon directly received at any given time
B. The planning of learning opportunities intended to bring about certain desired changes in pupils and the assessment of the extent
To which these changes have taken place
C. A continuous cycle of activities in which all elements of curriculum are considered
D. Education is aiding each child to be socially creative individuals
65. What do you call the curriculum when the teacher puts into action all the different planned activities in the classroom?
A. Recommended Curriculum B. Taught Curriculum C. Written Curriculum D. Supported Curriculum
66. All the reading theories recognize the role of the reader and the text in the comprehension process. However, only the interactive model
accounts for the role of the reading situation in the meaning-making process. What factors does the interactive model consider in the
reading process?
A. Outcome B. task C. context D. purpose
67. Reading in the content area aims to help students make sense of the text and negotiate meanings as readers actively interact with the
text. Which of the following activities will nest achieve this goal?
A. Have reading of the text be done at home C. Make them read silently
B. Allow students to ask questions D. Practice oral reading fluency
68. Ronald is about to buy a book. After taking a book form the display shelf, he looked at the title, opened it and looked at the table of
contents, then the summary found at the back cover. He realized that what he took from the shelf is not what he needs. Which of the
following strategies do you think id Ronald do to decide why he does no need it?
A. Scanning B. Close reading C. Skimming D. Careful slow reading
69. After M. Rivas planned her lesson in English, she found out that the materials at hand do not match her objectives. Which is the best thing
she can do?
A. Modify the available materials C. Teach the lesson the following day
B. Change the objectives to match with available materials D. Carry out the lesson as planned and use the materials at hand
70. With the increasing use of the educational technology inside the classroom, what role is expected of the teacher?
A. Facilitator B. Knowledge giver C. Researcher D. Source of information
71. It is impractical to bring real objects to the classroom so Aaron constructed a three-dimensional visual instead. Which of the following
did he construct?
A. Chart B. Cartoon C. Model D. Graphic organizer
72. Standard deviation is to variability as mode to _______________
B. Correlation B. Discrimination C. Central tendency D. Level of difficulty
73. Goring perform better than 65% of the total number of examinees in the district achievement test. What is his percentile rank?
B. P35 B. P65 C. P66 D. P75
74. Which is a guidance function of a test?
A. Identifying pupils who need corrective teaching C. Assigning marks for courses take
B. Redacting success in future academic and vocational education D. Grouping pupils for instruction within a class
75. Mr. Labanga, an elementary school teacher in Science found out that many of his pupils got very high scores in the test. What measure of
central tendency should he use to describe their average performance in the subject?
A. Mean B. Median C. Mode D. Range
76. Which of the following indicates how compressed or expanded the distribution of scores is?
A. Measure of position B. Measure of central tendency C. Measures of correlation D. Measure of variability
77. Mr. Gringo tried to correlate the scores of his pupils in Social studies test with their grades in the same subject last 3 rd quarter. What test
validity is he trying to establish.
A. Content validity B. Construct validity C. Concurrent validity D. Criterion-related validity
78. In his second item analysis, Mr. Gonzales found out that more from the lower group got the test item 15 correctly. What does this mean?
A. The item has become more valid C. The item has a positive discriminating power
B. The item has become more reliable D. The item has a negative discriminating power
79. Q1 is 25th percentile as median is to what percentile?
A. 40th percentile B. 60th percentile C. 50th percentile D. 75th percentile
80. Mrs. Del Salvatier would like to find out how well her students know each other, what assessment instruments would best suit her
A. Self-report instrument B. Sociometric technique C. Guess-who technique D. All of the above
81. Which of the following assessment procedures/tools is useful in assessing social relation skills?
A. Anecdotal record B. Attitude scale C. Peer appraisal D. Any of the above
82. Which educational level/s/provide/s for free and compulsory as stipulated in Article Iv, section 2 of the Philippine constitution?
A. Elementary level B. Secondary level C. Elementary & secondary levels D. Tertiary level
83. Who among the following is in the category of non- academic personnel as provided for under Education Act 1982?
A. Guidance counsellors B. School principals C. School nurse D. School librarian
84. How is gradual progression of teacher’s salary form minimum to maximum done?
A. Regular increment every year C. Regular increment every 3 years
B. Increment after ten years of service D. Increment after 5 years
85. What appointment can be given to Teacher a who possesses the minimum qualifications but lacks the appropriate civil service
A. Contractual basis B. Permanent C. Provisional D. Substitute
86. Which of the following is true about human development?
A. Human development consider both maturation and learning
B. Development refers to the progressive series of changes of orderly coherent type toward the goal maturity.
C. Development is the gradual and orderly unfolding of the characteristics of the individuals as they go through the successive
stages of growth
D. All of the above
87. What do you call the quantitative increase in terms of height and weight as observed but the school physician during the physical
examination of the students?
A. Development B. Learning C. Growth D. Maturation
88. Mrs. Alvarez conducts research on the psychological domain of development. In what particular area of the child’s development is Mrs.
Alvarez mostly like to be interested with?
A. Perpetual abilities B. Emotions C. Brain-wave patterns D. Use of language
89. Which of the following is the correct order of psychosexual stages proposed by Sigmund Freud?
A. Oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage, genital stage
B. Anal stage, oral stage, phallic stage, latency stage, genital stage
C. Oral stage, anal stage, genital stage, latency stage, phallic stage
D. Anal stage, oral stage, genital stage, latency stage, phallic stage
90. What is the best description of Erickson’s psychological theory of human development?
A. Eight crises all people are thought to face
B. Four psychological stages in the latency period
C. The same number of stages as Freud’s but with different names
D. A stage theory that is not psychoanalytic
91. In Erickson’s theory, what is the unresolved crisis of an adult who has difficulty establishing a secure, mutual relationship with a life
A. Initiative vs. Guilt B. Intimacy vs. Isolation C. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt D. Trust vs. Mistrust
92. Alyssa is eight years old, and although she understand some logical principles, she still has troubles in understanding hypothetical
concepts. According to Piaget, Alyssa belongs to what particular stage of cognitive development?
A. Sensorimotor B. Concrete operational C. Preoperational D. Formal operational
93. Which of the following provides the best broad description of the relationship between heredity and environment in determining
A. Heredity is the primary influence, with environment affecting development only in severe situations.
B. Heredity and environment contribute equally to development
C. Environment is the major influence on physical characteristics.
D. Heredity directs the individual’s potential and development determines whether and to what degree the individual reaches
that potential.
94. What is the correct sequence of prenatal stages of development?
A. Embryo, germinal, fetus C. Germinal, embryo, fetus
B. Germinal, fetus, embryo D. Embryo, fetus, germinal
95. When a baby realized that a rubber duck which has fallen out the tub must be somewhere on the floor, he is likely to achieved what
aspect of cognitive development?
A. Object permanence C. Mental combination
B. Differed imitation D. Goal-directed behavior
96. Which of the following will be Freud’s description of the child’s behavior if he has a biting, sarcastic manner?
A. Anally explosive C. Fixated in the oral stage
B. Anally retentive D. Experiencing the crisis of trust vs. mistrust
97. What is Freud’s idea about a young boy’s guilt feeling brought about by jealousy of his father’s relationship with his mother?
A. Electra complex C. Phallic complex
B. Oedipus complex D. Penis envy complex
98. When a little girl who says she wants her mother to go on vacation so that she can marry her father, Freud believes that he is voicing a
fantasy consistent with?
A. Oedipus complex C. Theory of the mind
B. Electra complex D. Crisis of initiative vs. Guilt
99. Which of the following can best describe the prescribe the preschooler’s readiness to learn new task and play activities?
A. Emerging competency and self-awareness C. Theory of the Mind
B. Relationship with parents D. Growing identification with others
100. Erickson’s noted that when preschoolers eagerly begin many new activities but are vulnerable to criticism and feelings failure, they are
experiencing what particular crisis?
A. Identity vs. role confusion C. Basic trust vs. mistrust
B. Initiative vs. Guilt D. Efficacy vs. helplessness
101. Teacher P, the English coordinator was assisted by Teacher Q throughout the celebration of English Week. What should Teacher P do to
acknowledge Teacher Q’s assistance?
A. Buy her a gift
B. Keep quiet about the assistance received
C. Mention formally to the principal the assistance received
D. Make an announcement giving due recognition of the assistance received
102. Is holding a rally to protest the delay of benefits due a person ethically acceptable?
A. Yes, when hold while on official time C. Yes, when hold outside the official time
B. Yes, when hold with the approval of the principal D. Yes , when hold together with parents and students
103. What should a teacher do when he/she falls in love with/her student?
A. Court the student at home
B. Propose and marry the student
C. Wait till the student is no longer under his/her tutelage
D. Act normally as if nothing happens and the student does not exist
104. When principal starts to exercise his/her powers over making and promoting students, is his/her action acceptable?
A. Yes, when the teacher cannot make decision on time
B. Yes, when there is abuse of judgement on the part of the teacher
C. No, teachers are more knowledgeable of their student’s performance
D. No, grading and promoting students are exclusive functions of teachers
105. Teacher R was asked by her principal to teach pre-school class in addition to her regular grade one class, what will be for her additional
A. Her basic salary C. Performance rating
B. Number of years of service D. Her regular salary + 25% of her basic pay
106. Which of the following shows responsiveness of public officials and employees?
A. Avoiding wastage in public funds C. Formulating rules regarding work
B. Providing public information D. Encouraging appreciation of government services
107. Teacher S, a Science teacher has been accused of sexual harassment by one her students. What should the school principal do?
A. Ask the teacher to surrender to the police C. Tell the teacher to stop reporting to school
B. Advice the teacher to transfer to other school D. Create a committee to investigate the accusation
108. Teacher T receives a love letter form one of her third year high school student in English. What should Mr. Martin do?
A. Read her letter to the class
B. Kept the student express her feelings through letters
C. Return the letter to the student and tell her to not do it again
D. Surrender the letter to the parent of the student
109. Mr. Nico, a Social Science teacher is advocating reforms which the principal failed to recognize. What should the principal do?
A. Subject Mr. Nico to a disciplinary measure
B. Just keep quiet about the behavior of Mr. Nico
C. Call Mr. Nico to the office and clarify things out with him
D. Send Mr. Nico a memo requiring him to explain his behavior
110. Which of the following manifests “Commitment to democracy” as explained in R.A. 6713
A. Maintaining the principle of accountability
B. Committing to democratic values and ways of life
C. Manifesting by deed the supremacy of civilian authority over the military
D. All of the above
111. Teacher U was ordered by her principal to come to school on four Consecutive Saturdays for the training of the students ‘editorial staff
of their school paper. Is this allowed under R.A. 4670
A. Yes, provided the teacher is compensated
B. No, because it’s not within the regular functions of the classroom teacher
C. Yes, because it’s part of the teachers other duties
D. No, because it’s not clearly indicated in the law
112. In observation and imitation learning. What should be the learner’s response when the teacher initially models the behaviour?
A. Reproduce and match C. imitate and practice
B. Pay attention D. shows satisfaction
113. What is the correct sequence of the information processing?
A. Sensory register –STM-LTM C. Sensory register LTM-STM
B. STM-sensory register-LTM D. LTM-sensory register- STM
114. What should be the hierarchy of the type’s pf learning according to the cumulative learning theory?
1. Problem solving learning 3. Rule learning
2. Discrimination learning 4. Concept learning
A. 2-1-3-4 C. 2-3-4-1
B. 2-1-4-3 D. 2-4-3-1
115. Which is essential in meaningful reception learning?
A. Concepts are presented to learner and received by them C. Concepts are discovered by the learner
B. Concepts are related to one another D. Concepts are solicited form learners
116. Grace is bilingual. She speaks both English and Filipino fluently. She begins to Study Spanish and immediately recognizes many
similarities between Spaniard and Filipino languages and uses this information to acquire the new language faster. What kind of
transfer was Grace able to use?
A. Lateral transfer B. Specific transfer C. General transfer D. Vertical transfer
117. Cristina has been staring at the match stick puzzle problem. She figuring out how to solve it. Suddenly, a bright idea flashes in her mind
and excitedly, successfully solves the puzzle problem. What type of learning is exhibited?
A. Analytic learning B. insight learning C. Discovery learning D. trial and error learning
118. Marko excels in adding numbers. He learned this skill in his Math class. He is now able to apply this skill in his Music class. What type of
transfer was used?
A. Lateral transfer B. Specific transfer C. General transfer D. Vertical transfer
119. Mr. Lorenzo would always give the chapter test on a Friday. What schedule of reinforcement is used by Mr. Lorenzo?
B. Fixed Interval B. Variable Interval C. Fixed Ratio D. Variable Ratio
120. To remember the six digits 8,4,3,9,4,5, the Math teacher grouped the number in twos 84,39,45 or in threes, 843,945. What control
process of retaining information is referred to?
A. Chunking B. Rehearsing C. Interfering D. Remembering
121. Here is a test item: “The improvement of basic education should be the top priority of the Philippine Government . Defend or refute this
position.” What type of question is this?
B. Analysis B. Convergent C. Evaluative D. Low level
122. What can help achieve the relevant quality education?
A. Strong curriculum B. Competent instruction C. School-community relations D. Competent administrators
123. Which of the following provisions under the Magna Carta for public School teachers will most likely promote teachers’ welfare and
defend their interests?
A. Be promoted in rank and salary C. Undergo and participate in professional development
B. Regulate their social involvement D. Establish, join and maintain professional & self – regulating organization
124. What kind of tension is referred to when people prefer to have quick answers and ready solution to many problems even if it calls for a
patient, concerted, negotiated strategy of reform?
A. Tension between modernity and tradition C. Tension between spiritual and material
B. Tension between long term and short term considerations D. Tension between individual and the universal
125. In what strands of the four pillars of education implies a shift from skill to competence, or a mix of higher –order skills to each
A. Learning to know B. Learning to do C. Learning to live together D. Learning to be
126. Which pillar of education of J. Delor (UNESCO) focuses on voc-tech relevant to people-centered human development?
A. Learning to know B. Learning to do C. Learning to live together D. Learning to be
127. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Multicultural Education?
A. Personally empowering B. Socially transformative C. Pedagogically humanistic D. Culturally discriminating
128. What is the kind of education that manifests democratization of access and inclusivity?
A. Relevance B. Sustainability C. Quality D. Equity
129. Which among the following rights manifests rule of law and good governance?
A. Right to education B. Right to environmental protection C. Right of participation D. Right to work
130. Which among is NOT a core principle of human rights?
A. Human dignity B. Non-discrimination C. universality D. Independency

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