Darwin Garcia - First Conditional

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Darwin Garcia

First conditional
There are several types of conditionals, including the first conditional. This type of
conditional is used in situations where if a condition is met, a certain result is likely
to occur.

If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go cycling.

If you study hard, you'll get good marks.

The structure of the first conditional

El first conditional tiene la siguiente estructura:
If + sujeto + present simple, sujeto + future simple
For the future phrase we mostly use the future simple with will, but the future
simple with going to or a modal verb can also be used: can, might, should, or must.

The order of the two sentences that make up the conditional structure can be changed. If we
start with the (If) condition, we will separate them with a comma. If we start with the
phrase that expresses the result, it is not necessary to put the comma

If the plane is delayed, she will be late. She will be late if the plane is delayed.

How is the first conditional used?

The first conditional is used to express future plans, threats, warnings, promises or
to convince someone about something.
If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go cycling.
There is a possibility that tomorrow will be good weather. If this condition is met,
the two boys will ride a bike.

Your sister  will go mad  if  you  touch  her things.

There is a possibility that this girl will touch her sister's things. If this happens the result
will be that your sister will be angry.

The first conditional is a type of conditional that is used to express a condition-result
relationship in particular situations that occur in the future (future plans, threats,
warnings, promises, convincing someone, etc.)

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