Effect of Eucalyptus On Environment

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“There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are
shown, those who do not see”
~ Leonardo da Vinci

Information letter Issue 2015

Hazardous Water pumps Biodiversity Allelopathic Absence birds Absence insects
Eucalyptus oil is A 3 year old tree drinks Almost no other Allelopathic effects of No birds sing in Absence of insects and
highly flammable, 20 liter of water a day, vegetation is found Eucalyptus on native monoculture butterflies is noted in
ignited trees have been gradually consumption under Eucalyptus and introduced tree “Forests”. Much less Eucalyptus forrest.
known to explode, bush increase for a tree 20 trees. species. Eucalyptus birds are nesting in Except for honey bees
fires can travel easily year old up to 200 liter release into the Eucalyptus plots. eager to collect the
through the oil-rich air water a day environment nectar
of the tree crowns substances acting as
germination and
growth inhibitors.

other trees of growing under or near

Effect of eucalyptus plantations killing so
biodiversity and keeping it a

Eucalyptus on monoculture “forest”.

If you've ever tried to get rid of

Environment eucalyptus old stumps on your property,
you probably know how difficult it can
be. Even if you cut the tree down, the
One of the biggest problems with tree stump can sprout a new eucalyptus
eucalyptus trees is their negative impact tree.
on the environment.
Eucalyptus trees are quite tall and their
They have replaced indigenous forests roots don't run deep, so they blow over
in several parts of the world, depleting easily. This is a huge problem in windy
food and shelter sources and therefore conditions. For this reason it's a good
affecting animals and birds. The lack of idea to avoid planting eucalyptus trees
broad-leaved trees also means there too close to homes or businesses. Easy
are not as many nesting places for dropping unexpectedly of branches is
animals that inhabit them, such as recognized a real danger to humans. Do
mammals, birds and insects. never seek shelter or camp under
eucalyptus trees.
Indigenous trees are more fire resistant,
while the eucalyptus is prone to fire. The Eucalyptus plantation as a monoculture They become competitors to water for
natural oils of the eucalyptus tree make “Forest” animal and human consumption. The
it extremely flammable. This is a big water guzzling tree is taken blame for
problem in areas that are prone to bush drying out many water sources across
fires. That same oil that makes the the globe. As we continue to plant
eucalyptus flammable also keep bugs eucalyptus on watersheds, we will
Eucalyptus release into the environment
from eating it. While this is great for the continue to experience water shortages
substances acting as germination and
eucalyptus, it also means that there and it will even become a bigger
growth inhibitors, this allelopathic effect
aren't bugs or animals helping to control problem as climate change hit us.
disturbs all natural weeds, shrubs and
the population of the eucalyptus.

AFSRT, Information Letter, 2015 1

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