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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

All students should be

required to study art and music in secondary school. Use specific reasons to
support your answer.

The issue about whether all students should be required to study art and music in
secondary school is open for debate. Some people believe that students should take
these classes. However, others think that it must be up to a student. In this essay, I will
analyze both these positions and present my opinion in favor of the people who think
that studying art and music should not be required in secondary school.

On the one side, studying art and music brings many benefits to the students. First of
all, it extends their range of interests. Second of all, studying art and music helps to
reveal hidden talents and possibililies. In addition to these benefits, it helps a growing
child develop his or her perception of the real world.

However, on the other side, studying art and music also has some negative aspects.
Personally, I think that a person who is interested in mathemathics should not spend
his or her precious time on taking classes in art or music. For example, when I was a
student a couple of years ago I did not like to attend some of the art classes because it
was too boring for me. I wasted my time and money because I was required to pay for
these classes and attend them. So my point is that students should have the right to
make a decision for themselves whether they should take classes in art and music or
they should not. For instance, there were a couple of optional classes in music in my
univirsity. Many students took those classes and every one was satisfied.

To sum up, I think that studying art and music is very essential for a person. However,
I think that classes in art and music must be optional, because if a student is dreaming
about a career of dentist and spends all his spare time on reading about the new
technologies and inventions in this field I think it is not fair to make him attend
classes when he does not want to. It is like making a person sing when he is good at
Students at universities often have a choice of places to live. They may choose to
live in university dormitories, or they may choose to live in apartments in the
community. Compare the advantages of living in university housing with the
advantages of living in an apartment in the community. Where would you prefer
to live? Give reasons for your preference.

Some students prefer to live in university dormitories. However, other students choose
to live in apartments in the community. I think both of these options have advantages.
Below I will give my reasons to support my answer.

On the one side, living in a dormitory has many benefits. First of all, for a foreign
student it is a good chance to improve his or her communication skills and find new
friends. Second of all, a dormitory has many useful facilities such as libraries, internet
access, etc. In addition, to these practical benefits living in a dormitory is often
cheaper. So, it helps students save some money which is important at the beginning of
their independent life. Finally, living in a dormitory gives students the opportunity to
ask for help from each other if something was not clear in the lecture presented in a
class. This, in its turn, leads to higher grades. Also, students have many common
subjects and interests to discuss with each other. Living in a dormitory helps students
to become more sociable and good team-players and gain new knowledge and
experience by using of libraries and group discussions.

On the other side, living in apartments in the community can also have benefits.
Students can have more privacy and also they can choose a community according to
its convenience and location. It is sometimes may be essential because of a person’s

In conclusion, I think that living in a dormitory bring students more benefits than it
does living in a community. Students learn to get along with each other, be ready to
help and make friends.

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