Game Addiction and Depression, Social Anxiety, and Loneliness. Frontiers

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Wang, J.-L., Sheng, J.-R., & Wang, H.-Z. (2019, August 16).

The Association Between Mobile

Game Addiction and Depression, Social Anxiety, and Loneliness. Frontiers.

According to Reyes (2019) Excessive gaming steals away their time for other more

fulfilling and more productive things. If they abandon their old hobbies that don’t involve video

games, are constantly preoccupied by the idea of their next gaming session, these can lead to

gaming addiction.

Mobile Legends Addiction: How Excessive Gaming Damages You. (2019, May 24).

Benny (2018) expressed that science is proving that playing games with moderation is

good for your brain. Puzzle games are generally considered the most beneficial. This is what

brain scientist Daphne Bavelier declares: “the effect of video games on the brain is very similar

to the effect of wine on the health: there are some very poor uses of wine, there are some very

poor uses of video games. But, when consumed in reasonable doses and at the right age, wine

can be very good for health. Mobile games are the same and they have a number of ingredients

that are very powerful for brain plasticity, learning, attention or vision”. Some video/mobile

games can even be used to fight brain diseases.

Benny. (2018, August 22). Positive and negative aspects of playing mobile games. Space Whales
Irrespective of whether problematic mobile gaming can be classed as an addiction, there

is now a relatively large number of studies all indicating that excessive mobile gaming can lead

to a wide variety of negative psychosocial consequences for a minority of affected individuals. In

extreme cases, these can include sacrificing work, education, hobbies, socializing, time with

partner/family, and sleep; increased stress; an absence of real‐life relationships; lower

psychosocial well‐being and loneliness; poorer social skills; decreased academic achievement;

increased inattention; aggressive/oppositional behavior and hostility; maladaptive coping;

decreases in verbal memory performance; maladaptive cognitions; and suicidal ideation. In

relation to personality traits, gaming addiction has been shown to be associated with neuroticism,

aggression and hostility, avoidant and schizoid interpersonal tendencies, loneliness and

introversion, social inhibition, boredom inclination, sensation seeking, diminished agreeableness,

diminished self‐control and narcissistic personality traits, low self‐esteem, state and trait anxiety,

and low emotional intelligence (Griffiths et al., 2012).

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