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Table 2: Summary of Agreed Actions


MRRD and MoE will hold meetings to resolve differences in

C1.1 physical progress in school construction and share accurate data
on completed schools with the World Bank 

C1.1 MRRD to inform firm completion schedule for 655 schools 

The World Bank would seek services of TPMA to collect

C1.1 material, labour and other data from districts and analyse the cost

C1.2 Conduct ToT in Kabul

C1.2 Preparation of SGSC Training

Revise the timeframe for the CBE work plan in the PIM to factor
in the delay due to COVID-19 and share with the Bank

Review the draft tools for needs assessment of new CBE classes
and get back to the MoE

C2.1 Share detailed data plan for data collection with the Bank

Share the revised workplan for the subject specific teacher

training to reflect delays due to Covid-19

Finalize TOR/work program for international trainer and begin

C2.2 competitive hiring and procurement process; Hire an additional
technical assistant to fill the current vacancy on the team.

Finalize part 1 and part 2 of operational manual for clearance by

C2.2 WBG TTLs in October 2020; incorporate revisions into final
draft by November 2020.
Update budget and work plan to reflect details included in
C2.2 intervention; specify which Academic Supervisors will be
responsible for which teachers across the 5 provinces.
Prepare a progress status report on the new textbook
development and share with the WB team
Finalize the roadmap for the staged development of new
textbooks for grades 1 – 12 of General Education subjects.
MoE will share a revised version of the teacher policy addressing
the comments submitted by the World Bank
MoE will initiate an action plan for the finalization of teacher
C3 quality section of teacher policy, teacher quality pillar of the
policy will be finalized and approved

MoE will follow up with IARCSC to receive their comments on

C3 the policy and pursue their agreement and endorsement, and
update the World Bank team

Share the draft action plan and other documents that lay out the
next steps for patronization with the Bank

Complete data collection/cleaning exercise for MoE’s employees

and prepare a short report on that status of HRMIS
Share a final position on the future of monthly phone call survey

Share an action plan for the implementation of MoU between

MoE and NSIA and identify areas for support under EQRA

Prioritize and finalize details and timeline regarding approach for

Census 20201

C4 TPVA for soft components will share their verification plan

C4 Complete TA recruitment for the ECE pilot

C4 Meet and streamline the process for approving grades and steps

Revise the complaint redressal mechanism and agree on a swift

response mechanism by
Consultation with DPs and stakeholders to identify additional
support based on 0-3 months Action Plan

GBV Desk review of legal documents and policies

GBV Completion of the 0-3 Months Action Plan activities

Conduct the physical verification of all the assets purchased from

FM the grant proceeds and share the report, duly signed by the
assigned committee and the project director

The mission requested the procurement directorate to provide an

update on the training provided by the two NTA hired under the
project and provide the updated version of the gap analysis of the
civil servant

Completion of land documentation and transfer to of the

ownership to the ownership of the MoE.

Establishment of missing GRCs in areas where CCAP is not

Ensure/update GRCs members and functionality in areas where
CCAP is operating.

GRM GRM Manual Implementation for MoE

Review of complains in TAs recruitment process by Internal

TAs recruitment Audit

EQRA Tracking mechanism (Tracking Table)

greed Actions

Responsible Due Date Status/Revised Timeline

This action Completed and A

meeting has been convened
to look into the discrepancies
in the data. MRRD agreed to
be more use more accurate in
the data . Inorder to reolve
the dsicripincies , ISD in
close cooridnation with
MRRD developed online
database for uploading the
closing documents for
MoE and MRRD  September 30, 2020 
completed projects. PED
provincial engineers were
provided with user and
password for the PMIS
system to upload the
completion certifcates. This
will significanlty resolve the
differences in reported
figures by MRRD and MoE

Completed, The timeline has

been prepared by MRRD.
MRRD  September 30, 2020  Ministry of Education (MoE)
has shared its feedback on the
report submitted.

The World Bank  30-Oct-20

Initial preparation has been

completed and the training
MoE SG team 15-Dec-20
will be started on November
Initial preparation has been
completed and the training
MoE SG team 30-Jan-21 will be conducted in the
month of February, March
and April

Under Progress - will be

MoE CBE team 3-Dec-20
completed by November 15th

Under Progress - will be

World Bank team 30-Oct-20
completed by November 15th

TED team 20-Sep-20 Completed

The revised Work Plan will
TED team 23-Sep-20 be submitted by Novermber

1- The ToR has been

completed and shared with
the World Bank for the
MoE 30-Oct-20
2- TAs recruitment under

Draft completed and will be

MoE 31-Dec-20 shared with the World Bank
by November 20th
1- Completed
MoE 30-Nov-20 2- To be completed by
December 15
Completed and will be shared
MoE 25-Sep-20
by November 15
Under discussion with MOE
MoE 30-Sep-20

MoE TP team 15-Oct-20 Two sections completed

MoE TP team 30-Apr-21 Under Process

IARCSC comments received

and incorporated. To be
MoE TP team 15-Oct-20
endrosed by IARCSC by end
of November

MoE 20-Sep-20 Under Process

IARCS 30-Nov-20 Under Process

Completed and has been
recommended to
MoE 15-Oct-20
discontinue the monthly
phone call survey

Drafted. Will be shared by

MoE EMIS, NSIA 15-Oct-20
end of November

Plan drafted and will be

MoE EMIS, NSIA 30-Nov-20
shared by end of November

MoF and TPVA 30-Sep-20 Completed

Pre-School Unit of 1- Two TAs on board
the General October to November, 2- The recruitment process
Education 2020 for the rest of 2 TAs are
Directorate under process

MoE and MoF 25-Sep-20 Done

Revised document under

MoE 25-Sep-20

MoE and WB 30-Sep-20 Completed

Draft completed and is under

MoE 30-Oct-20
review by the World Bank

Next 6 months (Until

MoE Under Process
next ISM)

MRRD 15-Nov-20

1- Training to focal points

2- Training of 7 Civil
servants on going
MoE November 30, 2020  3- Training for 8 remaining
staff is planned for next
4- GAP analysis under

Under process - Land

Documents for more than 960
projects transferred and the
MoE 30th December 2020
verification report of 600
Completed projects will be
submitted next week.

Under Process - To be
MoE & MRRD 31st October 2020 completed by end of
Under Process - To be
MoE& MRRD 31st of October 2020 completed by end of
November 2020

An action plan will be shared

to the World Bank by the
next week, including
MoE 31-Dec-20 stablishing uptake channels
and GRM orientation for
concerned departments of

MoE 31-Dec-20
Agreed Actions


Submit detail cost table and procurement

Submit GoA commitment for education
Expected endorsement by DPs
Technical discussion on EQRA AF

Submission of the package to GPE

GPE Board approval
Project Negotiation

Approval from WB VP/Project

Agreed Actions

Dates Responsible Agency
Completed and
20-Sep-20 EQRA Tracking Team
Completed and
September 20, 2020 (not yet submitted) MoF
30-Sep-20 DPs
30-Sep-20 Completed

8-Oct-20 MoE, Bank Complted

October to December, 2020 GPE
January, 2021 GPE

28-Feb-21 Bank

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