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Dumagat Artisan
Driftwoods into Artworks

Arts in the Philippines refer to all

the various forms of the arts that have
developed and accumulated in
the Philippines from the beginning of
civilization in the country up to the
present era. They reflect the range of
artistic influences on the country's
culture, including indigenous forms of the
arts, and how these influences have honed
the country's arts. These arts are divided
into two distinct branches, namely,
traditional arts and non-traditional arts.
The traditional arts in the
Philippines encompass folk architecture,
maritime transport, weaving, carving, folk
performing arts, folk (oral) literature, folk
graphic and plastic arts, ornament, textile,
or fiber art, pottery, and other artistic
expressions of traditional culture.
An a
rtisan is a skilled craft worker who makes or creates
material objects partly or entirely by hand. These objects
may be functional or strictly decorative, for
example furniture, decorative
art, sculpture, clothing, jewellery, food items, household
items and tools and mechanisms such as the handmade
clockwork movement of a watchmaker.
Rogelio is one of the Dumagats living close to the Ipo Dam
in Bulacan, has the nature as his accomplice in making
incredible craftsmanship pieces. Artisans practice
a craft and may through experience and aptitude reach the
expressive levels of an artist.
The 12 Dumagat craftsmans in Rogelio's people group change driftwood, a removed and
fallen portion of trees washed away by waterway and streams, they gathered from the watershed
to make serious figure pieces bearing nature-enlivened plans. Subsequent to social affair the
wood from the water, the craftsmans will at that point let them dry for three days, and when these
are prepared, the change begins. One would truly expect extraordinary fine arts originating from
the driftwood, which was just utilized before by local people as kindling, as the Dumagat
craftsmans were prepared by famous Filipino figures. This venture doesn't just give the
Dumagats occupation yet additionally give mother earth a help to manageability.

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