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Chapter I This connotes that the narrative of the past is

always written in bias of the powerful and the more

1.1 Nature of History For instance, history of the Second World War II in
1.2 Relevance of History the Philippines always depicts the United States as
the hero and the Imperial Japanese Army as the
1.3 History as Reconstruction and Discipline oppresors.
1.4 Historical Methods and Resources TRY TO ANALYZE:
1.5 Historical Criticism “Ang kasaysayan ay para sa lahat ngunit hindi lahat
ay historyador.” (Xiao Chua)
1.6 Historical Thinking
1.2 Relevance of History
1.1 Nature of History
History played various role in the past
 History as narrative
 History as discipline a. States use history to unit a nation
 History is known as the study of the past
b. Lessons from the past can be used to make
 History is derived from the Greek word
sense of the present
historia which means “knowledge acquired
through inquiry or investigation” c. Learning of the past mistakes can help people to
 History as discipline existed for around not repeat them
2,400 years and is as old as mathematics
and philosophy. d. Being reminded of a great past can inspire
people to keep their good practices to move
“KASAYSAYAN” - “SALAYSAY” na may “SAYSAY” forward.
Salazar) “Chronological study of the past” 1.3 History as Reconstruction

Historia became known as the second account of

the past of a person or of a group of people through
written documents and historical evidences.
1. Heroes
2. Saints
3. Writings about wars and revolutions
“Facts cannot speak for themselves”
1.Traditional Historians “no document, no history”
“Historian is not a blank paper who mechanically
2. Valid Historical Sources oral traditions in form
interprets and analyzes present historical fact.”
1.3 History as Discipline
Is History considered “Social Science?”

Issues in History
Accusation that history is always written by victors.
1.4 Historical Methods and Resources provenance, memory, remembering, and historical
understanding of both present and the future.
Historical researches require rigor
The Divisions of History
Historian follow the Historical methodology – the
one comprised of techniques and rules. a. Pre-History
The Annales School of History – born in France b. History
that challenged the canons of history.
Pre-History period
In doing this, Annales thinkers married history with
other discipline such as geography, anthropology,  where no written records exist or when the
archeology, and linguistics writings of people were not preserved
 analyzed through fossils and artifacts by
Historical Methods and Resources Archaeologists and Anthropologists
 period when man started to write and record
events using a system of writing
 analyzed through wood carves, engraved
metals, written papyrus, written papers
History in Writings
 Not the same with ALIBATA
How to determine the effectivity of a given source?
 Known as “National Writing System of the
1.5 Historical Criticism Country” Proposed by Pangasinan
Representative Bataoil

Why is validation of historical sources important?
Without thorough criticisms of historical evidences,
historical deceptions and lies will be highly probable 1. Pronunciation = spelling
1.6 Historical Thinking 2. Separate words in syllables
What are the tasks of Historians? 3. Foreign letters have equivalent local letters
a. To look at the available historical sources
b. Select the most relevant and meaningful for
history and for the subject matter that he is
c. Organize the past that is being created so that it
can offer lessons for nations, societies, and
d. To seek for the meaning of recovering the past to
let the people see the continuing relevance of
STRATEGIC BUSINESS ANALYSIS technology such as AI and IoT implementation in
touch screen mobile phones that were perhaps a
Types of Business Analysis threat to keypad phones, an example
1. SWOT Analysis of cyberthreats.

S.W.O.T. stands
for Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, 2.  MOST Analysis
and Threats. This is the most important technique
used in business analysis. It is conducted by a M.O.S.T. stands for Mission, Objective, Strategy,
group of people with different mindsets and and Tactics. MOST analysis is also a powerful
perspectives in the company in order to access a technique to do business analysis. MOST analysis
changing environment and react accordingly. always works from the top. Business Analyst
should ensure that it retains the focus towards
It is kind of the business framework in which goals which are most important for the
strengths and weaknesses are internal data factors organization.
whereas opportunities and threats are the external
data factors.  It gives a better understanding of the organization’s
capabilities and vision (purpose) and to provide
Strength of the company can be classified as the answers to the interrogation such as what does the
actions that work well for different problems and organization wants to achieve in terms of mission
confers the key advantages to the company. Some and objectives, how these actions can be
examples of strengths are the company name, implemented in strategies and tactics. 
company location, trusted employees, great
reputation, customer support, brand name, product, Mission should be an organization’s enduring
etc.  process. Each department of the organization
equally contributes to the mission statement. It
Weakness of the company is the different activities clears an overall reason for being in business and
or disadvantages which create problems for the what will be the outcomes to accomplish. The more
growth or policies of the company. Examples of clear the business is about its mission, the more
weaknesses are bad reputation, incomplete likely it will succeed.
product, lazy employees, department rivalry,
persistent negativity, office politics, etc. Objectives are the one step down after mission.
These are defined as specific aims for each
department to achieve its mission. Objectives
  should be smart and specific for decision making.
They should also be measurable and realistic.
Strategies are the actions that should be taken in
order to accomplish organizational objectives.
These are the long-term approach to achieve
objectives. There are many groups of sorts of
actions to achieve at least one goal of objectives of
the mission. Strategies are also considered as the
Opportunities are external facts and figures which safest way to move forward in the organization.
have the potential to provide an advantage or an
edge above competitors. Any kind of advantage Tactics are designed to carry out strategies in the
due to external facts is an opportunity.  organization. They are formed in a simple manner
so that they can be understood by every person in
Some examples of opportunities are investing in the organization who does not have an overview of
the startup at an early edge to gain more profit MOST analysis. These are short term approach to
later. One of the classic examples of opportunity in complete strategies.
Indian startup is that after demonetization many
digital payment startups (an example of digital
transformation) got millions of funding.
3. PESTLE Analysis
Threats are also an external fact or information that
In any organization, there are many external
can create a disadvantage to the company. Some
macro-environmental factors that can affect its
of the examples of threats are changes in market
performance. PESTLE analysis is sometimes also
research and trends, new regulations, new
referred to as the PEST analysis and has used in System analysis is a systematic problem-solving
various business applications.  method for collecting and interpreting facts, looking
system’s weaknesses, identify business problems,
  or decomposition of the system into smaller parts. It
PESTLE stands for Political, Economical, Social, is an approach to minimize the error of different
Technological, Legal and Environmental. These issues. 
forces or factors can create opportunities or threats System analysis is the process of studying the
to any organization so it is a very powerful tool or company’s perspective, identifying its goals,
technique of business analysis.  creating a process together to make an efficient
Political factors determine how a government’s system. For instance, a problem can be solved in a
policies and regulation act influence an few hours without analyzing a system completely
organization.  It is also related to the government’s but sometimes it creates many other irrelevant
intervention in the economy. All the factors that issues. So, the better you understand the system,
influence business by the government can be chances are less for any problem to arise
classified here such as tax policies, tariffs, law,
trade control, import restrictions, etc.
5.  Business Model Analysis
Economical factors have a significant impact on
how do organizations run their business and how The business model analysis helps us to
profitable business is. Economic factors include understand the business of the company and clears
economic growth, exchange rate, inflation rate and the policies, market approaches, and techniques. It
interest rate. gives a better understanding of many things like
revenue model, value offering to which customer’s
Social factors include health consciousness, segment, cost involved in value offering, effects on
population growth rate, age distribution, cultural the company if the business model changes.
trends etc. These factors help marketers to
understand their customer’s requirements. 
6.  Brainstorming

  Brainstorming is a useful technique to generate

diverse ideas, to resolve or find a solution for the
complex problems and to analyze business
It is defined as “a group problem-solving technique
that involves the spontaneous contribution of ideas
from all members of the group.”
In brainstorming, each idea of an individual person
whether it is out of the box idea is
Technological factors include the rate of encouraged. Brainstorming targets creative thinking
technology advancements, innovation, automation, about a problem in order to come up with a new set
research and development which might impact of ideas, approaches, and options. It is a group
business growth.  activity having a completely different purpose of
Legal factors include the discrimination laws, generating solutions for the problems. 
copyright/patent laws, data privacy laws, health and
insurance laws, etc. The organization must run
within its legal boundaries. 7.  Mind Mapping

Environmental factors include weather, climate Mind Mapping is a very useful and effective

change, air and water pollution, etc. These factors business analysis technique that gives us a clear
especially impact many industries such as tourism, and visual understanding of different problems,
farming, insurance, etc.  ideas, thoughts, etc. A Business Analyst’s role is to
investigate and evaluate problems obtained by
4.  System Analysis clients or stakeholders that can be solved by using
mind maps to get structured details of any ideas,
thoughts, and information.
The mind mapping technique ensures that all the
factors which are needed to analyze have been
considered or not. There are several tools available
to make mind maps online such as Freemind,
Xmind, Mindmap, Lucidchart, Canva, etc.

8.  Process Design
This is a crucial part of the business analysis where
a Business Analyst identifies the organization’s
process designs and their useful and harmful
Process designs are essential to solve the
problems and exploiting opportunities in order to
monitor and measure the effectiveness of business
to ensure consistent value delivery to
consumers. Process designs can also be described
as a future state of any business operations.
A Business process analyst analyzes the existing
process design and does changes if required. The
business analyst is responsible for understanding
the wide business process improvement and
maintain them.

There are many techniques available for business
analysis. In this blog, the importance of business
analysis along with different techniques discussed.
The role of the Business Analyst not only limited to
analyze the data available but also to enhance the
business up to the next level. He chooses the
appropriate technique according to business
problems and takes necessary actions for
Business analysis is a great way to understand
any business as it can give you a clear
understanding of the business process, targeted
customer segment, market, value system, future
state, policies, capabilities, and competitors. Thank
You! For more blogs in Analytics and new
technologies do read Analytics Steps.

SUSTAINABILITY AND STRATEGIC AUDIT free operation of products and dependable
maintenance and repair services are becoming
On External Assessment more important. People today are more willing than
ever to pay for good service if it limits
The Nature of an External Audit inconvenience.

The purpose of an external audit is to develop a 1. Availability of credit

finite list of opportunities that could benefit a firm
and threats that should be avoided. As the term 2. Central banking system and monetary policy
finite suggests, the external audit us not aimed at
developing an exhaustive list of every possible 3. Interest, taxes and inflation rates
factor that could influence the business, rather, it is
aimed at identifying key variables that offer 4. Level of disposable income
actionable responses.
5. Income differences
The Industrial Organization (I/O) View
Social, Cultural, Demographic and
The Industrial Organization (I/O) approach to Environmental Forces
competitive advantage advocates that external
(industry) factors are more important that internal The abovementioned changes have a major impact
factors in a firm achieving competitive advantage. upon virtually all products, service, markets and
Proponents of the I/O view, such as Michael Porter customers. Small, large, for-profit and nonprofit
contend that organizational performance will be organizations in all industries are being staggered
primarily determined by industry forces. Managing and challenged by the opportunities and threats
strategically from the I/O perspective entails firms arising from changes in social, cultural,
striving to compete in attractive industries to avoid demographic and environmental variables. In every
weak or faltering industries and gain a full way, the country is much different today than it was
understanding of key external factor relationships yesterday, and tomorrow promises even greater
within that attractive industry. changes.

External Opportunities and Threats 1. Birth and death rates

External Opportunities and External Threats 2. Pollution

refer to economic, social, cultural, demographic,
environmental, political, legal, technological, and 3. Number of churches and church members
competitive trends and events that could
significantly benefit or harm an organization in the 4. Social responsibility
5. Recycling and wastes management
Opportunities and threats are largely beyond the
control of a single organization – thus the word Political, Government and Legal Forces
external. Opportunities and Threats may include
the passage of a law, the introduction of a new Federal, state, local and foreign governments are
product by a competitor, the wireless revolution, major regulators, deregulators, subsidizers,
biotechnology, population shifts, very high gas employers and customers of organizations.
prices, a national catastrophe, or the changes in Political, government and legal factors therefore
the value of the dollar can represent key opportunities or threats for both
small and large organizations.
Economic Forces
1. Patent laws
Increasing numbers of two-income households is
an economic trend not just in the United Stated but 2. World oil, currency and labor markets
all over the world, including the Philippines.
Individuals place a premium on time. Improved 3. Government regulations or deregulations
customer service, immediate availability, trouble-
4. Number, severity and location of government

5. Level of government subsidies.

Competitive Analysis: Porter’s Five-Forces
Technological Forces Model

Revolutionary technological changes and

discoveries are having a dramatic impact on
organizations. Superconductivity advancements
alone, which increase the power of electrical
products by lowering resistance to current are
revolutionizing business operations, especially in
the transportation, utility, healthcare, electrical and
computer industries.

Educational Forces
Rivalry among Competing Firms
The literacy level and the percentage of population
that belong to the different educational strata for Rivalry among competing firms is usually the most
one, bear upon the marketing approach for the powerful of the five competitive forces. The
products which the firm is to produce. strategies pursued by one firm can be successful
only to the extent that they provide competitive
advantage over the strategies pursued by rival
The types – even qualities- of goods that will be in
firms. Changes in strategy by one firm may be met
demand vary according to individual tastes, which
with retaliatory countermoves such as lowering
in turn are shaped by the educational backgrounds
prices, enhancing quality, adding features,
of the prospective consumers. Even the media and
providing services, extending warranties, and
techniques used in advertising these products are
increasing advertising.
largely dictated upon by these very same factors.
Potential Entry of New Competitors
1. Literacy level
Whenever new firms can easily enter a particular
2. Specialized vocational and technical education
industry, the intensity of competitiveness among
firms increase. Barriers to entry, however, can
3. Higher education include the need to gain economies of scale
quickly, the need to gain technology and
4. Special management programs specialized know-how, the lack of experience,
strong customer loyalty, strong brand preference,
5. Attitude towards education large capital requirements, lack of adequate
distribution channels, government regulatory
Competitive Forces policies, tariffs, lack of access to raw materials,
possession of patents, undesirable locations,
An important part of an external audit is identifying counterattack by entrenched firms, and potential
rival firms and determining the strengths, saturation of the market.
weaknesses, capabilities, opportunities, threats,
objectives, and strategies. Collecting and Potential Development of Substitute Products
evaluating information on competitors is essential
for successful strategy formulation. Identifying Competitive pressures arising from substitute
major competitors is not always easy because products increase as the relative price of substitute
many firms have divisions that compete in different product declines and as consumers’ switching
industries. Most multidivisional firms generally do costs decrease. The competitive strength of
not provide sales and profit information on a substitute products is best measured by the inroads
divisional basis for competitive reasons. Also, into the market share those products obtain, as well
privately held firms do not publish any financial or as those firms’ plans for increased capacity and
marketing information. market penetration. The presence of substitute
products puts a ceiling on the price that can be
charged before consumers will switch to the
substitute product. Price ceilings equate to profit
ceilings and more intense competition among

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

A supplier group is powerful if: it is dominated by a

few companies and is more concentrated than the
industry it sells to; its product is unique or least
differentiated; it is not obliged to contend with other
products for sale to the industry; it poses a credible
threat of integrating forward into the industry’s
business; and the industry is not an important
customer of the supplier group.

Bargaining Power of Consumers

A buyer group is powerful if: it is concentrated or

purchases in large volumes; the products it
purchases are standard or undifferentiated; it earns
low profits which create great incentive to lower its
cost; the product is unimportant to the quality of the
buyers’ product or service; the industry’s product
does not save the buyer money; and the buyer
poses a credible threat of integrating backward to
make the industry’s product.

Sources of External Information

A wealth of strategic information is available to

organization from both published and unpublished
sources. Unpublished sources include customer
surveys, market research, speeches at professional
and shareholders’ meetings, television programs,
interviews and, and conversations with
stakeholders. Published sources of strategic
information include periodicals, journals, reports,
government documents, abstracts, books,
directories, newspapers, and manuals. The internet
has made it easier for firms to gather, assimilate
and evaluate information.

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