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Police brutality, injustice, and equality

Furthermore, police officers in the Philippines are overusing their power to abuse people, kill
people, and shutting down people’s freedom. They are excessively using their force against civil
and human rights which include physical harassment, injury, unlawful killings, and devastation.
Thus, police brutality is used to define a violation to human rights. There are many cases in the
Philippines regarding police brutality and violence such as extrajudicial killings where police
have killed a thousand lives of people which results to a crime against humanity and their target
are mostly poor people across the country. This abuse of power results in injustice which is
commonly experienced by the poor. Many people were framed and got jailed without any
proper investigation which made their lives ruined. Those people are spending years in jail
without committing the crime that was accused to them instead of enjoying their life outside
the prison. That is why the justice system in the Philippines is viewed to be worthless and the
Philippines is considered as the country which has the slowest justice in the world. The justice
in the Philippines is only favored to those who are privilege, rich people especially the
politicians since they are paying to get the justice they wanted. Even though they are guilty of
the crime they did, once they pay the judges, then justice will be in their favor. However, when
poor people are trying to get justice, they won’t get any. As the quote says, “the rich and
powerful are presumed innocent unless proven guilty while the poor and lowly are presumed
guilty unless proven innocent.

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