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Department of Chemical Engineering IIT Delhi

B.Tech. Major Project Part-1/Part-2 (CLD 41X) I Sem 2019-20

All undergraduate students registered for major project part-I/II are required to submit a one-page progress
report (as per the specified format) summarizing the work done on a monthly basis until final project
evaluation as per the following schedule.

S. No. Due date

1 5 Nov 2020 (monthly report 1)
2 20 Dec 2020 ( monthly report 2)
3 18 Nov 2020 (mid-sem report)
4 21 Nov 2020 (mid-sem presentation)
5 02 Jan 2020 (end-sem Report)
6 15 Jan 2020 (end-sem presentation)

 The reports must be submitted on moodle for which you will get assignments in due course. Late
submissions will not be allowed on moodle under any circumstances.
 Monthly reports carry 5 marks each. Each report must be digitally signed by the concerned supervisor
indicating either unsatisfactory/average/satisfactory performance during that period. The weightages
for unsatisfactory-average-satisfactory are 0-50-100%.
 If any BTP supervisor is unavailable they should authorize another faculty member to evaluate the
report on their behalf. Unsigned reports will be treated as unsatisfactory.
 The mid-term and end-term evaluations carry 25 and 50 marks, respectively. The mid-sem report will be
submitted only to the BTP supervisor. The final report carries 15 marks and a copy must be submitted
along with checklist on moodle as per the format given in attachments.
 Disciplinary action may be initiated against students who indulge in plagiarism. Students should submit
their final thesis along with a report from turnitin software signed by their supervisor.
 The checklist for thesis and the monthly report format are being sent to you in this e-mail as attachments.
 ‘X’ grade is allowed only when the delay is due to medical reason. If any student wants to apply for an ‘X’
grade, the student needs to present his/her work in front of the committee on the day of end-semester
presentations and the committee will decide if the student is eligible for an ‘X’ grade. A digital written
application should be submitted on the same day to the BTP Coordinator after getting supervisor’s and
committee members’ signatures. If any student does not come for the mid or end semester presentation,
0 marks will be awarded for the evaluation and the grade will be assigned according to the marks.
 All the students getting an ‘X’ grade will be responsible for contacting their committee members and
supervisor to hold an evaluation meeting before 15 th Feb 2021. BTP coordinator should be informed about
the time and venue so that evaluation sheet can be circulated to the committee members in time.

Dr. Jyoti Phirani

BTP Coordinator
Copy to: 1. Faculty members

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