South Africa Developments - Construction of Petroleum Facilities in Jameson Park - Amendment Application

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Non-conpidewha| vesion raaqzac-s ci FORME [Application for an amendment ofa licence in torms of section 23 ofthe Petroleum Pipelines Act, 2003 (Act No. 60 of 2003) INSTRUCTIONS 4. Botore completing his frm, you are bed trad he flowing documents {@) ie Pete Pipelines Act, 2003 (Act No. 60 Of 2009) nd ts Reguaticns: ‘and (@) the Rules mase interme ofthe Ptcloun Ppsines Ac, special we 2, lease nol that his form has fve sections (AB, C, D&E). An applicant mast Provide al ifomation and. suppering documentation required. incomplete fppilations wil aot be accepted 13, The competed frm wi supportrg documentation must be delvrad to the Enargy Regulator {a} by vepstered mato: P 0 Box 40243, Arcadia 007; of {0} byhad at Hulamuia Hovse, 528 Mada Sreel, Arcadia, Preto; or (@) electronical ppelnestinersa.13.2; oF (6) by faxtoct2401 4700, 4, you want to request the confidential treatment of crain information in your toptcation you must do com accordanca wih Rule 4 of the Rules made in tome of th Pteleun Pipaines Ac. nau ‘Contact: Executive Manager: Petoiaum Ppsines Regulation Conte No: (012) 4014600 Fax No: (012) 40% 4700, fea Use Only eee December 2017 oearciel ese eee eT = SECTION A; CATEGORY OF THE APPLICANT 1. Indicate if you are the licence holder ora pary affected by the licence by ticking the appropriate box below: | am the lence holde B | am a party affected ty the toence (—) SECTION B: DETAILS OF THE APPLICANT 2. Fullregstered name of he applicant Vopak South Africa Developments (Pty) Ltd 3, Trading name ofthe applicant diferent rom the registered name) WA 4. Registration number of sompany (i applicable) 2008/018455/07 Name of mandated resresentatve (f applleabl). Attach documentary proof of mandate ven to representative Sibusiso Zulu 6, Physical address: 105 Talwan Road, Island View, Bluff 4096 7. Postal address: P.O Box 21030, Blut, 4036 8, Telephone number: (031)486-9296 9. FaxNumber: (031) 4669273, 10.Emalladeress: 11.Detals of mandated representative, Including: {@) Designation : Commercial Manager (0) family name : Zulu (0 firstname: Sibustse (6) telephone number (931) 468 9236 {e) fax number: (031) 486 9273 (femal address: SECTION DETAILS OF THE LICENCE 42.Name of eensee : Vopak South Africa Developments (Pty) Ltd 43.Type oficenee or lcensed ectvty to which ths application is applicable Construction ofa peoleum storage facility and pipeline 14, Location ofthe faity "Jameson Park, Lesedi 15.Stae the licence number ( known}: PPL.sf.F1/89/2008(construetion Licence.) SECTION D: DETAILS OF THE APPLICATION 16.Cleaty indicate tve amendments thal you seek. Please indicate each amendment sought separately and provide deals thereof the amendment is to a pariularcondton, ete the condition, (Add addtional page(s), necessary). Conditions: 1.2(pag0 4) Phase 1 will consist o: {2) Supply lines 1X 16" pipeline to transport diese into Vopak from the inland accumulation facility 116" pipeline to transport diesel from Vopak tothe Inland accumulation fact. =X 46" pipeline to transport ULP into Vopak from the Intand accumulation tacit. =X 16" pipeline to transport ULP from Vopek tothe Inland accumulation facility. (pipatine intake / discharge maximum flow rate is 1 800 cbm per hour) (0) Tanks and loading facies = Btanks of 20 000 cbm each; +2 tanks of 10 000 cbr eac «Broad loading bays with a maximum flow rate of 125 ebm per hour and dail loading bays with a maximum flow rate of 125 chm per hour (planned for (0972020, complation in 12 months) 144 (page 8) Construction of pha 14.2 (pag0 8) “The facility is expected to be ready in September 2019. ‘one Is planned to start mid-January 2018. {T-Provide detailed reasens and motivation foreach of the amendments sought in 16 above (004 adattional page(s f necessary) (2) EIA approval contibuted fo the delay n starting with the construction. The approval in 13 “lune 2016, An amendment had to be submited fer 9 pot site plan was changed by vps (b) The Final Investment Fropoeal wes approved In February 2017, by the Vopak’s Execitve ‘Doard. Vepak South Afice Developmonts did not havea raquired customer cover to justify the business case, then {e) The Vopak end Transnet pipeline interconnection negotiations took about 24 months to reach s point of signing « memorandum of agreemont, which took place in January 2017, (a) Phase 2 No final dravinge are avaliable for nw. The project is planned for 2022, We wi submit engineering designs closer othe time, {o) Vopak stil intends to proceed with phaso two. However, the projet i Please emove Home 118, 11.3 and 126, marked for 2022. 18.Substatite your reasons and motivation in 17 above by submitting documentary pro of your claims, Seo cop 19.Where the amendmen! sought is an amendment to an existing taf, information listed in rules 12(7) and 128) must also be provided. NIA OFEIA reas Release and the MOA (between Vopak and Transnet) attache. SECTION E: SOLEMN DECLARATION BY APPLICANT OR MANDATED REPRESENTATIVE | vanes) sus 24 erty no ry cote that (8) am authorised by Pau Cox to male ths declaration attach the authorisation); and {() Al information provsed herein is within my personal knowledge and is both true and correct. Signed at Duh (place) on this 07" day of December (nth) 2017 (yea). ar nies ice. 2 ia misHewesy cenees wnrras a XRR corr Wi necanon Har aerAows fave BEEN ‘COMMISSIONER OF me eee eA) Name: “Senmaar rete Gh) ‘havea “ertewen ot so Capacity Annexes. Annexures: (e614 (6) Sito layout (6) Tank details (@) Project schedule (@) Proof of FIP approval (Mandate from the Vepak Managing Orector () Memorandum of Agreement between Transnet end Vopak Seon pasos ne tet tac GAUTENG PROVINCE BA, nesunucor scum ance ‘Addendum to Environmental Authorisation ‘Authorisation Register Number: GAUT on2/'2- "20102 Last Amended Na Amendment Application Number AUT 006/15-18E0168 Holder of Authoisation: \Vooax South Atica Developments (Proprietany) Lines ah io | Hp S40, ~ erm 0 SSUmArmch cera om Man FOerenraca HO BY FACSIMILE: 031 486 8832 ‘BY REGISTERED MAL. opah south Ate Develpment (Proprietary) Lined PO bozo fo atone a inane en io, Duman ty Me a AN Telephone No 09486 8220 = ‘Dear sohanesCines AMENDMENT GRANTED: THE PROPOSED VOPAK REATILE BULK PETROLEUM STORAGE "AND “DISTRIBUTION FACILITY "IN HEIDELBURG, LEBEDI" LOCAL [MUNICIPALITY (GAUT o02"12-1360102) ‘The above matte and ere speceally your appleaton for an amendment received on 17 IMarch2018 ha oferona Please be advised that he Department has, under the powers vested as presented in ‘Chapte3, Regaton 29 of tho Enarormertal pact Assessment Reguatons.20°4 (he i) decged to amend the Creranmenia Ahorastion GAUT 000/12 169102 Ishued on 23 June 20141 eepoct ofthe sbove-mentaned atv In terms cf Rogiaton 4 (2) f the Envconmenta Inpac Assessment Ragusons, 2014 you rust nota regaterec tress ad affected partes mitra and wit fourteen (14) days ‘tne date of he Deparmats decision to amend the Enitormentalfutnorsaton (EA) a wel asthe provisans regarding te mating of appeals hat are provided ithe Reglaons ‘Your attention i rawn © Chapter 2 of the National Acoeal Regulations 2014 which regulates the appaal process. Sioukd you wish to appeal any aspect a the decison. you must win ‘wenty (20) days ofthe data of neticatan of te Gestion subme your apped cluding Stpnoting documents tthe appeal azminatator by an he folowrna means Postal Address ‘he Appeals Acminiatr ‘epartmont of gical ard Rural Development PO Boxeree JOHANNESBURG 2000 ‘onexure 4 Reasons for Decision 1. Background ‘re Dogartrent issued an EA GAUT 002/12-19/E0102 en 23 June 20141 Vepak South Alea (Propietary) Lies fe tne proposed Vopan Restle Bulk Pelileum Storage ard Deion Facitym Hedetera ‘the papesed offing station wich wil consst 9 rare one wth 3 {oll storage canasty ct 140 000 rm an phase two vith aoa strane capacty of 200 000 m Seted 08 tie 3. © £ up a terms af Governme' Note R543 and acy 14 (0) terms of Government Noles R648 of Envvarimanial impect Aasosemant Reguatons 20¥0 promulgates a terns st eoction 245) ard 4 of Ue Naor Errore Management Ao, "098 (Act No. 107 of 1908) (as arvonde) lpeted a» T!RD00000000 18000007. Hedberg ‘hh fae witin he uisseton of ie Lesed Loca Muncpaity ‘re appicart chose © undertake the arensrent appcatien process witout apport an Envenmantal Assessment Practhoner EAP) 2. Information conslered in making the decision Inveacneg te desson the Depatnen tok fe le the folowing ino consideration ‘The infermaton contanad 1 the amendinent apaeation frm reseed by Ine Deparment on 17 Mar 208, >} Tha ia Eruronmertal Autnotsaon sud on 29 June 2044 (6) Tha chives andrequemartae relevent legion plies and gudeines, incising {ho paresis cortaned n Secton 2 o tne Natona Envronerial Management Act 1088 {Ret 107 of 108) (as amendes) {Key factors considered in making the deciaion [Al infomation erocorsd tthe Oaparnart was token nto account in the Departments ‘consideration ! he appeaton A suronary othe ues whch. he Dopartments new wee Stine most sicanceis sat out bow 2) The smerdment dos not deviate substan Hom te iia Enuronmenta Authosaton 5} Scape othe appiesson and igs ofirorertas and lected pace an 1) Vabdiy of heal EnvvonmeratAuronsaber GARD 7 Ofice ofthe Ho teow 13.40 ty avrg considered the normation and actors iste above, the Depart mace thers § ‘nang 41 All ther condone sat ou inthe ia Environmental Aurosnon dated 29 ne 2014 ‘Satara andmost Se adhered by Thocextension of vaiiy eros an adrntatve mater wthot ny change m scope of the actuty and Nas 99 sgrfcart mpact onthe gts of irerested and Mected Patios {188s ad the avon )Theertenion of vist pod of he orignal Envrormertal Autorsaton wi ot change theatre ce att anata level >! pact wt Nl be acted ‘Annex B: Ske layout Annex C: Tanks detalls ‘Tank ID] Product [Design | Tanks | Diameter |Height No. capacity |type | (m) (nm) (ebm) Toor [UIP a5 [20000 | Gonatroor [sret [20 Koo [WLP 35 [20000 | Conical root | 37.87 [20 Tews ULSD 20000 | Ganicalroor [S7ST——/ 20 Kas [ULSD] 20000 | Cantcal roar |a7eT_—_/20 TKS | ULSD] 20000 | Conicalvoat [areT [20 TKoe _|LSD ooo | Const root | 266 Eg TKoT | ULP 8S} 10000 | CaniatveoF [286 Ed Total cb 20 000 Annex D: Project Schedule (estimated) ‘ativty Date Phase one | Construction Licance approval By | August 2070 Nersa ‘Approval ofthe ETA une 2076 | Approval of the final Fwestment | February 2017 proposal by Vopak’s Executive Board “Awarding of the EPC contract | September, 2017 ‘Construction tart Wid-January 2078 iaject commissioning ‘Sepioriber 2079 Phase two Begin phase two constriction | August 2022 owas & i = Vopak LOAN AGREEMENT CONFIDENTIAL, Pres nat i anc et Soh Ae -t pc-p V a Vopak expands further in South Africa “ay Royal Vopk an spares Restle announce that he vases! dcsionhasboen taken {itr enpan ersten Soh cn in wn pews expan ths estar as © fmonceYopots neste ftp met Sout Ae nsreasing donno pamscten podt. ‘iimrove he sorry fe spy by acta re pat of coarse Sou Ae. The ‘ipa compas th loin wo roc +e 100080 con nla tema ne Gateng ovis ohsanesur) connected to ‘ona Tein urbana Tanenet hah roa! pe. “+ Anoxpansionf Yop Temital Durban wth 30,000 cb “Te pa ttf at nan ein wil be tia Lest, bate nthe Gator province (Canammeburg- The setrna wit conset stank fina 1,000 eb, eh ck loading ‘ors win» vapour recray system and a ptnecomecton athe site-owned Now Mu Prout sn (ah trated peeaum profil (pt an eas, Th NAP tuning Fr the Pot ‘tDurbn in Gauteng wre curry arn 70% of Sou Aste Garand consented Te Deine edie he nao raed want rm Dun 0 Gain wih uch, ging estore ‘nee onstflectve scl, sala and aritermentaly any way spy is important eon, ‘Va Tanna Gutan and Vopak Trial Leroi ue a fet aj open acess inspanden ark ‘eal connects oie NDP connect he Por Durban win he Gaon pre. “Tw eagarson of Yopk Terminal Durban wil compte 10 now state-of at ants th ta ‘palo 1000 eam el oe he dmotson a 38 or smal tars. The Net icaace We capacty sabe 190900 hs urtamarewestest wl sis be msn vo aol vcs eng Dye “ome toexsng psu resery sae, aor (bth panes ad anew ate eding ‘Sm Upon compton tt opacy pak Teri! Dat ara 374928 cn ‘nes ease abou as expansion Sau ica \opat Temi Duan (3) Liss a pareshpbeteaen Royal Yop (70%) and FRenile Snecale (20%) Yak Tamra Durban wel connected a pslnos the (nna) ‘nt nthe Pr of Daan rote Vopak Foyt opts ne wr ting dependent tank stage soviet aan chemin, Str Perey Vr Yonah opr temas 28 tates wih acon stege capac {137m com. wih eon 88 mon com unde erlopmen. 9 be ed beer bw endo esate efit ar coon Somae ad handing cantata eu presets and gases shy avn cater at ar el iste toners sou te wnt Thema of ctr we cones cpu eo “homical arg aero wich Vopa tres wage vere esis desea awe ange ‘Findestc,Vopas ogi locus on au eaogne ot wrt: ax habe super. iment frosucts hasta aastng grow gota gre mactat, ip Sarouton ‘Gmpals ningor mares wih svc eet, nds ang chemcaisteml # Be Amis ‘Profi Restle Chemieas eatle Ghamest fp) Utes prt of he Reale leu a ack oued an managed itn Faking ena oad a0 ho founding membre Rano. hogh tok fay use Fhe ebay aa ns gourmet enaues al ey af sused exis on he Fite te vsow anders bjecves, ale Grp hax vee man ec arse ring {anos onary anpeinceracas Te ouag monkars sea cain hexane carers Shdenormvecxpernon nese chosan soars Formora information, ease contact lace Lars, Manapar aor Comricaon, “ghana (to sner 7 ena an so ivestrs we, eae ater Rao, ‘aprone #31 (00402776, ema songs nein beat consti ens-ttencparn swaraor? Prt eh xd int Soh les hep oR Vo pein goog cenalutancasstaciion otto contubeaain-panmettmherWhacogoni4 As, 22 ‘Sete he Sinan ME Vopak NATIONALENERGY REGULATOR OF SOUTH AFRICA = warn vNTIEOT omenet awsaine o1RecroR sa ‘CONSTRUCTION OF THe PETROLEUM STORAGE FROIITY AND PIPELINE INLESEDI Pleat Tat S1ae8 sanz $27 Si aeeezr2 —3T October 2017 ‘eres a conn a Sus Zl (Cemeerels Wanager) s beer mandated mye Paul Con dang Brot) 1 requst amendmen’ ts ixnse. The nts secon [Sor tne Pevleum Pines 1 2008 cto 60912000) “Ths sublson eon teat of Vos Sou Alia Development (Py LS ‘Yours smear Paucox ANAGING OMRECTER 4 Cente Prvcirat AGREEMENT FOR HE EXECUTION OF THE VOPAK LESEDI TERMINAL INTERCONNECTION TO ‘HE NANSNETPIELINES JAMESON ARK TERMINAL CONFIDENTIAL

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