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Name & Sec.


Needs Practice Administering Intramuscular Injection


Goal: To safely deliver prescribed drug dose into muscle tissue

1. Assemble equipment and check physician’s order.

2. Introduce self and identify right patient. Explain procedure.
3. Perform hand hygiene. Don gloves.
4. Identify right medication carefully. Prepare necessary withdrawal of
medication aseptically. (ampule or vial)
5. Do not add air to syringe.
6. Provide for privacy. Have patient assume a position for the site selected.

a. Ventrogluteal – patient may lie on back or side with hip and knee
7. Locate site of choice. Ensure that the area is not tender and free of
8. Clean area thoroughly with antibacterial swab in circular motion
moving from inner to outer. Allow alcohol to dry.
9. Remove needle cap by pulling it straight off.
10. Hold syringe with dominant hand (between thumb and forefinger).
Quickly dart needle into the tissue at a 90 degree angle.
11. As soon as needle is in place, hold end of syringe with non-dominant
12. Aspirate slowly (for at least 5 seconds) to determine whether needle is
in a blood vessel.

- If blood is aspirated, discard needle, syringe and medication.

Prepare a new sterile setup and inject in another site.
13. If no blood is aspirated, inject solution slowly. (10 seconds/ml of
14. Remove needle slowly, the same angle it was inserted. Apply gentle
pressure at site with dry cotton ball.

15. Use scoop method and discard needle and syringe in appropriate
16. Assist patient to a comfortable position. Encourage patient to exercise
extremity used for injection if possible.
17. Remove gloves and dispose properly. Perform hand hygiene.
18. Chart administration of medication including the site of administration.
Maybe documented on CMAR.
19. Evaluate patient response to medication within appropriate time frame.
Assess site, if possible, within 2 – 4 hours after administration.

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