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International Institute of Certified Accountants
What is the total quantity (Net) of Gum (Fevicol) 1x10x12 Sold during the period
Q1 16/4/2013 to 26/5/2013
A 1,750.00 B 1,790.00 C 1,780.00 D None of These
What is the total quantity (Net) of Happy Tomato Sauce 250gm 1x8x4x2 Purchased
Q2 during the period 16/4/2013 to 22/5/2013
A 1,078.00 B 1,075.00 C 1,079.00 D None of These

What is the total Net Cash Sale (Less Returns) as on 29/5/2013

A 21,85,067.00 B 21,85,065.00 C 21,85,068.00 D None of These
What is the Average Amount of Stock of Happy Tomato Sauce 250gm 1x8x4x2 held
Q4 during the period 13/4/2013 to 26/5/2013
A 4,38,775.35 B 4,38,775.33 C 4,38,775.34 D None of These

What is the total Net Credit Purchase (Less Returns) as on 30/5/2013

A 682,89,545.84 B 682,89,545.85 C 682,89,545.88 D None of These

How much Cash is paid to Suppliers during the Period 17/4/2013 to 8/5/2013
A 2,69,000.00 B 2,67,000.00 C 2,70,000.00 D None of These
What is the highest Quantity of Television (Philips)32" 1x1 purchased during the
Q7 period 15/4/2013 to 20/5/2013
A 102.00 B 103.00 C 99.00 D None of These

What is the total Telephone expense in the month of May

A 1,076.00 B 1,075.00 C 1,073.00 D None of These

What is the total amount paid to Suppliers through Bank accounts as on 14/5/2013
A 357,00,746.80 B 357,00,746.79 C 357,00,746.78 D None of These

What is the total amount payable to Suppliers as on 2/5/2013

A 400,65,763.14 B 400,65,763.13 C 400,65,763.12 D None of These
International Institute of Certified Accountants

What is the total Cash payment made to Penmart Stationery Mall

A 40,000.00 B 50,000.00 C 60,000.00 D None of These

What is the total collection from customers through Bank accounts as on 24/4/2013
A 15,66,368.00 B 15,66,371.00 C 15,66,372.00 D None of These

What was the Quantity of Stock of Television (Onida) 21" 1x1 as on 22/4/2013
A 1,340.00 B 1,370.00 C 1,380.00 D None of These
What is the total amount of cash withdrawn from banks during the period 10/4/2013 to
Q14 20/5/2013
A 47,90,000.00 B 47,80,000.00 C 47,50,000.00 D None of These
What is the Quantity of Nido Milk Powder 500gm 1x4x2x6 returned by customers
Q15 during the period 15/4/2013 to 21/5/2013
A 9.00 B 6.00 C 8.00 D None of These

What is the total expense incurred as upto 18/5/2013

A 6,87,205.00 B 6,87,208.00 C 6,87,207.00 D None of These
What is the highest Rate at which Television (Onida) 21" 1x1 purchased during the
Q17 period 19/4/2013 to 16/5/2013
A 8,419.08 B 8,419.09 C 8,419.10 D None of These
What is the total Cash inflow (Including Cash Withdrawal) during the period 8/4/2013
Q18 to 12/5/2013
A 28,76,445.00 B 28,76,444.00 C 28,76,442.00 D None of These
What is the total amount of cash deposited in banks during the period 8/4/2013 to
Q19 15/5/2013
A 4,00,000.00 B 8,00,000.00 C 7,00,000.00 D None of These

What is the Currrent Ratio as on 20/4/2013

A 2.74 B 2.75 C 2.73 D None of These
International Institute of Certified Accountants
What is the Quantity of Punching Machine (Kores) 1x4x12 returned to suppliers during
Q21 the period 2/4/2013 to 19/5/2013
A 9.00 B 10.00 C 7.00 D None of These

What is the total amount collected from customers through Bank Accounts in May
A 27,15,541.00 B 27,15,544.00 C 27,15,545.00 D None of These

What was the Average Bank balance held during the period 18/4/2013 to 21/5/2013
A 1144,10,204.04 B 1144,10,204.06 C 1144,10,204.07 D None of These
What is the lowest Quantity of Punching Machine (Kores) 1x4x12 purchased during the
Q24 period 6/4/2013 to 31/5/2013
A 868.00 B 867.00 C 864.00 D None of These

What is the Profit or Loss as on 7/4/2013

A 41,862.03 B 41,862.00 C 41,862.01 D None of These
How much Cash is received (Gross) from Customers during the period 18/4/2013 to
Q26 7/5/2013
A 3,79,000.00 B 3,78,000.00 C 3,76,000.00 D None of These

What is the total Gross Purchase of Electronic Items as on 20/4/2013

A 586,97,589.66 B 586,97,589.67 C 586,97,589.65 D None of These

What is the total Sale (Less Returns) as on 27/5/2013

A 89,25,987.00 B 89,25,984.00 C 89,25,986.00 D None of These
What is the lowest Rate at which Refrigerator (Kelvinator) 1x1 sold during the period
Q29 10/4/2013 to 30/5/2013
A 6,532.00 B 6,536.00 C 6,535.00 D None of These
What is the total amount of cash deposited in Bank of London A/c (Lombard Street
Q30 Branch) in the month of May
A 1,50,000.00 B 1,70,000.00 C 1,80,000.00 D None of These
International Institute of Certified Accountants
What Amount of Cash was utilised for payment of Expenses during the period
Q31 18/4/2013 to 16/5/2013
A 2,93,122.00 B 2,93,118.00 C 2,93,121.00 D None of These
What is the highest Quantity of Punching Machine (Kores) 1x4x12 sold during the
Q32 period 16/4/2013 to 31/5/2013
A 796.00 B 795.00 C 792.00 D None of These
What is the collection from customers through Bank Accounts during the period
Q33 11/4/2013 to 27/5/2013
A 39,14,143.00 B 39,14,142.00 C 39,14,140.00 D None of These
What is the Maximum Quantity of Stock of Happy Tomato Sauce 250gm 1x8x4x2 in
Q34 business
A 5,611.00 B 5,613.00 C 5,614.00 D None of These
What is the total collection from customers through Bank of London A/c (Lombard
Q35 Street Branch) as on 31/5/2013
A 13,01,377.00 B 13,01,381.00 C 13,01,380.00 D None of These

What is the total Gross sale of Stationery Items as on 23/4/2013

A 64,186.00 B 64,189.00 C 64,187.00 D None of These

What was the Cash Balance as on 2/5/2013

A 19,27,587.00 B 19,27,586.00 C 19,27,583.00 D None of These
What is the total amount paid to suppliers through Bank of London A/c (Churchil Way
Q38 Branch) in April
A 81,85,403.60 B 81,85,403.58 C 81,85,403.62 D None of These

What is the total amount payable to Creditors other than suppliers as upto 1/5/2013
A 223,72,489.00 B 223,72,487.00 C 223,72,491.00 D None of These
What is the total payment received from Traford Super Market during the period
Q40 9/4/2013 to 28/5/2013
A 3,37,840.00 B 3,37,836.00 C 3,37,839.00 D None of These
International Institute of Certified Accountants

What is the Total Amount of cash paid to customers by way of Sales Return
A 87,783.00 B 87,787.00 C 87,786.00 D None of These
What is the Total Net Sale of Television (Onida) 21" 1x1 during the period 19/4/2013 to
Q42 27/5/2013
A 9,24,726.00 B 9,24,725.00 C 9,24,722.00 D None of These

What is the total expense of Repairs & Maintenance as on 6/5/2013

A 660.00 B 640.00 C 620.00 D None of These
What is the Amount (Gross) of Stapler Pin (Camel) 1x8x6 purchased during the period
Q44 19/4/2013 to 20/5/2013
A 27,609.10 B 27,609.11 C 27,609.12 D None of These
What is the Average Quantity of Stock of Refrigerator (Kelvinator) 1x1 held during the
Q45 period 21/4/2013 to 15/5/2013
A 1,331.00 B 1,330.00 C 1,328.00 D None of These
What is the amount paid to Suppliers through Bank Accounts during the period
Q46 15/4/2013 to 24/5/2013
A 358,43,319.70 B 358,43,319.68 C 358,43,319.67 D None of These

What is the total Net Credit Sale (Less Returns) as on 11/5/2013

A 46,56,695.00 B 46,56,697.00 C 46,56,696.00 D None of These
What is the total amount collected from customers through Bank of London A/c
Q48 (Churchil Way Branch) in April
A 6,69,619.00 B 6,69,617.00 C 6,69,615.00 D None of These

What is the total amount receivable from Debtors as on 11/5/2013

A 13,84,714.00 B 13,84,711.00 C 13,84,715.00 D None of These

What is the total Purchase (Less Returns) as on 23/5/2013

A 727,08,892.50 B 727,08,892.49 C 727,08,892.51 D None of These
International Institute of Certified Accountants
What is the total Cash sale (Net) of Food Items during the period 15/4/2013 to
Q51 29/5/2013
A 2,36,445.00 B 2,36,447.00 C 2,36,448.00 D None of These
What is the amount paid to suppliers through Bank of London A/c (Lombard Street
Q52 Branch) during the period 15/4/2013 to 17/5/2013
A 110,67,767.67 B 110,67,767.66 C 110,67,767.70 D None of These

What was the balance in Bank of London A/c (Churchil Way Branch) as on 10/4/2013
A 510,00,000.00 B 490,00,000.00 C 520,00,000.00 D None of These
What number of ERRORS are found in JOURNAL ENTRIES posted from
A 2.00 B 6.00 C 5.00 D None of These
What is the total Credit sale (Net) of Stationery Items during the period 14/4/2013 to
Q55 18/5/2013
A 53,564.00 B 53,568.00 C 53,567.00 D None of These
What is the Minimum Amount of Stock of Punching Machine (Kores) 1x4x12 held in
Q56 the month of May
A 3,35,431.09 B 3,35,431.08 C 3,35,431.10 D None of These
what was the highest amount of cash balance held during the period 18/4/2013 to
Q57 24/5/2013
A 63,21,719.50 B 63,21,719.52 C 63,21,719.48 D None of These

What is balance payable to Camel Stationery Shop A/cas on 22/5/2013

A 18,285.00 B 0.00 C 73,682.00 D None of These
What is the total payment made to Penmart Stationery Mall during the period
Q59 10/4/2013 to 19/5/2013
A 27,403.62 B 27,403.58 C 27,403.59 D None of These

What is the total expense incurred during the period 7/4/2013 to 11/5/2013
A 6,64,019.00 B 6,64,016.00 C 6,64,018.00 D None of These
International Institute of Certified Accountants

What is the Gross Profit Ratio as on 3/5/2013

A 0.04 B 0.05 C 0.03 D None of These

What is balance payable to Penmark Stationery Mall as on 4/5/2013

A 19,857.61 B 19,857.62 C 19,857.63 D None of These
What is the total Cash Out Flow (Including Cash Deposit in Bank) during the period
Q63 9/4/2013 to 24/5/2013
A 57,97,160.00 B 57,97,190.00 C 57,97,200.00 D None of These
What is the Gross COST OF SALE of Television (Onida) 21" 1x1sold during the period
Q64 2/4/2013 to 30/5/2013
A 14,95,826.67 B 14,95,826.68 C 14,95,826.65 D None of These
What is the total payment received from Debtors during the period 18/4/2013 to
Q65 17/5/2013
A 28,76,538.00 B 28,76,537.00 C 28,76,535.00 D None of These

What was the Stock value of Lipton Brue Coffee 250gm 1x2x8 as on 24/5/2013
A 11,34,001.74 B 11,34,001.71 C 11,34,001.72 D None of These
What is the total net Purchases (Less Returns) of Stationery Items during the period
Q67 5/4/2013 to 7/5/2013
A 5,24,015.84 B 5,24,015.88 C 5,24,015.86 D None of These
What is the collection from customers through Bank of London A/c (Lombard Street
Q68 Branch) during the period 9/4/2013 to 27/5/2013
A 13,01,380.00 B 13,01,381.00 C 13,01,377.00 D None of These
What is the total amount of sales return of Stationery Items during the period 4/4/2013
Q69 to 5/5/2013
A 192.00 B 194.00 C 195.00 D None of These

What is balance receivable from Lamson Grocery Shopas on 8/5/2013

A 11,52,460.00 B 11,52,462.00 C 11,52,461.00 D None of These
International Institute of Certified Accountants
What is the lowest Quantity of Punching Machine (Kores) 1x4x12 sold during the
Q71 period 10/4/2013 to 27/5/2013
A 139.00 B 136.00 C 140.00 D None of These

What is the total gross amount of Cash received from Lamson Grocery Shop in April
A 7,00,000.00 B 5,00,000.00 C 4,00,000.00 D None of These
What is the total amount of Purchase return of Food Items during the period 17/4/2013
Q73 to 7/5/2013
A 2,608.99 B 2,609.02 C 2,609.00 D None of These
What is the total net sales (Less Returns) of Food Items during the period 12/4/2013 to
Q74 13/5/2013
A 6,24,733.00 B 6,24,737.00 C 6,24,736.00 D None of These

What is the Total Net Sale of Electronic Items during the period 15/4/2013 to 19/5/2013
A 40,05,970.00 B 40,05,980.00 C 40,05,950.00 D None of These

What is the total payment made to Creditors during the period 8/4/2013 to 23/5/2013
A 706,17,029.70 B 706,17,029.68 C 706,17,029.66 D None of These

What was the Rate of Stock balance of Refrigerator (Kelvinator) 1x1 as on 8/5/2013
A 6,410.76 B 6,410.72 C 6,410.75 D None of These
What is the total amount paid to Suppliers through Bank of London A/c (Lombard
Q78 Street Branch) as on 20/4/2013
A 71,51,767.70 B 71,51,767.68 C 71,51,767.66 D None of These

What is the Profit or Loss as on 20/5/2013

A -2,08,693.95 B -2,08,693.96 C -2,08,693.92 D None of These

What was the Average Cash balance held during the period 23/4/2013 to 22/5/2013
A 25,68,337.55 B 25,68,337.57 C 25,68,337.53 D None of These
International Institute of Certified Accountants

what is the minimum cash balance held during the period 13/4/2013 to 15/5/2013
A 10,93,040.00 B 10,93,060.00 C 10,93,020.00 D None of These

What is the total amount Paid to Suppliers through Bank Accounts in April
A 235,11,696.38 B 235,11,696.39 C 235,11,696.41 D None of These

What was the Total Bank balance as on 15/4/2013

A 1361,17,000.00 B 1361,14,000.00 C 1361,18,000.00 D None of These

What is the total amount of cheque paid to Sanford Electrics Ltd in May
A 20,53,792.22 B 20,53,792.20 C 20,53,792.18 D None of These

What is the total value of Land as on 2/5/2013

A 160,00,000.00 B 120,00,000.00 C 140,00,000.00 D None of These
What is the highest Rate at which Nido Milk Powder 500gm 1x4x2x6 sold during the
Q86 period 3/4/2013 to 17/5/2013
A 331.00 B 327.00 C 330.00 D None of These

What is the Profit or Loss as on 8/5/2013

A -3,81,404.41 B -3,81,404.40 C -3,81,404.44 D None of These
What is the Average Daily Expense of the company during the period 17/4/2013 to
Q88 5/5/2013
A 30,491.79 B 30,491.77 C 30,491.81 D None of These
What is the lowest Rate at which Television (Philips)32" 1x1 purchased during the
Q89 period 7/4/2013 to 23/5/2013
A 28,600.00 B 28,200.00 C 28,500.00 D None of These

What is the value of Total Stock as on 13/4/2013

A 577,24,689.85 B 577,24,689.86 C 577,24,689.88 D None of These
International Institute of Certified Accountants

What is the total Expense Paid by cash during the period 3/4/2013 to 21/5/2013
A 3,01,476.00 B 3,01,480.00 C 3,01,479.00 D None of These

What is the total Net Cash Purchase (Less Returns) as on 29/4/2013

A 3,06,990.00 B 3,06,960.00 C 3,06,980.00 D None of These

What is the total amount payable to Creditors as on 1/5/2013

A 624,38,250.14 B 624,38,250.16 C 624,38,250.12 D None of These

What is the total Cheques collected from Pinchin Johnson & Playfter Ltd in April
A 2,79,618.00 B 2,79,619.00 C 2,79,616.00 D None of These
What is the total amount of cash withdrawn from City Bank (Lombard Street Branch)
Q95 A/cin the month ofMay
A 90,000.00 B 50,000.00 C 80,000.00 D None of These
What is the Minimum Quantity of Stock of Refrigerator (Kelvinator) 1x1 held in the
Q96 month of May
A 1,370.00 B 1,380.00 C 1,340.00 D None of These
What is the total Cash Purchase (Net) of Stationery Items during the period 3/4/2013 to
Q97 3/5/2013
A 1,01,550.00 B 1,01,540.00 C 1,01,520.00 D None of These
What is the total Credit Purchase (Net) of Electronic Items during the period 4/4/2013
Q98 to 27/5/2013
A 101,66,213.33 B 101,66,213.36 C 101,66,213.34 D None of These

What is the Maximum Amount of Stock of Television (Philips)32" 1x1 in business

A 407,23,744.66 B 407,23,744.67 C 407,23,744.68 D None of These
What is the total value of fixed assets purchased during the period 20/4/2013 to
Q100 23/5/2013
A 76,52,900.00 B 76,52,800.00 C 76,52,600.00 D None of These

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