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Utah State University

Tab A – Compliance Certificate ....................................................................................... 1
Tab B – Construction Photographs ................................................................................. 2
Mold Construction................................................................................................. 2
Canoe Construction .............................................................................................. 6
Finishing Techniques.......................................................................................... 10
Tab C – Hull Thickness/Reinforcement and Percent Open Area Calculations .............. 12
Tab D – Material Technical Data Sheets ....................................................................... 14
Utah State University
The construction and finishing of Tempus has been performed in complete compliance with the rules and
regulations of the National Competition for the academic year 2015-2016. The USU registered
participants at the Rocky Mountain Regional Conference are qualified student members and National
Student Members of ASCE, and meet all of the eligibility requirements as specified in the rules and
regulations of the National Competition. Tempus has been completely built within the current academic
year of the competition, 2015-2016. The team acknowledges that all Safety Data Sheets have been read
by the project management team and the Request for Information Summary has been received.

Registered participants for Utah State University:

ASCE Member ASCE Member

Male Participants Female Participants
Number Number
Jordan Ogata 10193847 Caitlyn Erickson 9137163
Nathan Young 10544485 Mariah Kromanaker 10185366
Hayden Coombs 10553048 Abigail Repko 10425501
Richie (Jonathan) Delgado 10013262 Silvia Smith 9533696
Addison Ochsenbein 10425489 Katie Burn 10553597

Dimensions and Parameters of Tempus and concrete mix:

Tempus Specifications Structural Mix Properties Finishing Mix Properties

Concrete Density Concrete Density
Maximum Length 20’ 10” 58.9 pcf 90.9 pcf
(wet) (wet)
Concrete Density Concrete Density
Maximum Width 31 5/8” 49.0 pcf 94.3 pcf
(oven-dry) (oven-dry)
Compressive Compressive
Maximum Depth* 13 1/2” 910 psi 3960 psi
Strength Strength
3/4” Tensile Strength 200 psi Tensile Strength 730 psi
Overall Weight* 185 lbs Flexural Strength 400 psi
*Measurements are
Air Content 16.9% Air Content 1.5%

Day of Testing 14-day Day of Testing 14-day

I certify that the above statements and information are valid to the best of my knowledge.

2/18/16 2/18/16 2/18/16

Jordan Ogata, Captain Date Kate Madsen, Captain Date Paul J. Barr, Ph.D., P.E., Date
Faculty Advisor

Contact Information:

Contact Phone Number Email Address

Jordan Ogata (808) 291 – 9557
Kate Madsen (801) 336 – 8421
Dr. Paul Barr (435) 797 – 8249

Figure 1. Cutting out wood cross sections.

Figure 2. Cutting foam mold with hotwire.

Figure 3. Assembling mold cross sections.

Figure 4. Tracing out the pipe inlay layout.

Figure 5. Putting the Sugru substitute into the pipes.

Figure 6. Styropoxy applied to the mold, minus inlays.

Figure 7. CNC gears for inlay mold.

Figure 8. Gear molds constructed out of the Sugru substitute being sized for inlay positioning.

Figure 1. Setup of pre-tensioning system.

Figure 2. First layer of colored finishing mix for inlays.

Figure 3. Second layer of finishing mix with concrete depth gages.

Figure 4. Placement of pre-cast keel on first layer of structural mix.

Figure 5. Molded mesh to fit form of canoe.

Figure 6. Application of second layer of concrete over mesh.

Figure 7. Using wood cross-sections to ensure correct thickness and shape.

Figure 8. Sheet metal used to mold canoe bow and stern.


Figure 1. Canoe covered in sheets and Visqueen sheeting for curing.

Figure 2. Sanding to match wood cross sections.

Figure 3. Layout for last layer of finishing mix.

Figure 4. Applying last layer of finishing mix.

This includes the bulkheads in the bow and stern.

Hull concrete thickness along canoe body: th1 = 0.5 inches

Gunwale concrete thickness: th2 = 1.0 inches
Hull concrete thickness through keel: th3 = 0.5 inches

Mesh thickness: tm = 0.11475 inches
Steel cable thickness: tc = 0.0625 inches
Wire thickness: tw = 0.019685 inches
Aluminum stop thickness (crimped over steel cable): ts = 0.117 inches


There are 4 cases of reinforcement in Tempus, 2 of which describe overlap of reinforcement
1. One layer of fiberglass mesh covered in concrete along hull
2. One layer of steel cable covered in concrete in the gunwale
3. One layer of mesh overlapped by two layers of wire along hull
4. One layer of mesh overlapping one steel cable with one aluminum stop along keel
Case 1. One layer of fiberglass mesh covered in concrete along hull
ܴܽ‫= ݋݅ݐ‬ ∙ 100% = 22.95%
Case 2. One layer of steel cable covered in concrete in the gunwale
ܴܽ‫= ݋݅ݐ‬ ∙ 100% = 6.25%
Case 3. One layer of mesh being overlapped by two layers of wire along hull
ܶ௥௛ଵ = 2 ∙ ‫ݐ‬௪ + ‫ݐ‬௠ = 0.15412 ݅݊ܿℎ݁‫ݏ‬
ܴܽ‫= ݋݅ݐ‬ ∙ 100% = 30.82%
Case 4. One layer of mesh overlapping one steel cable with one aluminum stop along keel
ܶ௥௛ଶ = ‫ݐ‬௠ + ‫ݐ‬௖ = 0.23175 ݅݊ܿℎ݁‫ݏ‬
ܴܽ‫= ݋݅ݐ‬ ∙ 100% = 46.35%
All reinforcement ratios are less than 50%, therefore the requirement is satisfied.

Aperture dimension 1, x1 = 1.4778 in
Aperture dimension 2, x2 = 0.8998 in
t1 = 0.1263 in
t2 = 0.2130 in
n1 = n2 = 10


d1 = x1 + 2*t1/2 = 1.6041 in
d2 = x2 +2*t2/2 = 1.1128 in Figure 1. Reinforcing Material (Rules 2016)

Aopen = x1*x2 = 1.3297 in2

Length, L = n1*d1 = 16.041 in
Width, W = n2*d2 = 11.128 in
Atotal = L*W = 178.5042 in2
ƩAopen = n1*n2*Aopen = 132.9724 in2


POA = (ƩAopen/Atotal)*100% = 74.4926%

POA > 40%

The percent open area requirement is met.

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It’s the Choice of Architects, Specifiers, Engineers, Contractors and Masons,
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No wonder it is the market leader.

Chemstar sets the standard

While cement-lime mortar is superior to other compositions, mortar
made with Chemstar Type S lime is clearly a cut above the rest.
Produced from the calcination of high quality dolomite and
subsequent pressure hydration of the resulting quicklime, Chemstar
Type S lime meets or exceeds all applicable standards, including:

• ASTM C 207
• ASTM C 206 (Henderson and New Braunfels production)
• Uniform Building Code (UBC) standard 21-13
• International Building Code (IBC) 2000, 2103.7

As a result of their very small size (1/100th of a micron) the

Chemstar Type S lime particles have very special properties which
yield the following, significant benefits:

• Prolonged cement hydration for increased boardlife

• Excellent water retention
• Use of marginal mortar sand, as every grain is fully coated
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• Improved mortar consistency due to high dispersing properties.

Chemstar meets the code

Building codes, including IBC and UBC standards, recognize the
flexural bond strength of cement-lime mortars. Unreinforced masonry
walls built using cement-lime mortars are allowed by code to
accommodate a lateral load (i.e., seismic or wind driven) 67% greater
than either masonry cement or mortar cement. In fact, masonry cement
is not even allowed in seismic zones because of its deficiencies in bond
strength. Chemstar Type S lime goes a step further by helping to knit
the mortar to the masonry unit surface. This enhances the bond and
promotes the early hydration of the cement, assuring full development
of mortar strength during the first few critical days.
Chemical Lime Company, North America’s
leading producer and supplier of lime for
building construction, supports your business
with an expert team of technical and
application specialists. Their function is to
work with you, ensuring you achieve the best
possible results from product development to
mortar testing and analysis. Our production
facilities in Nevada, Texas, and Utah supply
Chemstar Type S lime to knowledgeable
building material dealers across the country.
Chemstar Type SA hydrated lime is
manufactured at our facility in Texas and is
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Headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas,

Chemical Lime Company serves a variety of
industrial markets from 55 locations in North
America. Chemical Lime Company is a
member of the Lhoist Group headquartered
in Brussels, Belgium.

Safety information is contained in Material Safety

Data Sheets (MSDS) available from your supplier
or directly from Chemical Lime Company by fax
or our website. Call 800.365.6724
Fax 817.732.8564
Vi s i t w w w. c h e m i c a l l i m e . c o m
© 2001 Chemical Lime Company. All rights reserved. Information and specifications
subject to change. Chemstar and Chemstar Type S lime are trademarks of
Wr i t e P O B ox 9 8 5 0 0 4
Chemical Lime Company. F o r t Wo r t h , Te xa s 7 6 1 8 5 . 5 0 0 4

DESCRIPTION • Protects surfaces against deicing chemicals,
Crystal Clear is premium quality, super high fertilizers, salts, grease, oil, alkalies, mild acids
gloss, non yellowing, curing and sealing com- and detergents.
pound. Crystal Clear is a state-of-the-art propri-
etary formulation which creates the highest gloss TECHNICAL DATA
possible on concrete. Crystal Clear coats con- Crystal Clear has been tested for gloss reten-
crete with a chemically bonded siliconized tion and non yellowing against standard con-
acrylic film that deepens the color and enhances crete sealers with the following results.
the look of pigmented or decorative concrete.
Crystal Clear completely resists discoloration
from ultraviolet light exposure. It is extremely Gloss Retention
abrasion resistant and keeps its high gloss After 1,000 hours QUV exposure
finish much longer than standard concrete seal- (All panels begin with 95 gloss rating)
ers. Crystal Clear will retard efflorescence while
resisting oil, grease and food stains. Crystal
Clear eliminates concrete dusting, while pro- Gloss Original
tecting concrete against salt and water penetra- Crystal Clear 89.8 95%
tion. Moisture Cure Urethane 79.1 83%
USES Pure Acrylic 73.6 77%
Use on exterior plain, colored, textured or ex- Styrene Acrylic 55.4 58%
posed aggregate concrete to
• Cure freshly poured concrete where superior Yellowing Index
curing efficiency is required After 1,000 hours QUV exposure
• Seal, harden and dustproof existing concrete, Equivalent to approx 10 years of Florida sunlight
particularly architectural or residential con- (All panels begin with 0 yellow rating)
crete exposed to freeze-thaw or Ultra Violet Yellowing
light. Crystal Clear 0.00
• Enhance the color and and gloss of pigmented Moisture Cure Urethane 3.00
or stamped concrete Pure Acrylic 4.77
ADVANTAGES Styrene Acrylic 9.48
• Crystal Clear is much tougher than acrylic (Visable yellowing begins at 3.00)
sealers. The high gloss created by Crystal
Clear lasts up to 70% longer. • ASTM C-1315, Type I , Class A & B,
• Crystal Clear completely resists discoloration • ASTM C-309, Type I, Class A & B,
from ultraviolet light exposure.
• AASHTO M-148, Type 1 & 1D, Class A & B
• Crystal Clear cures concrete to ASTM C1315
standards to minimize cracking and increase • USDA approved, when cured, for incidental con-
the strength of concrete. tact
V.O.C. content 685 gm/L

Revised Sept 2003

An American Owned & Operated Company
(440) 428-2105 • FAX (440) 428-7091 • ORDER LINE: (800) 486-7866
Moisture retention (ASTM C-156) 0.035 gms/cm2 contaminants that prevent adhesion. Allow the
surface to dry before application of Crystal Clear.
Flash point over 105oF (40.6oC) For best protection and highest gloss, apply two
Drying time@70oF (21oC) and 50% RH thin coats of Crystal Clear. Allow first coat to dry
Dust free 45 minutes tack free before application of second coat.
Hard film 2 hours MAINTENANCE: Inspect sealed surfaces annually for
Light foot traffic 8 hours signs of wear. Clean surface and reapply as
Maximum hardness 7 days necessary.
Crystal Clear is available in 5 U.S. gallon (18.9 Clean tools immediately after use with Polyseal
liter) metal pails and 55 U.S. gallon (208 liter) Solvent™ or xylene.
ESTIMATING GUIDE Store tightly sealed containers in cool, dry area
Coverage is dependent upon surface texture and away from direct sunlight and sources of heat.
porosity. These are guidelines only Shelf life is one year from date of manufacture.
Ft.2/gal M2/L
Curing 300 7
• Crystal Clear should not be used on surfaces to
receive concrete overlays or toppings. Consult
Sealing Concrete
ChemMasters for compatibility of other surface
First Coat 350 8
treatments. Always test for compatibility and
Second coat 450 11
DIRECTIONS • Strong organic solvents, xylene, toluene, lac-
MIXING: Do not dilute. Crystal Clear is packaged quer thinner, will lift Crystal Clear. Gasoline,
ready to use and requires no mixing. hydraulic fluids, peanut oil and cooking oils
APPLICATION: Always test application in a small area soften and lift Crystal Clear if spills are not
to verify appearance. In cold temperatures (below removed quickly.
50oF), warm material to room temperature to ease • Do not apply to joints or channels scheduled to
application. In hot weather avoid applying in di- receive elastomeric caulks.
rect sunlight or in windy conditions. In hot weather,
apply Crystal Clear early in the morning. • Do not use if ambient or surface temperature is
below 40°F (4°C). For best results, condition
Apply using a short nap roller or brushes. Spray material to a minimum of 50°F (10°C) prior to
equipment may be used by experienced applica- application.
tors who know how to apply sealers evenly with
sprayers. If spraying, use a low pressure sprayer • Quality curing or sealing compounds and floor
equipped with a fan nozzle and a .030-.040 orifice treatments darken or highlight the subtle color
tip. Hold sprayer tip 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) from the variations naturally present in concrete. When
surface of the concrete. Apply uniformly leaving the difference in shading caused by absorptive
no pinholes or gaps. deviation or finishing techniques is objection-
able, consult ChemMasters technical staff prior
CURING: Apply Crystal Clear after all bleed water to concrete placement for recommendations.
has dissipated and application will not mar the
surface. For maximum gloss and protection, ap- CAUTION
ply a second sealer coat after curing process is COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID: Keep away from heat or open
completed (minimum 28 days later). flames. Use with adequate ventilation. May cause
skin, eye and respiratory tract irritation. Do not take
SEALING: After concrete has fully cured, clean thor-
oughly with detergent and high pressure water
removing any dirt, dust, paints, oil, grease or other

This Product is Formulated and Labeled for Industrial and Commercial Use Only

We warrant our products to meet our published specifications and to be free from defects in materials and workmanship to the acceptable quality levels defined in these specifications. If
acceptable quality levels are not specified, the acceptable quality levels will be those normally supplied by us for the product. We make no guarantee of the results to be obtained from the use of
our products. The determination as to the adaptability of any of our products to the specific needs of the Buyer is solely Buyer's prerogative and responsibility. We are glad to offer suggestions on
the use of our products. Nevertheless, there are no warranties given except such expresses warranties offered in connection with the sale of a particular product. Our liability shall be limited to
replacement of, or refund of an amount not to exceed the purchase price attributed to, the goods as to which such claim is made. Our selection of one of these alternatives shall be Buyer's
©2001 ChemMasters Printed in U.S.A.
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Material Safety Data Sheet
Printing date 09/16/2011 Version Number 1.0 Reviewed on 09/16/2011

1 Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking

Product identifier
Trade name: DARACEM 55
MSDS ID Number: D-06805
Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet

W.R. Grace & Co. -Conn.

62 Whittemore Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140 USA

Other Country Contact Information:

For products distributed beyond the country Manufacturer/Supplier identified above
Consult Section 16 for additional emergency contact information.
Information department:
Environmental Health & Safety
USA: +1-617-876-1400 (24 hours)
+1-800-354-5414 (8AM - 5PM) Not functional within Massachusetts
Transport Emergency: Chemtrec +1-800-424-9300 (24 hours)

2 Composition/information on ingredients
Chemical characterization: Mixtures
Description: Mixture of the substances listed below with nonhazardous additions.
Hazardous components:
10124-37-5 Calcium nitrate 10-20%
102-71-6 Triethanolamine 1.0-2.0%

3 Hazards identification
Classification of the substance or mixture
Harmful if swallowed.

Information concerning hazards for human and environment:

Irritating to eyes, respiratory system and skin.
May cause sensitization by skin contact.
Safety phrases:
Keep away from heat.
Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapor/spray.
Avoid contact with skin.
In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
Wear suitable gloves.
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Material Safety Data Sheet
Printing date 09/16/2011 Version Number 1.0 Reviewed on 09/16/2011

Trade name: DARACEM 55

(Cont. from page 1)

This material and its container must be disposed of as hazardous waste.
Inhalation: Causes respiratory tract irritation.
Eye Contact:
Irritating effect.
Prolonged eye contact can result in tissue damage.
Skin Contact:
Irritant to skin and mucous membranes.
May cause sensitization.
May be fatal if ingested
Amines contained in this product have been associated with the following effects: lung damage, liver and kidney
damage, blood effects, developmental toxicity and teratogenic effects.
Large amounts of nitrates/nitrites may cause nausea, vomiting, cyanosis (due to methemoglobin formation),
abnormally slow respiration, collapse and coma
Additional target organ effects:
May cause liver damage
May cause kidney damage
May cause blood effects
NFPA ratings (scale 0 - 4)
Health = 1
1 Fire = 1
1 0 Reactivity = 0
HMIS-ratings (scale 0 - 4)
HEALTH *2 Health = *2
FIRE 1 Flammability = 1
REACTIVITY 0 Reactivity = 0

4 First aid measures

General information:
No special measures required.
After inhalation:
If symptoms develop, supply fresh air. If required, provide artificial respiration and seek immediate medical
After skin contact:
If skin irritation continues, consult a doctor.
If symptoms persist, consult a physician.
After eye contact: Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water.
After swallowing: Do not induce vomiting; immediately call for medical help.
(Cont. on page 3)

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Material Safety Data Sheet
Printing date 09/16/2011 Version Number 1.0 Reviewed on 09/16/2011

Trade name: DARACEM 55

(Cont. from page 2)

5 Firefighting measures
Suitable extinguishing agents:
CO2, extinguishing powder or water spray. Fight larger fires with water spray or alcohol resistant foam.
Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture No further relevant information available.
Additional information Collect contaminated fire fighting water separately. It must not enter the sewage system.

6 Accidental release measures

Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
Wear protective equipment. Keep unprotected persons away.
Methods and material for containment and cleaning up:
Contain and/or absorb spill with inert material (i.e. sand, vermiculite) then place in a suitable container.
Sweep up spilled product into receptacles.
Dispose contaminated material as waste according to section 13 of the MSDS.
Reference to other sections
See Section 7 for information on safe handling.
See Section 8 for information on personal protection equipment.
See Section 13 for disposal information.

7 Handling and storage

Precautions for safe handling
Open and handle receptacle with care.
Prevent formation of aerosols.
Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.
Do not take internally.
Practice good personal hygiene to avoid ingestion.
Use only with adequate ventilation.
Wash clothing before reuse.
Information about protection against explosions and fires:
Protect from heat.
Empty containers may retain hazardous residue, both liquid and vapor.
Information about storage in one common storage facility: Protect from heat.
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Material Safety Data Sheet
Printing date 09/16/2011 Version Number 1.0 Reviewed on 09/16/2011

Trade name: DARACEM 55

(Cont. from page 3)

Further information about storage conditions:

Protect from heat and direct sunlight.
Keep receptacle tightly sealed.
Specific end use(s) No further relevant information available.

8 Exposure controls/personal protection

Additional information about design of technical systems: No further data; see item 7.
Components with limit values that require monitoring at the workplace:
The product does not contain any relevant quantities of materials with critical values that have to be monitored at the
Additional information: The lists that were valid during the creation were used as basis.
Personal protective equipment:
General protective and hygienic measures: Avoid contact with the eyes and skin.
Breathing equipment:
Respiratory protection is not normally required. However, a chemical cartridge respirator with organic vapor
cartridge and a prefilter for dusts/mists is required at or above the applicable exposure limits (consult exposure
guidelines). If no limits exist, use an approved respirator whenever a vapor or mist is generated or if respiratory
irritation occurs. Supplied air respirator (SCBA) is required at exposure levels above the capabilities of a chemical
cartridge respirator.
Protection of hands:
Gloves should be worn to prevent skin contact and should be impermeable and resistant to the product.
Rubber or other impervious gloves should be worn to prevent skin contact.
Material of gloves
Gloves should be impermeable and resistant to the product. Selection of material should be considered before use.
Eye protection:

Safety glasses with side shield protection.

A face shield should also be worn if there is potential exposure to splash or spray.

Body protection: Protective work clothing

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Material Safety Data Sheet
Printing date 09/16/2011 Version Number 1.0 Reviewed on 09/16/2011

Trade name: DARACEM 55

(Cont. from page 4)

9 Physical and chemical properties

General Information
Form: Liquid
Color: According to product specification
Odor: Characteristic
Odour threshold: Not determined.
pH-value at 20°C (68 °F): 7.5
Change in condition
Melting point/Melting range: Undetermined.
Flash point: Not applicable.
Flammability (solid, gaseous): Not applicable.
Decomposition temperature: Not determined.
Auto igniting: Product is not selfigniting.
Danger of explosion: Product does not present an explosion hazard.
Explosion limits:
Lower: Not determined.
Upper: Not determined.
VOC Content (max): Not determined.
Vapor pressure: Not determined.
Density at 20°C (68 °F): 1.26 g/cm³ (10.515 lbs/gal)
Vapour density Not determined.
Evaporation rate Not determined.
Solubility in / Miscibility with
Segregation coefficient (n-octonol/water): Not determined.
Dynamic: Not determined.
Kinematic: Not determined.
Other information No further relevant information available.

10 Stability and reactivity

Thermal decomposition: No decomposition if used according to specifications.
Incompatible materials: No further relevant information available.
Hazardous decomposition products: Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
Additional information: See section 7 for information on handling, storage and conditions to be avoided.
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Material Safety Data Sheet
Printing date 09/16/2011 Version Number 1.0 Reviewed on 09/16/2011

Trade name: DARACEM 55

(Cont. from page 5)

11 Toxicological information
Acute toxicity:
LD/LC50 values relevant for classification:
10124-37-5 Calcium nitrate
Dermal LD50 302 mg/kg (rat)

Primary irritant effect:

on the eye: May be irritating to the eyes.
inhalation: Irritating to respiratory system.
Amines contained in this product have been associated with the following effects: lung damage, liver and kidney
damage, blood effects, developmental toxicity and teratogenic effects.
Sensitization: Sensitization possible through skin contact.
Additional toxicological information:
Amines contained in this product have been associated with the following effects: skin sensitization, lung damage,
liver and kidney damage, blood effects, developmental toxicity and teratogenic effects.
Glycols contained in this product have been associated with the following effects: birth defects and liver and kidney
damage. Excessive exposure can cause headache, weakness, confusion, dizziness, staggering, slurred speech, loss of
coordination, faintness, vomiting, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, difficulty breathing and seeing,
pulmonary edema, unconsciousness, convulsions, collapse and coma.

12 Ecological information
Acquatic toxicity: No further relevant information available.
Persistence and degradability No further relevant information available.
Behavior in environmental systems:
Bioaccumulative potential No further relevant information available.

13 Disposal considerations
Waste treatment methods Comply with Federal, State and local regulations.

! Must not be disposed of together with household garbage. Do not allow product to reach sewage system.

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Material Safety Data Sheet
Printing date 09/16/2011 Version Number 1.0 Reviewed on 09/16/2011

Trade name: DARACEM 55

(Cont. from page 6)

Uncleaned packagings:
Recommendation: Disposal must be made according to official regulations.

14 Transport information
DOT, ADR, ADN, IMDG, IATA This product contains no hazardous ingredients
UN proper shipping name
DOT, ADR, ADN, IMDG, IATA This product contains no hazardous ingredients.
Transport hazard class(es)
Class This product contains no hazardous ingredients
Packing group
DOT, ADR, IMDG, IATA This product contains no hazardous ingredients
Environmental hazards:
Marine pollutant: No
Special precautions for user Not applicable.
Transport in bulk according to Annex II of
MARPOL73/78 and the IBC Code Not applicable.
Transport/Additional information:
Remarks: Not Regulated.

15 Regulatory information
SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act)
Section 302/304 (extremely hazardous substances):
None of the ingredients is listed.
Section 313 Reportable Ingredients (Chemicals present below reporting threshold are exempt):
10124-37-5 Calcium nitrate 18.9%
SARA Section 312/Tier I & II Hazardard Catagories:
Health Delayed (chronic) Yes
Health Immediate (acute) Yes
Flammable No
Reactive No
Pressure No
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Material Safety Data Sheet
Printing date 09/16/2011 Version Number 1.0 Reviewed on 09/16/2011

Trade name: DARACEM 55

(Cont. from page 7)

North America Chemical Inventory Status

TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act - United States):
All ingredients are listed or exempt from listing unless otherwise noted below.
CEPA (Canadian DSL):
All ingredients are listed or exempt from listing unless otherwise noted below.

California Proposition 65
Chemicals known to cause cancer:
None of the ingredients is listed.
Chemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity for females:
None of the ingredients is listed.
Chemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity for males:
None of the ingredients is listed.
Chemicals known to cause developmental toxicity:
None of the ingredients is listed.

WHMIS Classification(s):
D2B - Toxic material causing other toxic effects

Carcinogenicity Categories
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
None of the ingredients is listed.
IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) Human Carcinogenicity:
Group 1- Positive, Group 2A- Probable, Group 2B- Possible, Group 3- Not Classifiable
None of the ingredients is listed.
NTP (National Toxicology Program)
K–Known to be carcinogenic, R–May reasonably be anticipated to be carcinogenic
None of the ingredients is listed.
TLV-ACGIH (THE American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists)
Human Carcinogen - A1 Confirmed, A2 Suspected, A3 Unknown Relevance, A4 Not Classifiable
None of the ingredients is listed.
NIOSH-Cancer (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
None of the ingredients is listed.
OSHA-Cancer (Occupational Safety & Health Administration)
None of the ingredients is listed.
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) reported per the Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings:
If no g/L value is provided this product is not subject to above standard.
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Material Safety Data Sheet
Printing date 09/16/2011 Version Number 1.0 Reviewed on 09/16/2011

Trade name: DARACEM 55

(Cont. from page 8)

International Chemical Inventory Status

European EINECS
Inventory listing could not be confirmed for one or more substances.
Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances PICCS
Inventory listing could not be confirmed for one or more substances.
Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances manufactured or imported in China IECSC
Inventory listing could not be confirmed for one or more substances.
Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances AICS
Inventory listing could not be confirmed for one or more substances.
Japan Existing and New Chemical Substance List ENCS
Inventory listing could not be confirmed for one or more substances.
Korean Existing Chemical Inventory
Inventory listing could not be confirmed for one or more substances.
Non-hazardous Ingredients
8061-52-7 Calcium lignin sulfonate 10-20%
Sulfite liquors and Cooking liquors, spent, alkali-treated 10-20%
7732-18-5 Water 50-100%

16 Other information
"The data included herein are presented in accordance with various environment, health and safety regulations. It is
the responsibility of a recipient of the data to remain currently informed on chemical hazard information, to design
and update its own program and to comply with all national, federal, state and local laws and regulations applicable to
safety, occupational health, right-to-know and environmental protection."

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Material Safety Data Sheet
Printing date 12/13/2011 Version Number 1.1 Reviewed on 12/13/2011

1 Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking

Product identifier
Trade name: DARASET 400
MSDS ID Number: D-06818
Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet

W.R. Grace & Co. -Conn.

62 Whittemore Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140 USA

Other Country Contact Information:

For products distributed beyond the country Manufacturer/Supplier identified above
Consult Section 16 for additional emergency contact information.
Information department:
Environmental Health & Safety
USA: +1-617-876-1400 (24 hours)
+1-800-354-5414 (8AM - 5PM) Not functional within Massachusetts
Transport Emergency: Chemtrec +1-800-424-9300 (24 hours)

2 Composition/information on ingredients
Chemical characterization: Mixtures
Description: Mixture of the substances listed below with nonhazardous additions.
Hazardous components:
10124-37-5 Calcium nitrate 30-50%
13780-06-8 Calcium nitrite 2.0-5.0%
540-72-7 Sodium thiocyanate 2.0-5.0%
102-71-6 Triethanolamine 0.1-1.0%

* 3 Hazards identification
Classification of the substance or mixture
Harmful in contact with skin and if swallowed.

Information concerning hazards for human and environment:

Contact with acids liberates very toxic gas.
Irritating to eyes.
Safety phrases:
Keep away from heat.
Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapor/spray.
Avoid contact with skin.
(Cont. on page 2)

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Printing date 12/13/2011 Version Number 1.1 Reviewed on 12/13/2011

Trade name: DARASET 400

(Cont. from page 1)

In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice.
Inhalation: Causes respiratory tract irritation.
Eye Contact: Causes eye irritation.
Skin Contact:
Causes skin irritation.
May cause sensitization.
Skin Absorption: May be harmful if absorbed through skin.
Large amounts of nitrates/nitrites may cause nausea, vomiting, cyanosis (due to methemoglobin formation),
abnormally slow respiration, collapse and coma
NFPA ratings (scale 0 - 4)
Health = 1
1 Fire = 1
1 0 Reactivity = 0

HMIS-ratings (scale 0 - 4)
HEALTH 2 Health = 2
FIRE 1 Flammability = 1
REACTIVITY 0 Reactivity = 0

Other hazards
While not classified as oxidising, if allowed to dry out and come into contact with combustible material, this product
may cause fire.
Although not classified as dangerous, this product can produce toxic and very toxic fumes in the presence of acids or
in fire situations.

4 First aid measures

After inhalation:
Take affected persons into fresh air and keep quiet.
Seek immediate medical advice.
After skin contact: If skin irritation continues, consult a doctor.
After eye contact: Rinse opened eye for several minutes under running water.
After swallowing: Do not induce vomiting; immediately call for medical help.

5 Firefighting measures
Suitable extinguishing agents:
CO2, extinguishing powder or water spray. Fight larger fires with water spray or alcohol resistant foam.
Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture No further relevant information available.
Protective equipment: Wear self-contained respiratory protective device.
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Printing date 12/13/2011 Version Number 1.1 Reviewed on 12/13/2011

Trade name: DARASET 400

(Cont. from page 2)

Additional information Collect contaminated fire fighting water separately. It must not enter the sewage system.

6 Accidental release measures

Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures
Avoid contact with eyes.
Wear protective equipment. Keep unprotected persons away.
Use respiratory protective device against the effects of fumes/dust/aerosol.
Environmental precautions:
Inform respective authorities in case of seepage into water course or sewage system.
Do not allow product to reach sewage system or any water course. Do not allow undiluted product or large quantities
of it to reach ground water, water course or sewage system.
Methods and material for containment and cleaning up:
Dispose contaminated material as waste according to section 13 of the MSDS.
Reference to other sections
See Section 7 for information on safe handling.
See Section 8 for information on personal protection equipment.
See Section 13 for disposal information.

7 Handling and storage

Precautions for safe handling
Open and handle receptacle with care.
Prevent formation of aerosols.
Ensure good interior ventilation.
Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing.
Do not take internally.
Practice good personal hygiene to avoid ingestion.
Use only with adequate ventilation.
Wash clothing before reuse.
Do not mix directly with acidic materials. Do not mix directly with other admixtures. Hazardous gas may form.
Store in original containers.
Information about protection against explosions and fires:
Protect from heat.
Empty containers may retain hazardous residue, both liquid and vapor.
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Printing date 12/13/2011 Version Number 1.1 Reviewed on 12/13/2011

Trade name: DARASET 400

(Cont. from page 3)

Information about storage in one common storage facility: Protect from heat.
Further information about storage conditions:
Protect from frost.
Protect from heat and direct sunlight.
Store in cool, dry conditions in well sealed receptacles.
Specific end use(s) No further relevant information available.

8 Exposure controls/personal protection

Additional information about design of technical systems: No further data; see item 7.
Components with limit values that require monitoring at the workplace:
540-72-7 Sodium thiocyanate
PEL 5 mg/m³
as CN; Skin

Additional information: The lists that were valid during the creation were used as basis.
Personal protective equipment:
General protective and hygienic measures:
Avoid contact with the eyes and skin.
Do not add amines to this product. Cancer-causing nitrosamines may be formed. Direct contact with other
admixtures, washwater and any other material causing the pH to fall below specification can result in the formation of
NOx gas creating a hazardous situation. Nitric oxide (NO) is a colorless, ordorless gas. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a
reddish-brown gas with a highly pungent, bleach-like odor. Exposure can cause irritation to eyes and respiratory
system and effect the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. Severe overexposure can be fatal. This hazard does
not exist when mixed with other admixtures in concrete.
Breathing equipment:
Respiratory protection is not normally required. However, a chemical cartridge respirator with organic vapor
cartridge and a prefilter for dusts/mists is required at or above the applicable exposure limits (consult exposure
guidelines). If no limits exist, use an approved respirator whenever a vapor or mist is generated or if respiratory
irritation occurs. Supplied air respirator (SCBA) is required at exposure levels above the capabilities of a chemical
cartridge respirator.
Protection of hands:
Gloves should be worn to prevent skin contact and should be impermeable and resistant to the product.
Material of gloves
Gloves should be impermeable and resistant to the product. Selection of material should be considered before use.
(Cont. on page 5)

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Printing date 12/13/2011 Version Number 1.1 Reviewed on 12/13/2011

Trade name: DARASET 400

(Cont. from page 4)

Eye protection:

Safety glasses with side shield protection.

A face shield should also be worn if there is potential exposure to splash or spray.

Body protection: Protective work clothing

9 Physical and chemical properties

General Information
Form: Liquid
Color: According to product specification
Odor: Characteristic
Odour threshold: Not determined.
pH-value at 20°C (68 °F): ~9
Change in condition
Melting point/Melting range: Undetermined.
Flash point: Not applicable.
Flammability (solid, gaseous): Not applicable.
Decomposition temperature: Not determined.
Auto igniting: Product is not selfigniting.
Danger of explosion: Product does not present an explosion hazard.
Explosion limits:
Lower: Not determined.
Upper: Not determined.
VOC Content (max): Not determined.
Vapor pressure: Not determined.
Density at 20°C (68 °F): ~1.4 g/cm³ (~11.683 lbs/gal)
Vapour density Not determined.
Evaporation rate Not determined.
Segregation coefficient (n-octonol/water): Not determined.
Dynamic: Not determined.
Kinematic: Not determined.
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Printing date 12/13/2011 Version Number 1.1 Reviewed on 12/13/2011

Trade name: DARASET 400

(Cont. from page 5)

Other information No further relevant information available.

10 Stability and reactivity

Thermal decomposition: No decomposition if used according to specifications.
Possibility of hazardous reactions
While not classified as oxidising, if allowed to dry out and come into contact with combustible material, this product
may cause fire.
Contact with acids liberates very toxic gas.
Incompatible materials:
Avoid direct contact with other admixtures and any other material which could cause the pH of this product to fall
below 8.0. Those conditions can result in the formation of Nitrogen oxide (NO, NO2) gas, creating a hazardous
Hazardous decomposition products:
Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
Nitrogen oxides
Additional information: See section 7 for information on handling, storage and conditions to be avoided.

* 11 Toxicological information
Acute toxicity:
LD/LC50 values relevant for classification:
10124-37-5 Calcium nitrate
Dermal LD50 302 mg/kg (rat)

Primary irritant effect:

on the eye: Irritating to eyes.

12 Ecological information
Aquatic toxicity: No further relevant information available.
Persistence and degradability No further relevant information available.
Behavior in environmental systems:
Bioaccumulative potential No further relevant information available.
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Printing date 12/13/2011 Version Number 1.1 Reviewed on 12/13/2011

Trade name: DARASET 400

(Cont. from page 6)

13 Disposal considerations
Waste treatment methods Comply with Federal, State and local regulations.

Must not be disposed of together with household garbage. Do not allow product to reach sewage system.

Uncleaned packagings:
Recommendation: Disposal must be made according to official regulations.

14 Transport information
DOT, ADR, ADN, IMDG, IATA Not applicable.
UN proper shipping name
DOT, ADR, ADN, IMDG, IATA Not applicable.
Transport hazard class(es)
Class Not applicable.
Packing group
DOT, ADR, IMDG, IATA Not applicable.
Environmental hazards:
Marine pollutant: No
Special precautions for user Not applicable.
Transport in bulk according to Annex II of
MARPOL73/78 and the IBC Code Not applicable.
Transport/Additional information:
Remarks: Not Regulated.

15 Regulatory information
SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act)
Section 302/304 (extremely hazardous substances):
None of the ingredients is listed.
Section 313 Reportable Ingredients (Chemicals present below reporting threshold are exempt):
10124-37-5 Calcium nitrate 40.5%
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Printing date 12/13/2011 Version Number 1.1 Reviewed on 12/13/2011

Trade name: DARASET 400

(Cont. from page 7)

SARA Section 312/Tier I & II Hazardard Catagories:
Health Immediate (acute) Yes
Health Delayed (chronic) No
Flammable No
Reactive No
Pressure No
North America Chemical Inventory Status
TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act - United States):
All ingredients are listed or exempt from listing unless otherwise noted below.
CEPA (Canadian DSL):
All ingredients are listed or exempt from listing unless otherwise noted below.

California Proposition 65
Chemicals known to cause cancer:
None of the ingredients is listed.
Chemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity for females:
None of the ingredients is listed.
Chemicals known to cause reproductive toxicity for males:
None of the ingredients is listed.
Chemicals known to cause developmental toxicity:
None of the ingredients is listed.

WHMIS Classification(s):
D2B - Toxic material causing other toxic effects

Carcinogenicity Categories
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
None of the ingredients is listed.
IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) Human Carcinogenicity:
Group 1- Positive, Group 2A- Probable, Group 2B- Possible, Group 3- Not Classifiable
None of the ingredients is listed.
NTP (National Toxicology Program)
K Known to be carcinogenic, R May reasonably be anticipated to be carcinogenic
None of the ingredients is listed.
TLV-ACGIH (THE American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists)
Human Carcinogen - A1 Confirmed, A2 Suspected, A3 Unknown Relevance, A4 Not Classifiable
None of the ingredients is listed.
NIOSH-Cancer (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
None of the ingredients is listed.
OSHA-Cancer (Occupational Safety & Health Administration)
None of the ingredients is listed.
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Printing date 12/13/2011 Version Number 1.1 Reviewed on 12/13/2011

Trade name: DARASET 400

(Cont. from page 8)

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) reported per the Emission Standards for Architectural Coatings:
If no g/L value is provided this product is not subject to above standard.
International Chemical Inventory Status
European EINECS
All ingredients are listed.
Philippines Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances PICCS
Inventory listing could not be confirmed for one or more substances.
Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances manufactured or imported in China IECSC
Inventory listing could not be confirmed for one or more substances.
Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances AICS
Inventory listing could not be confirmed for one or more substances.
Japan Existing and New Chemical Substance List ENCS
Inventory listing could not be confirmed for one or more substances.
Korean Existing Chemical Inventory
Inventory listing could not be confirmed for one or more substances.
Non-hazardous Ingredients
527-07-1 Sodium gluconate 1.0-2.0%
7732-18-5 Water 30-50%

16 Other information
"The data included herein are presented in accordance with various environment, health and safety regulations. It is
the responsibility of a recipient of the data to remain currently informed on chemical hazard information, to design
and update its own program and to comply with all national, federal, state and local laws and regulations applicable to
safety, occupational health, right-to-know and environmental protection."

Expandable Polystyrene (MP32W) 


MP32W, part of the INEOS Styrenics Packaging with improved mechanical properties, Regular EPS range, is a 
free  flowing  expandable  polystyrene  moulding  grade,  consisting  of  spherical  polystyrene  beads  containing 
pentane as the expansion agent. 
It  is  especially  designed  for  demanding  shape  moulded  packaging  (e.g.  fish  boxes)  and  can  also  be  used  for 
moulding  high  quality  blocks for insulation  or  cut  shape  applications.  It is  characterised  by  achieving very  good 
mechanical properties with short moulding cycle time or very short conditioning time. 

Typical properties 

Property  Unit  Value 

Bulk density  kg/m  approx. 620 
Bead size class  mm  0.7 – 1.00 
Bead  size  specification 
> 95% between  mm  0.50 – 1.00 

Processing and Applications 
EPS MP32W can be prefoamed using both continuous and discontinuous prefoamers. The typical density range 
is 18 to 30 kg/m3 but other densities are possible depending on applications and equipment. Typically, a density 
of 19 kg/m3 can be achieved in a single expansion using a continuous prefoamer. 

EPS MP32W can be moulded on both shape and block moulding equipment. It can be used for medium and high 
density,  high  strength  mouldings  with  excellent  fusion  at  short  moulding  cycle  times  or  conditioning  time.  Also 
medium and high density blocks, which can be cut to make insulation or packaging. 

Detailed processing advice is available from your local INEOS Styrenics representative. 

Quality and source of manufacture 
As INEOS Styrenics MP32W is a performance material, many attributes important to EPS users cannot be readily 
specified.  To  assure  customers  that  the  material  delivered  will  be  of  a  consistently  high  quality,  the  INEOS 
Styrenics  EPS  manufacturing  facilities  have  established  effective  quality  control  and  management  procedures, 
and  hold  certifications  in  accordance  with  ISO  9001:2000.  Further  details  are  available  from  your  local  INEOS 
Styrenics representative. 

INEOS Styrenics MP32W is manufactured at Wingles in France.

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INEOS Styrenics International SA 
Avenue de la Gare 14 | CH­1700 Fribourg | Switzerland | Phone +41.26.426.56.56 | Fax +41.26.426.56.57 | Email | | E­mail 
The above information is provided in good faith. INEOS Styrenics is not responsible for any processing or compounding which may occur to product finished articles, packaging materials or 
CONDITIONS OF QUALITY, MERCHANTABILITY AND SUITABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Responsibility for use, storage, handling and disposal of the products 
described herein is that of the purchaser or end user. 
Expandable Polystyrene (MP32W) 


Regulatory Information 
INEOS Styrenics MP32W is permitted for use in food contact applications. 

On  request,  we  will  be  happy  to  provide  you  with  Regulatory  Compliance  Statements  (RCS’)  that  affirm  our 
products’  conformity  to  various  EU  Directives.  Standard  RCS’  are  available  for  Directives  on  RoHS  (Return  of 
Hazardous  Substances),  WEEE  (Waste  Electrical  and  Electronic  Equipment),  Packaging  Waste  et  al.  We  can 
also  provide  Declarations  confirming  the  absence  of  heavy  metals  and  a  range  of  other  substances  subject  to 
restrictions under EU Marketing and Use Directives, or prohibited under national laws and Company Standards. 

Please contact us for up­to­date regulatory information on any of our products. 

Expandable Polystyrene, the Environment and Waste Management 
The energy and environmental benefits of EPS over its life cycle have been well documented in several studies, 
both in the construction as well as the packaging sectors. We have outlined below some of the key environmental 
points regarding EPS. 

EPS is not classified as an ODS – Ozone Depleting Substance. In addition, ozone depleting substances such as 
CFC’s, HFC’s and HCFC’s are not used in its manufacture. The blowing agent used in INEOS Styrenics EPS is 
pentane,  which  has  zero  ozone  depletion  potential  (ODP).  The  EU  Risk  Assessment  on  pentane  (2003) 
concluded  that  additional  monitoring  of  ambient  air  by  Member  States  is  required,  prior  to  reaching  any 
conclusions on the potential for pentane – in common with a host of other non methane hydrocarbons ­ to act as 
an ozone precursor. As such, there is currently no pan European legislation restricting the use of pentane. 

Waste  EPS  bead,  where  it  cannot  be  reused  in  the  foam  manufacturing  process,  may  be  safely  recycled  or 
disposed  of  for  incineration,  where  facilities  exist.  Disposal  by  landfill  should  be  undertaken  as  the  last  resort, 
since this method does not utilise the energy potential inherent in the waste product. 

Please contact us if you need further details on any of the above issues. 

Safe handling of EPS 
Before handling INEOS Styrenics EPS, please refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). A copy of all our 
MSDS’ may be obtained from our public website, 

In conjunction with the MSDS, a detailed brochure entitled “Expandable Polystyrene Storage and Handling Safety 
Guide” should be consulted before handling and using INEOS Styrenics Expandable Polystyrene. Please contact 
us for a copy of this Guide. 

A free DVD is also available on the subject of fire safety during the conversion of EPS beads to foam, produced 
by Plastics Europe in association with EUMEPS. The DVD contains a 15 minute video as well as a Safety Poster,

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INEOS Styrenics International SA 
Avenue de la Gare 14 | CH­1700 Fribourg | Switzerland | Phone +41.26.426.56.56 | Fax +41.26.426.56.57 | Email | | E­mail 
The above information is provided in good faith. INEOS Styrenics is not responsible for any processing or compounding which may occur to product finished articles, packaging materials or 
CONDITIONS OF QUALITY, MERCHANTABILITY AND SUITABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Responsibility for use, storage, handling and disposal of the products 
described herein is that of the purchaser or end user. 
Expandable Polystyrene (MP32W) 


a  self­audit  checklist  and  a  Q  &  A  section. The  DVD is  available  in  two  different versions – W  European  and  E 
European, comprising approximately 18 different European languages, and is ideal as a training tool on EPS fire 
safety for your workforce. We will be happy to supply a copy of the DVD, on request. Please mention the version 
that you require. 

INEOS  Styrenics EPS  grades  are  normally  packed  in  1000  kg  net  non­returnable  semi­bulk  containers,  termed 
“Octabins”. To minimise loss of expansion agent, each octabin has a separate plastic film liner, tied at the neck. 
EPS beads should be stored in closed containers, preferably below 20°C. They should be protected from adverse 
weather  conditions  and  direct  sunlight.  Processing  performance  deteriorates  over  time  and  as  storage 
temperature  rises.  The  expansion  agent,  pentane,  is  flammable  and  can  form  explosive  concentrations  in  part­ 
empty  containers,  storage  hoppers  and  other  enclosed  spaces.  All  possibility  of  ignition  should  be  avoided and 
adequate floor­level ventilation provided in storage and processing areas. 

Page 3 of 3 
INEOS Styrenics International SA 
Avenue de la Gare 14 | CH­1700 Fribourg | Switzerland | Phone +41.26.426.56.56 | Fax +41.26.426.56.57 | Email | | E­mail 
The above information is provided in good faith. INEOS Styrenics is not responsible for any processing or compounding which may occur to product finished articles, packaging materials or 
CONDITIONS OF QUALITY, MERCHANTABILITY AND SUITABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Responsibility for use, storage, handling and disposal of the products 
described herein is that of the purchaser or end user. 

Foam-Control® EPS (expanded polystyrene) rigid board • ASTM C 578 (Thermal Insulation)
foam plastic is for all types of industrial, packaging, and • ASTM E 2430 (EIFS boards)
construction uses. Foam-Control EPS is manufactured in
• ICC ES AC12 (Foam Plastic Insulation)
conformance with numerous standards.

Foam-Control EPS Properties

Type Type Type Type Type Type Type
Nominal Density lb/ft3 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00
(kg/m3) (12) (16) (20) (24) (32) (40) (48)

Density1, min. lb/ft3 0.70 0.90 1.15 1.35 1.80 2.40 3.00
(kg/m3) (12) (15) (18) (22) (29) (38) (48)

F.ft2.h/Btu 3.6 4.4 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.0 5.1
(oK.m2/W) (0.63) (0.77) (0.80) (0.84) (0.88) (0.89) (0.90)
Design Thermal
F.ft2.h/Btu 3.4 4.2 4.3 4.6 4.8 4.8 4.9
Resistance per
(oK.m2/W) (0.60) (0.73) (0.75) (0.81) (0.84) (0.84) (0.85)
1.0 in. thickness
F.ft2.h/Btu 3.2 3.9 3.9 4.2 4.4 4.4 4.5
(oK.m2/W) (0.57) (0.68) (0.69) (0.73) (0.77) (0.77) (0.78)

F.ft2.h/Btu 3.5 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.8 4.8 4.9
(oK.m2/W) (0.61) (0.74) (0.77) (0.81) (0.84) (0.84) (0.86)
Thermal Resistance1,
F.ft2.h/Btu 3.3 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 4.6 4.7
min per
(oK.m2/W) (0.58) (0.70) (0.74) (0.77) (0.81) (0.81) (0.83)
1.0 in. thickness
F.ft2.h/Btu 3.1 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.2 4.3
(oK.m2/W) (0.55) (0.63) (0.67) (0.70) (0.74) (0.74) (0.76)

Compressive Strength1 psi 5.0 10.0 13.0 15.0 25.0 40.0 60.0
@ 10% deformation, min. (kPa) (35) (69) (90) (104) (173) (276) (414)

Flexural Strength1, psi 10.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 50.0 60.0 75.0
min. (kPa) (69) (173) (208) (242) (345) (414) (517)

Water Vapor Permeance1 5.0 5.0 3.5 3.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
of 1.0 in. thickness, max., perm

Water Absorption1 by total immersion, 4.0 4.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
max., volume %

Oxygen Index1, min., volume % 24 24 24 24 24 24 24

Foam-Control EPS has a flame spread index of less than 25 and a smoke-developed index of less than 450 when tested in ac-
cordance with ASTM E84/UL 723 for densities from 0.7 - 3.0 lb/ft3. Please refer to UL certificate for complete information.
See ASTM C578 Standard for test methods and complete information.

Design Options. Quality Assurance/Building Code Compliance.
Cost effective design is among the highest priori- Foam-Control EPS meets or exceeds the
ties for industrial, packaging, and construction appli- requirements of ASTM C578, “Standard Speci-
cations. Foam-Control EPS products are available in a fication for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Thermal
range of Types necessary to provide control of struc- Insulation.” Foam-Control EPS is monitored
tural integrity, thermal resistance (R-value), and cost for Quality Control and Listed by Underwriters
effectiveness. Laboratories Inc. The International Code
Council Evaluation Service recognizes
Thermal Performance. Foam-Control EPS for building code compliance.
Please see ICC ES ESR-1006.
The R-value of Foam-Control EPS remains constant and
does not suffer from R-value loss. The closed cell structure Note: Local Building Codes must be followed
of Foam-Control EPS contains air and not blowing agents regarding thermal barriers.
which deplete over time.
Resistance to Termites, Mold, and Mildew.
Exposure to Water and Water Vapor.
Foam plastic insulations have been shown to become termite
The mechanical properties of EPS are unaffected by mois- infested under certain exposure conditions. Foam-Control
ture. Exposure to water or water vapor does not cause EPS with Perform Guard® provides
swelling. resistance to termite infestation. Please
review literature on Foam-Control
Temperature Exposure/Flame Retardants. EPS with Perform Guard for complete
EPS is able to withstand the rigors of temperature cycling, information.
assuring long-term performance. EPS will not decompose and will not support mold or
Although flame retardants used in the manufacture of EPS mildew growth. EPS provides no nutrient value to plants or
provide an important margin of safety, all EPS products must animals.
be considered combustible.
The maximum recommended long-term exposure tempera-
Long-term exposure to sunlight causes yellowing and a
ture for Foam-Control EPS is 1650F (740C).
slight embrittlement of the surface due to ultraviolet light.
This has little effect on mechanical properties. If stored out-
Adhesives, Coatings, and Chemicals.
doors, cover EPS with opaque polyethylene film, tarps, or
Solvents which attack EPS include esters, ketones, ethers, similar material.
aromatic, and aliphatic hydrocarbons and their emulsions,
among others. If EPS is to be placed in contact with mate- Warranty.
rials (or their vapors) of unknown composition, pretest for
Foam-Control EPS Licensees offer a product warranty
compatibility at maximum exposure temperature.
ensuring thermal performance, physical properties, and
Do not install or use EPS with coal tar pitch, highly solvent- termite resistance.
extended mastics, or solvent-based adhesives without
adequate separation.


Foam-Control EPS products are manufac-

tured by AFM Corporation licensees.

Copyright © 2012 AFM Corporation.

All rights reserved. Printed in USA.
Control, Not Compromise, Foam-Control,
and Perform Guard are trademarks of
AFM Corporation, Lakeville, MN.

ICC ES logo is a registered trademark of

ICC Evaluation Service, Inc.
For further information about UL logo is a registered trademark of
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
Foam-Control EPS
FM logo is a registered trademark of
visit Factory Mutual/FM Global.



Technical Bulletin
Integral Color - EX IC-EX TB.0110

INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX (Premium Grade) is an integral coloring product engineered to provide enhanced color through
exceptional pigment dispersion. Superior concrete finishing performance is the result from blending dispersants, conditioners and
water-reducing agents which offset the water demand caused by pigments.
Product Features and Benefits
• These high-strength pigments yield an expansive palette of beautiful colors. INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX is available in 24 standard colors. Custom colors and color
matching are also available.
• INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX is ideal for ready mixed concrete and all horizontal and vertical applications. This coloring method can be utilized for concrete flatwork
applications featuring salt, broom or rotary finishes, as well as a range of other architectural concrete installations.
• INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX contains engineered colored admixtures that do not require mix adjustments at the ready mixed plant.
• INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX is a high-performing color that is also easy to handle. Packaged for clean handling and fast batching, installation is easy with one disintegrating
bag of INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX is batched for one cubic yard of concrete.

Prior to Application
• INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX is packaged in one-bag-per-cubic-yard increments for specific cement ratios. Be sure to specify the proper cement content when ordering.
• A jobsite sample, using the specified mix design and color, should be completed for customer approval. For an accurate color check on a jobsite sample, or on any job, the
recommended size of the job should be a minimum order of three yards. In order to get an accurate color check, view the sample once it has finished curing.
• When using INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX in vertical concrete applications or when special finishes are applied, a sample must be cast for color approval using the same
material and construction techniques planned for the actual installation. To ensure uniformity on vertical surfaces, a light sandblasting is recommended after complete curing of
the vertical surface.

Product Application
1. For Ready Mixed Application:
• The drum must be cleaned, and approximately two-thirds of the mix water and one-half of the aggregates needed should be added to the drum. Do not use slurry
water or reclaimed aggregates. Add the correct number of INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX bags to the drum and mix at full charging speed for three to five
minutes or until all bags break apart and pigment is distributed evenly.
• Add the balance of the ingredients (water, aggregates, cement and admixtures) and mix at a full charging speed for 8-10 minutes (80-100 revolutions). It is the ready
mixed suppliers responsibility to make sure bags have fully disintegrated. Failure to follow instructions can result in bags not fully disintegrating.
2. For Central or Premixed Batch Plants:
• Add one-half of the total batch into a clean ready mixed truck drum. Do not use slurry water or reclaimed aggregates. Add the correct number of INNOTECH
INTEGRAL COLOR-EX disintegrating bags into the drum and mix at a full charging speed for at least three to five minutes.
• Add the remainder of the batch to the drum and agitate at full charging speed until the INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX has completely dispersed throughout
the mix—about 8-10 minutes (80-100 revolutions). It is the ready mixed supplier’s responsibility to make sure bags have fully disintegrated. Failure to follow
instructions can result in bags not fully disintegrating.
3. For Jobsite Loading of Integral Colors:
• When applying INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX at the jobsite, it is highly recommended to open the bag and pour pigment directly into the drum, then discard
the bag. Failure to do so may result in improper dispersion which leads to inconsistent color.
• Once pigment has been added, no additional water may be added.
4. Bag Disintegration:
• The type of aggregate, mix design and water content may affect disintegration of bags. Mixing times and procedures are based on best practices. Mixing times and
procedures may vary by region depending on factors mentioned previously (aggregate type, etc.). Before discharging the mix, ready mixed supplier should monitor
the mix inside the drum to determine that the bags have broken down completely.
5. For Vertical Applications:
• All forms should be cleaned thoroughly prior to use or reuse, and applied release agents should be nonstaining. For best results, forms should be free of cement
latents from any prior concrete pour of a different color. Also, vertical wood forms should be made of medium-density overlay plywood. For color uniformity,
methods and material used in preparing the forms should be consistent through the completion of the job.
• Sandblasting vertical surfaces is recommended to remove minor form marks and any colored residue resulting from water, cement and coloring agents bleeding
toward the forms during concrete placement.
6. For sand-blasted horizontal surfaces, exposed aggregate (3/8-inch-size pea gravel) finishes, or typical 3/8-inch-size pea gravel mixes:
• Open the INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX bag and pour in color to ensure proper dispersion.
7. Other product application notes:
• Concrete should be cured in accordance with ACI standards. INNOTECH offers a variety of curing agents that adhere to ASTM C 309 standards for curing
architectural concrete. The use of CURE & SEAL SB† (ASTM C 309 and ASTM C 1315) is recommended for curing most new colored architectural concrete flatwork.
• Proper curing, along with maintaining a low slump and protecting the surface against water penetration, reduces the possibility of efflorescence. If efflorescence does
occur, wait until concrete has fully cured and remove efflorescence using INNOTECH CON-CLEAN†. This is a concentrate and must be diluted before use. Dilute as follows:
a) Use one-part INNOTECH CON-CLEAN† with 20-parts water
b) OR use 6-ounces of INNOTECH CON-CLEAN† per gallon of water
c) OR use 1-quart INNOTECH CON-CLEAN† per 5-gallons water
Follow the chemical efflorescence removal with a light scrubbing or the use of a low r.p.m. rotary scrubbing machine.

Additional Considerations For Consistent Color

• Be sure INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX is packaged for specific mix design.
• Maintain batch-to-batch uniformity.
• Do not batch less than three cubic yards per truckload of INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX. Less than three cubic yards can affect the final color. This is true of
small jobs, jobsite samples and/or clean-up loads.
• Do not batch fractional yard increments (for example, 4.5 cubic yards should be ordered and batched at 5 cubic yards).
• Keep all raw materials, including cement, sand and aggregates, as consistent as possible. Any change can affect color consistency.
• For consistent color, the use of pozzolans or fly ash mixes is strongly discouraged.
• Do not use reactive or expansive aggregates when using INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX.
• Do not use calcium chloride-based admixtures when using INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX. Non-chloride admixtures may be used, please consult with admixture manufacturer.
• For fiber-reinforced concrete, add fibers after the color load has been thoroughly mixed. This reduces the potential for fiber/color balling.
• Maintain the same water/cement ratio.
• Wash out all drums before loading to keep slumps consistent.
• Minimize driver-added water.
• Clean back fins with a minimum amount of water while paying careful attention not to substantially increase slump.
• Too much water or the addition of water at the job site can cause inconsistency of color and a “washed-out” appearance.
• Required higher slumps should be achieved by using water-reducing or plasticizing admixtures and NOT by adding water because this will adversely affect the color.
• Concrete should be batched, placed, cured and finished in accordance with ACI (American Concrete Institute) standards.
Additional Considerations For Installers Using INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX
• Good basic concrete placement procedures are vital to the success of any job where integrally colored concrete is being used.
• Place concrete on damp yet well-drained substrate that has been thoroughly compacted.
• Being careful not to overwork the material, tamp and/or vibrate the concrete, screed, then wood-float to finished grade.
• Provide adequate and uniform texture for appearance and slip resistance.
• Finish edges first, and finish all surfaces within the same approximate time frame. Care should be taken not to trowel-burn edges.
• Do not place concrete over mud, ice, frost or freestanding water.
• Do not add water to partially discharged loads, and do not allow slump to vary from batch to batch. Slump should remain consistent and is not to exceed 5-inches.
• Additional water-reducing admixtures or plasticizers may be used.
To Cure and Seal Colored Concrete
Practice proper curing procedures. Lack of proper curing is a major reason for inconsistent concrete color.
• For curing concrete colored with INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX, choose an INNOTECH cure appropriate to the project requirements:
INNOTECH CURE & SEAL SB† (gloss or matte), or INNOTECH COLORWAX†. INNOTECH CURE & SEAL SB† conforms to ASTM C 309 and ASTM C 1315.
• If further protection is needed or a curing compound cannot be used, the use of a non-wrinkled, non-staining kraft curing paper may be considered. Use according to
manufacturer instructions.
• For sealing concrete, choose from a variety of INNOTECH water-based and solvent-based sealers appropriate to project requirements:
Please reference the “INNOTECH SEALER AND MAINTENANCE PRODUCT GUIDE” to determine the correct sealer for a specific application.
• Maintenance will vary depending on a number of factors, including volume and intensity of traffic, geographic location, ultraviolet light exposure and weather conditions.
• A routine maintenance schedule for all colored concrete is strongly recommended so that surfaces maintain a desired appearance. Colored concrete installations should be
inspected, cleaned and resealed every 18-36 months, or as required by traffic volume and intensity.
• INNOTECH offers a complete range of sealers to enhance and finish INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX, please reference the “INNOTECH SEALER AND MAINTENANCE
PRODUCT GUIDE” to determine the correct sealer for the specific application.
Product Limitations
INNOTECH has found that certain iron oxide pigment colors can cause self-leveling overlays to cure improperly, or set prematurely. It is not perfectly clear why these
issues occur, so INNOTECH cannot guarantee the results or performance of self-leveling overlays using this product. Contact the manufacturer of the
self-leveling material for coloring and dosage rate information. Always create mock up samples and perform strength tests prior to project application.
• Inconsistencies in jobsite conditions, concrete mix design, slump, curing methods, finishing practices, and sealers may produce variations in the color of the finished product.
• Integrally colored concrete tends to be limited to earth tone colors rather than lighter, more pastel colors and is not as brilliant as color-hardened surfaces.
Applicable Standards
• This product may contribute to earning LEED® points under the Sustainable Sites category: 7.1 Heat Island Effect, Non-Roof for New Construction, Existing Buildings,
Schools and Core & Shell.
• INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX meets the following ASTM standards:
a) INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX pigments meet or exceed ASTM C 979.
b) As formulated water-reducing admixtures, INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX conforms to ASTM C 494, AASHTO M194, and CRD-C 874.
c) INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX is also compatible with air-entrained admixtures conforming to ASTM C 260.
• INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX may be used in conjunction with admixtures conforming to ASTM C 494, Types A, B, D and F.
• INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX meets requirements of the Uniform Building Code and the Standard Building Code for use in reinforced and prestressed concrete.
• INNOTECH should be contacted about approvals in specific jurisdictions. Professional concreting standards and practices, including those published by the
American Concrete Institute (ACI), the Portland Cement Association (PCA) and the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA), should be followed.
Available Packaging
INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX is packaged for clean handling and fast batching and easy installation.
• One disintegrating bag of INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX is batched for one cubic yard of concrete.
Product Shelf Life/Storage
INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX should be stored indoors and away from moisture. Shelf life: 24 months.
Product Handling
Prior to using INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX, please reference the corresponding Material Safety Data Sheet to ensure safe handling.
Product Specifications
For specification assistance for INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX and other INNOTECH products, please contact INNOTECH.
Product Warranty
INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX is a proprietary product, warranted to be of uniform quality within our stringent manufacturing tolerances. As no control is exercised over the product
use, no warranty is made as to the effects of such use (neither expressed or implied). Obligation of the seller and manufacturer under this warranty shall be limited to a refund of the
purchase price of that portion of the material proven to be defective. The user assumes all other risk and liability resulting from uses of this product. Contact INNOTECH with any
questions regarding this policy. Innotech is a registered tradename of CHROMASYSTEMS LLC, an Ohio company.

INNOTECH INTEGRAL COLOR - EX and other INNOTECH products are for professional use only.
Innotech Decorative Concrete Products is a registered tradename of ChromaSystems LLC, a wholly owned part of the ChromaScape family of companies.
For more information, go to ©2010 CHROMASYSTEMS, LLC. Printed in U.S.A. 2M 01.10

INNOTECH products can be purchased at:

INNOTECH Decorative Concrete Products

2055 Enterprise Parkway • Twinsburg, OH 44087
Customer Service 877-829-7880 or 330-425-2506
Fax 330-425-2466
Division 3 — Concrete
Product Data Sheet Division 4 — Masonry

PRODUCT NAME  Lehigh White Masonry Cement, Type N 
 Lehigh White Portland Cement Type I  Used  in  masonry  mortar  and  stucco  mixtures  where  a  white  or  bright 
 Lehigh White Portland Cement Type II/V  colored mortar joint or stucco is desired; for use in preparing ASTM C270 
Type N mortar. 
 Lehigh White High Early Strength Portland Cement, Type III 
 Lehigh White Portland Cement—Water Repellent Added 
Lehigh White Masonry Cement, Type S 
 Lehigh White Masonry Cement, Type N  Used in white masonry mortar where the higher strength requirements 
 Lehigh White Masonry Cement, Type S  of ASTM C270 Type S are needed. 
Lehigh White Cement Company   Lehigh  White  Portland  and  Masonry  Cements  are  produced  using  care‐
7660 Imperial Way  fully selected raw materials and rigid manufacturing standards to assure 
Allentown, PA  18195  uniform whiteness necessary when specifying traffic safety structures or 
Phone: 610.366.4600           expanding architectural boundaries through design, color and texture.  
Fax: 610.366.4638         SUSTAINABILITY  Limestone  and  other  minerals  used  to  produce  Portland  cements  rank 
  fourth  in  the  top  five  most  abundant  elements  on  earth.    Portland  ce‐
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION  ment concrete construction can significantly reduce energy consumption 
Portland cement is the most widely  in  some  climates  due  to  the  thermal  mass  properties  of  the  material. 
used  construction  material  in  the  world.    Lehigh  Cement  Company  has  been  White Portland cement concrete has a high reflectivity value which helps 
producing quality portland cements since 1897.  Since its founding over a cen‐ reduce heat island effects. 
tury ago, Lehigh has built a reputation for serving the construction industry with   
high  performance  products  that  encourage  creativity  and  ensure  longevity.   STORAGE 
Lehigh Cement is the foremost supplier of white cements in North America.  The  Portland  cement  must  be  kept  dry  in  order  to  retain  its  quality.    Bulk 
available types and recommended uses of the company’s cement products are  cement should be stored in weather‐tight bins or silos. As our masonry 
described under APPLICATIONS. Depending on the application, Lehigh products  cements  are  moisture  sensitive  materials,  bags  should  be  kept  in  a  dry 
may be specified in Division 3—Concrete or Division 4—Masonry.  area and stored on pallets whenever possible. 
Lehigh White Portland Cement Type I  Lehigh  White  Portland  and  Masonry  Cements  are  available  through  a 
General  architectural  applications  include  precast  concrete,  cast  in  place,  ter‐ network  of  distributors  and  concrete  producers  throughout  the  United 
razzo,  tile  grout,  portland  cement  paint,  masonry  units,  swimming  pools  and  States.   
spas,  glass  fiber  reinforced  concrete,  surface  bonding  mortars,  ornamental   
statuary,  floor  tiles,  concrete  roof  tiles,  perimeter  security,  cast  stone  pavers,  CAUTION 
and  for  traffic  safety  construction  such  as  concrete  median  barriers,  bridge  Portland cement when dry is non‐hazardous. When in contact with mois‐
parapets, guard rails, sound barrier walls, earth retaining walls, reflecting curbs  ture  (such  as  in  eyes  or  skin)  or  when  mixed  with  water  to  make  con‐
and other delineators.  May be used as a base to produce vibrant colors prized  crete,  mortar  or  grout,  it  becomes  highly  caustic  and  will  burn  (as  se‐
in almost any architectural concrete application.  verely  as  third‐degree)  the  eyes  or  skin.    Inhalation  of  dry  Portland  ce‐
  ment can irritate the upper respiratory system. 
Lehigh White Portland Cement, Type II/V   
Typically  suitable  for  the  same  applications  as  Type  I  cement.    Formulated  to  WARRANTY 
provide  moderate  heat  of  hydration  and  sulfate  resistance,  for  applications  The information and statements in Lehigh technical and product informa‐
where sulfates in ground waters and/or soils are higher than normal or in mass  tion are believed to be reliable, but are not to be construed as a warranty 
concrete work where lower heat of hydration is desired.  or representation for which the manufacturer assumes legal responsibil‐
  ity.    No  other  warranty,  representation,  or  condition  of  any  kind,  ex‐
Lehigh White High Early Strength Portland Cement, Type III  pressed  or  implied  (including  no  warranty  of  merchantability  or  fitness 
Used  in  precast  and  prestressed  architectural  concrete,  architectural  concrete  for  a  particular  purpose)  shall  apply.  Having  no  control  over  the  use  of 
cement,  Lehigh  will  not  guarantee  finished  work,  nor  shall  Lehigh  be 
liable for consequential damages. 

For more product information or technical assistance: 
03 30 00 Cast-in-Place Concrete

3 03 40 00 Precast Concrete
03 70 00 Mass Concrete
4 04 05 16 Masonry Grouting

MasterGlenium® 3030
Full-Range Water-Reducing Admixture
Formerly Glenium 3030 NS*

Description Features
MasterGlenium 3030 ready- Dosage flexibility for normal, mid- and high-range water reduction
to-use full-range water- Reduced water content for a given slump
reducing admixture is a
patented new generation Produces cohesive and non-segregating concrete mixture
of admixture based on Increased compressive strength and flexural strength performance at all ages
polycarboxylate chemistry.
Providing faster setting times and strength development
MasterGlenium 3030
admixture is very effective Enhanced finishability and pumpability
in producing concretes with
different levels of workability Benefits
including applications that
Providing economic benefits to the entire construction team through higher
require the use of self-
productivity and reduced variable costs
consolidating concrete
(SCC). MasterGlenium 3030
admixture meets ASTM C Performance Characteristics
494/C 494M requirements The dosage flexibility of MasterGlenium 3030 admixture allows it to be used as a normal,
for Type A, water-reducing, mid-range and high-range water reducer.
and Type F, high-range
Mixture Data: 600 lb/yd3 of Type I cement (360 kg/m3); slump, 8.5-9.25 in. (210-235 mm);
water-reducing, admixtures.
non-air-entrained concrete; dosage rate adjusted to obtain 25-30% water reduction.

Recommended for use in:
Concrete where high
flowability, high-early and
ultimate strengths and
increased durability are
Concrete where normal,
mid-range, or high-range
water-reduction is desired
Concrete where normal
setting times are required
concrete, such as 4x4™
Pervious concrete
Self-consolidating grout
MasterGlenium 3030 Technical Data Sheet

Setting Time Guidelines for Use

Initial Set Difference Dosage: MasterGlenium 3030 admixture has a recommended
Mixture (h:min) (h:min) dosage range of up to 3 fl oz/cwt (195 mL/100 kg) for Type
Plain 4:24 – A applications, 3-6 fl oz/cwt (195-390 mL/100 kg) for mid-
range use and up to 18 fl oz/cwt (1,170 mL/100 kg) for
Conventional high-range Type F applications. The dosage range is applicable to most
water-reducer 6:00 + 1.36 mid- to high-range concrete mixtures using typical concrete
MasterGlenium 3030 admixture 5:00 +0.36 ingredients. However, variations in job conditions and concrete
materials, such as silica fume, may require dosages outside
Compressive Strength the recommended range. In such cases, contact your local
1 Day 7 Days sales representative.
Mixture psi MPa psi MPa Mixing: MasterGlenium 3030 admixture can be batched with
the initial mixing water or as a delayed addition. However,
Plain 1700 12 4040 28 optimum water reduction is generally obtained with a delayed
Conventional high-range addition.
water-reducer 3460 24 6380 44
MasterGlenium 3030 admixture 4120 28 7580 52 Product Notes
Corrosivity – Non-Chloride, Non-Corrosive: MasterGlenium 3030
Slump Retention - in. (mm) admixture will neither initiate nor promote corrosion of
Minutes reinforcing steel embedded in concrete, prestressed concrete
Mixture 15 30 45 or of galvanized steel floor and roof systems. Neither calcium
chloride nor other chloride-based ingredients are used in the
Plain 8.5 (215) 8.5 (215) 7.5 (200) manufacture of MasterGlenium 3030 admixture.
Conventional high-range Compatibility: MasterGlenium 3030 admixture is compatible
water-reducer 8.5 (215) 4.25 (110) 3.5 (90) with most admixtures used in the production of quality concrete,
MasterGlenium 3030 including normal, mid-range and high-range water-reducing
admixture 9.25 (235) 9.25 (235) 8.25 (210) admixtures, air-entrainers, accelerators, retarders, extended set
control admixtures, corrosion inhibitors, and shrinkage reducers.
Rate of Hardening: MasterGlenium 3030 admixture is formulated Do not use MasterGlenium 3030 admixture with admixtures
to produce normal setting characteristics throughout its containing beta-naphthalene-sulfonate. Erratic behaviors in slump,
recommended dosage range. Setting time of concrete is slump flow, and pumpability may be experienced.
influenced by the chemical and physical composition of the
basic ingredients of the concrete, temperature of the concrete For directions on the proper evaluation of MasterGlenium
and ambient conditions. Trial mixtures should be made with 3030 admixture in specific applications, contact your local
actual job materials to determine the dosage required for a sales representative.
specified setting time and a given strength requirement.

BASF Corporation
Admixture Systems page 2 of 3
MasterGlenium 3030 Technical Data Sheet

Storage and Handling Limited Warranty Notice

Storage Temperature: MasterGlenium 3030 admixture should BASF warrants this product to be free from manufacturing
be stored above freezing temperatures. If MasterGlenium 3030 defects and to meet the technical properties on the current
admixture freezes, thaw at 45 °F (7 °C) or above and completely Technical Data Guide, if used as directed within shelf life.
reconstitute by mild mechanical agitation. Do not use pressurized Satisfactory results depend not only on quality products but
air for agitation. also upon many factors beyond our control. BASF MAKES
Shelf Life: MasterGlenium 3030 admixture has a minimum NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESS OR
shelf life of 12 months. Depending on storage conditions, the IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY
shelf life may be greater than stated. Please contact your local OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT
sales representative regarding suitability for use and dosage TO ITS PRODUCTS. The sole and exclusive remedy of
recommendations if the shelf life of MasterGlenium 3030 Purchaser for any claim concerning this product, including but
admixture has been exceeded. not limited to, claims alleging breach of warranty, negligence,
strict liability or otherwise, is shipment to purchaser of product
equal to the amount of product that fails to meet this warranty
Packaging or refund of the original purchase price of product that
MasterGlenium 3030 admixture is supplied in 55 gal (208 L) fails to meet this warranty, at the sole option of BASF. Any
drums, 275 gal (1040 L) totes and by bulk delivery. claims concerning this product must be received in writing
within one (1) year from the date of shipment and any claims
Related Documents not presented within that period are waived by Purchaser.
Safety Data Sheets: MasterGlenium 3030 admixture
Additional Information
Purchaser must determine the suitability of the products for the
For additional information on MasterGlenium 3030 admixture or intended use and assumes all risks and liabilities in connection
its use in developing concrete mixes with special performance therewith. This information and all further technical advice are
characteristics, contact your local sales representative. based on BASF’s present knowledge and experience. However,
The Admixture Systems business of BASF’s Construction BASF assumes no liability for providing such information and
Chemicals division is the leading provider of solutions that advice including the extent to which such information and
improve placement, pumping, finishing, appearance and advice may relate to existing third party intellectual property
performance characteristics of specialty concrete used in rights, especially patent rights, nor shall any legal relationship
the ready-mixed, precast, manufactured concrete products, be created by or arise from the provision of such information
underground construction and paving markets. For over and advice. BASF reserves the right to make any changes
100 years we have offered reliable products and innovative according to technological progress or further developments.
technologies, and through the Master Builders Solutions The Purchaser of the Product(s) must test the product(s) for
brand, we are connected globally with experts from many suitability for the intended application and purpose before
fields to provide sustainable solutions for the construction proceeding with a full application of the product(s). Performance
industry. of the product described herein should be verified by testing
and carried out by qualified experts.

* Glenium 3030 NS became MasterGlenium 3030 under the Master Builders Solutions brand, effective January 1, 2014.

© BASF Corporation 2015  01/15  PRE-DAT-0055

United States Canada

BASF Corporation 23700 Chagrin Boulevard 1800 Clark Boulevard
Admixture Systems Cleveland, Ohio 44122-5544 Brampton, Ontario L6T 4M7 Tel: 800 628-9990  Fax: 216 839-8821 Tel: 800 387-5862  Fax: 905 792-0651 page 3 of 3
03 30 00 Cast-in-Place Concrete
03 40 00 Precast Concrete
3 03 70 00 Mass Concrete

MasterAir® AE 90
Air-Entraining Admixture
Formerly MB-AE 90*

Description Features
MasterAir AE 90 air- Ready-to-use in the proper concentration for rapid, accurate dispensing
entraining admixture is for
use in concrete mixtures. It Benefits
meets the requirements of
ASTM C 260, AASHTO M Improved resistance to damage from cyclic freezing and thawing
154 and CRD-C 13. Improved resistance to scaling from deicing salts
Improved plasticity and workability
Applications Reduced permeability – increased watertightness
Recommended for use in:
Reduced segregation and bleeding
Concrete exposed
to cyclic freezing Performance Characteristics
and thawing
Concrete durability research has established that the best protection for concrete from the
Production of high-quality
„„ adverse effects of freezing and thawing cycles and deicing salts results from: proper air
normal or lightweight content in the hardened concrete, a suitable air-void system in terms of bubble size and
concrete (heavyweight spacing, and adequate concrete strength, assuming the use of sound aggregates and proper
concrete normally does mixing, transporting, placing, consolidation, finishing and curing techniques. MasterAir AE 90
not contain entrained air) admixture can be used to obtain adequate freeze-thaw durability in a properly proportioned
concrete mixture, if standard industry practices are followed.
Air Content Determination: The total air content of normal weight concrete should be
measured in strict accordance with ASTM C 231, “Standard Test Method for Air Content
of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method” or ASTM C 173/C 173M, “Standard
Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric Method.” The air
content of lightweight concrete should only be determined using the Volumetric Method.
The air content should be verified by calculating the gravimetric air content in accordance
with ASTM C 138/C 138M, “Standard Test Method for Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air
Content (Gravimetric) of Concrete.” If the total air content, as measured by the Pressure
Method or Volumetric Method and as verified by the Gravimetric Method, deviates by more
than 1.5%, the cause should be determined and corrected through equipment calibration or
by whatever process is deemed necessary.
MasterAir AE 90 Technical Data Sheet

Guidelines for Use Precaution

Dosage: There is no standard dosage for MasterAir AE 90 In a 2005 publication from the Portland Cement Association
admixture. The exact quantity of air-entraining admixture needed (PCA R&D Serial No. 2789), it was reported that problematic
for a given air content of concrete varies because of differences air-void clustering that can potentially lead to above normal
in concrete-making materials and ambient conditions. Typical decreases in strength was found to coincide with late additions of
factors that might influence the amount of air entrained include: water to air-entrained concretes. Late additions of water include
temperature, cementitious materials, sand gradation, sand- the conventional practice of holding back water during batching
aggregate ratio, mixture proportions, slump, means of conveying for addition at the jobsite. Therefore, caution should be exercised
and placement, consolidation and finishing technique. The with delayed additions of water to air-entrained concrete.
amount of MasterAir AE 90 admixture used will depend upon Furthermore, an air content check should be performed after
the amount of entrained air required under actual job conditions. post-batching addition of any other materials to an air-entrained
In a trial mixture, use 0.25 to 4 fl oz/cwt (16-260 mL/100 kg) concrete mixture.
of cementitious material. Measure the air content of the trial
mixture, and, if needed, either increase or decrease the quantity Product Notes
of MasterAir AE 90 admixture to obtain the desired air content.
Corrosivity – Non-Chloride, Non-Corrosive: MasterAir AE 90
In mixtures containing water-reducing or set-control admixtures, admixture will neither initiate nor promote corrosion of
the amount of MasterAir AE 90 admixture needed may be reinforcing and prestressing steel embedded in concrete, or
somewhat less than the amount required in plain concrete. of galvanized floor and roof systems. No calcium chloride or
Due to possible changes in the factors that can affect the other chloride-based ingredients are used in the manufacture
dosage of MasterAir AE 90 admixture, frequent air content of this admixture.
checks should be made during the course of the work. Compatibility: MasterAir AE 90 admixture may be used in
Adjustments to the dosage should be based on the amount of combination with any BASF admixture, unless stated otherwise
entrained air required in the mixture at the point of placement. on the data sheet for the other product. When used in conjunction
If an unusually high or low dosage of MasterAir AE 90 admixture with other admixtures, each admixture must be dispensed
is required to obtain the desired air content, consult your local separately into the concrete mixture.
sales representative. In such cases, it may be necessary to
determine that, in addition to a proper air content in the fresh Storage and Handling
concrete, a suitable air-void system is achieved in the hardened
Storage Temperature: MasterAir AE 90 admixture should be stored
and dispensed at 31 °F (-0.5 °C) or higher. Although freezing does
Dispensing and Mixing: Add MasterAir AE 90 admixture to the not harm this product, precautions should be taken to protect it from
concrete mixture using a dispenser designed for air-entraining freezing. If MasterAir AE 90 admixture freezes, thaw at 35 °F (2 °C)
admixtures, or add manually using a suitable measuring device or above and completely reconstitute by mild mechanical agitation.
that ensures accuracy within plus or minus 3% of the required Do not use pressurized air for agitation.
Shelf Life: MasterAir AE 90 admixture has a minimum shelf
For optimum, consistent performance, the air-entraining admixture life of 18 months. Depending on storage conditions, the shelf
should be dispensed on damp, fine aggregate. If the concrete life may be greater than stated. Please contact your local
mixture contains fine lightweight aggregate, field evaluations sales representative regarding suitability for use and dosage
should be conducted to determine the best method to dispense recommendations if the shelf life of MasterAir AE 90 admixture
the air-entraining admixture. has been exceeded.
Safety: Chemical goggles and gloves are recommended when
transferring or handling this material.

BASF Corporation
Admixture Systems page 2 of 3
MasterAir AE 90 Technical Data Sheet

Packaging Limited Warranty Notice

MasterAir AE 90 admixture is supplied in 55 gal (208 L) drums, BASF warrants this product to be free from manufacturing
275 gal (1040 L) totes and by bulk delivery. defects and to meet the technical properties on the current
Technical Data Guide, if used as directed within shelf life.
Related Documents Satisfactory results depend not only on quality products but
also upon many factors beyond our control. BASF MAKES
Safety Data Sheets: MasterAir AE 90 admixture NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESS OR
For additional information on MasterAir AE 90 admixture, or its TO ITS PRODUCTS. The sole and exclusive remedy of
use in developing a concrete mixture with special peformance Purchaser for any claim concerning this product, including but
characteristics, contact your local sales representative. not limited to, claims alleging breach of warranty, negligence,
strict liability or otherwise, is shipment to purchaser of product
The Admixture Systems business of BASF’s Construction
equal to the amount of product that fails to meet this warranty
Chemicals division is the leading provider of solutions that
or refund of the original purchase price of product that
improve placement, pumping, finishing, appearance and
fails to meet this warranty, at the sole option of BASF. Any
performance characteristics of specialty concrete used in
claims concerning this product must be received in writing
the ready-mixed, precast, manufactured concrete products,
within one (1) year from the date of shipment and any claims
underground construction and paving markets. For over
not presented within that period are waived by Purchaser.
100 years we have offered reliable products and innovative
technologies, and through the Master Builders Solutions
brand, we are connected globally with experts from many
fields to provide sustainable solutions for the construction
industry. Purchaser must determine the suitability of the products for the
intended use and assumes all risks and liabilities in connection
therewith. This information and all further technical advice are
based on BASF’s present knowledge and experience. However,
BASF assumes no liability for providing such information and
advice including the extent to which such information and
advice may relate to existing third party intellectual property
rights, especially patent rights, nor shall any legal relationship
be created by or arise from the provision of such information
and advice. BASF reserves the right to make any changes
according to technological progress or further developments.
The Purchaser of the Product(s) must test the product(s) for
suitability for the intended application and purpose before
proceeding with a full application of the product(s). Performance
of the product described herein should be verified by testing
and carried out by qualified experts.

* MB-AE 90 became MasterAir AE 90 under the Master Builders Solutions brand, effective January 1, 2014.

© BASF Corporation 2015  01/15  PRE-DAT-0013

United States Canada

BASF Corporation 23700 Chagrin Boulevard 1800 Clark Boulevard
Admixture Systems Cleveland, Ohio 44122-5544 Brampton, Ontario L6T 4M7 Tel: 800 628-9990  Fax: 216 839-8821 Tel: 800 387-5862  Fax: 905 792-0651 page 3 of 3
03 30 00 Cast-in-Place Concrete
03 40 00 Precast Concrete
3 03 70 00 Mass Concrete

MasterLife® SRA 20
Shrinkage-Reducing Admixture
Formerly MasterLife SRA 20*

Description Features
MasterLife SRA 20 Significantly reduces drying
shrinkage-reducing shrinkage by as much as 80% at
admixture was developed 28 days, and up to 50% at one ASTM C 157 Shrinkage
Cement = 564 lb/yd 3 (335 kg/m 3 ), 0.50 w/c
specifically to reduce drying year and beyond 0.020

shrinkage of concrete and Reduces stresses induced from

MasterLIFE SRA 20 @ 1.5 gal/yd 3 (7.5 L/m 3 )

mortar, and the potential for one-dimensional surface drying 0.000

subsequent cracking. in concrete slabs and floors

0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140

MasterLife SRA 20 Reduces carbonation

„„ -0.020
admixture functions by
reducing capillary tension of -0.030

pore water, a primary cause Benefits -0.040

of drying shrinkage. Reduces drying shrinkage

„„ -0.050

MasterLife SRA 20 cracking and microcracking


admixture meets ASTM C thereby improving aesthetics, Age, Days

494/C 494M requirements watertightness and durability

for Type S, Specific Reduction in drying shrinkage
Performance, admixtures. minimizes prestress loss
Minimizes curling
Recommended for use in: Performance Characteristics
Ready-mixed or precast
„„ MasterLife SRA 20 admixture does not substantially affect slump. MasterLife SRA 20
concrete structures admixture may increase bleed time and bleed ratio (10% higher). MasterLife SRA 20
requiring shrinkage admixture may also delay time of set by 1-2 hours depending upon dosage and temperature.
reduction and long Compressive strength loss is minimal with MasterLife SRA 20 admixture.
term durability All projects requiring MasterLife SRA 20 admixture in concrete applications exposed to
Wet mix shotcrete
„„ freezing and thawing environments must be pre-approved and require field trials prior to use.
Therefore, contact your local sales representative when concrete treated with MasterLife
Mortars and grouts
SRA 20 admixture is being proposed for applications exposed to freezing and thawing
MasterLife SRA 20 Technical Data Sheet

Guidelines for Use Storage and Handling

Dosage: Knowledge of the shrinkage characteristics of the Storage Temperature: MasterLife SRA 20 admixture is a
concrete mixture proposed for use is required prior to the potentially combustible material with a flash point of 198 °F
addition of MasterLife SRA 20 admixture. The dosage of (92 °C) . This is substantially above the upper limit of 140 °F
MasterLife SRA 20 admixture will be dependent on the (60 °C) for classification as a flammable material, and below the
desired drying shrinkage and the reduction in drying shrinkage limit of 200 °F (93 °C) where DOT requirements would classify
required. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that drying this as a combustible material. Nonetheless, this product must
shrinkage testing be performed to determine the optimum be treated with care and protected from excessive heat, open
dosage for each application and each set of materials. flame or sparks. For more information refer to the Safety Data
The typical dosage range of MasterLife SRA 20 admixture is Sheet.
0.5 to 1.5 gal/yd3 (2.5 to 7.5 L/m3). However, dosages outside MasterLife SRA 20 admixture should be stored at ambient
of this range may be required depending on the level of temperatures above 35 °F (2 °C), and precautions should
shrinkage reduction needed. be taken to protect the admixture from freezing. If MasterLife
Mixing: MasterLife SRA 20 admixture may be added to the SRA 20 admixture freezes, thaw and reconstitute by mild
concrete mixture during the initial batch sequence or at the mechanical agitation. Do not use pressurized air for agitation.
jobsite. Shelf Life: MasterLife SRA 20 admixture has a minimum shelf
The mix water content should be reduced to account for the life of 12 months. Depending on storage conditions, the shelf
quantity of MasterLife SRA 20 admixture used. life may be greater than stated. Please contact your local
sales representative regarding suitability for use and dosage
If the delayed addition method is used, mixing at high speed for recommendations if the shelf life of MasterLife SRA 20
3-5 minutes after the addition of MasterLife SRA 20 admixture admixture has been exceeded.
will result in mixture uniformity.
Product Notes
MasterLife SRA 20 admixture is available in 55 gal (208 L)
Corrosivity – Non-Chloride, Non-Corrosive: MasterLife SRA 20 drums and 268 gal (1014 L) totes.
admixture will neither initiate nor promote corrosion of reinforcing
steel, prestressing steel or of galvanized steel floor and roof
Related Documents
systems. Neither calcium chloride nor other chloride-based
ingredients are used in the manufacture of MasterLife SRA 20 Safety Data Sheets: MasterLife SRA 20 admixture
Compatibility: MasterLife SRA 20 admixture is compatible with all
water-reducers, mid-range water-reducers, high-range water-
reducers, set retarders, accelerators, silica fume, and corrosion
inhibitors. For air-entrained concrete applications, MasterAir® AE
200 admixture is the recommended air-entrainer. The dosage
of MasterAir AE 200 admixture should be established through
truck trial evaluations. The trials should include a simulated
haul time of at least 20 minutes to assess air content stability.
MasterLife SRA 20 admixture should be added separately to
the concrete mixture to ensure desired results.

BASF Corporation
Admixture Systems page 2 of 3
MasterLife SRA 20 Technical Data Sheet

Additional Information Limited Warranty Notice

For additional information on MasterLife SRA 20 admixture or its BASF warrants this product to be free from manufacturing
use in developing concrete mixtures with special performance defects and to meet the technical properties on the current
characteristics contact your local sales representative. Technical Data Guide, if used as directed within shelf life.
The Admixture Systems business of BASF’s Construction Satisfactory results depend not only on quality products but
Chemicals division is the leading provider of solutions that also upon many factors beyond our control. BASF MAKES
improve placement, pumping, finishing, appearance and NO OTHER WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, EXPRESS OR
performance characteristics of specialty concrete used in IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY
the ready-mixed, precast, manufactured concrete products, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE WITH RESPECT
underground construction and paving markets. For over TO ITS PRODUCTS. The sole and exclusive remedy of
100 years we have offered reliable products and innovative Purchaser for any claim concerning this product, including but
technologies, and through the Master Builders Solutions not limited to, claims alleging breach of warranty, negligence,
brand, we are connected globally with experts from many strict liability or otherwise, is shipment to purchaser of product
fields to provide sustainable solutions for the construction equal to the amount of product that fails to meet this warranty
industry. or refund of the original purchase price of product that
fails to meet this warranty, at the sole option of BASF. Any
claims concerning this product must be received in writing
within one (1) year from the date of shipment and any claims
not presented within that period are waived by Purchaser.
Purchaser must determine the suitability of the products for the
intended use and assumes all risks and liabilities in connection
therewith. This information and all further technical advice are
based on BASF’s present knowledge and experience. However,
BASF assumes no liability for providing such information and
advice including the extent to which such information and
advice may relate to existing third party intellectual property
rights, especially patent rights, nor shall any legal relationship
be created by or arise from the provision of such information
and advice. BASF reserves the right to make any changes
according to technological progress or further developments.
The Purchaser of the Product(s) must test the product(s) for
suitability for the intended application and purpose before
proceeding with a full application of the product(s). Performance
of the product described herein should be verified by testing
and carried out by qualified experts.

* MasterLife SRA 20 became MasterLife SRA 20 under the Master Builders Solutions brand, effective January 1, 2014.

© BASF Corporation 2015  01/15  OTH-DAT-0709

United States Canada

BASF Corporation 23700 Chagrin Boulevard 1800 Clark Boulevard
Admixture Systems Cleveland, Ohio 44122-5544 Brampton, Ontario L6T 4M7 Tel: 800 628-9990  Fax: 216 839-8821 Tel: 800 387-5862  Fax: 905 792-0651 page 3 of 3

Miragrid® 5XT

Miragrid® 5XT geogrid is composed of high molecular weight, high tenacity polyester
multifilament yarns which are woven in tension and finished with a PVC coating.
Miragrid® 5XT geogrid is inert to biological degradation and resistant to naturally
encountered chemicals, alkalis, and acids.

TenCate Geosynthetics Americas is accredited by a2La (The American Association for

Laboratory Accreditation) and Geosynthetic Accreditation Institute – Laboratory
Accreditation Program (GAI-LAP). NTPEP test data.

Minimum Average
Mechanical Properties Test Method Unit Roll Value
Machine Direction
Tensile Strength (at ultimate) ASTM D6637 lbs/ft (kN/m) 4700 (68.6)
Tensile Strength (at 5% strain) ASTM D6637 lbs/ft (kN/m) 1740 (25.4)
Creep Reduced Strength ASTM D5262 lbs/ft (kN/m) 2975 (43.4)
Long Term Allowable Design Load GRI GG-4(b) lbs/ft (kN/m) 2575 (37.6)
NOTE: Long Term Allowable Design values are for sand, silt and clay

Physical Properties Unit Typical Value
2 2
Mass/Unit Area (ASTM D5261) oz/yd (g/m ) 9.3 (315)
Roll Dimensions (width x length) ft (m) 12 x 150 (3.6 x 46)
2 2
Roll Area yd (m ) 200 (165)
Estimated Roll Weight lbs (kg) 123 (56)

ASTM D4439 Standard Terminology for Geosynthetics: typical value, n—for geosynthetics, the mean value calculated from documented
manufacturing quality control test results for a defined population obtained from one test method associated with on specific property.

Creep Reduced Strength (ASTM D5262), and Long Term Allowable Design Load (GRI GG-4(b)) is not covered by our current A2LA accreditation.

Disclaimer: TenCate assumes no liability for the accuracy or completeness of this information or for the ultimate use by the purchaser. TenCate
disclaims any and all express, implied, or statutory standards, warranties or guarantees, including without limitation any implied warranty as to
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or arising from a course of dealing or usage of trade as to any equipment, materials, or information
furnished herewith. This document should not be construed as engineering advice.

Mirafi® is a registered trademark of Nicolon Corporation. Copyright © 2014 Nicolon Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

365 South Holland Drive Tel 706 693 2226 Fax 706 693 4400
Pendergrass, GA 30567 Tel 888 795 0808


Testing Lab 1291.01 & 1291.02
PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol), Large Denier Macro, Superior Bond


PVA fibers are unique in their ability to create a

fully-engaged molecular bond with mortar and
concrete that is 300% greater than other fibers.

Nycon-PVA RF4000 is a component of the Nycon


NYCON-PVA RF4000 Physical Properties

Filament Diameter 130 Denier (660 Microns)
Fiber Length 1.25” (30 mm)
Specific Gravity 1.3
Tensile Strength 120 ksi (800 MPa)
Flexural Strength 3300 ksi (23 GPa)
Melting Point 435o F (225o C)
Color Yellow
Water Absorption <1% by Weight
Alkali Resistance Excellent
Concrete Surface Not Fuzzy
Corrosion Resistance Excellent

Description NYCON-PVA RF4000 fiber products are 130 denier, monofilament PVA fibers for use
in fiber reinforced concrete, shotcrete, TUFF-SLABTM and precast. NYCON-PVA RF4000
is specifically designed for use in concrete products for the purpose of controlling
plastic shrinkage, thermal cracking and improving abrasion resistance.

NYCON-PVA RF4000 meets the requirements of ASTM C-1116, Section 4.1.3 and AC-32 at
1.0 lb (0.45 kg) per CY.

Applications NYCON-PVA utilizes the mixing activity to disperse the fibers into the mix. NYCON-
PVA acts with a molecular bond in the concrete with a multi-dimensional fiber
network. NYCON-PVA does not affect curing process chemically.
NYCON-PVA can be used in all types of concrete. NYCON-PVA RF4000 at 6 lb (2.7 kg)
per CY is the macro fiber and NYCON-PVA RSC15 at 3 lbs (1.35 kg) per CY is the micro
fiber used together in Nycon’s TUFF-SLABTM product.


PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol), Large Denier Macro, Superior Bond

Advantages/Benefits • Molecular bond with the concrete

• Reduces the formation of plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete.
• Provides multi-dimensional reinforcement.
• Improves impact, shatter and abrasion resistance of concrete.
• Enhances durability and toughness of concrete.
• Excellent, “no fuzz” finishability

Mixing NYCON-PVA RF4000 can be added directly to the mixing system during or after the
batching of the ingredients and mixed at high speed for a minimum of five minutes.
Additional mixing does not adversely affect the distribution or overall performance of
NYCON-PVA. The addition of NYCON-PVA at the normal or high dosage rate does not
require any mix design or application changes. A water reducer or super-plasticizer is
recommended in concrete products where improved workability and finishability are

Tooling & Finishing Fiber reinforced concrete can be finished by most finishing techniques. NYCON-PVA
does not affect the finishing characteristics of concrete. NYCON-PVA can be used in
power/hand troweled concrete, colored and broom finished concrete.
NYCON-PVA can be pumped and placed using conventional equipment. Hand
screeds can be used, but vibratory and laser screeds are recommended to provide
added compaction and bury surface fibers.

Packaging (30) 1 lb (0.45 kg) paper beater bags per box, 600 lbs per pallet
(30) 1 lb (0.45 kg) water soluble bags per box, 600 lbs per pallet
(21) 22 lb (10 kg) paper bulk bags, 462 lbs per pallet

Storage and Shelf Life NYCON products should be stored in dry warehouse. Protect product from the rain.

All information provided by Nycon Corporation concerning Nycon products, including but not limited to, any recommendations and advice relating to the application and use of Nycon products, is
given in good faith based on Nycon’s current experience and knowledge of its products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Nycon’s instructions.
In practice, the differences in materials, substrates, storage and handling conditions, actual site conditions and other factors outside of Nycon’s control are such that Nycon assumes no liability for the
provision of such information, advice, recommendations or instructions related to its products, nor shall any legal relationship be created by or arise from the provision of such information, advice,
recommendations or instructions related to its products. The user of the Nycon product(s) must test the product(s) for suitability for the intended application and purpose before proceeding with the
full application of the product(s).

Nycon reserves the right to change the properties of its products without notice. All sales of Nycon product(s) are subject to its current terms and conditions of sale which are available at www.nycon.
com or by calling 800-456-9266.

Prior to each use of any Nycon product, the user must always read and follow the warnings and instructions on the product’s most current
Technical Data Sheet, product label and Material Safety Data Sheet which are available. Nothing contained in any Nycon materials relieves the user of the obligation to read and follow the warnings
and instruction for each Nycon product as set forth in the current Product Data Sheet, product label and Material Safety Data Sheet prior to product use.

Nycon warrants this product for one year from date of shipment to be free from manufacturing defects and to meet the technical properties on the current Product Data Sheet if used as directed
within shelf life. User determines suitability of product for intended use and assumes all risks. Buyer’s sole remedy shall be limited to the purchase price or replacement of product exclusive of labor or
cost of labor.



Nycon Corp. | 300 Ben Fairless Drive | Fairless Hills, PA 19030 | P: 800-456-9266 | P: 215-310-2139 | F: 215-736-2652
PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol), Medium Denier, Superior Bond


PVA fibers are unique in their ability to create a

fully-engaged molecular bond with mortar and
concrete that is 300% greater than other fibers.

NYCON-PVA RFS400 Physical Properties

Filament Diameter 40 Denier (200 Microns)
Fiber Length 0.75” (19 mm)
Specific Gravity 1.3
Tensile Strength 150 ksi (1000 MPa)
Flexural Strength 4200 ksi (29 GPa)
Melting Point 435o F (225o C)
Color White
Water Absorption <1% by Weight
Alkali Resistance Excellent
Concrete Surface Not Fuzzy
Corrosion Resistance Excellent

Description NYCON-PVA RFS400 fiber products are 40 denier, monofilament PVA fibers for use
in fiber reinforced concrete, stucco, shotcrete and precast. NYCON-PVA RFS400 is
specifically designed for use in concrete products for the purpose of controlling
plastic shrinkage, thermal cracking and improving abrasion resistance.

NYCON-PVA RFS400 meets the requirements of ASTM C-1116, Section 4.1.3 and AC-32 at
1.0 lb (0.45 kg) per CY.

Applications NYCON-PVA utilizes the mixing activity to disperse the fibers into the mix. NYCON-
PVA acts with a molecular bond in the concrete with a multi-dimensional fiber
network. NYCON-PVA does not affect curing process chemically.
NYCON-PVA can be used in all types of concrete. Synthetic fibers help the concrete
at early ages, which is especially beneficial where stripping time and handling is


PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol), Medium Denier, Superior Bond

Advantages/Benefits • Molecular bond with the concrete

• Reduces the formation of plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete.
• Provides multi-dimensional reinforcement.
• Improves impact, shatter and abrasion resistance of concrete.
• Enhances durability and toughness of concrete.
• Excellent, “no fuzz” finishability

Mixing NYCON-PVA RFS400 can be added directly to the mixing system during or after the
batching of the ingredients and mixed at high speed for a minimum of five minutes.
Additional mixing does not adversely affect the distribution or overall performance of
NYCON-PVA. The addition of NYCON-PVA at the normal or high dosage rate does not
require any mix design or application changes. A water reducer or super-plasticizer is
recommended in concrete products where improved workability and finishability are

Tooling & Finishing Fiber reinforced concrete can be finished by most finishing techniques. NYCON-PVA
does not affect the finishing characteristics of concrete. NYCON-PVA can be used in
power/hand troweled concrete, colored and broom finished concrete.
NYCON-PVA can be pumped and placed using conventional equipment. Hand
screeds can be used, but vibratory and laser screeds are recommended to provide
added compaction and bury surface fibers.

Packaging (35) 1 lb (0.45 kg) paper beater bags per box, 700 lbs per pallet
(35) 1 lb (0.45 kg) water soluble bags per box, 700 lbs per pallet
(21) 40 lb (18 kg) paper bulk bags, 693 lbs per pallet

Storage and Shelf Life NYCON-PVA should be stored in dry warehouse. Protect product from the rain.

All information provided by Nycon Corporation concerning Nycon products, including but not limited to, any recommendations and advice relating to the application and use of Nycon products, is
given in good faith based on Nycon’s current experience and knowledge of its products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Nycon’s instructions.
In practice, the differences in materials, substrates, storage and handling conditions, actual site conditions and other factors outside of Nycon’s control are such that Nycon assumes no liability for the
provision of such information, advice, recommendations or instructions related to its products, nor shall any legal relationship be created by or arise from the provision of such information, advice,
recommendations or instructions related to its products. The user of the Nycon product(s) must test the product(s) for suitability for the intended application and purpose before proceeding with the
full application of the product(s).

Nycon reserves the right to change the properties of its products without notice. All sales of Nycon product(s) are subject to its current terms and conditions of sale which are available at www.nycon.
com or by calling 800-456-9266.

Prior to each use of any Nycon product, the user must always read and follow the warnings and instructions on the product’s most current
Technical Data Sheet, product label and Material Safety Data Sheet which are available. Nothing contained in any Nycon materials relieves the user of the obligation to read and follow the warnings
and instruction for each Nycon product as set forth in the current Product Data Sheet, product label and Material Safety Data Sheet prior to product use.

Nycon warrants this product for one year from date of shipment to be free from manufacturing defects and to meet the technical properties on the current Product Data Sheet if used as directed
within shelf life. User determines suitability of product for intended use and assumes all risks. Buyer’s sole remedy shall be limited to the purchase price or replacement of product exclusive of labor or
cost of labor.



Nycon Corp. | 300 Ben Fairless Drive | Fairless Hills, PA 19030 | P: 800-456-9266 | P: 215-310-2139 | F: 215-736-2652
PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol), Small Denier, Superior Bond


PVA fibers are unique in their ability to create a

fully-engaged molecular bond with mortar and
concrete that is 300% greater than other fibers.

NYCON-PVA RSC15 is a component of the NYCON


NYCON-PVA RSC15 Physical Properties

Filament Diameter 8 Denier (38 Microns)
Fiber Length 0.375” (8 mm)
Specific Gravity 1.3
Tensile Strength 210 ksi (1400 MPa)
Flexural Strength 4200 ksi (30 GPa)
Melting Point 435o F (225o C)
Color White
Water Absorption <1% by Weight
Alkali Resistance Excellent
Concrete Surface Not Fuzzy
Corrosion Resistance Excellent

Description NYCON-PVA RSC15 fiber products are 8 denier, monofilament PVA fibers for use
in fiber reinforced concrete, stucco, TUFF-MIXTM and precast. NYCON-PVA RSC15 is
specifically designed for use in concrete products for the purpose of controlling
plastic shrinkage, thermal cracking and improving abrasion resistance.

NYCON-PVA RSC15 meets the requirements of ASTM C-1116, Section 4.1.3 and AC-32 at
1.0 lb (0.45 kg) per CY.

Applications NYCON-PVA utilizes the mixing activity to disperse the fibers into the mix. NYCON-
PVA acts with a molecular bond in the concrete with a multi-dimensional fiber
network. NYCON-PVA does not affect curing process chemically.
NYCON-PVA can be used in all types of concrete. NYCON-PVA RSC15 at 3 lb (1.35 kg)
per CY is the micro fiber and NYCON-PVA RF4000 at 6 lb (2.7 kg) per CY is the macro
fiber used together in Nycon’s TUFF-MIXTM product.


PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol), Small Denier, Superior Bond

Advantages/Benefits • Molecular bond with the concrete

• Reduces the formation of plastic shrinkage cracking in concrete.
• Provides multi-dimensional reinforcement.
• Improves impact, shatter and abrasion resistance of concrete.
• Enhances durability and toughness of concrete.
• Excellent, “no fuzz” finishability

Mixing NYCON-PVA RSC15 can be added directly to the mixing system during or after the
batching of the ingredients and mixed at high speed for a minimum of five minutes.
Additional mixing does not adversely affect the distribution or overall performance of
NYCON-PVA. The addition of NYCON-PVA at the normal or high dosage rate does not
require any mix design or application changes. A water reducer or super-plasticizer is
recommended in concrete products where improved workability and finishability are

Tooling & Finishing Fiber reinforced concrete can be finished by most finishing techniques. NYCON-PVA
does not affect the finishing characteristics of concrete. NYCON-PVA can be used in
power/hand troweled concrete, colored and broom finished concrete.
NYCON-PVA can be pumped and placed using conventional equipment. Hand
screeds can be used, but vibratory and laser screeds are recommended to provide
added compaction and bury surface fibers.

Packaging (30) 1 lb (0.45 kg) paper beater bags per box, 600 lbs per pallet
(30) 1 lb (0.45 kg) water soluble bags per box, 600 lbs per pallet
(21) 40 lb (18 kg) paper bulk bags, 840 lbs per pallet

Storage and Shelf Life NYCON-PVA should be stored in dry warehouse. Protect product from the rain.

All information provided by Nycon Corporation concerning Nycon products, including but not limited to, any recommendations and advice relating to the application and use of Nycon products, is
given in good faith based on Nycon’s current experience and knowledge of its products when properly stored, handled and applied under normal conditions in accordance with Nycon’s instructions.
In practice, the differences in materials, substrates, storage and handling conditions, actual site conditions and other factors outside of Nycon’s control are such that Nycon assumes no liability for the
provision of such information, advice, recommendations or instructions related to its products, nor shall any legal relationship be created by or arise from the provision of such information, advice,
recommendations or instructions related to its products. The user of the Nycon product(s) must test the product(s) for suitability for the intended application and purpose before proceeding with the
full application of the product(s).

Nycon reserves the right to change the properties of its products without notice. All sales of Nycon product(s) are subject to its current terms and conditions of sale which are available at www.nycon.
com or by calling 800-456-9266.

Prior to each use of any Nycon product, the user must always read and follow the warnings and instructions on the product’s most current
Technical Data Sheet, product label and Material Safety Data Sheet which are available. Nothing contained in any Nycon materials relieves the user of the obligation to read and follow the warnings
and instruction for each Nycon product as set forth in the current Product Data Sheet, product label and Material Safety Data Sheet prior to product use.

Nycon warrants this product for one year from date of shipment to be free from manufacturing defects and to meet the technical properties on the current Product Data Sheet if used as directed
within shelf life. User determines suitability of product for intended use and assumes all risks. Buyer’s sole remedy shall be limited to the purchase price or replacement of product exclusive of labor or
cost of labor.



Nycon Corp. | 300 Ben Fairless Drive | Fairless Hills, PA 19030 | P: 800-456-9266 | P: 215-310-2139 | F: 215-736-2652
Technical Properties Standard Poraver standard Poraver special
® ®

grain sizes grain sizes

data sheet

Grain size [mm] 0.1 - 0.3 0.25 - 0.5 0.5 - 1 1 - 2 2 - 4 0.04-0.125 0.1 - 0.5 4 - 8
According to ASTM C330, C331, C332 Particle size [mesh #]
140 - 50 60 - 35 35 - 18 18 - 10 10 - 5 400 - 120 140 - 35 5 - 5/16"

Poraver® expanded glass is available in five Fineness modulus 0.66 1.92 2.72 3.81 4.7 on request 0.81 5.73
standard and two special grain sizes. With this [kg/m3] 400 340 270 230 190 530 380 180
ASTM ± 60 ± 30 ± 30 ± 30 ± 20 ± 70 ± 60 ± 20
wide variety of grain sizes from 0.04 mm to Dry loose bulk density
C9/C29M 25 21.2 16.9 14.4 11.9 33.1 23.7 11.2
8 mm, Poraver® expanded glass granulate [lb/ft ]3
± 3.8 ± 3.2 ±3 ± 2.1 ± 1.8 ± 4.4 ± 3.8 ± 1.7
offers a suitable lightweight aggregate solution
[kg/m3] 850 680 450 410 350 on request 800 300
for every field of application. ASTM ± 120 ± 50 ± 50 ± 50 ± 40 ± 60 ± 40
Apparent density
C128 53.1 42.5 28.1 25.6 21.8 49.9 18.7
[lb/ft3] ± 8.4 ± 5.6 ± 4.4 ± 3.6 ±3
on request
± 3.8 ± 2.7

[MPa] EN 2.8 2.6 2 1.6 1.4 on request 3.0 1.2

Compressive strength
[PSI] 13055-1 406 377 290 232 203 on request 435 174

Water absorption by mass 1) [Mass. %] ASTM C128 35 28 20 20 23 on request 32 20

Water absorption by volume 1) [Vol. %] ASTM C128 22 15 9 7 7 on request 20 5

Organic impurities ASTM C40 no injurious compounds no injurious compounds

Staining index (index number) ASTM C641 0 0

Loss on ignition [%] ASTM C114 ~1 ~1

Clay lumps and friable particles [%] ASTM C142 - - - <2 <2 - - <2

Oversize EN ≤ 10 % by mass ≤ 10 % by mass

Undersize 13055-1 ≤ 15 % by mass ≤ 15 % by mass

% absorption determined after 5 minutes submerged in water
The following data are valid for all grain sizes:

pH value 9  - 12 9  - 12

Moisture content on delivery ≤ 0.5 % ≤ 0.5 %

Softening point approx. 700°C / 1300°F approx. 700°C / 1300°F

Color creamy white creamy white

[W/m∙K] - - - - 0.07 2) - - 0.07 2)

Thermal conductivity
[BTU-in/hr-ft -°F]
- - - - 0.486  2)
- - 0.486 2)

The strength grades may vary within the tolerance range of bulk densities. 2)
calculated values DIBt according to approval Z-23.11-114
The availability and delivery conditions for special grain sizes will be agreed on an individual basis.

Poraver North America Inc. · 2429 Bowman Street · Innisfil, Ontario, L9S 3V6, Canada
05/2015 AA Phone +1 705 431 0022 · Fax +1 705 431 2701 · ·
for Concrete 03 05 00
QUIKRETE® Concrete Bonding Adhesive is specifically formulated for permanently bonding new
concrete or plaster to old concrete or plaster. It is suitable for interior or exterior applications.
QUIKRETE® Concrete Bonding Adhesive is also used as the required primer for QUIKRETE® Self-
Leveling Floor Resurfacer.

This exterior grade synthetic emulsion adheres new concrete,
toppings and Portland cement plaster or repair material to floors,
walls, sidewalks, silos, concrete pipes, concrete pavements, concrete
and cinder blocks, curbs and steps. It provides a permanent physical
bond which is stronger than the material being bonded. There is no
need for chipping, drilling or roughing the old surface before
• 1 qt (0.95 L) plastic bottles Adhesive Type Specification
• 1 gal (3.8 L) plastic jugs Type I > 400 psi (2.8 MPa)
• 5 gal (18.9 L) plastic buckets Type II > 1250 psi (8.6 MPa)

• As a paint-on adhesive - 35 - 75 ft²/qt (150 - 300 ft²/gal) (3.7 - 7.4 SURFACE PREPARATION
m²/L) • Apply only to clean, sound surfaces
• As a slurry coat - approximately 19 ft²/qt (75 ft²/gal) (1.85 m²/L) • Remove dust, dirt, oil, grease, wax, unsound concrete and plaster,
• As a primer - 300 - 600 ft²/gal (7.4 – 14.7 m²/L) paint and other foreign materials


ASTM International • Apply to surface with brush, roller or spray to the thickness of a coat
• ASTM C1059 Standard Specification for Latex Agents for Bonding of paint. Can be applied to a dry or damp surface
Fresh to Hardened Concrete • Place new concrete, topping mixes, Portland cement, plaster mixes
• ASTM C1583 Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength of or patches as soon as the adhesive is dry. Gypsum plasters and fin-
Concrete Surfaces and the Bond Strength or Tensile Strength of ish plaster should be placed over tacky coat of adhesive
Concrete Repair and Overlay Materials by Direct Tension (Pull-off • Make sure basecoat plaster is dry before applying adhesive
Method) • Tools, brushes and other application accessories should be
Note – QUIKRETE® Concrete Bonding Adhesive applied to immediately cleaned with water. Use hot water to clean up any
appropriate substrates will achieve tensile bond strengths typical of drippings
those shown in Table 1. QUIKRETE® Concrete Bonding Adhesive
meets or exceeds the requirements for ASTM C1059 Types I and II Use As a Slurry Coat
as shown in Table 2. • Make slurry from approximately 2 parts cement and 1 part Concrete
Application Tensile Bond Strength • Apply a thin layer of slurry onto the properly prepared substrate
Sand Mix bonded with paint-on adhesive 7 days: 100 psi (0.7 MPa) using a trowel, brush or squeegee, being sure to rub the slurry
28 days: 150 psi (1.0 MPa) thoroughly into the surface
Sand Mix bonded with a slurry coat 7 days: 300 psi (2.1 MPa) • Apply topping or repair material immediately before the slurry dries
28 days: 350 psi (2.4 MPa)
Primer for Self-Leveling Floor Resurfacer 7 days: 300 psi (2.1 MPa)
28 days: 400 psi (2.8 MPa)

Use As a Primer for Self-Leveling Floor Resurfacers PRECAUTIONS
• Concrete must be free of coatings, curing compounds or waxes and • Protect QUIKRETE® Concrete Bonding Adhesive from freezing
rigorously clean, dust-free and in sound condition. Use proper repair • Do not apply at temperatures below 50 degrees F (10 degrees C)
techniques to replace unsound concrete with the appropriate • Do not use over previously painted surfaces
QUIKRETE® repair material. Remove old coatings and weak surface • Do not use in combination with QUIKRETE® Concrete Acrylic
laitance with appropriate abrasive techniques. Shotblasting of the Fortifier
surface is most preferred • Do not store in areas over 100 degrees F (38 degrees C)
• Dilute 1 part QUIKRETE® Concrete Bonding Adhesive with 2 parts
clean water. Stir well before using WARRANTY
• Apply with broom, roller or garden sprayer to saturate the surface. The QUIKRETE® Companies warrant this product to be of
Clean tools and equipment immediately with warm soapy water merchantable quality when used or applied in accordance with the
• Low porosity concrete in good condition typically requires 1 coat. instructions herein. The product is not warranted as suitable for any
Porous concrete typically requires 2 coats purpose or use other than the general purpose for which it is
• Do not apply QUIKRETE® Self-Leveling Floor Resurfacer until the intended. Liability under this warranty is limited to the replacement of
QUIKRETE® Concrete Bonding Adhesive is dry to the touch. If there its product (as purchased) found to be defective, or at the shipping
is no visible sheen to the concrete, apply a second coat of companies’ option, to refund the purchase price. In the event of a
QUIKRETE® Concrete Bonding Adhesive and wait for it to dry. A claim under this warranty, notice must be given to The QUIKRETE®
drying time of 2 - 3 hours is typical, although drying times will vary Companies in writing. This limited warranty is issued and accepted in
greatly with temperature, humidity and the condition of the concrete lieu of all other express warranties and expressly excludes liability for
• If the area coated with QUIKRETE® Concrete Bonding Adhesive is consequential damages.
kept clean and dry, the topping can be applied up to 48 hours after
The QUIKRETE® Companies
installation of the QUIKRETE® Concrete Bonding Adhesive One Securities Centre
3490 Piedmont Rd., NE, Suite 1300, Atlanta, GA 30305
(404) 634-9100 • Fax: (404) 842-1425

* Refer to for the most current technical data, MSDS, and guide specifications
Cement Colors

SAKRETE® Cement Colors are synthetic mineral oxide additives that PACKAGING: (Cont.)
5 lb. (2.27 kg) - Black - UPC: 7-64661-21005-4
are durable and alkali and ultraviolet resistant. For coloring SAKRETE®
5 lb. (2.27 kg) - Brown - UPC: 7-64661-21105-1
Concrete, Mortar and Sand mixes. 5 lb. (2.27 kg) - Red - UPC: 7-64661-21305-5
5 lb. (2.27 kg) - Tan - UPC: 7-64661-21205-8
SAFETY: Not all colors available in all areas
READ and UNDERSTAND the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before using
this product. WARNING: Wear protective clothing and equipment. See HMIS ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY:
block. For emergency information, call CHEMTREC at 800-424-9300 Uncured or crushed cured cement is an envi-
or 703-527-3887 (outside USA). KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. ronmental hazard, which may adversely affect
fish and wildlife. Dispose of construction debris
PREPARATION: containing cement, including empty bags, at a
READ ALL DIRECTIONS BEFORE STARTING WORK. permitted municipal disposal firm. Do not use
Prepare the substrate as required for the cement product being colored. To crushed concrete as a fill near an aquatic habitat.
test color results, mix a small amount of color with the cement product to be
used and apply to a concrete block. The color appears darker when freshly
applied and lightens to its final color when dry.
Thoroughly mix the cement color with dry powder cement products then
add water. Color variations can occur due to the color of the cement, sand
and coarse aggregate used, amount and mineral content of the water used, contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Wash
amount of troweling, amount of water used in finishing, and curing methods thoroughly after handling. Exposure may
result in irritation of the skin, eyes, or nasal
employed. These conditions are beyond the control of the manufacturer. passages. When wet, contact with the skin
or eyes may result in irritation. FIRST AID: In
case of eye contact, flush immediately with
MIXING: plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and
MIXING: Thoroughly preblend the SAKRETE® Cement Color with the dry pow- get prompt medical attention; for skin, wash
thoroughly with plenty of soap and water.
der cement product before adding mix water. Add 2/3 of suggested mix water CAUTION! HARMFUL IF INHALED – Avoid
and mix until all material is of a uniform color. Add the balance of the water breathing dust. Keep container closed.
and mix to a workable consistency. Care must be taken to keep proportions
of materials the same from batch to batch. Color will tend to even out over
time. Use 1 lb. (.45 kg) of SAKRETE® Cement Color per 80 lb.(36.2 kg) or 60
lb.(27.2 kg) bag of SAKRETE® Concrete, Sand or Mortar Mix. One pound of
Cement Color will yield a darker color in a 60 lb. bag than in an 80 lb. bag. If
a lighter color is desired use less cement color. For custom field mixes, use
up to 7 lbs. (3.18 kg) per 94 lb. bag Portland cement and up to 5 lbs. (2.27
kg) per 70 lb. bag of masonry cement. LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY The manufacturer warrants
that this product shall be of merchantable quality when used
PLACEMENT: or applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Place mixture according to the corresponding SAKRETE® Concrete, Sand or This product is not warranted as suitable for any purpose
other than the general purpose for which it is intended. This
Mortar Mix product literature.
warranty runs for one (1) year from the date the product is pur-
Wetting the surface may result in spotting. Use of SAKRETE® Cure-N-Seal LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS WARRANTY. Liability under
often reduces the need for wet curing. this warranty is limited to replacement of defective product
or, at the manufacturer’s option, refund of the purchase price.
1 lb. (.45 kg) - Charcoal - UPC: 7-64661-21001-6 ERABLE UNDER THIS WARRANTY.
1 lb. (.45 kg) - Brown - UPC: 7-64661-21101-3
1 lb. (.45 kg) - Buff - UPC: 7-64661-21201-0
The SAKRETE Companies
1 lb. (.45 kg) - Red - UPC: 7-64661-21301-7 866-SAKRETE
1 lb. (.45 kg) - Terra Cotta - UPC: 7-64661-21401-4 866-725-7383

REV 3-10 • 866-SAKRETE 866-725-7383
09250 Sheetrock Lightweight ®

All Purpose Joint Compound

Plus 3

Provides all the benefits of a conventional product with these exclusive Plus 3® advantages:
– Weighs up to 30% less than conventional compounds
– Needs one fewer coat over fasteners and bead
– Eliminates need for taping and topping compounds
– Sands with the ease of a topping compound
– Bonds like a taping compound

Description In just one working day a drywall finisher lifts, carries and applies more than 900 lbs. of ready-mixed joint
compound. Advanced Sheetrock® brand Plus 3® lightweight all purpose joint compound, exclusively from United
States Gypsum Company, weighs up to 30% less than conventional compounds. Handling and applying are
simpler, easier and faster for the mechanic. Each job goes more quickly so productivity is higher and in-place
costs are lower.
To further cut labor costs, Plus 3 lightweight all purpose joint compound requires only two coats over metal,
such as corner beads and fasteners. The added coat needed with conventional compounds is eliminated.
Plus 3 lightweight all purpose joint compound also sands more easily than any other compound, using
only 150-grit sandpaper or 220-grit abrasive mesh cloth. It needs only minimal mixing, thinning or retempering.
Joint finishing is faster, easier, smoother, with a quality finish in less time. All of which means minimal callbacks
and maximum job completions for improved job labor costs. Plus 3 lightweight all purpose joint compound bonds
like a taping product, providing a tough, tight bond under most job conditions. It combines all-purpose, single-
package convenience with optimum taping and topping performance. Use it for embedding and finishing, even for
simple hand-applied texturing. When used as a texture finish, it should be overpainted when dry (not washable

Advantages In addition to cost-savings, this compound offers all the advantages professionals expect from a Sheetrock brand
ready-mixed joint compound.
Ready-mixed convenience Lower in-place costs. Compound speeds work, saves money. Factory-mixed for
consistently high quality. Reduces total drywall construction time substantially.
Faster mixing time When additional water is necessary, Plus 3 lightweight all purpose joint compound mixes
with less effort than conventional compounds; accepts water more quickly to reduce solution time.
Better slip, excellent bond Features superior ease of handling, good crack resistance and excellent adhesion.
Bonds tightly even under moist job conditions.
Less dropping and waste Butter consistency minimizes droppings and reduces risk of staining woodwork.
More open time Facilitates working back, even under fast drying conditions, by providing more wet-edge life to
prevent rolling and tearing of previously laid compound.
Low shrinkage for finer finishing Factory-controlled shrinkage results in finer finished work, but without the extra
labor normally required by conventional ready-mixed products.
Trouble-free decoration Tests show Plus 3 lightweight all purpose joint compound is highly resistant to cracking
along tape edges, so it eliminates many decorating problems. Smooth, finished joints simplify decoration.

Limitations 1. Protect container from freezing, exposure to extreme heat and direct sunlight.
2. Prior to using any epoxy coating over any surface treated with joint compound, consult the epoxy coating
manufacturer and follow manufacturer’s specific recommendations regarding the preparation or suitability
of substrates for the epoxy coating. Many epoxy coatings exert significant shear stress on the substrate from
shrinkage while curing/drying. This stress can cause the bond of the joint compound to fail, resulting in
delamination problems.
3. When used as a texture finish, overpaint when dry (not washable unpainted).
Preparation P osition and apply Sheetrock® brand gypsum panels according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
 Maintain minimum air, joint compound and surface temperature of 55 °F (13 °C) within working area until
joints are completely dry. Adequate ventilation shall be provided to carry off excess moisture.
 Mix joint compound lightly without adding water. Use directly from container for covering fasteners and
corner bead. For taping and finishing joints (especially for use in mechanical tools), thin as necessary. Add water
in half-pint increments to avoid overthinning. Remix lightly and test-apply after each water addition.

Application  over joint with a thin layer of compound and embed tape, leaving about 1/32" of compound under feathered
edge. Let dry and smooth lightly as required. Apply second coat, feathering approx. 2" beyond first coat. Let
dry and smooth lightly as required. Apply third coat, feathering 2" beyond second coat. Let dry and smooth
lightly as required. Finish fastener heads, corner bead and inside corners with only two coats of joint compound,
feathered out onto panel faces and finished to a smooth surface. Sand all joints, fasteners and beads before
decorating. Remove any sanding dust from surfaces. If smoothing and dry-sanding, use nothing coarser than
150-grit sandpaper or 220-grit abrasive mesh cloth.

Decorating F or painting and decorating, follow manufacturer’s directions for materials used. All surfaces, including applied
joint compound, must be thoroughly dry, dust-free, and not glossy before decorating. Sheetrock® First Coat
primer or a good-quality, high-solids, interior latex flat wall paint used undiluted should be applied and allowed
to dry before painting, texturing or wallpapering. Walls to be covered with wallpaper or vinyl wall-covering
should be sealed per manufacturer’s recommendations.
 Where walls and ceilings will be subject to severe artificial or natural side lighting and/or decorated with
gloss paint (eggshell, semi-gloss, or high-gloss), skim-coat gypsum panels with conventional weight Sheetrock
all purpose joint compound or Cover Coat® compound to improve fastener concealment and minimize decorating
problems such as joint banding. Skim coating fills imperfections in joint work, smoothes the paper covering of
drywall panels and provides a uniform surface for priming and painting.

Product Data Types: Hand or mechanical application.

Freezing Sensitivity: Protect from freezing.
Coverage: Approx. 9.4 gal./1,000 ft.2 (38.3 L/100 m2) of gypsum panels.
Compliance with Standards: Meets ASTM Standard C475.
 torage: Shelf-life of unopened container up to nine months under good storage conditions. Store compounds in
protected place — extreme heat or cold accelerates aging. Check product date codes periodically. Rotate stock
on first-in, first-out basis. Protect container from freezing, direct sunlight, and extreme heat.
Packaging: 1.0 gal. (3.8 L) and 4.5 gal. (17 L) pails; 4.5 gal. (17 L) and 3.5 gal. (13.2 L) cartons.
Note: Container types and sizes described here may not be available in all geographic markets. Contact your
United States Gypsum Company sales office for more information.
VOC Content: < 2g/L

Submittal Job Name

Contractor Date

WARNING Wash thoroughly with soap and Trademarks Our liability is expressly limited
Dust created from product may water after use. Do not ingest. The following trademarks used to replacement of defective
cause eye, skin, nose, throat or If ingested, call physician. Do herein are owned by United goods. Any claim shall be
upper respiratory irritation. When not use if material has spoiled, States Gypsum Company: deemed waived unless made
sanding, avoid inhalation of i.e., there is a moldy appearance Cover Coat, Plus 3, Sheetrock, in writing to us within thirty
dust and eye contact. Use in or an unpleasant odor. Close USG, USG in stylized letters. (30) days from date it was or
a well-ventilated area. Wear container and discard properly. Note reasonably should have been
a NIOSH/MSHA-approved Product safety information: Products described here may discovered.
respirator when dusty. Use (800) 507-8899 not be available in all geographic Safety First!
proper ventilation to reduce KEEP OUT OF REACH OF markets. Consult your U.S. Follow good safety and
dust exposure. Prolonged and CHILDREN. Gypsum Company sales office industrial hygiene practices
repeated breathing of respirable Product Information or representative for information. during handling and installation
mica/talc dust may cause lung See for the most of all products and systems.
disease (pneumoconiosis). Notice
up-to-date product information. We shall not be liable for Take necessary precautions
Wear eye protection. If eye and wear the appropriate
contact occurs, flush thoroughly incidental and consequential
damages, directly or indirectly personal protective equipment
with water for 15 minutes. If as needed. Read material
irritation persists, call physician. sustained, nor for any loss
caused by application of these safety data sheets and related
goods not in accordance with literature on products before
current printed instructions or specification and/or installation.
for other than the intended use.
Manufactured by (800) USG.4YOU (874.4968) J498A/rev. 11-10
United States Gypsum Company © 2010, United States Gypsum Company
Printed in U.S.A.
550 West Adams Street
Chicago, IL 60661

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