Migrant Family in Telangana Told To Leave House After Row - Times of India PDF

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Migrant family in Telangana told to leave house after

TNN | May 2, 2020, 04.18 AM IST

HYDERABAD: A migrant family of a four-year-old girl, who was allegedly

raped by a cook of a private college in March, has reportedly been asked
to leave their temporary dwelling in Uppal by the landlord after a quarrel.

Medipally police on Friday said the row was not over payment of rent and
hence no case was filed.

Cops said the family wanted to go back to West Bengal and demanded
money from the landlord, leading to a quarrel. They were later counselled
and sent to a shelter home. The family had no money and could not find
work due to lockdown.

On the intervening night of Wednesday and Thursday, the family was reportedly asked to leave the house by the landlord, who
works as a supervisor in the private college.

“The family approached us late in the night when they had nowhere to go during the lockdown.,” said Ch Achyuta Rao,
founder-president of Balala Hakkula Sangham.

Rao recalled that soon after the rape case in March, the supervisor did give the family shelter at his home in Uppal.

“However, he took away their savings, claiming that he had to spend the money while taking them to the police station and
hospital, etc,” Achyuta Rao alleged.

When contacted, Medipally inspector Anji Reddy said the family was keen on going back to West Bengal and tried to get
money from the landlord. “We are yet to get full details of the issue. We counselled them and shifted them to the shelter home,”
he said.

(The victim's identity has not been revealed to protect her privacy as per Supreme court directives on cases related to sexual

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