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JLOXXX10.1177/1548051813494240Journal of Leadership & Organizational StudiesShuck and Reio

Journal of Leadership &

Employee Engagement and Well-Being:

Organizational Studies
2014, Vol. 21(1) 43­–58
© The Authors 2013
A Moderation Model and Implications for Reprints and permissions:

Practice DOI: 10.1177/1548051813494240

Brad Shuck1 and Thomas G. Reio Jr.2

Poor workforce engagement can be detrimental to organizations because of the ensuing decrease in employee well-being
and productivity. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the degree to which psychological workplace
climate was associated with personal accomplishment, depersonalization, emotional exhaustion, and psychological well-
being, and whether employee engagement moderated these relations. A sample of 216 health care employees from the
United States, Canada, and Japan completed an online survey. Regression results suggested that psychological workplace
climate was significantly related to each outcome variable; engagement moderated relations between workplace climate
and each of the four dependent variables. ANOVA results revealed that high engagement group employees demonstrated
higher psychological well-being and personal accomplishment, whereas low engagement group employees exhibited higher
emotional exhaustion and depersonalization.

employee engagement, human resource development, organization development, psychological workplace climate,

Research on employee engagement has gained momentum sum, research has reliably suggested that organizations
in recent years (Albrecht, 2010). Employee engagement is stand to benefit positively from the development of high
defined as the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral energy levels of employee engagement. Engagement is good for
an employee directs toward positive organizational out- organizations; this seems clear.
comes (Shuck & Wollard, 2010). Research has suggested Although the case continues to mount for research on
that engaged employees are more likely to be productive engagement and broad performance domains (e.g., effort,
(Saks, 2006), remain with their current employer (Harter, turnover), more individually focused studies in the areas of
Schmidt, & Hayes, 2002; Saks, 2006; Shuck, Reio, & health and wellness have emerged that have implications
Rocco, 2011), and interact positively with customers for organizational study (Iverson, Olekalns, & Erwin, 1998;
(Chalofsky, 2010). Schaufeli & Bakker, 2010; Schaufeli, Bakker, & Salanova,
Other empirical research has provided evidence of the 2006). For instance, early work by Schaufeli, Salanova,
utility of engagement beyond traditional predictors of González-Roma, and Bakker (2002) underscored the nega-
workplace performance, such as job attitudes. Rich, tive relation between engagement and burnout (i.e., burnout
LePine, and Crawford (2010), for example, highlighted the is one subdomain of a three-component wellbeing model;
strong relation between engagement and performance. In Schaufeli, Taris, & Van Rhenen, 2008). This, of course, can
their research, engagement was more predictive of task have an impact on productivity and performance. Robust
performance than intrinsic motivation, job involvement, exploration of this model continues and has provided a trail
and job satisfaction. Moreover, meta-analytic work by of evidence with similar findings to Schaufeli et al.’s (2008)
Christian, Garza, and Slaughter (2011; N = 770, 91 studies)
demonstrated that engagement “exhibited discriminant 1
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA
validity from, and criterion related validity over, job atti- 2
Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA
tudes” (p. 89). Still further, other research has linked higher
Corresponding Author:
levels of engagement with overall revenue generation Brad Shuck, University of Louisville, Woodford and Harriett Porter
(Harter, Schmidt, Asplund, Killham, & Agrawal, 2010; Building, 1905 South 1st Street, Louisville, KY 40292, USA.
Xanthopoulou, Bakker, Demerouti, & Schaufeli, 2009). In Email:

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44 Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 21(1)

using additional discerning variables linked to well-being, in terms of Fredrickson’s (1998) broaden-and-build theory
such as workaholism (see, e.g., Demerouti, Mostert, & of positive emotions and Kahn’s (1990) theory of
Bakker, 2010; Hakanen & Schaufeli, 2012; Schaufeli, engagement.
2012). Other scholars (e.g., Iverson et al., 1998) have sug-
gested the specific examination of emotional exhaustion, Broaden and Build: A Theory of Individual
depersonalization, and personal accomplishment as person-
ally focused indictors of well-being.
Psychological Resources
With evidence of a linkage between engagement and Frederickson’s (1998, 2001) broaden-and-build theory sug-
well-being, a thorough examination of the variables that gested that positive emotions increase available affective
influence the experience and interpretation of work as a and cognitive resources, allowing those who experience
leverage point for performance is a logical next step. As positive emotions to momentarily draw on an expansion of
suggested by Schaufeli (2012), a promising area of immedi- their human capital. For example, a person who experiences
ate exploration is the identification of the central elements joy is more likely to experience flexible, creative, and criti-
within a workplace climate that foster the development of cal thinking processes than someone who is angry. These
engagement and stimulate well-being. One such area of moments of positive emotions are fleeting, short-lived
research is the exploration of psychological workplace cli- experiences that yield a positive change in a person’s avail-
mate and its association with engagement and performance. able resources. This positive yield prompts individuals to
Psychological workplace climate is focused toward under- “pursue a wider range of thoughts and actions than is typi-
standing employee perceptions of the organizational envi- cal” (Fredrickson & Branigan, 2005, p. 314). The resources
ronment that influence outcomes (Brown & Leigh, 1996). accrued by the individual during such moments of positive
Thus, how employees interpret their work environment has emotion are enduring, operating like emotional reservoirs
a specific bearing on how they experience well-being and to be drawn on at a later time. The reservoir of accrued per-
the degree to which they are engaged. This is consistent sonal resources outlasts the fleeting, short-lived experience
with earlier research on employee engagement (Shuck et al., of the emotion highlighting the lasting, durable, resilient
2011). Notwithstanding, what remains underexplored at effect of experiencing positive affect.
this time are questions about how psychological workplace In studies that have examined positive emotion, the
climate affects the interpretation of work as either engaging broaden-and-build theory highlights potential positive
or disengaging (Wollard, 2011), as well as how engagement outcomes associated with experiencing positive emotion.
potentially moderates the relation between psychological For example, in their study of 138 undergraduates,
workplace climate outcomes related to well-being like emo- Fredrickson and Joiner (2002) provided evidence that
tional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accom- experienced positive affect triggers upward spirals toward
plishment, and psychological well-being (Iverson et al., well-being. Additionally, negative affect was shown to
1998; Schaufeli et al., 2008). trigger a downward spiral toward feelings of depression
Building from this literature base, the purpose of this and anxiety. This study suggested that positive emotion
research was to examine the relations among psychological does not just feel good, but also has implications towards
workplace climate, employee engagement, emotional developing enhanced states of psychological affect, as
exhaustion, depersonalization, personal accomplishment, well as the broadening or limiting of available resources
and psychological well-being. Two overarching research for an individual that contributes to performance.
questions guided our inquiry: (a) does employee engage- Moreover and in the context of engagement, Fredrickson
ment moderate the relation between psychological work- and Branigan (2005) provided evidence that individuals
place climate and emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, who experience positive emotions broaden their scope of
personal accomplishment, and psychological well-being attention and thought-action repertoires. This suggests
and (b) do employees who report varying levels of engage- that experiencing positive affect broadens task-related
ment (e.g., high engagement vs. low engagement) differ in thought processes and has strong implications for emerg-
terms of reported levels of well-being? In the following sec- ing engagement theory (Rich et al., 2010; Shuck et al.,
tions, we present a review of related literature and research 2011; Shuck & Wollard, 2010). Fredrickson (2001) fur-
methods. Last, a discussion of findings, implications for ther proposed that positive emotions do not typically arise
leadership and organizational research and practice, and in negative circumstances.
possible limitations are considered. Workplace climate, particularly the psychological per-
ception an employee has of their workplace climate (i.e.,
psychological workplace climate), has been identified as
Review of Related Literature
one of the most distal work-based variables an employee
The relation among psychological workplace climate, can use to interpret circumstances. Interpretation then influ-
employee engagement, and well-being can be understood ences decisions regarding the intensity and direction of

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Shuck and Reio 45

energy toward organizational outcomes (i.e., level of Moreover, several researchers have suggested the impor-
engagement; Schaufeli, 2012). The next section highlights tance of psychological workplace climate in understanding
the links between psychological workplace climate and an individual employee’s work experience. For example,
engagement. O’Neil and Arendt (2008) uncovered a positive association
between affective climate (autonomy, pressure, structure,
Psychological Workplace Climate and Employee self-expression, and trust) and performance-based out-
comes. Grounded in their interpretation of climate, employ-
Engagement ees made decisions about how hard they will work, how
Workplace climate research emerged in the late 1960s from satisfied they were, and how committed they would be to
seminal models proposed by Litwin and Tagiuri (Litwin & the organization based on their interpretation of workplace
Stringer, 1968; Tagiuri & Litwin, 1968). Early conceptual- climate (O’Neil & Arendt, 2008). Evidence further sug-
izations operationalized climate as a “psychological state gested that psychological climate was a critically important
strongly affected by organizational conditions” (Burke & antecedent variable in the development of workplace-based,
Litwin, 1992, p. 526). Climate was understood as an inter- individual-level employee outcomes such as well-being.
connected set of psychological and organizational variables
that had an effect on performance and could be influenced
Well-Being in the Context of Psychological
in a casual model (Burke & Litwin, 1992). Since the late
1960s, several additional researchers have proposed more Workplace Climate and Broaden and Build
emergent and differentiated models (see, e.g., Lawler, Hall, Theory
& Oldham, 1974; Schein, 1985; Schneider, Parkington, & Conceptually grounded in the burnout literature (Maslach
Buxton, 1980). & Jackson, 1981; Maslach & Leiter, 1997; Maslach,
Because the present research focused on the relation Schaufeli, & Leiter, 2001), Iverson et al. (1998) provided
between psychological workplace climate and employee a research-based model of individually focused domains
engagement, Brown and Leigh’s (1996) model, which is of well-being that included the variables emotional
grounded in Kahn’s (1990) early ethnographic study of exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplish-
personal engagement, was utilized over other potential ment, each supported by Leiter’s (1988) three-component
models due to its focus on psychological perceptions of the model.
environment rather than structures or physical spaces. Within the Iverson et al. (1998) well-being model, the
Brown and Leigh (1996) proposed that psychological domains of exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal
workplace climate was the interpretation of an organiza- accomplishment represented individual, separate conditions
tional environment in relation to an employee’s perception of well-being rather than subcomponents of a three-com-
of well-being (Brown & Leigh, 1996). Psychological ponent model (e.g., workaholism, burnout, and work
workplace climate is then understood to represent the lens engagement; Schaufeli et al., 2008). Iverson et al. (1998)
employees use to understand and interpret their work envi- suggested that employees who experienced negative psy-
ronment relative to the social and physical structures of chological climates at work were more likely to report higher
environmental cues in relation to preserving their own levels of exhaustion and depersonalization. Conversely,
sense of well-being. those who experienced positive climates reported higher
Unfortunately, at this time, research linking climate, levels of personal accomplishment (Iverson et al., 1998).
engagement, and well-being specifically remains scarce. Consequently, employees who reported experiencing posi-
Uncovering leverage points for a culture of engagement tive affect increased available emotional and cognitive
have been ignored as a topic of focus in research, although resources (i.e., feelings of personal accomplishment),
the implications of focusing in this area seem advanta- whereas those in more negative climates restricted resources
geous (Schaufeli, 2012). Similar to the state of engagement (i.e., feelings of exhaustion and depersonalization).
research, what research has been conducted is focused pri- Employees who work in negative psychological climates
marily only toward broad organizational performance or who experience negative emotions as a consequence of
domains, such as effort and turnover (Brown & Leigh, their work, such as a lack of peer or managerial support, lack
1996). Nonetheless, research by Shuck et al. (2011) pro- of contribution to the organization, or feeling that their work
vided evidence that psychological workplace climate was is taken for granted, are far less likely to experience positive
strongly related to both engagement and discretionary emotion (Brown & Leigh, 1996; Shuck et al., 2011). Such
effort. Moreover, in their research, climate and engage- experiences can influence a person’s sense of psychological
ment were powerful predictors of both intent to turnover well-being (Blais et al., 1999). As a theoretical consequence,
and effort, highlighting the unique and distinctive role each employees are then less likely to broaden available emotional
plays in leveraging facets of employee-linked outcomes and cognitive energies toward work-related tasks and should
that effect organizational performance. score negatively on measures of well-being. Resources in

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46 Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 21(1)

As previously noted, researchers have discussed signifi-

cant organizational benefits from the development of highly
engaged employees. In further support, Bakker and Bal’s
(2010) research highlighted the role of engagement in pre-
dicting performance. In their study of 54 Dutch teachers,
Bakker and Bal illustrated that work engagement was posi-
tively related to job performance and that engagement
served as a mediator between job resources (e.g., workplace
climate) and individual performance. Moreover, in addi-
tional support for a linkage between engagement and per-
formance-related outcomes, research by Rich et al. (2010)
suggested that employees (in this case firefighters) who
Figure 1.  Conceptual relation between psychological reported higher levels of engagement also reported being
workplace climate and emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, more friendly, courteous, and helpful toward colleagues.
personal accomplishment, and psychological well-being. This study suggested that those employees who reported
higher levels of engagement were not only more likely to
work harder but also more likely to experience positive,
organizations are likely restricted, and as a result, individual
individual affective states, which influenced their overall
outcomes associated with the restriction of resources such as
performance (e.g., the act of being kind, and/or helpful to
emotional exhaustion, depersonalization of work-related
tasks, and negative views of psychological well-being are
Currently, there are several perspectives from which to
likely to follow a similar downward trajectory. Moreover, it
frame employee engagement as well as operationalize what
seems probable that in positive psychological workplace cli-
engagement might be (Albrecht, 2010; Harter et al., 2002;
mates, employees would report higher levels of personal
Maslach et al., 2001; Saks, 2006; Shuck, 2011). Furthermore,
accomplishment, as well as express more positive views of
recent research has called for increasing empirical explora-
their well-being. This framework, however, has yet to be
tion of Kahn’s (1990) multidimensional framework espe-
empirically explored. Thus, as a next step in advancing
cially when examining variables related to the dimensions
research and practice, we propose the following:
of well-being (Cole, Walter, Bedeian, & O’Boyle, 2011;
Rich et al., 2010; Shuck et al., 2011). This is because of
Hypothesis 1: Psychological workplace climate will be
potential issues of misalignment and nomological overlap
negatively related to emotional exhaustion and deper-
with other constructs (e.g., see, Cole et al.’s [2011] critique
sonalization and positively related to personal accom-
of using the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale to examine
plishment and psychological well-being. See Figure 1.
engagement and burnout and/or well-being simultaneously
for further details). Moreover, the examination of engage-
The conceptualization of Fredrickson’s broaden-and-
ment and well-being has seldom been considered outside
build theory overlaps with Kahn’s (1990, 1992) theory of
the prevailing three-component model (Schaufeli et al.,
employee engagement, particularly when considering indi-
2008), and too few studies to date have considered the link-
vidual-level outcomes. For instance, researchers have sug-
age between Kahn’s operationalization of engagement and
gested that the decision an employee makes to engage (i.e.,
well-being in the context of organizational studies.
to allocate personal energies toward work-related tasks)
Kahn’s unique framework offers researchers a specific
occurs at three distinct levels: cognitive engagement, emo-
framework reflecting the underlying context of an employ-
tional engagement, and behavioral engagement (Kahn,
ee’s willingness to engage—a documented limitation of
1992; Rich et al., 2010; Saks, 2006; Shuck et al., 2011), all
other engagement frameworks (Cole et al., 2011; Rich et
of which are directed toward a work-related task with impli-
al., 2010). Thus, as mentioned, engagement occurs on three
cations for related outcomes within a work context.
distinct levels: (a) cognitive engagement, (b) emotional
engagement, and (c) behavioral engagement (Rich et al.,
Kahn’s Theory of Employee Engagement 2010; Shuck et al., 2011).
The state of employee engagement was first defined by
Cognitive Engagement.  Kahn (1990) proposed that levels of
Kahn (1990) as “the simultaneous employment and expres-
cognitive engagement originate from an employee’s
sion of a person’s ‘preferred self’ in task behaviors that pro-
appraisal of whether their work is meaningful, safe (physi-
mote connections to work and to others, personal presence
cally, emotionally, and psychologically), and if they have
(physical, cognitive, and emotional) and active, full perfor-
sufficient levels of resources to complete their work. This
mances” (p. 700).
interpretation of the work environment is used to determine

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Shuck and Reio 47

the overall significance of a situation and serves as the cata- directed toward organizational goals (Macey & Schneider,
lyst toward the intention to engage. Research literature sug- 2008; Shuck & Wollard, 2010). Put another way, behavioral
gests that this psychological interpretation of work reflects engagement is the broadening of an employee’s available
a level of engagement, or movement, toward their work resources displayed overtly. From this context, employee
(Brown & Leigh, 1996), paralleling the broadening of effort in the context of engagement is linked to increased
resources as proposed by Fredrickson (1998, 2001); those individual effort—engagement occurs one employee at a
who believe their work matters embrace and engage (Kahn, time and is experienced uniquely through the lens of each
2010). On the other hand, employees who experience nega- employee. Employees who are behaviorally engaged
tive work circumstances (i.e., a negative workplace climate) answer positively to questions such as “When I work, I
develop a downward spiral of emotions resulting in a nar- really push myself beyond what is expected of me” and “I
rowing of resources that end in feelings of loneliness, ostra- work harder than is expected to help my organization be
cism, and burnout (Fredrickson & Joiner, 2002; Maslach et al., successful.”
2001). Cognitive engagement revolves around how employ- In sum, employee engagement is operationally defined
ees appraise their workplace climate, as well as the tasks as a series of psychological states (cognitive, emotional,
they are involved in. As an employee makes an appraisal, and behavioral) ultimately representing an intention to act
they determine levels of positive or negative affect, which that encompasses motivation-like qualities separate from
in turn influences behavior as demonstrated in previous like constructs (i.e., job satisfaction and organizational
studies (e.g., Nimon, Zigarmi, Houson, Witt, & Diehl, commitment; Rich et el., 2010; Shuck, Ghosh, Zigarmi, &
2011). Cognitively engaged employees would answer posi- Nimon, 2013) and antipodes (i.e., burnout; Schaufeli et
tively to questions such as “The work I do makes a contri- al., 2006). Research supports the view that psychological
bution to the organization,” “I feel safe at work; no one will workplace climate affects the development and eventual
make fun of me here,” and “I have the resources to do my behavioral manifestation of employee engagement (see,
job at the level expected of me.” e.g., Shuck et al., 2011). Research has also provided evi-
dence of a relation between employee engagement and
Emotional Engagement. Emotional engagement revolves well-being (Schaufeli et al., 2008). However, despite the
around the broadening and investment of the emotional significant potential linkage, the empirical relation among
resources employees have within their influence. When psychological workplace climate, employee engagement,
employees are emotionally engaged with their work, they and well-being has yet to be documented. In addition,
invest personal resources such as pride, trust, and knowl- recent research on employee engagement has suggested an
edge. The investment of such resources may seem trivial at empirical relation between engagement and other task and
first glance; however, consider the work of prideful contextually focused performance variables (Christian et
employees who fully trust their work environment. The al., 2011). For example, Rich et al. (2010) demonstrated
positive emotions of pride and trust stem from appraisals that engagement mediated the relationship between value
made about the environment during the previous stage congruence, perceived organizational support, core self-
(e.g., cognitive engagement; this work is meaningful, it is evaluations, and performance-related outcomes (e.g., task
safe for me here at work, and I have the resources to com- performance and organizational citizenship behavior).
plete my tasks). Accordingly, these feelings of positive Notwithstanding, what has not been tested empirically is
emotion momentarily broaden an employee’s available employee engagement’s moderating effect on the link
resources and enhance critical and creative thinking pro- between psychological workplace climate and well-being.
cesses often displayed during moments of engagement. As a next step in advancing research and practice around
During the emotional engagement process, feelings and employee engagement, we propose the following
beliefs an employee holds influence and direct outward hypothesis:
energies toward task completion (Rich et al., 2010).
Employees who are emotionally engaged in their work Hypothesis 2: Employee engagement will moderate the
answer affirmatively to questions such as “I feel a strong relation between psychological workplace climate
sense of belonging and identify with my organization” and and personal accomplishment, emotional exhaus-
“I am proud to work to work here.” tion, depersonalization, and overall well-being. See
Figure 2.
Behavioral Engagement. As a final focal point, behavioral
engagement is the most overt form of the employee engage- Further, in response to our second overarching research
ment process. It is often what we can see someone do. question, what seems vastly underexplored at this time is a
Understood as the physical manifestation of the cognitive more clear understanding of how employees experience per-
and emotional engagement combination, behavioral ceptions of wellbeing in relation to levels of engagement
engagement can be understood as increased levels of effort What, if any, differences exist between employees who report

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48 Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 21(1)

Figure 2.  Hypothesized moderation model of employee engagement between psychological workplace climate and individual-level

higher levels of engagement from those who report lower (a) The high engagement group will demonstrate higher
levels of engagement? Operationalization of this outcome personal accomplishment and psychological well-
would suggest that employees who report higher levels of being scores than the low engagement group.
engagement would also report higher levels of positive affec- (b) The low engagement group will demonstrate higher
tivity; the opposite also seems reasonable—those who report emotional exhaustion and depersonalization scores
lower levels of engagement would report lower levels of than the high engagement group.
positive affectivity.
Initial research seems to suggest that depending on To review, this study’s conceptual framework links
engagement intensity levels, employees may experience Fredrickson’s (1998) broaden-and-build theory of positive
differing spiraling states of individual affect (Fredrickson, emotions and Kahn’s (1990) theory of engagement.
1998; Sonnentag, Mojza, Binnewies, & Scholl, 2008).
However, the question remains, “Do engaged employees
differ from non-engaged employees in meaningful ways,
and if so, how?” To further explore the framework proposed The following section includes a discussion of the partici-
by Fredrickson (1998) in the context of engagement, we pants, procedures, and research measures.
propose the following for examination:

Hypothesis 3: There is a significant difference between

participants who report high levels of employee Because research (Van Den Tooren & De Jonge, 2008) has
engagement and low levels of employee engagement suggested that those who work in health care are likely to
in personal accomplishment, emotional exhaustion, experience higher levels of emotional exhaustion and
depersonalization, and psychological well-being. depersonalization associated with job stress, a sample was
More specifically: purposefully sought from the health care industry to

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Shuck and Reio 49

examine potential linkages within this study. The sample physical engagement) with separate scales for each factor.
(N = 216) represented employees currently working within Internal consistency reliability estimates for each subscale
the health care industry. A significant portion of the sample in the current study was as follows: cognitive engagement,
was from the United States of America (n = 179); 10.1% of α = .94 (6 items); emotional engagement, α = .93 (6 items);
the population indicated working in Canada (n = 22) and physical engagement, α = .90 (6 items). Reliability esti-
3.2% from Japan (n = 7). To determine the feasibility of mates for the combined scale was α = .96. Higher total
combining all three nationalities into the study, a one-way scores across each subscale and the combined scale repre-
multivariate analysis of variance was conducted of the four sented higher degrees of reported engagement. A sample
dependent variables. The results indicated Wilks’s Λ = .94, item of the JES is, “I work with intensity on my job.”
F(8, 262) = 1.03, p = .42, suggesting there were no system-
atic differences by nationality in the combination of depen- Psychological Workplace Climate. Psychological workplace
dent variables; thus, we combined the three groups into one climate was measured using the 21-item Psychological Cli-
larger sample to increase statistical power. mate Measure (PCM; Brown & Leigh, 1996). The PCM
One-hundred and seventy-nine participants indicated consists of six subscales: supportive management, role clar-
working in frontline team member positions (e.g., nonlead- ity, contribution, recognition, self-expression, and challenge.
ership); 11.7% indicated being in a management or leader- Internal consistency reliability estimates for each of the sub-
ship capacity. All respondents indicated having obtained at scales in the present study were as follows: supportive man-
least a bachelor’s degree and 44.8% (n = 92) indicated hav- agement, α = .93 (4 items); contribution, α = .82 (4 items);
ing earned a masters or educational specialist degree. Most recognition, α = .75 (3 items); role clarity, α = .80 (3 items);
participants indicated having worked in their current role 2 self-expression, α = .92 (4 items); challenge, α = .68
to 5 years (n = 69), followed closely by greater than 10 (2 items). Reliability estimates for the combined scale was
years (n = 60). The largest age group was between 30 and α = .92. Higher total scores across each subscale and the
39 years of age (n = 73), followed closely in size by the 21 combined scale represented higher degrees of perceived
and 29 (n = 71) and 40 and 49 (n = 33) age groups. Finally, positive workplace climate. A sample item of the PCM is, “I
79.3% (n = 172) indicated that they worked full-time in feel like a key member of the organization.”
their health care role, while the remaining participants (n =
44) indicated working only part-time or on an as needed Overall Well-Being. To adhere to the call for caution when
basis (e.g., staff relief). measuring engagement and well-being simultaneously
(Cole et al., 2011), we sought research measures that where
supported by theory, yet demonstrably distinct from domi-
Procedures nate approaches in alternative research frameworks (see,
An Internet-based self-report survey battery was used as the e.g., Schaufeli et al., 2008). Thus, well-being in this study
data collection tool for this study. Dillman, Smyth, and was operationalized as including the variables emotional
Christian’s (2009) four-stage method was used for prepara- exhaustion, depersonalization, personal accomplishment,
tion. For access and to maintain appropriate levels of confi- and psychological well-being. Psychometric properties for
dentiality and anonymity, a key informant currently working measurement of these areas within this the context of this
within the health care industry was recruited to assist in data study follows in the next few sections.
collection. Participants were accessed through a key infor-
mant whose membership allowed entry into the professional Emotional exhaustion. Emotional exhaustion was mea-
association surveyed in this research. All research-related sured using the three-item Emotional Exhaustion Scale
communication was forwarded through the key informant. (EES; Iverson et al., 1998). Internal consistency reliability
estimate for this scale in the current study was α = .85. A
higher total score represented elevated levels of perceived
Research Measures emotional exhaustion. A sample item of the EES is, “I feel
The survey battery included separate sections for each mea- emotionally drained from my work.”
sure. All scales were scored using a 5-point Likert-type con-
tinuum from 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree). Depersonalization. Depersonalization was measured
Instruments were scored and reported separately. using a modified version of the three-item Depersonaliza-
tion Scale (DS; Iverson et al., 1998). Internal consistency
Employee Engagement.  In response to the call for increasing reliability estimate for this scale in the current study was
empirical use of Kahn’s (1990) multidimensional frame- α = .66. A higher total score represented elevated levels
work, employee engagement was measured using the depersonalization of work related tasks. A sample item of
18-item Job Engagement Scale (JES; Rich et al., 2010). The the EES is, “I worry that I have become insensitive toward
JES is a three-factor scale (cognitive, emotional, and people since taking this job.”

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50 Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 21(1)

Personal accomplishment.  Personal accomplishment was all variables; age indicated a small effect size (Cohen, 1988)
measured using the three-item Personal Accomplishment with total engagement (r = −.23, p < .001) and psychologi-
Scale (PAS; Iverson et al., 1998). Internal consistency reli- cal workplace climate (r = −.21, p < .001). There was no
ability estimate for this scale in the current study was α additional support for including demographic variables
= .82. A higher total score represented greater feelings of within the correlational analysis. Detailed results for each
overall personal accomplishment in one’s work life. A sam- subscale are listed in Table 1.
ple item of the PAS is, “I have accomplished many worth- Inasmuch as the relations among the psychological cli-
while things in this job.” mate and the additional research variables were in the
strength and direction as expected, we followed Brown and
Psychological well-being. Psychological well-being was Leigh’s (1996) protocol to examine psychological climate in
measured using the Schwartz Outcome Scale-10 (SOS-10; a more global sense, that is, as a unidimensional construct
Blais et al., 1999). Internal consistency reliability estimate for the purposes of this study. Brown and Leigh presented
for this scale in the current study was α = .92. A higher total extensive validity evidence of the parsimony and accuracy
score represented heightened levels of participants’ general of a single-factor confirmatory factor analysis model repre-
well-being. A sample item of the SOS-10 is, “I am hopeful senting psychological climate across two samples.
about my future.” In sum, results provided preliminary evidence of the sig-
nificant relation between each dimension of employee
engagement and psychological workplace climate, emo-
Results tional exhaustion, depersonalization, personal accomplish-
The following section is presented in four parts: prelimi- ment, and psychological well-being. Furthermore, results
nary correlational analyses, linear regression analysis for highlighted the unique relation between certain dimensions
testing Hypothesis 1, moderated hierarchical regression of climate and engagement, as well as engagement and psy-
analysis for testing Hypothesis 2, and ANOVA analysis for chological workplace climate’s relation to the identified
testing Hypothesis 3. outcome variables. Support for the further testing of each
hypothesis was provided.
Preliminary Correlational Analyses
Hypothesis 1
To better examine initial relations between the variables of
interest in this study, zero-order correlational coefficients To test Hypothesis 1, we performed a series of linear regres-
were examined for meaningfulness according to effect size sions where personal accomplishment, emotional exhaus-
standards (Cohen, 1988). Each scale was examined sepa- tion, depersonalization, and overall well-being were
rately as well as with subscales aggregated together. regressed separately on psychological climate, the indepen-
Preliminary analysis suggested a moderately strong (Cohen, dent variable. Listwise deletion was used in each analysis,
1988) and positive relation between each employee engage- consequently the sample size varied slightly for each. In the
ment subscale score (cognitive, emotional, and physical) first linear regression equation, psychological workplace
and each psychological workplace climate subscale score climate significantly predicted personal accomplishment,
(supportive management, challenge, recognition, challenge, R2 = .285, R2adj = .281, F(1, 179) = 66.53, p < .001. In the
role clarity, and self-expression, respectively), as well as the second equation, psychological workplace climate signifi-
combined total scale scores (total engagement and total cantly, but negatively predicted emotional exhaustion, R2 =
psychological workplace climate; r = .56, p < .001). .32, R2adj = .317, F(1, 180) = 84.82, p < .001. Psychological
Further analysis suggested significant negative relations workplace climate also negatively predicted depersonaliza-
between employee engagement, emotional exhaustion (r = tion, R2 = .196, R2adj = .191, F(1, 195) = 44.78, p < .001, in
−.30, p < .001) and depersonalization (r = −.41, p < .001) as the third equation. Finally, psychological workplace climate
well as psychological workplace climate, emotional exhaus- positively predicted overall well-being, R2 = .231, R2adj =
tion (r = −.45, p < .001), and depersonalization (r = −.40, p .226, F(1, 189) = 50.174, p < .001. Thus, Hypothesis 1 was
< .001). Significant positive relations were indicated supported. To sum, perception of a better workplace climate
between employee engagement, personal accomplishment was associated with greater personal accomplishment and
(r = .48, p < .001), and psychological well-being (r = .37, p overall well-being, and less emotional exhaustion and
< .001) as well as psychological workplace climate, per- depersonalization.
sonal accomplishment (r = .29, p < .001), and psychological
well-being (r = .40, p < .001). Overall, there was very little
evidence that demographic variables shared a meaningful
Hypothesis 2
relation with any variable examined in this study; gender, For investigating Hypothesis 2, we conducted a series of
education, and tenure each indicated nonsignificance across moderated hierarchical regression analyses to examine the

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Shuck and Reio 51

Table 1.  Zero-Order Correlations for Engagement, Psychological Workplace Climate, Emotional Exhaustion, Depersonalization,
Personal Accomplishment, and Psychological Well-Being.


CE —  
EE .75** —  
PE .82** .70** —  
TE .94** .90** .91** —  
SMPC .23** .43** .21** 32** —  
CPC .44** .66** .39** .55** .58** —  
RPC .39** .54** .35** .47** .61** .71** —  
CHPC .38** .21** .37** .35** .15* .20** .17* —  
RCPC .22** .31** .29** .29** .49** .37** .40** .19** —  
SEPC .35** .46** .30** .40** .58** .57** .59** .15* .47** —  
PCT .48** .64** .43** .56** .82** .80** .82** .33** .66** .81** —  
EE −.21** −.44** −.15* −.30** −.34** −.45** −.41** .14* −.23** −.51** −.45** —  
DP −36** −.43** −.29** −.41** −.27** −.41** −.29** −.08 −.16* −.34** −40** .51** —  
PA .39** .52** .38** .48** .17* .42** .20** −.15* .09 .18** .29** −.19** −.28** —  
PsyW .27** .43** .31** .37** .25** .37** .33** −.12 .25** .40** .40** −.41** −36** .23** —

Note. CE = Cognitive Engagement scale; EE = Emotional Engagement scale; PE = Physical Engagement scale; TE = Total Engagement scale; SMPC =
Supportive Management Psychological Climate subscale; CPC = Contribution Psychological Climate subscale; RPC = Recognition Psychological Climate
subscale; CHCP = Challenge Psychological Climate subscale; RCPC = Role Clarity Psychological Climate subscale; SEPC = Self-Expression Psychological
Climate subscale; PCT = the Psychological Climate scale; EE = Emotional Exhaustion scale; DP = Depersonalization scale; PA = Personal Accomplish-
ment scale; PsyW = Psychological Well-being scale. N = 216.
**p < .01. *p < .05.

main effects of the workplace climate and engagement vari-

ables on the four dependent variables (i.e., personal accom-
plishment, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and
overall well-being), and the moderating effects of employee
engagement on the relation between the climate variable

and the dependent variables. To reduce potential multicol-
linearity issues, each of the independent variables was cen- 10
Low Engage

tered by subtracting the mean value of all scores on each High Engage

predictor from each score on that predictor. The cross-prod- 5

ucts of the centered predictors were then computed to pro-
duce an interaction term for use in each of the four regression 0
Low Med High
models (see Howell, 2002). Psychological Climate
To interpret the significant interaction effects, separate
regression lines were computed and plotted for individu-
als one standard deviation below the mean on the cen- Figure 3.  Moderation effect of engagement on the association
between psychological climate and well-being.
tered predictor (i.e., workplace climate), the mean of the
centered predictor, and one standard deviation above the
mean of the centered predictor (Cohen, Cohen, West, & The first hierarchical regression where psychological
Aiken, 2003). The plots suggested that psychological cli- workplace climate, engagement, and the psychological
mate–well-being and psychological climate–personal climate × engagement interaction predicted personal
accomplishment relations were stronger when the levels accomplishment explained 63.8% (R2adj) of the variance in
of engagement were high (see Figures 3 and 4). Figures 5 the regression equation, F(3, 174) = 91.96, p < .001. The
and 6 revealed that psychological climate–emotional first step (climate) explained 28.5% of the variance,
exhaustion and psychological climate–depersonalization F(1, 176) = 61.35, p < .001), whereas in the second step,
relations were weaker for those with high levels of engagement explained 34.6% of the variance, F(1, 175) =
engagement. Overall, Hypothesis 2 was supported. See 143.76, p < .001; the psychological climate × engagement
Tables 2 and 3 for the moderated regression results, and interaction in the third step explained an additional 1.3%,
Figures 3 to 6 for the plots. F(1, 174) = 5.76, p = .02, of the total variance. The results

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52 Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 21(1)

Personal Accomplishment

6 14

5 12

4 10
Low Engage 8
3 Low Engage
High Engage 6
2 High Engage
Low Med High Low Med High
Psychological Climate Psychological Climate

Figure 4.  Moderation effect of engagement on the association

Figure 6.  Moderation effect of engagement on the association
between psychological climate and personal accomplishment.
between psychological climate and depersonalization.

14 climate (β = −.52, p < .01) and engagement (β = −.44, p <

.05) variables; the interaction effect of psychological cli-
Emotional Exhaustion

mate × engagement was also statistically significant (β =

10 −.89, p < .01). Thus, positive psychological climate and
8 engagement were linked to less emotion exhaustion. The
6 Low Engage significant interaction indicated that the psychological cli-
High Engage mate-emotional exhaustion relation was weaker when
engagement levels were high.
Psychological workplace climate, engagement, and the
0 psychological climate × engagement interaction predicted
Low Med High
Psychological Climate
depersonalization in the third hierarchical regression model.
In the first step, psychological climate explained 19.6% of
the total variance, F(1, 185) = 41.62, p < .001; entering
Figure 5.  Moderation effect of engagement on the association
between psychological climate and emotional exhaustion.
engagement in the second step, an additional 8.6% of the
variance was explained, F(1, 184) = 20.21, p < .001; the psy-
chological workplace climate × engagement interaction in
indicate there were main effects of psychological climate the third step explained 4.7% extra variance, F(1, 183) =
(β = .16, p < .05) and engagement (β = .38, p < .05), and a 11.92, p < .01. The total variance explained was 32.7% (R2adj),
significant interaction effect of psychological climate × F(3, 182) = 27.59, p < .001. The results suggested that there
engagement (β = .57, p < .05), suggesting that a positive was a main effect of psychological workplace climate (β =
psychological workplace climate and higher levels of −.31, p < .01) and engagement (β = −.27, p < .01) and a sig-
engagement were associated with greater personal accom- nificant interaction effect of psychological workplace climate
plishment. The significant interaction indicated that psy- × engagement (β = −.99, p < .001), signifying that a negative
chological climate–personal accomplishment relation was workplace climate was associated with less engagement and
stronger when the engagement levels were high. greater depersonalization. The significant interaction indi-
In the second hierarchical regression analysis, psycho- cated that the psychological climate–depersonalization rela-
logical climate, engagement, and the psychological climate tion was weaker when engagement levels were high.
× engagement interaction were used to predict emotional Finally, the fourth hierarchical regression model con-
exhaustion. The total model explained 34.7% (R2adj) of the sisted of psychological workplace climate, engagement,
variance in the regression equation, F(3, 184) = 88.75, p < and the psychological climate × engagement interaction
.001). Psychological climate in the first step explained predicting psychological well-being. In the first step, the
28.0% of the variance, F(1, 186) = 78.69, p < .001, whereas psychological climate variable explained 23.1% of the vari-
in the second step engagement explained .05% of the vari- ance, F(1, 184) = 48.07, p < .001; in the second step, the
ance, F(1, 185) = 1.20, p = .28, and finally the psychologi- engagement variable explained an additional 18.1% of the
cal climate × engagement interaction explained an additional total variance, F(1, 183) = 49.04, p < .001, and the psycho-
3.4% of the total variance, F(1, 184) = 8.63, p < .01. The logical climate × engagement interaction explained 1.6%
results demonstrated a main effect of the psychological extra variance, F(1, 182) = 4.44, p < .05. The findings

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Shuck and Reio 53

Table 2.  Moderated Hierarchical Regression Analyses Predicting Personal Accomplishment and Emotional Exhaustion.

Model 1 β Model 2 β Model 3 β

Variable PA EE PA EE PA EE
Climate .53*** −.56*** .19* −.52*** .16* −.52**
Engagement .71*** −.28* .38* −.44*
Climate × Engagement .57* −.89**
R2 .285 .320 .631 .325 .645 .359
Change in R2 .346 .005 .014 .034
Change in F 143.76 1.20 5.76 8.63
Significant F change (p <) .001 .28 .02 .01

Note. Ns ranged from 176 to 189 because of listwise deletion. PA = Personal Accomplishment; EE = Emotional Exhaustion.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

Table 3.  Moderated Hierarchical Regression Analyses Predicting Depersonalization and Well-Being.

Model 1 β Model 2 β Model 3 β

Variable DP WB DP WB DP WB
Climate −.44*** .48*** −.24** .19* −.31** .51**
Engagement −.36*** .52* −.27** .88***
Climate × Engagement −.99*** .62*
R2 .196 .231 .281 .412 .329 .428
Change in R2 .086 .181 .047 .016
Change in F 20.27 49.04 11.92 4.44
Significant F change (p <) .001 .001 .01 .04

Note. Ns ranged from 176 to 189 because of listwise deletion. DP = Depersonalization; WB = Well-Being.
*p < .05. **p < .01. ***p < .001.

indicated there was a main effect for workplace climate For personal accomplishment, F(1, 200) = 46.08, p <
(β = .51, p < .01) and engagement (β = .88, p < .001), and .001, partial η2 = .187. This result indicated that the high
an interaction relation for psychological climate × engage- engagement group had significantly higher personal accom-
ment (β = .62, p < .05). These results suggested a positive plishment scores than the low engagement group. As for
psychological climate and engagement were associated emotional exhaustion, F(1, 200) = 16.22, p < .001, partial η2
with greater psychological well-being. The significant = .075, suggesting that the high engagement group had sig-
interaction illustrated that the psychological workplace cli- nificantly lower emotional exhaustion scores than the low
mate–psychological well-being relation was greater when engagement group. Similar to the emotional exhaustion
the levels of engagement were high. results, the depersonalization variable’s ANOVA revealed
that the high engagement group’s depersonalization scores
were significantly lower than the low engagement group,
Hypothesis 3
F(1, 200) = 32.02, p < .001, partial η2 = .138. Finally, for
To test Hypothesis 3, we conducted a series of one-way psychological well-being, the high engagement group had
ANOVAs with Bonferroni adjustment (p = .0125) to deter- significantly higher well-being scores than the low engage-
mine the effect of employee engagement (high/low) on the ment group, F(1, 200) = 35.17, p < .001, partial η2 = .151.
four dependent variables: personal accomplishment, emo- Consequently, Hypotheses (a) and (b) were supported.
tional exhaustion, depersonalization, and psychological
well-being. Levene’s test for equality of variance suggested
homogeneity of variance among groups for each of the four
separate analyses, Fs(1, 200) < 3.31, ps > .05. Supporting Analysis from Hypothesis 1 provided evidence of the relation
Hypothesis 3, the ANOVA results revealed a significant between psychological workplace climate and the individual-
main effect of employee engagement on each of the depen- level outcome variables. Psychological climate predicted
dent variables. unique variance in each of the dependent variables, emotional

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54 Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 21(1)

exhaustion, depersonalization, personal accomplishment, and Finally, for Hypothesis 3, results provided support for
psychological well-being, respectively. Results provide the relation between levels of engagement (hi/low) and
empirical support that psychological climate affects a person each individual-level outcome variable. Findings suggested
beyond issues of productivity and turnover. Evidence sug- that employees who reported higher levels of engagement
gests that psychological perceptions of climate share a rela- were also more likely to report lower levels of emotional
tion with employees on an individual affective level, including exhaustion and depersonalization and higher levels of per-
how a person perceives their overall well-being, a variable sonal accomplishment with their work, as well as increased
often outside the boundaries of workplace performance, yet levels of psychological well-being. Results from this study
central to the experience of being human. provided support for several models of engagement (Rich
Findings provide support for Frederickson’s (1998, et al., 2010; Shuck et al., 2011) and burnout (Iverson et al.,
2001) broaden-and-build theory in a workplace context as 1998; Maslach et al., 2001; Schaufeli et al., 2008) and
well as extend empirical work pioneered by Maslach and extend findings for Fredrickson’s (1998) seminal broaden-
Schaufeli (Maslach et al., 2001; Schaufeli et al., 2008) and and-build framework in this context.
Brown and Leigh (1996). For example, results suggested As a second primary research question for this study, we
that when employees perceive their work environment as hoped to begin to understand the cost or benefit of engage-
positive, they report the ability to draw from individual- ment at the individual level as well as the explicit outcomes
level outcome resources (e.g., psychological well-being, of engagement as they relate to a person’s affective experi-
personal accomplishment) not as readily available when ence. In this study, the extent to which employees could
working in negative psychological climates. Employees report higher levels of engagement contributed to how they
working in perceived negative climates might be more responded to questions about their well-being and affective
likely to experience exhaustion and moments of deperson- status on issues commonly associated with their welfare
alizing their work. Results parallel findings from other (Maslach et al., 2001; Schaufeli et al., 2008). This sug-
scholars who advocate the importance of climate for pre- gested that the ability to bring one’s full self into work roles,
dicting organizational level outcomes (Shuck et al., 2011). to be a part of something meaningful, and to engage cogni-
For Hypothesis 2, evidence suggested that for each of the tively, emotionally, and behaviorally has implications for
four models, engagement had a significant interaction effect how employees perceive and experience other areas of their
with psychological climate and the outcome variables. life (e.g., general levels of overall well-being). Moreover,
Analysis revealed that when engagement levels where high, this directly parallels both Fredrickson and Kahn’s frame-
the relation between psychological workplace climate and works, which suggested that energy levels and resources are
personal accomplishment and psychological workplace cli- tied, at least indirectly, to a person’s experience of being
mate and psychological well-being were stronger. human. Evidence from this research suggested that there is
Employees who reported more positive levels of psycho- a distinct personal psychological benefit for working fully
logical climate and higher levels of employee engagement engaged and a personal, individual psychological cost for
were more likely to report higher levels of both personal disengagement (e.g., exhaustion). As Kahn (1990) might
accomplishment and psychological well-being. In addition, suggest, work affects the whole person.
relations between psychological workplace climate and
emotional exhaustion and psychological workplace climate
Implications for Leadership
and depersonalization were weaker when employees
reported higher levels of engagement. These findings sug- and Organizational Practice
gest that engagement moderated the negative relation Findings indicated that psychological climate and the indi-
between psychological climate and emotional exhaustion vidual-level affective outcomes were associated, as well as
and depersonalization. that employee engagement moderated these relations.
Furthermore, evidence from this study provided support Gilbert, Laschinger, and Leiter (2010) suggested evi-
for the importance of positive emotion in work. Results sug- dence-based strategies that empower employees and
gested that employees who reported the combination of a emphasize individual contributions to organizational goals
positive psychological workplace climate and high engage- as important steps in producing positive workplace climates
ment were likely to benefit from a broadened allocation of that affect engagement. The results of this study support
psychological resources (personal accomplishment and psy- Laschinger’s research that workplace climates and engage-
chological well-being). These findings are consistent with ment were positively associated, suggesting that organiza-
previous research (Christian et al., 2011; Schaufeli et al., tional leaders, managers, and practitioners by improving
2008) and extend work by Kahn (1990) and Rich et al. workplace climate in their respective organizations could
(2010). These findings provide potential new leverage points increase employee engagement and increase the likelihood
for examining how engagement operates within systematic of positive individual-level affective outcomes like those
leadership and organizational structures (e.g., culture, cli- examined in this research. Further research (Bakker & Bal,
mate, performance management). 2010) has suggested the important role of work–life balance

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Shuck and Reio 55

and the role of employee control over work-related balance. allay concerns about possible nonresponse bias, however,
Moreover, as a specific leverage point, HR professionals future research designs might include contacting nonre-
could facilitate refinement of managerial skills toward spondents directly via email or phone to test for systematic
improving supervisee engagement in teams, cross-func- differences between participant and nonparticipant scores
tional work groups, and the organization overall. on the research variables (see Bartlett, Bartlett, & Reio,
Organizational change efforts could be aimed at improving 2008).
employee engagement through implementing system-level Second, because we employed self-reports, we must be
changes in the human resource inputs system at an organi- cautious about generalizing the results. Although self-
zation (Ferguson & Reio, 2010). reports are relatively inexpensive, easy to use, and ideal for
A second practical implication of our findings suggests measuring perceptions, using a battery of self-report mea-
employers can significantly affect employee well-being by sures that was administered at one time and place to the
focusing on psychological workplace climate and engage- same person raises the possibility that common source
ment as antecedents. However, if employee well-being is to method variance (CMV) might have produced inflated or
be a leverage point, humane, inclusive and culturally sensi- deflated correlations (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Lee, &
tive places of work must be a first step. Macey, Schneider, Podsakoff, 2003). We took both a procedural (i.e., we
Barbera, and Young (2009) suggested that engagement- assured participants anonymity and there were no right or
encouraging climates be operationalized by asking how peo- wrong answers) and statistical approach to reduce the likeli-
ple are valued as human beings within the organization and hood of CMV bias. Harman’s one-factor diagnostic test
how are employees rewarded for their work. These questions revealed no statistical evidence, suggesting that CMV bias
have direct linkages with strategic leadership and organiza- was an issue in this study. Future research might take addi-
tional studies practice such as recruitment and selection, per- tional steps to reduce possible CMV bias, such as collecting
formance evaluation, leadership behavior, and employee the dependent variable at a different time than the indepen-
relations that inform the development of relationship-cen- dent variables, using supervisor or coworker rating data in
tered interactions and emphasize how work is getting accom- combination with self-reports, and observing behaviors
plished, not just how much (Shuck et al., 2011). where appropriate rather than perceptions. Organizational
Finally, it seems unlikely and counterintuitive to theory records could be accessed too to obtain evidence of actual
(Frederickson 2001) that moments of engagement, which voluntary turnover, or proxy evidence of emotional exhaus-
lead to higher levels of employee well-being, would develop tion (e.g., tardiness, using sick leave), depersonalization
in negative climates. As such, a final implication for prac- (e.g., customer ratings), personal accomplishment (e.g.,
tice concerns the purposeful development of psychologi- professional recognition), and overall well-being (e.g.,
cally positive workplace cultures as a method to affect how attendance).
employees experience and interpret their work (Brown & Third, our cross-sectional, correlational design did not
Leigh, 1996). Positive in this context might be operational- allow for causal claims. Thus, the relations we discuss
ized as those environments where employees believe their throughout the article are predictive, not causal ones.
engagement matters, where an individual employee’s voice Experimental research might be designed where an engage-
does not fall on deaf ears and personal contributions are ment intervention could be manipulated to determine the
perceived as meaningful (Kahn, 2010). This however can causal link, if any, between workplace climate and impor-
be a challenging task. As highlighted in this research and tant individual-level affective outcomes like the ones tested
underscored by Kahn (2010, p. 29), “the fragility of engage- in this research. The link between workplace climate and
ment is a function of how vulnerable we feel, and are, when job performance, prosocial behavior, volunteer motivation,
we risk being fully present in a situation.” The centrality of among others, moderated by an engagement intervention,
work and its capacity to affect the human experience would be especially useful information to move the field
through conditions that empower and encourage cannot be forward because each variable has been associated with
ignored. Certainly, we believe there is wide implication for profitability and competitive advantage.
organizations here. Finally, we recommend future research employing a
more balanced representation by education or employee
level (manager–nonmanager) in alternative types of organi-
Limitations and Recommendations for Future
zations (e.g., manufacturing, service) to further test the
Research notions presented in this study. For example, it may be pos-
As in any study, the present research has limitations. First, sible that middle- and upper-level managers will perceive
although we followed Dillman et al.’s (2009) online data workplace climate and engagement in some systematically
collection protocol closely, participation rate was not 100%. different way than frontline workers or supervisors. This
Still, the response rate was consistent with prior research information might be useful for refining engagement at all
conducted via Internet survey (Dillman et al., 2009). To levels in organizational change efforts.

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56 Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 21(1)

Declaration of Conflicting Interests Fredrickson, B. L. (1998). What good are positive emotions?
Review of General Psychology, 2, 300-319. doi:10.1037/1089-
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
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Fredrickson, B. L. (2001). The role of positive emotions in positive
psychology: The broaden-and-build theory of positive emo-
tions. American Psychologist, 56, 218-226. doi:10.1037/0003-
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, Fredrickson, B. L., & Branigan, C. (2005). Positive emotions
authorship, and/or publication of this article. broaden the scope of attention and thought-action repertoires.
Cognition and Emotion, 19, 313-332.
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Maslach, C., Schaufeli, W. B., & Leiter, M. P. (2001). Job burn- Shuck, B., Reio, T. G., Jr., & Rocco, T. (2011). Employee engage-
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where do we go? Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology, Xanthopoulou, D., Bakker, A. B., Demerouti, E., & Schaufeli, W.
14(1), 3-10. B. (2009). Work engagement and financial returns: A diary
Schaufeli, W. B., & Bakker, A. B. (2010). Defining and measuring study on the role of job and personal resources. Journal of
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Bakker & M. P. Leiter (Eds.), Work engagement: A handbook doi:10.1348/096317908X285633
of essential theory and research (pp. 10-24). New York, NY:
Psychology Press. Author Biographies
Schaufeli, W. B., Bakker, A. B., & Salanova, M. (2006). The
Brad Shuck is Assistant Professor of Organizational Leadership
measurement of work engagement with a short question-
and Learning at the University of Louisville. His research agenda
naire: A cross-national study. Educational and Psychological
has focused on the use of employee engagement and positive psy-
Measurement, 66, 701-716. doi:10.1177/0013164405282471
chology in HRD, workplace culture, non-traditional methods of
Schaufeli, W. B., Salanova, M., González-Romá, V., & Bakker,
instructional design, and leadership development. Shuck was the
A.B. (2002). The measurement of engagement and burn-
2010-2011 Malcolm Knowles Dissertation of the Year Runner-Up
out: A two sample confirmatory factor analytic approach.
and recipient of the 2011 Advances in Developing Human Resources
Journal of Happiness Studies, 3(1), 71-92. doi:10.1023/
Issue of the Year Award for the special issue on employee engage-
ment. His research has appeared in publications such as Human
Schaufeli, W. B., Taris, T. W., & Van Rhenen, W. (2008).
Resource Development Review, Human Resource Development
Workaholism, burnout, and work engagement: Three of
International, the Journal of Management Development, Advances
a kind or three different kinds of employee well-being?
in Developing Human Resources, and the Journal of European
Applied Psychology, 57, 173-203. doi:10.1111/j.1464-
Training and Development, among others.
Schein, E. H. (1985). Organizational culture and leadership. San Thomas G. Reio, Jr. is Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and
Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Professor of Adult Education and Human Resource Development

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58 Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 21(1)

at Florida International University in Miami, Florida. He is Individual Differences, The Journal of School Psychology,
immediate past editor of Human Resource Development Review Educational and Psychological Measurement, Journal of Business
and editor of New Horizons in Adult Education and Human and Psychology, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Human
Resource Development. His research concerns curiosity and Resource Development Quarterly, Human Resource Development
risk-taking motivation, workplace socialization processes, work- International, Journal of Management Development, and the
place incivility, entrepreneurship, and workplace learning. His Journal of School Psychology. He has over 16 years of experience
work has been published in leading journals in education, busi- as a training and development director, organizational consultant,
ness, and psychology. These journals include Personality and and operations manager.

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