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Euw Chaiwanont
the block for any value of P is shown in Fig. 6/1b, where the tangential

2 Force and Acceleration

friction force exerted by the plane on the block is labeled F. This friction
force acting on the body will always be in a direction to oppose motion
or the tendency toward motion of the body. There is also a normal force
N which in this case equals mg, and the total force R exerted by the sup-
porting surface on the block is the resultant of N and F.
A magnified view of the irregularities of the mating surfaces, Fig.
6/1c, helps us to visualize the mechanical action of friction. Support is
necessarily intermittent and exists at the mating humps. The direction
of each of the reactions on the block, R1, R2, R3, etc. depends not only on
the geometric profile of the irregularities but also on the extent of local
F = µ N at each contact point. The total normal force N is the sum


m P P

(a) α
F (b)


Static Kinetic
F friction friction
(no motion) (motion)
Fmax = µ s N Fk = µ k N
t P

R1 R R3 P

(c) (d)

Figure 6/1

EQUATION OF MOTION Article 3/4 Problems 129

∑F = ma
PROBLEMS 3/4 A 60-kg woman holds a 9-kg package as she stands
within an elevator which briefly accelerates upward at
Introductory Problems a rate of g/4. Determine the force R which the elevator
floor exerts on her feet and the lifting force L which
3/1 The 50-kg crate is projected along the floor with an she exerts on the package during the acceleration in-
initial speed of 7 m/s at x ! 0. The coefficient of ki- terval. If the elevator support cables suddenly and
netic friction is 0.40. Calculate the time required for
P completely fail, what values would R and L acquire?
the crate to come to rest and the corresponding dis-
tance x traveled.

v0 = 7 m/s

50 kg

µk = 0.40 x 9 kg
Problem 3/1 4

3/2 The 50-kg crate of Prob. 3/1 is now projected down an 60 kg

incline as shown with an initial speed of 7 m/s. Inves-

tigate the time t required for the crate to come to rest
and the corresponding distance x traveled if (a) ! ! 15!
and (b) ! ! 30!. Problem 3/4
v0 =
7 m/s 3/5 During a brake test, the rear-engine car is stopped
from an initial speed of 100 km/h in a distance of
50 k 50 m. If it is known that all four wheels contribute
µk = g equally to the braking force, determine the braking
force F at each wheel. Assume a constant decelera-
tion for the 1500-kg car.

Problem 3/2
50 m
v1 = 100 km/h v2 = 0
3/3 The 100-lb crate is carefully placed with zero velocity
on the incline. Describe what happens if (a) ! ! 15! Problem 3/5
and (b) ! ! 20!

µ s = 0.30 lb
µk = 0.25


Problem 3/3

3/1 The 50-kg crate is projected along the floor with an she exerts on the package during the acceleration in
initial speed of 7 m/s at x ! 0. The coefficient of ki- terval. If the elevator support cables suddenly an
netic friction is 0.40. Calculate the time required for ติวฟรี D
completely fail, what YNAMICS P’E
BY R and
values would UW L acquire?
the crate to come to rest and the corresponding dis-
• 1. สมหญิงหนัก 60 kg x traveled.
ถือกล่อง 9 kg ยืนอยู่ในลิฟท์ที่มีความเร่ง g/4 จงหา
ก) แรง R ที่ลิฟท์กระทำกับเท้าสมหญิง v0 = 7 m/s
ข) แรง L ที่สมหญิงใช้ยกกล่อง
ค) ถ้าเคเบิลลิฟท์ขาดและลิฟท์กำลังตกลงพื้นจงหาแรง R*
50 kg

µk = 0.40 x 9 kg
Problem 3/1 4

3/2 The 50-kg crate of Prob. 3/1 is now projected down an 60 kg

incline as shown with an initial speed of 7 m/s. Inves-
tigate the time t required for the crate to come to rest
and the corresponding distance x traveled if (a) ! ! 15!
and (b) ! ! 30!. Problem 3/4
v0 =
7 m/s 3/5 During a brake test, the rear-engine car is stoppe
from an initial speed of 100 km/h in a distance o
50 k 50 m. If it is known that all four wheels contribut
µk = g equally to the braking force, determine the brakin
force F at each wheel. Assume a constant decelera
tion for the 1500-kg car.

Problem 3/2
50 m
v1 = 100 km/h v2 = 0
3/3 The 100-lb crate is carefully placed with zero velocity
on the incline. Describe what happens if (a) ! ! 15! Problem 3/5
and (b) ! ! 20!

µ s = 0.30 lb
µk = 0.25

Problem 3/3

(a) R = 846 N, (b) L = 110 N, (c) R = L = 0

• 2. A smooth 2-kg collar C, shown in figure, is attached to a spring
having a stiffness k = 3 N/m and an unstretched length of 0.75 m. If
the collar is released from rest at A, determine its acceleration and
the normal force of the rod on the collar at the instant y = 1 m.

•• 3. Calculate the vertical acceleration a of the 20-
kg cylinder for each of the two cases illustrated.
Neglect friction and the mass of the pulleys.

a = 1.962 m/s2, a = 4.905 m/s2

Article 3/14 251
ติวฟรี DProblems

303 The 4000-lb••• 4.van

drivenis traveling at 20 m/s
from position A towhen
posi-the 3.2 m
driver slams on the brakes and the wheels skid.
tion B on the barge, which is towed at a constant
Determine (a) the time taken for the truck to come
speed v0 ! 10 mi/hr. The van starts from rest rela-
to a complete stop and (b) determine whether the
tive to the
hits the A, accelerates
at front panel at 3.2 tomv in 15 mi/hr
!front of it.
relative Given
to thethe
barge overfriction
folloing a distance of 80 ft, and
then stops with
Static a deceleration
friction coefficient of the same
between boxmagni-
and flat bed
tude. Determine
0.85 the magnitude of the net force F
the tires of the
friction van andbetween
coefficient the barge boxduring
and flat Problem 3/305
this maneuver.
bed 0.75
Kinetic fruction coefficient between the truck tyres 3/306 A boy of mass m is standing initially at rest relative
80′road 0.90 80′
and the
to the moving walkway, which has a constant hori-
v = 15 mi/hr zontal speed u. He decides to accelerate his progress
and starts to walk from point A with a steadily in-
0 = 10 mi/hr
creasing speed and reaches point B with a speed
ẋ ! v relative to the walkway. During his accelera-
tion he generates an average horizontal force F
Problem 3/303 between his shoes and the walkway. Write the
work-energy equations for his absolute and relative
motions and explain the meaning of the term muv.
epresentative Problems
304 The launch catapult of the aircraft carrier gives the x
7-Mg jet airplane a constant acceleration and
launches the airplane in a distance of 100 m mea- xA u
sured along the angled takeoff ramp. The carrier is A B
moving at a steady speed vC ! 16 m/s. If an ab-
solute aircraft speed of 90 m/s is desired for takeoff,
determine the net force F supplied by the catapult
Problem 3/306
and the aircraft engines.
3/307 The block of mass m is attached to the frame by the
spring of stiffness k and moves horizontally with
negligible friction within the frame. The frame and
15° block are initially at rest with x ! x0, the uncom-
vC pressed length of the spring. If the frame is given a
constant acceleration a0, determine the maximum
velocity ẋ max ! (vrel )max of the block relative to the

Problem 3/304
305 The coefficients of friction between the flatbed of k
the truck and crate are !s ! 0.80 and !k ! 0.70.
The coefficient of kinetic friction between the truck
tires and the road surface is 0.90. If the truck stops
from an initial speed of 15 m/s with maximum
braking (wheels skidding), determine where on the Problem 3/307
bed the crate finally comes to rest or the velocity
vrel relative to the truck with which the crate
strikes the wall at the forward edge of the bed.


radial distance r ! 18 in. If the block is observe
speed of 24 in./sec relative to the slot as it crosses slip at ! ! 50!, determine the coefficient of st
the center, calculate the horizontal side thrust P ex- ติ
friction "s betweenวthe
ฟรี Dblock
andBYthe member.
erted by the slotted arm on the slider at this in-
•• 5. The member
stant. Determine whichOA rotates
side, A orabout
B, ofathe
slot isaxis
in through O with
a constant counterclockwise angular velocity ω = 3 rad/s. As it
contact with the slider.
passes the position θ= 0, a small block of mass m is placed on it at
a radial distance r =450 mm. If the block is observed to slip at θ=
50°, determine the coefficient of static friction μs between the block
and the member.* θ = 10 rad/sec

24 in./sec

B Problem 3/54

3/55 In the design of a space station to operate out

the earth’s gravitational field, it is desired to
the structure a rotational speed N which will si
late the effect of the earth’s gravity for member
the crew. If the centers of the crew’s quarters ar
Problem 3/52 be located 12 m from the axis of rotation, calcu
the necessary rotational speed N of the space
tion in revolutions per minute.

12 m

Problem 3/55

μs = 0.55


Mechanics of Solids
จาก Statics ศึกษาเกี่ยวกับแรงและหาว่าวัสดุรับแรงเท่าไหร่ วิชา
Strength จะนำแรงที่หาได้มาทำนายว่า วัสดุที่รับแรงนั้นเสียหายหรือไม่ ขาด
ออกจากกันหรือเปล่า ส่วนมากจะมีรายละเอียดปลีกย่อยที่คนส่วนใหญ่ยังมอง
ข้ามอยู่มาก ถ้าเราเข้าใจรายละเอียดเหล่านี้ครบถ้วน การนำไปพลิกแพลงใช้

Review :
“พี่อิ้วตอบข้อสงสัยเสมอครับ” “สรุปสูตรให้” “มีข้อสอบให้ทำเพิ่มเยอะดี”
“ชอบที่สามารถเรียนชดได้เวลาไม่ว่าง สะดวกและทำให้สามารถเข้าถึงเนื้อหา

Thermodynamics I
เป็นวิชาเกี่ยวกับ พลังงาน, ความร้อน, งาน กระทั้งกลไกการเปลี่ยนแปลง
มีการคำนวณและหาความสัมพันธ์ต่างๆ ซึ่งตรงจุดนี้ทำให้รู้สึกว่าเป็นวิชาที่
เข้าใจยาก แต่ถ้ามีการอธิชายเป็นรูปธรรม(เห็นภาพ) ก็จะไม่ยากอย่างที่คิด

Review :
“พี่ๆเอาใชใส่น้องๆมาก คอยถามอยู่ตลอดเลยว่าเข้าใจไหม สงสัยอะไร
หรือเปล่า ทำให้น้องๆได้ความรู้ความเข้าใจอย่างเต็มที่”


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