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Basic information of course/module

1. Name of Course/Module: Business Ethics & Governance

2. Course Code: MGT503
3. Name(s) of academic staff:
4. Rationale for the inclusion of the course/module in the programme :
This particular module is included in this Master of Business Administration programme tofamiliarize students with the
important ethical issues that arise in business context. To provide students with an understanding of the moral, social, and
economic environments within which those problems occur; to introduce students to the ethical concepts that are relevant
for resolving those problems; and to assist students in developing the necessary reasoning and analytical skills for doing

5. Semester and Year offered: Semester 2 Year 1

6. Course Hours Face To Face ILT TSLT
24 24 0 3.33 70 121.33
ILT=Individual Student Learning Time
TSLT=Total Student Learning Time
7. Credit Value: 3
8. Prerequisite: Nil
9. Learning Outcomes:
On the completion of this module, students should be able to:
CLO1 Identify the different ethical concepts, your own ethical philosophy, and how each relates to any
global business operation (C4, A1, P1; PLO1)

CLO2 Write a report on ethical theories and concept in light of business operations (C6, A2, PLO4)

CLO3 Present in a group a solutionSTRATEGIC to current ethical issues in the context of global business
in a professional manner (using reputed journals). (C6, A2, PLO3)

CLO4 Explain critically the make decision based on ethical standard in global business setting through a
case study using reputed journals and valid resources (C6, A4, P2, PLO6)

10. Transferable Skills:

Transferable skills developed within this course include:
 Communication skills
 Critical thinking and problem solving skills
 Ethics, moral and professionalism
11. Teaching-learning and assessment strategy
PLO Teaching Learning Activities Type of Assessment

Knowledge Lecture Written Examination

Value, attitude and professionalism Project Presentations

Problem solving and scientific skills Project Case study

Communication, leadership and Project Presentations


12. Synopsis:
This course deals with the moral philosophy and business by discussingthe nature of morality and main theories of
business ethics. The course consists of ethical responsibilities of businesses, definition of “bottom line,” or looking after of
employees, customers, community, moral choices, professional obligations, CompanyConflicts and the interest.

13. Mode of Delivery:

Lectures, case study, presentation and tutorial
14 Assessment Methods and Types:
Assessment Weightage

Assignment 20%

Case Study Analysis 20%

Presentation 20%

Final Exam 40%

Total 100%

15. Mapping of the course/module to the Programme Aims:


CLO1 √

CLO2 √

CLO3 √

CLO4 √
16. Mapping of the course/module to the Programme Learning Outcomes:

CLO1 √

CLO2 √

CLO3 √

CLO4 √

17. Content outline of the course/module and the SLT per topic
No. Subject Description Lectures Tutorials Others ILT Total

1. Part 1: An Overview of Business Ethics

Chapter 1 : The Importance of Business Ethics 2 2 4 8

Chapter 2: Stakeholders Relationship, Social
Responsibility and Corporate Governance
2. Part 2: Ethical Issues And The
Institutionalization of Business Ethics
2 2 4 8
Chapter 3: Emerging Business Ethics Issues
Chapter 4 : The Institutionalization of Business
3. Part 3:The Decision Making Process
2 2 4 8
Chapter 5: Ethical Decision Making and Ethical
4. Chapter 6: Individual Factors; Moral Philosophies
and Value 2 2 4 8

5. Chapter 7: Organizational Factors : The Role of

Ethical Culture and Relationship 2 2 4 8

6. Part 4 : Implementing Business Ethics In a

Global Economy

Chapter 8 : Developing Effective Ethics Program 2 2 4 8

Chapter 9 : Implementing and Auditing Ethics

7. Chapter 10 : Globalization of Ethical Decision

Making 4 4 8 16
8. Part 5 : Corporate Governance In Malaysia

Chapter 11: Ethics and Corporate Governance in 2 2 4 8

Global Perspectives

9. Chapter 12 : Corporate Governance in Malaysia

2 2 4 8
10 Chapter 13: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 4 4 8 16
24 24 48 96
Total Guided and independent learning Face to independent
Face learning
Lectures 24 24
Tutorials 24 24
Case study report
- 6
(1000 words)
Assignment (1000 word) 6

Presentation 0.33 1

Final Exam 3 9
Total 51.33 70
Total Subject learning Time 121.33
Total Credit Hour 3
18. Main references supporting the course:
a. Ferrell, O. C., & Fraedrich, J. (2014). Business ethics: Ethical decision making & cases. Cengage learning.

b. Kuchhal. M.C. & Kuchhal V., (2014). Business Law. Seventh edition. Sem-I, University of Delhi)

Additional References supporting the course:

a. O. C. Ferrell, John Fraedrich and Ferrell, 2015, Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases, South-Western
College Pub; 10 th edition
b.. Shaw, W. (2013). Business ethics: A textbook with cases. Cengage Learning.
19. Other additional information: Nil

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