Factors Influencing G-SMS Adoption by Jordanian Citizens: Emad A. Abu-Shanab Shurouq A. Shihadeh

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Factors Influencing G-SMS Adoption by Jordanian

Emad A. Abu-Shanab
College of Business & Economics, Qatar University, eabushanab@qu.edu.qa
Shurouq A. Shihadeh
MIS Dept., IT College, Yarmouk University, shurouq96@yahoo.com

Abstract: Governments utilized mobile technologies and wireless Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and the Social
infrastructure to facilitate the provision of governmental services. Cognitive Theory (SCT). The research question answered by
The success of such initiative depends on citizens’ adoption, this study is:
which is influenced by more than one factor. This research tested
a model for predicting the intention to use SMS services provided
by governments. The major proposed predictors are perceived
RQ: What are the factors influencing users’ acceptance of
usefulness, subjective norms, perceived ease of use, self-efficacy, SMS governmental services?
as well as trust. A quantitative research was conducted, where
400 surveys were distributed to collect the research data. 386 of The following part will review the available studies on the
them were returned and analyzed. Results indicated that all topic, followed by a description of the research model
proposed factors were significant predictors of the intention to proposed and research hypotheses. The fourth section
use SMS services. Unfortunately, subjective norm failed to be a describes the data analysis and results, followed by
significant predictor of intentions. The last section includes conclusions and proposed future work.
research conclusions and future work.
Keywords: Mobile government; SMS; Jordan; adoption; TRA;
Recently, many governments have realized the benefits
obtained from applying electronic government (e-
government), and started moving more towards mobile
Mobile technologies and services have revolutionized the government. It is important to improve public services by
service sector and forced new models for governments to adding a new service delivery channel, and start moving
provide their services to citizens. Due to the integration toward mobile government [5]. Governments adopting m-
between diverse types of ICT and social media, mobile government as a service delivery channel are concerned about
government evolved as a strong channel for providing several things including: data gathering administration,
services. Such channel can reach citizens from any place and accessibility and authenticity, data storage and retrieval, and
24/7. Mobile applications are being utilized by many sectors location based service management [6]. These governments
like: M-health, M-commerce and M-government [1]. M- have utilized SMS as a channel for providing services for
Government means the utilization of technology within the many reasons like: reducing time and cost, and improve the
administration of governments to deliver services and communication channel with their citizens [7].
information to citizens. Mobile government provides mobility,
portability, convenience, real time information, and A. Overview of m-government
personalized accessibility to users [2]. The last decade has witnessed a rapid development and
The adoption of m-government is one of the best indicators of widespread of mobile and wireless technologies, which
the success of such initiative. The adoption research used the encouraged governments to enhance the quality of service
intention to use the technology as a surrogate of use. Based on provision through moving toward m-government [8]. The
that, research investigated the factors influencing use or the main objective of e-government is to exploit innovative
intention to use e-government or m-government. Classical information technology such as web-based Internet
theories of technology adoption are well researched and even n applications to handle public activities. Exploiting mobile and
many cases were extended with new and robust factors. A long wireless technology is creating new opportunities for
list of theories are reported in the literature [3, 4]. governments and opening doors to better mobile and
This empirical study will investigate five factors that are convenient communications [9].
expected to predict the intention to use mobile government in Kushchu and Kuscu [10, p. 3] defined mobile government as
Jordan. The technology under consideration in this work is "the utilization of all kinds of wireless and mobile technology,
short messages services (SMS) only, and the research method services, applications and devices for improving benefits to the
is built around such channel. We proposed a model that parties involved in e-government including citizens". M-
merged few factors from three technology acceptance domains government could also be defined as an extension of all e-
and they are the Theory of Reasoned Actions (TRA), the
government applications that apply features that can be from e-government to m-government into three forms: (1)
facilitated by mobile or wireless technologies and penetration of mobile device; (2) transformation from wired
infrastructure such as cellular phones, personal digital assistant Internet into wireless telecommunication; and (3) trend toward
(PDAs), and laptops for the purpose of providing citizens, transferring data and moving into 3G services [10].
businesses, and governmental institutions, with a location Regardless of the many benefits of m-technology, countries
based government information and services at real time and at
are facing one of two types of barriers: technical and non-
the place they are in (24/7) [11, 12]. technical ones [13]. Technical barriers are related to the
M-government is considered as a reforming, reengineering, following: (1) infrastructure limitations, (2) security and
and restructuring tool for public services that adds some control, and (3) limitations related to compatibility between
features to existing e-government services which leads to existing e-government systems and mobile system. Non-
enhanced competitive applications [9]. Based on that, m- technical barriers are related to: (1) people who manage,
government is an extension to the traditional e-government. develop, and/or use mobile government services, (2)
The main difference between e-government and m- environment of the system, and (3) the culture. Governments
government is related to the accessibility and delivery mode. would face some concerns, issues, risks when they implement
E-government utilizes wired technologies and web mobile government services based on the nature of wireless
applications to deliver its services, while mobile government networks (vulnerability and instability), the lack of required
gains its value from applying mobility concepts through its interoperability between mobile devices, and the cost of
wireless mode [13]. implementing mobile services.
The key component and enabler of m-government is mobility, C. SMS public services
which enables the public to access services and exchange Supporting e-government with SMS services is done through
information from anywhere and at any time. Furthermore, real the establishment of a center called: short message gateways
time information access, convenience accessibility, and [20]. Such center handles information queries, and administers
personalization are guaranteed benefits from using m- and examines the process of transmitting information that
government services [2]. Mobility reflects the ability of concerns peoples’ lives. As an example, the Australian
technologies to perform communication and information government uses SMS to notify users about public
accessibility in a motion state. Mobility is the main feature of transportations. Citizens prefer simple and easy to use
m-government, which enables governments to use and deliver channels, with low cost, and support users’ native language
services through portable wireless devices anywhere and at and reading skills [21]. Using SMS channels to deliver public
any time [14]. services is widely used in developing and developed countries,
The benefits of m-government include designing an extended where they enhance the delivery and accessibility of
proactive way for citizen services in order to facilitate the governmental services provided to citizens, businesses, and
processes of providing real time information for the public and governmental institutions. This channel enables the
increase the opportunity of interaction with citizens. M- government to use SMS to deliver the traditional e-
government benefits are based on the utilization of the benefits government Internet-based services to citizens [22]. A
gained from mobile applications that enable users to do classification of SMS services is reported in the literature with
multiple functions while being on the move. The major feature six evolution stages: notifications, communications,
of m-applications is that they support providing real time transactions, pull based services, listening, and integration
information to a wider audience and improve the quality of level [23].
service [15]. SMS is considered as a suitable option to disseminate and
Mobile applications are considered an easy way for publish information quickly during natural disasters, service
governments to bridge the digital divide and reach more outages, or terrorist attacks. SMS provides citizens with
categories of citizens [16, 17]. Governments have exploited efficient, effective, and simple way to interact with their
mobile technologies as a feasible channel used in emergency government in a two way communication. Such channel also
situations to disseminate information and warnings. Such will grant citizens the opportunity to forward their voice and
channels could be on the form of SMS and CBS (Cell recommendation to their government. Another major attribute
Broadcast Service), that provide a geographical specific for using SMS is its ubiquity, where nearly 100% of mobile
purpose services for all kinds of mobile devices [18]. phones support text messages [24].
B. M-government issues D. M-government in Jordan
M-government transaction models are classified into the Jordan adopted m-government concept efficiently to enhance
following forms; (a) mG2G, reflects the communication the level of providing demand-based services. Such step will
between government agencies; (b) mG2C: refers to contribute to achieving the major objectives of e-government
government and citizens interaction; (c) mG2E: reflects the such as reducing cost and improving convenience, efficiency,
communication between governments and its employees; (d) flexibility, public sector modernization, and citizens'
mG2B: represent the interaction between businesses and satisfaction. Using mobiles will provides services
government [19]. A study classified the transformation process approximately to all categories of population like, disabled
citizens, women, and people who live in remote and rural model. The following hypotheses are formulated depending on
areas [17]. Similarly, citizens who suffer from limitations the model proposed and the survey of literature:
related to the accessibility to public services will benefit from
m-government concepts.
Mobile penetrated in Jordan and reached 140% in 2014, with
approximately 8.984 million subscriptions (trc.gov.jo, 2015).
Researchers expect that this number will increase to reach
200% in the next few years. According to the statistics
published on the TRC’s website, which indicates that the
Jordanian Internet penetration was 67% by the end of 2012,
while it was only 50.5% by the end of 2011. The reported
distribution of subscriptions are: 691,619 for mobile
broadband, 923 leased line, 3.434 TV cable, 192.738 ADSL,
828 dial up connection, and 103.198 Wi-Max (trc.gov.jo,
2015). The mobile penetration and the existence of a good
mobile infrastructure have encouraged the Jordanian
government to adopt m-government as a major channel for
service and information provision. The government started this
initiative by a project called SMS gateway, which aims to H1. Perceived subjective norm will have a positive
enhance the quality of communication among citizens and influence on the intention to use SMS governmental
governments. Such initiative enabled the government to reach services.
all citizens and provide them with needed service and
information [25]. H2. Perceived usefulness will have a positive influence on
Based on that, the Jordanian government decided to launch the the intention to use SMS governmental services.
initiative of the SMS gateway, in which citizens can benefit
from public services through SMS. In its preliminary stage, the H3: Perceived ease of use will have a positive influence
gateway offered 13 services provided from 7 governmental on the intention to use SMS governmental services.
institutions. These services could be provided for citizens and
institutions [26]. Using SMS channel, citizens are able to H4: Perceived trust will have a positive influence on the
obtain information in a quick and easy manner. Nonetheless, intention to use SMS governmental services.
the m-government in Jordan is based only on information
provision, and as it is still at its initial level of maturity, it is H5: Self-efficacy will have a positive influence on the
facing serious challenges that hinder its transformation intention to use SMS governmental services.
processes into a higher level of maturity. These challenges are
related to security and privacy, cost of mobile service A. Survey used and the sampling process
accessibility, infrastructure, lack of population’s awareness, A questionnaire instrument was developed from the literature
and legal issues [16]. and translated into Arabic language. The use of Arabic
language survey is recommended by research in countries
where the native language is Arabic [35]. The survey utilized a
In this section, we present the proposed research model used in Likert scale using a 5 points span. The response of 1
the study, which depicts our understanding the variables that represents a strong disagreement, and a response of 5
influence the intention to use SMS public services. The represents a strong agreement. The content validity of
variables utilized are adopted from previously researched instrument was realized through the strong literature review
models. The Theory of Reasoned Actions (TRA) contributed and a thorough inspection by the authors and few faculty
to our model with subjective norms [27]. Perceived ease of use members in the Yarmouk University. The questionnaire
(PEOU) and the perceived usefulness (PU) and intention to structure included two parts: the first included questions
use (ITU) were adopted from the TAM [28, 29, 30]. Self- related to demographic characteristics of subjects. The second
efficacy is adopted from the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) one included statements or questions that measure the model
[31, 32]. Finally, Trust is adopted from the work of Gefen et variables. Based on social sciences research and practices, and
al. [33] and Abu-Shanab [3, 34]. Figure 1 depicts the research when using a 5 point scale, a value between 1 and 2.33 will be
model proposed. denoted as low, between 2.33 to 3.66 will be denoted by
This study will apply a quantitative research approach, which moderate, and a value between 3.66 to 5 will be denoted by
involves a numerical representation or variables to describe high.
and explain the phenomena. The data collected from a survey The sampling process targeted a random sample from
measured the items that describe the variables used in the university students in order to determine whether mobile
government services are adopted by the sample and tested the
research model. The sample size targeted in this study reached perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust, self-
400 surveys. The suitable sample size reported in the literature efficacy, and intention to use). The purpose of such step is to
can be estimated by multiplying the number of variables by inspect if excessively high correlations between them, or f
10, with a base value equal to 50 (approximately 60 surveys). they are supported by the research model. Table 2 illustrates
Our sample is far larger than minimum needed [36, 37]. The the correlation matrix results, which indicates that all the study
same resources recommended a sample larger than 100 to variables correlations were significant at the 0.01 level. Such
generalize the results. We used SPSS software to conduct the results mean that all variables were important in determining
recommended analysis. the level of citizens’ intention to use SMS governmental
services. In addition, no correlations are above 0.8, which
The sample consisted of 386 usable surveys, where gender
was distributed as follows: 208 males (53.9%), and 178 indicates that a multi-collinearity issue is present.
females (46.1%). The age category was distributed in the
following pattern; age between 20-40 years percentage was TABLE 2: PEARSON’S CORRELATION MATRIX
69.2% of the sample size, while, only one respondent was Construct SN PU PEOU T SE
more than 60. To extend the sample size to a larger size, the
sample included university students, where it is expected to Usefulness 0.633**
see a large size below 20 years (18.4% of the total size). Perceived Ease of
Finally, 78.5% of respondents have a bachelor degree, and Use 0.560** 0.640**
13% of respondents have less than a bachelor degree. Trust 0.484** 0.511** 0.608**
The survey used included a question asking if the respondents Self-Efficacy 0.531** 0.529** 0.613** 0.597**
have used and benefited from the government services
Intention to Use 0.525** 0.576** 0.607** 0.621** 0.638**
provided in the form of SMS. Responses indicated that there
are 376 valid answers and 10 not reported. 151 responses
indicated that they have used the SMS governmental services
(represents 39.1%), while, 225 have not used the SMS services in order to inspect the influence of the predictor variables
before (representing 58.3%). This indicates a substantial (subjective norms, usefulness, ease of use, trust, and self-
reluctance toward using governmental services. efficacy) and how they influence the dependent variable
(intention to use SMS services). Multiple regression technique
is based on the assumption that there is a relationship between
B. Data Analysis the dependent and independent variables. Multiple regression
The analysis process started with an estimation of Cronbach’s technique aims at estimating the explained dependent variable
Alpha to guard for any changes in the survey items. The variance by using the independent variables.
values of Cronbach’s alpha were all more than the acceptable Multiple regression analysis was applied; where it indicated
value. Cronbach’s alpha is used to estimate the internal that usefulness, ease of use, trust, and self-efficacy were
consistency or the items average correlation between the study significant predictors of the intention to use SMS
variables in order to ensure their reliability. Reliability is governmental services. Subjective norm was not significant,
important and its absence risks the results of using such which means that individuals intention to use SMS
instrument to measure the variables. The Cronbach’s alpha of governmental services is not influenced by others opinions
the overall items of the study (for all variables) is 0.888, which about it. The coefficient of determination R2 measures how the
is a value above the recommended threshold. Such result data fits the proposed prediction regression line. Regression
indicates that the measures are reliable and valid for results indicated that the R value is equal to .744, the adjusted
identifying the intention to use SMS governmental services. R square value of the model is equal to 0.548 which is
Table 1 shows the variable values for Cronbach’s alpha. considered a good value (R square is equal to 0.554, with an F
value = 91.8815,375 and p <0.001). Such result means that the
Construct Number of Items Cronbach’s model has explained 55.4% of the variance in intention to use
Alpha SMS services. Table 3 shows the coefficient table of
Intention to use SMS IU1, IU2, IU3 0.875 regression.
The second objective of the regression analysis is to build the
Perceived Usefulness PU1, PU2, PU3, PU4 0.695
Perceived ease of use PEOU1, PEOU2, PEOU3, 0.840 prediction equation. The general regression equation of the
PEOU4 proposed model is the following:
Trust T1,T2, T3, T4, T5 0.841
Subjective norm SN1, SN2, SN3, SN4 0.854 ITU= β0+ β1*SN+ β2*PU+ β3*PEOU+ β4*T+ β5*SE + e
Self-efficacy SE1, SE2, SE3, SE4 0.797
As subjective norm failed to be a significant predictor of ITU
The second step in the analysis process was to see the SMS services, the estimated regression equation based on the
relationships between each two variables. Pearson’s coefficient table of regression is the following:
correlations matrix is used to determine the bivariate
relationships between the study variables (subjective norms,
IU= - 0.455+ 0.188*PU + 0.173*PEOU + 0.324*T + 2- The government, in collaboration with the private sector,
0.342*SE + e should provide an easy to use service. Services should be
easy to use, available for all categories (bridging the
digital divide concerning gender [17] and age [40].
TABLE 3: THE COEFFICIENT TABLE OF REGRESSION 3- It is important for the government of Jordan to provide a
Unstand. Values Stand. t Sig.
Construct B Std. Error Beta trustworthy public service through mobile technology.
(Constant) -.455 0.187 -2.433 0.015 Such effort is can be successful by improving
Subjective norms 0.105 0.056 0.089 1.887 0.06 government transparency and accountability.
Perceived Usefulness 0.188 0.064 0.15 2.927 0.004 4- Our results indicate that citizens are not influenced by
Perceived Ease of Use 0.173 0.062 0.145 2.789 0.006 others’ opinion when related to using SMS governmental
Trust 0.324 0.06 0.254 5.411 000
service. Such thing means more research is needed, and if
Self-Efficacy 0.342 0.06 0.275 5.724 000
supported means that citizens need to use such services
Dependent variable: Intention to Use SMS
by themselves. The government should conduct extensive
campaigns to improve citizens’ awareness.
5- SMS services are important channel to be utilized by
IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS government considering the ubiquity of such service and
the abundance of mobile phones in the country.
In order to address the research question, this study developed
6- Utilizing different channels will improve the level of
a model, which integrates some variables adopted from TRA,
service and thus citizens’ satisfaction with the service.
TAM, and SCT, and extended with trust. The model was a
Such satisfaction will contribute to improved adoption.
result of extensive literature review. To empirically test the
proposed model, a quantitative method was applied. The
This study calls for more research to see why Jordanians social
analysis results supported the proposed model, which
influence is a minor factor in influencing the intention to use
consisted of five independent variables to predict the intention
SMS services. The second issue is the sample size and the
to use SMS services. The proposed variables were reliable
validation of the instrument. Such issue is important for
with an acceptable Cronbach’s alpha. The model explained
researchers to open doors for future research.
55.4% of the variance in intention to use SMS governmental
services (adjusted R square value = 0.548). The set of
hypotheses stated were all supported except for the first one.
Table 3 shows the hypotheses testing results. V. REFERENCES

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