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Department of Electronics and

Telecommunication Engineering
Exp. No. 1
Semester B.E. Semester VII – Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Subject Optical Communication
Subject Professor
Dr. Dhananjay Patel
Assisting Teachers Dr. Dhananjay Patel

Student Name Prasad Ganesh Rane

Roll Number 17104A0037

To understand the effect of dispersion when transmission is through single mode fiber.
Resources /
Hardware: Software: Optisystem Software
Laptop / Desktop
Description • Dispersion of the transmitted optical signal causes distortion for both digital
of the and analog transmission along optical fibers.
experiment • When considering the major implementation of optical fiber transmission which
involves some form of digital modulation, then dispersion mechanisms within
the fiber cause broadening of the transmitted light pulses as they travel along
the channel.
• It may be observed that each pulse broadens and overlaps with its neighbors,
eventually becoming indistinguishable at the receiver input. The effect is known
as intersymbol interference (ISI).
• Signal dispersion alone limits the maximum possible bandwidth attainable with
a particular optical fiber to the point where individual symbols can no longer be
Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering
Exp. No. 1


Parameters Settings:
General Parameters:
Bit Rate: 10 Gbps
Symbol Rate: 10 Gbps
NRZ Pulse Modulator:
Maximum: 1
Minimum: 0
Mac Zender Modulator:
Extension Ration >= 30dB
Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering
Exp. No. 1
Optical Fiber length: 100 Km
Gain: 20 dB
Noise: 0 dB
Pin Photodiode:
Responsivity: 1 A/W

Observations Dispersion Maximum Minimum BER Eye Height Threshold Decision

and readings Factor Q Factor Inst.
-16 3.41963 0.000313365 3.99056e-005 0.00023557 0.539063
-8 13.848 5.87074e-044 0.000346919 0.000358673 0.523438
-4 20.4315 4.39868e-0.93 0.000406207 0.000252461 0.585938
0 128.376 0 0.00046304 3.60987e-005 0.523438
4 21.6761 1.66791e-104 0.00041574 0.000202592 0.640625
8 11.9878 1.96871e-036 0.000367514 0.000198988 0.515625
16 6.32454 1.26962e-010 0.000200299 0.000226381 0.531245
Spectrums Dispersion Factor = -16
and graphs
Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering
Exp. No. 1
Dispersion Factor = -8

Dispersion Factor = -4
Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering
Exp. No. 1
Dispersion Factor = 0

Dispersion Factor = 4
Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering
Exp. No. 1
Dispersion Factor = 8

Dispersion Factor = 16

Inferences • Quality Factor is maximum when Dispersion Factor is 0 and it decreases when
Dispersion Factor is 16 or -16.
• BER is minimum (0) when Dispersion Factor is 0 and increases when dispersion factor
• Eye Height increases as Dispersion Factor increase.

Conclusion By observing Quality Factor and other factors, we can say that overall signal strength
reduces because of dispersion when signal is transmitted through single mode optical

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