Toefl Writing Nezrin

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I think the second one is better, and not just for the importance of keeping in touch, but also

for learning new things and educational process, especially nowadays, in the age of
First of all for most parents it’s very important to be in touch with their little ones, hear their
voices, so that they can be sure that their children are safe and sound, especially if they go
to school or courses on their own. Today’s smartphones are all with cameras, thanks for it
children can do video calls with their parents, friends and teachers when it’s needed (for ex.
to help each other with homework)
When I say “learning’’ I mean getting acquainted to things suitable for interests of their age.
For example, it can be some articles about new discoveries or videos about how to invent
something. Also it can be learning new languages, which are not taught at school or
improving knowledge of some subject. Of course parents can take tutors for their children
for this purpose, but taking into consideration that the amount of children in families may
vary and each family have many different more important expenses, we can see that not so
many families can afford it. But when it comes to the internet there are plenty choices of
the forms of studying and most of them are free, and even payed ones’ prices are still lower
than the cost of tutor’s services.
As time goes by we see that more and more educational centers proceed to online system
of studying. On one hand I think it’s not good for socializing, cause children must live active
life, they should talk and play with each other in real life, not only via social networks or
video calls. But on the other hand there are children with disabilities, or simply families
finding online education more suitable for them and in these cases smartphones are very
useful. Also children use their phones while studying using for ex translating apps. It’s much
better to carry one phone with different apps than tons of books.
What made me think twice before writing this all is the word “owning”. And then I
remembered a case in our family. A few months ago when my little brother’s smartphone
got bad he used my mother’s smartphone for a while. But it was difficult cause couldn’t
agree on time of usage.
Of course using smartphones has many minuses for children such as harm on their physical
and mental health etc, but in my opinion in proper usage it has more benefits than minuses.
Parents definitely have to control the time and purpose of usage of any devices, and even if
children play games, these games should be useful, they should teach something new, for
ex. like Dualingua.

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