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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 14: Business Intelligence

Submission date October,11th,2020 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name HUỲNH NGỌC HẢI ĐĂNG Student ID GBD18577

Class GCD0704 Assessor name Srikanth Raju Kandukuri

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P3 P4 M3 D3


❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

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Class: GCD0704
ID: GBD18577
Teacher: Srikanth Raju


Table of Contents
I. Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools and technologies ........................................................ 6

1. Determine, with examples, what business intelligence is and the tools and techniques associated with
it. 6

1.1. Definition........................................................................................................................................ 6

1.2. Business Intelligence Tools ............................................................................................................ 7

SAP Business Intelligence...................................................................................................................... 7

SAS Business Intelligence...................................................................................................................... 8

Sisense .................................................................................................................................................... 8

Microsoft Power BI ................................................................................................................................ 9

Looker .................................................................................................................................................... 9

Clear Analytics ..................................................................................................................................... 10

Oracle BI .............................................................................................................................................. 10

1.3. Business Intelligence Techniques................................................................................................. 11

Analytics............................................................................................................................................... 11

Predictive Modeling ............................................................................................................................. 11

OLAP ................................................................................................................................................... 12

Data Mining.......................................................................................................................................... 12

Model Visualization ............................................................................................................................. 12

2. Design a business intelligence tool, application or interface that can perform a specific task to support
problem-solving or decision-making at an advanced level. ......................................................................... 13

2.1. Scenario ........................................................................................................................................ 13

2.2. Design........................................................................................................................................... 13

Decision-making .................................................................................................................................. 17

Problem-solving ................................................................................................................................... 17

3. Customize the design to ensure that it is user friendly and has a functional interface. ........................ 18

3.1. Power BI ....................................................................................................................................... 18

User-friendly dashboards ..................................................................................................................... 19

Why we used Microsoft power BI........................................................................................................ 19


Easy and effective comparisons ........................................................................................................... 20

II. References ................................................................................................................................................ 22

Table of Figures
Figure 1 Business Intelligence Example ............................................................................................................ 7
Figure 2 SAP Business Intelligence ................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3 SAS Business Intelligence ................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 4 Sisense ................................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 5 Microsoft Power BI.............................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 6 Looker ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 7 Clear Analytics................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 8 Oracle BI ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Figure 9 Filtered Excel sheet ............................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 10 Data of products of my company ..................................................................................................... 14
Figure 11 Power BI Home................................................................................................................................ 14
Figure 12 All information about products in stock by pie chart ....................................................................... 15
Figure 13 Average of UnitPrice ....................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 14 Average of UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder, and ReorderLevel .......................................................... 16
Figure 15 Sum of each product parameters chart ............................................................................................. 16
Figure 16 Total parameters of products............................................................................................................ 17


I. Demonstrate the use of business intelligence tools
and technologies

1. Determine, with examples, what business intelligence is and the

tools and techniques associated with it.

1.1. Definition
Business intelligence (BI) integrates business analytics, data mining, data visualization, tools, data
infrastructure, strategies, and best practices to transform raw data that can be useful and accurate in business
activities to help companies make decisions in business analysis. It is a suite of software and services to
transform data into actionable intelligence and knowledge.

BI has a significant effect on the strategic, tactical, and operational business decisions of organizations. Instead
of assumptions and gut feelings, BI advocates fact-based decision making using historical evidence.

In order to provide users with accurate intelligence on the nature of the market, BI tools perform data analysis
and generate reports, summaries, dashboards, maps, graphs, and charts.

➢ Example
Example 1
• In an Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) system information that could be fed into product
database could be
− add a product line
− change a product price
• The question in an OLTP device ads database that could be executed
− Changed choices in ads
− Growing the budget for radio
• Data that could be fed will be generated in the OLTP framework dealing with consumer
demographic databases
− Raising the credit cap for customers
− The shift in the wage standard for customers


Figure 1 Business Intelligence Example

Example 2

• A bank gives access to BI applications to branch managers. This allows branch managers to
decide who are the most lucrative clients and which clients they should be focusing on.
• The use of BI instruments frees IT, workers, from the duty of creating analytical reports for
the departments. It also provides access to a richer database for department staff.

1.2. Business Intelligence Tools

Business Intelligence ( BI) software is a type of application software that collects and processes vast quantities
of internal and external system unstructured data, including books, papers, documents, health records,
photographs, files, emails, videos, and other business sources. While not as versatile as business analytics
tools, BI tools provide a way to collect data, mainly through queries, to find information. These tools also help
prepare data for analysis so that you can create reports, dashboards, and data visualizations. The results give
both employees and managers the power to accelerate and improve decision making, increase operational
efficiency, pinpoint new revenue potentials, identify market trends, report genuine KPIs, and identify new
business opportunities.

SAP Business Intelligence

Like real-time BI predictive analytics, machine learning, and planning & analysis, SAP Business Intelligence
provides many advanced analytics solutions. In particular, the Business Intelligence platform provides
reporting & analysis, apps for data visualization & analytics, office integration, and mobile analytics. SAP is
a stable, all-role program (IT, end-use, and management) that provides loads of functionality on one platform.


Figure 2 SAP Business Intelligence

SAS Business Intelligence

Although the most popular product from SAS is its advanced predictive analytics, it also provides a great
platform for business intelligence. It is a self-service platform that enables knowledge and indicators to be
leveraged to make informed business choices. You are given loads of customization options using their set of
APIs, and SAS ensures high-level data integration and advanced analytics & reporting.

Figure 3 SAS Business Intelligence

Not tech-savvy? Then the business intelligence tool from Sisense might be for you. Without your IT
department getting involved, this user-friendly tool allows everyone within your company to handle vast and
complex datasets as well as analyze and visualize this knowledge. This helps you to gather data from a broad
range of sources, including Adwords, Google Analytics, and Salesforce. Not to mention, in contrast to other
tools, data is processed very easily because it uses in-chip technology.


Figure 4 Sisense

Microsoft Power BI
Microsoft Power BI is a tool suite focused on web-based business analytics that excels in data visualization. It
enables users to identify patterns in real-time and has brand new connectors that enable campaigns to update
your game. Microsoft Power BI can be accessed from pretty much anywhere since it is web-based. This
platform also enables users to integrate their applications and produce reports and dashboards in real-time.

Figure 5 Microsoft Power BI

Looker's data exploration software is another BI method to look out for! This platform integrates with any
database or warehouse of SQL and is suitable for start-ups, medium-sized companies, or enterprise-grade
companies. Ease-of-use, convenient visualizations, efficient collaboration features (data and reports can be
exchanged via email or USL as well as incorporated with other applications) and reliable support (tech team)
are some advantages of this unique tool.


Figure 6 Looker

Clear Analytics
This BI tool is an intuitive program based on Excel that can be used by workers with even the most basic Excel
experience. What you get is a Business Intelligence self-service framework that provides many BI features,
such as generating, automating, analyzing, and visualizing data from your organization.

Figure 7 Clear Analytics

Oracle BI
Oracle BI is an enterprise suite of business intelligence technology and software. This technology offers almost
all BI features to users, such as dashboards, constructive intelligence, alarms, ad hoc, and more. For businesses
that need to analyze huge data volumes (from Oracle and non-Oracle sources), Oracle is also nice as it is a
very robust solution.


Figure 8 Oracle BI

1.3. Business Intelligence Techniques

In order to obtain useful insights to inform decision-making, there are many business intelligence tools that
businesses may use. Here's a look at the BI techniques that are most common.

Analytics is a methodology of business intelligence that involves the analysis of available information to gain
useful insights and patterns. This is a common BI technique as it helps organizations to deeply understand the
information they have and drive data-driven decisions of ultimate value.

For example, analytics can be used by a marketing company to build consumer segments that are highly likely
to turn to new customers, and call centers use speech analytics to track customer sentiment, enhance customer
service, and, just to name a few, for quality assurance purposes.

Predictive Modeling
Predictive modeling is a BI approach that uses statistical methods to produce models that can be used to predict
probabilities and trends. With predictive modeling, using several statistical models, the value for a given data
object as well as the attributes can be predicted.

For instance, predictive modeling for financial services help optimize the overall business strategy, revenue
generation, resource optimization, and generating sales. Automated financial services analytics can allow firms
to run thousands of models simultaneously and deliver faster results than with traditional modeling.


It does this by analyzing strategic business investments, improve daily operations, increase productivity, and
predicting changes to the current and future marketplace. The more common form of predictive analytics in
financial services is the credit scoring system used to approve or deny loans, often within minutes.

Online analytical processing is a technique of distinct dimensions for solving analytical problems. The
multidimensional feature of OLAP, which helps users to define issues from multiple viewpoints, is the most
important value. To complete tasks such as budgeting, CRM data analysis, and financial forecasting, OLAP
could be used.

For example, an OLTP application might be used to provide internet banking for a bank’s 1.2 million
customers. But an OLAP application that analyzes those customers’ internet banking habits would only be
used by a select number of bank staff.

Data Mining
Data mining is a method used in large databases to discover patterns and also involves database systems,
statistics, and machine learning to identify these patterns. As it ensures adequate data structuring, data mining
is an essential method for data management as well as data pre-processing. To build models that expose these
trends, end users may also use data mining. For example, a company might mine CRM data to predict which
results are most likely to buy a certain solution or production.

Model Visualization
The visualization technique of the model is used to convert the facts discovered into histograms, charts, graphs,
and other visuals that help to better visualize the observations.

As another significant aspect for BI device customers, visualizations stood out. For most users of BI, the need
to display data in an easy-to-understand medium is considered important. In a format that can be absorbed by
individuals of all levels of BI ability sets, visualizations present data. In 81 percent of responses, the function
was listed. A common driving force for starting the quest for BI software is the need for a tool that can turn
knowledge from numbers on a spreadsheet to informative visualizations, so the popularity of the function is
understandable. Another top answer, considered a basic BI feature along with dashboards and visualizations,
was the capacity to produce reports.


2. Design a business intelligence tool, application or interface that
can perform a specific task to support problem-solving or
decision-making at an advanced level.

2.1. Scenario
As per the scenario, I was required to develop a tool or application for business intelligence that should be able
to perform a particular task to help problem-solving or decision-making for my company's products at an
advanced level. I now choose the MS excel framework to develop an application for the business to help
improve our decision making and efficiency in order to plan a BI application. When the employee comes to
check the stock status of products, we fill in the form with our stock product data which is CategoryId,
ProductId, ProductName, SupplierId, QuantityPerUnit, and inventory status, shortages of goods, and goods
ordered and reset. After the warehouse declaration, when there is a shortage, staff will easily monitor and
report to the superiors and suppliers, so inventory will be simpler and supply will be more complete. Our
growing BI tools will help us keep track of the status of business goods and the availability and inventory of

2.2. Design
Below is the screenshot of the excel sheet which includes all the data of products of my company according to
Product ID, Product Name, Supplier ID, Category ID, Quantity per unit, Unit Price, Units in Stock, Units on
order, Reorder level, Discontinued. It includes all the data.

Figure 9 Filtered Excel sheet


Figure 10 Data of products of my company

Now, to design and analyze data for our products, I will use Microsoft Power BI software and this is Power
BI's interface.

Figure 11 Power BI Home

I will specify product ID, product name, supplier ID, category ID, unit quantity, unit price, stock units, order
units, reorder level, discontinued details. And we have a summary of the commodity details as well as ordered
inventory and quantity, discount, reorder. We can find product inventory details. I will use the pie chart to
explain all the above details broadly and clearly through the Power BI method.


Figure 12 All information about products in stock by pie chart

Next, I'm going to build some other chart charts to get average product price details as well as OnOrder,
ReOrderLevel, and still in stock.

Figure 13 Average of UnitPrice


Figure 14 Average of UnitsInStock, UnitsOnOrder, and ReorderLevel

Here is a detailed total chart of each product status parameter

Figure 15 Sum of each product parameters chart

Here is a total report of all the product parameters in our stock


Figure 16 Total parameters of products

The capacity to evaluate and present data sets imply that many businesses use BI instruments to inform the
decision-making process. Naturally, any fruitful future planning operation must be informed by a clear picture
of the present and past, a role BI resources are ideally positioned to assist. BI instruments allow us to perform
performance measurements. For example, we might use BI data converted into a bar chart inside a retail or
service company to see how well the business performs at various times of the year. The speculative analysis
may also be carried out, such as projecting revenue forecasts and measuring the impact that these will have on
the organization as a whole.

BI Tools address many issues that exist in everyday business. Such as the following:

• Control of Bad Results

• Business Answer Weak
• Losing clients
• Wasting time on multiple systems compilation instead of data analysis
• Dependency on technology teams to build custom reports
• Restricted data access


3. Customize the design to ensure that it is user friendly and has
a functional interface.
In the dashboards listed above:

1. Metadata-Specifics such as last refresh date, contact details have been surfaced to help customers find
additional report background.

2. Vertical navigation-The report pages are now more popular, building on the experience of consumers with
Word and PowerPoint navigation. By resizing the display, users can further customize the screen area.

3. A modern, revamped action bar designed to surface the most appropriate front and center commands for
end users, making it easier to export, subscribe, collaborate with others, and dig deeper through filters and
bookmarks. Streamlined action bar

4. Experience of new filters-Experience of new filters, including the pop-up filter list, the revamped filter pane
will be available by default for all new look reports.

5. Fresh colors and icons-We have moved to a lighter color theme and revamped icons around the user
interface-so that they match the canvas, making report content the key focal point.

6. Parity of features: No functionality has been disabled. You can find additional commands, such as deleting,
saving a copy, etc., by extending the '...' menu in the action bar. It is possible to view consumption metrics
from the content list. No edit mode changes. We've kept the authoring experience close to the Desktop
experience. Modifications to the new look refer only to the reading view.

7. Consistent experience. The latest look is also given to Dashboards. While maintaining the functional
differences, we have made common UX elements consistent across dashboards, reports, and applications.

3.1. Power BI
Power BI is a series of applications that can be used on the desktop, as a SaaS product, or on a mobile device.
The on-premises version is Power BI Desktop, the cloud-based offering is Power BI Service, and the mobile
Power BI runs on mobile devices.

Power BI's various components are intended to allow users to build and share business insights in a way that
suits their position.

There are several components included within Power BI that help users generate and exchange data reports.

• Power Query: a data mashup and method for transformation


• Power Pivot: a tabular data modeling method for memory
• Power View: a method for data visualization
• Power Map: a method to visualize 3D geospatial data
• Power Q&A: A query on natural language and engine answering

User-friendly dashboards
• User Interface-The content and features of the dashboard must be communicated. The user can
understand what the interface does quickly.
• Powerful and Tidy Layout-It is also the first feature of design to create an impact on the visual
experience of users. A good UI lets them search the interface easily, understand the dashboard's
composition, and know exactly where to look for the details they need.
• Template with Consistency-Font size and text category colors (such as the title of the graph, subtitle,
− Icons: Identical icons in the dashboard need to provide the same features
− Labels: The same thing must be seen and signified in the dashboard by identical-looking labels
• Simplify, Simplify and Simplify-The general rule is: without an aspect, if you do not notice or get lost
in the details, it does not need to be there in the first place.
• Use Negative Space with Intention (target, objective)-Negative Space in Design is an active feature
that can serve the following purposes:
− Increasing content readability by offering a break in the eyes of users
− Separate numerous pieces of data and minimize clutter
− To help users concentrate on the content, create a contrast

Why we used Microsoft power BI

Since its inception, Microsoft has added a variety of data analytics features to Power BI and continues to do
so. Some of the most important characteristics include:

• Artificial Intelligence — In Power BI, users can access image recognition and text analytics, develop
machine learning models using automated machine learning capabilities, and integrate with Azure
Machine Learning.
• Support for hybrid deployment — This feature provides built-in connectors that allow Microsoft,
Salesforce, and other vendors to link Power BI tools with a variety of different data sources.
• Fast Insights — This feature enables users to create data subsets and apply analytics to the information
• Popular support for the data model — Support for the popular data model by Power BI facilitates the
use of a structured and extensible set of data schemes (entities, attributes, and relationships).


• Integration with Cortana — This function, which is particularly common on mobile devices, enables
users to use natural language to verbally question data and access results using Cortana, Microsoft's
digital assistant.
• Customization — This feature enables developers to adjust the look of default tools for visualization
and reporting and to import new tools to the platform.
• Integration APIs — This functionality offers sample code and application performance interfaces
(APIs) for developers to integrate the Power BI dashboard into other software products.
• Self-service data preparation — Company analysts can ingest, convert, incorporate, and enrich big
data into the Power BI web service using Power Query. It is possible to share ingested data through
several Power BI models, reports, and dashboards.
• Modeling view — Enables users to split complex data models by subject area into separate diagrams,
pick multiple objects, set common properties, view and change properties in the Properties window,
and set display folders to make complex data models easier to consume.

Easy and effective comparisons

You have the opportunity to analyze vast volumes of data to uncover trends and patterns that will impact
decisions with the powerful analytical resources included in Microsoft Excel. The graphing capabilities of
Microsoft Excel allow you to summarize your data, thus increasing your ability to organize and arrange your
data. Effective review of vast quantities of information. The latest Excel spreadsheet upgrades improve your
ability to analyze vast volumes of data. You can quickly and easily narrow down the parameters that will assist
in your decisions with efficient filtering, sorting, and searching tools. You can quickly and easily locate the
data you want, even though you have hundreds of thousands of data objects, by combining these resources
with tables, pivot tables, and graphs. Although it is scalable and can be used at home on your low-powered PC
or at work on your high-powered laptop, you will need the latest technology to get the most out of Microsoft

The interface should have the following types of features in order to be user friendly:

• Easy: A user-friendly interface is not overly complicated, but rather easy, providing fast access to
common functions or commands.
• Clean: A good user interface is well structured, making it simple for numerous resources and choices
to be found.
• Intuitive: To be user-friendly, an interface must make sense to the average user and require minimal
guidance about how to use it.
• Reliable: An unstable product is not user-friendly, since it can cause the user to be unduly irritated. A
user-friendly item is stable and doesn't fail or crash.


In the customized design there are lot more functionality like:

Details on the type, product, and vendor Id to identify product type, quantity, discount, booked and reordered
product data, the total quantity of products and total ordered products, and the price of each item, a price chart
for each item, and the total number of items ordered or reordered and in stock are displayed, These features
can assist a company in decision-making, but only a few features are included in the initial design, so
personalized design is much simpler than the initial design. As in customized design, more functionalities are
present, as well as all the tools and options are easily found in the customized tools. For ordinary users, the
existence of the appropriate resources would make sense and require limited clarification on how to use the
personalized interface. The customized design does not need internet connectivity to work, so the risk of failure
would be lower. Since the personalized design has all the user-friendly features and a functional interface.
Therefore, it can be assured that a personalized template is user-friendly and has a working interface.


II. References

(n.d.). Retrieved from


(n.d.). Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved from



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