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Name: John Clarence B.

Grade & Section: 11-Shakespeare
Date: 11/28/2020

Feminism Theory Reflection

The concept created by women in theory in order to reform their own realization and social order
can be understood as feminism. Feminism Essentially, most women's movements are established
with the primary aim of freeing women from male domination. In fact, feminists base their
societal viewpoints around the generally held belief that women are economically marginalized.
Specifically, feminists contend that there is gender disparity in the way women and men connect
in jobs and relationships. While those who promote xenophobia argue that men and women are
equal in political and social matters, this nevertheless needs to be seen in the real world. From
the standpoint of feminist, social roles, occupations, behavioral and desires are explained as
feminine or masculine.

To illustrate, the society associates empathetic feelings, caring and nurturing with women.
Moreover, childcare, nursing and secretarial work is defined as ladies’ work. On the other hand,
work in public offices and military work is associated with men. Following this, feminists
believe that associating certain work and behaviors with a certain gender is not natural but as a
result of social aspects. Without question, gender disparity is social in nature and developed to
maintain the dominance of men in society where men and women are perceived differently. To
clarify this, gender in society is hierarchical with men in the top positions and with women in the
underlying positions. In other words, the society expects women to be caretakers and mothers,
thus denying them the opportunity to build the skills needed in corporate governance as well as
in top political positions.

Furthermore, women are expected to respond and nurture others' needs, which makes them less
aggressive and contrary to what leadership roles need. To be precise, the predominance of men
in society is a social difference in gender. Gender is not a defined status, nor what you do
contrary to the expectations of other individuals. Gender is developed, in order to explain this by
encounters but not before social connections. In fact, the understanding of gender as social
interaction reveals that it is reasonably free and stable to take gender roles, standards and
definitions. There is without a doubt a link between theory of women and studies of men which
implies that gender is performative.

In conclusion, I assume that the battle for equality between women can be waged in many ways,
but not in all respects. Based on personal priorities, some approaches are much easier than
others. There are certainly very similar characteristics for men and women, but they also have
some distinctions. It doesn't mean that women cannot be in control because men occupy top
government positions. Furthermore, that does not mean that men cannot be empathic because
women are emotional and empathic. In the eventual recruiting or advancement in the
community, race and ethnicity can never be taken into account. To be specific, I think men and
women have equal ability so that inequality on the grounds of gender does not exist. Over the
years, feminist philosophy has worked in a variety of ways, including overcoming masculine
domination in culture, rather than the others, as it integrates the requisite concepts and is focused
on fact on the ground.

Brym, Robert J, and John Lie. Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, the Brief Edition.
Belmont, California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2010. Print.
Smith, Dorothy E. The Everyday World As Problematic: A Feminist Sociology. Boston:
Northeastern University Press, 2012.

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