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A. Written Expression

In questions 1-20 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of
the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D). Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must
be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of
the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

Now begin work on the questions.

1. The magician asks the audiences to think about a number between one and then.

2. Each citizens has their own rights to vote for a president.


3. Having a clear understanding of your decisions is important for your successful.


4. He does not care either his family or his friends who suggest him to stop.

5. One of the curiosity of the 17th Century tulip market was that people did not trade the
flowers themselves but rather the bulbs of scarce and sought-after varieties.

6. More than half of the people in Canada likes to play hockey.


7. The red telephone box is a symbol of Britain, which due to moderanization and the
growth of mobile phone usage, are fast disappearing from Britain’s streets.

8. Each of the students in the school must obey the school rules and prepares the
9. The number of recidivists are high due to the ineffective punishment.

10. Some scientists believe that Cleopatra had a big nose, a protrude chin, and wrinkles.

11. In the spring of 1939, the German luxury liner, Franz Joseph, was making his last
transatlantic crossing.

12. Everyone participating in the exhibition get a special ticket for entering the hall.

13. The patient needs to do a X-ray before going to an operation.


14. Samantha drove in to the city in order to watch Coldplay performance last night.

15. Supply and demand are an important term in the economy.

16. We should focus on studying than daydreaming in order to succeed.

17. Despite he was ill with tuberculosis, Robert L Stevenson began writing his most
famous novel, Treasure Island, for the amusement of his young stepson.

18. A hundred guest, each of whom had paid a hundred dollars per plate, sat at the round
tables that filled the room.
19. Scientists estimated that the first reptile in earth could not walk on land.

20. B.F. Skinner believed that positives reinforcements were effective in promote good
behavior than negative reinforcements.

1. Jawaban: C
Frasa think about menekankan pada hal yang membuat kita memikirkan sesuatu
yang telah dipikirkan sejak lama. Sehingga preposisi yang sesuai untuk kata think
di kalimat tersebut adalah of bukan about karena di kalimat tersebut
mengharuskan untuk memikirkan pilihan yang spesifik.

2. Jawaban: A
Penunjuk jumlahnya adalah each, maka seharusnya kata benda citizens menjadi
tunggal. Yang tepat adalah kata citizens menjadi citizen.

3. Jawaban: D
Kalimat tersebut membutuhkan kata benda, sedangkan kata successful adalah kata
sifat. Yang tepat adalah kata successful seharusnya menjadi success.

4. Jawaban: B
Kata either mempunyai pasangan kata and, bukan or.

5. Jawaban: A
Kata curriosity seharusnya menjadi jamak karena penunjuk jumlah nya (one of =
salah satu), sehingga yang tepat adalah one of the curriosities.

6. Jawaban: C
Subjek kalimat tersebut adalah jamak maka predikat yang tepat adalah like tanpa
tambahan s.

7. Jawaban: D
Subjek the red telephone box adalah subjek tunggal. Sehingga, tobe are
seharusnya menggunakan tobe is karena tunggal.

8. Jawaban: D
Kata kerja prepares seharusnya tidak disertai akhiran –es karena tertulis setelah
modals, dan kata tersebut setara dengan kata kerja sebelumnya yakni obey.

9. Jawaban: B
The number of recidivists adalah subjek tunggal. Jadi tobe are seharusnya menjadi

10. Jawaban: C
Kata yang kurang tepat pada kalimat tersebut adalah protrude seharusnya menjadi
adjective yakni protruding (menonjol) yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan kata
benda chin.
11. Jawaban: C
Kata yang kurang tepat adalah his seharusnya menjadi its karena untuk
menggantikan benda.

12. Jawaban: B
Subjek kalimat tersebut adalah tunggal yakni everyone, maka seharusnya kata
kerja get mendapatkan tambahan –s.

13. Jawaban: B
Pelafalan huruf X tersebut adalah eks, maka seharusnya artikel yang mengikuti
kata X-ray adalah an karena. Sehingga menjadi an X-ray.

14. Jawaban: B
In to seharusnya berubah menjadi into karena menunjukkan arah.

15. Jawaban: B
Subjek kalimat tersebut adalah tunggal karena supply and demand adalah istilah
yang dianggap dalam satu kesatuan. Sehingga tobe yang tepat adalah ‘is’

16. Jawaban: C
Karena paralellism, Daydreaming seharusnya menjadi on daydreaming karena
setara dengan kata sebelumnya yakni on studying. Jadi. Jawaban yang tidak sesuai
adalah C.

17. Jawaban: A
Seharusnya setelah kata hubung despite + frasa. Sedangkan di kalimat tersebut
setelah kata despite adalah kalimat (he was ill) sehingga kalimat tersebut dapat
diganti frasa menjadi despite his illness.
18. Jawaban: A
Karena berjumlah seratus (jamak), maka kata guest seharusnya perlu tambahan –s
menjadi sehingga guests.

19. Jawaban: C
Preposition yang tepat adalah on earth – di atas bumi, bukan in earth.

20. Jawaban: C
Kata promote seharusnya menjadi promoting karena membutuhkan kata benda
berbentuk verb-ing (gerund).
B. English Structure
1. Tommy and his friends studied English last year, and...........
a. So does Sarah
b. So Sarah did
c. Did so Sarah
d. So did Sarah

2. The police officers ordered the suspect ........ his hands from the hood of the car.
a. to don’t remove
b. to not remove
c. not to remove
d. don’t remove

3. ........ interfered in his sister’s marital problems, there would have been peace between
a. Had Bob not
b. Had Bob did not
c. If Bob did not
d. If Bob had

4. Samantha talked about the singing contest as though she ........... the prize.
a. had won
b. won
c. were
d. win

5. George wished that his lecturer ..... him to do the presentation.

a. permitted
b. permit
c. permitting
d. had permitted

6. Jerry would rather that his girlfriend ....... in the same company so they do not always
a. worked
b. had worked
c. did not work
d. hadn’t worked

7. My sister objects to ...... this house without the approval of our attorney.
a. our buying
b. buying
c. buy
d. bought

8. No sooner ............. than he will want to leave.

a. he will arrive
b. does he arrive
c. he arrive
d. he arrives

9. Mr. James has a ............ subscription of a magazine.

a. two years
b. two-years
c. two-year
d. two year

10. Nobody ventured outdoors ........ the hurricane warnings.

a. because
b. since
c. as
d. because of

11. Mr. Smith has ............. pictures that everybody will want one.
a. such
b. such beautiful
c. a beautiful
d. so beautiful

12. He had better ....... the chapter carefully because there will be a test tomorrow.
a. review
b. to review
c. reviewing
d. reviews

13. .............. too much time considering the new contract, the students lost the
opportunity to lease the apartment.
a. They had spent
b. Spending
c. They spending
d. Spent

14. After.......the meditation, the patient became drowsy and more manageable.
a. to take
b. taking
c. taken
d. to taking

15. Maria has not completed the assignment yet, and George.
a. hasn’t either
b. hasn’t neither
c. neither he has
d. either he has

1. Jawaban: D
Kalimat selanjutnya memerlukan elliptical sentence positif.
Rumus  KAL (POSITIF), AND So Aux Subjek
KAL (POSITIF), AND Subjek Aux Too
Sehingga menjadi so did Sarah.

2. Jawaban: C
Kalimat tersebut memerlukan kalimat tak langsung atau indirect speech
The police officers ordered the suspect + not + to + V1 sehingga jawaban yang tepat
adalah not to remove.

3. Jawaban: A
Kalimat tersebut menggunakan kalimat pengandaian (conditional sentence) tipe 3.
Rumus  If + S + had + V3/been , S + would + have + V3/been
Akan tetapi rumus If + S + had + V3/been mengalami penghilangan if sehingga
rumusnya menjadi Had + S + V3/been  Had Bob not interfered...

4. Jawaban: A
Kalimat tersebut menyatakan kepura-puraan atau seolah-olah.
Rumus  S + Verb(past) + as though + S + had + V3/been.

5. Jawaban: D
Kalimat tersebut menyatakan pengharapan atau pengandaian dengan kata wish.
Rumus  S + wished + S + had + V3/been.

6. Jawaban: C
Kalimat tersebut menyatakan pengandaian yang menggunakan ekspresi would rather
Karena pada kalimat tersebut terdapat fakta sekarang (present), yakni ‘ they do
not always meet.’ Padahal faktanya adalah mereka sekarang sering bertemu
Maka, Rumus  S + would rather that + S + V2 (ket: fakta present)

7. Jawaban: A
Setelah kata object to diikuti oleh gerund (Ving sebagai kata benda). Sehingga
jawaban yang tepat adalah our buying yang berarti pembelian kita

8. Jawaban: B
Karena terdapat kata no sooner di awal kalimat yang menyatakan kalimat negatif
maka, Subjek dan Predikat yang mengikutinya mengalami perpindahan posisi atau
inverted verbs posisi predikat di depan sedangkan subjek berada di belakang
sehingga, jawaban yang tepat adalah does he arrive

9. Jawaban: C
Kalimat tersebut memerlukan penggunaan hypen (-) yang sesuai yakni a two-year

10. Jawaban: D
Kalimat tersebut membutuhkan conjuctions atau kata hubung karena. Jawaban yang
tepat adalah A karena setelah kata hubung because of + frasa sedangkan setelah kata
hubung karena, because/since/as + kalimat.
Sehingga menjadi ..because of the hurricane warnings

11. Jawaban: B
Rumus  So + adjectives + that
Such + adjective + noun + that
Sehingga jawaban yang tepat adalah ...such beautiful pictures that...

12. Jawaban: A
Kalimat tersebut terdapat bab mengenai modal e.g may, can, will, had better ..etc
Rumus modal  S + modal + V1

13. Jawaban: B
Jawaban dari soal tersebut memerlukan participle yakni pemadatan AKAL (anak
kalimat). Asal anak kalimat tersebut adalah Because they(the students) spent too
much time considering the new contract. Karena mengalami pemadatan anak kalimat
sehingga, Because they(the students) spent too much time considering the new
contract. Kata spent diganti menjadi spending (active participle) yang bermakna me-.

14. Jawaban: B
Karena terdapat preposition ‘after’, maka selanjutnya memerlukan gerund (Ving yang
berfungsi sebagai Noun). Sehingga, jawaban nya adalah taking

15. Jawaban: A
Kalimat selanjutnya memerlukan elliptical sentence negatif
Rumus  KAL (NEGATIF), AND Subjek Aux Not Either
KAL (NEGATIF), AND Neither Aux Subjek
Sehingga menjadi George has not either
C. Reading Comprehension

Passage 1
Agricultural revolution, gradual transformation of the traditional agricultural system
that began inBritain in the 18th century. Aspects of this complex transformation, which was
not completed until the 19th century, included the reallocation of land ownership to make
farms more compact and an increased investment in technical improvements, such as new
machinery, better drainage, scientific methods of breeding, and experimentation with new
crops and systems of crop rotation.
Among those new crop-rotation methods was the Norfolk four-course system,
established in Norfolk county, England, which emphasized fodder crops and the absence of
the theretofore conventionally employed fallow year. Wheat was grown in the first year
and turnips in the second, followed by barley, with clover and ryegrass undersown in the
third. The clover and ryegrass were cut for feed or grazed in the fourth year. In the winter,
cattle and sheep were fed the turnips. The development of Shorthorn beef cattle through
selective breeding of local cattle of the Teeswater district, Durham county, typified the
advances brought about by scientific breeding.
The historiography of the period that emphasized the contributions of “great men” has
lost much of its influence, but the names Jethro Tull and Arthur Young are still
frequently invoked by those seeking to understand the significance of the agricultural
revolution, which was an essential prelude to the Industrial Revolution.

1. It is implied from the passage that the name of Norfolk four-course system was
derived from
a. The methods of four-course
b. An area in England
c. The revolution
d. The experimentation

2. The word ‘invoke in the last paragraph means nearly the same as.......
a. Translate
b. Refers to
c. Involved
d. Evolved

3. Which of the following are not the aspects of transformation in Agricultural

a. The crop-rotation methods
b. More investments in new machinery
c. Traditional agricultural system
d. The advances of scientific breeding methods

4. The word ‘this’ in the second sentence refers to.............

a. Traditional Revolution
b. Reallocation of land
c. Experimentation
d. Agricultural Revolution
5. The advances of scientific breeding was marked by ..............
a. The beef cattle breeding
b. The development of Durham country
c. The selective breeding of local cattle
d. The development of local cattle

6. Which of the following statement is true.....

a. Agricultural Revolution was related to the Industrial Revolution
b. Agricultural Revolution in Britain was successful in the 18th century
c. Shorthorn beef cattle was not related to the scientific breeding
d. Cattle and sheep were fed by the turnips during summer

7. The following paragraph will probably talk about?

a. Industrial Revolution
b. Agricultural Revolution
c. Jethro Tull and Arthur Young
d. Historiography

8. The word ’reallocation’ in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to................

a. Produce
b. Distribute
c. Generate
d. Location

9. Which of the following is true about the arrangement of the crop-rotation, based on
the second paragraph?
a. Barley-clover-ryegrass-turnips-wheat
b. Wheat-turnips-ryegrass-barley-clover
c. Wheat-turnips-barley-clover-ryegrass
d. Turnips-barley-wheat-clover-ryegrass

10. What is the suitable course of the passage?

a. Agriculture
b. Industry
c. History
d. Science

Passage 2
Naked mole rats (Heterocephalus glaber) are unlikely to win any beauty contests in
the animal world, but they have some amazing abilities. Naked mole rats belong to a group of
about a dozen species of burrowing African rodents called blesmols. They have strong blunt
heads with incisor teeth that protrude in front of their mouth and are used for digging. The
naked mole rats are small, typically weighing about 80 grams (2.8 ounces), and generally
bald, with pinkish wrinkled skin. They are renowned for their extremely low cancer rates,
their slow rate of aging, and their pain resistance. As if that weren’t enough, it was recently
discovered that they possess one additional superpower.
In 2013 a cell biologist from the University of Rochester revealed that the sugar
molecule hyaluronan is the key to the animal’s cancer resistance. Although hyaluronan can be
found in all animals, playing a role in how cells multiply and stick together, the hyaluronan
molecule is supersized in naked mole rats, and it is not broken down by enzymes as quickly
as it is in other animals. It appears that the buildup of hyaluronan inside the bodies of the
naked mole rats keeps their cells from clumping together to formtumors.

11. What is the topic of the passage?

a. African rodents
b. Naked Mole Rats
c. Blesmols
d. Hyaluronan molecule

12. The word ‘it’ in paragraph 2, line 12 refers to...............

a. Rat
b. Mole
c. Hyaluronan
d. Enzyme

13. What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

a. The hyaluronan molecule
b. The animal’s cancer resistance
c. Naked mole rats
d. A cell biologist

14. Which of the following is not true about Naked Mole Rats?
a. They have small size
b. They can endure pain
c. They have power to cancer resistance
d. They have impressive appearances

15. The word ‘resistance’ in line 7 is nearest in meaning to.................

a. Prevention
b. Obedience
c. Compliance
d. Abiding

16. The word ‘burrowing’ in line 3 is closest in meaning to................

a. Dig
b. Puncture
c. Perforation
d. Hit

17. How are Naked Mole Rats?

a. They weighs more than 3 ounces
b. They gain fame for high rates of cancer
c. They have protrude teeth in order to dig
d. They win over other animals in terms of appearances
18. The passage indicates that naked mole rats have more hyaluronan molecule in
a. 1-3
b. 4-7
c. 11-12
d. 9-10

19. Which of the following is true about hyaluronan molecule?

a. It is bigger in Naked Mole Rats
b. It cannot be found in all animals
c. It is broken down by enzymes as quickly as in other animals
d. It can form tumors in Naked Mole Rats

20. In line 4, the word ‘protrude’ is closest in meaning to.................

a. Extended
b. Bulge
c. Extensive
d. Dent

Passage 3
“Lightning never strikes the same place twice” is a common phrase you’ve probably
heard before, often used to reassure someone that whatever bad thing has happened, it won’t
happen again. It can even be used when something good happens, such as winning the lottery,
but the underlying truth remains. What are the odds that something extremely unlikely, such
as a lightning strike, will happen more than once? After all, a thunderstorm travels across an
area. So after lightning strikes one place, it’s probably safe from another strike. In
reality, lightning can and will strike the same place twice, whether it be during the same
storm or even centuries later.   
When we see a lightning strike, we’re witnessing the discharge of electricity that has
built up in a cloud, which is so strong that it breaks through the ionized air. This creates a
stepped leader, or the lightning bolt, that travels downward until it reaches the ground. It is an
incredibly quick process that takes only about 30 milliseconds. And right after lightning
strikes, it reverberates in quick succession. So, essentially, multiple strikes can happen at the
same place in this short period of time. Technically, the lightning is already striking more
than once. Even during the same thunderstorm, there is nothing stopping a lightning bolt from
striking the same place it had struck previously, even if it was as little as a few seconds
earlier or as much as centuries later.

In the U.S. alone there is an average of 20 million cloud to ground lightning strikes
per year. This makes the likelihood of a place being struck by lightning multiple times
incredibly high over a long period of time. If anything, if there is a significant attraction
between the bolt and the place it previously hit, it’smore likely that the same place would be
struck again. Skyscrapers are more susceptible to strikes since they significantly reduce the
distance the stepped leader needs to travel. For instance, famous skyscrapers like the Empire
State Building in New York City and the Willis Tower in Chicago are nearly guaranteed to be
struck by lightning each time a thunderstorm passes overhead—but don’t worry, they have
built-in lightning rods to make sure no damage is done to the building!

21. What is the best title of the passage?

a. How does a lightning strike a place?
b. What are the causes of the lightning?
c. How to prevent the lightning?
d. Can lightning strike the same place twice?

22. Based on the passage, which of the following is not true about lightning?
a. It happens very fast
b. It relates to some superstitions
c. It cannot strike the same place twice
d. It can have multiple strikes

23. Why the skyscrapers are easily affected by the lightning strike?
a. Because they have built-in lightning rods
b. Because they have short distance toward the sky
c. Because they are mostly located in the US
d. Because a thunderstorm travels across the skyscrapers area

24. The word ‘susceptible’ in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to............
a. Resistance
b. Influenced
c. Invulnerable
d. Unexposed

25. The word ‘succession’ in the second paragraph is nearest in meaning to.............
a. Succeeds
b. Success
c. Sequence
d. Episode

26. The passage indicates that lightning can relate to something good happens in lines.....
a. 12-13
b. 9-10
c. 6-7
d. 2-3

27. Based on the passage, what is the lightning bolt?

a. It is a thunderstorm which travels across an area
b. They are multiple strikes which can happen in a period of time
c. It is like a stepped ladder which travels downward and reaches the ground
d. It is a lightning which strikes the same place twice.

28. Why the lightning can have multiple strikes at the same place?
a. Because it is repeated in a quick process.
b. Because there is the discharge of electricity that has built up in a cloud.
c. Because it is so strong that breaks the ionized air
d. Because it is very long process

29. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

a. Empire State Building in New York
b. The lightning in Chicago and New York City
c. Building the lightning rods to protect skyscrapers
d. America that is struck by lightning in multiple times

30. Based on the text, why America becomes a place that is struck by lightning in
multiple times?
a. Because it has more average of cloud which create lightning
b. Because it has many skyscrapers buildings
c. Because the lightning always strike the same place twice
d. Because America has built-in many lightning rods

Passage 4
In scientific classification, human beings are tagged with the name Homo
sapiens (Latin: “wise man”). In his 10th edition ofSystema Naturae, Swedish botanist and
taxonomist Carl Linnaeuscoined the term (describing himself as the type specimen). The
genus name Homo refers to the group in which other species similar to ours belong. It
includes the extinct species H. habilis, H. erectus, and H. heidelbergensis as well as
the Neanderthals (H. neanderthalensis), and the enigmatic H. naledi. How does H.
sapiens fit into this group? The species is, arguably, the last member of Homo standing, but
when did H. sapiens evolve?
Until recently, H. sapiens was thought to have evolved approximately 200,000 years
ago in East Africa. This estimate was shaped by the discovery in 1967 of the oldest remains
attributed to H. sapiens, at a sitein Ethiopia’s Omo Valley. The remains, made up of
two skulls (Omo 1 and Omo 2), had initially been dated to 130,000 years ago, but through the
application of more-sophisticated dating techniques in 2005, the remains were more
accurately dated to 195,000 years ago.
In June 2017, however, all of this changed. A multiyear excavation led by Jean-
Jacques Hublin of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig,
Germany, revealed that H. sapiens was present at Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, more than 5,000
km (3,100 miles) away from East Africa (the region many paleontologists call “the cradle of
humankind”). The team unearthed a collection of specimens that was made up of skull
fragments and a complete jawbone (both of which were strikingly similar to those of modern
human beings) as well as stone tools—all of which dated to about 315,000 years ago, more
than 100,000 years earlier than the remains found at Omo. Although this discovery has not
yet convinced all paleontologists, it suggests that the species could have been widely
dispersed throughout North Africa much earlier than they expected and that East Africa
might not have been the only cradle. Of course, H. sapiens could have first evolved in East
Africa before dispersing to Morocco and other locations, but paleontologists will need to find
older human remains in East Africa to support this long-standing notion. Until then, science
should remain open to the prospect that we may have first evolved elsewhere in Africa.
31. What is the suitable title of the passage?
a. Dating techniques for Homo Sapiens
b. How old Homo Sapiens is
c. How Homo Sapiens evolved
d. The description of Homo Sapiens

32. The word ‘sophisticated’ in the second paragraph can be replaced by........
a. Alter
b. Undeveloped
c. Complex
d. Simple

33. Which of the following is not true about ‘Omo’?

a. Omo was the oldest remain among other species
b. In 2005, Omo’s age was revised by using more-sophisticated application of
dating techniques.
c. The name Omo was derived from the place where they were found
d. Omo was younger than species that was found at Morocco

34. The word ‘enigmatic’ in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to.........
a. Unambiguous
b. Clear
c. Mysterious
d. Obvious

35. The ‘unearthed’ in the third paragraph is nearest in meaning to...............

a. Hide
b. Submerge
c. Bury
d. Discover

36. Who had revealed about the information of when Homo Sapiens could have first
a. Jebel Irhoud
b. Jean-Jacques Hublin
c. Carl Linnaeus
d. Max Planck

37. What is the meaning of the phrase ‘the cradle of humankind’?

a. A bed for a baby
b. To hold gently in your arms or hands
c. Something that is used to hold or support
d. The place where something begins

38. The word ‘it’ in the first paragraph, line 4 refers to....
a. Homo Sapiens
b. Homo
c. Homo Habilis
d. Homo Erectus

39. We can conclude from the passage that...........

a. Homo Sapiens was evolved 200.000 years ago, in East Africa
b. It is still debatable issue where and when exactly first human evolved
c. Paleontologists need to support the assumption that East Africa is the only cradle
d. Paleontologists believe that East Africa is the only location where humans first

40. How old exactly Homo sapiens found at Omo valley?

a. 315.000 years ago
b. 200.000 years ago
c. 195.000 years ago
d. 130.000 years ago

Passage 5
As natural disasters go, tsunamis are among the worst in terms of overall destruction
and loss of life. They rival earthquakes in their ability to suddenly devastate a wide area. In
recent years massive tsunamis have caused extensive damage in northern Sumatra and
Thailand, parts of Japan's Honshu Island, and parts of Chile. So what are tsunamis, and what
causes them?
A tsunami is a catastrophic ocean wave that is usually caused by a submarine
earthquake, an underwater or coastal landslide, or the eruption of a volcano. Tsunamis can
also result from the impact of a meteor or comet in a body of water. The word tsunami in
Japanese means “harbor wave.”
Much like when a rock plunges into a still pond, once a tsunami-generating
disturbance in the water occurs, a train of outward-propagating waves comes from the
disturbance’s central point. These waves can travel as fast as 800 km (500 miles) per hour,
with wavelengths that extend from 100 to 200 km (60 to 120 miles). However, in the open
ocean, amplitudes (heights) of the waves are very small, only about 30 to 60 cm (1 to 2 feet)
high, and the period of the waves (that is, the length from one wave crest or trough to the
next) can last from five minutes to more than an hour. As a result, people on ships far from
shore barely perceive the passage of the tsunami underneath them.
As the tsunami approaches the coast of an island or a continent, friction with the
rising sea bottom slows the waves, and wavelengths become shortened while wave
amplitudes increase. In essence, fast-moving water from further out to sea stacks itself on the
slower-moving water near the shore. Just before the tsunami reaches the shore, the water is
drawn back by the sudden change in wave activity, effectively pulling the tide out far from
where it normally meets the beach. When the tsunami reaches the shore, it can push far inland
(limited only by the height of the wave). Waters may rise as high as 30 meters (about 100
feet) above normal sea level within 10 to 15 minutes and inundate low-lying areas.

41. What is the purpose of the passage?

a. To tell about the cause of tsunami
b. To explain about natural disaster
c. To inform about tsunami
d. To describe what tsunami is

42. The following statements are not true about the cause of the tsunamis?
a. A submarine earthquake
b. The impact of comet
c. An underwater landslide
d. A catastrophic ocean wave

43. What is the best title of the passage?

a. Tsunamis and its causes
b. Tsunamis and earthquake
c. Tsunamis impacts around the world
d. Tsunami as natural disasters

44. Which of the following is true?

a. The wave amplitudes decrease when the tsunami reaches the coast
b. When the tsunami reaches the shore, the water moves forward suddenly
c. Tsunami along with earthquake cause damage in a wide area
d. Tsunami cannot be generated from the eruption of a volcano

45. What will happen when the tsunami reaches the coast?
a. The wavelengths become longer
b. The amplitudes of the waves accelerate
c. The heights of the waves decrease
d. The waves will accelerate because of the friction

46. Why people on ships far from shore are not aware of the tsunami coming?
a. Because the water is drawn back by the sudden change in the water activity
b. Because the tsunami approaches the coast of an island or a continent
c. Because waves can travels as fast as 800 km
d. Because the wave amplitudes are very small in the open ocean

47. The word ‘friction’ in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to.........
a. Concord
b. Accord
c. Conflict
d. Collide

48. All of the following places are listed as devastated areas which have caused by
tsunami, except....
a. Chile
b. Thailand
c. South pole
d. Japan

49. The word “they” in the second sentence refers to ........

a. Earthquake
b. Tsunamis
c. Destruction
d. Disaster

50. The word ‘perceive’ in the second paragraph is nearest in meaning to..............
a. Fail
b. Escape
c. Miss
d. Aware



1. Jawaban: B
Sesuai dengan informasi di paragraf kedua, nama Norfolk four-course system berasal dari
nama daerah di Inggris, “among those new crop-rotation methods was the Norfolk four-
course system, established in Norfolk country, England..” sehingga, jawaban yang tepat
adalah B.

2. Jawaban: B
Translate: menerjemahkan
Refers to: merujuk
Involved: terlibat
Evolved: meningkatkan
Persamaan kata yang tepat dari kata invoked (melibatkan/mengarahkan) adalah refers to.

3. Jawaban: C
Pada paragraf pertama telah dijelaskan megenai aspek perubahan dalam revolusi
pertanian yakni included the reallocation of land ownership to make farms more
compact and an increased investment in technical improvements, such as new
machinery, better drainage, scientific methods of breeding, and experimentation with
new crops and systems of crop rotation, sehingga, yang bukan aspek transformasi dari
revolusi pertanian adalah pilihan C, traditional agricultural system.

4. Jawaban: D
Kata this pada kalimat kedua merujuk pada agricultural revolution.

5. Jawaban: C
Sesuai dengan informasi pada pargraf kedua di kalimat terakhir menyatakan bahwa
kemajuan dari scientific breeding ditandai oleh perkembangan dari Shorthorn beef cattle
melalui selective breeding of local cattle.

6. Jawaban: A
Pernyataan B kurang tepat karena revolusi pertanian di Inggris baru dimulai pada abad
ke 18. Pernyataan C juga tidak sesuai karena Shorthorn beef cattle sangat berhubungan
dengan scientific breeding. Sedangkan yang tepat mengenai pilihan jawaban D adalah
bahwa cattle and sheep diberi makan oleh lobak cina ketika winter. Sehingga, jawaban
yang tepat adalah A, revolusi pertanian berhubungan dengan revolusi industri. (di
paragraf terakhir, kalimat terakhir).

7. Jawaban: A
Paragraf terakhir di kalimat terakhir membahas tentang adanya kemungkinan hubungan
antara revolusi pertanian dengan revolusi industri sehingga, paragraf selanjutnya akan
membahas tentang revolusi industri secara detail.

8. Jawaban: B
Produce: menghasilkan
Distribute: membagikan
Generate: menghasilkan
Location: tempat
Persamaan kata yang tepat dari kata reallocation (untuk mengalokasikan kembali atau
membagikan) sehingga, jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

9. Jawaban: C
Berdasarkan paragraf kedua, susunan yang tepat dari crop-rotation adalah jawaban C

10. Jawaban: A
Mata pelajaran yang sesuai dengan teks di atas adalah mengenai dunia pertanian.

11. Jawaban: B
Topik yang tepat dari teks tersebut adalah mengenai Naked Mole Rats (Heterocephalus

12. Jawaban: C
Kata it pada paragraf kedua merujuk pada kata hyaluronan.

13. Jawaban: A
Ide pokok dari paragraf kedua adalah mengenai hyaluronan molecule pada Naked Mole

14. Jawaban: D
Pernyataan yang tidak tepat mengenai naked mole rats adalah mereka tidak mempunyai
penampilan yang mengesankan, sesuai dengan kalimat pertama pada paragraf pertama,
“Naked mole rats ..are unlikely to win any beauty contest in the animals world..”

15. Jawaban: A
Obedience: kepatuhan
Prevention: pencegahan
Compliance: pemenuhan
Abiding: bertahan
Persamaan kata yang tepat dari kata resistance (kekebalan) adalah A.

16. Jawaban: A
Dig: menggali
Puncture: bocor
Perforation: melubangi
Hit: memukul
Persamaan kata yang tepat dari kata burrowing (menggali) adalah dig.

17. Jawaban: C
Pernyataan A kurang tepat karena berat badan Naked Mole Rats sekitar 2,8 ounces.
Pernyataan B juga kurang tepat karena Naked Mole Rats terkenal karena memiliki
kemungkinan rendah untuk terkena kanker. Sedangkan pernyaan D juga tidak tepat
karena Naked Mole Rats tidak mempunyai penampilan yang mengesankan jika
dibandingkan dengan hewan lain. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C, mereka memiliki
gigi-gigi yang menonjol untuk menggali tanah (di paragraf pertama), “..teeth that
protrude in front of their mouth and are used for digging..”

18. Jawaban: C
Pernyataan yang menjelaskan tentang kelebihan (ukurannya) molekul hyaluronan pada
naked mole rats adalah pada baris ke 11-12.

19. Jawaban: A
Pernyataan yang tepat mengenai hyaluronan molecule adalah ukurannya lebih besar di
Naked Mole rats (di paragraf kedua), “..the hyaluronan molecule is supersized in naked
mole rats..”.

20. Jawaban: B
Extended: diperpanjang
Bulge: menonjol
Extensive: luas
Dent: melekuk
Persamaan kata dari kata protrude (menonjol) adalah bulge.

21. Jawaban: D
Judul yang tepat dari teks tersebut adalah mengenai penjelasan dapatkah petir
menyambar tempat yang sama dua kali.

22. Jawaban: C
Pernyataan yang tepat mengenai petir salah satunya adalah terjadi dalam hitungan cepat
(paragraf kedua), “ is an incredibly quick process that takes only about 30
miliseconds..”. petir juga sering dikaitkan dengan takhayul (superstitions) sesuai dengan
informasi di paragraf pertama. Sehingga, jawaban yang tidak tepat mengenai petir bahwa
petir tidak bisa menyambar tempat yang sama dua kali, padahal, masih ada
kemungkinan, petir bisa menyambar tempat yang sama dua kali.

23. Jawaban: B
Gedung pencakar langit mudah terkena petir karena jaraknya dekat dengan langit, sesuai
dengan paragraf ketiga, “..skyscrapers are more susceptible to strikes since they
significantly reduce the distance the stepped leader needs to travel..”.

24. Jawaban: B
Resistance: kebal
Influenced: terpengaruh
Invulnerable: tidak dapat dikalahkan, kebal
Unexposed: tidak terbuka
Persamaan kata yang tepat dari kata susceptible (mudah kena/rentan) adalah influenced
(mudah terpengaruh).

25. Jawaban: C
Succeeds: sukses
Success: kesuksesan
Sequence: urutan, rangkaian
Episode: peristiwa, kisah
Persamaan kata dari kata succession (rangkaian) adalah sequence.

26. Jawaban: D
Petir dapat berhubungan dengan hal baik sesuai dengan baris ke 2-3.

27. Jawaban: C
Lightning Bold adalah seperti stepped leader (paragraf kedua, kalimat kedua).

28. Jawaban: A
Petir tidak dapat meyambar tempat yang sama secara berulang ulang karena petir
membutuhkan waktu yang super cepat untuk terjadi yakni sekitar 30 milisekon. (paragraf

29. Jawaban: D
Ide pokok dari paragraf terakhir adalah Amerika sering terkena petir yakni rata-rata 20
million cloud to ground lithning strikes per year.

30. Jawaban: A
Amerika menjadi tempat yang sering dilanda petir karena memiliki rata-rata 20 million
cloud to ground lithning strikes per year..(paragraf terakhir, kalimat pertama).

31. Jawaban: B
Judul yang tepat dari teks tersebut adalah kontroversi mengenai berapa umur sebenarnya
dari Homo sapiens.

32. Jawaban: C
Alter: mengubah
Undeveloped:tidak berkembang
Complex: rumit
Simple: sederhana
Persamaan kata dari kata sophisticated (pintar, canggih, rumit) adalah complex.

33. Jawaban: A
Penyataan C sesuai karena nama Omo berasal dari nama lembah Omo, tempat
ditemukannya. Sedangkan pernyataan D juga sesuai karena fosil yang ditemukan di Omo
ternyata memiliki usia lebih muda dibandingkan dengan fosil yang ditemukan di
Morroco. Yang tidak sesuai mengenai Omo adalah A karena setelah diteliti, ternyata ada
fosil yang lebih tua dari omo.

34. Jawaban: C
Clear: jelas
Unambiguous: jelas
Obvious: nyata
Mysterious: aneh
Persamaan kata dari kata enigmatic (teka-teki,aneh) adalah C.

35. Jawaban: D
Hide: menyembunyikan
Submerge: menyelam
Bury: mengubur
Discover: menemukan
Persamaan kata dari kata unearthed (menggali penemuan) adalah D.

36. Jawaban: B
Sesuai dengan informasi di paragraf kedua, penggalian fosil dilakukan oleh Jean-Jaques

37. Jawaban: D
Frasa cradle of humankind adalah merujuk pada tempat awal terjadinya atau asal muasal.

38. Jawaban: B
Kata it di paragraf pertama baris ke 4 merujuk pada kata Homo.

39. Jawaban: B
Pernyataan yang tepat adalah B karena para peniliti masih memperdebatkan dimanakah
asal muasal manusia sebenarnya.

40. Jawaban: C
Umur Homo sapiens yang ditemukan di lembah Omo yang tepat adalah 195.000 juta
tahun yang lalu, “...the remains were more accurately dated to 195,000 years ago”.

41. Jawaban: A
Tujuan dari teks tersebut yang sesuai adalah untuk menjelaskan sebab-sebab terjadinya

42. Jawaban: D
Penyebab dari tsunami salah satunya adalah karena akibat dari comet, longsor bawah
laut, gempa bumi di dasar laut, sehingga, pernyataan yang tidak tepat mengenai
penyebab tsunami adalah pilihan jawaban D kerena a catastropic ocean wave merupakan
definisi atau nama lain dari tsunami, yakni gelombang laut yang dahsyat.

43. Jawaban: A
Sesuai dengan tujuan teks tersebut yakni untuk menjelaskan penyebab terjadinya
tsunami, maka judul yang sesuai adalah pilihan jawaban A, tsunamis and its causes.

44. Jawaban: C
Pernyatan D tidak tepat karena tsunami dapat disebabkan oleh erupsi gunung, sedangkan
pilihan A juga tidak tepat karena berdasarkan teks, tinggi gelombang tsunami akan
meningkat (increase) jika mencapai pesisir. Jawaban B juga tidak sesuai karena “..just
before the tsunami reaches the shore, the water is drawn back by the sudden change in
wave activity...”
Jadi, jawaban yang benar dari pilihan jawaban tersebut adalah C, “...they rival
earthquakes in their ability to suddenly devastate a wide area...”

45. Jawaban: B
Yang terjadi jika tsunami mencapai daerah pesisir adalah tinggi gelombang (the heights
of the waves) akan meningkat (increase), the waves will decelerate because of the
friction, the waveleghts become shorthened. Sehingga, jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan
B yakni the amplitudes atau the heights of the waves accelerate/increase.

46. Jawaban: D
Orang yang berada di atas perahu yang jaraknya jauh dari pesisir tidak mengetahui
adanya tsunami yang sedang terjadi karena ketinggian gelombang yang dihasilkan oleh
tsunami akan mengecil terutama di daerah laut terbuka sesuai pada paragraf kedua “
the open ocean, amplitudes (heights) of the waves are very small, only about 30 to 60

47. Jawaban: D
Accord : persetujuan
Concord : kerukunan, kedamaian
Collide : bertubrukan, bertabrakan
Conflict : perselisihan, pertentangan
Persamaan kata yang tepat dari kata friction (gesekan) yang tepat adalah collide.

48. Jawaban: C
Tempat yang tidak terdaftar sebagai area yang terkena dampak tsunami, berdasarkan teks
adalah South pole.

49. Jawaban: B
Kata they merujuk pada kata tsunami.

50. Jawaban: D
fail : gagal,lalai
escape : lolos
miss : melewatkan, gagal
aware : mengetahui, sadar
persamaan kata yang sessua dengan kata perceive (merasa) adalah aware. Jadi, jawaban
yang tepat adalah D.

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