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Dynamics website

NCC Education

Level 5 Diploma in Computing

Dynamics Website

Centre Name : MCC-Yangon

Assignment Title : Pastime Sports

Exam Cycle :

Candidate Name : Hein Khant Oo

NCC Education ID No. : 00173211

Submission Date :

Marker’s Comment :

Moderator’s Comment :

Mark: Moderated Mark : Final Mark :

Statement and Confirmation of Own Work

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Dynamics website

Each time you submit an assignment you must attach this statement as the cover
page for both the hard copy and the electronic version. If the statement is missing
your work will not be marked.

Student Declaration

I have read and understood NCC Education’s Policy on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism.

I can confirm the following details:

Programme/Qualification Name: Level 5 Diploma in Computing

Student ID/Registration number: 00173211

Name: Hein Khant Oo

Centre Name: MCC-Yangon

Module Name: Dynamics Website

Module Leader: Daw Phyu Phyu Hsan

Number of words:
I confirm that this is my own work and that I have not plagiarized any part of it. I have also noted the
assessment criteria and pass mark for assignments.

Due Date: 27.4.2018

Student Signature: heinkhantoo

Submitted Date: 27.4.2018

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Table of Content

Task1..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Task 2.................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Task 3.................................................................................................................................................................. 29
Task 4.................................................................................................................................................................. 49
Task 5.................................................................................................................................................................. 57
Task 6.................................................................................................................................................................. 80
Tas7..................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Task 7.................................................................................................................................................................. 83

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Dynamics website

My name is Hein Khant Oo. Now, I am studying Level 5 Diploma in Computing at MCC. I So, I study
four subjects: Information System Analysis, Network Security and Cryptography, Analysis, Design
and Implementation and Dynamic Website. I do make the assignments for this subject. I make the
Dynamics Website assignment by remaking a website for Pastime Sport which is a local community
group. They focus on sports and games that are no longer mainstream sports. So a website is
important for them to persuade new customers. In this website, a customer can register, login and
join an event. And moreover, they can discuss about the games and sports on the website. The
donation can be done online and they can view how many days of their membership left on the

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First of all, I want to thank MCC institute for teaching us Network Security and Cryptography.
And I also thank to who give us the instruction to do this assignment. Finally, I want to thank our class
tutor who checks for plagiarism. I appreciate help from my friends, teachers and I am very thankful for
that. And again, I want to thank the module leader, Daw Phyu Phyu Hsan, who explains how to do
this assignment.

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Setup Page (coding)

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Task 2
Register Page (design)

Fig 1.01 The design of register page.

Fig 1.02 The design of register page.

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registerpage.php (coding)

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Login Page (design)

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Fig 1.03 The design of login page (username).

loginusername.php (coding)

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Login Page (design)

Fig 1.04 The design of login page (password).

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loginpassword.php (coding)

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Task 3
Donation Page (design)

Fig 1.05 The design of donation page.

realdonation.php (coding)

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Membership Page (design)

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Fig 1.06 The design of membership page.

membership_payment.php (coding)

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Forum Page (design)

Fig 1.07 The design of forum page.

forumregister.php (coding)

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Forum Discussion Page (design)

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Fig 1.08 The design of forum discussion page.

forumdiscussion.php (coding)

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Task 4
Currency Web Service (design)

Fig 1.09 Currency web service utility.

Currency Web Service (coding)

Mobile Accessible Website

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Fig 1.10 The website is also accessible on mobile devices.

Image Sprite Navigation

Fig 1.11 The image change to another one when the blue bar is complete.

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Slider on Home page

Fig 1.12 You can slide on the home page as a slider is added.

Visitor counter on Home page

Fig 1.13 It will show how many visitors have seen our website.

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Visitor counter (coding)

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Footer (design)

Fig 1.14 The design of the footer.

Footer (coding)

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Task 5
User Profile Page (design)

Fig 1.15 The design of the user profile page.

userlist.php (coding)

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Event register page (design)

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Dynamics website

Fig 1.15 The design of the event register page.

Fig 1.16 The design of the event register page.

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eventregister .php (coding)

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Event Update Page (design)

Fig 1.17 The design of Event Update Page.

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Fig 1.18 The design of Event Update Page.

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eventedit.php (coding)

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Event Delete Page (design)

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Fig 1.19 The design of Event delete page.

eventlist.php (coding)

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Task 6
Calculation of remain days and annual membership

Fig 1.20 This show the remain days of a member and annual membership.

Calculation of remain days (coding)

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Task 7
1. After doing this assignment, I can create a database and can write a web-page which has connection
with the database. There are many functions of database such as insert, select, update, delete and
etc. I learnt how to create a database by the setup page. By creating the register web-page I learnt
and knew how to insert data into the database. And moreover, I know how to retrieve data from the
database by creating login page and eventview page. When I login as an owner, I can register a new
event and you can update and delete older events from database. So I have learnt most important
function of database and I knew how to connect web-pages with the database. And moreover, the
design and decoration of the web-pages are essential for increase visiting time by customers. To have
good decoration the CSS code of the html is important. I have learnt how to right both CSS code and
PHP code by doing this assignment.
2. In the last decade, people replace desktops with mobile devices. So developing the website to be
viewed on a mobile device is important to have many visitors. But developing a website to become a
fully mobile website is not easy as it not just cross-browser but it is about cross-platform. To support
the improvement and development to become a mobile website, I use responsive design in this
website of assignment. and it is easily viewable on different sizes of devices. I use the font size on the
website to 14px which seems big but for the mobile website, the font size should be minimum of
12px. And the bigger the button, the better for the user not press a wrong button. And I use the

images of high-resolution for the purposes of mobile website. It will help to avoid having a blurry
image on the mobile devices as the latest mobile devices have extremely high-definition screens. And
to be able to be viewed on the mobile devices a number of extra PHP code is written on the html.
3. I found writing extra PHP code to be run the website on the mobile devices the most difficult because I
am new to the PHP code and I don’t know how to write such complexity code. And it is also difficult to
form a responsive website as it also need to write some complexity PHP code.
4. I overcame these difficulties by asking my teacher and with the help of my classmates. And I also

further studied on the internet.

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