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Notes Prepared by: Srinivas Kosana

[Warehouse Management]

Description Page No
1 Introduction to WM 03 - 09
2 Stock Placement IMG Settings and Test scenario 10 - 21
3 Stock Removal IMG Settings and Test scenario 22 - 24
4 Stock Transfers and Transfer Postings 25 - 32
5 MM & SD Integration 33 - 35
6 Fixed Bin Stroage Type 36 - 37
7 Bulk Storge Type 38 - 40
8 Stringent Strategy, Pallet Storage Type 41 - 43
9 Special Movment Indicator 44 - 45
10 Manual Blocking of Storage bin 46
11 Create TO from bin to bin 47
12 Auto TO for TR & Posting Change Notice 48 - 49
13 Immediate TO 50
14 Physical Inventory 51 - 54
15 Hazardous Material Storage type 55 - 58
16 SU Management 59 - 61
17 SU Management with ID Point Storage Type 61 - 63
18 SU Management with Pick point storage type 63
19 HU Management 64 - 70
20 WM & PP Integration 71 - 75
21 WM & QM Integration 76 - 78
22 Multiple Picking for TR/Outbound delivery 79 - 81
23 Multiple Picking process with 2 Step 82 - 85
24 RFID 86 -

Success IT - 2
Central WM System:

ERP is

WM also in same R/3 along with other modules.



Store Location Store Location

0001 0002

Warehouse Warehouse
No. 001 No. 002

** One Warehouse No can be assigned to multiple Storage Locations, but one storage
location can be assigned to one ware house No.

Example 2:

Plant Plant
0001 0002

Store Store
0001 0002

Warehouse No. Warehouse No.

001 002
Success IT - 3
** If both storage locations not side by side and far away from each other then go with
separate nos. for each storage location number.


Ware House No. 001 A big warehouse

complex or group of
Storage buildings.

Storage Type 001 Storage Type 002 Storage Type 003

(High Rack Storage Area) (Shelve Storage Area) (Open Storage Area)

Storage Section 001 Storage Section 002

(Fast Moving Item) (Slow Movng Item)

Store Bin 01-01-01 Store Bin 01-01-02 Store Bin 01-01-03

Quant No. 01 Quant No. 02 Quant No. 03

Mat -x, Qty: 100 Pcs Mat -x, Qty: 100 Pcs Mat -x, Qty: 100 Pcs
(Unrestricted) (Unrestricted) (batch (Quality Ins.
NO.) material)

** Once Quant no once generated, it was not regenerated again.

Quant: It is an identification for the material quantity or not and at quant level it will store
material number, quantity, stock type, batch number, plant and Storage Location etc., the
received GR date and time etc., Quant will be created or deleted dynamically by system only
and not manually by us.

Success IT - 4
WM Integration:




Note: WM is very closely Itegrated with IM.

WM & IM Integrations:

IM WM (W No. 001)
Interim or Dream Bin
GR Logical Storage Type

IM M Type 101 Storage Type 902 ST Type

(GR Area) 001 ( Physically existing
Storage Type)
ST Type
GI 002
Source DDest.

IMG Setting WM M. Type IM M. Type

101 101

Source Storage Type

Destination Storage Type

Success IT - 5
Stock Placement or Put away Process:

1. GR wrt PO 2. Transfer Requirment 3. TO wrt TR 4. Confirm TO

IM M. Type: 101 WM M Type 101
Mat - X Qty 100 Pc Mat - X Qty 100 Pc
Plant: 1000
SL : 0001 Source Source Dest.
St. Type 902 St. Type 902

Stock Removal Process:

IM WM WH. No. 001

Interim or Logical St. Type

ST. Type 902 ST. Type


ST. Type
ST. Type 911 002

Destination Source
In IMG: WM M. Type IM M. Type
201 201
Source St. Type
Desti. St. Type

1. GI IM M. Type 201; 2. TR 3. TO wrt TR 4. Confirm TO
Mat -x 10 Pcs Mat-x, 10 Pcs Mat -x, 10 Pcs
Plant - 1000 To Dest. To Dest. From Source:
St. Type 911 St. Type 001
St. Sec. 001
St. Bin 01-01

Success IT - 6
Transfer Requirement:
It is a planning document and it specifies from Source Interim (Logical)
Storage Type to transfer material to destination Interim Storage Type (Removal Process).
It Contains either Source or destination Storage types only but not both and those also
interim storage types only.
Whenever GR or GI (Physical Goods Movement) etc., posted in IM then in WM TR will be

Transfer Order:
It is an execution of planning document (TR) and here we can specify in
which destination storage type and bin material has to place (Put away) or from which
source storage type and bin material has to remove (Removal Process).
Here both Source and destination Storage type information is maintained
and one is interim and other is physical storage type information.
If material is moving within 'WM' (Without IM) from one bin to another bin
which belongs to same or different physical Storage types then PO Created directly without
TR and in Storage types are physical.

Note: Once TO is confirmed then TO is not possible to cancel.

SPRO Enterprise Structure Definition MM Maintain

Storage Location
 New Entries
 JMSL (Centralised WM)
 Back to IMG
 Logistic Execution
 Define, Copy, Delete, Check Warehouse No.
 Click Define Warehouse Number
 New Entries
Wh No. Description
222 Centralised Wh. No.
 Back to Popup
 Copy, Delete, Check Ware house Number
From : 001; To: 222
Note: Warehouse Data table is 'T-300'

 Back to IMG
 Assignment
 Logistic Execution
 Assign Warehouse Number to Plant/Storage Location

Success IT - 7
 New Entries
Plant Storage Location Ware house No.

Note: One Warehouse number can be assigned to different Storage Location which belongs
to same plants but for One plant and store only one ware house no. is possible.
 Back to IMG
SPRO Logistic Execution Warehouse Management Master Data
Define Control Parameters for Warehouse Number
>> Select one warehouse Number , Click Details button

>> Weight Unit: Say 'KG' then Storage bin weights or measured in this unit of measure and
in material master the material weights has to maintain in this weight unit.

>> Volume Unit: Say 'L'

>> First default Unit of Measure: A

>> Second default Unit of Measure: B

In Material master in WM i view, If WM Unit is not maintain then defaultly either basic unit
of measure or order unit or Unit of Issue etc., will be converted as WM Unit based on this
1st and 2nd default unit of measures.

>> Blocking Logic Method:

If multiple users are preparing TO's at a time for same material and warehouse
number combination, system allows first user login TO and other user TO's will be blocked
until completion of first login user Transaction.
Here select blocking is required at warehouse null (blank) or bin Level(A).

>> Multiple Processing Tab:

> Partial picking: 3
In multiple picking process multiple TR's or multiple outbound deliveries are
assigned to a group and later TO created wrt group. Then at a time for all the TR's or
Outbound deliveries TO's are created in background. Here control partial picking allowed
or not for TR's or outbound deliveries, If material shortage is there at bin level.

Success IT - 8
> Capacity Check:
At storage Type level some capacity check method is selected but relevant entries
are not maintained at material level or bin level etc., then during creating TO for puraway
process system fails to check the capacity exceeding or not with the placed material then
system gives a warning or error message or no message according to this message settings.

>Batch Missing TR:

If material are handling in batches but in TR batch no is missed then system gives
warring or error or no message based on this message settings. But in TO batch no is
mandatory otherwise only error message.

>Activity Data:
During crating TO it any necessary parameter is missed then system gives a warning
or error message supposes in TO if Planned TO time is not maintained then a warning or
error message will come planned TO time means time, date to confirm TO.

Question: What are the Control Parameters at Ware house Level?

Ans: Weight, Unit of Measure, Blocking Logic methods, Partial Picking allowed or not in
multiple picking process and message setting (Warning or error) for capacity check for
batch missing at TR etc., SU Management active or not.. etc.,

 Back to IMG
 Define Number Ranges (OMLJ - T Code)

WH No. NR. Quant NR. TO NR. TR NR. ST NR. Group NR. SU NA

222 01 01 01 01 01 01 2

 Click Save and back

 Number Range
 Click Intervals and maintain Number Ranges for the above reference docts., i.e.,
TR,TO, Quant, ST, Group, SU etc.,
 Back to IMG
 Define Storage Types
 Click New Entries

Warehouse No. Storage Type Description

222 123 Hi rack Storage Area

Success IT - 9
Stock Placement Controls:

>> Put away Strategy :

It is used to determine Storage bin automatically during creating TO for Put away

>Stock Placement requires confirmation:

If we Set this Indicator then TO has to confirm manually. If it is not selected, Once TO
is saved, TO confirms automatically in back ground.

> Destination Bin Change during confirmation:

If blank is selected during TO confirmation Storage bin No comes in display mode
and not possible to change the Bin No.. If option '1' is selected storage bin comes in edit
mode and still storage bin no is changeable.

> Mixed Storage :

At bin level if more than one Quant is there that is called as mixed Storage. In this
Storage type at bin level select mixed storage is allowed or not based on nature of material
which are placing in the storage types.

> Addition to Stock:

If 'X' is selected then material can be added to existing stock bin, If 'M' is selected, in
which material master WM 1 view addition stock is selected for that materials only
addition stock is possible, based on put away strategies select option here.

> Retain Over Deliveries :

If we set this Indicator, in full stock removal process for retain stock is allowed in to
this storage type.

> Mail Control:

It specifies to which user the failed TO information has to send in automatic TO
process i.e., TO whenever created reference document (TR or inbound or Outbound
deliveries etc.,) to that users inbox or to a particular user Inbox.

SPRO LE WM Interfaces Inventory Management

Activate Automatic TO Creation
 Click Enter
 Click Assign recipient

Success IT -
> If Document user is selected then whoever created reference documents (TR or
Outbound delivery) to that user Inbox i.e., in 'SBWP- T Code' the failed TO information will
be sent. If mail recipient (User Id) entered then to that user Inbox mail will be sent.

> Capacity Check Method:

These methods are used how to check the capacity exceeded during creating TO for
put away process.
If check according to maximum weight is selected then during creating bin maintain
maximum weight at bin level and up to that maximum weight only material is allowed and
excess quantity proposes to other bin.
If option '3' is selected then in material master fix the bin for that material and
maintain maximum quantity for that material in that bin (Say 500 qty) then up to that
maximum quantity only allowed in to that bin and excess quantity proposes to some other
bin belongs to same or different storage types.
If option '2' is selected then in material master WM '2' view whatever palletization
(Packing material to pallets) maintained accordingly it wil check the capacity of SUT1 at
bin. (SUT- Storage Unit Type)

>SUT Active :
If we set this indicator then slow placement process materials has to place in bin
level by packing SUT's.
If we set this Indicator we must maintain allowed SUT in this storage type. In
OMM1- Tcode and at this time of TO, this allowed SUT's only possible in to the storage
If different SUT is coming then system process a different Storage type.

>Storage Section Active :

If we set this indicator then it i must to configure Storage Section. Storage Strategy
in this storage type and at the time of TO for Put away process system process Storage
Section automatically.

>Block upon Stock Placement (1):

If multiple TO's are preparing for put away process at a time; with same storage
type and same storage bin, system allows first login user TO and other login user TO until
completion of first Login user TO.
Here select blocking is required at bin level or quant level.

Success IT -
> User Exit Active :

If any existing Put away strategy not fulfill our client requirement then develop own
put away strategy with user exit with required logic by ABAPER and in the require storage
type select this indicator.
User exits can also to possible with combination of following existing put away storage.
L - (No further Check, but updates)
B - (Check and updates according to bulk Storage)
P - (Check display and updates of bin position)

SPRO LE WM TOOLS Develop user exit for Warehouse



It determines Storage bin for removal of stock during creating TO for removal

> Stock Removal requires confirmation :

If we set this Indicator then in removal process TO has to confirm manually. If it is
not selected TO confirms automatically once TO is saved.

> Allow Negative Stock :

If we set this Indicator, system allows to issue the stock from this Storage type with
deficit of stock also by showing issue stock as negative quantity in 'LS26 - T Code'.
Generally negative stock is selected for interim storage type.

> Full Stock removal requirement active:

If we set this Indicator then from bin level full quantity removed (Say 100 qty)
rather than GI quantity (say 20) to outside warehouse and only GI quantity (20) removed
from pallet and issue to production or cost center for sales and remaining quantity will be
returned to warehouse.

> Return stock to same Storage bin:

In full stock removal process if return quantity has to place in the same storage bin
i.e., from where it is picked then select this option here. If it is not selected then storage put
away strategy wise storage bin is proposed to place the return stock.

Success IT -
> Return Storage Type:
If return quantity has to place in a different storage type then specify the storage
type here.

> Execute Zero Stock Check :

If we set this Indicator, in removal process if bin become empty i.e., stock becomes
'0' in the bin level then system will create a physical inventory document to carry out
physical inventory process whether physically also stock '0' or not.

> Block upon Stock removal : (1) Say bin Level

> User Exit active :

If any existing removal strategy is not fulfilling our requirement then develop our
own strategy with user exit and in the required storage type select user exit active. We can
use extremely own strategy with user exit or user exists can also be used with combination
of existing following strategies " Blank or F".

> Round off Quantity :

If removal quantity is in decimals then it will round of to nearest value.

 Click Save

Note: Storage type data table : T-301, Storage Type Text table: T 301T
Storage type Control Data Table : T-331

** In standard SAP Interim Storage Types starts with '9' Series and new put away strategies
and removal strategies will be there for interim storage types.

 Back to IMG
 Define Storage Section
Note: Storage sections groups the storage bins together. In any storage type (Physical or
interim) in any storage type at least one storage section must.
 New Entries

Warehouse No. Storage Type Storage Section Storage Area Name

222 123 001 Fast Moving items
222 123 002 Slow Moving items

** Storage Section data table is 'T-302'

Success IT -
 Back to IMG
 Define picking Area
**Picking area also groups the storage bins together, but picking areas are optional. Both
storage sections and picking areas have the same hierarchy and storage section normally
used for put away and picking areas is used for removal process.

 New Entries

Warehouse No. Storage Type Picking Area Picking area name

222 123 001 Picking Area 1
222 123 002 Picking Area 2

 Back to IMG
 Define Doors
 New Entries

WH No. Door No. Text for Door Staging Area GI GR CD IN FT

222 D1 Entry Door

 Back to IMG
 Define Material Staging Area
** Staging Area is an interim Storage area to stage the goods temporarily that have been
received from Goods Receipt and afterwards it needs to be transferred into the warehouse
into destination physical storage type and bin. Same way in removal process also materials
removed from physical source storage type and temporarily staged in staging area for
loading in to vehicle through loading ramps or doors.

 New Entries

WH No. Staging Mat Staging Area Door GI GR CD IN FT

222 SA1 Put away D1
222 SA2 Removal D2

 Back to IMG
 Storage Bins
 Define Storage bin Type

Success IT -
Warehouse No Storage Bin Type Description
222 B1 Block Size 1
222 B2 Block Size 2
222 E1 Bin height 1 Meter
222 E2 Bin height 2 Meter
222 P1 Bin Size 1
222 T1 Tank 1000L

 Define Storage bin Structure (T Code - LS10)

 Click Enter
* here several bins are created automatically which are similar
Note: Bins are comes under Master Data.

LS01N - Manually create single bin

LS10 - Automatically several bins at a time
LX20 - For Interim bin in Interim Storage
Warehouse No. Data Table : MLGN
Storage type level: MLGT

Storage Bin Structure :

 New Entries
Warehouse NO: 222
Storage Type: 123
Sequence No: 001

Bin Definition:
Structure: AA BB CC
Start Value: 01-01-01
End Value: 10-10-10
Increment: 01-01-01

Additional Data:
Storage Section : 001 (Fast Moving items)
Picking Area: 001 (Picking Area -1)
Storage bin type: E1
Max. Weight: 200 KG

Success IT -
Total Capacity: 225 Kg

 From Menu bar choose environment --> Create bins

 Create online and click Yes
 Click save
 Back to IMG
 Material
 Define Storage Unit Types
** Pallets are boxes or baskets are called as storage units to store the material and here
define storage unit type for each pallet sizes and box sizes etc.,

Warehouse No. SUT(Storage unit Type) Description

222 BX1 Box, Small size
222 BX2 Box, Medium Size
222 BX3 Box, Big Size

 Click Save
 Back to IMG
 Strategies
 Activate storage type search (OMLY- T Code)
(**Search Strategies are used to determine storage type and storage section and storage
bin types automatically during crating TO)
 Click Enter
 Determine search sequence
 New Entries
Ware house No. Operation Storage Type 2nd Storage Type
222 Put away 001 002
222 Removal process 001 002

 Click Save
 Back to IMG
 Activate Storage Section Search (OMLZ- T Code)
 Click Define (Optional)
 New Entries

Warehouse NO. Section Indicator Description

222 FMI Fast Moving Items
222 SMI Slow Moving Items

Success IT -
 Back
 Determine Search Sequence
** In Storage type strategy, If storage section is active selected then only configure storage
section search strategy in the storage type level.
 New Entries

Warehouse No. Storage Type St. Area Indicator 1st Storage Sec. 2nd Storage Sec.
222 123 FMI 001 002
222 123 SMI 002 001
222 123 001 002
 Click Save
Note: Storage section search strategy is required only for put away process.
 Back to IMG
 Activate Storage bin type search
 Click Enter
 Click Assignment storage type
** If SUT (Storage Unit Type) search active is selected at storage type level then only
maintain entries here.
 New Entries
Warehouse no St. Type 1 SUT 2 SUT 3 SUT 4 SUT
222 123 E1 E2 BX1 BX2

** This settings also for put away process.

** Based on storage type bin sizes (Storage bin type) maintain storage bin type, Maintain
which size of SUT's are allowed in this storage type.

 Back
 Click Storage bin Type

WH No. SUT 1 St. bin 2nd St. bin 3rd st. bin 4th st. bin 5th st. bin
type type type type type
222 BX1 E1 P1
222 BX2 E1 P1
222 BX3 E1 P1
222 E1 E2 P1 B1
222 E2 P1 B1
222 IP E1 E2 P1 B1

 Click save
 Back to IMG
 Activities

Success IT -
 Transfers
 Define Requirement Types
** Requirement types are used to convert Inventory management reference documents (PO
Nos., Sales Doct. Nos., Prod. Ord. Nos.,) as in Interim Storage Types.

Warehouse No. Reference Type Description Field Name (Mat Doct)

222 B Purchase Order MSEG-EBELN
222 F Order (Prod) MSEG-AUFNR
222 K Cost Center MSEG-KOSTL
222 L Sales Doct. RM07M-VBELN

 Back to IMG
 Define Shipment Types
**Shipment types specifies how material handling through Inventory management (A,E,U)
or with in Warehouse management (X).
> It is only for information or report purpose.

Warehouse No. Shipment type Text for Shipment

222 A Stock Removal
222 E Stock Placement
222 U Stock Transfer
222 X Warehouse Supervisor

 Back to IMG
 Define Movement Types (OMLJ - T Code)
 Select existing WM Movement Type say '101' and click details button

Source Storage Type: 902 scr

Shipment Type: E (Stock Placement)
Requirement Type: B (Purchase Order)
** here SCR Indicator dynamically converts requirement type 'B' (PO No.) as Interim
bin in Interim Storage Type.
TO Creation: 1 (Put away preparation screen)
TO Confirmation: 1
** Then during TO confirmation still quantity is editable.
Print Code: 01 (Single print )
(Observe TO print setting in OMLV - T Code)
Manual Creation Not allowed:
** If we set this indicator, TO must be created with reference documents only by this
movement type i.e., TR or Inbound delivery etc.,
GR Data in Quant:

Success IT -
** If we set this Indicator then at Quant level it will update GR No. and GR Date.

 Back to IMG
 Interfaces
 Inventory Management
 Define Movement Types
 Click Assign WM Movement Type Reference to IM Movement Types

M Type Qty Updat Val Updat SP Mov Rec CS Ref M. Type

101 B 101

 Back to POPUP
 Click LE-WM Interface to IM (OMLR- T Code)
 New Entries

Wh No. Ref M. Type Mov. Indi Mov. Type TR Creat IM TO Mail

222 101 B 101 X A

 Click Save

Test Scenario:

Step 1: Create Material master, with MM and WM 1 & 2 views, Storage Type is optional.
In WM 1 view:
WM Unit: KG
Proposed Unit of Measure from material:

** If WM Unit is blank then it propose Order Unit or Unit of Issue, or Base Unit of measure
as WM Unit.
Storage Section Indicator: 001

In WM 2 view:
LE Quantity UN SUT
100 PC BX3
50 PC BX2
25 PC BX1

Note: Pallet size data is used for stock placement process to pack the Quantities in SUT's.
Enter other views and save the material.

Success IT -
Step 2: Create PO

Step 3: Enter GR
In Where Tab: Enter WM Storage Location.
> If we click enter WM tab appears, observe WM Tab details
> In MMBE stock increased in Storage Location level.
> Go to GR material document display in MIGO and in WM tab, WM Movement Type 101 is
picked with IM Movement type 101 and stock is picked to Interim storage type 902 as per
WM Movement type 101 and TR also created automatically. (Observe OMLR - T Code)
>>Observe 'LS26'.
Step 4: Create TO wrt TR.

Logistics LE Internal warehouse Process Stock Transfer

Create TO by Replenishment for TR (LT04 - T Code)

Ware house No. 222

TR Number: 01
'Sytem Guided'

 Click Putway foreground (F5)

>> Observe proposed destination storage types, sections and bin as per storage type search
( OMLY - T Code), Storage section search (OMLZ- T Code) and storage bin type search
(OMM1 - T Code) and storage type put way strategy (OMLU- T Code).

 Click Save TO

PRINT TO: (LT31- T Code)

Warehouse No: 222

TO No: 01
Pin Code: 01
Printer: LP01
Spool Count area: 01

> From Menu bar Transfer Order --> Print

Success IT -
* If print report error comes then in OMLV - T Code, Click warehouse number assign print
programme 'RLVSDR40' to our ware house no.

> observe print preview in (SP01 - T Code)

> Observe LS 26.

Step 4: Confirm TO: (LT12- T Code)

TO Number: 02
Warehouse no: 222
 Click Enter
 Click Confirm Internally and Save
** In LS26 stock is showing in Physical storage type and click 'Bin Stock' button and click
Storage bin no. (LS03N - T Code)
** Display Quant : LS23 - T code

Success IT -
Stock Removal Process:

SPRO LE WM Strategies Activate Storage type Search

>> Determine Storage Type Search Sequence

Warehouse No. Operation 1st Storage Type 2nd Storage Type

222 A 123 001

 Back to IMG
 Activities
 Transfer
 Define Movement Types
 Select WM Movement Type and Click Details button

Destination Storage Type: 911 Scr:

Shipment Type: A (Stock Remova)
Requirment Type: K (Cost Center)

> Here requirement type 'K' i.e., Cost center will be converted as interim bin in interim
Storage Type '911' with selection of 'Scr' indicator.

TO Creation Screen : 2
TO Confirmation: 2 or Blank

 Back to IMG
 Interfaces
 Inventory management
 Define Movement Types
>> Click WM Movement Type reference to IM Movement Types

IM Movement Type Value Updation Quantity updation Ref. Movement Type

201 201

 Back to Popup
 Clikc LE-WM Interface to IM
 New Entries
Warehouse No. Ref. Mov. Type WM Mov, Type TR Creation
222 201 201 X

Success IT -
 Click Save

Initially observe stock at storage location level in 'MMBE' and LS26.

Step 1: Enter GI in IM with Movement type 201.

In Where Tab: enter Plant and WM Storage Location, enter cost center and observe WM
Tab and Save.
> In MMBE stock decreased at Storage Location level due to WM also remove material at
bin level.
> Go to GI document display in MIGO.
> In WM Tab observe Interim Storage Type, TR No and WM Movement Type.
> In LS26 available stock is showing in Interim storage type '911' as negative (-) because
stock not yet picked to destination 911.

Step 2: Create TO in LT04

Warehouse NO. 222
TR No. 02
>Click Foreground button
> Observe proposed Source Storage type as per Storage type search strategy (OMLY T
Code) and proposed source bin as per this storage type removal of stock strategy (FIFO).
>> Click Save
> Observe LS26

Step 3: Confirm TO LT12

TO No. : 2
Warehouse NO: 222

>> Click Enter

> Observe LS26.

Generate Interim Storage Bins:

SPRO LE WM Activities Transfers Define Movement


>> Here for many WM Movement Types, Say for 301,309,311,501,511 etc., It is not possible
to convert any requirement types as Interim bins that's why manually same bin nos. are
entered here but generate these Interim bins as follows..

Success IT -
 Back to IMG
 Interfaces
 Inventory Management
 Generate Interim Storage bins (LX20 - T Code)

Warehouse No: 222

 Click Execute
 Click Create bins

>> Enter GR with 501 in MIGO with IM Movement Type 501 and put and observe above
Interim Storage bins (WE-Zone) is picked or not?
>> Create TO
>> Confirm TO

Success IT -
Stock Transfers from Store to Store with in Plant:

1. WM Store to Non WM Store

2. Non WM Store to WM Store
3. WM Store to WM Store
4. Non WM Store to Non WM Store

WM Store to Non WM Store with One Step Procedure:

Plant (TSJU)

Supply 1. Transfer Posting Receive

WM Store Movement Type 311 Non WM
222 2. Remove Material from
Supply WM Store at bin level
WM Movement Type 311.
With TR --> TO--> Confirm TO.

Transfer Posting
St Type 123
Storage Type 921

St. Type 001

IM Mov. Type 311

Source Destination
IMG Settings:

SPRO LE WM Activities Transfers Define Movement


> Select WM Movement Type 311

> Click Details

Destination : 911 (UML ZONE)

TO Creation: 02

Success IT -
 Back to IMG
 Inventory Management
 Define Movement Types
 Assign WM Movement Types Reference to IM Movement Types

IM Mov. Types Val Updation Qty Updation Ref Mov. Type Stock Trfr Ref Trfr posting
Mov. Type Ref. Mov. Type
311 311 312 309
Mov. Type 311: It triggers if supply store is WM
Mov. Type 312: It triggers if receive store is WM
Mov. Type 309: It triggers if both storage locations assigened to same Ware house
Numbers or logical transfers within the storage locations from one stock to another stock
type or material to material.

 Back to Popup
 Click LE-WM Interface to IM
 New Entries

Ware house No. Ref. Mov. Type Movement Type TR Immediately

222 311 311 X X

Test Scenario:
Initially observe stock at storage location in MMBE and warehouse level in LS26.

Step 1: Enter Transfer posting from store to store in IM with Movement Type 311.
In Transfer posting Tab:
From: To:
Material No: 2041
Plant: TSJU
Store: WM Store Store: Non WM Store
>> Enter Quantity and observe WM Tab and check and post.
>> In MMBE stock decreased in Supply store and increased in Receive Store, but WM there
in Supply store that's why remove material in Supply store again at bin level.
>> Go to Material document display in MIGO and in WM Tab WM M Type 311 is picked with
IM Movement Type 311 and stock is showing in Interim Storage Type 921 (Destination)
and TR also Created.
>> In LS26 stock is showing in Interim Storage type 921 in available stock as negative.

Step 2: Crate TO with respect to Material Document No.

>Go to LT06 enter Mat. Doct No.

Success IT -
>> Click Foreground Button
>> Observe proposed Source Storage types as per Storage types search strategy (OMLY T
Code) and source bin as per Storage type stock removal strategy (OMLU- T Code).
>> Click Enter and Save
>> Observe LS26

Step 3: Confirm TO in LT12

> Observe LS26.
Non WM to WM Store:

Plant TSJU

1. Transfer Posting 311

Non WM WM Store
Store 2. Place Material at WM Store

at WM Store at bin with

TR-->TO-->Confirm TO with WM Movement Type 312.
WH NO: 222.
Trfr Posting
921 St. Type

Source Dest.
IMG Settings:

SPRO LE WM Activities Transfers Define Movement

Types (OMLJ _ T Code)

> Select WM Movement Type 312 and click details

Source Interim Bin: 921
Storage Type: 123

 Back to IMG
 Interfaces
 Inventory Management
 Define Movement Types
 Click Assignment of WM Movement Type Reference Movement Type to IM Mov.

Success IT -
IM Mov. Type Qty Updation Val Updation Ref Mov Type Stock Trfr M Type
311 311 312
* 312- triggers if receive store is WM Store
 Back to Popup
 Click LE-WM Interface to IM
 New Entries
Warehouse No Movement Type TR Immediate
222 311 X X
222 312 X X
 Click Save

Test Scenario:
Step 1: Transfer posting in IM with Movement Type 311.
In Transfer Posting Tab:
From: To:
Storage Location (Non WM) Storage Location (WM)
> Enter Quantity
> Observe WM Tab, Check and Post.
> In MMBE Stock decreased in Supplied and increased in Receive store but place material
again at bin level.
> Go to Mat document display in MB03.
> Click Enter
>Select received 'WM' store and click detail button and click WM detail Button
> Here WM Movement Type 212 is triggered with IM Movement Type 311 by taking stock
in to source storage type 921 and TR also created.
>> Observe LS26.

Step 2: Crate TO with respect material document (T Code- LT06)

> Enter material document and click enter
> Click Foreground button and observe proposed destination storage type and section and
bin as per search strategy.
> Observe LS26.
Step 3: Confirm TO in LT12 and Observe LS26.

Success IT -
WM Storage Location to WM Storage Location:

Plant (TSJU)

1. Transfer Posting MB1B/MIGO

Movement Type 311. WM Store
WM Store
2222 2. Remove Material from Supply
WM Store at bin level with M.Type
311 with TR->TO->Confirm TO
3. Place material in Receive WM
Store in bin level WM M Type 312
with TR-->TO--> Confirm TO

Tr. Posting
Tr. Posting SType 921 St. Type
St. Type S. Type 921 IM M Type 001

Transfer Posting/Posting Change Notice:

If logical transfers are posted in IM i.e., Stock type to stock type, material to material
and any special stock to own stock with in the storage location, then in WM Posting Notice
No is created in place of TR and later TO will be created wrt posting Change Number.

IMG Settings:
SPRO LE WM Master Data Define Number Ranges

 Click Number Ranges

 Click for Posting change notice
Warehouse No:
> Click Interval
and maintain number ranges for Posting Change Notice
 Back to IMG
 Strategies

Success IT -
 Activate Storage Type Search
 Click Determine Search Sequence
Warehouse No Operation Storage type Category 1st StorageType
222 A 123
222 E Q 001

 Determine Search Sequence

Warehouse No. Storage Type SA ID 1st Storage Type
222 001 FMI 001
222 001 SMI 002

 Click Save
 Back to IMG
 Activate Storage bin type search
** AT storage type level if 'SUT' check active is selected then click 'Storage type' button here
and maintain allowed SUT's in the first storage type.
 Back to IMG
 Activities
 Transfers
 Define Movement Types
 Click Enter
 Goto WM Movement Type '321' and click details

Source Storage Type: 922 U-Zone (To Put away Stock type)
Dest. Storage Type: 922 U-Zone (For removal Stock type)
TO Creation: 3
Shipment Type: U
Post to same bin:

>> If we set this indicator then in TO same option comes in select mode, so that in the same
bin the removal stock type (Unrestricted).
Put away in to another stock type (Quality Inspection).
 Back to IMG
 Interfaces
 Inventory Management
 Define Movement Types
 Assign WM Movement types Reference to IM WM Types
IM M Type Valu Updation Qty Updation Reference St. Trans Ref Tr Posting Ref
Mov Type Mov. Type
321 396 397 321
322 398 399 322

Success IT -
 Back to Popup
 Click LE-WM Interface to IM
 New Entries
Warehouse No. Ref Mov. Type WM Mov. Type Create Post. Change
222 321 321
222 322 321

 Click Save

Test Scenario:

Initially observe Stock in MMBE and LS26

Step 1: Transfer Posting in IM with movement Type 322

In Transfer Posting Tab:
From: To:
Storage Location: Storage Location:
>> Click Enter
>> Observe WM Tab
>> Click Check and Post

** In MMBE unrestricted stock decrease and QI stock increase at storage location level but
remove material at bin level also from Unrestricted to Quality Inspection stock.

>> Go to Material document display

>> In WM Tab: observe WM Movement Type 321 and Interim storage type 922 and posting
change number.
>> Observe LS26.

Step 2: Create TO with respect Posting change

Logistics LE Internal Warehouse Process Posting Change via IM

TO Create By Posting Change Notice (LT05)

Warehouse No: 222

Post. Change No: 1
> Click Enter

Success IT -
** It is showing in which storage type stock is available in Unrestricted and selected
relevant storage type and click " Quant List". Enter the quantity in the required bins and
check or uncheck post the same bin.
 Click Foreground button
 Click Save
 Observe LS26
 Confirm TO in LT12
 Again Observe LS26.

> In the same bin no. separate Quant's are created for each stock type.

Success IT -


PO Confirmation control key shipping Sales Order


Inbound Delivery Outbound Delivery

TO wrt Inbound delivery (Before TO wrt Outbound delivery

receiving goods (1st in WM) (1st in WM)

GR wrt Inbound Delivery Confirm TO

(after goods receive 2nd in IM)

Confirm TO PGI (2nd in IM)

Inbound Proces:
Step 1: Create PO
In Confirmation Tab: Select confirmation control as "shipping notification"
Note: Observe MD04

Step 2: Create inbound delivery VL31N

Enter Vendor No., PO No., Delivery date (according to Vendor), External Id (Vendor
external document No.) and Means of Transportation : V100
>Click enter and enter delivery quantity according to vendor
In Shipment Tab: Transportation planning date in Vendor company
In stock placement tab: enter WM Storage Location
>> Click Enter
Then put away grayed out because first material has to put at bin level with respect to TO
then only put away at storage location level in IM.
>> In Goods Movement tab: observe overall putaway status and WM status and IM
Movement type 101.
>> Click Save
>> Observe MD04.

Step 3: Create TO with respect to Inbound Delivery

Logistics LE Inboud Process Goods Receipt for Inbound delivery

Put away Create TO for Inbound delivery (LT0F - T Code)

Success IT -
Ware house No: 222
Inbound Delivery No:

>> Here WM Movement Type 101 is triggered.

>> Click Foreground Button
> and observe proposed destination Storage type, section and bin
>> Click enter and save.
>> Observe LS26.

Step 4: GR wrt Inbound Delivery

>> MIGO, GR; R04, Inbound delivery No.
> Observe WM Tab and post.
> Observe LS26 and MMBE and Confirm TO.


Note: Extend sales views, MM & WM views and maintain stock at storage location and at
bin level.

Step 1: Crate Sales order in VA01- T Code

Order Type: OR
Sales Org: 1000
Dist. Ch: 10
Dist. Div: 00
> Click Enter
Sold to Party: 1000 (Customer No.)
Ship to Party: 1000 (Customer No.)
> Enter material no, Quantity, Plant and amount
> Click enter
>Double click on Item row
>> In Schedule line tab: Observe confirmed quantity and confirmed delivery date based on
availability check.
>> from Menubar: Choose Edit--> In completion Log
>> Click Save

Step 2: Create Outbound delivery in VL01N

Shipping Point : 1000
Selection Date: 02.09.2013 Confirmed delivery date
Sales Order No: 13038

Success IT -
> click Enter
>> In Picking tab enter WM SL and click enter then picked quantity is grayed out because
via shipping process first material has to pick at bin level through WM then only pick at SL
level through IM (PGI).
>> Observe overall WM Statuses
>> IN Goods Movement Data Tab: Observe IM Movement Type 601 which will trigger WM
Movement Type 601 in TO.
>> click Save

Step 3: Crate TO wrt Outbound delivery

Logistics LE Outbound Process Goods Issue for Outbound delivery
Picking Create TO Single Document (LT03 - T Code)

Warehouse NO: 222

Outbound Del No:
(System Guided)
> Click Enter
** If WM movement Type 601 is triggered without outbound delivery IM Movement Type
601 to pick the stock to destination storage type and storage bin 916.
>> Observe OMLT and OMLR.
>> Click Foreground button
> Observe proposed Source Physical Storage Type and bin
>> Click Save
> Observe LS26.

Step 4: Confirm TO in LT12. and observe in LS26.

Step 5: PGI in VL02N

Outbound delivery No.
> Observe picking tab and click 'PGI'
> Stock decreased in 916 in LS26 and in MMBE at storage Location level.

Success IT -
Fixed Bin Storage Type:

In this Storage type for each material storage bins are fixed in material master it self (WM2
view) and in that fixed bin only material will be placed or removed.

IMG Settings:

SPRO LE WM Master Data Define Storage type

> Select existing fixed bin storage type 005 and click details
Put away Strategy: F (Fixed bins)
Addition to Stock: X (permitted)
Capacity Check Method: 3

Stock Removal Strategy: P (Fixed bin from material master)

Allow negative Stock:
 Back to IMG
 Define Storage Section
> In fixed bin storage type one storage section is enough.
Warehouse No. Storage Type Storage Section
222 005 001

 Back to IMG
 Storage bin
 Define Storage bin structure
 Click Enter
> here define storage bins in fixed bin storage type 005.
 Back to IMG
 Strategies
 Activate Storage type search (OMLY - T Code)
 Click Define
Warehouse No. Storage type Ind. Description
222 FIX Fixed bin

 Back
 Determine Search Sequence
Warehouse NO Operation Storage type Indicator 1st Storage Type
222 E (Putaway) Fix 005
222 E 001
222 A (Removal) Fix 005

Success IT -
 Back to IMG

Note: No storage section search, bin type search are required for fixed bin storage type.

Test Scenario: Create Material Master

> Select Plant, SL, Warehouse No., Storage type 005 also
> Click Enter
> In WM 1 view
Stock Placement: Fix
Stock Removal: Fix
> In WM 2 view
100 PC BX3
> Storage Bin Stock:
Storage Bin: A - 01
Max Bin Qty: 500
> Enter all other MM views and save.

Step 2: Create PO for the above material

Step 3: Enter GR wrt PO

> Observe MMBE and LS26.

Step 4: Create TO in LT06 and click 'Foreground' button.

> Observe destination fixed bin storage type 005 and destination fixed bina and save
> Observe LS26.
Step 5: Confirm TO.

Stock Removal from Fixed Bin:

Step 1: Goods Issue IM Movement Type with 201 in MIGO for fixed bin Material.
> Observe LS26 and MMBE

Step 2: Create TO
> Click Foreground and observe proposed fixed bin storage type and fixed bin from
material master
> Click enter and save.
> Confirm TO.

Success IT -

In this Storage type bins are bigger in size and several SUT's are placed at bin level
i.e., in bulk as stacks (side by side) and heights (One on One).
Based on size of storage bin type and size of SUT we can maintain maximum number
of SUT's at bin level and up to that maximum number of SUT's only allowed in to that bin
and in each bin same SUT's only allowed with same material.

Advantages of bulk Storage:

1. Reduced need for physical storage bins
2. Fast access to the container
3. Clear structuring of the ware house (into blocks and rows)

IMG Settings:

SPRO LE WM Master Data Define Storage Type

> Select existing bulk storage type 004 and click details button

Put away Strategy: B

Addn to Stock: X
SUT Check Active:

Stock Removal Strategy: F

 Back to IMG
 Storage Bin
 Define Storage bin Structure
> Here define storage bins in bulk storage type 004 say bin type E1 and E2.
 Back to IMG
 Strategies
 Activate Storage Type Search
 Click Define
 New Entries

Warehouse NO. Operation Storage type Ind. 1st Storage Type

222 E BLK 004
222 A BLK 004

 Click Save
 Back to IMG
 Activate Storage bin type search

Success IT -
 Click Storage type
> Maintain allowed 'SUT's in bulk storage type '004'
Warehouse Storage 1st SUT 2nd SUT 3rd SUT 4th SUT 5th SUT
no Type
222 004 BX1 BX2 BX3 E1 E2

 Back to IMG
 Put away Strategy
 Define Strategy for bulk storage (OMM4 - T Code)
 Click Define
>> Here maintain additional control parameters for bulk storage type
 New Entries

Warehouse No. Storage Type Completed Partial Qty Blocked for

Putaway Management Putaway
222 004
222 004

> Completed Put away ( ): If we set this indicator, system collect all the items from the
proceeding documents that leads to transfer the same material to the same bin and groups
them together in to one item, before creating TO. So that system cumulates the quantities of
the materials to be put away.
But combined put away is not allowed in SU Managed bulk Storage.

> Partial Qty Management ( ): If we set this Indicator then system allows to palletize
partial quantity rather than full quantity according to material master palletization data
(WM 2 view). Only one partial quantity is allowed for block or row.

> Blocked for Putaway ( ): If we set this indicator, whenever 1st stock removal has takes
place at bin level then that bin will be blocked for further put away process until removal of
full stock from bin level i.e., upto becoming of bin as empty. So that other bins also utilized

 Click Save
 Click Bulk storage Indicator

Warehouse No. Bulk Storage Indicator Description

222 BL Bulk Indicator
222 ZL Heavy Weight Material

 Back

Success IT -
 Click Block Structure

Warehouse Storage Storage SUT Bulk St. Stacks Heights No. SUT
No. Type bin Type Indicator
222 004 E1 BX1 BL 5 5 25
222 004 E1 BX1 ZL 5 1 5
222 004 E1 BX2 BL 4 4 16
222 004 E1 BX3 BL 3 3 9
222 004 E2 BX2 BL 4 8 32
222 004 E2 BX3 BL 3 6 18

Test Scenario:
Step 1: Create a Material Master
In WM 1 view: Stock Placement : BLK
Stock Removal: BLK
Bulk Storage: BL
In WM 2 view:
LE Quantity Units SUT
100 Pc BX3
50 Pc BX2
>> Enter other details and save.

Step 2: Create PO

Step 3: Enter GR wrt PO

Step 4: Create TO in LT06/LT04

> click Foreground Button
> Then Observe proposed destination Storage Types '004' as per storage type search
strategy based on material master stock placement storage type Indicator (BLK) and
proposed destination bin.
In Bin level upto maximum no. of SUT's only allowed based on bulk storage box
structure (OMM4 - T Code) in bin level same material with same SUT's only allowed.
In bin level only one quant will be created for all SUT's.
>> Click Save
>> Confirm TO and Observe LS26.

Example: Create one more material with same bulk storage settings, create PO for previous
and above material, Enter GR for both items, Create TO and confirm TO. and observe
proposed storage types and bin.

Success IT -

It allows to pick oldest quant i.e., oldest FIFO stock from entire warehouse during
creating TO for removal process.

>> Go to Storage type Search Strategy (OMLY - T Code)

>> Click determine search sequence
Warehouse No. Operation 1st Storage Type
222 A ***


In this storage type in bin level several SUT's are placed (Pallets) and for each SUT a
bin section is allocated by system that means storage bin is further dividing into bin
sections for each SUT.

SPRO LE WM Master Data Define Storage Type

> Select existing Pallet Storage type 007 and click details button
Put away Strategy: P
Mixed Storage: X
SUT Check Active: 1 (Mandatory)
Stock Removal: F (FIFO/LIFO)

 Back to IMG
 Define Storage Sections
Warehouse No. Storage Type Storage Section
222 007 001
222 007 002

 Back to IMG
 Storage bin
 Define Storage bin Structure
> Here define storage bins in pallet storage type 007 say with storage bin type E1,E2 etc.,
 Back to IMG
 Strategies

Success IT -
 Activate Storage Type Search
 Click Define
 New Entries
Warehoue No. Storage Type Indicator Description
222 PLT Palletization

 Back
 Determine Search Sequence
 New Entries

Warehouse No. Operation St. Type Ind. 1st Storage Type 2nd St. Type
222 E PLT 007 001
222 A PLT 007 001

 Back to IMG
 Activate Storage bin type search
> If SUT check is active selected at storage type level then click 'Storage Type' and maintain
allowed SUT entries in Pallet Storage Type 007.

WH No. St. Type 1 SUT 2 SUT 3 SUT 4 SUT 5 SUT 6 SUT

222 007 E1 E2 E3 BX1 BX2 BX3

 Click Save
 Back to IMG
 Put away Strategy
 Define Strategy for Pallets (OMM3 - T Code)
 Click Define (Bin Sections)
 New Entries
WH Type Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10--
No. 99
222 007 X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
222 007 Y 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
222 007 Z 1 2 3 4 5 6
222 007 A A B C D

 Click Save
 Back
 Click Assign (Bin types and SUT)
 New Entries

Warehouse No. Storage Type St. Bin Size SUT Bin Section
222 007 E1 BX1 X

Success IT -
222 007 E1 BX2 Y
222 007 E1 BX3 Z
222 007 E2 B A

> Click Enter and observe maximum number of Quant and save.

Test Scenario:

Step 1: Create Material master with Storage type 007

In WM1 View: Assign Storage Type Indicator 'PLT' in stock removal and placement

In WM 2 view: Select Palletization data

> enter other details and save.

Step 2: Create PO say for 1440 Pcs

Step 3 : Enter GR
Step 4: Create TO
> Click Foreground and observe proposed destination Storage type and bin and bin
Here for each SUT separate bin section ad separate Quant no is generated
>> Enter and Save.

Step 5: Confirm TO
>> Observe LS26 and LS03N (Stock at Bin Level)

Example :
Create one more material with Pallets, Storage type, sections like previous material
and create PO and GR and TO's for both materials and in TO observe in the same bin Both
materials are allowing or not in same SUT (Bin Sections).

Success IT -

It is used to place the material at bin level without TR and TO even though WM module is

SPRO LE WM Master Data Material Define Special

Movement Indicator.

Warehouse NO. Special Mov. Ind.

222 A

 Back to IMG
 Activities
 Transfers
 Define Movement Types
 New Entries

Warehouse No: 222

Movement Type: 961 (GR for special Movement Indicator)
Source Storage: 005 (fixed bin storage type)
Fixed bin:
Shipment Type: E
TO Creation: 1

GR Data in Quant:

 Click Save
 Back to IMG
 Interfaces
 Inventory Management
 Define Movement Types
 Click LE-WM Interface to IM
 New Entries

Warehouse Ref. Mov. Type Mov. Indicator Special Mov. Movement TR Creation
No. Indicator Type
222 101 B 101 X
222 101 B A 961

Success IT -
Test Scenario:
Step 1: Create material master with MM & WM views with Storage type 005.
In WM 1 view: Enter Special Movement Indicator 'A'.
In WM 2 view:
LE Qty Units SUT
100 PC BX3
50 PC BX2
Storage Bin Structure:
Storage Bin: A-02
Maximum Qty: 500

Step 2: Create PO

Step 3: Enter GR wrt PO

> Enter WM store in WM tab enter special movement indicator 'A'.
> Go to GR display and in WM tab observe WM Movement type 961 and physical storage
type 005 and fixed bin without TR and TO. Observe MMBE and LS26.


>> Go to WM Movement Type (OMLJ T Code )

>> New Entries

Warehouse No.: 222

Movement Type: 971 (GI for Special Movement Indicator)
Plant storage type: 005
Fixed bin:
TO Creation: 1
>> Click Save

>> Go to OMLR T Code

>> New Entries

Warehouse No. Ref Mov. Type Sp. Mov. Indicator Movement Type TR Creation
222 201 201 X
222 201 A 971

Test Scenario:
Enter Goods Issue in MIGO with IM Movement Type 201 for same above material.

Success IT -
Go to GI display and in WM tab observe WM Movement Type 971, Fixed bin, Storage Type
(005) from material master.
In MMBE stock removed from Storage Location level and in LS26 and LS03N stock removed
from bin level, No TR & TO.


SPRO LE WM Master Data Storage Bins Define Blocking

>> New Entries

Warehouse No. Blocking Reason Description

222 3 Damaged bin
222 4 Cleaning

Logistics LE Internal Warehouse Process Bins and Stock Block

Storage bin selection (LS06- T Code)
Warehouse NO: 222
Storage Type: 123
Storage bin: 01-01
> Click Execute
>> Select Storage bin Check box and click Block (Lock symbol) button.
>Select blocking for Put away and Removal.
> Enter Blocking reason as '3'.
> Click enter and save.

>> Go to LS03N In status sub screen observe Put away and Stock removal blocking

Success IT -

Logistics LE Internal Warehouse Process Master Data Stock

Transfers Create TO From Stock List (LT10 - T Code)

Warehouse No: 222

Storage Type: 123
Storage Bin: 01-01
Movement Type: 999
>> Observe WM Movement Type '999' in (OMLJ T Code)
> Click Execute
> In Next Screen select checkbox click 'Foreground' button

Enter destination Physical Storage Type :

Enter Destination Physcial Storage Bin:
Confirm Immediately:
>> Click Copy
> Click Display 'Log' observe created TO No.

Success IT -

SPRO LE WM Activities Transfers Setup Automatic TO

creation for TR/ Posting Changes Notices (OMKZ- T Code).

>> Click 'Assign Recipient'

Warehouse No. Mail Indicator Document user Mail Recipient Express

222 A

>> If document user is selected then whoever created reference documents (TR, Positng
Change Notices) to that user mail Inbox failed TO information will be send.
If fail TO information has to send to different user then enter that user in Mail recipient.
>> Back

> Click ' Control Data'

Warehouse No. Auto TO (PAST)Doct User Log

222 A A A

>> For which movement type this Auto TO Indicator 'A' will assigned that movement type
TR's converts into TO's automatically in background job.
> Back

> Click ' Assign Control '

> Go to 101 Movement details;
In background processing Tab: Automatic TO: 'A'.
>> Click Save
> Back

> Click 'Activate'

(Then it takes to define background job ie., SM36 - T code)

>> Click 'Job Wizard'

> Click Continue
Job Name: Auto TO
Job Class: A, B or C
Target Server: Production Server
> Click Continue

>> Select ABAP programm Step

Success IT -
ABAP Program Name: RLAUTA10 (Auto TO for TR)
RLAUTA11 (Auto TO for Posting Change)
RLAUTA20 (Auto TO for outbound/Inbound delivery)
(Here create variant in SE38 T code and assign in to this screen)

Creation of Variant:

>> Go to SE38 T Code

Program: RLAUTA10
> Select variant option and Click Execute
Warehouse No: 222
Ind for Auto TO creation: A
Partial Provision in TO allowed:
Select Partially processed TO:
>> Click save as Variant
> Enter variant Name : Zvariant
> Enter meaning: Auto TO for TR
>> click Save

(**Assign this variant to above screen and click 'Continue')

>Again click continue
> Select Option 'Immediately'
> Click Continue
> Select 'Period' Option
> Click Continue
> Select 'None of the above'
> Select 'Other Periods'
> Enter '2Mins'
> Click create
> Click Continue
>Click Complete.

Test Scenario:

Step 1: Create PO
Step 2: Enter GR wrt PO with IM Movement Type 101
> Go to GR display and in WM Tab observe TR No.
> Go to TR display in 'LB03 - T Code'.

Success IT -
> And in Item row observe automatically TO No. other wise in 'SM37 T code' also observe
automatically created TO No.


>> Go to OMLR- T Code

Warehouse No. Ref Mov. Type WM Mov. Type TR creation Imme. TO Creation Mail
222 201 201 X A A

>> Click Save

Test Scenario:
Enter GI with IM Movement Type 201, Post GI and Go to GI Display
> In WM Tab observe TR Number and Immediate TO Indicator
> Go to this TR display in LB03 T Code, and in Item row observe created TO Number.

Note: Difference between automatic TO and Immediate TO is, Automatic TO no. is created
with back ground job periodically and Immediate TO nos. are created once TR is saved
without back ground setting jobs.

Success IT -

Verification of physical stock with good balance is known as physical Inventory. If

WM module is there, it is must to do physical Inventory in WM, i.e., at bin level and after
clearing differences at bin level then only clear differences at Storage Location level i.e., in
Inventory Management.

SPRO LE WM Activities Physical Inventory Define default +

>> New Entries

Warehouse No. Storage Type Print. Mat. No. Bins No. Mat Entry Diff (%)
222 23 A 5

>> Print Material ( ): If it is selected then in Physical Inventory document print out it
will print all material Information i.e., Material Number, Text, Quant No., Stock Type, Plant
and Storage Location and batch number etc.,

>> No. Bins ( ): If it is selected then storage bin number default comes in display mode
during entries count results. If it is not selected then storage bin number comes in edit
mode as blanc and we have to enter bin manually.

>> Material No. ( ): If it is selected then at the time entering count material number will
be picked default from physical inventory document in display mode. If it is not selected
then material number comes as blank and we have to enter manually the material number.

>> If difference is specified here say 5% then during entering count result If these
Percentage exceeds between physical stock and system stock, system gives a message to us.

 Click Save
 Back to IMG
 Define Types per storage types

Warehouse Storage Inventory Placement Zero Zero Check Cycle

No. Type Method Inv. counting Check Inv Counting
222 123 PZ

> If we set Placement Inventory : then whoever material places in an empty bin,
system will create a physical Inventory document to check, bin is really empty or not.

Success IT -
> If we Check Zero check Inventory , If bin becomes empty based on stock removal,
system will create a physical Inventory document i.e., to check bin really become empty or

 Back to IMG
 Define differences and document lists

Warehouse No. Post Inventory Clear Inventory Document Items

222 712 711 50

>> If differences are clear between system stock and physical stock at bin level then with
these WM Movement types system stock (Decrease or Increase) is adjusted same as
physical Stock.

 Click Save
 Back to IMG
 Clear differences (Interface to IM)
 Click MM-IM Movement Types for clearing Inventory

Warehouse No. Stock Category Post IM Mov. Type Clear Inv. Mov. Type
222 712 711
*** Q (Quality) 714 713
*** R (Returned Stock) 716 715
*** S (Blocked Stock) 718 717

 Back to IMG
 Maintain Number Ranges
>> Here maintain number ranges for Physical Inventory documents.

Test Scenario:

Step 1: Create Physical Inventory Document

Logistics LE Internal Warehouse Process Physical Inventory in WM

Physical Inventory Document Create (Manually) (LI01N - T Code)

Warehouse No: 222

Storage Type: 123
Planned count Date: 06.09.2013
Inventory Method: PZ
> Click Enter

Success IT -
> Select one bin no and click activate (i)

Note: Go to above bin display ins LS03N T Code, In status sub screen Physical Inventory is
active coming in Red color i.e., Physical Inventory is active and until completion of Physical
Inventory process this bin will be blocked for Put away and removal.

Step 2: Print Inventory Document (LI04 T Code)

Warehouse No: 222
Inventory Record No: XXX
Printer : LP01
Print Report: RLLI0400
> Click Enter
> See this print preview in 'SP01 - T Code'

Step 3: Enter Count result (LI11N -T code)

Warehouse No: 222
Inventory Record No: xxx
>Click Enter
> Enter counted Quantity and save

Step 4: Click differences in WM (LI20 - T Code)

Warehouse No: 222
Inventory Record No: xxx
> Click Enter

> Observe % of differnces and difference values between physical stock and system stock.
> Select Check Box
> Click " Write Off"

** In LS26 and in LS03N system stock decreased or increased to become same as physical
stock but the difference stock posted to Interim storage type 999 with WM Movement Type
711 or 712 and this Interim storage type 999 stock the stock difference between IM and
Now clear the difference in IM also as follows..

Step 5: Clear the difference in IM (LI21 - T Code)

Warehouse No: 222

Storage Type: 999
> click Execute

Success IT -
> select Check box
> Click " Write off"

>> In MMBE also system stock decreased or Increased to become same as WM stock and in
LS26 stock cleared in Interim storage type 999.
> Here material document also created with IM Movement type 711 or 712.

Success IT -
Hazardous Material Storage Type

IMG Settings:

SPRO LE WM Master Data Define Storage Type

>> Here Observe existing hazardous material storage type '006'.

> Select any put away or Removal strategies
 Back to IMG
(Define at least one Storage Section)
 Storage bins
 Define Storage bin Structure
(Here Define Storage bins in hazardous material storage type by assigning Fire-
Containment Section 'A')
 Back to IMG
 hazardous Material
 Master Data
 Define Fire-Containment Sections

Warehouse No. Fire Containment Section Description

222 A Inflammables
222 B Radio Active Items
222 C Fire-Containment Sections

>> Assign the indicators in storage bin creation to take report in fire department.

 Back to IMG
 Define Hazardous Material Warning
> These Warning messages are printed in TO printout to take precautions for handling
hazardous materials.
 Back to IMG
 Define Hazardous material storage Warning
>> Specify what warning messages has to print in TO while storing materials in the

 Back to IMG
 Define Aggregate States
 Back to IMG
 Define Region Codes

Success IT -
 New Entries

Region Code Region

IN India
 Back to IMG
 Define Storage Class

>> Storage class classifies hazardous materials such as explosives, inflammables, Non-
inflammables, Poisonous and Radioactive items etc.,

Storage Class Description

1 Explosives
10 Inflammables
12 Non Inflammables Fluids
13 Non Inflammables Solids

Note: Search Strategies are maintained with these Storage class combination.

 Back to IMG
 Strategies
 Activate Hazardous Material Management (OMM2 - T Code)
 Click Activate

Warehouse No. Storage Type Description Sec Check Act. Haz. Material WPC
222 006 Hazardous X 2 2

 Back
 Click Warehouse No.

Warehouse No. Region

222 IN
>> Click Hazardous Storage Types
>> New Entries

Warehouse No. Storage Type Storage Class Priority Blocked Conf. Put away
222 006 1
222 006 10

Success IT -
** Then in TO These Storage Class materials only allowed based on the storage type. Bun in
previous activate screen, If hazardous material check not selected at storage type level ( 1
or 2) then in TO system will not check Storage Class entry is there or not.

>> Click Save

>> New Entries

Warehouse No. Operation Storage Class WPC 1st Storage Type

222 E 1 2 006
222 A 1 2 006

>> Click Save

>> Back to Initial screen
>> Click determine Search sequence (Storage section check)
>> New Entries

Warehouse No. Storage Type Storage Class WPC 1st. Storage sec.
222 006 1 2 001
222 006 10 2 002

>> Click Save

 Back to IMG

Test Scenario:

Step 1: Create Hazardous Material Master

Logistics LE Master Data Material Hazardous Material

Create (VM01- T Code)

Hazardous Material No.: 999

Region Code: IN
> Click Enter
>Enter Text as 'Explosive'
General Data:
Storage Class: 1 (Explosive)
Water Pollution Class: 2
Legal Water Pollution Class:
Hazardous Storage Warning: 01
State of Matter: 01
Hazardous Material Warning: 01

Success IT -
Hazardous Material Warning: 01

>> Click Save

Step 2: Create Material master with MM & WM views.

In WM 1 View:
Enter Hazardous Material Number: 999
Enter other views and save.

Step 3: Create PO

Step 4: Enter GR wrt PO

Step 5: Create TO in LT06 or LT04.

>> Click Foreground Button
>> Observe proposed destination Storage Types, sections and bins etc for this hazardous
material storage type.

Step 6: Print TO in LT31.

> Ensure Print programme assigned or not to warehouse no in OMLV -T code,
> Observe TO Print preview in 'SP01- T Code'.

Step 7: Confirm TO i.e., for Hazardous material.

Success IT -

SU Management in WM enables you to optimize warehouse capacity and control

material flow by utilizing storage units within the warehouse.
If SU management is active then in the bin level for each 'SU' system will assign a
number assignment called as a storage unit number. The material level is storage unit

SPRO LE WM Master Data Define Number Ranges (OMLW - T Code)

> Click Number Ranges

Warehouse No. No. R. SU No. Assignment

222 02 2
> Click Save
> Back
> Click 'For Storage Unit'
> Click Intervals
(Here define From and To Nos. )

 Back to IMG
 Define Storage
> SU Management is active for existing storage types 010,011,012 etc.,

> Go to '012' Storage type details

SU Management Active :
Put away Strategy: B (Say Bulk)
Mixed Storage: X (Allowed)
Addition to Stock: X (Allowed)
SUT Check Active:
Stock Removal Strategy: F

 Storage Bins
 Define Storage bin Structure
** Here define Storage bin storage type in '012' say bin type 'E1'
 Back to IMG
 Strategies
 Activate Storage type Search
 Click Define

Success IT -
Warehouse No. Storage type Indicator Description
222 012 Block Storage type with SU

>> Click Determine Search Sequence

Warehouse No. Operation Storage type Indicator 1st Storage Type

222 E 012 012
222 A 012 012

 Back to IMG
 Activate Storage bin Type search
 Click Storage type

WH No St. Type 1st SUT 2 3 4 5 6

222 012 E1 E2 IP BX1 BX2 BX3

 Back to IMG

(In Storage type Putaway strategy is 'B' (Bulk Storage) then configure following IMG

 Putaway Strategies
 Define Bulk Storage Strategy
(Here maintain entries in Storage type 012)

Test Scenario:

Step 1: Create Material Master

In WM 1 view:
Stock Removal: 012 Stock Placement: 012
Bulk Storage: B2

In WM 2 view: Maintain Palletization

> enter other details and save.

Step 2: Create PO for this material

Step 3: Enter GR and observe MMBE and LS26.

Step 4: Create TO in LT06 and LT04.

Success IT -
> Click Fore ground Button
and observe destination storage type 012 and bins. and also observe SU Nos. which is
created for each SU's.
>> Click Save

Step 5: Print TO in LT31 - T Code.

Print Code: 01
Printer: LP01
Spool Control: 02
TO document:
SU Document:
SU Contract:
>> Go to Spool in 'SP01 T Code'
>> Here observe TO display aswell as each SU No. Label.

Step 6: Confirm TO in LT12 or LT13.(Manually one by one)

> Observe bin Display, Quant Display and SU display.


If material is coming to main destination Storage type then first it has to come to ID
Point Storage type and then it has to move from ID point storage type to Main Storage type.

2. TR, 3. TO
1. GR 4. Confirm TO
St. Type
902 Storage Type ID Point 010

Sto.Type 011

5. TO wrt SU No. to move from ID Point Storage Type to Main Storage Type
6. Confirm TO.

Success IT -
SPRO LE WM Master Data Define Storage Type

>> Here go to ID Point storage type '011' details

SU Management Active:
St. Type is ID Point:
St. Type is Pick Point:
Put away Strategy: Q

>> Then it converts the Quant no. is Bin No. (No Stock Removal strategy is required)

>> Go to Main Storage Type '010' details

SU Management Active:
Assigned ID Point St. Type: 011
SUT Check Active:
Stock Removal Strategy: F
Assigned ID Point Storage: 011

 Back to IMG
 Storage Bins
 Define Storage Bin Structure
(Define Storage bins in Main Storage type '010' but not required in ID Point Storage type
 Back to IMG
 Strategies
 Activate Storage Type Search
 Click Determine Search Sequence
>> Maintain 1st Storage type as 010 for Put away and stock Removal operations .( with or
without storage type Indicator)
 Back to IMG
 Activate Storage bin type Search
 Click 'Storage Type' (Maintain Same allowed SUT's in both 010,011 Storage types)
 Back to IMG

Test Scenario:

Step 1: Create Material Master with WM views in WM 1 View.

Step 2: Create PO

Success IT -
Step 3: Enter GR

Step 4: Create TO in LT06 and Click Foreground button.

>> In LS26 stock is in '011'.

Step 5: Create TO to move SU No. From ID point Storage type (011) to main storage type

Logistics LE Internal Warehouse Process Stock Transfer

Create TO Move Storage Unit (LT09)

SU No.: 1000000093
Movement Type: 999
Confirm TO:
Click on : Create Trans Order

> Then destination Storage type 010, section and bin will be selected automatically.
>> Click Save

>> Repeat same process for other SU Nos.

> Now stock is showing in 010 in LS26.


1. GI
2. TR, 3. TO
If full stock removed
911 Storage Type Type 010 rather tahn GI Qty.

Pick Point St.

Type 011
>> Then after confirmation remaining stock shows in 011 and
move this stock back from 011 to 010 by creating TO in LT09.

Success IT -

Both material and packaging material together is called as handling unit.

Handling Unit contains the following attirbutes:
1. Identification Number
2. Dimensions
3. Weight
4. Volume
5. Status
6. Materials and Quantities
7. Packaging Materials
8. Packing Instructions

Handling Unit Header data:

1. Weight/Volume/Dimensions
2. General Data
3. Means of Transport
4. Additional Data
5. Output determination procedure

Handling Unit Item data:

1. Material Number
2. Packaging material etc.,

Note: HU Management integrated with all supply chain process i.e., with shipping,
transportation, MM(IM), and WM and sales etc.,

Control Parameters for Packing & HU Function in IMG:

1. Define Number Ranges for Handling Units

2. Define Packaging Material Type
3. Define Material Group for packaging Material
4. Define allowed packaging materials

Control Parameters for packing during delivery processing (Inbound/Outbound):

1. Packing Control by Item Category

2. Define requirements for packing in the delivery

IMG Setting:

SPRO Logistic General Handling Unit Management Basics

Technical Basics Define No. Ranges for Handling Units (OMLW - T Code)

Success IT -
>> Click Intervals
(Here maintain Number ranges)

 Back to IMG
 Define Packaging Material Types

- Packaging Material type is a way of returning similar shipping materials or packing

materials (Ex; Crates, trucks, Pallets)

- During creating material master for packaging material then assign packaging material
type to that packing material. (Cartoon, boxes, pallets in Sales/Gen Plant view)

- Packaging Material type controls the following

- HU No. ranges
- HU Types (Pallet, container, Cartoon etc.,)
- Output determination
(Out put type controls to determine which output can be printed during packing)
- Packing material category (Packing material, Means of transport etc.,)

- Observe packaging material type 0001 or PG01 material type.

 Back to IMG
 Define material group for packing materials

- Materials that needs to be packed (Finished or raw materials) are grouped together and
assigned to a Material group packaging material.

Material group packaging material Description

PG01 On Pallets

 Back to IMG
 Define allowed packing materials

Material group for packing material Packing material type

PG01 PG01

 Back to IMG
 Maintain goods movements for handling units stock posting

- Observe allowed goods movement types for HU goods movements.

(Here assign movement types for goods movements)

Set Profile for Packing station:

Packing station is a place where materials are placed in packaging materials during
inbound/outbound delivery process in HU. Suppose material arrived from vendor and

Success IT -
before or after delivery raw material is packed in packaging material by creating HU No. in
this station.

-Observe packing stations:

1. Pack with delivery, 2. Pack without delivery
 Back to IMG
 Materials Management
 Inventory Management
 HU requirement for storage location and default values for delvieries

>> Select Plant and click Storage Location

>> Go to our plant and storage location details

Partner Storage Location:

-If material transferring from HU storage location to Non HU Location or vice versa.

HU Requirement:
- If we set this indicator then in Inbound delivery/Outbound delivery. If we enter HU No.
then GR will be created if you save delivery. If HU no is not there then system will create
delivery only.

 Back to IMG
 Warehouse Management
 Define Storage type
(In enterprise structure define a new warehouse No. by copying from 050 storage type and
assign to required plant and store.)

- In this new ware house no. observe existing HU storage type 120, 201.

Note: Here SU management acitve is selected for 120 and 201 storage types, so that HUY
No. will become as SU Number.

 Back to IMG
 Assign Storage unit type to packaging material type

Warehouse No. Pack Mat Type SUT

222 PG01 P1
 Click save
 Back to IMG
(Observe repacking movement types and repacking storage bins)
 Delivery Packing control by Item category

- Here specify for Inbound delivery item category (say ELN) and Outbound delivery Item
category (say TAN) the packing is mandatory optional or cannot be packed.

Success IT -
 Back to IMG
 Click Delivery type determination
 Click set delivery type determination for Inbound delivery

Deli Cat Rec Plant Rec Store Del type

ID(Inbound) **** **** HID

OB(Outbound) **** **** HOD
RL (Return) **** **** RLL

Note: In VL31N this delivery type 'HID' will be picked automatically at header level.

- Observe delivery type settings in 'OVLK- T Code'.

 Define sequece for Transfer Order goods receipt

Warehouse NO. Item Cate(Inbound) Goods Movement before TO


- If we set this Indicator then GR can be posted for Inbound delivery before creating TO and
confirming TO.

 Back to IMG

SPRO LE WM Master data Define No. Ranges

>> Click Number Range

(Ensure SU Active in Control parameters of Warehouse No. )

Warehouse No. NR SU NA
HUM 02 05

 Back to Initial screen

 Click 'For Storage Unit'
(Maintain From No. to To. No.)

Note: Maintain Same HU From No. and To. No here as external then only Same HU No. will
became as SU No.

 Back to IMG
 Define Storage Type

- Here observe 120 and 201 storage type for HU.

HU Picking control : (2) (120 Storage Type)
HU Picking Control: (1) (201 Storage Type)

Success IT -
 Back to IMG
 Storage Bins
 Define Storage bin Structure

- Here define storage bins in 120 Storage type.

 Back to IMG
 Strategies
 Activate Storage Type search
 Click Define

Warehouse No. St. Type Ind. 1st Storage Type

789 120 120

 Click Determine Search Sequence

WH No. Operation Sto. Type Ind. 1st. Sto. Type

789 E ` 120 120

789 A 120 120

 Click Activate Storage Section Search

 Click Define
 Click Determine Search Sequence

Warehouse No. St. Sec. Ind. 1st Storage Sec.

789 001 001

 Back to IMG
 Activate Storage bin Type Search
 Click Storage Type

WH No. Storage Type 1st. St. Unit type

789 120 P1

 Click Storage bin types

WH No. S.U. No. 1st St. Bin Type 2nd St. Bin Type

789 P1 P1 P2

(These SUT's must be assigned for packaging material type)

Success IT -
Test Scenario:

Step 1: Create material master for ROH or FERT Item and HAWA by selecting MM,SD and
WM views in HU Storage Location.

In basic data tab:

Material group pack Material: PG01

In WM 1View:
Stock Removal: 120 Stock Placement: 120

Step 2: Create material master for packaging material with material type 'VERP', with MM,
SD and WM views.

In basic data tab:

Gen. Item cat Group: VERP
Matl Group for Material: PG01
In Sales/ Gen Plant tab:
Packaging Matl Type : PG01
Pack Mat Group: PG01
Allowed Packing weight: 1000 Kg.

- Enter other views and save.

Step 3: Create PO for normal material say for 100 quantity

In Confirmation Tab: Inbound del/Shipping Notification

And save PO.

Step 4: Create Inbound delivery in VL31N

-In Stock Placement Tab enter WM Storage Location

- Double click on Item row
Observe Item Category 'ELN'.
- Select Item row click 'Pack' button or from Menu bar Edit --> Pack
- Enter packaging Material and click enter
- Here HU No. is created internally
- Select HU item row and material to be packed Item row and click Pack button.
>> Back and Save.

Note: Material packed during Inbound delivery or materials packed n Packing Station
separately in HUPAST T Code. with or without delivery.

Step 5: Create TO with respect in LT0F.

Success IT -
- Click 'Create Transfer Order'
- Here HU No. is become as SU No.
- Click Create and Save
- Observe in HUMO - T Code.

Step 6: Create GR with respect Inbound delivery

- Check ( ) via Handle Unit
- In next screen select HU Check box ( )
- Click Copy button
- Observe all the tabs.
- Post GR.

Note: If HU requirement is selected then though GR is posted, still delivery only creates at
that time 'Post PGR' in VL32N, after confirming TO.

- Go to GR Display and in document Info tab click 'Handle Unit' button and observe
HU display and observe Status tab details.

- Observe MMBE and LS26 and HUMO (Display of HU)

Stock Removal from HU:

(Sell the same material to the customer)

Step 1: Sales order for Normal material in VA01.

Step 2: Create Outbound delivery

- In picking tab enter WM Storage Location

- Select Item row and click Pack Button
- Save.

Step 3: TO with respect Outbound delivery in LT03.

Step 4: Confirm TO. (Observe HU No. is also picked or not)

Step 5: VL02N , Click on PGI button.

- In HUMO, Observe Status tab

Success IT -

Store Location (WH No.)

ST. Type
Production Supply Area

Prod. Supply Area

Issue mat from St. Type 100 (Fixed Bin)
prod Supply area
to Work Center

Work Cen Work Cen Work Cen 3

1 2

SPRO LE WM Master Data Define Storage Type

-Observe Production Supply Area Storage Type '100'.

 Back to IMG
 Interfaces
 Define Production (OMKO- T Code)
 Click Maintain

Plant: TSJU
>> Click Enter
>> New Entries

Plant: TSJU
Supply Area: ZPSATSJU
Store Loc: JMSL (Specify from which SL Material has to transfer to this
production Supply ARea)
Responsible: 0000 (MRP Controller)

 Back
 Click Assign

WH No. Storage Type Mov. Type Repl.

789 100 319 (Ensure 319 details in OMLJ- T Code)

Success IT -
 Back
 Click 'PP'

- Go to existing schedule profile '000001' in our plant.

- Observe WM Settings in 'Transport' sub Screen

WM Request: (X)

- If WM Request 'X' is selected, TR creates automatically upon releasing production order. If

'1' is selected both TR & TO created automatically upon Releasing production order.

 Back to Initial Screen

 Click Warehouse No.

WH No. PP Interface Active


- If PP Interface is active with WM Then the process flow is

Production Order {Finished Material -> with Raw Material (Mat x - 10 pc, Mat y- 20 pc)}

Create Stage Material in Production Supply Area

TR (for Raw material i.e., mat -x, mat -y)


Confirm TO

GI wrt Production Order

IF WM and PP Interface is not active then the process flow is..

Production Order

GI wrt production Order to issue raw material

Success IT -


 Back
 Click Storage Type (Optional)

- If is is selected for plant we can reduce the issue quantity in WM, rather than GI to
Production Order.

Test Scenario:

Take existing material 100-200 as a finished product and 100-210 component or raw
material and observe BOM for finished product material 100-200 in CS03.

Step 1:
Extend WM views for both materials in Store 1 & WM views
Assign Work center to production Supply Area (CR01 or CR02)
Plant : Work Center:

Step 2:
Maintain Stock for this component and raw material at Storage Location level and
bin level with 501 movement type.

Step 3:
Create Storage bin Production Supply Area storage type 100 in LS01N.

Step 4:
Create Control Cycle (LPK1 - T Code)
- Here specify raw material how to stage in production supply area storage type (100) from
main storage type.

Material No.(Raw Mat): 100 -210

Plant: 1000
Supply Area: YPSA100
>> Click Enter

Destination Storage Bin:

Warehouse No: 222 Staging Ind : (1)
Storage Type: 100
Storage Bin: Z-01

- Staging Indicator i.e., '1' (Pick List Item) or 2 (create Part), 3(Released Part) , 4(Manual

Success IT -
- If pick list item is selected then item picked against particular production order quantity
- If Crate Part is selected then in the specified number of Kanbans, maintain fixed quantity
in each kanban irrespective of Production orders and in which Kanban stock falls below
Kanban quantity then system will trigger replenishment technique to refill the Kanban by
creating Tr, TO etc.
- If Release Order part '3' is selected then component or raw material picks wrt multiple
production orders.

Note: Suppose select '1' pick list Item

>> Click Save

Step 5:
Assign Work center to production supply Area in CR01 or CR02.

Plant: 1000
Work Center: 1111
>> Click Enter
Supply Area:

Step 6:
Create Production order in CO01
Material : 100-200 (Finished Product)
Prod. Plant: 1000
Planning Plant: 1000
>> Click Enter
>> In General Tab:
Starting Date:
End Date:
>> Click Componenet overview button
- Observe copied component from 'BOM'
- Observe Work Control
- Click release order button
- Click Save.

Step 7:
Stage material in Sales are wrt Production order in Production Supply Area (LP10- T

Production Order:
>> Enter requested quantity
>> Click WM Material Staging
>> Click Save

Success IT -
- Then in background TR create automatically and observe the TR display in LB10.
WH NO: 789
Dest. St. Type: 100
>> Go to TR display.

Step 8:
Create TO in LT04.
- Observe LS26.

Step 9:
GI wrt Production Order
- Then stock decrease in Storage Type 100 as well in Storage location in MMBE.

Success IT -

IMG Settings:

SPRO LE WM Interfaces Define Quality Management

>> Define Inspection Sample Control

WH No. QMControl St. Type Insp Bin Insp. Sample F/B

789 QI 917 QUALITAET 1 H

(1) - Trfr. sample Quantity to Inspection Sample bin

 Back
 Click Define Storage Type search

WH NO. Operation St. Cate. 1st St. Type 2nd St. Type
789 E Q 123 001

 Back
 Click Activate QM Interim Storage Type Search

WH NO. Operation St. Cate. QM Control 1st St. Type

789 E Q QI 123

Test Scenario:

Create material master MM, WM & QM views..
In QM view:
>> Click Inspect. Setup

>> Click Inspection Types

Inspection Type:
01 - (That means Inspection Required at GR wrt PO)
02 - (Inspection wrt Prod. Order)

Inspection Active:

>> Click detail button.

Inspection Type : (01)

Success IT -
- Select Post to Insp. stock
- uncheck other check boxes
>> Click Enter
>> Enter other views and save.

Step 2:
Create PO.

Step 3:
Enter GR wrt PO.

In Where Tab:
Stock Type: ( 2 Quality Inspection)
- In GR display mode in Quantity tab observe Inspection Lot No.
- Observe LS26 and in MMBE stock increased in Quality.

Step 4 :
Create TO.
>> Click Enter
- In next screen enter sample quantity say 2 pcs or full TO quantity. (For quality purpose)

- Select Transfer Qty to Insp. Bin. St. Type: (917) (QUALITAET)

>> Click Enter

>> Click Foreground button
- Observe proposed destination 1st storage type to transfer remaining 98 pcs.

Dest. Trans Qty. St. Type Dest. Bin

98 123 01-01-01
- Observe LS26.

Step 5: Confirm TO and observe LS26.

Step 6:
Usage decision for Inspection LOT (QA32 - T Code)

Lot Created on:

>> Click Execute
- In next screen select row and click (USAGE DECISION) button
- UD Code : ( Accept) or (Reject)
- In inspect Lot stock view:
Insp. Lot Qty: 100
Sample Qty: 2

Success IT -
Quantity Posted To be Posted

Total: 100
To Unrest. use 100 SL : (XXXX)
To Scrap ----

>> Click Enter

- In MMBE stock moved from Quality to Unrestricted with IM Movement type 321 and in
LS26 in 92 it is showing stock has to remove from Quality to Unrestricted by triggering WM
Movement Type 321 by creating posting change no.
- Observe created posting change in 'LU04 - T Code'

Step 7:
Create TO wrt Posting Change for Quality to Unrestricted.
- Select both storage type 123 & 917 and click Quant List.
- Select Post to change for already physically existing storage bin and storage type for 98
pcs and uncheck post to same bin for sample (2) pcs quantity in 917.
- Click Foreground button
- The unrestricted whatever 1st storage type is there in that storage type the sample
quantity will transfer to same bin.

Step 8:
Confirm TO.
- Observe LS26 and MMBE and stock is adjusted from Quality to unrestricted.

Success IT -

In stock removal process multiple TR's or Outbound deliveries are assigned to a

group later TO created wrt group.

SPRO LE WM Master Data Define Control parameters for

Warehouse No.

>> Go to Warehouse No. '789' details

Multip Processing:
Partial picking : (3)

 Back to IMG
 Define No. Ranges
 Click No. Range

WH No. N. Range.
789 01
- This No. Range fro group for TR' only.

 Back
 Click For Group
- Maintain No. Ranges for group.

 Back to IMG
 Interfaces
 Shipping Define Shipping Control
 Click Shipping Control for Warehouse no.

WH. No. Price. Tech. Partial picking Comp. Type Del. Update
789 01 3

Multiple picking process for TR's :

Step 1:
Enter multiple GI's for same or different materials with same or different IM
movement types say with 201 Movement type and note down created TR Nos. in GI display.

Step 2:
Create Group for TR's

Logistics LE Outbound process GI for other transactions

Picking Group of TR's Create (LT41 - T Code)

Warehouse No: 789

Success IT -
Shipment Type: A
>> Click Enter
-Observe open TR's movement type wise.
- Select Item row , Click "Assign Group"
- Group Description: Group for TR's
- Price Relevance ( ) (2 not relevant)
- Do not define
>> Click Enter
- In Assign entries tab: Observe created groups.

Step 3:
TO wrt Group for TR's.

Logistics LE Outbound process GI for other transactions

Picking Create TO For Group (LT42 - T Code)

Warehouse No: 789

Group No.:
>> Click Start "Multiple Processing"
- Then it proposes each 'TR' item and select item row and click 'Generate TO' item.

>> Click Save

- Repeat the same process for all items and it shows total no. of PO's created for all TR's of
- Select Group row
- Click 'Display details' then observe created TO's.

Step 4:
Release and print group (LT44 - T Code)
- Print TO in LT31
-Observe TO's print preview in 'SP01'

Note: Observe print code 21 and print programme for multiple picking in OMLV- T Code.

Step 5:
Confirm TO for Group (LT25N - T Code)

Warehouse No; 789

Group No:
>> Click Execute
>> Click remaining or Foreground button.

Success IT -

Step 1:
Create multiple sales orders for same or different materials in 'VA01- T Code'.

Step 2:
Create multiple outbound deliveries in 'VL01N - T Code'.

Step 3 :
Create Group for Outbound deliveries

Logistics LE Outbound process GI for other transactions

Picking Wave Picks Create (VL06P - T Code via outbound delivery)

Shipping Point: SSSS

Picking date: From date To date
Only WM Picking
>> Click Execute

- In next screen select Outbound delivery check boxes

>> From Menu Bar --> Subsequent Functions --> Group --> Create with WM Reference

Group Description: Group of O/B

>> Click Enter
- Here Group no is created.

Step 4:
Create TO for group (LT42 - T Code/ LT0S - T Code)

Warehouse No: 789

Group No:
>> Click Enter
- Select Item Row 'Generate TO Item'
>> Click Save
- In group display details observe create TO details

Step 5:
Confirm TO for group in LT25L - T Code.

Step 6:
PGI in VL02N or VL06G.

Success IT -

In this process the picking process is divided in to two steps i.e., removal process and
allocation process.

Advantages of 2 step picking:

- We remove the total amount of material required in 1st step. So that we minimize
the total no. of picking transactions necessary for picking.
- Here Stock removal and allocations are two separate processes and separate TO's
are created for each step. So that we can monitor each step in detail at any time.

High Rack St. Del A

Step 1 Mat - X Step 2

Intermediate Del B
St. Type 200
Mat - Y

Del C
Step 1: Remove relevant materials and take to an Intermediate
Storage Type.
Step 2: Allocate materials to delivery and take to the Goods
Issue area.

IMG Settings:

SPRO LE WM Master Data Define Storage Type

- Observe Intermediate St. Type '200' details

Putaway Strategy : (R); Removal Strategy: (R)
Allow Negative Stock (Optional) :

 Back to IMG
 Define Control parametrs for Warehouse No.
 Select Partial picking allowed or not : (3)

Note: No bins are created in Intermediate Storage type '200'

 Strategies
 Activate Storage Type search
 Click Determine search sequence

Success IT -
WH NO. Operation 1st St. Type
789 A 123
789 2 200

 Back to IMG
 Activities
 Transfers
 Define Movement Types

- Go to WM Movement Type '850' details

Dest. St. Type : 200
Shipment Type: Removal
TO Creation: Removal

 Back to IMG
 Setup 2 step picking for TR's
 Transfer requirement Control

WH No. 2 Step 2 S. Matl CK 2 St. Mov. Type

789 2 850

 Back to Popup
 Transfer Type Control

WH No. Shipment Type TWO Step

789 A 2

 Interfaces
 Shipping
 Two Step Picking

WH No. 2 Step 2 St. Matl. Mov. Type

789 2 850

- In material master WM 1 view select 2 Step picking as '2'.


- Enter several goods issues with IM Movement type 201 for same or different materials.

Success IT -
Stock Removal Process

Step 1:
Create Group for TR's

Logistics LE Outbound process GI for other transactions

Picking Group for TR's Create (LT41 - T Code)

- Select Open TR's row and Click "Assign Group".

Group Description: Group of TR's.

Relevant: 2
Do not define
>> Click Enter

- In assigned entries tab observe created group nos.

Step 2:
Create TO wrt Group via 2 step picking (LT0E- T Code)

Warehouse No:
Group No:
>> Click enter
- Select Item rows and Click " Generate TO Item"
>> Click Save

- Here TO's are created and go to display in LT21 observe source Storage type and
destination storage type.
- Observe LS26.

Step 3:
Confirm TO.


Create TO to allocate each item to TR's and to issue from Intermediate Storage type
(200) to Interim Storage type (911).

>> LT42
Warehouse No:
Group Desc:
- Click Start " Multiple Processing"
- Select TR's for group click "Multiple Process button"

Success IT -
- Click Generate TO
- Repeat same process for other items
- TOs are created and select group and display details
- OBserve TO's here and go to TO display in LT21.
- Here source storage type 200 and destination storage type911.
- TO also confirmed automatically based on 200 storage type and observe LS26.

Success IT -

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