Introspection To Moral Life

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Introspection: Moral Life

As I reflected upon life, I always remember from the first day as I was born, the
first one to embrace me are my parents. They guide me as I grow up and taught me
values and virtues that I should always remember. Where I should always be kind, learn
to be understanding to people around me, and that I should approach life with deep
thoughtfulness, imagination and empathy. With their continuous guidance, I inherited
their virtues and view point, and embraced it as I explore new chapters in life. Moral
values come straight from our family that were rooted from moral standards set by the
community or society. Virtues and moral ethics that my family holds were derived from
years of collective thoughts in which developed the moral standards that our community
now have.

One of the moral standards that I usually observed which are evident in everyday
life are rules and regulations or laws that were imposed in our community and
constitution. Moral standards are moral code of ethics that sets boundaries and
distinguish an act as morally good or bad, and morally right or wrong. These moral
standards are provisions that we all need to acquire and as a responsibility to abide to it
with such conformity. Also, as critically inclined individuals, we all need to reflect upon
these standards of morality and ethics to prevent biased judgements on what is morally
good or bad and morally right or wrong. Because when these moral standards were not
properly reflected upon through, or by metaethical moral relativism approach, confusion
and moral dilemmas will arise.

Moral dilemmas that do not have a clear right or wrong answer, in which
subsequent reasoning and logic causes consequential inconsistency of the paradox in
morality. That there is no true and no good in either of the choices needed to be
decided upon. Recently, one of the most controversial moral dilemma that is related on
the value of life is extra judicial killing or EJK. In which vigilante killings became frequent
under the current government administration on their campaign against drugs. A lot of
human rights advocates condemned these acts and argued on point that every
individual has the right on due process and its unjust to take the life of a person. I stand
true to that argument and that we should value life more than anything and it’s not the
best alternative to punish someone without due process and proper investigation,
whether the victim is guilty or not and to prevent countless innocent people to be
involved. It greatly challenged the value of life of individuals that might be innocent or
criminals, but either way, every life should be greatly cherished, even on criminals,
because each one of us should be given another chance regardless of the immoral act.

Another moral dilemma that I can state that caused a lot of ruckus on citizens
online and even also made a commotion internationally amidst the current pandemic
that the world is facing right now, was the legislation of Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020,
which repealed Human Security Act of 2007. Anti-Terrorism Act vague description and
definition of terrorism in which under its provisions that criminalize and treat an act of
criticism towards the government as unlawful, and might employ lawful actions under
the constitution as terrorism. Furthermore, this act provisions diminishes due process
and prohibits warrantless arrests and detention of suspected individuals, which is
contradictory under the constitution and human rights act. The definitions in the law, are
so expansive and broad that even legitimate activity can be considered terrorism (The
Guardian, 2020). Also, it has been using the term counterterrorism to suppress rights as
it was deliberately passed amidst the pandemic where more pressing concerns is
needed to focus on to combat the pandemic which should be prioritized. This insight of
the issue made me realize the need of ethics on the society and improve my sense of

A lot of moral issues arises in our community, but even so, I am still grateful that
I’m part of this community and that I’m a Filipino. I want to embrace my Filipino sense of
morality towards our goal to continue forward and contribute meaningfully of having a
harmonious relationship with each of one of us. Being a Filipino, compared to other
culture deeply connects to me because having the sense of nationalism, I want to
contribute even on simple ways of being open and mindful with the social issues that
our culture and community have. Filipinos are rich in culture where it consists of varied,
clustered community that have different viewpoints of moral standards, and that’s the
reason why a lot of moral or ethical dilemmas arise. Nevertheless, these variations of
culture and moral standards are so amazing that they still continue to build deep
connections even having differences on perspectives. My vision of morals and ethics
have a deep connection to my Filipino sense that I want this change or I want this for
the betterment of our life relative to seek the common good for all.

My retrospection of these moral dilemmas and judgements upon helped me

raised my awareness of the current situation in my community that ethics and morals
are vital part of the society’s fairness and justice. It nurtured my point of view
pragmatically to challenge the moral worth of circumstances, aim for the good will, and
fulfill duties and responsibilities as an ethical individual to achieve moral life.

To sum it all up, each one of us has their own unique sense of morality and
ethics having different view points in life and perception of reality. Thriving ourselves to
search for the good and have a fulfilling life. Staying true to our dignity and wholeness
as a community with fruitful relationship and balanced discourse on morals and ethical
values. And the center stage of all of this, is that we all need to unite with conformity our
dignified morals and ethical values in our search for the common good or the good of
all, to achieve our life’s greatest desire, living a moral life.


The Guardian. “Duterte's anti-terror law a dark new chapter for Philippines, experts
warn”. 9 July 2020. Retrieved from

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