M3 PT Corbadura SCV1101 202010516 PDF

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The Realities of Filipino Families

Corbadura, Allia M.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a shift in the ways of living of the
Filipino families (Villegas, 2020). Families allocate their money more on products of health
and wellness and digital tools. The latter is a significant choice to make for the children’s
learning. There are reports of low-income households resorting to bartering their poultry
with second-hand smartphones to aid their children for the blended online learning. A
great deal of learning will happen within the homes of these Filipinos where parents are
expected to handle their responsibilities. This responsibility is not only being able to raise
children but also to take an active part in the moral, intellectual, and spiritual formation of
their children.

Villegas states that this pandemic is a blessing in disguise as it gives way

for bonding of parents and their children. Although it does give way for such bonding, it is
not the same for everyone. Some people I know and including myself find a hard time
even by mere communication with our own family. I indeed am lucky to be having no
financial problem but the upbringing of the family must be more than being able to live. It
may be due to the disparity of our generations where the elders are not informed when it
comes to mental health. Even by the slightest protest we have on learning difficulties,
some parents would oppose rather than support us. By the accumulation of these reasons
and more, we are caused to be distressed. The pandemic is not a blessing yet the bare
minimum where parents are able to bond with their children is.

One of the crucial ways to building a better world starts at home. While it is
easy to find support nowadays, it does not solve the problem. Confrontation on the other
hand would be less likely a solution because our generations have gaps. But those with
the authority to lead and to govern can do something. The children have education on
mental health while those of the elderly simply dismiss the topic. The solution for this is a
mandate of mental health education for the adults who are yet to be informed.
Villegas, B. M. (2020, September 24). The Filipino family post pandemic. Manila
Bulletin. https://mb.com.ph/2020/09/24/the-filipino-family-post-pandemic/

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