Confrontation 3ed - Rulebook

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3 • CR.&D1TS




lCTlON Hutter


PROJECT MANAGER Philippe Chartier EDITOR Sebastien

ILLU TRATORS Paul BOMer, Edouard Guiton, fohn Howe, Plorent Maudoux and Paolo Parente. Cover art by Paolo Parente. GRAPHlC DE '(G ERS Franck Achard and Mathieu

Celerln Harlaut.

CONCEPT OF THE Tarno EDITtO RULES Jerome Rigal WR1TERS Nicolas Raoult and Jerome Rigal EDITORJAL Iva Garcia ASSISTANT

SCULPTORS MlchaiH Bigaud, Berrett Cesse, Yannlck Fusler, Olivier Nkweti Lafitte, Aragorn Marks, icolas N'Guyen, ELfried Peroohon and Stephans Simon. RACI<HAM l' INTERS Vincent Fontaine, Ma rtin Grandbarbs, Guillaume Hemery, Julien Lissarague and Jerome Otremba. PAl> TER FredeI:ic Bisseux, Sebastien and Manuel Sanchez

TESTERS Boris de BaiJlou, Darnien Desnous, Arnaud Cuidet, Xavier Giacomin, Maxime Gnselaln, Arnaud Houel, Frederic Jacquot, Alexis L'Huilller, lean-Baptiste Lullien, "\Villiam Mordefroy, Antoine Morvezen.Laurent Nialon, Johann Puech, Nicolas Ruellan, Laurent Seguier, Fabien Southarewsky, Martin Terrier, Nicolas Tlssier LAYO T TEMPLATE Mathieu Harlaut LAYOUT Goulven Quentel IcONOGRAPH Y Gwendal Geoffroy DESIGNER




SLATIO Peter Patzak



Raph.el Gu!lo" and the RACKHA,\1' team.

~~2~~~~~~'TATION' .no RAG 'N A-ROK'. ~o game, p" bll shed by RACKH AM'. CADIVAlI,OW. CONfRONTATION', CRY HAVOC', HYBRiD',the H YBRll)'\ogo, ~\YBRlDES', R/ICKHAM', the RACKHAW logo, RAG'NA.R;OK' and WOLFEN' ore a 11 registered tmdemarka belonging to RAC,KHAM'. Copyright e 1996-2005 RACKHAM', • All rights reserved. All the tllustmtlons. ph.otogmph$~ miniatures. and miDI~t:ures names are {,.;::::;jiii1'-:::>--~ exdaslve RACKHAM' creaerons beloflging to RAG:ICHAM',
The lnferrnatlcn


in this publtcatten, Includin)l bur "olllmlt.ed to prices', packaglng, tlfuarrattons end photograph.:;;) is glvt:n wlfn exclusively as reference and may be subject to modlJie .•tl'l)l<.wl1ho"t lu.rtMIlI"Tiot.e••

eumatures come in separate part.s.and 1)O~d$ ",..,mb''i"" •• nery, Included. Non~( pi(ture-s-. L\A''-'',.rtl\l\Il'm CON FRONTAl' ION, RAG'NAROK. KYBIUD publlsh.a by RACKHAM'. RACKHAM 44, rue de Lasny, 9Jl100 Montreuil·sous·lloi s, Tel: + 33, (0) 1.55868920. !'ax:.,. 33. (0)1.55·8689 25 Copyright RACKHAM', 1996,2005. ALI rights reserved, ISBN: 2·915556·1$·6 CONFRONTA'T10N" is published b)' RAe" HAM LTD, with. capital Qf76 210. RllG'Sl'.~E.D 'N lloB'GNY (F.anc..,J 20Q2 8 ()0124 44, rue d. Lagny9S]OO MOI:<"'UUIL-SOUS·llOls, FRA"ClE Legal Representative: lean !ley Prlntedby lmprimerie CHrRAT (42540 SAINT-IUST-LA-PENDUE). Copyright cegtstrarlo .. : 2005 0' 6052

~rlntltd in France



The Ways of light _ __ The Meanders of Darkness ,, The Paths of Desti ny CHAPTER 1: GAMING The miniatures , The cards Counters _ , MATERIAL , __ __ ,, , , _ __ , 4 6 8 ,1U 11 11 15 Casting a spell , , , 72 Counter- magic ".._ , , , , ,. 75 Mana recovery " _ 76 .. Incantation example " 78 Summoned fighters , ,.._ _ , , 79 Spellbooks .., , " , _ , _, 80 Primagic , _ ..__ 81 Herrnetism , _ __ ,_ , 82 Necromancy , 83 Technomancy 84 Shamanism , , 85 Sorcery , " _, ,, _, , ,, 86 Chthonian , ,.._ " , , , ,. 87 Theu rgy __ , , 88 Instinctive magic , , ,', 89 Whi.sper.s , , ' , _" , , 90 Howls __ , , 91 Tellurism _ 92 501arI5 _ , " _ 93 Fay~ry " , __ ," ", , 94 Black magic , __ , 95

CHAP'FER 2: GENERAL R LE The fighters , _ Wounding an opponent Field of vision and line of sight 'TIle concept <IIf contact The unfolding of a confrontation


" _

, " "

__ , _.,.._ .._ "

17 21 23 24 25

I[APTER 3: THE STI~ATEGI,C I'H.\$£ Rallyi ng the fighters in rout Activation sequence Tactical roll , .

26 27 _ 27 27

HAPTEN it-: THE ACT[\rAT[O Draw ing cards , _., Activation Movements

PHASE , __ .._ .._ ,

28 ,"__ 29 ., 31 , 34

CHAPTER 10: Drvr ATIO 'Ihe falthful , ,, Temporary faith ,.,_._, .." Aura offaith and believers Performing a miracle Divination example , Litanies " _,,

" , _ __ " , , _ _' , , 97 , 97 " 97 98 ,.. 100 102

_ ,.."

CHAPTER 5: TH.E COMBAT Fray splitting , Combat resolution _ .., Resolution of exchanges Unfolding of an attack Combat example Pursuit movements

P1-LASE ·· _ __ _ _

•.. ·4243 44 46 , 47 _"50 53

CHAI'TER 6: THE END OF The mystic phase _ The maintenance phase __ Timeout

GAl\1£ ROUND ,

56 " 57 __ 57 57

CHAPTER II: \v, 1'1 MACIil 105 Characteristics _ " Activation , hnmobile machine crews __, " " " _ Capturing a war machine " _ _" " _".._ Movement _ .._."." "" " Firing , , , , ,,, , Combat , ".." _ Leadership and rout _ ".._ Damage and Structure points

114 Ill> , 116 " 116 , 117 1l7 _,118 _,121 121 121

CH PTER 7: THE n F!. ENCE 0' Courage tests ,, " Immunity _ , _ .. .._ Rout , , , Fleeing , _, ' , Rallying ,,

AR "

__ 59 .. 61

CH P'l'ER.L2: How [S A G ME P AYED? Deployment "._ , ., Scenarios __ Building an army ".."


123 124 126

_., , , 62 62 CHA PTEIt 13: A._pPENDlCE Abilitles.. __ " , Special equipment Artefacts " Incarnated characters Revisions " " _, Thematic army packs Tournament rules __ , Reference sheet., .., ,, _ " " , _ ..' _,._ "_ ..__ , ,__ ,, , , ,__ " " 130 131 147 ],49 , 152 153 197 204 ,' 206

H PTER 8: LEADEltSHIP What is leadership for? Lord m[ the dead .._ Wolfen chiefs , , , , _ CHAPTER 9: 1, CANTATION Magicians ,, , Mana , _ The mana reserve

, , , ,


66 68


·..· __ , ,

70 71 71 72





'The plains warriors peoples. Sessatrs of Avagddu of the Sessairs worship


are the domain clan, the ancestors of the proud Kelt of all the human times, the divinities the Matrae that of the Having come from the sea in Immemorial a pantheon made up of primitive heroes: Danu, the goddess of nature; part of Kelt culture, especially


In the elven tongue ago the Cynwalls of Lanever harmony hidden thepeaks After Cynwalls origins to devote "cynwall" themselves means "exiled," A long time to the high mountains for


to withdraw

to the quest

nesis, the secrets of the

of body and soul. They discovered in ruined centuries of the Behemoth of Mountains. and


temples, and made pacts with the dragons contemplation. preparation,

and trnmortal

devoted to life, war, death, etc. War is an integral repeated people essalrs: these humans must fight to survive and push back the nations. haven't There isn't a single confronted at least can take Sessairs

have broken their tradition

of neutrality

in order to depends On

engage in the final battle on the side of Ught . Ever si nee their they are aware that the [utu re of Creation of the Rag'narok. the outcome

assaults of their bordering that the seething

once, and Avagddu has never known lasting peace. The [(elts all! a free and savage people in perpetual their pride or their incredible temerity motion. Nothing from. them.

The Cynwiill army isn't numerous, able. lt is guided by the wisdom

wings of the dragons,

from a forgotten age,

yet its strength 1S eonsiderborne by the and supported by mechanical warriors

of the ancients,


Founded over five centuries clans, the Kingdom prey to Darkness. The knights and the powerful magicians of the Lion are paralegendary. The nine heroism and gons of virtue. Their exploits have become noble houses of Alahan are grateful In an age where the enemies perfidious elves with travelling of Alahan ago by the descendents is a land of justice of two Kelt and prosperthat is it)'. It is the most valiant defender of Light on a continent


The manuscripts civilisations, Alliance, mutually the of ancient Utopia times cell of the history Sphinx and the Aarklash with strange of two of the Ophidian which could have conquered destroyed warriors equipped if they hadn't the Sphinxes and terrifyare the

each other. The writs describe

as being enigmatic lng weapons. messengers

for the honour,

Some claim that nowadays of the gads of L\ght.. .. _

the Sphinxes

loyalty of the brave fighters who wield their coats of arms. of Light make use of the most knights means, tile Lions of Alahan don't just content themall over the world as wandering

looking for wrongs to right 'They make the most of their incred-

lble audacity and their valour in the war that they have chosen
to wage: the. one for Goodness,


Arcavius having wandered had a vision of Merin, up his title, number across the continent the one and fiery god. After and hls weapons, he attracted left given his fiefdom and his new religion Soon afterward,

an incredible

of followers, They founded

an empire of Arcavius

howe and of Light: Akkylannie. again to journey all over Aarklash He never returned, Merin's Rag'narok have gone Inquislrors disciples multiplied Aarklash

to preach tile one god's word. and form a people united


their faith. Alas, Arcavius's has covered


is dying. 'The coming

of the

with a dark veil. The Griffins in the east to find of the one truth. and herethe enemies


a crusade

to faraway lands

their prophet's

tomb and battle

and darkness

hunters track down traitors

tics in a terri fyi ug witch-hunt.


Chaos; corruption and death " ..'tWl~ wake of the peoples gathered under the banner of Darkness. Some wish to build

empires or desire forbidden powers. Others hunger

10r slaughter

or for vengeance.

Whatever their reasons and their legitimacy. they have all chosen to serve uncontrollable

forces to reach their ends. After centuries of being hunted and punishened, the lords of
Darkness are uniting their forces to conquer

Aarklash and leave it to the powers of the


More than three subservient be corrupted centuries ago the barony of Acheron was of the and to the Crown of Alahan. Under the influence little by little by their desire for Immortallty of the Ram had opened Night Order of the Ram, an evil sect, its illustrious.lords power. When theLions Portal or Darkness
t rmented





In ancient times the goblins were the dwarves' lords sent-five warriors slaves. When to the depths who failed they rebelled, the dwarven of the earth to exterminate were responsible let themselves the god Rat and his brotherhood These dwarves in the depths ... a monstrous

for the goblin uprising.

became aware of the danger it was already a gigantic poured out took hold of the

their mission and only four of them returned day: one of them, Mid-Nor, had remained It is said that the dwarven hydra. Terrified, Nor fought this nine-headed impressing the latter. When warriors they betrayed

to see the light of

LOO late: the necromancers

to the Netherworld.


sky of Acheron and legions of living-dead

their oath and fled. But Mid-

orhell onto. the now accursed and the sacrifice of thousands A single necromancer

barony. No less than threearmies of warriors were needed to prevent of ltving-dead fight-

god for a long time and ended up the hydra was about to finish him for his allegiance it would

the invasion of Aarklash by the undead hordes. can raise a battalion e ; a single fiend of the Infernal forces can cause an empire to fall Into the grasp of eternal darkness.

offit offered him a pact. In exchange

give him the power to get revenge on his cowardly brothers.


one can escape Death!


The Akkyshan of their sinister elves have prospered domain, for centuries in the gloom 'TIle Age of the forest of Ashinin. witches, accompanied as a sacrifice Darkness Presently, are getting has come, and with it, that of blood and of sacrifice. the Akkyshan


Dlrz, a visionary scientist, Inquisition once used Darkness to try to spawn the perfect being as Merin had defined it to be. Hunted by the Akkylannlan mists wandered ~'harhalna alchemical alchemists desert. they founded the centuries the the empire of the Scorpion. Over for heresy, Dirz and his alchein the merciless for a long ti me before settling

by formldable
bodies, to Lil lth, the

spider warrlores

es and Black Widows with arachnidan

ready to offer Aarklash

goddess of blackness.

Hidden by the dunes and by their mirages,

of Dirz, also known as Syhars. have built a civilisaare based on the mastery their sacrilegious creatures. of life and of


The manuscripts civilisations, Alliance, mutually Ophidian the of ancient Utopia times tell of the history and the Aarklash of two of the Sphinx Ophidian, of the which could have conquered destroyed Alliance each other. if they hadn't reptiles of the magical the networks by their army's

tion whose foundations matter. I nspired mastered (hey have perfected the powerful

by Arh-Tolth,

a god that came from elsewhere, knowledge and have to create legions of

magic of Darkness

clones and counter-natural

'Ihe ancient

found refuge in the entrails There they transformed These lairs are guarded


To the northeast of the plains of Avagddn, at the heart of the Alas, Cernunnos, His people split faithful to Danu forest of Caer Maed, lives a clan that is feared byall. t'. very long time ago all Kelts were united, the High King of Kel-An-Ttratdh, divine machinations

high places of Aarklash, of caves into sanctuaries.

most powerful marksmen: the enigmatic Only the judges of the Ophidian sometimes


Alliance, the wicked sydions,

venture out to the surface with their faces unmasked.

one day became the victim of


for other horizons. for peace remained

two; those who wished

nd became the Sessa irs. The others shu nned the names of the gods and also left in search of the only brue king of the human ribes, Thus was born the terrifying he Drunes agaln and have an unfailing haven't drowned ellan of the Drunes, city of Drun Aeryfh, They will know of their Having fou nd refuge in their troglodytic


!ll!ither rest nor hope as long as they haven't found Cernunnos the gods in the blood ounds.


neither to Light nor to Darkness. Desired by many, the nations of Destiny must. continuously independence don'tform struggle to maintain their and protect the fragile balance alliance and sometimes even

that rules the world. Strictly speaking, they


confront each other. Yet the peoples of Destiny could very well playa decisive 'role in the battles of the Age of Darkness.






111e dwarves, a proud and tenacious of the Aegis mountain people, live in the heart chain ever since the world is the world,


In the age when the gods still walked on Aarklash, Moon gave her blessing to the most powerful of the \'li'f 0 lfen. Ages have passed. Wnole,empires their few lines in the annals have been founded and have themselves for have But the Wolfen fallen into oblivion. Vain warlords fight amongst of history. predators. has befallen Aarklash, bringa nd the promise of a war number, remained faithful to the eternal greatest cycle of nature the goddess of the wolves. He

The legends Qf the plains sa)' that these IQfty summits, which touch the domain of the gods, are alive. Rock comes to life
with a secret shtverand the rhythm underground the mountain rumbles ami smokes to the

became the Fil:rst-Born, the ancestor of the noble and savage race

of huge mechanisms
citles of Tir-Na-Bor. of the dwarves

of bronze that animate is their traditions

111e homeland perpetuated mountains predicted

soul, and strangers have while those of the

that has [tude

are rarely welcome pierced

there. Those who live in the plains

them the continent's

their people's martial

Alas. the age of the Rag'narok ing with it the corruption without obscures mercy. Anger consumes

the secrets of the forge and of steam. 'Ihey the final age, an era of destruction raise their weapons a nd await He who lives

of Darkness

all await the Argg-Arn-Orkk, by the gods.

the heart of the WoLfen and now struggle for rhe very

their pure soul. The war packs are growingin

It is


time of war. The dwarves

Those who once fought for domination

survival of their race,

death with their feet firmly planted on the ground,

last lives the best!


When dealing with goblins ODe should never trust appearances. Their prellfic race has multiplied


The pack of the Moaning Moon once lived east of Avagddu. star that crashed had been Aarklash 11,e Beast came one night, borne by a shooting into a circle of stones. banished and condemned terri fyingsecrets Vile-Tis, the god of slaughter.

all aver Aarklash. Wherever

you may go, tney will already be there before you. When anger takes hold of them, they gather and swarm over their enemy. A very long timeage ing an indescribable the goblins were the dwarves panic. So they founded of Tlr-NaBar's slaves. At the calling of the god Rat they fled while causan empire in the number of invertIzothop,

by his equals

to roam

until time got the better he disclosed Moon,

of him. Determined

to get revenge,

to the WoLfen of the Moaning

Thirsty for blood. the Beast revealed them that YlIia

and that their natura I savagery was not because

didn't love her children

swamps of No-Dan-Kat

and then spread allover the continent.

II multitude

a noble heritage but rather a curse.

Ever since then the followers of Vile-Tis are dreaded they devour Moon are now assisted in their quest for carnage their enemies' flesh. The Wolfen of the Moaning by half-elves

Among the goblins there ate lin impressive tors. 'IIleir species is divided into Scattered, mo t would have a hard time naming language and under the same banner,

of tribes of whlch by common

their emperor, United

the goblins are a nuisance.

devoted to the teachtngs of Vile-Tis.

they become a scourge.


The result of the crossing of human and goblin genetic strains, the orcs were created these depraved dueing the Age of Steel by the alchemists to defend their empire, The orcs led them didn't think that the seeds of insurTheir journey of Dlrz. Wh'ile trying to create warriors scientists


The eternal


of Quithayran, nature

on the western



wild domain


alone imposes

its law. Between its fate to that of Day after day threatening this

its ancient Dalkinee

trees prowl the protectors

of this sacred place, the

elves. This fierce people has bound struggle against the corruption

the Fairies, the immortal the Daiklnees temple of life.

spirits of Quithayran.

rection had been sowed in the blood of thelr creatures, revolted and took the road to freedom. to Bran-C-Kor, under hls wing, AIter having ensured them the soul of noble warriors, the world of spirits. TItus the the numerous numerous orcs survived invasions for decades despite

the Land of the Brave, The god Jackal took them their strength by giving them the gates to the dryness and they are he opened

of the ochre soil, the thirst enough to proclaim

for revenge

of their creators, Nowadays

of their territory,

their sovereignty.

The Uon reignsm« A1J!,".m, tf,e b@st .lnd most prosperous kilgdom of A1rk1JJ!J. Its br.Ncry inrpim t/x other peoples of the IIlJYf of Lght w]Jm they go to Wjr .tg.1jnrt DJrknm or on tlx conquest of nC'W territorics. E--rcry dawn umounas the ~ictory of the regiments /e.ning tl}Cmn: baronies of AIJbJn to rene f!){ CJMJ(J of justice Jnd nob/me. Tbe Lions rirc Mp wl?rrrwr E,\lil rear: its he.d. ?bey C.1rry the bJnnrr of Lig{,t on J continent Jdri(t lad rdcntlm/y p.gqt Jg,Unrt DJ1"knm, (or tbey know the: price of

corruption. Achcron, tfx tent!) bJronx bJr bctr.1Jrd the crown Jnd wid its rOMI to tf,( dJrk {orces. Tbe "'C,JiJntfogbtcrr of AIJbJ.n wo';t know mpitc until tlJCY luw clcJnmi this Jbicct ;{fi-ont to tbtir bonowo, Tbe ex?loitr .m.1 the COllrJgr. of t!Jue noble WJrriorr br« mJrkcd tlx history of Alrk./Jsl} oso the ccdioic: '1"( c.nJiry of A1J/'Jn'r c!" h.Jf become IrgrndJry In.1 the of the Lion slJine wit/, fl"ir rmcquJlled power. The Jrmy of fix Lion is ut Jrmy of lxroc:


RACKHAM blister packs and boxes provide miniatures repreAn artefact right-hand card is, distmgulshed corner, describe game effects



from a special capacity

..entlng fighters, which are-accompanied tats, special capacities, , supplied ductory Confrontation

by their characteristics of i ntro-

by the fact that its cost in army points Is indicated

in its lower

magic objects. etc.). This information rules. This book develops and expands

on cards. These packages include booklets

• Spell cards magicians.

that can be triggered by the mana


'he e rules. It should be read in its entirety in order to undertand all their subtleties, shouldn't think that it stmply
completes the introductory booklet,

These cards are identified that are pictured their powers

gems of

various colours al magicians

on their upper pact. Rituals

are spells of greater pooling distinguished ground. They represent the • Miracle particular

range that can only be initiated together.

by sever-

These cards are

Confrontation is played using miniatures.
troops that the players have at their disposal the two factions rniniatures confronting The game is most the usually played between two players, and each one directs one of each other. In Confrontation deeerated are moved about on surfaces collectible miniatures or various sizes, from gaming games exploit many of medieval (medieval

from normal

.spell cards by their dark back-

Rituals can only be. used in Rag'Narok. . cards describe game effects that can be triggered by

fighters called "faithful."

'These cards are identified

by the spiral offaith

3 re pcwerful

plctu red on their upperpa ct. Commun ions in order to be carried out. These cards are miracle cards by their dark backin Rag'Na1·ok. "an only

m iracles that require the com bined intervention from regular

of several faithful distinguished

a Sill all space on a table to a huge, elaborarely board. Furthermore. different battles,

ground, Communions

be used

worlds, be tlley 11 lstorlcal (reconstitution of Werld War U battles, etc.) or fictional

fantasy, science fiction, etc.), These ga rnes are much mare than just games pl!lyecl using "ti 0 oldiers." endowed They. follow rule with characrertsties of varying complexity that divide is Rag'Narok and Confrontation are two collectible miniatures games of situations that take place in the same world: that of Aarklash, The miniatures


the game into phases. Each type of trooper in these phases to be resolved,

(the m tniatures)

that allow the various

All miniatures

both these ranges can be played in either of the two rule systems.

of the Confrontation,

Rag'Nal'Ok and Hybrid

ranges a re supplied with one or several cards that all have their use in the game. There are various types of cards. • A mlnlatuee's reference card is the one on which the fighter's are printed. In most

name, as well as his combat characteristics,

cases a photograph of the miniature is 'included on this type of card. 'The lighter's value in army points (A.P.) is also printed on
tbiscard. • Special capaeity cards describe aptitudes that are specific to In the A. P. and Unlike • Artefact An artefact cards describe objects, whieh may be magical advantages or not, whose properties give certain to their beater.

the fighters with which they are provided. These capacities are most often innate and their-cost value indicated on the reference is air-cady included card of the fighter benefiting are optional

from it. Yet it can happen that these aptitudes

that their use entails an Increase iII the fighter's value.

Confrontation, which simulates



is a The

game that.simulates rules described

battles involving several dozens of miniatures.

in this book are specific to Confrontation. and Rag'Narok packages provide miniatures and

is always bound to a cost in army points, which is The Confrontation cards that can be used to play both of these games,

added to that of the fighter to whom it is entrusted.





• 'TIle rank is pri nted at the bottom of the card. It indicates the
fighter's rank and/or • Anny points strategic each function in his army . an estimate of the warrior's

(A.P.) represent

value. TI1e higher this number, to be evenly balanced.

the more powerful the the individual

fighter is. Ihis value allows the forees that are about to confront


It represents

cost of each fighter and not that of the group of fighters supplied with tile card.

A fighter's reference card includes the following information

. in

.• 111e name of the fighter represented

the upper right-hand category of troops.

by the card is printed

corner of the card.

if this name is a generic term, then the fighter belongs to the If a proper name is printed here, then this means that the fighter is a Character. Certain Characters don't really have a proper name but are designated by a moniker that is preceded
by "the." (For example: 'The Priestess Bogeyman: Characters particular Bxcepttens: The Coryphaeus: advantages are more powerful explained of Steel; 'The Watcher; The and benefit from The Crow, etc.) than troops on p.age 154. creatures - are

Some lighters - malnly animal-like

a special case. They are unique

beings, yet are not Characters. reserved to

This means that there can be only one COP)' a these fighters in an army, but they do not benefit from the advantages Characters, Th 15 concerns the following three miniatures:

, Baron Samedi, Captain Krill's monkey; • 'Il1eKOl"gl,UJ, Mcmagal"m's hyena; «Slnshera, Viraes wildcat.
• On the left side of the card various correspond jeans are printed that

to the fighter's characteristics. list includes the type or weapons and armour with. (and sometimes disadThe

• The equipment

the fighter is equipped

• Ablllties vantages)


certain advantages


the fighters

who a-te endowed ill Appendix

with them.

abilities' effects are described

I (see 1'. 131).





Name Name Type and number of mana gems


Background inrormaUofl



M'gle intensity Cos,lnA.P.

• The spesi al ca pad ty's name is printed at the top • The card's text describes required how the capacity





• The spell's

name is printed a certain

at the


of the


is applied, as well in the text.

• Each spell requires


of energy in order to be by magicians, is provided and type of gems

as its effects. If it is a 0 optional

ability, then the cost in A.P.

cast. This energy, called "essence" needed appears on the (lard beneath

for it to be put into play is mentioned

by mana gems. for each spell the amount

the spell's name. ways in which A rnagtcia n that he

• The paths of magic symbolise
magicians masters . .Background

the different their art.

percel ve and perform bound

can only cast spells

to the paths

of magic

• The difficuJty


the more


Jess elaborate


that the magician

must perform

to' cast the spell. The higher

the difficulty, the harder it is to cast the spell. Some spells have Rules

a "Pree" difficulty. in this case it's the player who decides what
it is before proceeding • The range indicates with the incantatien. the distance

(in centimetres)

over which

the spell has an effect. The spell's target mus t be at a distance to be affected.
COSt in A.!>.

(or area of effect) to this range for it himself with contact range.

equal to' or inferior

Some spells only affect the magician or a fighter in base-to-base range). Others have an unlimited



him ("Contact"

• The artefact's • The advantages

Dame is printed

at the top of the card .. in

• A spell affects a given zone called the area of effect. This can be a single fighter, a specific zone, or even a whole battlefield!

bound to using the artefact: are explained

the text of the card. If the object or to a particular the text.



to a Cha rueter

• The duration an instant,


how long the spell remains

active: for or until the

type of fighter, then this is also specified in

a round, until a speclfic event happens,

end of the game. • 'The frequency the magician's indicates rank. how often per round the spell can be The frequency is independent of

• The artefaces cost in A.P. is printed in the bottom right-hand

( corner of tl'te

cast by the same magician.



I • CAMING MATERIAL gathers' all the indications describes Its consequences on the spell and in terms of the

• The description its effects .. Italso game. • The magic master

intensity represents
required amount

the spell's, complexity


the knowledge

for it to be cast. A magician of magic intensity,

can only

a certain

He can choose

several spells of low magic intensity lng effects. • Like fighters, spells and artefacts added to the' magician's of the spells and artefacts decide to use others

or only one with devastat-

have a cost ion A.P. which is value and therefore to that can choose to use only some hasaccess to,


of the army. 11m'S, the magician

he normally


the ones he is supplied with.

Nam~ Creation


will be demanding,
Backg"rmnd Informanon



have a "Free" difficulty beg-Ins his prayecs. between in centi-

that the player must set before the faithful ·lhe cang:e indicates the maximum

possible distance be limited

the fllith.fI1J and the miracle's Rule. metres.

target. It is measured

The rang!'. can sometimes

to the faithfu_l

himself or to a figilter in base-to-base • Most miracles a determined •' The duration • The miracle's as well card is accompanied required by • TI1e fervour indicates the "mount by the
3. sits

contact with him.

rer vour
Cost in A.l'

have a.defined zone

Field of actlnn represented

by the

area of effect, wh ieh can be of a ny size, from. a,single fighter to

to the

whole battlefield .

• The miracle's name is printed

at tile top of the card, the actions carried out by the

is the time span that the miracle remains active. descrlpnoa supplies all the i ndlcatlcns about it,

• The required aspects symbolise divinity for the miracleto Each aspect presented a num-ber. It represents faithful perform values, • There are numerous own cult. Certain others come from divinities
gEfat miracles
0)1 the

happen. miracle's

effects on the ga me. of temporary faith points with the call.

the degree of initiation through

for the miracle to happen through

him. A god cannot

that must be spent for the Ialtlifu] to proceed More detailed information chapter on d iv inatio n. fighters, spells a~d artefacts, on temporary

a fa.ithful who has low Aspect

faith is given in the

on Aarklash

and all of them

• rust like

each miracle has a cost in he bas access to, with.

don't control the same-aspects

of Creation. "Each people has its by several cults while can therefore be culfand

A.P. that is til be added to the faithful's total value. The faithful can choose to use all or a part of the miracles and he can choose others than the ones he is supplied

mira des are shared the universal

ca Lied by all the peopl es . •~ The difficulty represents tile level of conviction needed for tile

miracle to happen.

TIle higher the difficulty, the more the god





Some COlifrontqi'ionminiatures ate supplied with.boards of cardboard counters that are to be used as reminders during the game. Ievels, •

The Charge is affected

€Olwter is used to show that a fighter by the penalties caused by an enemy

charge (see p. 36) The Defence counter means that the lighter Is

Wound counters or

are used to represent

the fighters' \V'ound

under the influence •

of an effect that forces him to combat dice in defence

place all his hand-to-hand

The Moving

Under Cover counter


designates a
carefully in


who is, for example.

order to avoid being shot at (see p. 32)

Serious Wound

'The dispersion


is used when resolving certain effects,

especially artillery fire (see p. 120)

Jnrpircd by ?~lc-,rir,,rtf)C BCJJt," the pllen

god, sl'Ccr:1i IValfin 17.11'(enounced rlliJ Jnd r br« dccided to In'c pw Jnd in bolrmony with their mMrdrroMr impMi5a .rr nbtlr J,gJlnrr the
will of the bypocl'itic;! gods. rhcse t(rrifYing warrior~ wbo scck per{cction in tfx art of combJt, br« been I1Jmcd D("COHrcrs, for thzy (Jt tbeir ~ictim/ bodies to cc/cbrJte ~ictory. 717( Dcwmrcrr br« rolllied'j of fl)flr DrctfJl'm, becJuse cso more IVol{cn C,1O so longer stand that Yllb. ronum dCJf to their petitions. The Bust's datruet;w pf'ilara-

pl'Y 1~,1rJIm reduced rejrctrd dnd mJItcrlrsr 'iJ)Jrriorr, web JS tlu ImpHYf hJlf-d"1'(r of the of Vile-71's's bloody wJnJcriqg seems to h.n'c J to fi·(c AJrkhrh of the yok of JI/ tyrJnnur by J(Jtr"Jirrg the icons of faith and cniliration. The Dn'oMrtrr br« JppcJl'cd only r(c(fitly on AJrkl.uh Jnd src not ~crynumerous. They !JJW prcfcnd tilC terrifying pr(dJfor imtinct of their tflo/~n brctf7r(~ yet tixy br« JJopfrd the
'UJ(Jri'lS of srmour.

Ynktrol\iwr. The DnVlul'crr


The miniatures

allow the fighters' movements

on the battlefield

be imulated, yet their feats are the object of rules based on chariilCWristics and rolls ef six-sided dice (d6). Knowing this, each player
develops a strategy to help luck tum to his advantage.

The fighters are defined by a series of parameters that are arteusually printed on their reference cards (special capacities, iacts, spells and miracles are described Ihe characteristics equipment (abbreviated oclated with a numerical on separate cards). Thus,

by their first three letters and

value), abilities, strategic value and

make up a fighter's reference




Moventent/MOV centimetres)


the potential



that a fighter can cover in one movement. If

the fighter is able to fly, then two values are associated with Movement. The first one represents the movement potential
011 the

grou nd and the second one ilia potential in the air.

symbolises the fighter's reflexes. It is main-


Iy used

ttl determine

who attacks

f rst in hand-to-hand

An ... srp,


-14 Attack/ATT

repr-esents the fighter's skill when striktng Strength/STR is used to determine

blow at an opponent.

the damage caused by such an attack .



is used when the fighter attempts hand-to-hand combat.

to parry is ~ ~. corner The faithful are the only fighters with Aspects which of their are placed reference in a spiral of faith, and in the lower right-hand

w.RtS an attack


taken into account

when the fighter is affected by a game

effect that can cause wounds. Aim/AIM ..... indicates how precise the fighter can be when

cards. There are three of them. and Destruction.

each one symbolises uni erse: Creation, bound to the Aspects faithful can perform, Fear/FEAR

one of the three great laws that rule the Alteration determine TIle va lues that the callthe type of miracles

using range weapons. or Courage/COU: (or repulsive) those Some fighters a re so

as well as his chances

of successfully

ing them during a battle.

impressive great valour frighten

that their opponents value

must show

so as not to flee. Fighters with a Courage

with FEAR may (or those with a

Certain pieces of equipment are bound to effects described in

lower FEAR value), Discipline/DIS


the "Special Equipment" reflects the will and the sense of strategy on the battlefield. have the Power/POW characteristic. comer of their the


in this book (see p. 149). If the (range and

fighter has a range weapon. then. its characteristics STR) are indicated on the line devoted to equipment,

of the soldiers

Only magicians \:,.;;!


The fighters are endowed effects are described with one

which is found in the lower right-hand card. just above the Strategic

Value. TIle higher

several abilities.


POW. the easier it is for the magician to cast spells.

on p. 13 .




RULES Ranksspeetfic to magicians;

War machines
have a value in Weight and Points, or S,P,). The rnachine's Weight influences Its movement potential. It also indicates to which, category the machine belongs. Only the heaviest war machines (in Structure Structure A light Weight icon represents a mobile machine (a machine that can move by its own mean s), A dark Weight leonlndicates a machine that

Lnitiate (I): Such a-magicia-n only partly masters the arcana

of magi-c.
Adept (2). An Adept is a magician who can prove to be particularly Master limits, Virtuoso

dangerous thanks to his faculty of combining

of these magicians knows very few of such magicians

the effects of several Elements. (3): The talent

is lmmoblle, mean-

(4'): There are onlya handful

ing tharlt has to be carried bvservants for it to be moved.

and their power defies imagination.

The Structure Points reflect the rnaehins's solidity These parameters are printed in tae lower right-hand cower €If the
reference card, justabove the machines Strategic Value.

Certain magicians have devoted their studies to the arcana, of magic as wel] as to the art qf combet: these w'e \\'i'a,.rior-ma~s. The milk of is sometimes
Attention: indicated in their abilities and not [/I the field norma.lly reserved

One category of war machines, a crew value, which. indicates

thei mmobile ones, is bound to number of servants


th is. in diaa tio n.


required for the machine to be used.

Ran k S;'S peel fie to the fai th fu I: Devout (l): The Devout make up the mass of faithful who spread the word of their divinity among their brothers. Zealot (2): A Zea.lot showsgreater grasp of the Aspects of

There are 16 ranks spread over a scale of four €ategories cated in brackets). Ra.nk_S'~pedfic to fign.teu:


faIth than do the Devout. Moreover; he has a much better understanding of the divine designs, Dean (3): Deans are the chosen ones among the faithful.
Their divinity's Avatar gaze has landed on them just for an Instant; of a divinlty, in Army Points (4): An Avatar is the manlfestatien Strategic Value depending is expressed


lrregular ple's army,

(1): These fighters. occasionally

join their peoThe lighters' (A.P.) and is calculated on thelrcharacterlstics.abllthe fighter's potential

L~ Regulaf,

(lJ: These fighters represent the huge majority of

ities, etc. The higher this value, rhegreater on th.e battlefield.

an anny s forces.

.~ Veteran (I): Harde:,ed by coun~ess battles, Veterans are '\..JI am6Qg the most reliable troops in an aamsd force.



C er tai n pam m eters thatch arac tense ti gh tersa re not prtn ted
(l): Whether



they join an army by their own


on their reference lighters, or because

card, either


they are shared

by all

'\;;jjj] free will or are.forced to do

machines as ~ Special


turn into killi ng

they are bou nd to other factors.

asthe battle.rages,

State of bealth
(2): These warrlors master formidable combat The fighters' state of health is represented informadon ~ Ja.sset Elite (Z):· Though they-are fe\v. thesefightersforrn for any army. .Livinglegeqd (3}:.The presencealonecfthese the troops. The fighters' Size ls an important ~ M~jOr ~l~Y (4): When required by the situation, fantastic categories. emblematic a major is not printed on the ,'ery few exceptions, the number ofWouod by Wound levels. This cards, because, with levels is the same for techniquesthat take their'ene'rtlies by surprise.


all fighters (see pp. 21-22).. Size factor. 'Ihere.are four Size U a fighter's Size is not mentioned on his reference
toone or the other of these categories by the people he belongs to' 01' with.


figures is enough to galvanise


jO! n the battlefield.

card, then his belonging

is defined, with some exceptions, th e typeo f base he is supplied




Cavalry: Rectangular Creature: Infantry: Large Creature: base, 25 x 50 mm

Force A fighter's Force represents his Gapacit)' to destabilise the opponent when charging, or, on the contLuy" to absorb the impact of .an enemy charge. "This value is not printed on the reference card. It is defined depending nn the fighter's Slze.

Square base, 3'7.5 x. Squase base, SOx 50 mm Square base, 25.>: 25 mm



• The fighters of the following peoples areconsidered to be of Small Size if they are supplied with an infantry base: goblins, dwarves of Tlr-Na-Bor and dwarves of Mid-Nor. The following fighters are also of Small Size: familiars, Baron Samedi. o fighters supplied 1II1th infantry basesare of Medium Size if they are not included in the list of fighters of Small or Large Size. o Fighters supplied with a cavalry, creature or large creature base are of Large SI2;e, EXceptions:
Medium VII~ £;;reClltionel" and Sasia Samarls are 9J


Most of the time an aetion's success depends OIl a roll ef'adie

This is called a.characterlstic roll or test. To make a characteristic test one simply has to roJI Id6 and add the' result on the dle to the value of the concerned characteristic, Whe.n making such II roll. two notions must be differentiated; • TIle natura] result is the result on the die.

and on one' ofthe fight~r~scharacteristics.

Si~e. The dwarf J,onlbardiers

ami fire-spittersoJ


Nor are of Small Size,

• All Enormous,

• The final rest!It is the result one gets. after having added the value of the charaeteristlc and any bonuses 01' penalties to the natura Iresult . Example: A fighter with an iNl of 3 must makea» Initiative and the result is [;], Viis [;J is the roll's natural. result. The player then adds lhefighler's INl (3) to thls
test. 1(Ie pla.yer tolls
tf) get

Colossal or Gigantic fighters are of Very Large Size, no matter: the size of their bases.
must be mounted


Attention! Theminiatures
",il/rl! they are suppUed..

tile base with


afinal. result: oj Z



2 • C"ENERAL TlOLES Examples: a charactertstic test, certain, natural the fighters' results or


ANU[ll making

When induce

, On a roll of 4d6 a player getS' [U] and [!J. n« p.layer decides to re-roll the two II]to improve &hejillal result when he
~ol~ld aJ$Ocontent. hlf7lselIwitli a 6.


game effects that simulate


heroic Ie a ts, • []]: The die can irnmedlately the d6 fo ras Ion g as he ge ts a be rolled again and the new natural resul tis added to the previous 0 ne. The pJayer eiln thus re- (all

, lfhe get,S[~1 G.I1d[Zlolllh.iS re-roll, then theflllal result is 9, ·lfhegets [::::Jrm.d[::::J on this re-roll, then the test ts fatie«.

• [::::J : The

failed, no matter "..hat kind of
by abilities, such

test is automatically



aorion was attempted. as Mutagenic/X,

This rule not only applies to character-

istlc tests, but also to certa in rolls required This rule also applies whena

by a '[::::J isa failure.

player re-rolls

alI!]: a[ll

There are two types of dlQ.racteristic • Tests made witha level of difficult)';
• Tests made against an opposing


!lnal result,

a plower can roll s ev-e(al d6 for the sam e characteristic test. In this case the test is. an automatic failure if the natural result of all dice is [::::J. If sever.allnl are gotten, then the dice with this result can all be rolled again, but the player
t hat

to ge ta fin a I resu It th itt th an or eq u a I to a 'give nthresh old called diffi cult)'. 1£ the test ls successfully passed. then the attempted action is is greater earrled out. lfnot, then it fails.

M 0 S t of the time the player is requited

It can happen

can keep the result of only one of these re-rolls to calculate


test's final result,

The failure


lest With adlffir;lIlty of 7 the player rolls ld!5 and «arb 'he DIS ofthefigl!ter concerned by the action. Thefi /I (II result must he of7 or bigherfor the test 10 be ~lcc:esifJflly passed. !J the fighter in question has « DiS of 4, then rite player must. get at least a [Z]!l;W his action to be crowned w/rh S"cce~$. Example: For a Discipline When two players must make a test agalnst each other, then no l-evel of difficulty is given. This is an oppo.sltion


when re-rolling what the

a die are considered of the

to be a test. The players being tested

no matter


first roll were,

each roll. Id6 and add the value of the characteristic

to the result. The player who gets the higher final result wins the test. If both players get the same final result, then they both roll

tile die again until they manage Example,

to get a decisive resu It.

A Dlrz ltalberdter (INI2) mw;t make an Initiative test against III goblin marauder (IN} 3). 711eDirz player gets His filial result is therefore [8] + 1 = 7. 11m goblin p/aym' gets 11


His final result is therefore.


IZl + 3


= II, So the Dire playtl'


Initiative test, 7 to 6. test, If a player gets a [!]. he can

Wilen making an opposition wait to see his opponent's both players get a[!], (before re-rolilng or not. His opponent

result before rolling his die again. If

then the player with the lowe r final resu It

the die) decides first If he wants to roll again

can 'Wait fer his decision as well as for the

result of this re-roll before deciding to roll again or not himself.


mod ificatrons of the fighters' characlimit to the value thatcharacterlstics get a negative value. (see further), are

Ma.nygameeffectscallse teristics There is no maximum Certain modifiers,

or of the final result of thelrd ie rolls.

can reach. However, they cannot applied to the final resultsof

s(lch as Wound penalties die tolls.




Example! A fighter (ATT 3) with a Serious Wound (-2 Oflfinal

results} attacks an opponent: The player controlling him gel.'l a

[8] 10 whieh
3- 2 = 5.

lie adds his warrior's ATT. Tlie fina] result is r;::;]

Whell making a characteristic test, if a penalty must be applied and the final result is of 0 or less, then the test is an automatic failure. However, this rule does Dot appLyto Damage rolls (see further). Example! Ajiglller
(ATT J) wills a Critical WO!(lld (-3 on fina! appl'Jllell I. Tile player coutroW/lg him geLs t1 to "'/rich he adds his warhol'$ ATT. Theftnat result is + 1 - .3 = 0,failure!


results) anacks


When a fighter is hit by a projeotile, an attack in hand-to-hand combat, or any other effect of offensi ve nature. the sericusness of the damage he suffers is determined by a Damage roll. Whe.n making such a roll, the player causing the damage rolls 2d6 and consults the Wound Table. Each die is read Iudependently: • The lower result Indicates the column to be read to locate the Wound . • The higher result is added to the attacker's STR. The target's RES is then subtracted from th is sum to determine the line ' to be consulted in the Wound Table. The intersection between the wound's location and the result of the aforementioned calculation indicates the result or the WOl.\nd.




Example: A guard of All/11M (STR 3) has just succeeded

attack 4gaillst n goblin bus II! (RES 5). The taiter



not halliJlg The fighters' state of health. is represented by Woun.d levels, At the start of the battle a fighter is in and is fully able. However, when he uffers Damage rolls, his state of health can worsen. There are three WOUlld levels that simulate this.

l1I&maged to defend himself, he suffers a Damage 1'011. he Alahan T

12:, indicates

player rolls 2d6 and gets [ZJ and is therefore wounded ill the belly. TIle higher result, meaning STR, maki~lg subtracted, consequences WOlllld.

13J. The lower

result, meaning

that the third column is to be consulted: the goblill

[8], is added

to the.gulIrd Dj Aiahau'iJ RES oj 5 i~ then roll" between the

total oj 8. The gobUn brishi"

which gives a final

result of 3, This Damage

Light Wound; Serious Wound;

Critical WOl.l.1ld.

are therefor« read at the intersection

"Belly" column and the M2/3" line. Thegoblll1 bieshi SUffers a Lig71t


Ifthe roiL'snatural result is a double, then it is an Exceptional Wound. These Wounds are treated in the usual way except in certain specific cases: • The Wound's location is determined according to the natural result of either the two dice. Thus a indicates an arm Wound. • A double [DJautomatically causes a result of "Killed Outright," no matter the attack's STR and the target's RES. • Some equipment has particular effects when causing an Exceptional Wound (see p. 149).

There are also two other states that are not considered to be Wounds:
Stunned; The fighter is dazed, He su ffers penalties but th Is state is onJy temporary,



Killed Outright: The fighter is eliminated.


A fighter's state of health ca n be caused to worsen in two
ways .

• If a fighter isn't wounded yet and he suffers a Damage roll whose result indicates "Serious v:round," for example, then his Wound level directly becomes "Serious Weund." Similarly, if an already wounded fighter suffers a worse Wound, then hls state of health directly reaches the Levelof the new Wound,
Example: A .fighter with

Light Wound siJffers a Drllrl.flge roll

IX/oulld.· His state of ilep/til

\\IhM~ result Indicates a "Critical directly becomes "Critical Wound,·

• If an already wounded fighter suffers a Wound

that Is less serious or just as serious as his current WOund level. then the Wound worsens by one degree.

®then®> then ® or
or or .. .. ,... Killed Outright
Atteritionl ojheauh, A result oj "Stunned"

is not considered

to be a

WOl/lld and dl)es not worsen

already wounded fighter's state.




Depending on his state of health, a fignte.r suffers penalties


'The elements impenetrable of the scenery represent what they are,

that apply to the fi.naJ results of his Injtiative, Attack, Defence and Aim tests, as well as to the Dam<'lge rolls that he i.nflicts in hand-to-hand combat attacks. These p e nal tie s are as follows: • Light Wound: -1 • Serious Wo.und:-2 • Critical Wound: -3 The state of "Stunned" causes the same penalties as a Light Wou'nd. except that this state is temporary. The penalties caused by the state of"Stu!:med" tive with other Wound penalties. are not cumula-

more, no less. A group of four trees does not represent Its leaves really hide at the seale Pl the battlefield. man can therefore between the trunks. target a miniature


forest, Each tree only hides what its trun k and A marks-

if he has a line of si'ghl


The decisive actions in a confrontation usually require fighters tocharge or even fire at to see each other. Thus, it is impossible a h idden opponent.

Afighter with aUg/It Ui'owul w/w is Stunned does not suffer a ~2 but oHI)' a -1.
Example: Atte.n:ti.on! It is nevertheless


counter "ext to thefightf!;r, eVel1

if"'" is wounded,


place a "Stunned" becaus« certain



covers an angleof 180' from the front

game effects allow penaltieseaused

b" Wounds 10 be !$nored, bu:

A figbter'sfieldofv.ision
'U small

not those bound to til e state of":Stunned. ~

of his base.It is recommended dot of pain t,

to mark the front of the base with


until the end of effects allow

A fighter suffers the effects of his Wounds the game or until he is ehmlnated. Wounded

Yet certain

fighters to be healed. 'Ihe state of "Stunned" is only temporary

and its effects 6n1y


last untll the end of the round

ducing Which the lighter


~-- __




~, ..

For certain calculated exception

war machines

thea,tiUeryman's' fieJd of vision is

from the front of the


being used, Such an

is specified on the machine's

special capacitv cards.


2 • CE


To deterrnine prevents


of the scenery or a miniature must A miniature is considered to be in contact with another one (friend or foe) if more than half of one edge of its base is touchto see the target. or the miniature that ing the base of the other miniature. Because of the scenery

If an element

a fighter from seeing his target, three parameters

be taken into account:

o o

The source: The fighter attempting The obstacle: standing The target: The element The element between

some miniaturesate represented

that a rnlniaruee

in positions

that even if

the source and the target. ofthe scenery or the miniature

make it tricky to place other miniatures it can be considered the two must be separated

into contact

with them,

is touching

the source is trying to see. Before any action that requires one must check if the target vision. charged. etc. in contact the of the direction the source's he is facing. field of vision, then one fighter to see the other, field of really is in the source's

by a few mllllmetres.

If this isn't the case, then. the target ca rrnot be aimed at,

A fighter always has a line of sight to an opponent with his base, regardless

J1 the target is within

following rule applies:

• lethe obstacle is ofthe sameSize

or bigger than the source and

the target, then the source cannot see the target.

These fighters are considered Depending maximum is Iimited. The tyrant of Vile-Ti$ is of a bigger Size than the marksman and the half-elf: the reaper of Alahan (left) does not see the latter symbolised

to be in contact. is standing, the

on the base on which. a miniature number of miniatures by a number.In

with which it can be in contact size that is

Each of the base's edges is of a certain

no way can the sum of the edge sizes with the same edge of another


of the bases placed into contact Infantry base: 1

base be greater than the latter edge's size.

If the obstacle is ofa smaller Size than the source or the target,
then the source can partially see the target,

Cavalry base: front

and back: 1 J Sides: 2

• Creatu re base: 2 • Large creature base: 2

Example: It is possible to place


lip to two illfalltry bases (size I + 1) or creature base (size 2) In contact with the same edge of a creature base (size 2). It is, /lOwever,forbid den to place (111 i"fa" try base lind a creature base (size l + 2) or two creauire bases (size 2 + 2) there.

'This restriction

only appl les if several miniatures

are to be placed possible to

into contact with the same opponent.

It is therefore

The tyrant of Vile-Tis (right) is of a bigger Size than the half-elf

the reaper of Alahan Concerning comparing (left) can see him. their Size is used as reference when

place a fighter on a creature

base (2) into contact with an enemy

fighter On an infantry base (1). When a fighter 15placed into contact with another one following a movement, then as much of his base as possible must be placed However, if a miniature is.


them. On the other hand, if an element of the scenery then the variety of shapes of these what can be seen and what can't,

into contact with that of rus opponent.

is to be taken into account, common sense to determine

placed into contact with a piece that is already in contact with other fighters, then they can be slightly moved to the side to allow the new assailant to be placed.

kinds of obstacles requires the playersto use their visien and their


Attentionl This is (mly possible if the miniatures to 1)11 moved rcall)' are ill base-to-base contact witll the target, If IILe)'are 1101, theu they are considered to be obstacles lind cannot be moved. The expression "free of any opponents" designates fighters



'The players must pay all these costs during phase. It is also during abilities are made. this phase

the maintenance to certain etc.)

that the rolls bound




who are.not in contact with any enemy miniatures.

Time out: This last phase marks the passage from one round to the next. No game actions (test, movement of counters phase. or miniatures, etc.) may be made during this intermediate


The goal of the skirmishes fo".gnt by the fighters in a-game of Confrontation isn't always the opponent's annihilation. Before proceeding mission missions with the deployment of their. fighters. the players must determine which mission will be played. Once the each player builds his army, Certain value, Lf they don't, then the number of army points (A.P.)

has been chosen,

have a specific strategic

players must agree on a maximum that thei r a I'm les canInclude, follow the rules explained miniatures

To build his army. the player must

on page 126. This step, called the deployment

0.0 page 123.

Before starting the actual battle, the players must place their on the battlefield. phase, has precise rules described

A game of Confrontation
rounds. played. Once the deployment This number

is divided into a certain for certain

number scenarios.


is predetermined


not, then the players must agree on a number

of rounds

to be

phase is done. the players begin the first into six phases. this first phase each player

round. Each WUDd is subdivided The strategic must determine (see Activation phase: Sequence, During

in advance

in wh lch order his fighters will act pp. 26-27). The players then make roll." The winner all along the round. (firing, ineantatton of of this roll

a Discipli ne test ca lied "Tactical benefits from certai n advantages The activation moving and carrying The combat certain

phase: During this phase the fighters take turns out varlous actions

spells and calling of miracles, etc.). phase: Hand-co-hand during combat actions are done in allow fighters to carry out spells this phase. Some rules nevertheless other actions and perforrrring The mysrical rebuild faithful's miracles certain faith, their mana recovery mlraeles, phase: Once thecornbatphase magicians' magic energy is over, the players reserves by making their and

this phase, such as casting

rolls. At the same time they also calculate of temporary phase: (spending certain from faith (see P: 57). spells The effects of certain

new amount

The maintenance conditions erc.).

can be prolonged Similarly,

one round to the next under summoned fighters (such as

of mana gems or of temporary

Eleme.ntals) also need to be maintained.

rIg SCfJJirr .lre tlJC beirr o( tl" people o( IY._l tI,C pnt humJo cn,;it'fJtion to 6.1"1'( prorpered

on AJrklarh. rl'Ol~g" they arc dh,ided into countlm tribcf md srt oftcn referred to jJ being "barb.1riJnr;' tbe Scmirr r!JJrc J 1'Cry ricb cl,r/turJI beritJgc in wiJich hirtory lod myth .1YC mixed. There nomJdr, who clre proud of tbeir custom: .lnd their fr({dom~roam the pl.tinr of AllJgddu whilcwarrhipping DJnu, tl,( goddm of the cJrth. E~cry SmJirr if jbo~c JII J perce warrior. Not only Jo(r he h.lOW to bunt dJ.ngcrour

crcsiurc: to asurc thc el;n's JI.(nr.:JL I,e JIm h.u to pgl,t JgJli1it imudcrr trying to rtcJI bif gJmc ;lnd hif IJndf. To die while wielding ; we JPon in tbe nimc of the goJdcrr Jnd tbe elm if In ',ooour. Among tl,e Scrw'rJ, WJr ir In integral pJrt of life. 'T'bc Scfw:rr don't weJr Jrmour. for they don't fiar d(Jtb. Tbty throw thcmrcl"ur /JCJdlong Into bau/c, un/(.1rl, tlxir 'WJr (r-fry, JnJ let In J"rJ/Jnchc of dCJdly blows (til onto thcir


CHAPTER Every g)lme round begins '.I'fth the strategic' this phase the players proeeed certain order' phase, During in a


with the fo1Jewing actions

• Ra lly in.ll"; fi ghtsrs ln re ut of

• Deterrn inatien ef the activation • Tactical roll order of the fighters in play


It can happen that certain fighters, having been frightened especially terri£ying opponents, effect is, however, not irreversible, round, The rules on rallylngare described ence of fear (see p. 5.8), in the section on the influ-


suffer the effects of rout. This and the fighters in rout have at the beginning of each

a chance of gettin,g a hold of themselves

During agame of Confrontation each fighter is represented by his referencecard. A single card can also represent several fighters with thesameprofile . At the beginning of the strategic phase each player makes a pile with all his reference cards by placing them in the order that he wishes. This that is defined


is called the activation



the actlv a tio n phase the ca rds are draw n .o ne Ily 0 ne in the order
in this way .. Certain game effects are able to

mo dify th is seq ue nee. Duriug the game, if all fighters represented by the same reference card are eliminated, then this card shbu Id no longer be
Included in the' activation sequence.

Once each player has defined proceed fighter Tactical with





test: the Tactical

roll. for this roll his choice. This the army; and the (the presence of a

of the die.each player must select a. fighterof

is considered by certain to be coordinating bonuses or penalties mil is therefore

made uslng his DIS. This, value can

be rnodtfied commander's

musici an.,a speU 's effects~ etc.), but in no way can a figh te r us e DIS instead of his own fot the Tactical roll. of this test are felt all along the game round

'The consequences·

being played, so it is important

to keep in mind which of the two

plarers won it,


yet they J1'( incredibly numerous. TbCj ire impombly dirm;gJnif(d, yet empire strctcbc! in the north of AJrk/Jlh fl'rr since t!J( d.rwning of crctiiSJtiol1. They arc J whimricJI people Jnd Jre cJPJb/e of furpriring rtec whco it comes to .ic(CJtilg' their {Bernia. [n their !Jjndr t/]( mort common obiects Ixcom: dCJdly WCJpOl1J, und J simple pJrc/Jment CJn CJHS{ incredible dJm.tgc. The [irJkcn clJon if J growing pction wit/Jin gob/in society. The philoropl)j of thif new type of

Tfx goblinf mly be


gmcrJ/r f,JW piled: it lmiteI tbe gablinr to turn them into J powrrfo!/ ,u;d luting rtrike force. E .... dJY iff JJ(ptr ur marc numrrour, .U lrc ,cry tbc dJi-bJkanonoJ, fIx ogm of the irhnd of Zoukbo'i. TIJf goblin Jrmy is .t WJI'C thJf is r{JJy to cw/' onto the tougf)c)t of thdr appal/mfr. {( 'bt more,

the goblins drc ,'cry ingenious JnJ usc Jll kind! of

resource to '\'_1nquiI!) their mania: c.xt,o·imcntJ/
'lL'(JpOflJ, nJplJtbJ-powmJ
I{,inCI, JnJ


wJrriorJ Jucc(eds where gcnmtionr of impaiJ/




During the activation phase the players take turns revealing their cards to activate their fighters. Every time a card is

revealed by a player, he announces the actions that the fighters bound to this card are carrying out. Actions that can lead to a combat are announced before the others. When an the actions of the figh~ers bound to the cards played nave been announced and carried out, then the player gives the lead to his opponent. They both proceed in this way In turns until their respective activation sequences have been completed.

• Play the top card of his activation sequence as well as one or several cards that he already has ill reserve, • Pass his turn if he is able to do so.
Attention! During his turn a player can play both tile top card of his pile and one

several cards ofhis reServe, burhe cannot play

more than one card from his pile.



The activation phase is divided into turns. During a turn, one of the players activates the miniatures bound to one or several of his reference cards. At the very beginning-of the activation phase the winner ofthe Tactical roll decides which player's turn is first and is then said to have the lead. The player who has the lead must do one of the following actions, at his choke: • Play the top card of his activation sequence, • Place the top card of his activation sequence in reserve (see below). • Place the top card of his activation sequence in reserve and play one or several cards that he already has in reserve. • Play one or several cards that he already has in.reserve.

When a player has the lead, he can decide to place the top card of his pile in reserve to be. able to play it later on. The winner of the Tactical roll can thus place up to two cards in reserve per activation phase. The loser can place only noel n reserve per activation phase. Once this maximum has been reached. the player Can no longer place cards in reserve for the rest of the activation phase, not even after having played these cards, Example: The player who lost the Tactical roll has the lead. He places the first. card from his pile in ,'1]I;6rV8, which has thus reached iC$ maxim/III I limit. Wllell he gets the tend agail1. he has
four possibillties:

his turn ifhe can;


• Pta), the firs! card in his activation • Play hi« card held in reserve;

, Play both the first card of hili activation

sequence and the card

held. ill reserve. Yet lie cannot place another card in l'e.'Jerve. ellen if he plays the
one that he previously placed there.






If, at the of a round, a player meets the following two condttions, he call pass his turn a certain number of times instead of playing a card duri ng the activation phase. • He must have less cards in his activation sequence than his opponent does. • He cannot have more fighters on the battlefield than his 0Pponeat does.

Attention! This does not authorise


player to simultaneously

play more cards than allowed by his reserve.

Example; A player who lost. the Tactical roll still has three cards
ill his pile wttile his

no longer has


left. He hasn't

placed tm)' cards in resel'vt· yet. He

place the first card

rese/'v", and then pla)' It at tile sante time as the second one, but he ca/1/101pia)' the three «t the same time, for since he lost the

Tactical roll, he only has the right to one card held in reserve. Please note: If all the figiuers represented by the same reference card are eliminated during the activation phase before their card has been played; then it is IIOt removed from the activation sequence or from the reserve if it is stili in it. It must be played in the usual way.

TIle difference (in number of cards) between the player's activation sequence and that of his opponent indicates how often the player ca n pass his turn. When a player passes his tum, he doesn't play any cards and cannot place any in reserve, lind his opponent immediately gets the lead.



\l(rhen a turn is over (meaning once the player whose turn it is has finished activating the rnlniaeures bound to the cards he has just played), then it is the opponent's turn to play. TIle players thus take turns having the lead (and playing) until all their cards have been played. If one of the players doesn't have any cards left in his activation sequence but still has some in reserve, then the players continue taking turns in the usual way. ITone ofthe players doesn't have i.ny cards left at all (neither in his pile nor in h is reserve), then it remains his opponent's turn until he has played all his cards.

This example only concerns the drawtng of cards. A Griflin player and a Scorpion player begin their first round of the game. TIle Griffin player has five reference cards and 11 miniatures. The Scorpion player only has four cards fOJ: seven miniatures. This difference gives him the possibility to pass his turn once. Each player prepares his activation sequence.

1. Griffin conscript 2. Tsmplar of the Inquisition 3. Abel the ill-tempered 4. Gdffin inquisitor 5. Griffin fusilier

1. Tiger of Dlrz 2. Clone of Dirz 3. Keratis warrior 4. Cypher Lukhan

TIle players then make the Tactical roil. H is won by the Griffin player, who decides to give the lead to his opponent. The numbers in parenthesesindicate the state of each player's reserve in the various steps of the drawing of cards. "112" means that one card is in reserve for a maximum of twa. The dash. means that the player has reached the authorised limitand call no longer place cards in reserve. L Scorpion tum: The Scorpion player passes his turn (011). 2. Griffin turn: The Griffin player plays the "Griffin conscript" card (0/2). 3. Soorpion turn: The Scorpion player places the "Tiger of Dlrz" card in reserve (1/-). 4. !3ri.ffin turn: The Griffin player places th.e "Ternplar of the lnquisiricn" card in reserve (1/2). 5. Scorpion turn: The Scorpion player plays the "Clone of Dirz" card (1/-). 6. Griffin turn: The Griffin player plays the "Abel the Illtempered" card (112).


7, Scorpion turn; The Scorpion player plays both the "Tiger tions he can nevertheless himself.into allows him to be attacked being inllicted



engage him (meaning in. hand-to-hand

that he places

of Dirz" card that he had ill reserve (since turn 3) and the "Keratis warrior"

contact with his opponent). with the penalties

Engaging a fighter thus combat, yet without


card (01-). Griffin turn: 'The Griffin player places the "Griffin inquisitor" card in reserve (2/-). turn; The Scorpion. player plays the "Cypher of l.ukhan" card (QI-).

bound to the charge.


Walking: Running: prevents


10. Griffin turn: The Griffin player plays both the "Ternplar the Inquisition" placed and "Gri ffio inquisitor" cards

The fighter


move slQwlyso as to be able to do other

(wh ich he

actions such as firing or casting a spell,

The fighter can move quickly, which. in most cases, ith a ran ge weap

in reserve in turns 4 and 8), as well as the "Griffin

fusilier" card (0/-).

him from doing other actions,


Fil:i ng: If the fig h ter is eq u ipped

the n to

When a player plays one or everal cards. then the corresponding miniatures are activated. These fighters can then act. \'Vhen a player wants to activate fighters represented sponding to playa to the fighters card, activate he wishes toactivate. the fighters represented

he can use j t. Mystic actions is a faithful, .If the fighter is a magician, to perform he can attempt cast one or several spells (see Incantation, he can attempt (see Divination, p. 72). If the

one or several m iracies

p. 98),

by differ-

ent cards in the same turn, he must first play all the cards corre-

It is forbidden
by it, and then


Exclusive actions must be announced and resolved. before during the

play another turn. Example:

card. Thus. all miniatures

whose cards were played during this same

at the beginning

of a turn must be activated

the cu rnulative actions

for all the fighters activated

same turn. A fighter undertaking A Griffin plezyer wallts to (letil/ate three conscripts pltl)' Ihe ··Griffin conscript=and his five fighters "Griffill rules

an action of this type cannot phase. Some of these of either

do any other action du dug the activation and two [usiliers ill the Slime turn. To do so, ",hell he litis the lead, he must simultaneousiy [usllier" explained

actions lead to combat i n the next phase. In this case it is known as an assault. The term "assault" is used when speaking

a charge or a n engagement

(see further),


He can then activate

one by one

ill the order of his choice while respectirrg the activation ill the next chapter.


Warrior-mages The actions that are possible are split into two groups: a fighter from carrying out any to combine several perform • Exclusive actions that prohibit • Cumulative different actions and Warrior,monks can cast a spell or mirause the same one or the call. the even. ami racle before an assault. Only oue spellor allows this, to be an engagement,

cle can thus be used. He can, however. several times if its Prequency Whatever the result of the incantation

other action during the activation phase. that allow a fighter actions durlng a same tum,

assault that follows is considered

if the tighter was in a position to charge. In this case, if the magician (or the faithful) must make a

Exclusive actions
Moving • of beinghit Charging: sight

Courage himself f!:"om enemy

test to be able to assault his target. the incantation

the roll must losing any

be made before under cover: To protect lire a fighter can move carefully. This lowers his chances but also reduces his movement potential. and has a line of cases this type of (see Conditions an opponent: that he is activated, If a lighter is free of any opponents a charge. In certain

or call. If it fails, then the or call without

player can cancel the incantation mana gems (or temporary

faith points).

a n enemy miniatu re at the moment allows penalties

then he can announce movement p.36). Engaging


Movi ng under cover

required: Only a fighter [Tee of any opponents can. move under cover. at

to be inflicted on the opponent

if a fighte( does not meet the condithen under certain condl-

the moment

that he is activated

tions required

to charge an opponent,


Movement potential: •If the fighter is free of any opponents .. then his movement
potential .atternpt is MOVx 2 (in em) . then he must fi rst able to engage (see p. 39). If is equal (induding from a . to interrupt the combat before be~g

•If the fighter is in contact with an opponent,

a different he manages

enemy: To doso, he must disengage to- do so, then hts movement


to MOV ern, He can then engage a new opponent example, allows. an outnumbered

one of those with whom he was in contact earlier on), This, for fighter to dislmgage fray Just to return and fight one of his opponents one-on-one

• ACTIONS OlfTSIDE OFTHE ACTIVATION I'IIASE. There are certain actions that cannot be done during the
activatton movements, phase (attacks certain in hand-to-hand action combat, pnrsulr spells and miracles). of an exclusive only forbids

The performance

lighter from any .other action during

the activation


if the fighter has the possibi llty to do actions during other phases, of the game, then he can do sa even if he has done an exclusive action during the activation phase of the same

Example: A magklitJI cannot cost spells and caTr), (Jut tW (!s,~allit ill the same activation p!rM~, This does not prevent
him from casting' spells. during tile folJowing combat phase he has the possibility


to do




The movement


while under




cover is equal to half of the fighter's MOV .in em (rounded the higher integer). Effects: The di fficulty ofaflY enemy fire is increased modifiers, p. 40). A fighter moving undercoveris to be a n obstacle blacking

haven't acted yet are activated

Onceallexcluslve actions have been resolved, the fig.hters who one by one ill the. order chosen by

(see Plring

the Flayer controlllng allowed

not considered

A fighter who Is thus activated

to in the order chosen However, .it is impossible. rupted. So a marksman

can do all the actions

by the player eontrolllng

he is him.

llnes of sight. The effects of moving

under cover apply until the fighter's next activation.

to eonti nue an action that was inter-

can move and then fire. or fire and then

Conditions partially, of contact, Movement potential

requited, To charge-an opponent, a fighter must

move, but he cannot move a pad of hla movement, fire, and then finish his movement, e-ven He must also be his opponent (see Concept Attention! Whe/l he is activated, afighter cannot \\I(1.1k(md fUll, 1'I1.Il twice in a row. or walk twice in 1I row.

be free of any opponents and be able to see his target, at the moment

thathe is activated.

able to be placed into contactwith

p. 24).
potential: When a fighter charges, his movement is MOV x 2 (in ern),

Required conditions:

A figilter who is free of any epponents at least one enemy m iniature, th,.en
actually moving him is still

can walkwithout any specific conditions to be met .


an. oppone.nt


Udighter Reorienting considered

is in contactwlth

he must first manage to disenga-ge before being able to wal k,

Condiricns required: If a fighter cannot see the opponent

wishes to reach when he is activated, el\gage him in hand-to-hand combat. he can nevertheless

a fighter without
to be a walk,

try to


CHAPTER Movement potential potential: \Vhen a fighter walks, his movement



• Before and after having moved. (A magician cast a spell. walk, and then cast another required mana.) ;

can, for example, spell if he has the

is equal to MOV ern, walk andc.

During the same tum a fighter cannot

• When in hand-to-hand .After having disengaged.


• Walk again;
• Run.

A wal k can. however, be done before or after firing. casting a

spell. or calling a m iracle. 1n no way can a fighter (lome into contact with an opponent the end ofa walk. (To do so. he must announce not a walk.) an engagement. at

Refer to thechapters (p, 96) for more details.

on Incantation

(p. 70) and Divination

Required conditienss A fighter can run only if be is free of at the moment that he is activated. When a fighter runs. his movement

any opponents Movement potential During


is equal to MOV x 2 em, the same turn a.fighter cannot run and ...

• Walk; • Run again; • fire;

• Cast
II spell

(unless he is a Warrior-mage); come into contact with an opponent an engagement at

• Call a miracle (unless he is a Warrior-monk). In no way can a lighter and not a run.) the end of a run. (To do so, he must announce

Required weapon condttions: Only fighters with A[M and a rang!!'

can fire. They must have a line of sight on their target or afterwalking;
[t is not possible to

and be free of any opponents, A fighter can lire before fire and run during the same activation.

If a fighter fires-and moves during the same activation.

suffers a penalty must
8 nnounce

then he

(see tiring.

p. 40):

If the player wants his fighter to walk after having fired, he

this before resolving the shot.

disengaged. This is like firing

A fighter can fire after having after having walked. In most eases a fighter

can fire only once per round, If he is the same activa-

able to fire several times and to move during after having moved.

tion. then he can make all or some of his shots before and/or

Mystic actions (spells and miracles)

Magicians and the faithful can cast spells or call ml racles as resources. They can do this:

long as they have the required





There are various engagement). types of movement (walk, run, charge-and apply to them The following rules nevertheless

Movement measured potential. The distance Jt depends that a lighter can cover is
00 his Movement

in centimetres.


teristic, the 'type of movement chosen, and any maneeuvres that may have been made.

MOVEM.ENTI'OTENTIAL MOVxl MOVx2 MOV x 2 (MOY xl after a disengagement) MOYx2




the cyclops


charge the two j(Jrge guardians.



When measured. an assault is announced, the distance between the

edge of the fighter's base and edge of the target's The player. controlling move him ina straight that the fighter account really

base must be in

the fightee does not have to

Iine, lie can have him take a detour moves is to be measured,

order to avoid an obstacle, for example. In tni s case the· distance ,taking into the detours, he takes. base, as long as his movement distance potential allows

The !i,ghter can then be placed into contact with any free edge of the target's

hi In to reach it. If the measured


is too bigJor the lighter to come into must be placed at the it is potential In the target's direction.

contact with his target, then the miniature of its movement of the fighter's


the end of an assault, be It 11 cha rge or an engagement,

the front

base that must be placed into contact

with the target.

When targe.!ed by a charge, the target may suffer eerta in penalties depend ing a n the Size ()( the fighee rs (see p..36) .. The wayan assault unfolds can be influenced by the effects of fear (see p. 58).

111this k.ind centaurs.

6f situation

the '.'<fQljencall charge the two Kelt

Charging two opponents

lncertain possibility creature spee if c ca ses it ca n h appell that a Iig hter has th e to charge two opponents or large creature miniatures at once. Only miniatures

bases can do so. They can only do this must be perfectly Iined up next to

aga ins t miniatures The charged each other.Jf chargeonly

on in fantr y or caval ry bases.

they are not lined up, then the player charging; one of them.


This kind of situation



can happen at the end of a charge.

cyclops can: charge only one of them.

Engaging several opponents

Under certain opponents designated conditions it is also possible to en~age several must be point of arrival. The front of the with this opponent.

Charge and engagement

of cireumstanee

at the same time. To do so, an opponent to be the fighter's

Iatter's base must be placed into contact

If other opponents

end up being in contact

with the fighter

who just moved, then Lhey are considered to have been engaged by him, It must be made perfectly clear that that these fighters arc in contact with each other.

ment, then both thermo-warriors

are engaged.







bases or bigger can thus assaul t sever-

al opponents

at a time.

{{the Cynll/aU asadar charges the warrior of blood the jurthest

to the left in this way, then the second \Vanior of blond is engaged since his base is not touching the assailant's enough,

Charge penalties if the tyrant of Vile· Tis charges the inquisitor arid the thallion, then the second thallion (to his right) is defacto engaged.
When a fighter is charged. combined greater than his. Reminder: Small

he suffers charge charging


if the

force of the opponents

him is equal to or

A fighter's force is defined according Medium Size: Force 1 Force 3 Force 4 Force 5

to his Size.

Large Size, Force 2 Very Large Size + Enormous": Very Large SIze + Colossal": Very Large Slze

+ Gigantic·:

': see A"billties, p. 131. Examples: • A goblin (force 1) charges a guard of A lahan (force 1). Because the force of these fighters is the same. tile goblin's charge i"flicts penalties on tlte guard of A1111lall. • A guard oj Alaltau (jorce 1) cltnrges (I WOlfM (jiJrce2). Because the gutl:rd's force Is 10lVerthan the Wolfen S. lIe does not inf/lct. him wi!h lllty charge penalties. • Two Griffirr templars (force 1 x 2) charge a black troll (force 2). Because the combinedforce of till! templars is equal to 111«./, of tire troll. they i11flict him will! cilarge pe/l11 lties.

CHAPTER ~ • THE ACTlYAnONPHASE Only the fighters who are charging ate countedin the calculation of the force.


At the end of an assault, the fighter must be oriented in his opponent's dtrecnon (the Irnnt of his base must be placed into contact with the enemy mlnlature's base), The assaulted miniature is not reor lented in its 0 PPonen t's directto n. At the end of a walk or a run, the fighter can be oulenred in any di rection as chosen by the player controlling him.

A goblin (force l) charges


cyclops of Mid-Nor

(force 2) (em ill the

the left) while two other goblins engage the same cyclops. The goblins engaging the opponent are not taken into account calculation any dUlrge penalties. of the total force. The cyclops therefore does Iwb suffer

If a fighter charges several opponents at a time, then their forte values are added together.
Example: A cyclop:; oj Miri·Nr)l" (force 2) clU1rges £rIIO Sessalrs warriors (force 1 x 2). Because the combined force oJ the. two Sessair. i. equal to that of the cyclops, they both suffer charge

A fighter subjected to charge penalties suffers a =I ou the final result of his Initiative, Attack, Defence, and Aim tests. These penalties apply until the end of the mund, even if the fighter is no longer In contact with the opponent who charged. him.



Three altitude levels are used to represent and in the air. touching the position of the • Moving at level MOV reduced by5. fighters on the battlefield Level 0: AU miniatures

and then taking

off to level 1: Ground

by 5.. then moving: Flight MOV reduced

• Taking off to levelland

the. ground are located at

(the elements to be are considered

level 0, even if they are on top of an obstacle of the scenery placed on the battlefield at level 0). Level 0 therefore table but rather The miniatures

• MovJhg from level 1 to level 2 or vice versa: Flight MOV reduced by 5.

isn't the surface of the gaming of all elements placed onto it. at Example: A player announces that a morbid angel located at le.vel2 is moving down to level J fit Us activation. Tile allgel's fi,g/lt MOV goes from 17.5 to J 2.5. So lire angel CaJ/ molte at level 2 and then go down to level 1. or vice versa. A fighter can change levels only once per round.



with the "Flight" ability must be deployed specifies the contrary.

level 0, un less the scenario



Level 1: This level represents the low altitude flight'zone.

Level 2: This level represents the high altitude flight zone.

Landing at level 0 is a special case. The change of'levels reduc-

Placing the miniatures

When two miniatures different altitude are verrically in-the same place but at es the flight MOVby 5 and it is forbidden landed, The fighter can nevertheles he has the right-to (firing, incantation, also do pursuit movements during phase. His ground to move after having ete.), He CII n combat A fighter

levels, then placing them can become tricky.

do any other action that divination, the hand-to-hand

To avoid this problem, the followlng rules must be applied

As soon as a fighter takes off and is at level 1 or '};,his miniature is replaced
ill is marked

by a counter


which the level he is located with Rag'Narok can be to (in

MOV is then taken into account

(the counters


cannot change levels while doing a pursuit movement.

used Cor this). One must also mark an edge of the counter vruhollse the front of the miniature being represented .. rder to determine the fighter's field of vislen).


At level 1 the fighters bound

to the various

ignore the movement types of ground,


but they must

As long as the fighter remains ments are made using the counter

at levels 1 or 2, all his moverepresenting in him,

nevertheless ..

move around obstacles that are bigger than 15 em. ignore all obstacles (even other penalties

At level 2 the fighters creatures

~lovement on the ground and


the all'

• Movement and the

located at levef2} and the movement

bound to the various types.of ground, with the "Flight" ability have ues. The first one is their MOV on the ground

lid one is theirs when flying.

:Ii. fighter who is moving at level 1 or 2 (or who is taking off from level 0) uses the second value (meaning ~Io\'ement his flight speed). on when uses the sa me rules as movement

the ground. with a lew exceptions . • Onl)' the counter is moved. The size of the miniatures'
b not taken


into account.

The counters

can move around

each other freely. This represents the extreme mobility of the

fighters movi ng about In the air . • " hen a flying fighter does an assault, the counter representing the distance between him and hls target is measured,

It is therefore possible to charge. engage, or make a movement equivalent to a walk or a run, Changing

A lighter can change altitude ment. This manoeuvre

levels before or after his movebefore any movein Movement.

must be announced

ment is made. for it causes a reduction



of 4 + 2

All they friend Of foe, as well as the elements of to be obstacles that may get in the movements.

• 'the ~ghtfr must pass an Initiative per opponent


test with

a difficulty

in base-to-base


with him. "an attempt in base-to-

A fighter who wishes to disengage to do so by using his STR instead that he is of base contact

from acornbat the opponents

the scenery; are considered

of his [Nt at the condition

way of

the fighters'

bigger Size than


with him. rest with a difficulty


Moving around an obstacle

When making any kind of movement, (miniatures. or elements counted a fighter can move

In this case he must make a Strength equal to 4 + 2 per opponent For this roll of the die, the highest

in base-to-base

ntact with him.

around obstacles potential. measure miniature its base.

of the scenery) stand-

ing in. his way. These detoursaze

in his movement

RES among his opponents is subtracted. from his STR lfit becomes less than 0, then it is impossible for him to disengage by force.
No matter penalties result, If the fighter potential manages to disengage, then his movement dice phase

It is therefore
to measure space

recorn mended required

to use a flexible tape for a


type of disengagement

is. attempted.


the distances

being moved. between. two obstacles is equal to the width of


the fighter's Wounds apply to the test's final

The minimum

to be able to move through

is MOV x 1 ern. If he fails, then all his combat placed in defence during • the combat



of a friendly fighter
camp are also considered to be

are automatically of the round pursuit movement.

being played, including

A Defence counter

in combats

that follow

The miniatures obstacles, miniatures him.

ill. a fighters

ls placed next to

with one exception:

a fighter can move "through' the in fhe same turn as

the miniature.

in his camp that are actlvated

the ground To be able to fire, a fighter must meet the fellowtngcondion the battlehave placed on tions : • He must have an AIM ofQor more.

Penalttes caused by
Some mlssions field. When the battlefield.

specify the nature of the ground

this is not so, then the players must agree "011 the

nature of the elements of the scenery thatthey

He must beequipped with a range weapon. He rn us t have b ee n activated. have charged tum. to cast a spell or call a miracle in or a Warri,oror engaged an .cpponent, nor

• He must be free of anyop.po-nents.

There: are th ree ·dilfetent types of ground.

• Open ground (plain, ground ground small .hiU, creek~ etc,).: This type of conditions. steep (forest, swamp, ground does not modify movement • Encumbered ancumbered • Dncressable

• He must neither have


n ln the current tum

• He must not have attempted

hili, etc.): in

the current monk).

(unless he is a Wan-iot-mage

ground, every centimetre uncrossable

moved counts for two. unless they jump

(chasm, :river, deep lake"etc ..): No fightground • FIRING Afightercan AND

ers can move through


over it (using. the "Leap" ability) or are fJyin.g. fire at a target located at.a level directly above between the marksftom the him) to the

Dtse n ga gemen t is a m ano e uvre rh at 0\11 tie attempted escape a.combar or to allowa fighte.t toengagea nent, To be permitted to attempt must meet the following ccndltiens: • He must nor have been charged activation opponents. There ale two ways to disengage: .agility

or below the one he is at. The distance

man and his target is measured

to marksman's base (or the counter differentoppcthe fighter t;arget's base (or the counter his, then the shot's difficulty fighter free of an,1' greund on the ground

On the ground,


by two points. flying lighter, and a fighter on the

a disengagement,

When a fighter targets a miniature

at a level dffferant than

fs increased

or engaged durlng the current

A flying fighter never hides another


never hides another

• One of the edges of his base must be completely

if the shot is made from level L

a lighter can either use' his


to force his way out of the fray.






the fighter must designate the target

• If the target is of Large Size: Difficulty -1 .

• lfthetarget is of Very Large Size: Difficulty -2,

The player controlling before each firing attempt.

These rnodlfiers can be accumulated, (even partial-

Only targets that can be seen by the marksman

ly) can be designated. A marksman hitting camp. 2. MEASURING can target an opponent

who is in base-to-base

contact with a rniniature It is forbidden

ill his camp. He then. takes the risk of target a miniature of one's own

the fighter in his camp (see "Firing into a fray" box). to deliberately

the distance between it and A reaper oJA!ahan has just walked and is about tv fire at a Wolfen within medium ral1ge (15 em). The shot's diffic~llty is calculated ill. tkefollowing way: 'J\ifedium range: diffiCUlty 7; • The reaper of Alahan. has moved; difficulty +1; • The Wolfen is cf l.arg» Size: difficulty-1; • The \'l/oljen is only partially visible: difficulty +J;

Once the target has been chosen, the marksman the maximum must be measured.

If this distance is greater than

range of the weapon being used (in eentirnetres), fails. If not, then the player moves

then the shot automatically on to the next step.

To determine player controlling that depends

manages between to hit his target, the marksman the

if a marksman
on the distance

him must make an Aim test with a difficulty and hls

I111$shot's diffiCijlty

is therefore 7 + 1 -1 '") " 8.

target, and on the range of the weapon being used.

the ran~e. is the medium Once proceeds the shot's difficult'! has been determined, passed, then the target equal to that

A range weapon is always associated The first oneindicates considered

With three range values. Qn

ul? to what distance


the glll'1er
is hit and the weap-

to be short. The second one determlnes

with an Aim test using the marksman'S


range, and the third one the long range. Example: A baw's ranges are noted as/allows: 20-40-60. This to

If the test is successfully

suffers a Damage roll with a Strength means that tip to a distance a/20 em the target Is considered and is lost without any further


on being used, lflt is failed, then the projectile consequences.

misses its target

beat short rrmgt;. 1fil is at a distance between Zl and 40 em, then

it ls at medium range, and if II is at a dtsmnce between 41 and 60 em, It is at long range.. This also means that with this bow it is impossible to hit targets that are further than 60 em.
The Aim rest's difficulty is determined CIRCUMSTANCES

• FIRING If the shot is successful

base-to-base contact marksman's


target is In in the fighters

and the designated

with one or several

ill the.following


camp, then there is a chance that the projectile

hits the wrong tanget. DIHICUI.TY 4 7 In this case the player who just made the AJm test rolls Id6. This is the distribution roll. On a r;::;], [;il or


[DJ the

target that

was aimed at is hit. On the other hand, on a fighter in the marksman's who is In base-to-base contact

8, GJ or [2] the

camp who is closest to him (and with the initial target) is hit. them chooses


if two miniatures
the marksman,

in his camp are at an equal distance then the player controlling

which fighter is hit. This difficulty can, however. be modified bi' the following factors: -Jf the target has moved under cover during its previous activation: Difficulty +2 . Reminder: It is forbidden to fire at a fighter in one's own camp with the hope of hitting an enemy fighter.

•If the target is at a different altitude level than the marksman:

Difficulty +2 .

•If the target is only partially visible: Difficulty








For ccnb-rricr th( mystmour Cynwjll di'CS li.... 'cd concened from the world on tbe lofty fummitJ of tfJC mOlAntJinf of LnCi'cr. 'Thcrr tilCY fO~(LI " strong Jlli"nce with thc JrJgonr and explored Nocris, tb( per{Cct bJiJnc( betweC!1 boJy . tnd mind. In tbc .1cptbr of the forgotten rulo: rCJUcmi .11/ atcr tbeir JomJin tbey !,JV( JiJco~creJ surds tl]at br« turned tlxir &ItilTj Mpride down: .tnwng thue .1re tb( comtl'MctJ, JHtomJtonr dcrigneJ by Jfl extinct cnilir.ation. An.w- of DJrknm "JS befallen A.1rk!.1.IfJ, 'TI,e

frI,t on tl,c side of Light. They .Ire unlwlling


power of the drJgonr to prcrcnt tf)c JatrMctiO!1 of AJrk/arh JflJ to prm1l'( t/;c 'UJOndrOUfscent: biJ.lcn bcn(Jth thcir temp/cs. rhe CyIlW.ill dWf JlwJ.jJ gh'C their enemirr J cl'J!1CCto rl.frrcnJcr bc{ore baUlc, But once tl" rigmi to cbrgr h.1I been gii'Cn, they don't rfJow tlx sligl]tcrt pity. 'Thdr combJt ftyle combineI spcrd .1nd cffickncy. rlxy usc the strcl'{gth of their mind to fJCigbtcn t';et'r m.1rtiJi CJpJcitics, .tnd tlJrir 'Il}(Jponr arc mJdf I-!ring ;1 fOr;gotITn

bffl brokrn tbcir OJth of rKul"lity

IiJ 12


CHAPTER Once the actions of all fighters have been re olved, the activation phase is over. The combat of the clusters of fighters phase then starts. meaning contact During this phase the frays are resolved by combats, (in base-to-base other) forming them. Though various different moments game effects (such as the casting miracles) it unfolds in this phase, of certain at to the by segments with each



The term "combat" applies to a group of fighters who can fight each other in the same f~ay. A combat has two very strict rules: • A miniature • A combat can only fight with opponents can involve only one miniature against many. who are in baseagainst another to-base contact with it. or one miniature In no way can several

spells or the calling of particular

following steps.

can jntetvene according

min iatu res fig h t ag;t inst severa I others, This is why frays must be split into separate determine who can attack who. ways. combats that help

The winner the. miniatures of the Tactical [all must spl it the various frays. To how the combats do so, he determines

This fray can be split in three different


be organised


in base-to-base

contact with each.other.


with the red base and the one witk the sand-coloured

one are

in the same camp.

There are therefore two different frays.

miniature with the blue base is not in contact wiih an opponent

therefore not-involved in a fray.


CHAPTER 5 • THE COMBAT PHASE The player who won the Tactical various clearly identified. • A miniature roll must therefore split the FLYING AND HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT

frays ill such a way that the cembats in each one are The following rules must be respected: can be involved in only one combat. In base-to-base


combat in the air

• AU miniatures

contaet with an opponent

be involved iJl a combat.

Fighters located at level} or 2 are simulated off the battlefield on another table. This allows hand-to-hand be visualised without disturbing battlefield at level O. Two miniatures contact altitude level. can be considered to be in base-to-base with each other only if they are both at the same combat takes place at level "on the ground:

combat in the air to placed on the

the miniatures

Once the frays h ave been split, the players take turns selecting the combats Tactical to be resolved, beginning with the one who won the



o:r 2, the This is

roll, All combats are then resolved one after the other

fighters' flight MOV is used for pursuit movements. simulated using a counter change levels when making_a pursuit movement.

until they have all been. resolved. When a combat is selected, it is reccmmended place the cards corresponding for the combat capacities, etc.). to proceed that the players ill front needed special

A lighter cannot

to the involved fighters smoothly (characteristics,

Dive attack
A fighter located at level L or 2 can dive attack a n opponent located at the level directly below his. This attack follows the same rules as a regular charge. When a fighter does a dive attack he benefits from a +2 on the final results tests of his Initiative, combat. Attack and is in in hand-to-hand This bonus

of them. This lets them keep an eye on the information

Each fighter involved in a combat has a certain number of

bonus Damage acquired

even if the fighter is separated Yet lr is only valid during

from his target after the first combat

combat dice that he will need to attack or defend himself. J)'lS number is determined opponents Examples: • A myat guardsman

fray splitting.

inthe following way.

which the fighter participates,

and it no longer applies tf the

A fighter has a number of combat dice equal to 1 + the number of involved in the same combat as him.

fighter makes a pursuit movement.

o] Alahan is involved in a combat against dawn warrior. Each /)jt.Jtese two opponents has two combat dice (1 + 1). gU(lJ'dsnul11 is Involved in a combat. agail1st two


a player has several

of his lighters


in the same


he can choose with which one of them he will make

bra number of

this test. The roll's final result is then increased points equal to the number

• A praetorian

of miniatures

in his camp that are

clones oj Din and a dawn warrior. Tilepraetorian guardsman has four combat dice (1 '" 3). The clOIlSS and the dawn wanior eadl have two combat dice (1 + 1).

involved in this combat in addition for this test (and who is not counted Examples:

to those whose lNl is used for this bonus).

To make keeping track of each fighter's dice easier, it is recommended cards. to place them directly on the corresponding reference

• A royal guardsman of Alnhan


is involved in a combat against dawn warrior. The two players make their Initiative tests. the player ge:r~a ntuumt result

FOl"the royal guardsman


which, when added. to hislN7r;f

4, gives a fina! result (lfZ For result ofjg], Ivhich,

Ihe dawn warrior the player gets a natural

To determine wh lch fighters are able to attack first, each player test. in the combat fighter.

when added to his iNl of3, gives a final remit 0]8. Tne dawn • A praetori(lll

must make an Initiative

• TIle player who only has one fighter involved makes the roll using lhe1Nlofthe concerned

warrior tlIel'tifore wins this Inltiatlve test, B to 7. guardsman is involved ill (/ combat agaillst tlVj} clolles of Dirz and (/ da IVII 1V1l1'I'io~ The two players make their Initiative tests. For the praetorian guardsman the plaYlfr gel$ a filial result 0]6, Because his opponent has threefighters involved ill this combat, he mast choose which line will be used for the Initiative !s$f. Since the dawn warrior has a better INI than the clones (3 Instead of 2)J he is naturally chosen. The player



PHASE the dice

gets a natural result of "2" to which the dawn warrior's INI of 3 is added as well as a +2 bonus due to the presence of the two
clones. This roll'sfina! result is therefore 2 + 3 + 2 = 7. The dawn

It is recommended Placing the attack

to use the reference

cards to organise

dice in such a way as to avoid errors

when resolving


dice above the card and the defence

warrior and the clones

Attention! to the final

the Initiatlve

test. 7 to 6.

below it is a good. way to avoid confusion. important to keep their dlce separated.

If several fighters of
then it is also

the same type are involved in the same combat, Certain penalties (such as \Voul/d penalties)

remit of initiative

tests. If a fighter

who iI; subject

to melt a pel/ally

i's chosel! among several others to make an

1T1iblativll lesl before If combat, be modified by these penalties.


then the roll's final result will

[t therefore

isn't always ",L~e to

choose the_ffghter wlth the highest iNl.


Before proceeding players must decide with the Attack how their fighters and Defence



will use their combac first how

dice, Each die must be placed either in attack or in defence. The player who lost the Initiative test must announce he is placing the dice.of each of his fighters. He can place all his dice in attack or in defence or place them as he likes.

Once this is done, it's the winner of the Initiative test's turn
to place his dice. Attention! Al this stage of the combat of the player

it is important

to know test wll!

that the fighters

who ]l/on the Initiative

have the oppurtl/.nily

to attack first when the attacks arc being test.

result-ed. 1I Is therefOr!! prudent: to place one 01' several dtae in defence when one has lost the Initiative Exemples: • A royal guardsman guardsman's oj Alahan is involved ill a combat against a

dawn Wal1·;or. The latter has

the lnliiatlve

test. 71111 royal

two combat dice must therefore be placed first. The


player decides to place one &1 attack and one in defence. Then it's his opponent's tum to plaoe the dawn warrior's He decides to plMe both of them in attack. • A praetorian (flld the clones guardsman

combat dice. Thisfighter has two attack dice .

is involved in


combat again!;t two

clones of Dirz. and a dawn warrior. Because th« dawn warrior the Inttiative lest. the pmetorian


[our combat dice must be placed fost. The player decides to place one ill defence and three ill attack. Then it's his opponent's tum to place the combat dice of his three figlacrs. For clone and one iii defence, aud filially he place dice ill attack;

1 he

places two dice ill attack, for clone I/O. 2 fie places one ill attack the dawn warrior's two


has two defence dice.



Once the dice have been placed, the actual combat begins. A combat is divided into an undetermined An exchange as them. represents the time number of exchanges. to it takes for opponents


Camp with numerical supe.riority: die must Each fighter with at least against is chosen the opponent.

one attack controlling

make an attack

The order in which the fighters attack only one per exchange. Camp wtth numericalinferiority:lfhe

by the player

them. The fighters with several attack dice can use

attack each of the enemy fighters involved in the same combat

has at least one attack each of his oppohim freely chooses attack

In each


the camp

that won

the Initiative


die, the fighter must make an attack agalnsr has opponents, then the player controlling

attacks first. DUring the first exchange the number of attacks attempted a fighter depends and on the number as him. on the. number of opponents by

nents if this is possible. LEthe lighter has less attack dice than he which enemy fighters will be attacked. A fighter cannot

of attack dice he has available involved in the same combat

the same enemy fighter twice during an exchange.


1I1a duel, as long as the fighter still has at least left, he must attack exchange attack in an exchange. dice he has, a fighter in a duel.

attack die how many per

Yet no matter

can make only one attack

A Khor warrior dwarf isfighting goblin ashigaru and has nevertheless placed

a bUshi (middle card) and a lost the Initiative test The bash!

(right card). The dwarfhas

his three dice in attack.

has placed Ids two dice incattack one in attack and one in defence. in the first exchange Khor:

and the ashlgarli, has placed

If he survives,

each goblin must attempt to attack the the dwarf mils! then attempt to attack each the bushi
must: attempt

olhis opponents. the second exchange his second

attack. And fin ally, the dwarf must attempt

A combat opposes an ore tracker (right) against a done of Dirz (left). The ore wins the Initiative dice ill attack. In tire first exchange make his the ore will attack and then the clone wll! When

his third and last (at the choice of

attack against either the Mshi the player controlling

or the ashigeml

test, The done has placed


the Khor warrior).

die in attack and one die in defence. The ore has placed both his


survived. attack. Since all fighter have resolved all the attacks that they had

if he has

In the second exchange the ore will make his matter what happens.

to make in an exchange,

a new exchange

begins. The exchanges

the clone won't have all)' attack dice left, the combat will end no

follow each other in this way until no more fighters have attack dice or until all the fighters in one of the camps have been ehminated. The unused defence dice are lost. Note: hi everYllelll exchange tllefighters don't necessarily halle

to (Attack in the same order. A fighter call be selected to attack first ill an exchange and be selected to attack last ill the followingoue.

CHAPTER Reminder: automatic For characleristtc tests a natural resulrof



0 is an

Noree Whereas the defender call .!Iseseveral defence diee to try

failure. This is also true for final results of 0 or less.

The attacking player selects one of the fighter's opponents to be the target of his attack.

to pau)' the same auack, the attacking player CaJ1110t group together several dice to make a single Attack test '"lth the hope of get.ting a higher 'reslilt. Por characteristic tests a natural result of 0 is an automaticfallure. This is-also true for filial results o or less.

IT the defender If the target has at least one die in defence, the player controlling him must decide lf he isgeing or Rot. If the target must announce has several to attempt defence to defend hlrnself dice, then the player makes a Defence assigned higher is parried, Whatever assigned exceptions has announced a parrying attempt, then he test with as many dice


he has previously

for this. If the final result

of this roll is equal to or then the

than the 'final FesU.]t of the Attack test, then the attack If not (or if no Defence test was attempted), the result to this rule:

how many of these dlce will b~ used in his

parrying, arre mp t.
A player can use as mall)' defence. dice as he wishes to try to parr)' the same attack. These choices must be made before the Attack test is made.

atta ck hits its target. of the Defence tests, aJl defence dice
attempt am lost. 'Ihere.ars, however, two to a parrying

The attacker the final result makes an Attack test (no difficulty of this roll Indicates
[Of this test):

The attack fails

If the Attack test is an automatic
his defence dice. failure (a. [Jar If the test's

the difficulty



lirial result is 0 or less), then the defender

does not Lose any of

defender must equal or surpass. to parry the attack.

SUStained defence
U a fighter has placed. at least as many dice tn defence attack defence. As soon as the player an nouaces last defence die to attempt defence." The difficulty higher than.the that he when placlng his combat as in

dice, he can, use sustained

is using

this fighter's a "sustained

a parry, he can announce of his Defence test

then, two points

final resu It of the attack he is rrylng to parry,

1£ the De fen ce te s t is successfully passed, then the attack is parried and the figh,rer keeps his defence die. This-die can only
be used during defences additional this combat andonly to do other The difficulty sustained of each in the e)(;act same conditions.

Defence test is then two points higher than thefinal test, even for the very last attack

result of the oppcnent'sAttack to defend against.




announces Attack failed.

his intention

to parry the attack

Ii natural

with the first of his his


two defence dice. The Goblin player makes does not lose his defence die.

test, but he gets the thermo-priest

result oJEJ. Because the attack

Attention! defence

The die assigned

to sustained

defence must be the to attempt a sustained once a until a sustained

fighter'S last one. It is therefore forbidden player has announced the end of the combat. announced, each attack.
10 an attack.

by rolling several defence dice. Furthermore,

his intention can

of attempting

defence, the concernedfighte«

longer counter-attack

If he has

the "Ambidextrous"

abIlIty. then

it lias no effect. And fi"ally.

once a sustained

defence has been

the defender mllst attempt

to defend hit1tselfagail1st

'Ihe player cannot decide not /0 assign defence dice The second ashigani Dwarf player announces readies his attack and, onee agaill, the only result ofl2l

that he'll try to defend hlmselfwith

On8 die. This time the Goblin player gets a natural

which, wilen added to the ashigarCl'sATToj2, gives result 0/5 .. TITe DVo,arfplayer makes his Defence test and gets a natural
result oJTI::;J. Thanks to his D£F 0/4, the tkermo-prtest diffi culty lVas 5. gets a fina! whose result ajB, which is more than enough to parry the attack,


He there/ore has three combat

dice and goblin The Goblin player

has two. Having lost the initiative

test, the Dwarf plaYErI'places

two dice in defence and only Me in attack. places all the dice of his two fighters ill attack;

CHAPTER 5 • THE COMBAT PHASE Because the Dwarf player has used his only attack ashigaru die, the

goblins can carry out their last attacks. The Goblin player selects the unwounded attacker. So the Dwarf player announces sustained this rule die left. The Goblin player gets a natural which gives him a final difficulty because he has announced 2poiflts'and and gets a natural is parried result ofr;::;] his Attack on situation test, the restdi of 6. In a normal a sustained

to be the first a

that he's attempting

defence with his last defence die. He can benefit from he didn't have more attack dice than defence dice his combat dice, and he has only DIre defence

after havilltplaced

of the Dwarf player'S Defence test would be only 6, but defence, it is increased by becomes 8. The Dwarf player makes his Defence test result of~ which, when added to his DEF of defence works: the attack keeps his defence die.

4, gives a final result of8. His sustained and the thermo-priest

The second ashigara is about to attempt already done a sustained choice but to continue Now it's the thermo-priest's nothavingplaced q@ turn to attack. The Goblin pl(lyer attempt to parry. test and gets a natural result Damage roll The Gobitn player gets has a Critical a filial thermo-priest any dice in defence, hecannot

his last attack. Having

defence, the Dwarf player has no other

using this type of defence,

II natural



which, when added by 3 points sustained to give the defence.

to his ATT of 2, gives a total of 7. However; because the goblin WOI~nd, this total is reduced is stili subiec: to the rules result q[4. Though t71is is the last attack

The Dwarf player makes his Attack being-able

The attack therefore strikes true without tile Gobllnpla')'er to react. The targeted ashigarll slff!el's wlth a Critical WOlmq.

to parry,

and is inflicted

11m threshold

lie must reach


his Defence test therefore goes which, when added

4 to 6. He gets a natural

result o

to his DEF rljiJ., gives a final result: of 7, which is enough to pa.rry til isfina I attack.



U the attack strikes true, then the attacking player makes a Damage roll against the opponent who was hit .. This fall's strength is equal to the SIR of the fighter who carried out the attack. If this Damage roll's result is "Killed Outright," then all of the eliminated miniature's remaining combat dice are immediately lost.




111e Damage roll's natural being a

result is hJ and


The lower result STR - the

!;j , the

Wound is located on the arm . The roll's final result + the attacker's

result is -3 (the higher natural target's RES: 4


- 11

=- -3).

The Damage roll's result is thereThis isn't truly

II Wound.

fore read at the Intersectlou but the praetorian of all his Initiative. end of the round.

of the "Arrns" colum n and the" Less suffers a -Ion the final result

than 0" line, which gives: "Stunned." guardsman

Attack, Defence and Damage tests until the is placed next to the praetorian guards-

A "Stunned"
man's base.


A praetorian guardsman
combat agalnsttwe player). The praetorian The Scorpion guardsman


player) is involved

in a

clones of Din: and a dawnwazrior has



combat test.

dice. The two

clones and the dawn warrior

each have two combat dice.

player wins the Initiative guardsman.

The Griffin player places one die in defence and three dice in attack for the praetorian in defence for done warrior. The Scorpion player placBecause clone no. 1has only one opponent cannot therefore attack. attempt wait until the next exchange in this combat, he more than one arrack per exchange, to attempt He must his second es two dice in attack fer done no. 1, one die in attack and one

no. 2, and two dlce in attack for the dawn


The Scorpion attacker.

player selects clone no. 2 to be the second

Here, too, the Griffin player decides not to assign any player makes an Attack test for clone no. 2 and failure he can

dice to defend against this attack. The Scorpion gets a natural result of[::J. Such a result is an automatic and the attack has no effects. Clone no. 2 (like done no. 1) only having one opponent, attempt combat only one attack per exchange. die having been placed furthermore, in defence, his second

he can no longer

The Scorpion

player having won the Initiative

test. he is the

first to be the attacker. He selects clone no. 1 to be the first attacker.

Having faith in his praetorian

player announces The Scorpion gets a natural


high RES, the Gciffin

that he will not attempt to defend himself player makes an Attack test for clone no. 1. He

result ofl2J which, when added to his ATT of 3, any dice to defend 'The Scorpion roll. (the clone player is getting ready to attack with his third and last fighter: the dawn warrior.

gives a final result of 6. Because the Griffi n player hasn't assigned against this attack, it stclkes true. The praetorian has a STR of 4). guardsman suffers a Damage



This time the Griffin player decides guardsman's gets a natural The Griffin The Scorpion to use the praetorian Attack test and The Griffin player then prepares against the dawn warrior. to carry out 'his second attack the Latter doesn't result of ATT have any

only defence die 10 try to parry the attack. player makes the dawn warrior's result of~ player then which, when added to his ATT of 3, makes the praetorla n guardsman's when added to


defence dice, the Scorpion player cannotattempt to parry.

This time the Griffin player gets a natural result is added penalty-of "Stunned." is hit. The Damage roll's natural result is!2l andlUJ. The lower result natural result being !2l , this means that the blow is located in the belly. to the praetorian guardsman's -1 is applied to the result because The fina I result is therefore


This is

gives a final result oEB. Defence test and gets a natural result of~wh1ch,

(5), but a

the guardsman

8 and the dawn warrior

his DEF of 5 and after the penalty due to the effect ofUStuDned" has been applied (-1), gives a final result of 9. 'Ihis result being higher than the 8 gotten for the attaek, it is I'anied. player having made the attacks of his three The Scorpion player.

The roll's final result attacker's

is 6 (the higher

+ the

fighters, it is now the Griffin's turn to become theattacking

STR - the defender's

RES - the penalty

due to the roll's result and the

state of "Stunned ": 6 + 8 - 7 - 1 = 6), The Damage IS read at the Intersection between

the "Belly" column

"617" line, which gives a result of; "Serious I...X/ol.lnd!'

Because of this WQund the dawn warrior -2 on the final result of all his Initiative, his Wound becomes A "Serious warrior's base. worse). counter is placed next to the dawn suffers a penalty of Attack, Defence and

Damage tests until the end of the game (unless he is healed or Wound"

The praetorian opposed






and is an

to three enemy lighters.

He must therefore that he'll attempt


attack against each of his opponents The Griffin player announces ag~.i nst clone no. 2. The Scorpion

during this exchange. a first attack

player annou nces that he's using clone no, 2's result of[:::Joll his Attack test. And finally, the Griffin player attempts against clone no, 1 who doesn't makes the praetorian the penalty guardsman's his third and last attack have a defence die available. He Attack test and gets a natural ATT (5) and is applied. The final

defence die to paerv The G.riffin player gets a natural This is an automatic guardsman failure and clone no. 2 keeps his defence diee during this exchange

die. It won't be of any use to him though, because the praetorian must use all his attack and, since he doesn't have the right to attack the same opponent mote than once during the same exchange, he can no longer attack clone no. 2 in this combat.

resu It ofGJ. This result is added to the guardsman'S due to the state of "Stunned" 6. result is therefore

The SCorpion player not having been able to assign a die to defend against this attack, it strikes true. The Damage roll's natural result is {;:;l and

[BJ. The

lower result result + the

being!Bl means that the blow is located at the head. 1;Qe roll's final result is 7 (the h lgher natural attacker's is therefore miniature STR - the defender's 5 + B - 5 -1 read at the intersection is immediately removed having RES - the penalty
= 7). The Damage

due to the roll's result Clone


state of "Stunned":

between the "Head" column I's from the battlefield and its the

and the "6/7" line, which gives: "Killed Outright." second attack die is lost. The praetorian exchange g-uardsman

made his last attack,

ends and a new one begins.


The Scorpion player is the attacker again. Clone no. 1having been killed, only the dawn warrior still has an attack die aval lable, He is therefore automatically designated to be the attacker, Because the praetorian guardsman doesn't have any defence dice left, the Scorplen player proceeds with the dawn warrior's Attack test. He gets a natural result of[2J. The attack strikes true and the Scorpion player makes the Damage roU. The Damage roll's natural result is [;] and (;:;].The lower result is [;], meaning that the blow is located axthe chest. The roll's final result is -1 (the higher natural resul + the attacker's ATT - the defender's RES - the penalty due to the state of "Solrious Wound", 5 t 7 - 11- 2 = -1). The Damage roll's result is therefore read at the intersection between the ~ChestU column and the "Less than 0" line, which gives: "UgbtWound." Due to this Wound the praetorian guardsman suffers a penalty of -d on the final result of all his Initiative, Attack, Defence and Damage tests until the end of the game (unless he is healed or his Wound becomes worse). A "Light Wound" counter is placed next to the praetorlan guardsman's base. The "Stunned" counter also remains there, for though these two states are not €umutative, certain game effects only apply to one or the ether.

At the end of a combat, if the fighter has killed all his opponents (meaning all the enemy mlniatures involved in the same combat as him), he can make a pursuit movement. There are then two possibilities;
1. Lf the lighter miniatures is already in contact with one or several

that weren't involved in the same combat as him,

then there are h90 choices . • He can move half of his MOV (in cm and rounded up to the

higher integer) to leave the fcay.

required opponent and this movement


test is

can bring the fighter to engage an

(even one he was already in contact with) .

• He can remain where he is. He is then considered gaged the opponent or opponents

to have enwith.

who are In contact

him. 2. Lf the fighter is free of any opponents, then he can move

half of his MOV (in em anti rounded up to the higher integer). Except when This can bring engage an enemy miniature.

due to a particular game effect. a pursuit movement does not cause any charge penalties.

guardsman versus morbid puppet / swordsman versus ghoul / guard of Alaha" versus zombie warrior and gravedigger of Sa la(J:el, The combat em the left between the Drune karnagn and the goblin spearman is resolvedfirst.

No longer having an opponent involved ill the same combat as hlni, he can make a pursuit movement. Being in contact with the ghoul and the zombie \v(Urior,he can either move 5 em or remain where he ts to continue fighting.

The karh.agh having eliminated the spearman, he can move halfofhisMOVand et/gage Me o/the bashis.



Please pursuit note; The fact of ellgaging




does notprevent: have to possibility

11:14giciam;alld thefaithful the combat phase to do so.

from casting spells and calling' miraclesduring being played

if they

11a fighter comes Into contact end of a pursuit • Lfthis miniature to be resolved. ruovement,

with an enemy mi niature at the combat

then there are various possibilities: and another combat is selected

has already fought during the current happens

phase, then nothing

• If the engaged miniature Is free of any opponents and hasn't fought yet, then a combat is immediately resolved between it
and the fighter who has just made a pursuit • If the engaged miniature hasn't been resolved movement. that and resolved is already involved in a combat movement

The combat Construct

on the right between

the slasher and tire CYllwlill eliminates his

warrior is resolved .fi11>t. Tile' slasher

opponentand makes a pursuit movement.

yet, then it is immediately

the fighter who just made the pursuit less suffers all the penalties

participates combats).

in it as if he hadn't already fought in this round (he rreverthecaused in hi:s previous

The slasher': pursuit


hal! brought hit» Into contact must therefare he split

with olle of the two selsYms. be resolved bnmedlately. Pursuit movements

This Fay

again and thB combat between the. slasher and the selsjm


are not mandatory,

even if the fighter who in ccnraet with one or decide that

has the possibHity to do one is aheady several enemy m] niatures. the fighter is not pursuing.

1.11his case the playercan t

The fighter is then simply no longer

invol vedin any eombat duting the round belng played.



Allfi.ghters of whom all opponentshave been el lmi nated at the end of a com bat can make PUcFSULt movements,

The inquisitor's thallion pursuit movement brillg~ him to engage the b4>vee/J the latter and the round.


movement per

The same fighter can makeonly warrior of the Abyss. The combat allow this.limit to be raised.

one pursuit

Some game effects, such as the "lrnpiacable/X"


not: having b~en ,.esolved yel,


is done immediately

and Ih ein« uis ito r takes part iii it. A pursuit Tactical movement cansomettmes involving cause the winnen of the In this the fighter who just made

End of the combat phase

Once all combats have been resolved, the combat phase ends

roll to split the fray anew before the combat. that must be resolved immediately.

and the mystic phase begins.

case it is on.l.y the combat the pursuit movement



In tbe decp(Jt pJrtJ of the Abyn li»: crC,lmr(J porrwcJ by the demonic will of tl]( Tmsur, the Defpot of the god Mii-N«. bfJd( inrenJitiw to pun, flxy inf/tr lte the citics of
Ligf,t to lbdue! their »ictim: /Jttrr srr drJ&grd to tbe innsr dr of the (lrth wheY( they ire tortured in j t/;ouIJnd wJYr, for PJin is .1// tl'Jl tbe rkinnrr-demom faJ on. r/)( Age of D.1rknm ringr like J bucom:ng cJ/ in tf,r ars of tbe porwrrd of Mid=Nor. The time for hiding is flwr: the demons Jre gatf,(ril{g JrounJ tlu DominJnts, fl:( mort


powerful Jmol{g them, In.1 !Urge from thc Abyn to conquer A.lrk/ Jsh. Soonrr or I Jtcr /:.hJ-Nor '~imrdf wi/! rdern Jmol(g bis kind to get rnc,!!! on the gods wl,o once rent him into exiir. .. The Jrmy of Mid-No. J'r nt.fmrrOUf, rtriking lnd (l.fl/ of rcsourca. Its w.1rriorr bJY( mJIIj rpeciJ/ powcr! tbJt mJkc themlblr to dell with the most extreme ritf,JJtiofJf in the gJtne. 'Tbe Porsmed do;' furt content tbcmrrlwr wit" being f"l'il: they h.z1'c IOJdr of ,wry trick!

hidden up t"cir





During thls phase of the game the magicians (see p. 97) replenish (see p. 71) and the faithful their reserves of mystic energy before starting a new game round. This is done in two steps ..

The effects applied. bound to active abilities (see p. 131) are then

Each player begins amount p.99. of temporary

of certain spells or

by calculating

new on

All other effects, such as the maintenance miracles, are applied after the abillties.

each of his faithful's

fa lrh by following


rules explained




Garne effects that allow a fighter to return to the battlefield


has been calculated, the play-

during returning

the maintenance

phase are resolved

last. the


to the game ill this way cannot

cause or suffer any

Once the T.l'. of all the faithful ers make amana

effects at all during the maintenance

phase of their return.

recovery roll for each of their magicians.


If certain phase. effects 'require T.E'. or mana to be paid for them to must be sacrl Deed dud ng the maintenance to abilities must also be made last, these points Some die rolls bound

This last phase simply marks the passage soever. from one round to the next, The players can no longer carry out any actions what-

during this phase.

'The various effects mu r be resolved in the following ordet:

1. AOV£R

by effects that can

If one or several fighters a e concerned

cause a worsening

of their state of health or even their eliminaall abi Iity).

tion, then these effects are to be resolved before any others (even

if they are. bound to


magician has cast a spell that can be prolonged from


mte round ICJ the nest by spending mana during the maintenance

phase. Yet he is I:lle victim oj

already has

miracle tha; makes hlJ; l!7o.lmd$

IIIQI·sellby one degree in ever)' maintenance phase. 111i.~ magieia» Critical \'!701i/1ti. The effect that worsens his state oj

health is taken Care ajfirst. The l1l£lgiciall is therefore eliminated before having been able to spend the mana reqldred to prolong his spell, which is theref(lre then dissipated.


effects have been applied, the effects

all the adverse

bound to passive abilities (see p.131) are resolved.

'The orcs WtrC ere 1trd by t/.,c JlclJCmirtr of In endle f gi"erril/J WJr. 77)( ora .lre nou: Oil'/{ to be their slr«: Jnd wlJirrr. Aft" only nUmQ'Ol~J cnOlW to form J tn« .1)'l1'!y. It f,ic/, J few yrJrJ flxy fr_trnrJ thdr hrrcMlc.m strength of the rJi/v.. the arc lordr will bc 'Wort!,y of {gJinst their mssars Jnd broke their c·hJin in i Decoming toe kJ!-rJik lnd /CJL{ hi ; caple on the bloody rno/t. Their {ligM soon tl"rnrJ into In PJth of tlic gl"CJt W,1r? c>coJr"J WwJrdr tI)e c.uryrmr of Br.1n-6-~\p", T'l{ ore .1a~nr.-l to W.{gL' WJr, bad Ol"{; sn JriL1 region fWffltrd by rbJ.mJnlstic fl-Iritr. df,{c to tbeir {;.:tr.lOrJin,ny trcr&tb, ~rh(Jsrc J1ckJ/, tIle go.1 of rtrc'l5fh, ruse Jnd tlwntfOj CJp.iJ/c of tTl1l1Jg extremely "rlO~'I1f b/O"UJ. g.n'c lJiJ blwirtf to the orcs, W!i{) became the It "ll more, tf)(}' r; on the bIeHl'Ll{ of tbe kccpn· of fl,if !Jcrcd .tn.1 slo~u;/y pror- tot(m-~pf1'itr, 'who Jr( c.dlrJ by the myslrrlouf


Be it due totheir Size, their reputation



their aspect, certain The presence of be resolved berate


An assailant must make a Courage fighter, test ill the following cases:

fighters are able to frightell any movements and combats.

their opponents. that-must

such warriors can lead to situations

• He has CGU and the assault should with a fear-inducing

bring him into contact

There are two families of fighters. Co urage Ol~S fig hrers who have the Cou rage c h aracte r istic; Fear-inducing fighters who have the Fear charaetecistic. Example: A Kelt. fionna (CDU 4) tries ttl charge q, skinner of Mid-Nor (FEAR 3). She must make (! Courage tesl,jor the skillner of Mid-Nor is a fear-iududng-fighter. Tlmfiamm'5 cau being higher tMn the skInner's FEAR, the test "'ill only fail 0/1 a [] • He has ~ FEAR that is lower than the highest FEAR amongall the oppcnentsinto whose contact bring him. theassault is supposed to

Attention! i"(hen 1I fear-inducing fighter is CO~ifTO!l!1Jd by a FEAR that is higher than his, he must make a Cour~ge test. His FEAR is t1I1Jn c.onsldered to be 11 Courage (CaU) value. of the Abyss (FEAR 4) is GOflfi'Ollledby a (FEAR 8),. then he must make a Courage test,!sldel'ing tha; he has a COU equal to his FEAR
IWO/ff!,n predator ofhlood (meaning


If 11 warrior

cou 4).

Example: A ~flo/fe/J hunter (FEAR 4) is si»m'ltaneou5ZY oharg: ing a warrior of the Abyss (FEAR 4) (1I1d G prowler of the Abyss (FEAR 6), J--tt$ FEAR being 10!l'6f than the prowler's, he must make II- Courage test,

When designates targeted an assault involving the follewmg the miniatures at least one fear-inducing launching the assault. fighter is announced, rules apply. The term "assailant" The fighteJ:s


A defender must make a Courage with him, test in the following cases: opponent is about to come

• He has COU and a fear-illducjllg into contact Example:

by the assault are called "defenders," A Kelt hunter (COU.5) is bei/TJrchar~d by a IWlrl'ior of Co!{,rage test, the AhY5s (FEAR 4). The hunter must makea

Reminder: The term "assault" applies to charges as well as engag,eme.nts, A/50, ill the rules the verb "to assault " means hoth "to cbarge" and "1'0 1lngage." WheJ! afighter engages an opponent after t! pursuit movement, lt is also an ass.ault.

• He has a FEAR that is lower that the highest FEAR among all the opponents Example: A lang that are about to come into contact with him.

warrior (FEAR S) is being charged by a cy(FEAR 8) and a scoarge bearer (FEAR 5). Vie

clops of Mid-No)' \\7o!fel1s FEAR

beh1[ lower than thai of the cyclops, he must

make a Cour-age test.

Outing; an assault the dlstance measured between

a fighter must make a Courage
to reach

test only must be is too big

jf the ass all ant is really able'

his rarget,

This is why

the assailant

and the defender

-befo're making COU tests. If this distanee cannot test.

or jf the assailant

reach him for ,arty reason whatsoever,

the defender does not have to make a Courage



• A Wolfell hunter puppet

(FEAR 4) simultaneously

charges a morbid

(FEAR 5) and a black paladin

(FEAR 6). The difficliity

of his Coumge test is therefore 6. • A GriffUl thalliou (COU 6) is charged &illlultaneOllsly by a wm .... rior of lire Abyss (FEAR 4), a scourge bearer (FEAR 5) and a prOly/er of tile Abyss (FEAR 6). The difficulty ojllis Courage test 41 therefore 6.

A sepa rate roll must be made for every fighter who has to make a Courage (artefacts. test. 'The COU used for thls test is the fighter's own. be modified by certain game effects etc.), The presence of commanders p. 64). spells, miracles,

111 is value can nevertheless

and war-staffs

can also modify COU (see Leadership,


'TIle rule that allowed the use of the highest

value among when charging aLI the fighters and to increase in groups no longer applies!

cau or


their values

When a fighter makes a Courage is higher

test, he must get a result that

tha n or equal to the [oU'S difficulty, just like for any test. tests must be made during the same by the player who Courage

other characteristic
1£ several Examples: turn,

then this Is done in the order chosen with the next Courage

• A ghoul of Acheron (MOV 10; FEAlI, 6) charges II Griffin COIJ~ script (COU 3). 'Ih« distance between them if; 0123 em, which means that the Griffin iii out of rang«, So the ghou! is moved bJI
20 em in th« conscript's to make

has the Lead, The consequences

before proceeding

of each Courage test are applied test,


bUI the/alter

does not have

Courage test. • A soldier of the plains (MOV 7.5; C()U 4) launches a charge against a Kelt mlnoiaur (FEAR 8), 1116distance betweell them ill of 19 C11'l, meaning that the mlnotaur is outside ui£hedwarFs range, So the soldier of the plains is moved by 15 em ill tire minotaur~ direction. without hallillg to make a Courage test,
• A Wolfel! hunter (FEAR 4) launches a simultaneous assault

•If the assallanr's the
GOU rageous


test is successfully



fighter immediately Courage

resolves his assault in the then the courageous during then

usual way. • If the assailant's fighter doesn't • If the defender's

test is failed,

move. He cannot Courage

do any other actions passed,

against a spasm wlO'/'iol'{FEAR 6) and a Keltfia II 11 a (COU 4). The IX1oLJel'l's FEAR being lower than tllatofthe spasm wal'l'im; he must make-a Courage test, TIle \'{1()ifel'l layer jail!; his roll; p the hunter therefore cannot move, A.~a consequence he cannot reach the fianna who, because a/tltis. does not have to make a Courage test.

the turn being played. However, he is not in rout. test is successfully the fighter holds strong and awaits his opponent firmly planted on the ground, • If the defender's Courage test is failed, then the fighter been actiflees (see suffers the effects of rout (see Rout), If he hasn't vated yet in the actlvatlon any opponents, then he is in rout and immediately bound to rout. with his feet

phase being played and he is free of where he is but

A Courage test's difficulty is equal to the highest FEAR among who ace meant to be ill contact with the fight-

Fleeing). If this is not the case, then he remains suffers the penalties

aJl the opponents

er at the end of the assault.







a fear-inducing fi,ghrer cause'S his opponent to flee" his

Once a fighter has passed a Courage FEAR. he becomes game. He therefore is immune. Special case: if a figilftrs FEAR is increased by a (lime effect. tiIcllflll opponent5 til btuc-ta-base contact with him ",flO are not Immune to til's nelV FEAR must immediately make /I. Courage test with a difficult] equal to this value. Fighters who fail this Conrtlg,e test gil into a stil til ofrou t. Example: A Keilji(lIIl1a who is immune to (I. FEAR of615 ill COI1tact With (l morhid pttppet (fEAR 5). Dill! to the rif{ecl oJa spell the puppet's FEAR suddellly becomes 7. Thefianna must. immediately make a Courage tes! with a dijficility of ? by rISing her COllmge (COU 4-). immune automatically test in the face of
II' certain


is first of all placed on thespor

where his r,arget was

to this value until the end of the passes all Courage tests with

s ra ndi n g before flee iIlg. It ,j sl rn p ortant to re rnern b er the d ista nee moved, by the fear-inducing: fighter. In this case the following this fighter. choices are given to the playercontrotlin_g using the rest af hls movement • His assaultcan usi.ngwha! situation be redirected potential tcwazds
Ii different

a dillicl1.1ty that is lower than or equal to the FEAR to which he

• He can chase his initial target and try m catch up with him by target by

is, left of his movement potential, Whatever ts, this new assault is an engagement.


• The rest of his movement

can be used to run, but it

cannot end in contact with an opponent. • He can remain in his new position on the spot where his inislal

target was standi ng,

W h ic hever choice is
III ade,

the Iig h ter is con sidered to ha ve even ifhedoes opponent, phase. he cannot perform any

carried out an exclusive action. As a consequence. not come into contact with

other actions during theactlvatten Note:

A fighter in rout.Is subject til the followlng rules. • His DIS cannot be used for the Tactical roll. lfa!Lohn fi;ghte~s are in rout. then its Tactical roll automatically army's fails. then lie

The rules on the influenee of fear apply to all; types of assauits,eve~t t}Jose made outside oJ'tlre (1ctiPtritioll phase. tl fighter ClIN therefore be led to make a COHrage test ifhe is engaged followillg II pursuit: movement.

• J:£ he is free of s'ny opponents

flees . • lfhe • Hecanncrfire, an opponent

when he isactivated, (fear-inducing


before having been activated,

then-he flees.

cast spells or call miracles,

• He cannot use.counter-magic or censure. • If he is a magician, then he suffers a -2 en the final results of his mana recovery rolls,
• lf he is a faithful. • In hand-to-hand ling him from • He cannot then he subtracts it). this forbids the player controlor an optional aptitude that combat two T.F. points from his reserve (after having calculated than in defence ..Consequently, using an ability

he cannot place more dice in attack

would make him break this rule. make pursuit movements, and/or "Aurhortry" abilities. then • Ifhe has the "Leadership/X" the)' don't have an)' effect, • His active abilities

(see Abilities, p. 131) don't have any effect

use them),

(he still has them but cannot



the highest FEAR (or COU if they are courageous opponents). according to

S pecia I case s:
• Concentration/X. centration/X mains in rout. • War fury: immediately

If a fighter

has already used points as long


Lf several


these oppcnents have the same FEAR, then the the fleelng fighter chooses

before going into a state ofrout,

then he keeps 11m he re-

p.layer controlling which one he flees.

benefus of these points hut cannot useothers

if a fighter

is already in a Wllr fury at ti,e moment

thai he goes into a state oJ rout, then the effects oj thlsahili!"y

M uhlgenic/X: if a figMer has already used points oj lYIutagelliclX bejorego,illg into a state ofrotu; then he keeps the benefits of these points but cannot use others as long as he remains ill

~ A fighter in .rout can be brought tions. A fleeing fighter moves MOV X' 2 to .flee under certain condi,Scavenger of Ache ron his Courage test warrior that is The soldier of the plains (MOV 25) has fatted [acinga (FEAR 5) while he ham'); been activated ]lee 15 em in the oppos(tedirectlon iJnger is stanning. then he is-eliminated. Zombie warrior

Soldier of the-plains




determined in different wavs depend mgen if he is fleeing from an opponent or not.

When obstacles ery. U a fighter leaves the limits of the battlefield due to a fleeing movement, moving while fleeing, the lighter goes around in his way, be they miniatures or elements aU the of the scen-

SC.aveflger of Achel'OIl (FEAR 7) and a zombte


yet. He must t!tereJorft



in reaction to an opponent's assault, then he

at the moment
0 [the

Ifa fighter In rout is free of any opponents


he is ac tl va ted, he flees towa rds the nea res t edge

ta b le,

If the fighterflees

moves in the opposite direction.of

where the assailant is coming

At thebeginning
their-camp. There are then two possibilities;

of each round, during the strategic


the players must make a raHying test for each 'fighter in rout in

Lf no fear-inducing

fighter is in €ontact with the fighter in rout, him) with a difficulty of 6. If

then the latter must make either a Courage ora Discipline test (at the choice of the player controlling this test is passed, the fighter is rallied. lf'not, he remains in rout.

Cypher Lukhan
The Jackal master ofrites facing Cypher Lukhanand position .. If several opponents <h, opposite direction

Jackal master of rites

Passing such a test does not make fighters immune to feat . • If one or several fear-inducing opponents are in contact with the fighter, then the latter must make a Courage test with a
difficulty equal to the highest FEAR among the opponents in base-to-base contact with him. If this test is passed, then the

(MOV 10) has Jailed his Courage test hasn't beel! activated yet. He must

lighter is rallied and made immune to the Fear-that he has just resisted. if he fails the test, then the fighter remains where he ia a nd continues to suffer the effects of rout. Once he has been rallied, a fighter can act in the usual way during the round being played.

therefore flee 20 em in the' opposite direction ojDyp!/eI' Lukhan's

are charging of the. position

the fighter, then he flees in 01 the enemy fighter with




Djr~ W.1S In Jicbcmirt, J min of scuna in the rm,jcc of tIx Akkyl Jnnjm god ]I" I crm,lVirbing to plcJJe tbe One marc tl)JR Jnytl}itg clf(~ be w4nted to crCJtc tlJC pcr{Cct bd4f, yet ended up sinking into Darknm. f /i.mted for hemy, lx found rrfUgr in the SyfJJrha/nJ Liercrt with hir pJrtifJflf .:lnd JifJPPCJmi... 'Tlxrc. hidden Jmoflg the JriJ Jr.mer,he cr{Jtri life JgJin Jnd built sn'c destined to reign (1')1(1' of new 4,gC: the .Jchcmical {gr of the Scorpion empire, Thc J/chanicJI .w is .J.n W of D,lrknw. Armia of monstrous cloncr Jre pouringthroug/J

tbe gJtcr of tl c derert ;lnd src rowil{g terror ;]1 Oi'cr AJrk/zh, rl}[ time for the triumph of J!1 obscure science bJS come. rbc JlclxmicJI Jrmy ir one of the mort wrsJtdc onCf in tbe worM of Con{rontJficn. It deployr pghtCl'J of 1// tyPCJ, trom rrgulJr closa to the tcrrifyir{f DJryJtir, not to mention the fcrociOi"f tigers of DUf{: Itr wJrriorr brnept {rom the effects of l\ /'''tJgCn, J higb-p(r(ormJncr combJt drug thJt imprO),{f flxir comb.1t cJpJciticf by miking thcm f.uta; strOlgcr, or more mirtJot, Jnd romctimcr ;/1 threE Jt once,

Before getting into the details remem ber certain A commander commander's Musicians commanders definitions, ~ is a fighter with the "Leadershlp/X" ability. X is a value that indicates authority. the maximum range (in em) of the to be ability. equal to Musician of the Lion

of the Lion


it is important


Agenn the Ardent


This area is called aura of leadership. are notconsidered over a distance

and srandard-bearers

even though they have the "Leadership/X"

Yet they transmit a bonus (see further) the X value bound to their ability. A wax-staff gathers a commander the musician's

and a musician or standard<lura of

bearer (or both). For a war-staff must be within leadership, aura of leadership,

to be effective, the commander (or standard-bearer's)

and the latter must also be within the commander's

A war-staff is said to be "at a whole" if the commander

in amusiclan's and in a sta ndard-bearer's and the musician the latter two are also in the cornrnander's the standard-bearer other's aura of leadership When a war-staff

is both and Yet

aura of leadership, aura ofleadership.

don't have to be in each

for the war-staff to be at a whole. its aura of leadership aura of leadership covers all of all of

is formed,

the zones covered by the combined its members.

bearer and in that oj the musician. V'lelatter two are both within Aiolln~ aura of leadership. l1m,ughthe standard-beater and the musician are not within each other's aura oj leadership, these three fighters form a war-staff that is at a whole.

A fighter cannot the game.

be made member

of a new war-staff


If a fighter is within leadership, a com mander's or a war-staff's aura cf

he can use the commander's

COU and DIS instead tests. The members

of his own for 3.1I hls Courage and Discipline of the war-staff Example: also benefit from this rule,

A guard

0/ Alatia»

(COU 5) is charged by a Dasyatis of


clone (FEAR 8). He must therefore make a Courage test. He is within the aura of leadership

(COU 6; Leadersllip/10)

can there/ore use his COLI [or this "est. tiffect a fighter's FEAR.


no 'May can Leadership/X This ability ollly niJeru Courage.

1I the commander is fear-Inducing,

then his FEAR caa be used

as Courage, Example: predator tha» the leadership A voracious Devourer (FEAR 5) attempts to charge a

of blood (FEA R 8). The predator's

FEAR beillg higher

of Kalyar

the latter must fir.~t the Awakened


a Courag« roll

before charging.

Yet the voracious

warrior is within tlte aura of (FEAR 7; Leader9hip/1S).

He call therefore make this COIJrage test u s iIJg the commander's Cou (Calf = FEAR = 7for this test). A fear-inducing fighter can use a courageous commander's COu.


Commanders, Discipline tests. musicians in and standard-bearers can help and fighters of their people heir camp pass their Courage


A Keratis warrior (FEAR 5) must mak« a Courag» test black 11"0/1 (FEAR 8). He is wiihin the (tum ofleadsrshtp Ka (COU 7) and cau therefore


rif7hysstm "

vaiue of7fo/" II~,

Similarly, fear-inducing a courageous commander. fighter can use the COU value of a

A fighter cannot benefit from leadership bonuses coming from fighters who are not efhts people. The "Leadership/X" standard-bearers ability of commanders, fighters musicians and only affects who are at the same

Example: Jacing

A warrior ClJblood (COU 4) must: make a Co IIragll test cye/ops of Mid-Nor (FEAR 8). He V, wlthin the aura of

altitude level as they-are.


uj Kalyar

(FEAR 7) and

therefore use


value of7

[or his test.

Attention! War-staffs being built. A fighter can be the member of only one war-staff at a time. A war-staff cannot include clan or standard-bearer. A war- staff is represented commander's.If ing members longer considered the commander continue by a single reference card: the is elim inated, then the remainmore than one commander, musiare defined before the battle when the armies are of leadership induc:ingjightllr Afightl!l' within a commander's ollly IISes the commander's to avoid a Courage ten. or a



COU 11.'ld DIS to in-

crease his chances oj passing his tests. This does not allow a fear-

to be represented

by this card but are ne

to form a war-staff.


CHAPTER 8 • LEADERSHIP Example. A scourge bearer (FEAR 5) attempts

of Dir« (FEAR Yh-Sabahal to charge
II tiger

8). Il10ugll

he is within the aura of leadership

of to


STANDARD~BEARER BONUSES The presence of a sta nda rd-bearer or a muslcia n provides certain bonuses to a fighter when he has to make a Courage or Discipline test. These bonuses apply 110 matter the COU or DIS value used by t:he fighter (his own, that of the commander of the war-staff in which the standard-bearer and musician may be in, or that of any other commander). The standard-bearers and musicians also benefit from the bon uses tha t they provide to the rro 0 ps in their camp, All fighters within the aura of leadership of war-staff that includes a standard-bearer benefit from a +1 on the final results of their Courage tests.
a standard-bearer
OT a

(FEAR 9). the scourge. bearer is nut considered

have a FEAR of9 but just 0/5. He must. therefore make u COIO'age

Lest before being able to charge the tiger: On the other hand, he. does make-this test using a value 0/9.
Attention! erence

Only the values printed on the commander's refcard can be used b}' the fighters within his aura of leadership. Lfthese charactenstics have been modified (by a spell or a miracle. for example), then the values printed on the reference card are nevertheless used. Certain artefacts, spells, miracles and special capacities do, however, allow transmittable bonuses to be given. Such exceptions are mentioned on the concerned



Musicians: AlL fighters within the aura of leadership of a or a war-staff that includes a musician benefit from a +1 on the final results of their Discipline tests.
musician War-staffat a whole: All lighters withi n the aura of leadership

11 a fighter is within the aura of leadership of several commanders or war-staffs, he can use the highest DIS and GOU values among thoSIl of the various commanders.

of a war-staff at a whole benefit from a +2 on the final results of

their Courage and Discipline tests. This bonus replaces those provided by the musician and the standard-bearer alone (+1),
No matter

how many musicians

or standard-bearers are with-

in a fighter's range (be they 111 war-staff or not), the bonus he' a

gets remains the same,





Certain fighters have a particular grasp over the Living-dead. These fighters are called lords of the dead. All €0mmanders of Acheron (even those who IIre not Living-dead), as well as all Drune magicians and faithful with the "Leadership/X" and "Living-dead" abilities, are considered to be lords of the dead. Being such, they benefit from the "Aura of Darkness" rule. Reminder: Even though musicians
the "Leadership/X" and standard-bearers have


oj NIe/moth


FEAR 7). Because Melbenefits from a ;-2

to be

moth is o] Elite rank (category 2), the puppet

111 FEAR. His FEA R is therefore considered

5 T 2 = 7.

This bonos can not bring II fighter's FEAR to be higher than the one printed on the lord of the dead's reference card. "Example: A Wlolfen zombie (FEAR 8) is with ill the. allm ofleadership of the Gorgon (Leadership/W; FEAR 9; rank category 2). a +2

The l.'(Io/fen zombie should benefit from

FEAR, but this

ability, they are not commanders.

would. bring his FEAR to be 10, which is higher than the Gorgon's FEA It Tile IVOifl!1Izombie therefore ani)' benefits his FEA II is considered to be equal to S + 1 = 9.


1 alld

Ail fighters with the "Living-dead." ability located Within the aura cfleadership of alordof the dead in their camp benefit from a bonus in FEAR equal to the lord ofthe dead's rank category. Example: At the moment that he launches an assault agains! all opponent, II morbid puppet (FEAR 5) is wttltin the aura of If a Living-dead fighter is within the aura of leadership of several lords of the dead, then he benefits from the highest bonus. The bonus in FEAR bound to the aura of Darkness does not apply when a Living-dead fighter has to make a Courage test (when facing a Hyperian, for example),








111e "Aura of Da rkness" rule is added to those on leader'ship; it does not replace them. A lor-dof the dead therefore also remains a commander in Iegard to the rules ..However, a Livingdead fighter carroaly benefirfrom the advantages bound to the "Leadership/X" ability provided by other Llvlrig-dead fighters (with some exceptions).

• The FEAR printed on his reference card must lower than or equal to the one printed on the WoUen chief's reference eard, A 'fighter can get only one such counter .per round.

A Wolfen Pariah chief can only give a mark of savag;erl' to fighters who also have this abllltv, Similarly,a Pariah fighter cannot receive a mark of savagery from a.non-Pariah chief.

Examples: • 111e Gorgon is

II Living-dead

lord of the dead. Though they are

not Li!lhlg-dead, • ASUln de

the ghouls

Of Acherou

can use her FEAR for

their Courage test».

lord of the dead. ConseCll/!




is a lIo!J-Livh.g.dead


Li ving-dead fig/tter

use his Dl S for tk Discipline

test or his COUJar a Cow'age test (whell/a.cing a Hyperian.for

examp! e).

All Wolfen (be they bound to Yllia or to Vlle-Trs) with the "Leadership/X" abiUtyprintedon therr reference card ate considered to be Wolfen dliefs and thus benefit from the "Mark of Savagery" rule. The Wolfen who have acquired the "Leadership/X" ability in any way whatsoever do not benefit fro III th is rule,

Afighter wlth a.matk ofsavager:y benefits from the "War fury" ability. If he already has this ability, then the mark of savagery has no sffec t. The mark of savagery's effects app)y until the end of the.round, eveni f the fighter leaves the aura of .leadership of the Wolfen chief who gave him the counter,



'The "Mark of Savagery' rille is added to those of leadership.

It does not replace them. A Wolfen chief therefore remains a

earn rnander•

The term "Wolfen" is nor always.printed on, the reference cards ofthe Wolfen Devourers ofVil.e·-'ris.All these fighters are nevertheless WoUen.

THE hiLARK OF SAVAGERY In each round, every Walkn chief gets a "Mark of Savagery" titer that he cap use to in.crease the 'combat potential of another Wolfen. These counters must be attributed during every strategic phase, before the Tactical roll. Once this test has been made, no further counters can be attributed. It is not possible to keep these counters from one round to the next.

To get 3. counter ticns:

the fighter must meet the followtngcondi-

• He must be a Wolfen who is neither a Character nor a Wol.fen chief. • He must be wrthin the Wolfen chief's aura of leadership. • He must be of a rank category that is lower than or equal to that of the Wolfen chief.

the .1ccurJcd barony, ff}c l.:tad of thoIC wf}o br« sold their JOul Jnd flxir fCIh to Darknm in (xch.,rngc {or immortJiL'ty .wd unlimited power. 'TIJe dccJdcnt lords of AcfJCron call on the nil of necromancy to rsisc undeJd


,iominution Jnd power, the AchcroniJI1f .lrc the chJmpionr of Dlrknm. AI sao» J1 they br« c(ur/}ed tbe Lions of .41;/J.111 .lnd tbeir allur of Light, they will go On tf: c conqucst of the worldf in tbe name of their ctern.rl empire. rhc legion; of Acbcrol1 .11'(; harder of craiurc: (rom hrl/: IkdcloTU, 1(ombi(! Jnd gbouls .lrc ioi!1(J the bJtt/c6r1dr by all sort: of bri4.fJ rpringing (I'om DJrkncrs. L(Jdl{fg them .m CrJnc wJrriorr, JiJbolicM fjit/Jp.r/ .lnd naromsnav; who row

srmia. Nothing iI more cn/OYJblc to them tbn

inspiring J n.tmclcrr {elY in tl" bCdrtr of thcir enemies, The reign of the Obscure ir .Ibwb.ftc: the fiche lordr reduce kJngs into rlJ,\'cry, rJnctr!{Jrics, Jnd pill.;gc tbe Jecrcts of the part to mJkc tbeir own strengtiJ grow, f /ungrring {or

taror Jmof{g

tb( /i-ving.


CHAPTER 9. In a game of Confrontation the magicians' to cast spells. A magician when the armies we a fighter is therefore protected
I' being


main functlon


can only cast the spells he was given built. 'These spells are bound to an himself. Such be

All fighters with the Power charactertstlc there are two types of magicians. • 'Those known as "pure" devoted their magicians are individuals of the arcana who have of magic to lives to tile study of the maetlal are. above foes in combat. all, warriors. Yet they have a are can their for the occult arts. Their powers are magicians. Yet

A.P. value that is added to that of the magician usually a huge investment and played wisely. concernlng

that should

All restrictions

the attrfbution

of spells to magian army" (see

the detriment • \VaJ:.rior-mages certain weaker


Some nevertheless

cians are explained during a game. It is, however,

in the section 'on "Building

remain formidable

p. 126). The present chapter explains the rules on using magic


p os slble

to include magi cia n s wi nhou t sp ells i. n enemy magicians by

than those of pure magicians,

but they make up for

one's army: His role is then to neutralise using countermagic,

this lack with increased be identified reference cards.

ardour in combat. Warrior-mages

by the ability of the same name printed.on

Mana is the mystic energy used by magicians of their spells. Each magician reserve is represented Mana to fuel the effects has a mana reserve and he most use a part of it every time he tries to cast a spell. This mana

by counters called gem.s.

that comes from parallel Element. worlds 'There

is an energy source Aarklash


known a the Elemental is bound to a dominant

Realms. Each

one of these domains are six of these. The four primordial and Darkness.

Elements are Air, Fire, Water and Earth. These are Light

'The two other Elements are called Prineiples. Some of these Elements fi?:j. ... • are opposed

to each other.

Air is opposed

to Earth to Fire


Water is opposed

Light is opposed to Darkness powers of Darkness including are so strong Darkness itself. that it is

The corruptive

opposed to all the Elements, Another "neutral" Elements. mana symbol When


is sometimes

used to represent

it is required be replaced

for a spell to be cast, use a form of magic practice doesn't call but rather on the

then neutral


by gems of any of the other

The shaman

of Bran-O-Kor

caned instinctive

magic. This incantatory of the Elemental Realms, is represented

en the energies

forces that come from Aarklash 'The mana of these magicians mana,

and from the spirit of the orcs.

by gems of neutral


Each magician the game. At the start of a game, a magician equal to his POW. Example: has a number of mana gems has a mana reserve that fluctuates throughout

Every time a magician the actions reserve, of a different held in his reserve.

attempts magician. perform

to cast a spell or to counter he uses some of the gems have any gems left in his actions that are bound he can repleni to hall

Once he doesn't

he can no longer

magic. However, at the end of each round re<:overy roll.

or a part of his reserve of gems. To do so, he must make a mana

A magician with a POW' of 5 begins the. game with Ji ve mana gems.

Most spells are to be cast during However. phases. card. some particular When the magician's

activation. other the spell's

spells are to be cast during

this is so, then it is rnenttoned



In COlljront.a.tiOll2 most spells were cast during the firing and magic phase. Because this phase has disappeared. all spells that don't specify when they are to be cast must be so whUe the magician is activated. Th is also applies for all The type of gems held in the initial reserve Elements mastered depends on the spells that are to be cast during of this phase. the movement phase, even

by the magician.

A magician can only have

if it Is specified that the spell Is to be cast at the beginning

gems of an Element he masters. then the player contcclling

If he masters several of them,

him can freely choose the amount of

each Element among the gems held in the initial reserve. Example: A magician with fl. POW' of 3 who ma tel's Fire and Darkness can begIn the game with aile o!thejollowillg reserves: • Three gems of Fire. • Three gems of Darkness. • Two gems oj Fire and olle of Darkness. • One gel;1 of Fire and Iwo of Darkness. A magician's magician's mana reserve can become empty. but never nega-




The nurn ber of spells that a magicia n can cast in a round is only Iirnited by his mana reserve and the frequency [n the same rounda often than the Frequency of his spells. magician cannot cast the same spell more printed on its card. On the other hand,

as long as he has enough mana gems available, he can continue casting spells.

tive. At most, it can hold a number POW.

of gems equal to twice the

of the number of spells lhat call 011 the magiCialls rank that. applied in the previous version of Confrontation lI<7lY 1707 longer applie.l.
Attentionl restriction be used depending THE JNCANTATION When·a magician attempts incantation. consecutive steps. to cast a spell. he proceeds with an in several


In terms of the game, this is simulated


A magician with a POW of4 call hold a m;p;/mU/1I


8 mana gems in his reserve.


PEQP!E Alchemists ofDiez .' ~~')






,~..." r~,

PAT!! OF PREDILECTION Technomancy Howls

x x x

Devourers of Vila-Tts Akkyshan elves

Cy:nwhll elves

Sclaris Unknown Sorcery

Dafkinee elves
Goblins, of No-Dan-Kar

Griffins of Akkylannle Drune Kelts Sessairs Kelts

Limbo of Acheron Lions of Alahan



x x x

"" x
x x


Shamanism Shama n rsrn

'Necromancy Hermerisrn

Dwarves of Mid-Nor

Telluric Instinctive WhIspers magic


Orcs of Bnm-6-Kor WolfenofYIlia Utopia of the Sphinx Ophldlan Alliance

x x

.. : Domain oJ predilection





Choice of ta ~get 2. Calculation of the difficulty 3. Sacrifice of the gems required for the incantation .4. Improvement of mastery (if the player wisHes) 5. Annou ncement of counter-magic (if the opponent
6. Absorption (iftheopponent announced it) it)



7. Incantation test 8. Countering test (lfthe opponent 9, Verification of the distance

10. Application of the spell's effects


1. Choice of target
The player controllmgthe magician onto which the.magtcian He is not penuftted must therefore must designate a target the magi-

hasa line of sight. than the spell's range .. The player later on, it proves to be the reso
U rc es

to check if the distance between the distance.Jf

cian and his target is greater estimate

to 0 fa r, the n the sp ell bas no effect, neverthe Ie ss lest. Casting a spell on an opponent


used are with

in "base-to-base


fighters in the magiclan's

camp does not risk h:itting the latter.


3. Sacrifice of the gems required for the incantation

To cast a spell the magician type and amount are printed player must subtract must sacrifice

gems whose from

at the top of the spell's card. The for the incantation the inca nbe cast.

the gems required

the magician's
tation Itself required

mana reserve before preceedlngwith lf the magician

does not have enough gems of the

Element avai lable, then the spell cannot

4. Improvement

of the spell's mastery

the gems requiredfor the incan-

Once the player has removed tation from the magician's the possibility, thus sacrificed test. increase don test by sacrificing


he "an, if he wishes and has of success on the incantagems. The gems

his chances

one or seve I'll I additional

can be of any type. Eor each gem used in this way d6 when rnakl ng the incantation

the player rolls one addttlonal

Steps 5 and 6, which are bound to counter-magic, further on.

are described

7, Incantation test
The player controllmg the magician makes an incantation equal to the test,

whieb is a Power test with a difficulty culty. If he has spent additional Unlike when firing into a fray, a spell always affects the selected target. With some exceptions, the same spell sannot be successfully cast several tirnes onto the same target in the same rou nd, even gems for this purpose,

pall's diffi-

gems to increase

the rnagtclan's

mastery, then he rolls as many additional

d6 as he has sacrl ficed

If the test's final result is equal to or greater than the spell's difficulty, then it is SUCCJ~s!\fuJly cast, If not, then the incantation faj Is. Incantation in base-to-base the incantation suffers a -Ion in hand-to-hand combat: If a pure magician is contact with an enemy fighter when performing

If it is cast by several different magicians. 2. Calculation of the difficulty

on their card. Yet some' on various param-

of a spell or when attempting

to counter one, he
test. Wa>:cior-

the final result of his incantation

Most spells have a set difficulty prtnted have a variable difficulty eters, such as the distance difficulty controlling between

mages are not subject to this rule. Step 8, which is bound to counter-magic, is described further an.

that can depend

the magician and his target, It can even happen that the

or one of the latter's characteristics. the magician

is "Free." This then means that it is up to the player to determine It. when one depend-

A magician the magician the magician's



can choose to target a lighter located at an altiand his target is measured base

tude level directly above er below his. The distance Unless an exception of a spell's parameters the moment account is mentioned in Its description, (difficulty, effects) is determined characteristics, the counter representing it).

on the ground from him) to the

ing on one of the tatget's

then it is the value at

target's base (or the counter When a rnaglclan altitude targets

representing a miniature

of the incantation

that is used, while taking into

that is at a different

any possible modifiers.

level than his, he- suffers a penalty of -2 tests.

the final

result of his incantation Example: A magician is attempting to cast 1'1 spell with a difficulty equal to the target s A TT. The target has all ATT Qf 4 OIl its reference card, bllt is benefiting from an effect that increases this value by 2 points. The spell': difficaity is therefore 6 (4 t 2). fighter ground on the ground

A flying fighter never hides another never

flying fighter, and a fighter on the

hides another

if the spell is being cast from altitude level I.




9. Verification of the distance

Once the spell has been successfully the magician used are lost. U the target is within a distance that is shorter than

cast the distance between If it is greater than the This method is required;

causes the spell to be cancelled his incantation. proceeding to use (meaning out before the just

and his target is measured.

magician has even performed the magician wasgoing attempt. has to spend the right amount

No roil of the dice The gems are lost is 1,

spell's range, then it has no effect a nd all the gems that "Were eq ual

with the absorption


of gems (see further). the Incantation

that the magician of an incantation

to the spel I's range, then It undergoes

its effects.

and the spell is nevertheless then it cannot out by an on its card. Absorption incantation.


to have been the subject that if its Frequency

10. Application of the spell's effects

If the spell is successfully
cast and isn't cancelled

be cast again during the round being played). consists of spending exactly the same number

enemy magician, its effects applied as explained

of gems opposed

to those used by the opponent

for the spell's

A player can counteract counter-magic. magician the casting

Any gems used to improve the mastery must also be taken into account.

or the spell's strength

III the case of prlmagic spells,

are those of the Elements [or domains indicates which

the gems needed for the absorption oC a spell by performing

one and only one opposed to the ones actually To do so, be must designate the incantation. The table of elemental

used by the enemy magician a spell.

in his-camp who meets the following conditions: casting the spell. must be in range (even If he is not its target). then the magician

gem can cancel out another

when absorbing

• He must be able to see the magician • He musrbe within thespeU's base-to-base If the spell's range is "Personal,"

contact with his enemy counterpart. within range at the moment

If the spell's

range ts variable, then the magician

he is potentially tion is performed,

can use counter-magic that the incanta-


If these two conditions

ods: countering

an met, then the player attempting


cancel out the spell must choose one of the two folJowing methor absorbing. that he wishes to use counter-magic of mana gems that Example: A magician cast a spell using Jour gellis oj Light.
lnUSI sacrifice JOUI" gellls

'TIle player must anneunce and which method incantation

he has chosen right before the opponent's

To nb orb this spell, his opponent


test, just after the total amount

If the spell requires gems of several Elements
Elements to improve (or if the magihis mastery),

will be

used for this test has been announced. €ian used gems of ather Elements Example:

then the gems used for the absorption in the same prcporticns. A magicia» is about

must be of the opposite

1'0 ens! a spell using two gems


of Air lind one Qf Waler. To absorb this spell his [apposed to 'Vater). He opposed


sacrifice two gems oj Earth (opposed to Air) and one g(JltI oj Fire also use gems of Darkness, which are

to all

the Elements, carl be absorbed by gems of any Element,

Gems of Darkness including Darkness .. Example:

A spell thai requires three gellls oj Dar/mess o] Wo;ter ami 0VO OJ£41"/J1.

can be

absorbed by onegel/l




This method incantation.

that he is using this

During the mvsticphase the players make a mana recovery and then roll (wh ich is a Power test) for each of their magicians, refer to the Mana Recovery T-abte, UUs test is a true characteristle and test. A

consists of choking off the magic energies during When a player announces

method, he has to spend only one gem of any Element. The magician attempting the magician less lost. to cast the spell then does his Power failsand the gem spent by is neverthea counter test. [f he fails, then the incantation

who was about to attempt

aD, even

[!] can

be rolled again

after a ee-roll, is an automatic

failure. On

aD the

magician does not recover any gems at all. Depending on the total he gets and on his rank, the magia certain number of mana gems. The nature the player among however. cast, then the magician attempting cian recovers mastered

lf the speU is successfully

to counter to improve the mastery).

it does a Power test with. a single d6 (it is impossible This Loll's final result must be greater gotten by the spell's caster (and

these gems is freely chosen


the Elements for a magician

by the magician,


than or equal to the final result not to the spell's difficulty). are cancelled Attention! out.

cannot recover more mana gems than is allowed by the limit of hIS mana reserve (see p. 72). Example: All Adept with

If this is so, then the spell's effects

P.Q\l7o..(S who masters Air and Water

roll. Heltas six mana gems ill

Oll/y one magician can attempt to cancel out the same spell, evell ifse verai othUs meet the required aonditious.
Having run or charged, or being inhand-to-harrd not prevent a magician from using counter-magic. contact with a n opponent being in base-to-base magician combat, does However, causes a -1

is about to make hls


Ids reserve wheu making the roll. His POW of 5 sets the maximum limit of his mana reserve at 10, so he Cl'm still recover up to JOLlr thanks 10 thi roll, He gets a !8l 01/ IliS mana recovery roll. Added to his Po\r~ this gives him a totalofl0. Being.all Adept, this WOIJlti normally allow him to reGover six gems, yet he call only arid four to his reserve. The player canJreety choose these gems

penalty on the final result 0 the counter-magic is a WaHiol:-mage).

roU (unless the

Ail' (lJul Water.


___ J
D 3 4





D l 2

2, 3 4

5 6


4 5 6' 7 8


5 6

1O-l2. 13·15 IG48

19-21 22 AND +


8 9 10

9 10

to U



The form of magic used by the orcs is so different teract its effects yet. To represent an ore) can use counter-magic ore. Similarly. opponents' from the

other known paths that no one has found the way to counthis, no magician (not eVM of cancelling out their to cancel out a spell east by an

the orcs are incapable

spells, no matter which tliey maybe. To

Ore magicians have a 'very dose relationship wrth the

earth. It is from this bond that they draw their strength, represent bean

thfs, a 0 on an ore magteian's mana reccveryroll (Including after having re-rolled a [i]), is not considered to
automatic failure. The

[J Is

added to the magician's

POW to determine lf a pure magician making

the roll's final result. is in contact with an enemy mlniature when

h is mana recovery roll, then he recovers one gem less. Warri:or·mage:s a lie not affected by thls penalty,
Example: A 11 Initiate (POIX'( 4) Is

contact with all tIf1fmy


his mana recovery roll. He gets a r;:;_], which

equal to four gems. contact with


gives him a final re.mft of8 and II; normally enemy miniature,

However; since the m«,.,(i,i(lll is in base-to-base

he only recovers three-gems ..


or of necro-

who master the path of hermetism contact with an enemy.

mancl' dan't suffer this penalty on their mana recovery tolls. when in base-to-base




Sardar's mana reserve: 5 Light I 3 Earth

Velcvs's mana reserve: 2 Darkness I 2 Water At the end of the second round the two camps are ready for the assault. Each player must make a mana recovery roll for each one of his magicians. Sardar (POW 6) is aIL Adept of Light and of Earth. OIL his mana recovery roll the player gets a 0 which, when added to Ius POW; gives him it total of 9, meaning five gems. Because his mana. reserve's ILIll it is of 12 gems and he already has eight held in reserve, he can only gather four more. The player chooses three gems ofLlght and one of Earth. Sardar's reserve therefore reaches its maximum limit with. eight gems of Light and four of Earth. Velrys (POW 5) is an Adept of Darkness and of Water. On his mana recovery roll the player gets a ~ whieh, when added to his POW, gives him a total of ten, meaning six gems. The player chooses four gems of Darkness and two of Water. Velrys's reserve now holds six gems of Darkness and four ofWatel'.





Sardar's mana reserve: SLight /4 Earth Velrys's mana reserve: 6 Darkness I ~ Water Sardar Tlllus ~

Archer of Alahan
Guard of A lahan

m k:§J


During the activation phase Velrys was activated first. He

moved but did not attempt to cast a spell.

Flesh eater VoraciolLswarrior Announcing the incantation: Sardar is activated. The Lion player moves hls miniature so as to near. it to the guards 01 Alahan and then announces his: intention to cast the "Aura of Light" spell. Choice of target and verification of the eonditicns: The player designates the guard of Alahan in the middle to be the

In this example we have a group of warriors of Alahan led by the magician Sardar'Tillius. The LioHS are eonfronting Devourers accompanied by Velrys,,, half-eifmagiciall.


CHAPTER 9 • INCANTATION target, Sardar has a clear Line of sight onto this guard and can therefore target him with his spell calculation: Aura of Light has a set difficulty equal to 8. the: sacrifice therefore' of three frve of 8.






(or even rules.




'The Power test's difficulty is therefore


of fighters,

who then join the battle.

These crea-

are subject to the following

Sacrifice of gems: The spell requires

gems of Llght. Sardar's mana reserve gems of Light and row: of Earth. lmprovementofmastery: succeed this incantation. one additional therefore take any risks and sacrifices



Sardar (POW 6) only needs a Nevertheless,

GJ to

When miniature

a fighter cannot

is summoned be placed directly configuration,



battlefield, be respected cannot

his due be

the player decides not to

into 'base-to-base then the lighter


one gem of Earth to be able to roll

with an enemy miniature. to the battlefield's summoned.

If this rule cannot

d6 on the Powertest, The magiclan's

mana reserve

becomes five gems of Light and three of Earth. of counter-magic: that he'll attempt 1J,e player controlling
to cancel

Announcement Velrys announces Because the latter

out the spell. and one to

was cast using three gems of Light and one (since Darkness is opposed the spell, a countering

of Earth, Velrys needs either three gems of Darkness of Air, or four gems of Darkness all Elements) gems of Darkness available to be able to absorb it. Though to absorb

tlOW applies to nil summoned fighters, spell's or' miracle's card specifies that the fl.ghter elm or' must be placed directly Into base-to-base contact with an opponent:




if the summoning


Velrys has enough the player attempt.

ACTI ATlO Round of summoning

decides to save his mana and announces He immediately

sacrifices one gem of Darkness,

Power test: The Lion player having improved he rolls 2d6 and gets the difficulty

0 and

Sardar's mastery,






during cannot

the activation. perform any

quently gets a final result

GE;l'. He keeps the ,,:and conseofl8.l + 6 '" 11. This being higher than
is successful, player makes a Power test and

phase (be th~y summoned usual way starting on the battlefield.

or resuscitated)

other action during this phase. They can. however, act in the in the combat phase after their appearance

(8), the incantation The Devourer

Counter-magic: gets a~.

Added to Velrys's POW (5), this gives a result of 10, incanta-

Summoned fighters and reference cards

Unless summoned mentioned fighters otherwise are on the summoning card,

which. is not enough to equal the final result of Sardar's tion roll (11). Measuremeut was successfully guard of Nahan of the distance: is measured. Because


by their


the incantation

test the

reference ca rd.

passed. the distance


Sardar and the

It is equal to 8 em. Because

spell's range is "10 em' its effect can be applied. Application of the spell's effects: Velrys's attempt at counter-

magic. having failed, the spell's effects are applied. The targeted guard of Ala han gets +1 in STR, RES and COU until the end of the game. Alter this incantation Sardar still has five gems of Light and three gems of Earth left. This is more than enough

fat him to

cast.Aura of Light again. However,

equal to 1. Sardar must therefore

this spell's


wait until the next round

before being able to cast It again. On tile other hand, If he has other spells, he can attempt allows him to do so. to east them II ~is mana reserve




to have these supernatural one must also control beings appear number on

The wells and miracles provided in the Spellbocks and of Litanies sets of cards can no longer be used with the rules of this th i rd edition. in Confrontation, Unless mined They are replaced not in Rag'Nt:frok. by those described on the

It isn't enough the battlefield: represent summoned summoner's

and subjugate only a limited force.

them. To

this, a fighter can control creatures rank aud On the creature's

at a time. This number


in the

(oLlo)ving pages. These new spellsand

miracles <tan only be used

When summoning summoner's

a fighter, the player must calculate the sum that are already under the

of the force values of the miniatures cause the authorised

control. lithe summoning of the new fighter would limit to be passed, then it cannot be done.

mentioned otherwise

in its description,

when one of is deterfighter,

the parameters magician, moment

(difficulty, effect ...) of a spell or miracle of the targeted

depending on a characteristic
OT faithful.

Limit ofthe controllable force

The total of the force values of the creatures fighter cannot rank: • Rankl:2 • Rank2:4 • Rank 3: 8 • Rank 4,16 This total Character. Example: Being an Adept Character (Rank 2), the GorgO!T C&UI is increased by One point pass a certain limit determined summoned

then it is the value that he has at the

of the incantation or call which is taken into account, modifiers. A magician is attempting to cast a spell with a an effect is

by a

including Example:

by the fighter's diffiCUlty that is equal to the. targeted fighter's A IT TIle latter
has an ATT O/~OIl his reference card, but benefits/rom that increases this value by two points.

The spell's difficulty

therefore equal >.0 I) (4

2). that apply to the characteristics

IUIt atl)'

if the summoner

is a Attention! themselves penalties Reminder:

Dilly modifiers

to be taken

into account,



that apply to tile results of die rolls. TI,e "Leadership/X" abiUty allows the.ftghl"el' to use values be used instead the difficulty of those of

control a total force 0/5. She has the "Morbid angel invocation" and "Summoning and an Elemental of Darkness. of Darkness" spells. A puppet

has" force of 1

a force 0/2, so the GOQfOfl call similitullermsly

the commander's

DIS or COLl for his rolls of the dice. However, or effect of a spell

control either five puppets

or three puppets and aile Elemental

tn no way Cal14 commander's or miracle.

another fighter when determining

Death of the summoner

Many Unless summoned summoned reference mentioned fighters otherwise remain on the summoning card, who Unless in play even if the fighter If this happens, them. spells allow their target to benefit from an ability. mentioned otherwise in the description of its effects,

such a spell has no effect on fighters who already benefit from the ability in question.

them is eliminated. card continues

then the latter's

to represent





Of MANA Range: 20 ern Duration: Instantaneous

Frequency, A.P,:15 to the magi2

Path: Prtmagic Difficulty.: Magid~.n:s POW


Area of effect: One enemy fighter

Intensity: 1
The target suffers a Dam age roll with a S'I'Requal cian's P(')W at the moment that he casts the spell,


Path: Prlmagic Difficulty: Intensity: 9 :3 Duration:

Range: 10 em Instantaneous Frequency:


Area of effect: One frinedly fighter

A.P.: 16

The target's \Vound level is improved by one-degree:

• Light becomes uninjured. • Serious becomes Light. • Critical becomes Serious.




Range: 20 ern

Path: Pdmagic Range: Personal

Path: Prirnagie Difficulty: 6 Area of effect: Personal

Intensity: 2

Duration: Until end of rouna

Frequency: A.P.:IO 1

Difficulty: Target's DIS Duration: Areaof effect: One enemy fighter

Intensity: 1

Until end of round 1 A,P.: 10

The targeted Thi.s spell is to be east at the beginning The' magician

t heend of the

fighter cannot do an.. pursuit movements as long y fighter's D1S is "_",

of the strategic


as he 1~ affected by this spell. if the targeted then this spelJ'sdifficulty

then benefits

from the "Authctity" ability until

ts equal to 5,




Patlu Prirnagic Range: 15 em Duration: fighter Until end of round Frequency: 2 A.P,: \2 fighter b en !lei ts from a +10 nth e res ul tso f h Is rolls, This bonus does not apply to manarecovery Difficulty: '1 Duration: 7 1 Area of e ffec t: One fr iendl y.fIg h ter Intensity: 2


Range: 15 ern
Instantaneous Frequency: A.P.:16 2

Path: Prlmagie DIfficulty: intensity: Area of effect: One friendly

The targeted :Initiative, his dlvlnatton

Attack, Defence, Aim and Power tests, as well as on


This spell can only be cast on a target that is free of 1l.Ilyopponents, The targeted fighter can immediately wall'c,el(en if he has already been. activated during the round being played. This exceptional movement does nOI count as 'an action, and the
targeted activated, fighter can thereforemovein the usual way When he is

if th is hasn't a.1 readvbeen








Path: Herrnerisrn Difficulty: Area of effect: Intensity: Range: 20.em Duration: Instantaneous frequency: Special 4 a maximum 1

I Clrcseus

Range: 40 em Instantaneous Frequency; 1 A.P.: 11 the enemy fighter whose DIS was

Target's DIS


Path: Herrnetism Difficulty: Intensity: Area of effect : Special

This spell can only target

used for the Tactical magician's activation,

roll. U this fighter was killed before the then the spell can be cast onto the enemy

number of targets equal that he casts this spell. is of2 per desigsuffers a

The player can designate to the magician's

DIS. If the highest 015 is shared by several figh ters, then thi s sp ell can b e cast 0 na ny of the m. fighter with the highest Once Word of

POW at the moment

The number of gems required If the incantation

for its ineantation then

has been successfully activation sequence

cast, the card is placed at the

nated target. The Power test's difficulty is of7 + 1 per target. is successful, each target Damage roll (STR 5) ..

at the top of the opponent's end of his sequence.


Special Path: Herrnetlsm D iffi cu Ity: Sp ec ia I Area of effect : One friendly fighter Range: Hi em Dura tion: los tantaneo Frequency: us 1


Path: Herrnetism Diffic ulty: 8 Area of effect: Intensity: 3

f Circaeus
Duration: One friendly fighter

Range: 20 ern

Until end of round

Frequency: 3

lighter benefi ts from the "Assault fire' ability.

Intensity: 3
TIle number of gems required culty vary depending of health .. • Target with a Light Wound: 2 2 5 for the incantation

A.P. :15
The targeted and its diffion the desi red effect and the target's state



/Di.fficulty 8 : The-target \X!ound:

is uninjured.

Path: Hermetism Difficulty: 10 Special 3 is to be cast Duration: Area of effect: Intensity: This spell


20 cm

• Target with Serious

Q /Difficulty

g IDiffioulty
IDifficulty IDifficulty

Until end of round Frequency A.P.:15

9: The target has Wound:

Light Wound.

10 .The target is uninjured. 10 : The target has a Serious Wound. 11 : The target has a Light Wound.

• Targetwith


a Critical

on a friend Iy fighter all fighters


the range

"Leadership/X" is increased

ability. The targeted

fighter's leadership

by 10 em. Moreover,

in his camp who

are also of his people benefit frorn 1'1 in SIR as long as they are within his aura ism).



(not in that of the war-staff he



Path: Hermetisrn Difficulty: Intensity: 8 Personal 1 Duration: Area of effect:



Until end of round Frequency'


All enemy fighters involved in the same combat as the magician suffer a -1 on the final result of their Attack and Defence

CHAPTER 9 • INCANTATION 1111S spell can only be cast onto fr.iendly fighters "Living-dead" ability. Once successfully Id6 and applies the efl'e.ct corresponding with the

cast, the player rolls to the result he gets:

[): The target's Wound level worsens by one degree.

GJ or {2]: No

effect. target's Wound level improves by one degree.

[J or r;:;J or [j]: The


Path: Necramancy Difficulty: Lntensity: This spell


Range: 20 em DuratlonSpecial instantaneous Frequency: A.P,:6 on Ii' be cast ability. onto frlendly suffers recovers fighters a Damage with roll

1 can

Area of effect:


the "Living-dead" Darkness.

The target immediately

(SIR 10) and the magician

three gems of




I Circeeus

Range: 15 em Until end of round Frequency: 2 A.P. : 14


Target's ATT + 4


Range: 10cm Duration: Un:til end of round Frequency: A.P,:8 friendly depends fighters on the with the target's 2

Path: Necromancy Special

I Circaeus

Area of effecr : One-enemy fighter Intensity: 3 As long as the targeted which he is involved,

Difficulty: Intensity:

Area of effect: 1


fighter is affected by this spell, he gets every combat in This spell can only be cast ante "Living-dead' • Uninjured: • Stunned Range: 15 em Duration: Until end of eound Freq uene y : 2 A.P,l14 fighters benefits with the f.rom the abihty, 4 Its difficulty Wound level at the moment

one combat die less than he normally

that it is cast:


Path: Necromancy Di fficulty: 8 Area of effect: Intensity: 2 Special


I Llghr Wound: 5

• Serious Wound: 6 • Critical Wound: 7

If the incantation
not, suffer Wound in hand-to-hand "Stunned."

is successful, penalties combat,

then the targeted those bound

fighter does to being

on the Damage not even

rolls he inflicts

This spell can only be cast onto friendly "Living-dead" "Concantration/z" ability. ablll j', TIle targeted ability (whose fighter

poi nts can affect INT, ATT


and STR). This spell has no effect if the target already has this


Path: Necromancy Difficulty: Intensity: 8 Special 2 Duration: Range: 10 em Instantaneous Frequency: 3 A.P,: 14


Path: Necromancy Dlffieulty: Intensity: Special 1 Area of effect:


I Circaeus
Duration: Range: 30 em Until end of round frequency: A.P,:7 difficulty is equal to 4 + the target's force. If force 2

One enemy fighter

The incantation's

the spell is successfully

cast, then the target's force is reduced by

Area of effect:

two points, with a minimum




/ Biopsy Duration: Special Range: 15 em Until end of round frequency: 1 A.P.:6 fighter who have Path: Technornancy Difficulty: 7 Area of effect: lnten siry: 1 This spell can only be cast onto friendly been given a Mutagenic/X spell is successfully to be an automatic failure.

Pat h; Tec!momaney Difficulty: 9 / Cabala Duration: Range: 15 em Until end of round frequency: 2


Area of effect : One friendly fighter Intensi t:y: 2

A.P.: 10

The targeted fighter gets the "Sequence/L" ability. If he already

has this ability, then the value bound to it is Increased point, This value cannot spell. become higher than 3 thanks by one to this

cast, then a D on this die Is not considered

die that hasn't been rolled yet. If the

1• Path: Technornancy Diffi.culty: 8 Area of effect: Intensityi 2

Range: 15 em Duration: lnstanraneous Frequency:

I Biopsy

One friendly fighter

A.P.: 11

TIl is spell can only be cast onto friendly fighters who have
been given a MutagenlclX die and have already rolled it.

IT the spell is cast successfully, then the targeted fighter can immediately sacrifice three of his Mutagenic{X points to heal.
himself by one Wound degree. It is not possible to spend more poin s to heal by additional round. Wound degrees during the same



Path: Technarnancy Difficulty: .Intensity:l When affected 6 Area of effect:

I Biopsy Duration:


l5 em 3

Until end of round Frequency: A.P'.:6

One friendly fighter

by this







points that can be attributed

to the same charac-

teristic or the target is increased

by one point.

2 Patb: Technornancy Difficulty: lntensity: Special Special Duration: Area of effect: Range: 5cm Instantaneous frequency: 1 A.P.: 12 fighters with the



Path: Technomancy Difficul.ty: 7

I Biopsy

Range: 10cm Until end of round Frequency: A.P.:S fighters with the 2

Area of effect : Special This spell can only be cast onto friendly "Mutagenic/X" Intensity: .2 abiJity who have not been given a Mutagenic/ difficul.~y is difficulty gets a This spell ca n only be cast ontn friendly "Mutagenic/X" ability. As long as the spell remains rllrget~s ability is increased is successfully east, then the target die that can be used in the usual way. to the target's "Mutagenie/X"

X die in the rou nd bei ng played. 'TI,e lncantatlon's

equal to I) + X (the value bound is equal to 8. ability). If X is a negative value, then the incantation's

active, the X value bound to the one point. This bonus does not die was already rolled before


If the spell

apply If the target's Mutaganrc/X

the spell i cast in the round being played,



Path: Shamanism


Path. Shamanism I Typhenlsm Range: Personal



Diffi=lty: 9 Du rati 0 n: Insta 0 ta ueous Area ·of effect: One friendly lighter Frequency : 1 Intensity: 2 A.P.: 13
Range: 15 em 'Ihis spellcan 1 nents. only be cast if the magician is free of any oppoa

I Druidism

Difficulty: Intensity:


Duration. Untilend of round

Frequency: A .P..: 11 +2 in RES. Once the spell has been successfully can sacrifice one or two additional gems of

Area of effect, One friendly fighter

Once the spell is successfully

cast, the player selects

point on the battlefield cian. The magician the ground. ed point. Thisexceptional contact

that is within 30 em or less of the magiminiature is placed onto the select-

must have a Ii ne of sight onto this point on

The' targecgers

The magician's

cast, the magician • I additlonalgerm

Earth to increase this bonus. +3 in RES (instead of +2). in RES provided by this spell be


does not allow him to come into Euctherrnere, .it does not count as

with an opponent.

.2 additional
greater than +5.

gems: +9 in RES (Instead of+2).

an action, so the magician 'hasn"t done so yet.

can still move in the usual way if he

In no way can the bonus


Path: Shamanism
Difficulty:S lntensity:2 During the next combat phase, the targeted he normally



Intensity: 2

Range: 40 em Duration: Instantaneous frequency: 1

Path: Shamanism

I Druidism

Range: '20 em Until end. of round Frequency: 2 A.P.: 13

Di fficulty: Tatger's DIS ",3 Area .nf effect : Special

Area of e.f[-e"Ct; One friendly fighter

A.P.: 14
the enemy miniature whose DlS been

'This spell can only target

fighter can make exchange. but combat.die, was used for the Tactical eliminated. one more attack than cart dunngeach

roll, If thls fighter activatian,

has already

befoce the magician's

then this spell can DIS. If several

This does, not mean that he gains an additional that he can attack one mere time per exchange combat .dlee placed lnattack i[ the targeted ea 0. target available fighter Isconfronting cppenents,

be cast onto the enemy flghter with the highest lighters share this value, then ttcan them,

ifhe hasenough then he fighter

be cast onto aoy one among

to do so. For example, ·two opponents,

rna ke t hree

1£ the spell is successfully

opponent actlvationsequence. his turn.and

cast, then as soon as the player's


a ttacks p srexch an ge. 'The additiona I.attack can even one that the targeted dud r;g the same epaoge.

gets the lead again, he must play the last cannot use an "Authority" counter

in his

o.e his

He cannot play any other card, cannot pass in this tum,

has al.ready attacked

Path: Shamanism Difficulty: Intensity: 8 2 fighter,suffers and the difficulry by two points. Area. of effect; l1Yphooism Du:ration: One enemy fighter Range: 25 em Until endof round 2 A.P.: 13 Frequency:


Path: Shaman ism I Druidism Difficulty: Intensity: 6 1 the targeted Duration: One friendly fighter Area of effect: Range: 10 em Until end of rou I1d Frequency: 2 A.P.: 8 fighter can re-roll once


The targeted movements increased

-2.5 in MOV. He-cannot do pursuit of all his disengagement tests is

The player controlling Whatever rollca

each of thi.!;'s Attack tests if the result does [lot suit him, the second result may be, it must be kept. The same time, even if the figh ter bene fits to be rolled again. effecf that allows.dice not be rolled a third

from a different



2 Path: Sorcery Difficulty: Intensity: Target's ATT +5 Duration: A rea of effect: One friendly fighter Range: 15 em Until end of round Frequency: 2

fighter benefits from

A.P.: 9 the "Master strike/2"

The targeted is increased

ability. lf he already has this ability, then the X value bound to it by two points.


X Path: Sorcery J Cabala Difficulty: Intensity: 8 Duration: One friendly fighter A rea of effect: Range: 15cm Until end of round Frequency: 2

this spell. the player chooses

A.P.: 14
the number of

Before casting

gems devoted to the incantation. cast, then the targeted varies according • 1 gem: STR +1 • 2 gems: STR + 3 • 3 gems: STR + 4

This number must be from 1to

3 (gems of mastery are not Included). If the spell is successfully

fighter benefits from a bonus in STR that to the chosen number of gems.

2 Path: Sorcery Difficulty: 8 Area. of effect:

Range: 25 on
Duration: Instantaneous

One friendly fighter


Path: Sorcery I Mutations Difficulty: Intensity: All Wounds combat attack Target's STR 2 inflicted by the targeted fighter are reduced Duration: Area of effect: Range: 1,5 em Until end of round

Intensity: :2

.A.P.: 11

This spell can only be cast on fighters who haven't been activated yet i.n the activation 'The targeted phase being played, activated as if his card had fighter is immediately

One enemy fighter

Freqnency : 1
A.P.: 14

just been played. When his card is played later on, he is not activated a second time.


a hand-to-hand is

by one degree. A Llght Wound are not affected,

ignored, a Serious one becomes Light, and a Critical one becomes Serious. "Srunned/and "Killed Outright"

Path: Sorcery Diffieulty: 7


I Mutations
Duratioru One enemy fighter

Range: 25 ern Until end of round Frequency; I



Area of effect: Intensity: Range: IS em Duration: Until end of round Frequency: The target's

force is reduced

by one point. Furthermore,

Path: Sorcery I Mutations Difficulty: Intensity: Target's DEF + 1 2 "'" sustained One enemy fighter

if it

Area of effect:

suffers charge penalties,

then these are increased

by one point.

A.P.: 11 defence,

Th. ta rgete d fighter a~ol



Path: Chthonian Di1Iiculty: Special Duration: Area of effect: Intensity: 2 Range: 15 em Special Range: 15 em 2




Until end of round Frequency: A.P.: L1 fighters with


Path: Chthonian

/ Corruption Special


Target's STR +2

Area of effect:

Duration: Until end of round Frequency: 1

A.P.: 10 fighters abilities. with the

This spell can be cast onto friendly Mid-Nor the "Possessed" Wound level: ability. difficulty varies according The incantation's • Uninjured: • Stunned

Intensi ty: 2
This spell can only be cast onto friendly "Possessed," "Mutagenic/X" or "Living-dead" The targeted fighter benefits

to the target's

5 I Light Wound: 6

from the "Fierce" ability. 1£ he

• SeriOUS W0und: 7 • Critical Wound: 8

[f the spell is successfully

al ready has it, then this spell has no effect.

cast, then. the targeted

fighter loses

the "Possessed"

ability until the end of the round, yet in return ability. This spell has no fighter already has Regeneratron/X.



Range: 15 em

he benefits from. the "Regeneration/S" effect if the targeted

Path: Chthonlan

Diffieu Lty: 8
Area. of effect: Intensity: 2 Special

Duration, Special
Freqnenoy :I


A.P.: 12 Mid-Nor fighter fighters benefits

Path: Chthonlan I Corruption Duration: One enemy fighter Range: 10 ern Until end of round Frequency: 2 A.P,: 10 fighter suffers a -2 in STR until the end of the Difficulty: Intensity: 7 2 Area of effect:

This spell can only be cast onto friendly with the "Possessed" ability. limb' The targeted from the "Additional maintained two maintained magician.can the required

and "Concentration/Z (STR, RES»> sacrifices

abilities, This effect lasts until the end of the round, but it can be from one round to the next if the magiclan during the maintenance The targeted r-ound. phase. 1h15 spell can thus be

for an unlimited
mana available,


of rounds and the same

malntal n several targets at the same ti me if he has


Path: Chthonian Difficulty: Range: 15 em Duration: Unti.! end of round Frequency: 1 The targeted fighter benefits nom +2.5 in MOV. lntensity: 7 2 I Corruption Duration: One friendly fighter Range: 10 ern Until end of round



or THE
10 2



Area of effect:

Frequency: 2
A..P,: 7

Path, Chthoruan Difficult)': Intensity: Area ofefiect: One enemy fighter

fighter's Irutlative, to be

For all of the targeted Aim tests, a automatic to consider failure.

Attack, Defence, and cases this is an

GJ is considered

G. In most

If the targeted the usual way. A result.

fighter benefits

from an effect that allows him fa ilure, then it II. pplies in to be a

a E] not to be an automatic

GJ is then


0 and

is added

to the characteristic

being tested

to calculate

the. roll's final

CHAPTER 9 • INCANTATION 'The magician as long


Path: Theurgy Difficulty: intensity; Target's STR 1 fighter benefits from an additional Duration: Area of effect: One friendly fighter Range: 10 em Until end of round Frequency: 2



the "Warrior-mage"

ability far the from

he is a !fected by this spell, This does Dot change

number of spells he can have. However, all the other rules bound to this ability apply.This spell's effect can be maintained one round to the next. To do so, the magician during every maintenance phase.

must sacrifice two


A,P.: 15
attack die in

Parh: Theurgy Range: 30 cm Duration: Special Special 1 Frequency: Di fficu lty: 8 Area of effect:

The targeted

every combat he is involved in.

BU1l.N OF 2
Path: Theurgy Difficulty: Area of effect:

the enemy miniature

whose DIS


This spell can only target was used for the Tactical Range: Duration: 15

roll. If this fighter: has already been activation, then this spell 'ean DIS, If several among of

I Redemption
One friendly fighter



before the magician's

Target's STR + 2

Until end of round Frequency:

be cast onto the enemy fighter with the highest them. 1f the spell is successfully

fighters share this value, then It can be cast onto anyone

Intensity: 2
For every Damage hand-to-hand combat be h,&lved (rounded roll inflicted

A,P.: 15 by the targeted

fighter In

cast, then as soon as the opponent

the player who just cast this spell gets back the lead, he all his cards held in reserve, as well as the first one of his activation sequence .. He cannot counter during this turn. p-ass his turn or use an "Authority"

attack, the victim's RES is considered


down to the lower integer).




Range: Personal POW 2 Path: 1heurgy Difficulty: Intensity: 6 Specia I 2 Area of effect: / Redemption Duration: Range: 10 em Until end of round Frequency: Magician's

Path: Theurgy


+ 3 Duration;

Until end of round

Frequency :1

Area of effect:


Intensity. 2

A.P,: 10

:2 A.P.:9

This spell can only be cast on lighters

with the "fanaticism"

The targeted fighter benefits from the " fury" abUity.

2 Path: Thaurgy I Exorcism Difficulty: 5 One enemyfighter Duration: Area of effect: Range: 50 ern Until end of round Frequency; 2

Intensity: 1
The targeted fighter is afflicted with the "Target/-l"

A.P.:8 ability.




2() Range: 10 em Difficulty: Free Duration: Until end of round Area of effect: One friendly fighter Frequency: 2
Intensity. 2 A.P.: 14

Path: Instinctive Ra nge: 10 em Difficulty: 5 Duration: Until end of round Area of effect: One friendly fighter Frequency: 2 Intensity: 1 A.P.: 10 The targeted fighter benefits from +2 on the final results of his tests.


The targeted fighter benefits from a bonus in RES equal to half of the difficulty (rounded down to the tower integer) set for the incantation roll.1he bonus in RES bound to this spell cannot be greater than +5.


Range: 10 em Path: Instinctive Duration: Instantaneous Difficulty: 7 Frequency- 1 Area of effect: One C-rieodly fighter A.P.: 14 Intensity: 2 Once this spell has been successfully cast, the magician must spend additional neutral gems to heal his target. The targeted fightea can be healed by only one Wound degree per round thanks to this spel ~and the amount of gems to be spent depends on his Wound level: Light: 1


Path: Instinctive Range: 10 em Difficulty: 8 Duration: Untilend of round Area of effect: One friendly fighter frequency: 1 Intensity: 2 A.P.:7



targeted fighter

benefits from the "Brutish charge"

Serious: Crltical:

2 3



Range: 10 em Duration: Until end of round Area of effect: One friendly fighter Frequency: 1 Intensity: 2 A.P.: 10
Path: In tlnctive Dtfficultj: 8 The- targeted

GI T OF 1()

Range: Personal Duration: Until end of round Frequency: 1

Path: Instinctive Difficulty, 6 Area of effect: Special

Intensity: 2

fighter benefits from the "Conn ter-at tack "


The magician (as well as all friendly fighters wi thin 5 em or Jess ofhlm) benefits from the "Survival instinct" ahility.

As long as the targeted

fighter is affected by this spell, he gains Wound·' or combat.

an attack die every time 11e gets a result of "Critical the Wound level) through an attack in hand-to-hand

"Killed Outright" in the Wound Table (and not by increasing These additional attack dice are added to those he already has

and axe used in the usual way. Yet they can only be used during the combat in which they were gained.

2~ Path: Whispers Difficulty: Intensity: 5 1

TIOl I Lamentations
Duration: Range: 15 ern Instantaneous frequency: 1 A.P.:IO fighter is healed by one Wound degree. One d6 is' the spell's consequences on the magi.

Area of effect: One friendly fighter

The targeted

then rolled to determine is cast: Light: The magician

clan. These depend on the target's Wound level before the spell suffers a Light Wound on a E]. suffers a Light Wound on a El or G::)-

Serious: The magician

Critical: The magician suffers a Light Wound on aE].

GJ orl2J.

Range: 15 em Duration: Until end of round frequency: :2


2 Path: Whispers Difficulty: 6 2 of the strategic Area of effect: Personal Intenslry: Range: Personal

Path: WhIspers
Diffieulty: Intensity: 7 2 Area of effect: One friendly fighter


Duratioru Until end of round

Frequency: 1 A.P.: 13 phase, benefits


This spell is to be cast at the beginning before the activation sequences ability. are made.

The targeted fighter benefits from the "Fencer" ability.

If the spell is successfully

from the "Leadership/Lb"

cast, then the magician


/ Lamentations Duration: Range: 15 em Until end of round Frequency: 2 A.P.: 6 1 Path: Whispers



Difficulty: Intensity:

Target's INl 2

Path: WhJsper Difficulty: 5

I Lamentations

Range: 15 em Until end of round Frequency: 1 A.P.. 10 :

Area of effect: One friendly fighter

Area of effect: One friendly lighter .Intensity: 1

The targeted

fighter benefits from the "Vivacity" ability.

For all Attack tests made against the targeted fighter. a is considered to be a

Path: Whispers Difficulty: Intensity: 8 2


EJ. 1n


most eases this is an automatic

Range: 15 em Duration: Until end of round frequency: 1 A.P.: 14


Lf the attacker benefits from all effect that allows hin1 to considera[)not to be an a utomatlc failure, then it applies in the usual way. A GJ is then considered to be 1I [) and is added to the
characteristic being tested to calculate the roll's final result.

Area of effect: One friendly fighter





Path: Howls /'Cabala Difficulty: Intensity: 7 2 Duration: A rea of effe c t: Spe cia J Range: lScm Duration: Speclal 1 A.P.: 15 this spell (gems of cast. then the The player c0005e511 card inhis activation been activated from the activation sequence. sequence that hasn't and removed Frequency: Range: Special Instantaneous Frequency: 1



9 2

Difficulty: Intensity:

Area of effect: One enemy lighter

ye_t., It is lrumediatelyactivated

One to three gems can be used tocast mastery



n amage

do not count). If the spell is successfully


Path: Howls I Torments Difficulty: Lntensitr: Special, 2 Are a ofeffect: One enemy fighter Range: 20 em Du ra tlon; Until end of round

roll inflic ted on the ta rge ted figh te r is don e with a of gems used x 3,

penalty in RES equal to the number



Path: Howls Difficulty: Intensity. Target's ATT -t 2 2 Duration: lighter Area of effect: One.friendly Range: 15 em Until end of round Frequency: 2 A.P.: 8


Frequency. 2
A.P.: 14

This-spell's difficulty is equal to the CaU/PEAR. printed on the

targetedfighter'scard is used in its place. ..lfhe doesn't have CaU{t''EAR, then RES

The targeted fighter suffers a.-1 on the final results of his

initiative, Attack. Defence, Aim and Power tests, as well as on his divination
recove r]l ro

The targeted fighter benefits from the "Fine blade" abll ity.

rolls. 'Ih is penalty

does not apply to mana


Path: Howls I Torments

Difficulty: Target's STR - 2 Duration: Area of effect: One friendly lighter

Range: 20cm
Until end of round Frequency: 2



has this abi):ity, then its value is increased Implacable/B),

The targeted fighter benefits from Irnplacable/L J1: he already by one point (Max.:

Path: Howls Difficulty: 8 Duration: Area of effect: One enemy fighter Range: 20 em Until end of round Frequency: 1

Intensity: 2
111e targeted fighter suffers a Damage of hIs movements. number of em moved (rounded

A.P.: 13
(oil at the end of each

The Damage Toll's STR is equal to half of the up to tHe higher integer). is not considered this effect; a reecieutation

When resolving
to be





Path: Telluric / Forge Difficulty: Target's RES 1 Duration: Range: 15 ern Until end of round Frequeneje 2 A.P.: 10 fighter benefit-s from the following bonuses:



X Path: Telluric I forge Difficulty: Target's DIS Intensity: 1 fighter benefits from the "Resoluticn/X" do not count). The X value cannot Duration: Area of effect: One friendly fighter Range: 15 ern Until end of round frequency: A.P.:I0 ability. be greater 2

Area of effect: One friendly lighter lntensity:

The targeted MOV;-2.5

The bonus in force only applies during the targeted fighter's movement when he ts activated. It Is not taken into account

The targeted


X is equal to the number of gems used for the sp ell 's incantation
(gems of mastery ability, than 4 and the spell has no effect if the target already has this

the targeted fighter is charged,

Path: Telluric DiJIiculty: Intensity: 7 3 Area of effect: Special Range: Special Duration: Special 1 A.P.: 11 frequency:

The player names two cards that have n't been pJayed yet (two of his own or two of his opponent's]. The chosen cards are Swapped for each other, even if one was placed in reserve.

I!both na rned

cards are already in reserve. then this speU has no effect.

Path: Telluric 8 2 fighter benefits from the "Ambidextrous" Duration: Range: 10 em Until end of round Frequency: 2 A.[>.:13 ability.


Difficulty: lntensity:

Area of effect, One friendly fighter

The targeted

If he can al ready do counter-attacks tha n ks to the "Counterattack" er "Ambidextrous" ability, then this spell bas no effect.




Path: Telluric Range: 20c.m Duration: Until end of round Frequency: A.P.:IO The targeted 2 Difficulty: 5 7 2 spend.addltional'gerns efEarth


Lithomancy Duration:

Range: 1,5 em Unti I end of round Frequency: 1

Path: Telluric Difficulty: Intensity: Area of effect: One friendly fighter

Area of effect: One friendly fightet Intensity: 1 fighter can move

his full MOV value when

The maglclan.can the targeted

after success-

making pursuit


fully casting this spell, Each additionalgem fighter's characteristics AIM. COU or DIS) to be increased

spent allows one of

(INI, ATT, STR, DEF. RES, by one point. Each charac-

teristic can be increased by only one point thanks to this spell.





2 (;:), Path: Solaris Difficulty: 10 Duratton: Area of effect: Special Intensity: 4 Range:' L5 em Range: 15 ern instantaneous Frequency:


2 A.P.:20

Path: Solaris Difficulty: lntensit.y,2 Free One .fT.iendiy lighter Area of.effeet,

Duration: Special
Frequencyr I

Solar Star's SIR is equal to 5. Once the spell has been successfully cast, the magleian.can on how many additional sacrifice additional gems of Light to varies depend lng increase th is value. Solar Star's STR therefore gems are saorlficed1 gem: STR8

A.P.: 14

The fi nal result of the next Damage roll that the targeted chosen for this spell (Max.: 10). A fighter can benefit from .only one Protection. a time.

ersuffer.s is reduced by a number of points equal to the difficulty of the Light at

2. gems: STR 10
3 gems:. SIR 12

The tota LSIR ca nnot be greater than 12 ..

The spell's target suffers a Damage roll with a STR equal to friend or around the the Solar Star's. One d6 is then rolled for all fighters, foe, located even paetlally within a radius of2.5cm


target, On a resu It of


more they suffer a Damage roll with up w'the highe~


a STR equal co half of the Solar Star's (rounded

Path: Solarls

IChronomancy Target's tNl +"2

Range: 15 em
Duration: Until end of round


Area of effect: One friendly fighter Intensity: 2

The targeted

Frequency: 2 A.P.:10



fighter benefits fram the "Lucktabllity

Path: Solaris Difficulty: 6

I Chronomam:y


10 em

Until end of round Frequency:

Area of effect: One enemy fighter-




2 fi,ghter Su lfe~S an additi

0 rial

2 A.P.:6

Path: Solarls

D.iffic.ulty.: 10 Area of eifec t: Sp ecia I

Ra!1 ge: Pets onal Duration: Until end of round

Frequency: 1 A.P.: 18

Th e targeted

-1 on the fin al result

of all his Defence tests.

Intensity: 3
The magician (as well as all friendly or less of him) benefits fighters

even partially ~


within lQem

fr-om the "Ferocious"

Path: Solaris f Chronomaney

Range: 40 em Duratlom Special 1 Frequency:

Diffie u tty,. Target's D15 +5

to CynwjiD magicians, A rea of effect: Sp eci al Intensity: 4, Thlsspellcan ellmlnated only target the enemy

This spell is reserved

miniature whose DIS

was used for the Tactical

[011. Ift:.hls fighter has already been

activation, then this spell can DIS. 1f several onto .any one among

before the magician's

be cast onto rhe enemy fighter with the highest fighters share this value, then it can becast +5 or FEAR -t- 5 is used instead,

them. If the tallgeted ~ghtel"s DIS is noted as "-'~ then his COU If the spell is successfully
targeted that haven't been activated cast, then the player controlling the

fighter must shuff-le the' cards Irrhtsactivatton


or placed in reserve yet with their

face down.
Once this has 'been done, the player is allowed to look at hIS new draw pile.


+ 1 .:

TIle target's reduced

by 3.

+ 2 ..

: The target's MOV is reduced by 5.

and 1 : The target suffers a Damage rotl(STR and hi41MOV is reduced and his MOV is reduced by 5 . by 5.

• +2 • •+2

fiii -and 2 •

: The target suffers a Damage roll (STR 6)


Range: 10 em Duration: Until end of round Frequency: A.P.:6 2

Path: Fayery I SYmbiQsis

Difficulty: Intensity: 7 2 Area of effect: One friendly fighter

TIle targeted

fighter benefits from the "Brutal" ability.



Path: Eayery 8 2 fighter is affected combat,

Range: 200m


Duration: Untilheend

of round

Path: Fayery Difficulty: Intensity: 9 Duration: Area of effect: One friendly fighter Range: 15 em Until end of round Frequency: 1

Area of effect: One enemy fighter Intensity:

Frequency: A.P.:11


As long as the targeted through

by this spell, he
rolls he inflicts

suffers a -4 on the final result of the Damage an attack ln hand-to-hand



A.P.:12 DEf
Immediately becomes

TIle targeted

O. In

Path: fayery Difficulty: 9

Area of effect: Specia I Intensity: 3

Range: Personal Duration: instantaneous Frequency: A.P.: 1 6

his poi Ills of DEF are freely distributed 'can be increased by more than


ATT and STR by the player ecnecolling him. Neither of these

two characteristics points tha nks to this spell. IT the targeted fighter had a DEF greater

Once this spell has been successfully magician partially and for every friendly within 10 em

cast, Id6 is rolled for the fighter standing even the caster, On a result of

than 4, then the surplus points are lost.

Daikinee around



or less

I_;:;] or more the fighter is healed by one Wound degree. OE' WRATH
Range: 25 em

Path: Fayery


Difficulty:7 lntenslry: 2
The targeted the incantation replaced fighter's

Duration: Until end of activation


Area of effect: One enemy fighter



Range: 10 Duration: tighter Frequeney,2 A.P.: 14 fighter charges while he is activated, then his

Path: Fayery I Symbiosis 8 1

A.P.:14 MOV is reduced by two points. Once

Difficulty: Intensity:

Until end of round

Area of effect: One friendly is finished, the magician can improve the spell's If the targeted STR is increased

cgems sacrificed:

effects by spending

additional gems, The spell's effects are then by those corresponding to the number and type of

by four points until the end of the round.



VOW OF TORMENT p~th: Black I Typhonism
Difficulty: 10 Duration: Area of effect'. One enemy fighter



Path: Black Difficulty:

I Cabala
Target's RES Duratien:

Range: Contact Until end of round Frequency: 1


Area of·effect: One enemyfighter Intensity: 2 Range: 15cm VotH end of round Frequency: 2 The targeted fighter isafflicted additional

A,P.: 20
with the "Ephemera.llS'" gems of Darkness: is is abil-

ity, Once this spell has been successfully improved. by spending .... 2 ,..: The : The targeted targeted fighter ability . fighter

cast, "its effects can be

Intensiry: 3
The Wound doubled, penalties suffered by the targeted

A.P.: 15
fighter are

a__fflicted with
affllcted with

the the

"Epherneralst' • ... 4 ..

"Epb.emeraI13" ability; This spell has noeffect

if the targeted

fighter benefits from the that It iscast,



Range: 20 em Duration: lnstanraneous Prequency: 2 A.P.: 17


ability at the moment

Path; Black / Curses Difficulty: Intensity: 8 ,3 Area of e.ffect: One friendly fighter


This spell is to be eastas soon as the target is Killed Outright. The magician cannot cast It onto himself when he is killed, The X value must be from I varies depending

Range: 15 em Duration: Until end of round Area of effect: One enemy fighter Frequency: 1 Difficulty: 6 In tens lty: 1 The targeted Initiative tests, fighter suffers a -2 on the final result A.P,.:7 of his



Path, Black I Curses

$ to 3


All opponents


wlthln S em or less of the target suffer a Damage roll whose STR on the number of gems used for the incantation (the gems of mastery are not counted) .

• 1gem: STR 3 .2 gems: STR:;· • 3 gems: STR 7



Path: Black Difficulty.

I Curses





Range: 2Qcm. DUration:

Duration: Until. end of round Area of effect: One friemHy fighter Frequency: 1
Intensity: 1 A.P.: 14

Path: Black f Cabala Difficulty: Intensity:

9 Area of effect: One enemy lighter


Instantaneous frequency: 1
A,P,: 19

'the tarogeted fighter benefits from


ability and a fighter

Toxic/X die. if he already has this ability, then he benefits from

a Toxlc/X die, This spell has no effect if the targeted

already benefits from a Toxic/X die.

The targeted fighter suffersa

fighter suffers a Damage roll (SIR 9). If this roll then the spell ends. If the targeted t.hen the player Wouad or a "Killed Outright,"

does not infllct a Wound,

controlllng the magician selects another enemy fighter within 5 em or less of the. fi.rst target. The magician does not need to' have a line. of sight onto the second targeted fighter, who also suffers a Damage roll (STR 6), This Damage roll has the same
effects as the first one, except the third Damage 3. ,)if hatever target. roll's STR is h ap.pen s, the spell ends afte r ha vi ng h it the third

entire (mpirc brgJn with ff}:1t of J ringle min, thc prop!)(t ArC1)·iJ"f, who wmt on J minion to comat AJrkl.1siJ to the cul! of f'.fcrin, the ol/egod.TIc f.mlcs of J n('UJ{jill, (Tlfl,d{cJ tl,r lJCJrtr of tf'0l.fUnL1f of bdiC'icrJ Jnd c.1Uud In empire of fdit/, pre Jnd stcd to be born. 7Od,ty, cOlmt/err dirciplcr wCJrjqg f/,il1)l met;/ srmot« .lfid armd WIth riper raim tlJ( rOJilf of pi/zrjmJgf. The Jrmy of redemption if on the m.lren. IVbilc I Jrkn{fJ ir tiJrc.ltcnir{f AJrk/Jrl" tlx: GrifPnr l'iJCC tl,cir Jiscif)/jTJ(d Jrmy Jml tixir iron CJnIJom in the urtlcc of Lji)t.

Th{ crUJ.1dcof

The impcri.1/ rm)! the I nql'(jrition, Jnd the 'Temple IAlJitctileir (,ffortr to eN/r!J the heretic! JIJ 1 rJig bl~rning rtJkcs of pl~nJf"m(nt.Th ~(Jl ou: Ill.'. ntf of /.'.1rr in src sacrc, yet ri,g/:tcous! The (.matic susrrto: of the Gri{fr.n (oJlow orden ftrictly Jfid l7I.1kc their .1rmy .1 WJr mJcbinc in wbicl nrry gCJr if .1 dCJlily

inrtt'l.lmcri. In JdJitkm to Iff dircipll!1c of stal, tbe Jrm)' of tbe GrifPn mssto: the
secret of ,gunpowder: I isto/r, tiRes (X~ losr« dcwccr Jf1d csnnon JbOlmd Jm0'l5' its rJnkr.

CI-lAPTER The main 'Confrontation advantage


provided by the faithful jn. a game of is their faculty to perform miracles, A faiththe miracles that he was given when. the are bound to. a value in himself Yet a faithof in one's byappJy-

'The faithful terms get the faith needed is symbolised to perform their miracles from the presence this energy of other fighters on the battlefield.

ful can. only perform

armies were 'being built, These rnlrades ful doesn't haveaccess

A.P ..which is added to that of the faithful them. One can include a faithful aemy, His role is then to neutralrse without

111 game

to just any miracle or to any number any miracles the enemy faithful

by points of temporary

(T. F.) that are used to allow the faIthful to perform miracles.
The faithful's T.F. is calculated ln. ~aeh new round during the of

Ingcensure. AU the restrlctions

the faithful

concern ing the attribution during a game.

of miracles


mystic phase. It can. therefoee vary from one round to the next. It depends faithful's 'On the faithful's rank. his type, and the number card (in the abilities believers withln his aura of faith. The value associated cult on his reference indicates with the section)

are explained

on page 126. This chapter

covers the

rules on using divination


the radius (in em) of the zone in which the believers

must be for the faithful to be able to benefit from their faith.

At! fighters with a spi ral of faith are faithful,

types of faithful.

Yet there

• 1110se known as pure faithful faith oftheir people,

have devoted their lives to the

• War:ciOl:-mon.ks are ardent defenders of their faith who have made the most of their fervour to become formidable fighters.
War.rior-rnQnks printed are identified by the "Wll1:.[ior-lTIonk" ability

on their reference card.

can be of two dlfferent of the priests Example: Vlrai, th~ fianna priestess, has the "Faithjul 'Of DlUlIIl12S" ability. TIltS means that her allra of/alth covers II radius 'Of 12.5 em afl/wId her base,

The pure faithful and Wan-ior-nlonh

types. • The orthodox faithful represent

the majority

and clerics of thevarious cults found on Aarklash.These faithful draw thelr strength from the presence of believers of their
people around them. • Inversely, divinities. seme faithful, known as iconoclasts, use the faith of their enemies to use i1 against therti and serve their obscure


The term" believer" the calculation designatesall fighters taken into account in

T.F. Apart from exceptions bound to a game effect, the following fighters are never considered to
of a faithful's be believers: • fighters whose DIS is noted "-" (Living-dead and Constructs, for example).

• St:a~eless fighters,
• j:ilemental beings (EamWars and ElementaJs) .. All other fighters can be considered 'Onthe type of faithful concerned. • The orthodox be believers, • The iccnoclastlc believers. faithful faithful considerallfighters mercenaries of their people in their camp, including who are of their people, to to be to be beJievars depending

consider all enemy fighters

_ _j


During each mystic phase the players calculate the T.E for each.of their faithful for the upcoming round. At the beginning of the phase each faithful's T.P. is brought down to 0, even if he has points left over from the previous round, The calculation is then made in the following way for each faithful. Depending on his type and rank, a faithful generates a certain amount of points thatare added to his T.F. Hand-to-hand combat penalty: if a pure faithful is in baseto-base contact with an enemy at the moment that his T.P. is calculated, he generates one T.P. point Ie 5 than he normally would for himself. TIlls restriction does not apply to Warriormonks.

In addition to these points, the believers located within the faithful's aura offaith also provide him with T.F. depending on their numbers and on the faithful's rank. • Devout: ! T.r. point for every even incomplete group of three

• Zealot: 1 T,!', point for every even incomplete group of two


• Dean: 1 T.E. point for every believer, • Avatar: 1 T.E point for every believer, The faithful himself is not counted in this calculation. On the other hand, if he is within the aura of faith of another faithful, then he can be taken into account for the ealculation of the latter's T.P,
Example: Four believers They represent
(1/'1, tlVO

wlthl» a Devout fait/iful's


Certain fighter profiles have the "Loyal/X" ability. These fighters do not generate T.P. like the other believers for the orthodox faithful in their "amp. If a Loyal fighter is within the aura of faith of an orthodox faithful in his camp, then he is not counted with the other believers. instead, he directly increases the faithful's T.F. by a number of points equal to X. If this type ofbe1iever is present within the au ra of faith of several faith ful, then Loyal/X applies to all of them. If a faithful 'himself has this ability, then the X value is not added to his T.E, but only to that of the orthodox. faithful in his camp in whose au.ra of faith he i.sstanding. For Iconoclasts, enemy fighters with the "Loyal/X' ability are considered to be normal believers (the calculation of their I.E does not tab this ability into account). Example: Sered is a Zealot,
are eight believers within Iflal'rior-monk, orthodox, and hil; 7:£ there

of faith.

groups of three believers and thus

pro IIide the faiihful with two addi tiona I 1:F. po in ts.

The faithful start the game with a T:F. equal to the sum of the Aspects printed on their reference card .. Creation ~
~. Destruction

Alteration Example: A magistrate oj the Griffill is a Devout WalTiormonk with the following Aspects: Crcation/L: A/t'eratiOlfJO: Destruction/L At the b~ginm'ngqfthega/Ue his T.E is 0/2,
Attention! Cel·taln artefacts, called "rel;cs/ alter the fartliful's

choice calculating

Yet these modificatiolls of miracles. his amount

Ot!ly influence

tire faithfUl's
account when

TIley are not taken

ofT.F. a.t the hegillnillg of the game.

Most miracles must be perfoemed while the faithful ls activated. However, cerrain particularm iraclesare to be performed during other phases. When this is the case, then it is mentioned on the miracle's card.

has F(l~t{if!ll of Muinli 2.5. When calculating

12.5 cm or leu oj him. Among.


these believers is a Gr(fjill tlmllioll with the "Loyal/I" a:blIUy. Sered's TF. is calculated illl/leJallowing • Being


I,'(la,.riOI'-III01l/(, Sered

gene.rates 2 T.F. paints.

• TIle GriJfillllmllion

generates J T.P. point thanks to LOy(1.111_


• Bei/lga Zealot, Seredgets 1T.F.poiHlfore1leryl!lIell incomplete

grOllp of 2 believers within his aura of faith. The sel'CII other believers therefore generate 4 addit tonal T.r. points.
Su Sered has a T.F. Qf2 + 1 +.).=


Note: Certain game effects allow the iconoclastic faithful

count the believers in their camp ill the calculation T.F.ln this they benefitfrom same way as the orthodox faithful,

of their

the "LoyaIIX· ability ill the

In Confrontation 2 most miracles were called during the divination phase. The latter having disappeared, the miracles thllt don't specify when they are to be used are now performed during the faithful's activation, This is also true far all mira des that are to be called during the movement phase (even if it is specified that the miracle is to be called tit the beginning of the movement phase).



DEVOUT 2 1 3 2




To try to perform

a miracle,

the faithful

must have a T.P. that

on proves to be too big, then the miracle resources used are nevertheless used up.

has no effect. Yet the In base-to-base

is at least equal to the miracle's fervour.


\Vhen calling a miracle against an opponent


only once per round, Every

contact with fighters in the faithful's risk hitting Ielendly fighters. miracle-always

camp, the miracle does not


Unlike when firing into a fray, a

affects the chosen target. the same miracle cannot faithful. be

A faithful can call the samemiracle

tune a faithful calls a miracle, his T.E becomes lower. However, as long as he has enough T.E points available, try to call miracles. the faithful can

Attentionl successfully

Apart from exceptions,

called onto the same target more than once during

the same round, even if it is called by several different

2_ Calculation THE CALL

Most When a faithful several successive 2. Calculation 3. Application 4. Strengthening 5. Application 6. Divination 7, Verification 8. Application attempts steps. to perform a miracle, he proceeds with a rite known as the "call." In game terms the call is made in various happen miracles

of the difficulty.
have a set difficulty


on their


Others, however, have a variable difficulty that can depend en

parameters, as the distance between the faithful It can even it. and his target or one af the latter's characteristics. to the player controlling the faithful to determine

1. Choice of the taFget.

of the difficulty. of the fervour.

that the difficulty is "Free," This then means that it is up

·of the bond (if the player wishes).

of censure (if the opponent wishes).

Unless noted otherwise

cle's parameters moment to one of the target's

in its description, effects)

when one of a miraaccording


is determined

test. of the distance, of the miracle's effects ..


then it Is its value at the any modifiers, which is

that the call is made, including

taken into account.



A faithful can choose to target: a fighter located at an altitude level directly above or below his. The distance falthful and his target is measured faithful's When roll. A Hying figh.ter never hides another fighter ground on the ground flying fighter, and a fighter
Oil the

between him)


on the ground representing

from the to the him).

A faithful is attempting to call a miracle whose difficulty is equal to the target's ATT. The latter has all ATT of 4 printed all llis reference card, yet benefits from an effect that Increases this value by 2 points. 7Jle miracle's dijJiaulcy is t)rere/ore 6 (4 + 2).


(or the counter

targeted fighter's base (or the counter representing a faithful targets a miniature

3. Application
The miracle's faithful's

of the fervour.

at a different altitude

level than his, he suffers a -1: on the final result of his divination

value must be subtracted

the call.

from the

T.E before proceedingwith

never hides another

4. Strengthening
To perform a miracle,

of the bond.
he faithful has to make a divination used by the faithOn his reference

if the miracle is coming from le:vell. test. For this roll, the FAlTH characteristic ful is equal tCl! the sum of the Aspects printed must select a target onto the card.

1. Choice ofthe target.

The player controlling He is not permitted faithful player must therefore the faithful to measure estimate

wh ich he has a line of sight.

if the distance. between

and his target is greater than the miracle's the distance.

range. The

If the distance later


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