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Operating System CS211L Lab – 01

Ubuntu Installation
In this lab students will learn about the installation of Ubuntu operating system. The students will
learn how to install Ubuntu within Window 8.1 as dual Operating system. They will also learn
that “How to log in and log out from Linux/Ubuntu operation system.
Students will be able to:
 Install Ubuntu operating System on their PC/Laptop
 How to Log in and log out of the Linux operating system

1. Open virtualbox.
2. Then click New.
3. Then click Nnext.
4. Set name something like Ubuntu 12.04 (it will automatically set type to Linux)
5. Set memory of. 1024 MB.
6. Select create new hard disk.
7. Select VDI then Next.
8. Select dynamically allocated then Next.

Follow this guide:

Open Virtualbox and click at New button.
Setup Wizard will appear and click at Next button.

Enter your Virtual Machine name, and choose your guest OS and architecture (32- vs. 64-bit)
from the dropdown menu and click Next button.
Enter memory (RAM) to reserve for your virtual machine and click Next button. Leave enough
memory to the host OS.
Tick at Startup Disk and Create New Hard disk and click at Next button.
Choose the type of file that you want to use for virtual disk and click Next button.
Choose your storage detail and click Next button.
Enter the size of your virtual disk (in MB) and click Next button.
A dynamically growing virtual disk will only use the amount of physical hard drive space it
needs. It is better to be rather generous to avoid running out of guest hard drive space.
You will see the detail of your input here. Click Create button to continue.
The "New Virtual Machine Wizard" will close and back to VirtualBox Manager. Select your
Virtual Machine and click Start button.
"First Run Wizard" will appear and click Next button.
Click at 'folder' icon and choose your Ubuntu iso directory.
Select your Ubuntu iso file and click Next button.
In 'Summery' box, click Start button.
This screen will appear when it start boot.
After a successful installation we have to remove our installation .iso image from the virtual
optical drive before we reboot. This can be done from the "Devices" menu or by removing
the .iso from the VM settings:
For smooth graphics, and to be able to use shared folders it is recommended to install the
guest additions.

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