ESP Essay

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English for Specific Purposes (ESP) can also defined as English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and

English for Occupational Purposes (EOP). ESP is considered to be a ‘separate activity’ within the realm of
English Language Teaching, a fundamental part of any applied linguistics research. Its significance is
increasing rapidly since the 1960s, resulting in more specific fields for scholar to investigate; such as EAP,
EOP and EBP (English For Business Purpose) EXP itself is a part of a general movement called Language
For Specific Purposes (LSP).

Definition of ESP:

Hutchison and Waters (1987) Call it an approach, applicable to various kind of teaching based on
learns’ need. ESP is similar to English language teaching. But in ESP there is a Precise purpose woven into
the course. And this purpose is defined by the reason students submit for / attend the class. Very
common reason would be their Educational, academic or vocational needs to learn English

Robison (1991) notes common characteristic of ESP, and suggest two key defining criteria:
Firstly, it is based on specific needs. Being preoccupied with ‘need analysis’ and ‘goal-directed’ contents,
rather than the role of common-core language and teaching skills which are the essential part of ESP,
she however, fails to give a clear universal definition.

Strevens (1988) on the other hand, suggest ‘absolute’ and ‘variable’ characteristics for ESP, to
differentiate and define it.

“all ESP teaching should reflect the methodology of the disciplines and the profession it serves;
and in more specific ESP teaching the nature of the interaction between the teacher and learner may be
very different from that in a general English class.

Classification of ESP:

the traditional classification splits ESP into EAP and EOP, then other professional area such as English for
(Academic) Science and technology or EBP. This based on the need of the students.

Therefore, it is suggested to study ESP on a continuum, where general English courses are at one side,
and specific English courses are at the other side of the continuum.

It should be mentioned that there is a direst relationship between the specificity of the course and the
motivation of students.

Carried Content and Real Content

Real content deals with the main purpose of the course, which in more cases is ‘Language’, while carried
content provides the platform to introduce, make use of hand practice the real content. When a story or
diagram is presented in a language teaching class, the diagram it self is a carried content which is used
to provoke the subject, and language is the real content used to explain and make comparison.

Roles of ESP Practitioner

the roles of the ESP practitioner are varied. They are as: teacher; Course designer and materials
provider; collaborator; researcher; evaluator.
ESP as a Multi-disciplinary Activity

The ESP practitioner would do well to be immersed in various disciplines as the knowledge would help
to build up the study of ESP revealed in the design of course specification, different types an purposes of

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