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Goldfish Analysis Criteria Methodology

Positive Defining

Participants Statements Categories Of Boost patron sensory Competition, a game, a Defy expectations
Opportunities appeal performance, a deadline, or a
public commitment

Goldfish Q1: Tell me about yourself and what you like and dislike about traveling Defiy expectations
about the
accessability of
Well i am retired teacher i traveled before i was teaching and since then retirement with my husband travel
you've been to europe and across the united states i'm planning a trip to new york city with relatives

Q2: I would love to hear any stories you have; positive memories you have, from traveling and hotel
stays in the past.

Well i like seeing in anything that's no different for example new york city nice to me it's fun just to Boost sensory appeal by Offer a topic based forum where
walk down the street look at people and places areas of the city that we've seen in movies are read organizing information to related discussion about travel
about in books actually the same thing just about anywhere just to see something different. support travel based on introduces elements of
best selling books and competition, a game, a
other popular culture performance, a deadline, or a
public commitment
Nothing really stands out in my mind, I do strongly believe that when I travel I'm not so much
concerned about the accommodations as long as they're clean and safe to me it's just a place to
sleep in between sightseeing last trip there were six of us ladies retired teachers it was interesting to
observe, to be there, getting ready to go to a broadway show

Q3: Tell ma about getting things done online like finding evaluating and selecting products and

Well i'm not skilled jobs online but i have made arrangements groups online Suprisingly usable

Q4: Have you ever planned a perfect vacation or hotel stay

Perfect if it's going to be perfect you have to know what you what, you're looking for your dates and Two step verification
price range exact location; remember one problem with pricing I guess was my fault. of price before
processing payment
Comment: So you're saying that somewhere in the booking process something went wrong and you
ended up having paid more than anyone had expected. Yeah I misunderstood the table

Q5: Have you downloaded an app for a hotel brand

No never Upsel App after

Q6: When you travel for leisure, more than anything else, what would make you choose Marriott over
other options?

A: Inspiring and useful information that helps me choose the right hotel by accounting for nearby Defy expectations of
professional, dining and entertainment opportunities what hotel search
organizes and brings
into the decision
Selected B: A website that is effortless to use to book a hotel room making process of
travel planning and
C: Personalized online and phone customer service from initial hotel search through end of stay

D: Having more rewards points accumulated on my Marriott rewards card than my other rewards

All of the above

Q7: Are you looking for a solution or alternative to working with a travel agent when planning travel?
Please tell me, why or why not?

So not necessarily looking for a way around

Q8: If you had a question regarding your travel destination who would you contact? Introduce personal aspect
of customer service /
technical suport through
Either an agent of the hotel staff. We used to go to AAA for those things
implimentationg of chat
assisted booking

Q9: What is the hardest part of planning for travel and making travel arrangements.

Skipped Answer

Q10: How often do you travel?

Well when we were first retired in we were back and forth to california and oregon and then to europe. Introduce IA org scheme for
But since then it has been priomarily to NYC to see shows and three group vacations. "family vacation travel"

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