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Department of Education

Region VI-Western Visayas

Division of Iloilo City
A. Bonifacio Integrated School


Name: ____________________________________ Grade & Section: ____________________ Signature: _____________

Learning Competecy: Explain the different patterns of non-Mendelian Inheritance.

Lesson Focus: Non-Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance

Practicing Non-Mendelian Patterns of Inheritance

Gregor Mendel is known as the father of genetics. His experiments with pea plants created the foundation for our modern
understanding of genetics. However, as with most scientific ideas, Mendel didn’t quite have the whole picture. Over the years,
geneticists have found that not all traits have simple dominant/recessive traits. These cases of non-Mendelian inheritance are often
sorted into three categories: incomplete dominance, codominance, and sex-linked traits.

Activation of Prior Knowledge:
Direction: Using your DICTIONARY, look for the meaning of following:
1. co-dominance-

2. incomplete dominance-
3. multiple alleles-
4. sex-linked traits.
5. Phenotype-
7. Punnette square-
Direction: Enumerate the three Mendelian Principles and explain each. (RESEARCH )



Direction: Direction: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the blank provided before
the number.
_____1. What type of inheritance that results in a new heterozygous trait that is a blend of both parents. For ex. red flower x white
flower = pink flower offspring.?
a. multiple allele inheritance b. codominance c. incomplete dominance d. sex-link traits.
_____2. A cross between a blue insect and a yellow insect produced a blue and yellow striped offspring. Which type of inheritance
would this be an example of?
a. multiple allele inheritance b. codominance c. incomplete dominance d. sex-link traits.
_____3. A red flowered plant (RR) breeds with a White flowered plant (rr). The gene for petal color in these plants expresses
incomplete dominance so they are pink. What percentage of the offspring will have pink (Rr) flowers?
a.25% b. 50% c.75% d.100%
______4. If you cross a black chicken with a white chicken, only checkered chickens (showing both
black and white) would be produced. What kind of inheritance pattern does this follow?
a. codominance b. incomplete dominance c. polygenic trait d. blocked trait
______5. How are Incomplete Dominance and Co Dominance different than a normal Mendelian cross?
a. There is no difference c. There is no heterozygous genotype
b. The heterozygous genotype has a unique phenotype d. There is only one phenotype regardless of
Direction: Go over to every station. Every station has situation or activities that you should perform. After that answer the GUIDED

 Incomplete Dominance- In incomplete dominance, a heterozygote shows a phenotype that is intermediate between the
two homozygous phenotypes. Neither allele is dominant over the other. An example of incomplete dominance is flower
color in four o’clock plant. It is only the phenotype that is intermediate. The red and white alleles remain separate and
distinct. Half the gametes of the pink four o’clock carry the allele for red and half carry the allele for white. Therefore, the
genotypic ratio also becomes the phenotypic ratio.

When a pure red (RR) flowered four o’clock plant is crossed with a pure white (WW) flowered four o’clock plant, the offspring will
produce neither red nor white flowers. Instead, all flowers will be pink.( RW)

RR- Pure red- flower WW- Pure white flower RW- Pink flower

Cross: RR X WW

Phenotypic ratio: 4 : 0 (Pink=100 %)

Genotypic ratio: 4 : 0 (RW=100%)

1.What are the possible phenotypes of the offspring from the cross of the parental plants in the example above?

2. What are the possible genotypes of the offspring from the cross of the parental plants in the example above?

3. Show the possible outcome of the cross between two pink flowered four o’clock plants by using the Punnett square.

RW -Pink flower

___________ X ___________

Phenotypic ratio: ________________________

Genotypic ratio: _________________________

 Condominace- this is the results when one allele is not dominant over the other. The resulting heterozygotes exhibit the traits
of both parents. One example of codominance is the MN blood typing in humans. On the surface of our red blood cells are
proteins bound to sugar molecules, forming complexes called antigens. One group of antigens are controlled by a pair of
alleles, LM and LN. The pairing of these alleles will determine the blood type of an individual, and there are three: M, MN and
In some chickens, the gene for feather color is controlled by codominance. The allele for black is B and the allele for
white is W. The heterozygous phenotype is known as erminette (BW). If two erminette (BW)chickens were crossed,
what is the probability that:
a. They would have a black chick? 25% BB
b. They would have a white chick? 25% WW

BB- black chickens WW- white chicken BW- erminette chickens



Phenotypic ratio: 1:2:1 ( 25% Black, 50% erminette, 25% White)

Genotypic ratio: 1:2:1 ( 25% BB, 50% BW, 25% WW)

1. A black chicken and a white chicken are crossed.
a. What is the probability that they will have erminette (BW) chicks? ______________________________

BB- black chickens WW- white chicken BW- erminette chickens

________ X ________

Phenotypic ratio: ________________________

Genotypic ratio: _________________________
 Multiple Alleles - All traits discussed so far have been controlled by a single pair of alleles. However, there are some traits,
such as human blood type that involved more than 2 alleles. Human blood type involves three alleles: I A, IB, and і. Genes IA and
IB are dominant while і is recessive. The 4 blood types produced by these 3 alleles are A, B, AB and O. Genotypes of multiple
alleles are shown using the capital letter I for dominant and lower case і for recessive. For example, type A blood genotype is
1.In humans, an example of a trait cause by multiple alleles would be____________________________________________________
2.In the human population, there exist _____________________________________alleles for blood type. But an individual only has
_____________________alleles for blood type. From these alleles, how many blood types are produced? ______________________
3. Give the genotypes for the following blood types:

Type A - ___________or______________ Type AB - ___________or______________

Type B - ___________or______________ Type O - ___________ or______________

 Sex-linked traits are genetic characteristics determined by genes located on sex chromosomes. Genes are
segments of DNA found on chromosomes that carry information for protein production and that are responsible
for the inheritance of specific traits. Genes exist in alternative forms called alleles. One allele for a trait is
inherited from each parent. Like traits originating from genes on autosomes (non-sex chromosomes), sex-linked
traits are passed from parents to offspring through sexual reproduction. Sex-linked diseases are passed down
through families through one of the X or Y chromosomes. X and Y are sex chromosomes
 Dominant inheritance occurs when an abnormal gene from one parent causes disease even though the
matching gene from the other parent is normal. The abnormal gene dominates.
 Recessive inheritance is when both matching genes must be abnormal to cause disease. If only one gene in the
pair is abnormal, the disease does not occur, or is mild. Someone who has one abnormal gene (but no
symptoms) is called a carrier. A carrier can pass this abnormal gene to his or her children
 The term "sex-linked" usually refers to X-linked traits.

Directions: Answer the questions below about sex linked traits.
1. X-linked (also called sex-linked traits) are inherited on the ________________chromosome.
2. Which gender (male or female) is most likely to have X-linked traits? ___________________________
3. How many X chromosomes do males have? ________________________
4. How many X chromosomes do females have? ______________________
5. Why does a single X chromosome that carriers the allele for red-green colorblindness cause males to be color blind
but doesn’t cause females to be color blind?
6. What is a “carrier” for an X-linked trait?______________
Direction: Show genetic crosses between the following snapdragon parents, using the punnett squares provided, and
record the genotypic and phenotypic %s below:

a. pink x pink b. red x white c. pink x white

Genotypic %:_______________ Genotypic %:_______________ Genotypic %:_______________

Phenotypic %:_______________ Phenotypic %:_______________ Phenotypic %:______________

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