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Akshaya Lakshminarasimhan(19008)

Project Synopsis for AQPM

Quality control in E-commerce
Quality control in E-commerce is conduction of goods sold through e-commerce. E-commerce
is considered an excellent alternative for companies to reach new customers and markets.

Quality is the vital issue of e-commerce, and the importance of measuring and monitoring
quality has already been well recognized. Quality control in E-commerce will greatly increase
the chances of an e-commerce project satisfying user performance requirements for the first

Importance of Quality in E-Commerce

The growing requirement for quality is increasing as the demand is increasing and the same
product quality, its safety often associated with the export markets. The growing middle class
has more disposable income, and is demanding higher quality and safety in the products they

This, along with anger over the proliferation of counterfeit products and hazardous substances
is contributing to a significant change in performance/trust

Elaborating on the Quality Process Requirement in E-commerce

As a consumer, when we order products online, how do we expect them to get delivered?
Some key requirements are, the product must arrive on time, well-packed, and ultimately must
give you an easy gateway to return it if it is not as per your expectations. All this has been
made possible via a single application.

But what if this application doesn’t function the way you want or cracks down mid-way, or
probably leaks off information about you to some potential hackers? Technical uncertainty and
digital chaos are the two major factors this billion-dollar ecommerce market is dependent on.

This Project is about visualizing the process requirements in lines of Quality Assurance and
Software Testing perspectives to save application developers and Project managers from this
endless juggle.
The following topic lines are which this project will elaborate on:

 Defining Quality Assurance at the core of a successful ecommerce operations

 Gaining mileage from the wide range of data collected from the consumers

 Confirming a smooth payment and shopping gateway

 Channel user experience from order placement to return gateway

 Warranties and after product services

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