The Existence of Deity

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The Existence of Deity

Andrew N. Smith

Introduction- The following is an essay written on the philosophical explanations

regarding the existence of Deity. Eventually, I intend to include it in a larger volume of book
length, but for now it exists as it is incomplete. This work is written from a philosophical
perspective and is intended to be interpreted as thus. I am not attempting to convert anyone, nor
am I attempting to persuade those that do not believe in god into doing so. It is not even written
from my own religious perspective. It is simply the philosophical observance of the world
around us and the conclusion that all exists because of the presence of a vast supernatural power.
I do not attempt to describe the nature of said being, I am merely presenting the logical evidence
that a supreme supernatural power exists. The existence alone is all I am attempting to describe.
I am not offering a course of action or belief system. Nor am I attempting to discredit the same.
Instead, I ask the reader to draw their own conclusion based on what I have written. If the
evidence here helps the reader believe more in their own belief system or helps them describe or
explain what they believe then it has done what is intended. Convincing those that do not
believe is NOT what I am trying to do with the essay. If someone believes in something strong
enough, they will find reasons and explanations to continue doing so. However, the reverse is
also true. As it should be. If you believe strongly enough you will find the explanations required
to continue believing. This essay could be considered my own explanations that I have arrived at
to bolster my own belief system. I invite you to take or leave what you wish from it.

Phenomenon of Nature

The phenomenon of nature is a theory of logical philosophy that explains existence through the
presence of deity. In layman’s terms, by observation of the forces of nature, the philosopher
concludes that these forces are the expressions of an infinitive source of power, knowledge and
presence. Physical reality is not here by “accident” and this is evident to anyone that examines it
without prejudice or preconceived notions. To those that doubt the existence of deity, this may
sound like the observer has drawn this conclusion before he observes and simply attributes the
things he does not understand to an unseen “God.” In part this is true. That which cannot be
explained by physical means implies that the explanation lies in the non-physical or
imperceptible. To deny the existence of something because it is beyond our present powers of
perception is simply irresponsible. As philosophers we always strive for that which do not
presently understand.

Either condition, whether beyond our existence or beyond our comprehension both point to
something supernatural. Electricity existed for eons before we discovered and harnessed it.
Once our perception was elevated enough to comprehend it, we named it electricity and accepted
it as part of physical reality. The same could be said of God. What we call a deity now, may
eventually be understood as yet another force of the universe we were unable to comprehend at
the time. The labels are not important. By observing nature we are simply saying that in order
for nature to exist it requires an infinite source of unseen power that is not bound by physical
limitations and is ever-present throughout the universe. Whether it is called “God” or not is

Laws of Nature

The Laws of Nature are so named because they repeat with incredibly high degrees of
probability throughout the universe. Light reacts the same way at one corner of the universe as it
does in any other. If light did not operate under these high degrees of probability there would be
places in the universe it did not exist. If something exists everywhere and behaves the same in
all of those places, we arrive at the conclusion that it operates according to a “Law” of nature.
This is simply a complex way of saying that if something repeats similarly throughout the
vastness of the universe it is regarded as a Law of Nature.

Simple examples of Laws of Nature are: Gravity, Physics, Light, Life, Fusion, Heat, Cold etc.
These laws form the basis of reality. Yet what is their source? If gravity works the same way
throughout the universe with incredibly high degrees of probability it must have a source that is
infinite. If it exists everywhere then the source is also Omnipresent. This source must also be
intelligent in order to maintain gravity’s consistency throughout time and space or gravity would
not remain consistent. If this source is infinitely powerful, present and intelligent it can simply
be defined as God.

All of these attributes can be applied to any Law of the universe. If they operate the same
throughout the universe they require an infinite source (or they would deplete), infinite presence
(or there would be places they did not exist) and an intelligence to maintain them (or they would
cease to operate with the same degree of probability). This infinite source can simply be defined
as God.

Objectors might point out that Laws of the universe do not require intelligence to maintain.
However, if this were true they would still require an intelligent source to put them in place
initially or they would have created themselves. In order for them to create themselves they
would have had to precede themselves in existence which is a contradiction and therefore
impossible. Likewise, they could not have formed by “accident” or they would not be able to
repeat with the same degree of probability. Accidents happen few enough times to be considered
negligible in an infinite universe. To say laws of the universe simply formed from nothingness is
ludicrous at best. Even if there was a time that these rules did not exist, the potential for them
must have existed or they could not have formed. Yet, what housed this potential? Where was
it? How did it fall into place to form physical reality as we know it?
So, it logically follows that the potential for these laws of the universe existed somewhere and
was initiated into existence by something else. This force must have understood their potential
and their application. Such knowledge would have to be infinite. Housing such potential power
would require limitless power and limitless knowledge to initiate in the first place. In order for
the powers to initiate everywhere at the same time, the initiator must have existed in all places.

The other possibility is that the forces of nature required no initiation and have always been in
place. If they have always been in place, they themselves are infinite in power, presence and
even intelligence. If this were true, they would not be physical powers. Physical things are born,
grow, mature and die to be reborn again. If the powers of nature have always existed, they are
not physical and therefore supernatural.

The phenomenon of nature proves that there is either a source of infinitive power, intelligence
and presence that created these forces or these forces have always existed and required no
initiation. This would lead to the conclusion that the forces are supernatural and non-physical in
nature. Either condition points to an infinitive source of power, intelligence and presence that
could just as easily be defined as God.

The Trinity of Deity

The classic Judeo-Christian interpretation of the Trinity is the Father, Son and Holy ghost.

However, this is simply another way of saying God is Mental, Physical and Spiritual. And these
three aspects could also be defined as Omniscient (all knowing), Omnipresent (ever present) and
Omnipotent (all powerful). The three aspects of God are also reflected in our own existence and
throughout creation as the same.

God must be infinitely powerful, knowledgeable and present in order to have fabricated the
universe. Without any one of the three, he could not be the other two. And transversely, he
could not be any one of the three without being the other two. Simply put, if he is not
Omniscient, he cannot be Omnipresent or Omnipotent. He could not exist in an area he did not
know of, nor could he have power over something he did not fully understand. God could not be
Omnipotent if there were areas of existence apart from his presence or things that escaped his

1. Omniscient- Is the all knowing. In order for God to exist he must be Omniscient over
all things. There could be nothing outside his knowledge. He is aware of all things at all times
and must be in order to be Omnipresent and Omnipotent. He could have no power over places
he did not exist and could have no power over things he did not understand. The creator of the
universe must have been Omniscient in order to fabricate and initiate the laws that govern
physical reality. These forces would require direction and intent in order to repeat themselves
billions of times over throughout the galaxy. If God did not have all-powerful knowledge over
these forces he could not have created or initiated them. And, he must maintain this omniscience
in order to keep the forces in check.

2. Omnipresent- Existence in all places at all times. In order to have created the
universe, God must exist everywhere within it in order to bring it into reality. If a section of the
universe existed without the presence of God, the laws of physical reality would not take place
there. If some place existed that was not part of God, he would not be Omniscient or
Omnipotent and therefore incapable of creating the universe. Also, he could not just put
everything into motion then leave. The laws of reality require an infinite source of power and
intelligence to repeat themselves or they would cease to function. God must exist everywhere in
order to exist at all. He would not be subject to the constraints of time or decay, has always
existed and will always exist.

3. Omnipotent- Infinitely powerful. An infinite amount of power was used both to

create and maintain the existence of the universe. If the source of power was not infinite it
would eventually die out and existence would cease. If this were true, such a source would never
have enough power to spread itself across the universe and repeat itself billions of times without
depleting. Nothing finite could be the same throughout a universe as vast as ours. If it were
finite, it would exist in some places and not others. Gravity, physics and light are the same
throughout the entire universe. If there source was able to be depleted it would have been
drained billions of years ago. If it were simply vast enough to be beyond perception, it would
still be infinite. If God is capable of creating these principals of infinite power, he must be
infinite in power himself.

The Five Proofs

The phenomenon of nature is proof of an Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient force. This
force brought it into and maintains its existence. All forces within the universe must have a
source. If you trace any force of the universe back far enough you will eventually arrive at place
where the origin of the source can no longer be explained. When it can no longer be explained
the source must exist outside that which is physical. This non-physical force must be
Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent in order for it to exist at all. This may sound like
wishful thinking on the part of those that already believe in the existence of God. However, the
existence of God is simply an observance of the forces of nature. No one questions the existence
of the wind, but you can see what it does and what effect it has on the world around it. The same
is true of God if you observe simply without trying to fit his existence into the belief systems of
dogmatic religions.

The existence of God through observance is explained with the following five “proofs” of God’s
existence. Again, simply observe without trying to fit the nature of God into the molds of
religion. The God depicted as sitting on a throne and deciding the fate of the world simply
cannot and does not exist. If such a being did exist, it could not be God, for God must be
Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent and would never be limited to a throne, a form or
need to decide anything. The five proofs are realized only through observance and applying the
logic principal of “if this is true, then this must be true.”

1. Cause and Effect: Every effect must have a cause. Each cause produces an effect.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This is a provable fact simply by observing this
cause and effect in nearly everything in reality. If you examine the cause and effect back far
enough, even to the beginning of the universe, you will eventually arrive at an effect (the
creation of the universe) that has no direct or explainable cause. If you go back even further, to
before the creation of the universe, something had to initiate this creation. Effects do not “cause
themselves” or they would have to precede themselves in existence. Therefore, there must be
something that initiated this creation without being subject to the rules of reality (i.e. cause and
effect). This force must exist outside of reality or it would be subject to the cause and effect
principal. In order for this force to initiate creation it must have Omniscience (to know how to
create it), Omnipotence (in order to create it) and Omnipresence (in order to be able to apply this
power and knowledge unilaterally). And, it cannot be a physical being. In other words; God.

2. Intelligence vs. Nescience: Intelligence exists in nature. Human beings are intelligent
and able to observe and learn from the physical world. Apparently, we are the most intelligent
beings in the universe (since we have no proof of any others). However, we lack the intelligence
to create even the simplest form of life. We can manipulate life that is in existence, but we
cannot create it. Our intelligence could not arrive from nature that did not possess intelligence in
the first place. In other words, we could not have “created” intelligence through our evolution.
Our bodies are a complex series of systems that operate in a symbiotic way controlled by our
brain. The forces of nature are no less complex (perhaps even more so!), yet they have no
apparent “brain” that controls their function. Without an intelligent force guiding them, how
would they stay consistent? How would these forces keep from interfering with one another?
Intelligence cannot arrive from nescience. Something as complex as intelligence cannot form
itself with any degree of probability, yet intelligence repeats itself billions of times through
everything in nature. Leafs on trees all have similar designs all over the world and have repeated
this pattern of function billions of times. Animals have intelligence, humans have intelligence,
yet we could not have created intelligence where it did not previously exist. Therefore, there
must be a source of intelligence capable of controlling the forces of nature and repeating this
pattern with incredibly high degrees of probability. This would require a non-physical source of
infinite intelligence. In other words; God.

3. Accident vs. Intent: The forces of the universe operate in a manner that could not
have occurred by accident. If they were “accidents” they would not repeat with the same odds of
probability. Saying the universe formed out of an accident would be more unlikely than
throwing electronic components in the air and having them land as a computer. Forces as
complex as gravity, fusion, physics etc. could never have formed by the chaos of an accident. If
such an accident were their creator, they would not be capable of repeating with any degree of
probability. Yet, they function in the same way billions of times over without fail except in the
most extreme cases. These forces could be called “laws” since reality is formed from their
proper function. If they did not function with this degree of probability, then reality itself would
not exist. Imagine the ramifications if gravity ceased to work in the universe for even a fraction
of a second. Gravity is either intelligent enough to repeat its function constantly over a period of
15 billion years or there is something intelligent controlling it. Such an intelligence must be
infinite, with infinite presence in order to ensure that gravity functions the same throughout the
universe. In other words; God.

4. Motion in the Universe: Everything within the universe moves. Everything, from a
molecular level to the largest of planets and galaxies is in a constant state of movement. This
movement requires a source of energy that keeps it moving. This movement could not initiate
itself, otherwise it would have preceded itself in existence. Likewise, movement has either
always existed or it did not exist and was initiated by something outside it. If movement has
always existed then it is eternal. Nothing eternal can have a physical source or it would be
subject to the physical limitations of everything else in reality and would eventually end. If
movement did not exist at one time, then something other than movement started motion
throughout the universe and continues to propel it. Either case requires an eternal, Omnipresent,
Omniscient source. In other words; God.

5. Physical Existence: Reality has either always existed or it formed from non-existence.
If it always existed then it is eternal and will always exist. If it is eternal it cannot be physical,
because physical things are born, exist, decay and die. So, existence is either a non-physical
phenomenon or it is physical and requires an eternal source outside it that is NOT physical. This
source must have initiated physical existence from non-existence. Everything came from
nothing. Even the potential for things could not have existed in non-existence. This source
could not be subject to the laws of existence or it would have existed during non-existence and is
therefore not physical. Initiating existence from non-existence would require Omnipotence,
Omniscience and Omnipresence and the ability to form not only the materials from which all
things are made, but invent and govern the laws that allow their creation. In other words; God.

12 Truths of Truth

Truth is something that corresponds to fact and/or reality. In order for something to be TRUE it
must withstand certain scrutiny. Truth is not subjective. It simply is and true things will stand
up to examination. The following 12 conditions must apply in order for something to be “true.”
If one or more of the conditions does not apply, it leads to one of two conclusions. Either the
thing examined is not true (and therefore false) or it is true, but all of the factors are not visible at
the present time. Each condition is defined then further explained and finally used in the below

The stone in the road- For simplicity purposes, the 12 truths are applied to “a stone in
the road.” For discussion purposes, let us imagine that we are trying to determine whether a
stone in the middle of the road is actually there (true) or not (false). If it is there, the 12
conditions will be true. If it is not there, one or more of the 12 truths will be false.

Applying the 12 truths to God- If God exists, the existence of the deity would satisfy
the conditions of the 12 truths. In the below examples, how the law of truth applies to deity is
defined in italics below the definition.

1. Accessible- Does not require special knowledge or training to verify. Truth is readily
visible to witnesses. It does not require special “training”, instruction or knowledge to
experience it. In the stone example, anyone passing the stone on the road should be able to see it
or touch it without requiring any specialized knowledge to witness it.

Experiencing God would be accessible to anyone regardless of their upbringing, culture

or previously conceived notions. So, God must be something that anyone could experience
without having religious training. In an orthodox sense, only the priests and the ”initiated”
could experience the presence of god. However, the presence of an eternal spiritual being is
present in every culture throughout time. The names of this deity (or deities) differ, but the
presence of said deity is universal. If god required special training to witness, then his truth
would be in question. Yet, every civilization since the dawn of time has believed in deity. If
billions of people throughout time agree that the sky is blue, then it is blue. Likewise, if the same
number of people throughout the world all believe in “A” god then one exists.

2. Definable- You must be able to explain it. In order for something to be true, it must be
put into terms that can be understood. If no terms exist to describe the phenomenon, then there is
nothing to compare it to. In the stone example, we define the stone as a piece of rock, the road as
a pathway and “in” signifies that it is located on the road.

God itself can be defined as “All.” Everything that has existed, does exist and will exist
is part of an eternal cycle of energy. This cycle either always existed (and is therefore not
physical) or was brought into existence by something of infinitive presence, power and
knowledge that is not physical. Either condition points to deity. Defining god requires simple
terms such as: eternal, all powerful, great, etc.

3. Eternal- If it is true now, it will be true 1000 years from now. As long as the
conditions remain the same, something true will be true at any point in time. If there is a stone in
the road now, if nothing changes there will still be a stone there at any point in the past or future.
Unless the laws of physics alter, a stone in the road will be the same today as it was yesterday
and forever. Keep in mind, even if the passage of time causes the stone to decay, it is still in the
road it has just changed forms.

The traits of a god would be the same throughout eternity. Understanding of such a
being may undergo change, but the being itself would stay the same throughout time.

4. Impersonal- Not subject to interpretation. Truth does not require your perspective to
be true. All observers would agree that the stone was in the road. It would not require the
viewers to interpret it to be true. It is true whether it is understood or not.
This truth at first seems refutable since differing cultures have different interpretations of
god. However, examining the traits of god that are universal are not subject to interpretation.
In every view of the gods, they have infinitive power, knowledge and presence. The other
“details” do not apply to this scrutiny and are probably not true. The universal aspects of god
are what ring true, not the personal details of a culture.

5. Irrefutable- Will stand up to examination or scrutiny. Something true cannot be

argued successfully. Arguments will be flawed or from a perspective that is unable to observe it
and therefore incomplete. If something is true, it would stand up to each and every examination.
In the stone example, anyone attempting to argue the fact of the stone being in the road could not
make true statements that contradicted the stone being there.

Agnostics and atheists would argue that the existence of a deity is refutable. However,
their arguments are based on simplistic and flawed premises regarding the nature of a deity,
rather than its existence. The universe did not happen by accident, nor did it happen without the
presence of an extreme amount of energy. So, an extreme amount of energy was formed and
directed by something with intent to create reality. Such an intelligent powerful source is a
deity, whether anyone wants to call it that or not.

6. Observable- Readily observed by normal means. In order for something to be true in

physical reality, it must be observable. We must have some means, either through sight, sound,
touch, taste or smell to verify that it is physically existent. In the stone example, anyone could
touch it, see it, taste it, smell it or listen to it to verify its truth.

One would also argue that god is not observable. However, wind is not observable but
what it DOES is. We know the wind exists because we can see the trees and waves move when it
blows. We see reality all around us and witness the powers of physics, gravity and energy.
What is their source? If physics and gravity have an unseen source like the wind, what do we
call it? If their source is eternal (and it is because they continue without fail throughout time)
and intelligent (which it has to be to maintain their consistency) then it could just as easily be
defined as God.

7. Quantifiable- Measurable by means outside it. True things are consistent when values
are assigned. This quantification must come from a means other than the true thing. In the stone
example, we would be able to weigh it, measure it, or otherwise determine its value based on
other true things that we can measure. If we cannot assign a value in either size, weight, mass
etc. then the physicality of the object is in question.

The terms infinite and eternal are the closest we can come to assigning value to deity.
We cannot quantify the aspects of god. At best, we can quantify the results of its power.
However, the results of this eternal source and intelligence are quantifiable and their
accumulation results in an infinite, eternal and omniscient source, which can be defined as God.
8. Repeatable- Results will be the same each time the conditions are present. If
something is true then it will be true each time the conditions that created it are present. In the
stone example, each time a stone falls or is placed in the road, it will be a stone in the road.

Each time we examine reality we will arrive at the same conclusions. Reality could not
have initiated itself. Its initiation requires a source of energy that is beyond the scope of
physical reality. This energy requires control or direction, otherwise it would not perform at the
same level of probability. Reality cannot exist without a constant source of energy that is
infinitely intelligent and existent outside the realm of physical reality. We will arrive at these
same conclusions every time we examine reality and the existence of its eternal source.

9. Separable- The whole can be separated and the components will each be true. Truth is
capable of being dissected and remain true. In the stone example, we can separate the stone and
the road and each of them will remain true under the scrutiny of the other rules of truth.

Each of the laws of reality are subject to these same laws of truth and ring true on every
one. God is the accumulation of all things that exist, so if the individual parts are all true the
sum of their parts is also true. If things exist in reality, whatever initiated their existence is just
as real as they are. If the laws of the universe are true, their source and their initiator must also
be true.

10. Undeniable- Cannot be doubted. True things are readily and easily recognized. Truth
will ring true beyond not just a reasonable doubt, but any doubt. In the stone example, anyone
doubting the existence of the stone would have to deny that they see it, touch it etc. They would
have to deny their physical senses and experiences in order to maintain their doubt.

An eternal source of intelligent and all powerful energy cannot be denied. What it is
called or can be called is the only thing that can be denied. Whether or not it is called god is
irrelevant. The existence of power, motion, reality and intelligence cannot be denied. To say
they created themselves is self-contradictory, as is the concept that they formed from series of
incredibly fortunate accidents.

11. Universal- Will be the same to all observers. Although different observers would
have other definitions for the phenomenon, a true thing will be the same to all who experience it.
It would not be a stone to one observer and a flower to another, but they would both agree that it
was a stone.

Again, this argument appears flawed if you view deity in confined terms. Yes, Egyptians
interpreted god differently than Vikings. However, both would agree that their deities were all
powerful, intelligent and responsible for creation. The truth is in what they agree upon, not in
what they disagree. Witnesses to a bank robbery may disagree on the color of the getaway car
or the height of the perpetrator, but they would both agree that the bank was robbed. Simply, if
you remove the flaws of the observer, the truth is still universal.

12. Verifiable- Provable by a source outside itself. True things can be compared to other
things that are also true and remain true. A source other the phenomenon must be able to verify
its existence. The stone could not verify itself, but observers and their definitions must be able to
verify and agree on its existence.

What deity does we can verify everywhere we look. With every test we verify the
existence of an eternal and intelligent source of power in the universe. Again, if it has always
existed it is not physical because physical things begin, grow, mature and die. If it is physical, it
would be confined by its physicality and unable to initiate itself. Therefore, it would require a
non-physical , eternal source of power that could be defined as God.

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