Jellyfish METUX - Sheet1

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Jellyfish Analysis Criteria Methodology


Participants Statements Three Keys to Engagement, Competence Autonomy Relatedness (optional)

Motivation and Wellbeing

Q1: Tell me about yourself and what you like and dislike 1. I feel very capable and effective at using the technology. 6. The technology provides me with useful options and choices 11. The technology helps me to form or sustain relationships that are fulfilling.
about traveling 2. I feel confident in my ability to use the technology. 7. I can get the technology to do the things I want it to. 12. The technology helps me to feel part of a larger community.
3. Learning how to use the technology was difficult. (-) 8. I feel pressured by the technology. (-) 13. The technology makes me feel connected to other people.
4. I found the interface and controls confusing. (-) 9. The technology feels intrusive (-) 14. I don’t feel close to other users of the technology. (-)
5. It wasn’t easy to use this technology. (-) 10. The technology feels controlling. (-) 15. The technology doesn’t support meaningful connections to others. (-)

I am in my mid-40s I enjoy traveling internationally I like to do

so independently outside of tours I don't typically plan actual
destinations once I get to the major destination I prefer to
just sort of take it day-by-day when I get there I generally
stay in air B sand do on my plan a trip planning myself that's
sort of an overview

Q2: I would love to hear any stories you have; positive

memories you have, from traveling and hotel stays in the

I'm considering a trip in the fall are you asking about future The technology provides me with useful options and choices The technology helps me to form or sustain relationships that are fulfilling.
trips or past trips future trips so the way I go about planning
is researching the place I want to go I might investigate I can get the technology to do the things I want it to. The technology helps me to feel part of a larger community.
particular neighborhoods that are good to stay in based on The technology makes me feel connected to other people.
what I like to do I like to explore on foot and after I determine
some neighborhoods because I use Airbnb I can search that
way or at least want to get my results Offer personalized chat support to a limited number of patreons by a mamber of the
I look at where those places are located I tend to consider
the price and location staff like the one describeed by Chameleon
I also want to make sure that it's got good reviews
I like having the reviews of people who stayed there in the
past to tell determine that when I've stayed at hotels I just
don't find the experience as interesting I don't feel like I'm
[Music] experiencing the town or the city the way that I want

hotels tend to be outside of neighborhoods I feel more like a

tourist than someone who's there sort of getting a feel for
what it's like to actually live there
I like to explore on foot and after I determine some Offer curated content that supports wandering and last
neighborhoods because I use Airbnb I can search that way
or at least want to get my results minute dining and entertainmaent decisions

I also want to make sure that it's got good reviews, I like Add this functionality to the mobile App (GPS) maps form for
having the reviews of people who stayed there in the past to
tell determine that when I've stayed at hotels I just don't find quickly choosing from local alternatives, rideshare integration
the experience as interesting I don't feel like I'm [Music]
experiencing the town or the city the way that I want to

Hotels tend to be outside of neighborhoods I feel more like a

tourist than someone who's there sort of getting a feel for
what it's like to actually live there

Q3: Tell ma about getting things done online like finding

evaluating and selecting products and services

yeah I've also used places like orbits in the past The technology provides me with useful options and choices
if I am looking for a hotel that's like close to an airport or
something like that and I can get the technology to do the things I want it to.
the reason I use those kinds of sites is that I can compare
prices more easily than going to a bunch of different hotel
websites and checking prices I will go to the hotel website
after I've narrowed it down to some hotels and then I'll go
and see if there's more information that about the specific

yeah or even just to compare prices if it's the same or more

or less but I do most of my trip planning online I think
because I know what kind of experience I'm looking for and
somebody like a travel agent well they can help you with that
they tend to be more familiar with standard like people who
want to go and have a certain experience and see all the
sites and my famous things yeah and those are the places I
tend not to go to

Smart phone feature for instantly viewing nearby hotels

Q4: Have you ever planned a perfect vacation or hotel stay

I any of my most perfect travel experiences were that way The technology provides me with useful options and choices
because I didn't have like everything figured out in my head I
I can get the technology to do the things I want it to.
think that if you set super high expectations and have a
vision that's something then you're going to be let down and
if you're a little more open-minded and go into it sort of
expecting the unexpected then you'll have more fun
experiencing it so often my most pleasurable travel
experiences have been when things are not exactly as I
thought and often better than I anticipated yeah I don't know
that when I have plan things out extremely well that they ever
go perfectly

mm-hmm so really the planning tends to be doing the right

kind of research to make yourself you know less concerned
about an itinerary and choosing your location wisely it
sounds like an the rest of it you just yeah

I try to find a place that can be sort of a home base and feel
comfortable that is in a location where I know it can start off
feeling fairly safe and then go from there and hotels
obviously generally are safe in you know popular areas

it's just not the kind of travel experience I typically am

interested in

so hotels for me tend to be like lay overs or on my way out of

a city if I'm gonna stay at a hotel to get me closer to the
airport but it's not where I wanna spend my time when I get

IA org scheme category for hotels that " there was a hotel attached to it in
Q5: Have you downloaded an app for a hotel brand the hotel that everything we needed it had a rooftop restaurant and the
rooms were modern the technology was top-notch sure and we could just
I have Orbitz and air B&B; and the Travelocity apps but I The technology provides me with useful options and choices
don't do that specific Oh tell that's walk to our to our exhibition that aspect of the trip was perfect "
I can get the technology to do the things I want it to.
When you travel for leisure more than anything else what Restated Want / Need for location based map view search
would make you choose Marriott over other options

so there's a multiple selection um can I only choose from this

no it's multiple I would say that it would have to feel the the
Marriott that I was looking at would have to feel personal not

I don't want to stay at a generic you know huge hotel

and if I do if I don't be really clean and inexpensive because

it's a generic experience and I don't want to pay a lot for
something that's a generic experience things that I consider
our the comfort of the bed the cleanliness of the cleanliness
of the bathroom proximity to wherever I need to get to
because I'm capable already of doing online bookings etc
that's the

websites not as critical to me but it should be easy to

navigate and
have pictures

and reviews are important yeah I guess when I mean I'm

sure if I'm supposed to be having this kind of discussion but
the sense that I had was that there's a huge gap here
between booking sites and hotel sites and that the hotel site
doesn't seem to be leveraging anything in order to try and
close the gap so everyone is always going to Orbitz or
Travelocity and they only end up with Marriott .com after
they've been to those two destinations where

Q6: When you travel for leisure, more than anything else,
what would make you choose Marriott over other options?

Yeah I think that by booking through the website there the

hotel website there would have to be an incentive and I don't
know what that would be but most people there first way of
limiting and it's going to be by cost and location and you
can't do that at if you just go to one hotels website you're
not going to be able to determine whether it sure the closest
one or the least expensive one or whatever so if Marriott or
any company wanted to have return business I think they
would have to consistently have the lowest rates or the best
accommodations or the best quality food or whatever it is
that sets them apart.

Q7: Are you looking for a solution or alternative to working

with a travel agent when planning travel? Please tell me, why
or why not?

The technology provides me with useful options and choices

I can get the technology to do the things I want it to.

Introduce chat support for forign travel that assists with common
challenges and concerns

Q8: If you had a question regarding your travel destination

who would you contact?

The technology provides me with useful options and choices

I can get the technology to do the things I want it to.
Introduce chat support for forign travel that assists with common
challenges and concerns

Q9: What is the hardest part of planning for travel and

making travel arrangements.

the hardest part is to avoid over planning it over um well for The technology provides me with useful options and choices
me on a limited budget the hardest part is making sure that
I can get the technology to do the things I want it to.
I'm getting the planning and experience that I'm going to
enjoy and also doing it most economically so

I spend a lot of time comparing prices and waiting for airline

tickets to go down and then risk eating like that they don't
go down I would go for the first ticket and then you know
figuring out

like you can see everything on online and pictures and

descriptions and then you show up and you find out it's not
exactly what you imagined

them so I think that's very image --is yeah you know there
are people who not don't necessarily mislead in their
descriptions but you show up when you're like oh I didn't
know the entrance was on an alleyway that was highly
trafficked between two roads so people because people are
avoiding an intersection see you know it's not abusive to it
that's an Airbnb situation or it could be equally like that way
a hotel they don't tell you all of those things like you know
that's why the

reviews are helpful and to read a bunch of the reviews if

there was a friend who just stayed at a really expensive like
resort in Hawaii and they didn't tell her that half the building
was under construction and meant that half the pools that
she thought were going to be available or not and it was fine
for her in the end but they you know it was sort of that like
not really telling you everything ready to learn oh yeah so
being transparent I think that fun people would rather know
that then go don't ya and then then you've got someone
who's like well I'm not staying in a Marriott again because I
went and they have the building were under construction
and it was noisy and I couldn't use one of the elevators so
the Lions and that you know whatever it was that sort of stuff
especially when you're paying a premium to use a big brand
like that yeah maybe she spent I don't know five thousand
dollars on a weekend trip to know this fancy place and then
half the things that we're supposed to be open and request
that's shady yeah

Introduce proce comparative flight booking across web and mobile

Q10: How often do you travel?

Several times a year recently

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