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POWER GLOVE PROGRAM GUIDE Simple Instructions & Operating Tips YOU MUST READ THIS TO OPERATE THE POWER GLOVE (F YOU STILL NEED HELP. CALL US! 800-635-551 PROGRAM 14 STRATEGY NOTES Program 14 can be yaad ab any tine during a game to make menu salactions or erner paas- wards, even at the baginning of the game. Far gernes thet require you to make menu selec. ‘bons before you stars plying, enter Program 14 bafara you enter any cthar game program. Soma pames dract you to pause to bing up a selection manu during a gemna, Others mright tell you to use the direction ped, Follow the Instructions for the game that. you are plying ta bring up the selection rrenu when YO ware to uBe it curing 9 germ. EXAMELE: 19437 Tomer Program 14 41. Press: (fans) B Press (3) (3) (144) 9. Press (pam) 4, Press (Gem) again To Make 1943" Menu Selections Uso the directional pad and other buttons en the POWER GLOVE™ ta make ealaeniona To Enter 19437 Regular Game Program 1. Press (ano) B. Press (3) 3. Press (Gam) 4, Pross (na) again Don't fanget ti nacafibrata the glove by making & Fest. ALTERNATIVE PLACEMENT OF THE L-BAR Having problems fitting the L-Ger on your 1" TYP ANSWER: Hare are several suitors. But ro matter which one you wen, reenemmbaie theos inpertart pants: 4, Thern mat be a clear path betoren thee Powe Gove” on your hard ord each af the L-Gar eerecrs. 2, Altheugh wie L-Bar-cen be positioned ‘above or blow the TY, % eannos ba laces! wiry far bo tha right or aft of the TY. 3. The LEO sensor of tha L-Bar must aiptiyd DON tho upper eight hand comer. + See noges 4 & 5 of the Power Glave” Iretruction Monual far addeicnal set up instructions an | |. THE STACI-UP SOLUTION Put books, bows, or other stackable tras on top of your TV ta Ht up the LB 9. Stack books or bors on top of the TV. . Set L-fir on top of the stack 9, Tha side is now raked above the otter af the Ty so the L-Bar wil it, THE HANG-DOWN SOLUTION Position TW go ches the L-Asr can hang down the sida of tho TV, 4, Side Die TV ower 0 the edge of the table or cert itis rasting on, , Let L-Ber hong down the aise | THE UP-FRONT SOLUTION Set the L-Bor is front of your Wom anjtheg tet is suey ord stable auth as acter, a table, even a large bor 41, Pesstion 2 char decetty in front cf your TW. B, Sot L-Bar cr chin stow the sereen £0 yOu can ebllsea the screen, PLAYING ARM POSITION Resting your elbow on the stm of a chin ar on your kre wien yon ara playing helps you play longer without: patting tred and keeps you camered toa, PROGRAM 1 To enter Program 4, press: &) OG) && This program is loeded putoistcaly when you ture an the glove. le hae: spacial finger trove that lets you change directions and fine at the seme time. i works well for many gerne, aspcially ones with & sia view. err a = ee A. BEND THUME FOR A BUTTON B, BEND INDEX FOR B BUTTON (C, BEND LAST 3 BAGEAS: FOR ONE SHOT TURNAROUND, ‘hig program hes a baep-syetem that wll help you learn how to find PROGRAM Ae Tar ota Baie Vins faire Serasrad cone HN Pak Lhe fentat at boop, VWhan you ara not eentered thn glove will beep. Ta tur the Goes) @) (Gam) Gam) Mepraqton onan at moses tava a bck vet a E> oir 47 @Love moves A, BEND THUME FOR A BUTTON B. BEND INDEX FOR B BUTTON PROGRAM 23 then you use Program 9 you mows tha gow around ar itt wa So table. That maces this program goad ta use for gernes with = Teenter Program 3, pret: toa Gras) @) Gem) mm) = 4% A. BENO THUMB FOR A BUTTON I. BEND INOEX FOR @ BUTTON ‘Your hand “becomer™ a plane when you're using thie progam. Bank PROGRAM Te ra ftbe he ralgee hte fe pans hare oredican oof Prcgreie D, Prank ‘this might ba @ good rogram to ube oe) © =) C= GLOVE MOVES: BANK LEFT BANK RIGHT = ~~ A JA, BEND THUM FOR A BUTTON 8. BEND INDEX FOR @ BUTTON ‘This program is for Double Dragon and other simier games. Band PROGRAMS Drrmenenenetnn ero, ‘urta kick! Bland your thumb far jure kick! Cimb by making e fst (Ge0t) ©) Gam) Gem) od prety trv GLOVE MovES 5 A, BEND INDEX FORA BUTTON B, GENO LAST 3 FINGERS FOR B BUTTON FIST FORWARD FOR CLIMBING C, BENO THUMB FOR A +B BUTTONS: ROTATE CLOCKWISE FOR HEAD BATT PROGRAM 7 _ Ths proorem for MIKE TYSON'S PUNCH-OUTH® simutstes rect ekae a ie borg action, Keeping your moves clase ta your cater: parsitia Rees Zanes © essential to mastering these program maves. (Gr0e) (©) Gam) (Emre) NOTE: You rrust pews START before you can use droctional pod on ove to: make selections, GLOVE moves: ‘te BUNCH UP. PUNCH LEFT BUNCH AISHT ALWAYS KEEP 4 TIGHT ST WHEN PUNCHING: PUNCH DOWN A. ROTATE CLOCKWISE TO BLOCK (6. OPEN HAND & DOWN FOR TURBO DUCK B, PULL AIST BACK FOR STAR PUNCH 1D, OPEN HAND TO DODGE PROGRAM 6 Progen 8 varie bese win BASERALL™ When you use this peogram Wine danas immagine thes your hand is in the miiole ef a besahal amore. You'l é be wing different moves depanding on whether yau're playing (G8) ©) (orm) (Gm) Stora date, DEFENSE GLOVE MOVES = Lert at cur “se AF (A. BEND THUM FOR & BUTTON 8, ROTATE COUNTER-CLOCKWiSE FOR B GC. WHEN THOWING TO Bnd OR HOME BEND INDEX FINGER TOD. (. WHEN PUNNING TO Sod OF HOME BEND INDEX FINGER TOO, A, BEND THUMB FOR A BLITTON NX B. ROTATE COUNTERCLOCKWISE FOR B WE Program 9 i mage for RAD RACER™ and ather daving games, PROGRAM © Pilnivarhede oan nase wong eee ero. tee : this program, Thern's avon a speciel start-up gesture that: is lie (Gaoa) (©) Cour) (Ges) paregebcke uct ait You ee wake Wie Soeure bore ve poese START. This program does not have repd fire iisiec ince - ~ TURN LEFT TURN AGH [ROTATE HANG) (ROTATE Hato) START GESTURE FST FORWARD FOR TURBO U2 FOR MUSIC. t sa PROGRAM 10 To creer Program 10, press: COG GD GLOVE MOVES BEND INDEX POA LEFT TURN This program ges you the extra accurocy you need to play ALC. PRO-AM™ Your fingers. centrol che #eering end your hend cortraS the breke. Remember the thratte [B] is automatically er for you elnasdy, BEND LAST 3 FINGERS FOR RIGHT TURN BEND THUMB FOR & BUTTON ' a LOWER HAND TO TURN OFF THAOTTLE [1 ‘Thia program ia very much fike Program 1, but inataad of just PROGRAM n ‘turnarcund shat you put your mann thrash mode, When you use GIO OGai\ Gay Mhaa karte we tec LOVE MOVER A. BENO THUMB FOR A SUTTON B, BENO INDEX FOR B BUTTON ©, BENG LAST 3 FINGERS FOR THRASH MODE AVE Use this program to play SUPER MARID BADIS® With the fick of a Poor finger you can epead-up oF slow.down Mario to meet the challange - - Try a quick jork right or left to mova Morio onty one step, xs) @ © C@) CH) oLove Moves: = cert Qa me cer 47 BEND THUMB FOR A BUTTON B. BEND INDEX FOR Bf BUTTON 6, BEND LAST 3 FINGERS TD SLOW MARIO DOWN. PROGRAM 130 +0 fingers control the A & 8 button commends, but you hewe to Ta ercar Program 19, presi: uso the Grectimial per! on the glove to mave arcund the screen. : Thi is e good program to use # you haw to ga in and Out of memnas (Ge) @) @ Cam) Gem) arhg apse, GLOVE MOVES BENO THUMB FOR A BLITTON BEND INDEX FOR B BLITTON PROGRAM 147 tien you mnter Program 14, you rn off the gave movements. To wane fi, te the buttora ond drecooned ped on the gave netoad of ary ate ear ce ives low maves. Load Program 74 if you have to enter en essential (508) (2) @) Camm) (GAR) rcs ne the bogivire of the game, then rmrenr she game program you were ung. Don't target ta recelbrate the glove by OLOVE moves mekeng 2 st when you change from chal arogrer ta arethar. USE MANUAL CONTROLS ON GLOVE NINTENDO GAME PAK CODE SERVICE iets seevien rusroceniatives wl be ake to exsist you with intends Gere Pek ocds inkirrmscon dheieg ue taining hours: 8:90 gm - 19/00 pm EST Monday Edo um = 200 pn EST Sarday “he coet of the cal wi bw 57,50 for the lrwt rrinetn und 19.75 for auch watecnal men TELEPHONE 1 [000] Sio-0127 An YOUR BARENTS" PERRO BEFOHE YOU CALL. On MADER GAN CO tc ans A eT TRC AARC, 185)

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