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Project Report Submitted in Partial

Fulfilment of the requirement for the
Award of Degree of


Submitted by
Reg. No: 19125740091

Under the guidance of


Manipal Academy of Banking


Project Report Submitted in Partial

fulfilment of the requirement for the
award of Degree of

Submitted by
Reg. No: 19125740091

Under the guidance of


Manipal Academy of Banking

OCTOBER & 2020


S. No. Name of the concept Page No.

Title of the Project 1
1. Name of the Project Guide 1
Name and Reg number of the student
4. Contents 2
5. Declaration 3
Certificate of Originality – Signed by the student and
6. 4
approved by guide
7. Acknowledgment 5
8. Executive Summary 6
9. Introduction 7
10. Literature Survey 12
11. Research Objectives 21
12. Research Methodology
Data Analysis & interpretation 29
14. Scope of the Study 27
13. Need for Study 28
14. Conclusion 41

15. Limitations 42

16. Bibliography 43


I, SATYENDRA SINGH RANA having Reg. No: 19125740091 submitting this


EVALUTION OF SELECTED MUTUAL FUND been prepared by myself towards

the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree Master of

Business Administration (MBA) Degree under the guidance of Mr. KAPIL


I am also declaring that this project report is solely my original work and has not been previously

submitted or used for the award of any Degree, Diploma, Fellowship, or other similar titles.

Date: 18-10-2020 Reg.No.19125740091


I hereby confirm that this project work is done by my research and does not consist of any

material previously written or published or submitted to any organization by any other person for

getting any other diploma or degree. It contains all the survey reports from different persons

currently working and customers who are availing services currently from those organizations. It

is purely based on their reviews, opinions, and feedback/suggestions from the survey. Any

contribution made to the research by the guide with the help of some materialistic sources, with

whom I have worked, is explicitly acknowledged in this project report.

Sign of candidate


Attested by: KAPIL THAKUR



This project report work is an important part of my education to find the practical

implementation of theoretical knowledge of the WILP program. This project work report is the

result of my hard work with help of the information provided in the course and my guide.

At first, I am very much grateful for the guide for accepting to act as my project guide and well

support to complete the project report.

Respectively I want to give my sincere gratitude to all my faculties in my MBA program for the

concepts which are very much useful in this regard.

I am very much thankful to the senior officers and my colleagues from the bank who gave me

their important time to provide me the information.

Also to the customers of these private and public sector banks who gave me their valuable

participation in surveys and feedback.


The growth of mutual funds has been phenomenal. The mobilization of funds by

mutual funds have been on the rise since 1964. When mutual fund market was thrown

open to the private sector in 1993, the corpus of mutual fund in India has swelled


This project emphasis on “Mutual fund and portfolio evaluation on selected mutual


In this project we have analysed the mutual fund scheme.

The main objective of the study is

 To know about the mutual fund

 To know about the mutual fund market

 To know how mutual fund market work

 To know about the different types of scheme

 Compare the scheme

 Compare the types

 Evaluate the mutual fund


Mutual Fund

A mutual fund is a type of financial vehicle created with the funds of many investors to invest in
stocks, bonds, money market instruments and other assets. Mutual funds are managed by
professional managers who allocate the fund's assets and seek to generate capital gains or income
for the fund's investors. The mutual fund's portfolio is structured and meets the investment
objectives specified in its prospectus.

Mutual funds provide small or individual investors with access to a professionally managed
portfolio of equities, bonds and other securities. Therefore, each shareholder participates
proportionately in the profit or loss of the fund. Mutual funds invest in a large number of
securities and performance is generally recognized as a change in the fund derived from the total
performance of the underlying investment.


 A mutual fund is a type of investment vehicle that holds stocks, bonds or other securities.

 Mutual funds give small or individual investors access to varied, professionally managed
portfolios at low prices.
 Mutual funds are divided into several categories, which indicate the type of securities
they are to invest in, their investment objectives and the return they want.
 Mutual funds charge annual fees (called expense ratios) and, in some cases, commissions,
which affect their total returns.
 Most of the money in employer-sponsored retirement plans goes to mutual funds.

Understanding Mutual Funds

Mutual funds raise funds from investing people and use that money to buy other securities,
usually shares and bonds. The value of a mutual fund company depends on the performance of
the securities it decides to buy. Therefore, when you buy a unit or share of a mutual fund, you are
buying a portion of the value of its portfolio, or more precisely, the portfolio. Investing in mutual
fund stocks is different from investing in stock stocks. Unlike stocks, mutual fund shares give no
rights to their holders. A portion of a mutual fund represents an investment in many different
stocks (or other securities) rather than just one holding. That is why the assets of a mutual fund
are referred to as current asset value (NAV) per share, sometimes also expressed as NAVPS. The
NAV of a fund is calculated by dividing the total value of the securities in the portfolio by the
total number of shares. The outstanding shares are held by all shareholders, institutional
investors and company executives or insiders. Mutual fund shares can usually be bought or
redeemed in the fund's current NAV, which is not subject to fluctuations during the market,
unlike stock prices, but is determined at the end of each trading day. So, the mutual fund price is
NAVPS. The average mutual fund has over a hundred securities, which means that mutual fund
shareholders get significant diversity at a low price. Consider an investor who only buys Google
stock before the company is bad. He loses most of his value because all his dollars are tied to one
company. On the other hand, a different investor may buy mutual fund shares that hold some
Google stock. When Google is in a bad quarter, it loses very little because it is a small part of the
portfolio of the Google Fund.

How Mutual Funds Work

Mutual fund investment and real company. This dual nature may seem strange, but Apple Inc.,
which is part of AAPL, is no different. Representation of how. When an investor buys Apple
stock, it is acquiring a partial ownership of the company and its assets. Similarly, a mutual fund
investor is acquiring a partial ownership of a mutual fund company and its assets. The difference
is that while Apple is in the business of making innovative devices and tablets, the mutual fund
company has to invest.

Investors generally earn returns from mutual funds in three ways:

 Provides interest dividend stock and interest on bonds in the fund's portfolio. A fund pays
approximately the amount of income received per year, which is administratively funded
by the owners. Receiving a check for distribution to investors for funds or consolidating
revenues and earning more shares are often given to investors.

 If the fund sells value-added securities, the fund will have a consolidated benefit. Much
of the money in distributing to investors goes to these benefits.

 If the price of the fund holdings rises but the fund manager does not sell, the price of the
fund shares rises.

You can then sell your mutual fund shares in the market for a profit.

If a mutual fund is formed as a mutual company, its chief executive officer is the fund manager,
sometimes referred to as its investment advisor. The Fund Manager is appointed by the Board of
Directors and is legally binding on the best interests of the mutual fund shareholders. Many fund
managers are also fund owners. The mutual fund company has very few other employees.
Investment advisors or fund managers may assist some analysts in selecting investment or
conducting market research. The fund accountant is kept to calculate the NAV of the fund, which
is the daily value of the portfolio that determines whether share prices are moving up or down.
Mutual funds must have one or two executives and an attorney to defend government

Most mutual funds are part of a very large investment firm; The largest are hundreds of different
mutual funds. Some of these fund companies include Fidelity Investments, The Vanguard Group,
t. Public names like Rowe Price and Oppenheimer.

Concept of Mutual Fund

The concept of a mutual fund

A mutual fund is a vehicle (as a "trust") that raises money from investors, invests in different
markets and securities, and agrees on common investment objectives between mutual funds and
investors. In other words, by investing in a mutual fund, the investor may have access to equities,
bonds, money market instruments and / or other securities that may not be available to them and
may receive professional fund management services provided through asset management.

The role of mutual funds

Mutual funds play different roles for the different components involved. Their primary role is to
help investors participate in the various securities and opportunities available in the markets, to
generate revenue or to build their wealth. Mutual funds make it possible to plan for a variety of
investment purposes. Therefore, the formation of a mutual fund, through its various schemes,
makes it possible to tap large amounts of funds with investors.

Other goals / objectives. Therefore, mutual funds offer a variety of schemes to meet the needs of
different investors. In industry, the terms 'fund' and scheme are interchangeable. Different types
of schemes are called "money". To see if it is consistent with what is experienced in the market,
this workbook goes through industry practice. However, where the space should be drawn, the
company that offers the scheme is called a "mutual fund" or "fund".

The money raised from investors will ultimately benefit governments, companies and other
organizations to invest directly or indirectly in various projects or to pay for various expenses.
Projects that facilitate through such financing provide employment to the people; The income
they earn helps employees buy goods and services offered by other companies, thereby
supporting the projects of these goods and services companies. Therefore, overall economic
development is encouraged. As a large investor, mutual fund investors can oversee the activities
of the company and their corporate governance and ethical standards.

The mutual fund industry provides livelihood to a large number of mutual funds, distributors,
registrars and employees of various other service organizations.

Increases government revenue collection through higher employment, income and production
taxes and other means in the economy. When these are spent fairly, it promotes further economic
development and nation building.

Mutual funds also act as a market stabilizer to counter the large returns or inflows of foreign
investors. Mutual funds are therefore seen as a major partner in the capital market of any

Mutual fund scheme

Mutual funds seek to raise money from all potential investors. Different investors have different
investment preferences and needs. In line with these priorities, mutual funds raise different pools.
Every such money is called a mutual fund scheme. Each plan has a pre-announced investment
target. Investors invest in a mutual fund scheme whose investment goal reflects their own needs
and preferences.

How do mutual fund schemes work?

Mutual fund schemes declare their investment goal and seek investment from the investor.
Depending on how the plan is constructed it may be open to receive funding from investors for a
limited time or at any time.
The investment made by the investor in a scheme is translated as a specific

Number of 'units' in the scheme Thus, the investor in a scheme issues the units of the scheme.
Generally, the face value of each unit is Rs. 10. (However, older schemes may have a different
value in the market). Face value is relevant from an accounting perspective. The number of units
issued by the scheme is multiplied by its face value (Rs. 10) - the capital of the scheme - its unit
capital. The scheme earns interest income or pays income dividend on its investment. Rather,
when it is

Buys and sells investments that make capital gains or increase capital losses. These are called
Real Capital Gains or Real Capital Loss.

The scheme can pay off the ownership investment at a higher cost than the market. Such gains in
value on securities are called valuation gain. Similarly, values can be lost when securities in the
market are quoted at a lower price than they earned.

There are operating costs involved in implementing a mutual fund scheme.

Investment can be profitably controlled if the following metric is positive:

(A) +Interest income

(B) + Dividend income
(C) + Realized capital gains
(D) + Valuation gains
(E) – Realized capital losses
(F) – Valuation losses
(G) – Scheme expenses

When investment activities are profitable, the true value of the unit increases. When losses occur,
the true value of a unit decreases. The actual value of the unit of the plan is called the net asset
value (NAV) of the plan.

A plan was previously available for investment; This is called a 'New Fund Offer' (NFO). During
an NFO, investors get the opportunity to buy units with their face value. After the NFO, when
they make a purchase into a plan, they have to pay the price associated with its NAV. The money
collected from the investors will be invested in the portfolio of the scheme as per the scheme
investment target. Profit or loss, belonging to investors or unitholders. No other entity
participating in the mutual fund is involved in the profit or loss of the scheme. A fee or
commission is paid to each person for their assistance in initiating and maintaining the plans.
However the investor does not lose more than the amount invested. Different investors who
subscribe for investment purpose may have different expectations of how to manage profits.
Some may prefer to pay it regularly as a dividend. Others may prefer to raise money in the plan.
Mutual funds receive such differential estimates
Investors in a plan are offered a variety of options such as dividend payment options, dividend
reinvestment options and growth options. The investor who buys the plan should choose the

Choice. The relative size of mutual fund companies is estimated under their asset management
(AUM). When a plan is first launched, the assets under management are the amount collected
from investors. Subsequently, if the plan has a positive profit margin, its AUM will increase; The
negative lucrative metric pulls it down further, saying that if the scheme is open to receive
funding from investors even after the NFO, such contributions from investors will increase
AUM. Conversely, if the scheme is considered as dividends for investors or to repurchase
investor units, the AUM will collapse.

AUM thus affects beneficial metrics and the flow of unit-holder funds from the plan or.

Type of Mutual Fund

Equity Fund
Equity Fund
1) Large Cap Mutual Fund

These are mainly invested in big companies and therefore safer investments than others. The
capital of such companies is Rs 20,000 crore or more. Larger companies are more stable and
therefore more reliable than all businesses in the market and the funds invested in these
companies provide consistent returns. If one year is sold before the investment and no one posts
after one year, income from large cap funds is taxed at 15%. In short, such funds are suitable for
investors who have a low risk appetite and want a stable return.

Top 10 Large Cap Equity Funds

The largest performing large cap equity funds as of 14 February 2020 are listed below:

Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns

Axis Bluechip Dir 25.54 20.47
Sundaram Select Focus Dir 20.28 15.65
Canara Robeco Bluechip Eqt Dir 24.08 15.45
HDFC Index Sensex Dir 15.94 14.49
Tata Index Sensex Dir 15.84 14.45
Nippon India Index Sensex Dir 15.76 14.38
BNP Paribas Large Cap Dir 23.86 14.17
Edelweiss Large Cap Dir 17.85 13.96
LIC MF Index Sensex Dir 15.54 13.85
Mirae Asset Large Cap Dir 16.16 13.60
2) Mid Cap Mutual Fund

These funds invest in medium-sized companies. These are considered more risky than large cap
funds. However, these funds also have the potential to grow very rapidly. Mid-cap funds are
suitable for investors who are willing to take risks. However, mid-cap funds are very volatile and
can lead to losses if invested for a short period of time. If no tax is posted one year before and
one year after the investment, there will be a 15 per cent tax on income from mid-cap funds.

Top 10 Large and Mid Cap Equity Funds

The top performing large cap and mid cap equity funds as of 31 January 2020 are listed below:

1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns

Fund Name
Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Dir 20.74 16.01
Invesco India Growth Opp Dir 17.79 15.71
Sundaram Large & Midcap Dir 17.63 14.70
Canara Robeco Emerging Equities Dir 17.98 14.29
LIC MF Large & Midcap Dir 20.66 13.87
Edelweiss Large & Midcap Dir 17.58 13.84
Kotak Equity Opportunities Dir 22.43 13.44
SBI Large & Midcap Dir 15.12 12.38
Principal Emerging Bluechip Dir 18.10 12.14
Tata Large & Midcap Dir 20.84 11.91

3) Small Cap Mutual Fund

These funds invest in very small but thriving companies. Small cap funds are considered
more risky than large and mid cap mutual funds because such companies are more likely
to not be able to operate properly.
However, sometimes new and innovative ideas turn into successful companies. If it is sold
for zero one year before and one year after the investment, there will be a 15 per cent tax
on income from small cap funds. Such funds can be combined with low-risk, low-return
funds to obtain an average of portfolio risk and return.
Top 10 Small Cap Equity Funds
Best Performing Small Cap Equity Funds by 31 January 2020:

Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns

Axis Small Cap Dir 34.83 17.10
SBI Small Cap Dir 21.19 16.28
HDFC Small Cap Dir -1.19 11.09
Nippon India Small Cap Dir 11.25 10.52
Kotak Small Cap Dir 21.56 9.71
L&T Emerging Businesses Dir 2.03 9.00
ICICI Pru Small Cap Dir 25.47 8.00
Union Small Cap Dir 19.43 7.15
Franklin Smaller Companies Dir 3.19 4.24
DSP Small Cap Dir 13.84 3.56

4) Sector Mutual Fund

Sector mutual funds invest in a specific sector or in institutions such as banking, PSU, infra,
rural. Therefore, these funds are more risky than the more diversified ones. They are more
unstable due to holding on to a specific area.

Sector funds are the best when there is a high probability that a particular sector will benefit the
most in the coming year. For example, the infra sector is doing well in the market these days and
therefore the infra sector gives good returns to investors.

In summary, if the sector is aware of the market trend in each sector, the sector mutual fund can
give very large returns.
5) Multi Cap Mutual Fund

Multi-cap funds are types of mutual funds that are commonly called to invest in different
segments of companies classified into small, medium and large caps. Equity multi-cap funds are
also known as diversified funds and first-time investors want to get good returns with average
risk. Equity multi-cap funds are less risky compared to pure mid-cap or small cap funds because
the risk is well distributed in the market. Revenue from multi-cap funds attracts a 15% tax on
sales prior to one year and no tax is levied on profits after this period.

Top 10 Multi Cap Equity Funds

The best performing multi-cap equity funds such as 31 January 2020 are listed below:

Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns

Axis Focused 25 Dir 26.73 18.68
SBI Focused Equity Dir 25.85 17.71
Tata Retirement Savings Progressive Dir 20.60 15.34
IIFL Focused Equity Dir 34.32 15.31
Canara Robeco Equity Diversified Dir 17.88 15.17
UTI Equity Dir 18.95 14.48
Parag Parikh Long Term Equity Dir 17.77 14.14
IDFC Focused Equity Dir 16.06 14.02
Edelweiss Multi Cap Dir 14.21 14.01
DSP Equity Dir 26.19 13.69

6) Index Mutual Fund

Index funds are investment funds created to reflect the market benchmark or performance of the
index. Index funds behave like market index trackers and invest in the same ratio as specific
indexes like Nifty and Sensex. These funds provide low turnover with low cost ratio.

Therefore, index mutual funds are suitable for investors looking for a safer side of investment
that mimics the return of the market index.

These funds are not intended to defeat the market, but to reap equal benefits with the market.

7) Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS)

ELSS Funds is the only equity scheme. Rs. Provides tax benefits up to. 1.5 lakhs under Section
80C of the Income Tax Act.

These schemes invest 80% of their total assets in equity and equity related instruments.
Additionally, these plans have a lock-in period of 3 years.

Top 10 ELSS Equity Funds

The following are some of the best performing ELSS equity funds as of 31 January 2020:

Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns

Mirae Asset Tax Saver Dir 19.53 17.37
Axis Long Term Equity Dir 25.53 17.20
Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns
BOI AXA Tax Advantage Dir 26.04 14.65
JM Tax Gain Dir 21.82 14.59
LIC MF Tax Dir 20.19 14.31
Canara Robeco Equity Tax Saver Dir 15.93 14.09
Invesco India Tax Dir 16.53 13.99
Tata India Tax Savings Dir 18.48 13.62
Motilal Oswal Long Term Equity Dir 23.50 13.57
BNP Paribas Long Term Equity Dir 21.59 13.31

Debt Fund

As mentioned above, there are many types of debt mutual funds available to different investors.
The primary difference between loan funds is the maturity period of the equipment in which they
invest. The following are the different types of loan funds:

1. Dynamic bond funds

As the name suggests, these are 'dynamic' funds. Meaning, the fund manager changes the
portfolio composition according to the fluctuating interest rate regime. Dynamic bond funds have
different average maturity periods because these funds take interest rate calls and invest in
instruments with higher and lower maturities.

Top 10 Debt Dynamic Bonds

The top 10 debt dynamic bonds as of 12 February 2020 are listed below:

Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns

Kotak Dynamic Bond Dir 13.08 9.44
Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns
PGIM India Dynamic Bond Dir 13.36 9.39
ICICI Pru All Seasons Bond Dir 12.65 8.87
SBI Dynamic Bond Dir 15.39 8.78
Axis Dynamic Bond Dir 14.1 8.74
IDFC Dynamic Bond Dir 14.65 8.66
Quantum Dynamic Bond Dir 12.93 8.04
L&T Flexi Bond Dir 12.12 8.02
DSP Strategic Bond Dir 13.13 7.78
IIFL Dynamic Bond Dir 8.88 7.63

2. Income fund

Income funds call on interest rates and mainly invest in debt securities with extended securities.
This makes them more stable than dynamic bond funds. The average maturity of income funds is
five to six years.

3. Short-term and ultra-short-term loan funds

These are loan funds that invest in instruments with small maturities ranging from one year to
three years. Short-term funds are ideal for traditional investors because these funds are largely
unaffected by interest rate movements.

Top 10 Loans - Short Term Fund

The following are the maximum working liquidity funds as of 12 February 2020:
Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns
Baroda Short Term Bond Dir 10.38 8.76
ICICI Pru Short Term Dir 11.29 8.41
Axis Short Term Dir 11.11 8.34
Kotak Bond Short-term Dir 11.14 8.31
IDFC All Seasons Bond Dir 11.69 8.28
HDFC Short Term Debt Dir 10.81 8.23
IDFC Bond Short Term Dir 10.94 8.22
DSP Short-term Dir 10.99 8.13
ABSL Short Term Dir 9.89 8.06
SBI Short Term Debt Dir 10.86 8.04

Top 10 Debt – Ultra Short Duration Funds

The top 10 debt – ultra short duration mutual funds in India as on 12 February 2020 are listed

Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns

PGIM India Ultra ST Dir 13.7 9.61
ABSL Savings Dir 8.46 7.92
BOI AXA Ultra Short Duration Dir 7.67 7.77
Kotak Savings Dir 8.04 7.7
SBI Magnum Ultra Short Duration Dir 7.91 7.64
Indiabulls Ultra Short Term Dir 7.7 7.58
L&T Ultra Short Term Dir 7.66 7.57
Franklin Ultra Short Bond Dir 4.87 7.37
IDBI Ultra Short Term Dir 7.41 7.32
Essel Ultra Short Term Dir 6.93 7.08
4. Liquid Funds

Liquid funds invest in debt instruments with a maturity of not more than 91 days. This makes
them almost risk-free. Liquid funds have rarely seen negative returns.

These funds are better alternatives to savings bank accounts as they provide similar liquidity with
higher yields. Many mutual fund companies offer instant redemption on liquid fund investments
through unique debit cards.

Listed below are some of the top performing debt liquid funds as on 12 February 2020:

Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns

Quant Liquid Dir 7.23 7.14
Franklin Liquid Dir 6.71 7.04
Mahindra Liquid Dir 6.6 7.01
BNP Paribas Liquid Dir 6.57 6.97
Baroda Liquid Dir 6.47 6.97
Nippon India Liquid Dir 6.54 6.97
Edelweiss Liquid Dir 6.56 6.97
PGIM India Insta Cash Dir 6.55 6.96
IDBI Liquid Dir 6.5 6.96
ABSL Liquid Dir 6.54 6.96

5. Gilt Fund

Gilt funds invest only in government securities - high securities with very low credit risk. Since
the government rarely defaults on debt as a means of debt; Gilt Funds are an ideal choice for
risk-free fixed income investors.
Top 10 Loans - Gilt Funds

The top 10 debt-gilt mutual funds in India (as of 14 February 2020) are listed below:

Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns

Nippon India Gilt Securities Inst Dir 15.58 10.18
IDFC GSF Investment Dir 16.7 9.61
ABSL Govt Securities Dir 13.56 9.44
DSP Govt Securities Dir 15.28 9.05
SBI Magnum Gilt Dir 16.11 9.03
ICICI Pru Gilt Dir 13.64 8.79
Kotak Gilt Inv PF & Trust Direct 13.44 8.65
Kotak Gilt Investment Dir 13.44 8.64
LIC MF GSF Dir 12.96 8.52
UTI Gilt Dir 14.33 8.41

6. Credit Opportunity Fund

These are relatively new loan funds. Unlike other loan funds, credit opportunity funds do not
invest according to the maturity of the loan opportunities.

These funds seek to earn higher returns by calling credit risk or having low-rated bonds that
come with high interest rates.

Credit opportunity funds are relatively risky loan funds.

7. Fixed Maturity Plan.

Fixed Maturity Plans (FMPs) Close and Debt Funds. These funds also invest in fixed income
securities such as corporate bonds and government securities. All FMPs have a fixed horizon, for
which your money is locked-in.

This horizon can occur in months or years. However, you can only invest during the initial offer
period. It is like a fixed deposit that can give a stable, tax-effective return but does not guarantee
a high return.

Hybrid Fund

Hybrid Mutual Funds Types of mutual funds that invest in more than one asset class. Often, they
are a combination of equity and debt assets, and sometimes gold or real estate.

The main philosophy behind hybrid funds is asset allocation, correlation and diversification.
Asset allocation is the process of deciding how to distribute wealth between different asset
classes, and correlation is the co-movement of asset returns, and diversification is more than one
asset in a portfolio.

Since the sources of risk and the factors affecting return are the same for investment options in
the asset category, they exhibit a higher level of correlation in return, while investment options in
asset classes show a lower correlation in return.

Combining assets with less correlation can reduce portfolio risk.

Hybrid mutual funds plan investments in multiple asset classes and try to achieve maximum
returns at the lowest possible risk.
Each asset class allocation is determined by the fund manager based on the fund's investment
objective and market position

Types of Hybrid Funds

These schemes require a minimum of 65 per cent and a maximum of 80 per cent to be invested
in the equity asset class and 20 to 35 per cent in the debt asset class. They offer the opportunity
to earn high returns at low risk through small allotment loans. They benefit from taxes applicable
to equity-based schemes.

Top 10 Hybrid Aggressive Funds

The following are the top 10 hybrid aggression funds that work best as of 13 February 2020:

Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns

Axis Children's Gift Dir 21.02 12.96
ICICI Pru Asset Allocator (FOF) Dir 12.77 10.85
ICICI Pru Passive Strategy (FOF) Dir 10.55 8.62
Franklin Pension Dir 12.18 8.15
Franklin Life Stage FoF 30s Dir 8 6.69
Tata Young Citizens Dir 11.93 6.04
Principal Retirement Savings Moderate Dir 6.86 5.99
UTI Children's Career Savings Dir 7.16 5.4
LIC MF Children's Gift Dir 16.62 5.11
UTI Retirement Benefit Pension Dir 3.06 4.38

3. Hybrid aggression treasure

These schemes require a minimum of 65 per cent and a maximum of 80 per cent to be invested
in the equity asset class and 20 to 35 per cent in the debt asset class. They offer the opportunity
to earn high returns at low risk through small allotment loans. They benefit from taxes applicable
to equity-based schemes.

Top 10 Hybrid Aggressive Funds

The following are the top 10 hybrid aggression funds that work best as of 13 February 2020:

Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Retns

SBI Equity Hybrid Dir 20.72 13.41
Canara Robeco Eqt Hybrid Dir 18.05 12.98
Mirae Asset Hybrid Equity Dir 15.47 12.69
Sundaram Equity Hybrid Dir 17.81 12.46
LIC MF ULIS Dir 19.82 12.31
Tata Retirement Savings Moderate Dir 16.88 11.84
DSP Equity & Bond Dir 24.98 11.57
HDFC Retirement Savings Hybrid Eqt Dir 12.88 11.11
HDFC Children's Gift Dir 12.17 11.02
Principal Hybrid Equity Dir 7.87 10.92

4. Dynamic asset allocation or balanced benefit fund

These schemes are truly dynamic and can switch from 100 percent loans to 100 percent equity
asset classes. Recommended the basis of the financial model assigned to the asset allocation
fund. These funds are suitable for investors who want to automate their asset allocation.
5. Conservative Hybrid Fund

These schemes are required to invest 10 to 25 per cent of their total assets in equity and equity
related instruments. The remaining 75 to 90 percent should be invested in debt instruments. The
purpose of these funds is to generate income from the debt component of the portfolio and use
the small equity component to provide a kicker to the total return. This is a good choice for those
looking for debt plus returns and those who are willing to take a little extra risk

Top 10 Hybrid Conservative Funds

The following are the top 10 hybrid conservative funds that perform best as of 13 February 2020:

Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns

Indiabulls Savings Income Dir 8.91 10.61
ICICI Pru Regular Savings Dir 11.99 9.62
Kotak Asset Allocator Dir 13.86 9.39
BNP Paribas Cons Hybrid Dir 12.05 9.26
Canara Robeco Cons Hybrid Dir 14.27 8.98
SBI Magnum Children's Benefit Dir 6.45 8.94
Baroda Conservative Hybrid Dir 14 8.75
Tata Retirement Savings Cons Dir 12.34 8.74
Kotak Debt Hybrid Dir 15.04 8.38
HDFC Retirement Savings Hybrid Debt Dir 11.48 8.19
6. Equity Savings Fund

These funds seek to balance risk and return by investing in equities, derivatives and debt.
Derivatives reduce the risk of directional equity, thereby reducing volatility and yielding steady

Equity provides asset development and lending, and derivatives provide general steady returns.
These schemes invest 65 to 100 per cent in equity assets and 0 to 35 per cent in debt asset

Top 10 Hybrid Equity Savings Funds

The following are the top 10 best performing hybrid equity savings funds as of 13 February

Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns

Axis Equity Saver Dir 12.3 10.21
Edelweiss Equity Savings Dir 10.2 9.23
Kotak Equity Savings Dir 10.28 8.81
ICICI Pru Equity Savings Dir 12.96 8.52
SBI Equity Savings Dir 12.06 8.39
PGIM India Equity Savings Dir 10.91 8.17
Mahindra Dhan Sanchay Eqt Savings Yjn Dir 12.84 8.08
ABSL Equity Savings Dir 14.41 7.82
Fund Name 1-Year Returns 3-Year Returns
DSP Equity Savings Dir 13.16 7.76
HDFC Equity Savings Dir

Compare mutual funds

Comparison tool

Cost ratio

The expense ratio is the percentage of total assets that the mutual fund charges annually to
maintain the investor's money. The higher the cost ratio, the lower the return on

Fund performance versus benchmark performance

It is always recommended to compare the return of a particular fund with its benchmark
index. If a fund consistently exceeds the benchmark index, it will tick for this check box.

Risk level

In the world of mutual funds risk and return are two sides of the same coin. Risk Your risk
should be subject to hunger. If you are a low or moderately low risk investor, avoid high
risk funds.

Fund History

The real test for mutual funds is its long-term performance. A good fund is one that earns a
steady and stable return over a period of 5-10 years. This gives investors confidence that
the fund can deliver returns not only on the bull cycle but also on the bear cycle.

Portfolio turnover ratio

The portfolio turnover ratio tells you how often the fund manager buys / sells securities
from the fund. Higher turnover leads to higher transaction costs and, therefore,
The high asset ratio of the fund. This will reduce your net return on investment.

Fund Manager

The performance, experience and history of the fund manager are important. This will
increase the credibility and confidence that your hard earned money is in safe hands. Also,
the reputation and history of the fund house can also be seen under this scheme.

Mutual benchmark

Benchmark platform or parameter, which is considered the base. The benchmark

determines the minimum expected return for the investor and the fund manager. A fund is
related to this benchmark and is used on a per-performance basis.

For example: Myre Asset India Equity Fund is a large cap fund that mainly invests in large
cap companies. Benchmark Nifty 100 TRI. Therefore, the fund compares favorably with
this benchmark when assessing investor friendliness.

Turnover is the limit for converting a fund's portfolio over a period of one year. The high
turnover indicates that the number of securities in the fund has changed significantly. This
also reflects the high investment cost, which may cause the value of the units to decline.

Risk of inflation

The risk associated with the value of assets shrinking as the currency depreciates is called
the inflation risk. It is mainly used to analyze loan funds and its feasibility and also helps in
assessing the attractiveness of the fund.

Ideally, the investor should invest more than the inflation rate.

Risk-adjusted return

The expected return on investment after adjusting for risk is called risk-adjusted return.
The parameter is mainly used to compare two investment options, especially with different
risk / return profiles.
Allocation of sectors

Sector allocation is the ratio of funds invested in companies from different sectors of the
economy such as industries, materials, consumer durables, etc.

Comparison of Top 5 Equity Mutual Funds based on the given tools

Large Cap Equity Fund.

Large cap mutual funds are considered one of the safest investments in equities because
they have good returns and have less market volatility than other equity funds, i.e. mid and
small cap funds. These funds invest in the stocks of large companies. Despite the high share
price for blue-chip companies, investors are willing to invest their money in big caps.

Choosing the best large cap mutual fund is an important task that should be given due
importance. Benefits of Investing in Large Cap Mutual Funds, How to Choose the Best
Large Cap Funds and finally, let's look at the list of Top 10 Best Large Cap Funds to Invest
in 2020.

Choosing the right large cap mutual fund is not easy. Some funds work well, others slow
down. But, there are some parameters that investors should keep in mind while choosing
the right fund. There are several quantitative and qualitative factors to consider before
deciding on a fund.
Quantitative factors

Mutual fund ratings are a good start. It needs to be replaced with Fund Age, Assets Under
Management (AUM), past returns, expense ratios and other data. In addition, investors are
advised to check the fund’s performance over the last three years. The net assets of a fund
should be more than Rs 1000 crore and at least 65 per cent of the large cap shares should
be allocated last year.

Qualitative factor

It needs to be further filtered with qualitative factors such as fund house reputation, fund
manager track record and investment process. You should choose a fund house that you
trust to invest your money in. Identifies fund houses that have a strong market presence
and provides a range of funds with a long and consistent track record. Also look at how
many fund top performers there are.

A fund manager with a good track record is a must. An asset management company that
has an institutional investment process is also very important because it ensures that it is
not just a fund manager (individual - and therefore key person risk) process of making

By doing the above, one can choose the best big cap fund or even make a list of the top 10
best big cap funds to choose from.

Best Performance Large Cap Mutual Funds FY 20 - 21

Net Assets 3 MO 6 MO 1 YR 3 YR 5 YR
Fund NAV
(Cr) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Axis Bluechip Fund Growth ₹34.58 ₹17,270 12.5 29.9 9.6 12.2 13.3
Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity
₹30.29 ₹788 10.7 31.8 13.8 11 12.7
Fund Growth
BNP Paribas Large Cap Fund
₹103.88 ₹849 10.5 30.2 7.7 7.5 10.2
Kotak Bluechip Fund Growth ₹267.42 ₹1,678 11.8 36.5 8.7 6.8 9.7
IDFC Large Cap Fund Growth ₹36.49 ₹529 8.5 32.2 9.1 5.5 10.4

Axis Bluechip Fund Growth

Achieving long-term capital appreciation by investing in a diverse portfolio of equity and equity-
related securities of large cap companies, including derivatives. However, there is no guarantee
that the investment objective of the scheme will be achieved.

Axis Bluechip Fund Equity - Large Cap Fund 5 Launched on 10th January. It is a medium from
a high risk fund and has given CAGR / annual return of 12.1% since its inception. Ranked 58th
in the Large Cap category.

Below is important information for the Axis Bluechip Fund.

Axis Bluechip Fund Growth

Launch Date 5-Jan-10
NAV (12 Nov 20) ₹34.58 ↓ -0.13   (-0.37 %)
Net Assets (Cr) .17,270 on 30 Sep 20 ₹17,270 on 30 Sep 20
Category Equity Large Cap
AMC Axis Asset Management Company Limited
Rating **
Risk Moderately High Moderately High
Expense Ratio 1.86 1.86
Sharpe Ratio -0.15 -0.15
Information Ratio 0.37 0.37
Alpha Ratio -2.99 -2.99
Min Investment 5,000 5000
Min SIP Investment 500 500
0-12 Months (1%),12 Months and
Exit Load

Growth of 10,000 investments over the years

Date Value
31-Oct-15 10000
31-Oct-16 10673
31-Oct-17 12869
31-Oct-18 13226
31-Oct-19 16548
31-Oct-20 16789
Returns for Axis Bluechip Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual
Growth Rate) basis. as on 12 Nov 20.

Returns for Axis Bluechip Fund

Duration Returns
1 Month 7.20%
3 Month 12.50%
6 Month 29.90%
1 Year 9.60%
3 Year 12.20%
5 Year 13.30%
Since launch 12.10%

Sector Allocation

Data below for Axis Bluechip Fund as on 30 Sep 20.

Sector Value
Financial Services 30.17
Technology 18.2
Consumer Defensive 13.01
Health Care 10.05
Energy 8.33
Basic Materials 7.03
Consumer Cyclical 5.06
Communication Services 2.94

Fund Manager information for Axis Bluechip Fund.

Fund Manager information for Axis Bluechip Fund

Name Since Tenure
Shreyash Devalkar 23-Nov-16 3.94 Yr.

Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio

Name Holding Value Quantity

HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial
10% ₹1,840 Cr
Equity, Since 31 Jan 10 |
↑ 160,000
Infosys Ltd (Technology) 15,970,000
9% ₹1,694 Cr
Equity, Since 31 Dec 17 | INFY ↓ -830,000
Bajaj Finance Ltd (Financial
Services) Equity, Since 31 Jul 17 8% ₹1,433 Cr
| 500034 ↑ 445,000
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd
(Technology) Equity, Since 28 7% ₹1,327 Cr
Feb 18 | TCS ↓ -30,000
Reliance Industries Ltd (Energy) 6,120,000
7% ₹1,257 Cr
Equity, Since 28 Feb 18 |
↓ -320,000
Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd
(Financial Services)
7% ₹1,250 Cr
Equity, Since 31 Aug 11 |
↑ 580,000
Avenue Supermarts Ltd
(Consumer Defensive) Equity, 5% ₹932 Cr
Since 31 Mar 17 | 540376 ↑ 370,000
ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial
5% ₹900 Cr
Equity, Since 30 Sep 18 |
↑ 6,535,00
Hindustan Unilever Ltd
(Consumer Defensive) Equity, 4% ₹658 Cr
Since 31 Jul 17 | 500696 ↓ -405,000
Nestle India Ltd (Consumer
4% ₹654 Cr
Equity, Since 30 Sep 18 |
↓ -41,110

2. Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity Fund.

The investment objective of the fund is primarily to appreciate capital by investing in companies
with large market capitalization. However, there is no guarantee as to what the investment
objective of the scheme will be.

Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity Fund Equity - Large Cap Fund launched on 20 August 10. It is a
moderately high risk fund and has given CAGR / annual return of 11.4% since its inception.
52nd in the big cap category.

Below is important information for Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity Fund.

Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity Fund Growth

Launch Date 40410
NAV (12 Nov 20) ₹30.29 ↓ -0.11 (-0.36 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹788 on 30 Sep 20
Category Equity - Large Cap
AMC Canara Robeco Asset Management Co. Ltd.
Rating ☆☆☆
Risk Moderately High
Expense Ratio 2.56
Sharpe Ratio 0.2
Information Ratio 0.72
Alpha Ratio 5.4
Min Investment 5000
Min SIP Investment 1000
Exit Load 0-1 Years (1%),1 Years and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investments over the years

Date Value
31-Oct-15 ₹10,000
31-Oct-16 ₹11,112
31-Oct-17 ₹12,918
31-Oct-18 ₹13,063
31-Oct-19 ₹15,451
31-Oct-20 ₹16,383
Returns for Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual
Growth Rate) basis. as on 12 Nov 20.

Duration Get in Returns
1 Month 5.90%
3 Month 10.70%
6 Month 31.80%
1 Year 13.80%
3 Year 11%
5 Year 12.70%
Since launch 11.40%

Sector Allocation

Equity Sector Allocation

Sector Value
Financial Services 27.36%
Technology 16.69%
Consumer Defensive 10.07%
Energy 9.72%
Health Care 9.51%
Consumer Cyclical 8.26%
Basic Materials 5.22%
Industrials 3.81%
Communication Services 2.46%
Utility 2.18%

Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio.

Name Holding Value

Infosys Ltd (Technology)
9% ₹79 Cr
Equity, Since 30 Sep 10 | INFY
HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
8% ₹76 Cr
Equity, Since 30 Sep 10 | HDFCBANK
Reliance Industries Ltd (Energy)
8% ₹73 Cr
Equity, Since 28 Feb 17 | RELIANCE
ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
6% ₹54 Cr
Equity, Since 30 Nov 16 | ICICIBANK
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (Technology)
5% ₹44 Cr
Equity, Since 31 Mar 18 | TCS

Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd (Financial

4% ₹38 Cr
Services) Equity, Since 31 Mar 12 | HDFC

Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd (Financial Services)

4% ₹35 Cr
Equity, Since 30 Apr 15 | KOTAKBANK
HCL Technologies Ltd (Technology) Equity, Since
3% ₹28 Cr
31 Jul 20 | HCLTECH
Hindustan Unilever Ltd (Consumer Defensive)
3% ₹27 Cr
Equity, Since 30 Apr 17 | 500696
Bajaj Finance Ltd (Financial Services) Equity,
3% ₹26 Cr
Since 31 Jul 19 | 500034

BNP Paribas Large Cap Fund Growth

Growth of 10,000 investments over the years

BNP Paribas Large Cap Fund Growth

Launch Date 38253
NAV (12 Nov 20) ₹103.88 ↓ -0.51 (-0.49 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹849 on 30 Sep 20
Category Equity - Large Cap
AMC BNP Paribas Asset Mgmt India Pvt. Ltd
Rating ☆☆☆
Risk Moderately High
Expense Ratio 2.35
Sharpe Ratio -0.11
Information Ratio -0.19
Alpha Ratio -2.32
Min Investment 5000
Min SIP Investment 300
Exit Load 0-12 Months (1%),12 Months and above(NIL)

Growth of 10,000 investments over the years

Date Value
31-Oct-15 ₹10,000
31-Oct-16 ₹10,633
31-Oct-17 ₹12,544
31-Oct-18 ₹11,842
31-Oct-19 ₹14,464
31-Oct-20 ₹14,428

Returns for BNP Paribas Large Cap Fund

Duration Returns
1 Month 6.50%
3 Month 10.50%
6 Month 30.20%
1 Year 7.70%
3 Year 7.50%
5 Year 10.20%

Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio

Name Holding Value Quantity

Reliance Industries Ltd (Energy)
9% ₹78 Cr 347,000
Equity, Since 30 Sep 17 | RELIANCE

HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)

9% ₹77 Cr 710,000
Equity, Since 31 Jul 08 | HDFCBANK
Infosys Ltd (Technology) 740,000
9% ₹75 Cr
Equity, Since 31 Mar 09 | INFY ↓ -20,000
ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
7% ₹57 Cr 1,620,000
Equity, Since 30 Jun 12 | ICICIBANK
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (Technology) 150,000
4% ₹37 Cr
Equity, Since 30 Jun 18 | TCS ↓ -10,000
Bharti Airtel Ltd (Communication Services) 850,000
4% ₹36 Cr
Equity, Since 29 Feb 08 | BHARTIARTL ↑ 80,000
Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd (Financial
4% ₹30 Cr 240,000
Services) Equity, Since 28 Feb 15 |
Hindustan Unilever Ltd (Consumer 125,000
3% ₹26 Cr
Defensive) Equity, Since 31 Dec 18 | 500696 ↑ 25,000
Maruti Suzuki India Ltd (Consumer
Cyclical) Equity, Since 31 Aug 14 | 3% ₹24 Cr 35,000
Axis Bank Ltd (Financial Services) 550,000
3% ₹23 Cr
Equity, Since 30 Sep 18 | 532215 ↓ -150,000

Sector Allocation

Data below for BNP Paribas Large Cap Fund as on 30 Sep 20

Sector Value
Financial Services 33.13%
Technology 17.92%
Consumer Defensive 9.68%
Energy 7.92%
Basic Materials 7.53%
Consumer Cyclical 6.95%
Health Care 5.87%
Communication Services 4.10%
Industrials 3.05%
Utility 0.89%

Kotak Bluechip Fund Growth

Receiving capital appreciation primarily from a portfolio of equity and equity related securities.
The portfolio typically includes about 50 companies of equity and equity-related instruments that
can go up to 59 companies, but does not exceed 59 at any one time.

However, there is no guarantee that the goal of this scheme will be realized

Kotak Bluechip Fund Equity - Large Cap Fund launched on 29 December 98. It is a medium for
high risk fund and has provided CAGR / annual return since its inception.

Ranked 32nd in the Large Cap category.

Kotak Bluechip Fund Growth

Launch Date 36158
NAV (12 Nov 20) ₹267.42 ↓ -0.44 (-0.17 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹1,678 on 30 Sep 20
Category Equity - Large Cap
Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Co
Rating ☆☆☆
Risk Moderately High
Expense Ratio 2.08
Sharpe Ratio 0.08
Information Ratio -0.32
Alpha Ratio 3.1
Min Investment 5000
Min SIP Investment 100
0-18 Months (1%),18 Months and
Exit Load

Growth of 10,000 investments over the years

Date Value
31-Oct-15 ₹10,000
31-Oct-16 ₹10,853
31-Oct-17 ₹12,716
31-Oct-18 ₹12,165
31-Oct-19 ₹14,287
31-Oct-20 ₹14,445

Returns for Kotak Bluechip Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual
Growth Rate) basis. as on 12 Nov 20.

Duration Returns
1 Month 5.30%
3 Month 11.80%
6 Month 36.50%
1 Year 8.70% Sector Allocation
3 Year 6.80%
5 Year 9.70%
Sector Value
Financial Services 28.37%
Technology 18.05%
Energy 12.16%
Consumer Defensive 8.75%
Consumer Cyclical 8.04%
Basic Materials 6.79%
Industrials 6.19%
Health Care 3.97%
Utility 2.30%
Communication Services 2.26%
Real Estate 0.73%
Asset Allocation.

Asset Class Value

Cash 1.97%
Equity 98.03%

Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio.

Name Holding Value

Reliance Industries Ltd (Energy)
10% ₹166 Cr
Equity, Since 30 Apr 06 | RELIANCE
Infosys Ltd (Technology)
8% ₹141 Cr
Equity, Since 31 Oct 04 | INFY
HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
8% ₹137 Cr
Equity, Since 31 Dec 10 | HDFCBANK
Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (Technology) Equity,
7% ₹117 Cr
Since 31 Aug 17 | TCS
ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
7% ₹114 Cr
Equity, Since 31 Oct 09 | ICICIBANK
Hindustan Unilever Ltd (Consumer Defensive) Equity,
5% ₹83 Cr
Since 30 Sep 19 | 500696
Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd (Financial Services) Equity,
3% ₹53 Cr
Since 28 Feb 19 | KOTAKBANK
Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd (Financial
3% ₹50 Cr
Services) Equity, Since 31 Aug 17 | HDFC
Larsen & Toubro Ltd (Industrials) Equity, Since 31
3% ₹49 Cr
Mar 12 | LT
Axis Bank Ltd (Financial Services)
2% ₹42 Cr
Equity, Since 28 Feb 13 | 532215

IDFC Large Cap Fund Growth

The investment objective of the scheme is to generate capital growth mainly from the portfolio
of equity and equity related instruments (including equity derivatives). The scheme can be
invested in the loan and money market. However, there is no guarantee or guarantee that the
objectives of the scheme will be met.

IDFC Large Cap Fund Equity - Large Cap Fund launched on 9 June 06. It is a moderately high
risk fund and has given a CAGR / annual return of 9.4% since its inception. Ranked 57th in the
Large Cap category.

Below is the main information of IDFC Large Cap Fund.

IDFC Large Cap Fund Growth

Launch Date 38877
NAV (12 Nov 20) ₹36.49 ↓ -0.02 (-0.05 %)
Net Assets (Cr) ₹529 on 30 Sep 20
Category Equity - Large Cap
IDFC Asset Management
Company Limited
Rating ☆☆
Risk Moderately High
Expense Ratio 2.72
Sharpe Ratio 0.11
Information Ratio -0.2
Alpha Ratio 3.36
Min Investment 5000
Min SIP Investment 100
0-365 Days (1%),365 Days
Exit Load
and above(NIL)
Growth of 10,000 investments over the years

Date Value
31-Oct-15 ₹10,000
31-Oct-16 ₹11,050
31-Oct-17 ₹13,611
31-Oct-18 ₹12,982
31-Oct-19 ₹14,572
31-Oct-20 ₹15,034

Returns for IDFC Large Cap Fund

Returns up to 1 year are on absolute basis & more than 1 year are on CAGR (Compound Annual
Growth Rate) basis. as on 12 Nov 20.

Duration Returns
1 Month 3.3%
3 Month 8.5%
6 Month 32.2%
1 Year 9.1%
3 Year 5.5%
5 Year 10.4%
Since launch 9.4%

Sector Allocation

Sector Value
Financial Services 17.93%
Technology 16.83%
Consumer Cyclical 14.36%
Health Care 11.31%
Consumer Defensive 11.24%
Energy 10.07%
Basic Materials 7.29%
Communication Services 7.18%
Industrials 3.05%

Asset Allocation.
Asset Class Value
Cash 0.51%
Equity 99.49%

Top Securities Holdings / Portfolio.

Name Holding Value

Reliance Industries Ltd (Energy) 0.1 ₹56 Cr

Equity, Since 28 Feb 07 | RELIANCE

Infosys Ltd (Technology) 0.08 ₹44 Cr
Equity, Since 31 Aug 11 | INFY

Bharti Airtel Ltd (Communication Services) Equity,

0.07 ₹40 Cr
Since 30 Nov 19 | BHARTIARTL

HDFC Bank Ltd (Financial Services) 0.06 ₹33 Cr

Equity, Since 28 Feb 07 | HDFCBANK

Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (Technology) Equity,

0.06 ₹31 Cr
Since 31 Mar 18 | TCS

ICICI Bank Ltd (Financial Services) 0.04 ₹22 Cr

Equity, Since 31 Oct 18 | ICICIBANK

Housing Development Finance Corp Ltd (Financial

0.04 ₹21 Cr
Services) Equity, Since 31 Aug 19 | HDFC

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd (Consumer Cyclical) 0.04 ₹21 Cr

Equity, Since 31 May 20 | M&M
Ultra Tech Cement Ltd (Basic Materials) 0.03 ₹17 Cr

Equity, Since 30 Apr 19 | ULTRACEMCO

ITC Ltd (Consumer Defensive) 0.03 ₹17 Cr
Equity, Since 30 Sep 20 | ITC

Mutual fund benefits for investors

1. Occupational management

Mutual funds provide investors with the opportunity to earn income or increase their wealth
through the professional management of their investment funds. The goal is to invest in such
professional management, to invest based on appropriate research, and to see to it that prudent
investment policies are adopted. To invest in securities markets the investor must open and
maintain multiple accounts such as broking account, demat account and others.

The mutual fund simplifies the process of investing and holding investment securities. Investing
in units under the Affordable Portfolio Diversification Scheme allows investors to invest
proportionately their share in the scheme.

Thus Rs. Mutual fund schemes can give proportionate ownership to up to 500 investors in a
diverse investment portfolio. As we will see later, with diversification, an investor will ensure
that "not all eggs are in the same basket". As a result, the investor is less likely to lose money on
all investments at the same time.
Therefore, diversification can help reduce risk in investing. To achieve the same level of
diversification as a mutual fund scheme, investors have to decide several lakhs of rupees

Instead, they can achieve diversification by investing less than a thousand rupees in a mutual
fund scheme.

2. Scale Strategies

Mutual funds have professional managers for investment management as they collect large sums
from multiple investors. Individual investors may invest a small amount and may not participate
in such professional management. The large investment corpus leads to various other economies.
For example, the costs of investment research and office space extend to investors.

Additionally, higher transaction volumes allow you to negotiate better terms with brokers,
bankers and other services.


Mutual funds give the investor the flexibility to manage investments according to their
convenience. Direct investment may require a large amount of investment that most investors
can invest in. For example, investing in gold and real estate requires a large expense. Similarly,
an effectively diversified equity portfolio may require a large outlay. Mutual funds offer similar
benefits with a very low investment value because it pools small investments.

Most investors build a large fund. Similarly, the dividend and growth options of a mutual fund
allow investors to generate returns from the fund to suit their needs.
Therefore, investing through mutual funds offers a different financial benefit to the investor than
direct investment in terms of cost savings. Liquidity Many times, investors in the financial
markets are caught up in the security of not being able to find a buyer - even worse, they are
often unable to find the company they are investing in. Value investments that investors do not
easily grasp. The market is called a technically illiterate investment and can cause loss to the

In a mutual fund scheme, investors can recoup the market value of their investment from the
mutual fund itself.

Depending on the structure of the mutual fund scheme, this is only possible at any time or for a
specified period or when the scheme is closed. Plans that can withdraw money from mutual
funds after the scheme closes must be listed on the stock exchange.

In such schemes, the investor can sell the units through the stock exchange platform and recoup
the current value of the investment. Tax deferred mutual funds are not liable to pay tax on the
income they earn. If the investor wants to earn the same income directly, he has to pay tax in the
same financial year.

Mutual funds offer options that allow the investor to raise money in the scheme for many years.
By choosing such options, it is possible for the investor to defer tax liability. This will help
investors to legally build their wealth if they have to pay income tax every year.

3. Benefits of wax

Certain schemes of mutual funds (equity-linked savings schemes) give investors the benefit of
tax deduction from their income (up to Rs. 150,000 in a financial year), which is liable to tax.
This reduces their taxable income and is therefore tax liable.

4. Convenient options
The options offered under a scheme allow investors to design their investments

Match their monetary preference and tax status.

It also includes the greatness of transactions such as the ability to withdraw only money from an
investment account, the ability to invest an additional amount in an account, and the
establishment of orderly transactions.

5. Investment relaxation

After investing in mutual funds, it is convenient for the investor to make further purchases with
very little documentation. This will facilitate subsequent investment activities. Control facility

The Regulator, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has mandated rigorous checks
and balances in the structure of mutual funds and their operations. This type of protection mutual
fund benefits investors.

6. Systematic approach to investment

Mutual funds also provide facilities that help the investor to invest regularly through a systematic
investment plan (SIP); Or regular withdrawal of funds through the Systematic Withdrawal Plan
(SWP); Or transfer money between different types of schemes through Systematic Transfer
Scheme (STP). Such a systematic approach promotes investment discipline, which is useful in
long-term creation.

And security. SWP allows the investor to generate a simple cash flow from the investment
Mutual fund limitations

1. Lack of portfolio optimization

Some brokerages offer portfolio management schemes (PMS) to large investors. In

A PMS has good control over which securities the investor buys and sells on his behalf. The
investor can get a customized portfolio in case of PMS.

On the other hand, the unit holder in a mutual fund is one of the many thousands of investors in a
scheme. Once a unit-holder is purchased into a plan, investment management is left to the fund
manager (within the broader parameters of the investment objective). Therefore, the unit-holder
does not affect what securities or investments the scheme affects.

2. Pleasure overload

Many mutual fund schemes are offered through 42 mutual funds - and there are so many options
in those schemes that it can be difficult for investors to choose between them. The widespread
dissemination of industry information through various media and the availability of professional
advisors in the market will help investors to manage this surcharge.

To overcome the heavy burden of this option, SEBI has introduced an assortment of mutual
funds to ensure uniformity in the features of similar schemes launched by different mutual funds.

It helps to evaluate the various options available to investors before giving information.
3. There is no cost control

All investors' money is credited to the same scheme. The cost of maintaining the scheme is
shared by all the unit-holders in proportion to the number of units in the scheme. Therefore, the
individual investor has no control over the costs of a scheme.

However, SEBI has imposed some restrictions on the cost of any scheme. These limitations,
depending on the size of the property and the nature of the plan, will be discussed later.

Scope of study

Mutual funds provide investors with the opportunity to earn income or increase their wealth
through the professional management of their investment funds. The goal is to invest in such
professional management, to invest based on appropriate research, and to see to it that prudent
investment policies are adopted. To invest in securities markets the investor must open and
maintain multiple accounts such as broking account, demat account and others.

The mutual fund simplifies the process of investing and holding investment securities. Investing
in units under the Affordable Portfolio Diversification Scheme allows investors to invest
proportionately their share in the scheme.

Thus Rs. Mutual fund schemes can give proportionate ownership to up to 500 investors in a
diverse investment portfolio. As we will see later, with diversification, an investor will ensure
that "not all eggs are in the same basket". As a result, the investor is less likely to lose money on
all investments at the same time.
Therefore, diversification can help reduce risk in investing. To achieve the same level of
diversification as a mutual fund scheme, investors have to decide several lakhs of rupees

Instead, they can achieve diversity by investing less than a thousand rupees in a mutual fund

Study is required

Mutual funds also provide facilities that help the investor to invest regularly through a systematic
investment plan (SIP); Or regular withdrawal of funds through the Systematic Withdrawal Plan
(SWP); Or transfer money between different types of schemes through Systematic Transfer
Scheme (STP). Such a systematic approach promotes investment discipline, which is useful in
long-term creation.

And security. SWP allows the investor to generate a simple cash flow from the investment


Mutual funds have professional managers for investment management as they collect large sums
from multiple investors. Individual investors may invest a small amount and may not participate
in such professional management. The large investment corpus leads to various other economies.
For example, the costs of investment research and office space extend to investors.

Additionally, higher transaction volumes allow you to negotiate better terms with brokers,
bankers and other services.

Mutual funds give the investor the flexibility to manage investments according to their
convenience. Direct investment may require a large amount of investment that most investors
can invest in. For example, investing in gold and real estate requires a large expense. Similarly,
an effectively diversified equity portfolio may require a large outlay.

Mutual funds offer similar benefits with very low investment value, as it makes small
investments by large investors into large funds. Similarly, the dividend and growth options of a
mutual fund allow investors to generate returns from the fund to suit their needs.

Therefore, investing through mutual funds offers a different financial benefit to the investor than
direct investment in terms of cost savings. Liquidity Many times, investors are trapped in
financial markets


 https://www.
 https://www.
 https://www.
 https://www.
 https://www.
 https://www.

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