A Comprehensive Framework For Knowledge Management System Life Cycle

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Vol. 7(15), pp.

1285-1295, 21 April, 2013

DOI: 10.5897/AJBM11.2216
African Journal of Business Management
ISSN 1993-8233 © 2013 Academic Journals

Full Length Research Paper

A comprehensive framework for knowledge

management system life cycle
Nazim Taskin1*, Jacques Verville1 and Ahmad Al-Omari2
Faculty of Management, University of British Columbia – Okanagan, 3333 University Blvd
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7, Canada.
Business School, Information System, Dakota State University, USA.
Accepted 6 December, 2011

Development life cycles are useful for developing systems since they offer methodologies and models.
Although, there are different models or methodologies to develop systems with different purposes, but
there is no such comprehensive or complete one for knowledge management systems. The reason may
be the complexity and the variety of related topics in knowledge management, which is an
interdisciplinary field. This paper attempts to provide such a framework, which combines task and
generic approaches to propose a development life cycle for knowledge management systems. This
framework demonstrates the system that deals with specific activities and organizational knowledge.

Key words: Knowledge management, life cycle, knowledge work.


Development life cycles provide models or methodologies A knowledge management may focus on many aspects
for people who are interested in developing system(s). from arranging a projector use for a conference [or
Software development life cycle (SDLC), as an example, competing a request for proposal (RFP), managing time
can provide a variety of methodologies to develop or documents, following procedures] to developing a
systems, mainly computer or information systems. The system/product (Kogan and Muller, 2006). Therefore, we
main phases of SDLC are planning, analysis, design and need to see the knowledge management from different
implementation. In a development life cycle, usually, perspectives and create a comprehensive model/
there are steps to follow such as project planning (feasi- framework for it.
bility), requirement analysis, design, building, testing, In the knowledge management literature, there are
implementing and maintenance as it is in SDLC. numerous studies regarding data, knowledge and
Although, there are several methodologies or models knowledge management. On the other hand, knowledge
developed for software development such as prototyping, management systems are still an active research area.
rapid application development, open source develop- Knowledge management life cycle has been examined
ment, etc., currently, there is no such a comprehensive through two common approaches: process approach and
application or framework that provides a roadmap for generic approach (Morrison and Weiser, 1996; Jennex
knowledge management. One possible reason for lacking and Olfman, 2004). However, to our knowledge, there is
such an application or framework may be the fact that not such a work that combines these two approaches to a
developing a life cycle for knowledge management is single framework.
more difficult than developing a system. One of the main In order to address the limitations regarding knowledge
reasons for this is that, developing a knowledge manage- management development life cycle, we need to identify
ment may include developing software and it may include the terminology about knowledge management and some
even more than just the system development itself. current categorizations about knowledge management as

*Corresponding author. E-mail: Nazim.Taskin@ubc.ca.

1286 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.

well as its components. A brief literature about the Edwards (1990) include broad design, logical design,
terminology (that is, knowledge, process) and the detailed design and physical design. Generally speaking,
categorization (that is, segmentation, orientation) within in system design phase, more details are provided about
knowledge, knowledge management and its components functions, tasks and processes through decomposition.
such as tasks, subtasks, methods and types would allow After this phase, a project should have been defined
us to see what can be done to address the development [broad design (Sommerville 1989) or logical design
life cycle. We will also propose a comprehensive model, (Hawryszkiewycz, 1989)] in a very detailed way with its
or a type of roadmap for developing knowledge work or business processes, functions, rules, structure of the
even system to fulfill the requirements. tasks, diagrams and related documentation (Wikipedia,
Rest of the paper is organized as follows: Next section 2011). Building phase is the phase where the actual
provides a brief literature review about knowledge, product (that is, software, system) is developed. Defining
knowledge management, process, types of knowledge the testing phase may be little bit more difficult than other
and related terminology in order to give brief summary stages. Testing can be done in different levels. Tests can
about the concepts that knowledge management is be performed on units, systems (combination of units), or
defined. The following section will be providing the model, even on user acceptance. Validity and sensitivity testing
knowledge management system life cycle that knowledge are among the common testing methods for testing a
management field is lacking now. Finally, the discussion system (Henderson-Sellers and Edwards, 1990). Imple-
and conclusion section will conclude the paper. mentation phase is the stage where the product is
completed and installed. Maintenance phase deals with
LITERATURE REVIEW the tailoring, modifications and updates to the system or
tailoring (Carney et al., 2000).
The main motivation behind using a development life Each system has a purpose and in order to meet these
cycle is to provide successful results for the processes objectives for a system, there are several requirements
and tasks that might be composed of complex tasks that a development life cycle should have. These
(Bender, 2003). Development life cycles provide us requirements include supporting the projects, technical
methodologies to resolve the complex issues such as and managerial activities, and being usable (Bender,
software development, or system development. 2003). The same is report by Bender (2003) states that
Systems development life cycle is an example for such while managerial activities include defining priorities,
a development cycle where the methodologies allow managing reports, change control, identifying metrics
people to divide the tasks into simpler ones and (that is, risk assessment, cost/benefit analysis), improving
accomplish the overall goals. Although, the number of relationships with third parties, etc., technical activities
these divisions or phases and even terminology may vary include defining the system with its components, testing,
[summarized by Maier (2007) as knowledge management alternatives evaluating and identifying strategy.
system or software (Mertens and Griese, 2002; Tsui The development cycle should also have a design
2003), knowledge services (Conway, 2003), knowledge structure that will fit to requirements. Using a layered
management suite (Seifried and Eppler, 2000), approach and identifying what and how questions about
knowledge portal (Fernandes et al., 2005), organizational the system and components may be a good approach for
memory system (Kühn and Abecker, 1997), etc.] in the development cycle (Bender, 2003) in terms of the
general the phases in systems development life cycle design structure. When developing a system using a
includes planning, system analysis, system design, development life cycle, regardless of whether it is a
building, testing, implementation and maintenance software or knowledge management, knowledge worker
(Henderson-Sellers and Edwards, 1990; Davis et al., or analyst must plan the development (including analysis
1988). In project planning or initiation phase, the goals of and design), deployment and maintenance of that project.
the projects are determined. Goals are evaluated and the Therefore, the plans should be prepared carefully and
economical (that is, budget), operational (that is, detailed in order design structure to fit to requirements.
schedule), and technical feasibilities are determined. In On the other hand, although there are studies and
system analysis phase, the main objectives include methodologies for developing life cycles, such as for
analyzing the requirements, identifying the problems in software and systems, there is only limited number of
the system as well as conducting a feasibility study studies that developed life cycle for knowledge
(Henderson-Sellers and Edwards, 1990; Maier, 2007). In management systems. However, the existing models
this phase, the problem is examined from different mainly examine the knowledge from process perspective.
angles, top-down or bottom-up and usually it is Therefore, the literature is still lacking a comprehensive
decomposed that might be represented by a variety of study examining the development life cycle for knowledge
diagrams, structure charts, etc. (Henderson-Sellers and work or knowledge management systems. This fact is
Edwards, 1990). System design phase is examined quite interesting considering that we are living in
through several perspectives. The main concepts under information age where knowledge and information are
system design mentioned by Henderson-Sellers and very valuable and considered as an asset for companies.
Taskin et al. 1287

A plausible explanation regarding the lack of a Knowledge has been distinguished as explicit
development life cycle for knowledge work may be the knowledge or implicit/tacit knowledge (Hansen et al.,
broadness of this topic. There are numerous studies 1999; Freeze, 2007). Explicit knowledge refers to
about knowledge, knowledge management (Chadha and transferrable knowledge in standardized manner. This
Kapoor, 2010), types of knowledge and knowledge work requires knowledge to be represented in a language
(Awad and Ghaziri, 2004), different categorizations of (Koskinen, 2003), documented and communicated (Alavi
these issues, organizations, components, etc. (Maier and Leidner, 2001; Freeze, 2007). Large scale databases
2007). A study focusing on developing such a are the common environments to keep the information so
development life cycle should consider as much that it can be stored, transferred and reused (Hansen et
perspectives as possible, both organizational level and al., 1999). Implicit knowledge is the one within individuals
process level, in order to be able to provide a and it needs to be converted to explicit knowledge so that
comprehensive model. In order to fulfill this requirement, it can be shared, or reused (Becerra-Fernandez and
in this study, we will try to look at knowledge and Sabherwal, 2001). Tacit knowledge includes two
knowledge work from several perspectives in literature dimensions (Nonaka, 1994): technical dimension that
before proposing a solution for development life cycle. focus on know-how (Koskinen, 2003) and cognitive
In literature, different studies have mentioned dimension that includes mental models, ideas, values,
knowledge, information, knowledge work, processes, beliefs, etc. that can be transferred via observation,
tasks and related categorization about these topics. applying (Harigopal and Satyadas, 2001; Freeze, 2007),
There are several definitions of knowledge. Eck (1997) and experience (Nonaka, 1994). In addition, to the tacit
defines knowledge by focusing on the motivation of and explicit knowledge, knowledge can be categorized as
knowledge as "salvation from not knowing, which metacognitive, procedural, conceptual and factual
assumes questions, doubts, pressure, necessity and (Salisbury, 2008). Metacognitive knowledge is the type of
demand for knowledge, curiosity" while Albrecht (1993) knowledge that is acquired through expert advice;
defines knowledge as "networks of information." A more procedural knowledge is the one that is acquired through
recent and comprehensive definition of knowledge by examples; conceptual knowledge is acquired through
Maier (2007) is that it ―comprises all cognitive instructions; and finally factual knowledge is acquired
expectancies—observations that have been meaningfully through documents (Salisbury, 2008).
organized, accumulated and embedded in a context Although, these studies are more in organizational
through experience, communication, or inference—that level, looking from a broader perspective may be useful
an individual or organizational actor uses to interpret to see the overall picture for development life cycle.
situations and to generate activities, behavior and Nonaka (1994) proposed four modes, socialization,
solutions no matter whether these expectancies are externalization, internalization and combination so that
rational or used intentionally‖. Probst et al. (1997) explain information can be converted between explicit and
knowledge by emphasizing individuals and their skills and implicit. Socialization is about sharing implicit knowledge
define knowledge as a "strategic resource." with activities (not with symbols as in embedded know-
In order to understand the knowledge management ledge) and happens as the conversion from implicit to
system, we need to examine the elements in knowledge implicit knowledge (Nonaka, 1994). Externalization refers
management system. This includes examining the to expressing implicit knowledge and converting it to
knowledge with its types and categories, and knowledge explicit one to make it easier to understand by using
management life cycle with its elements under the deductive/inductive reasoning, inference, visuals, etc.
examination of current proposed models. Collins (1993) According to Nonaka (1994), internalization involves the
and Blackler (1995) explain more about knowledge, and conversion of explicit knowledge into implicit knowledge,
the authors develop and categorized knowledge in five which includes norms, values, relationships and proce-
types: embrained, embodied, encultured, embedded and dures (Sagsan, 2006) with methods such as learning-by-
encoded knowledge. Embrained knowledge is the type of doing/observation, meetings, etc. Combination refers to
knowledge that is high-level and based on cognitive the conversion of explicit knowledge to more complex
abilities. Embodied knowledge is action oriented and explicit knowledge (Nonaka, 1994).
exists with interaction or practices, and mainly based on Knowledge alone is not enough to add value many
specific contexts (Collins, 1993) and physical presence times, the right way to manage this knowledge is as
(Blackler, 1995). Encultured knowledge is built upon important as knowledge itself. Therefore, there are
shared understandings via socialization (Collins, 1993; numerous studies about knowledge management in
Blackler, 1995). Embedded knowledge lies in systematic literature. Knowledge management is defined as a
routines [that is, procedures, beliefs, relationships process of capturing knowledge from inside and outside
between technologies (Collins, 1993; Blackler, 1995)]. and transferring it through the organization in order to
Encoded knowledge mainly deals with transmission and bring innovation (Shih and Chiang, 2005; Pablos, 2002).
storage of knowledge through symbols (that is, book, Balasubramanian et al. (1999) define knowledge manage-
data bases) (Collins, 1993; Blackler, 1995). ment as "an organizational capability that allows people
1288 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.

in organizations, working as individuals (knowledge externalization and internalization of knowledge; know-

workers), or in teams, projects, or other such commu- ledge sharing is supported by effective transfer, media
nities of interest, to create, capture, share and leverage and knowledge itself; knowledge application is supported
their collective knowledge to improve performance". In by individual routines and directions (Sagsan, 2006).
addition to these concepts, based on the literature, Zhong et al. (2005) examine product development by
knowledge management systems can be defined as an using a history knowledge management perspective. In
information systems (Damodaran and Olphert, 2000; Tsai their approach, the authors define history knowledge as
and Chen, 2007) that contributes to organizational lear- having three components: process history that includes
ning (Tsai and Chen, 2007) through acquiring, creating, current and previous information of design tasks, design
storing, applying (Alavi and Leidner, 2001; Maier, 2007; intent that deals with the changes of design information
Aujirapongpan et al., 2010), supporting (Jennex and with their steps, and finally domain knowledge that
Olfman, 2004), or acquiring, organizing, storing, acces- includes both implicit and explicit methods, and
sing, sharing, applying and creating (Krishnaveni and experiences regarding the design (Zhong et al., 2005).
Raja, 2009), and providing transformation between The authors integrate these processes with product
implicit and explicit knowledge (Maier, 2007) in order to development processes and propose a model that
provide the required information to the employees. The examined both components from process and operational
main objective of the knowledge management systems is levels.
to ―manage organizational knowledge‖ (Jennex and In knowledge management literature, knowledge is
Olfman, 2004). examined as a perspective for processes (Eppler et al.,
Knowledge management systems can be examined 1999) that are basically ordered activities where some
through two perspectives (Jennex and Olfman, 2004): roles are assigned to. Eppleret al. (1999) and Hammer
―process/task approach‖, and ―infrastructure/generic (1996) define process as a cluster of tasks that create or
approach.‖ The first approach deals with processes, contribute to value for customers. Processes add value
tasks, sub-tasks, and project and the ways to improve the for customers by contributing to creating, finding,
effectiveness of these components. On the other hand, packaging, applying and reusing (shortly managing)
the second approach deals with building a systems to knowledge in an organized manner (Davenport et al.,
capture, share and use of information within the organi- 1996).
zation. While both of these perspectives are relevant for From the process perspective, knowledge work has two
developing a knowledge management system, combining basic types: administrative or operational processes and
these approaches will address the needs of current knowledge intensive processes (Eppler et al., 1999).
business environment (Morrison and Weiser, 1996; Administrative processes are usually the routine works
Jennex and Olfman, 2004). This approach will allow and are structured (Eppler et al., 1999), as described by
extending the content of knowledge management work Collins (1993) as embedded knowledge, such as filling
and providing a more comprehensive approach that will out forms, getting approval, etc. (Davenport et al., 1995).
address not only to the specific activities of a work but Eppler et al. (1999) proposed some attributes for
also the organizational knowledge (Jennex and Olfman, knowledge intensive processes so that they can be
2004). distinguished from administrative processes. These
In literature, several researchers have distinguished attributes includes contingency, scope of decision, agent
different types of knowledge management. For example, innovation and impact, half-life and learning period
Pablos (2002) and Tissen et al. (1998) mention two broad (Eppler et al., 1999). Another type of categorization
types of knowledge management: operational knowledge regarding the attributes of processes is defined by Kogan
management that focuses on transferring knowledge via and Muller (2006). They identify the attributes as
a link between people and the system as well as how to unstructured versus structured, static versus dynamic, ad
create a link and strategic knowledge management which hoc versus predefined, one person versus multi-person,
is a process that deals with aligning organizational know- single use versus repeatable, business critical versus
ledge with business strategy, organizational structure and non-business critical and automated versus non-
issues related to knowledge workers (Pablos 2002). automated. A process can have one or more of these
Managing knowledge requires focusing on the aspects attributes. Eppler et al. (1999) also introduce the agent
of creating, storing, structuring, codifying, sharing, con- concept to the knowledge concept. Agents can be
trolling, transferring, using and utilizing the knowledge humans, machines, or even groups that are capable of
(Sagsan, 2006). While Beccerra et al. (2001) identify four processing information related activities for decision
main processes; Sagsan (2006) extends their perspective making processes (Eppler et al., 1999; Leucher et al.,
by identifying seven sub-processes that support the main 1998).
processes regarding knowledge management. According Complexity and knowledge intensity are other issues
to the author, knowledge discovery is supported by that provide useful analysis about knowledge work pro-
combination and socialization; knowledge capture by cesses (Eppler et al., 1999). Number of steps to make up
people, artifacts, or organizational entities is supported by a process, the number of agents involved in a process,
Taskin et al. 1289

interdependencies between agents and between pro- selecting and integrating different methods or subtasks.
cesses and process dynamics are the main criteria to The state after selecting and integrating the subtasks or
determine the process complexity (Eppler et al., 1999). methods becomes a new state and this operation is
Another dimension for the complexity determination is repeated from it initial state until the goal state is reached
dependency (Wong and Dalmadge, 2004). Dependency (Chandrasekaran et al., 1992). As part of the analysis,
occurs when two or more activities or processes share problem-stage is converted to solution-space through
the same information resources. The implication of the functional decomposition (Henderson-Sellers and
information requirements vary based on the fit, share and Edwards, 1990). This method may be useful while
flow of the processes regarding the way the processes analyzing a knowledge management system in order to
interact (Wong and Dalmadge, 2004; Chandrasekaran et determine the components (tasks, subtask and methods)
al., 1992). In order to identify the knowledge appropriate and the sequence among them.
for process, an analysis about knowledge should be Another dimension that might be useful for developing
conducted. This analysis should include the information the life cycle may be orientation of knowledge processes.
about know-how or basic knowledge about the process; This is called the generic method for knowledge manage-
knowledge about the content of the process; and ment systems (Morrison and Weiser, 1996; Jennex and
knowledge captured from (an) other process (es) (Eppler Olfman, 2004). Alavi and Leidner (2001) state four sets of
et al., 1999). knowledge processes: knowledge creation, knowledge
Processes are not necessarily simple structures. Some storage/retrieval, knowledge transfer and knowledge
processes may be complex and decomposition or application. Although, it is possible to find different types
breaking the processes into smaller processes or tasks is of orientations in literature, since they fit well to life cycle
a useful method to analyze knowledge work. Task, concept and broad enough to cover many aspects
another component to explain the life cycle, has several mentioned in literature, we will focus on these sets in this
definitions that sometime create confusion. Wielinga et al. paper.
(1992) define task as "fixed strategy for achieving a goal." Knowledge creation is "the interaction of knowledge,
This definition of task is very similar to the definition by between the tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge"
Chandrasekaran et al. (1992) for method. On the other (Aujirapongpan et al., 2010). Knowledge creation refers
hand, Chandrasekaran et al. (1992) define task, more to developing a new content. If the content exists, it
specifically generic task, as "components of composite requires replacing the existing one. It is a continuous
method." The authors also propose task structure that is action that involves both tacit and explicit knowledge.
a kind of hierarchical structure representing tasks, Knowledge creation is also mentioned by Nonaka (1994)
methods and subtasks as a tree. In this structure, the and four types of knowledge creation were defined as
processes can be represented as a combination of tasks, mentioned above (socialization, externalization, internali-
methods, which are ways to accomplish tasks and zation and combination). Aujirapongpan et al. (2010),
subtasks. Task structure has mainly three components: mention another stage in the knowledge process;
an input and output, specific and determined methods/ knowledge acquisition. Knowledge can be acquired either
subtasks and knowledge required for managing subtasks, from internal resources such as reports and work
and method selection (Chandrasekaran et al., 1992). practices or external resources such as competitors,
Tasks are usually used for converting the problem state partners, or clients.
into goal state (usually instance based) (Chandrasekaran Knowledge storage/retrieval refers to a kind of memory
et al., 1992); therefore, they may be useful in an analysis that stores the created knowledge (tacit or explicit).
phase. Methods can be in various types (that is, compu- Written documents and databases are among the com-
tation, simulation) and various selections of method are mon examples for the components of this memory (Alavi
available. and Leidner, 2001) and ideally the more the number of
Chandrasekaran et al. (1992) also propose a useful databases the more efficient knowledge storage and
and straightforward method for the analysis of task and retrieval (Franco and Mariano, 2007; Aujirapongpan et
subtasks, called propose, critique and modify (PCM). al., 2010). After storing the knowledge that is created,
PCM allows to organize the subtasks with a simple next step includes transferring that knowledge between
algorithm that follows the steps as proposing a solution individuals, groups, or organizations through some
based on the design goal, verifying the proposal and channels (may be formal, informal, personal or imper-
critiquing the proposal in unsuccessful or modifying it in sonal (Marquarde, 1996; Aujirapongpan et al., 2010)).
successful case (Chandrasekaran et al., 1992). These Finally, knowledge application refers to applying the
steps also can be organized in different combinations and knowledge or using it for a specific purpose (Alavi and
also used in a recursive manner to accomplish the task. Leidner, 2001). Utilization and application of efficient
Problem-space search is also a method in task knowledge has benefits for organizations. Reducing
structure analysis (Chandrasekaran et al., 1992). This business costs and risks, improving productivity, quality,
method can set up alternatives, or can refine knowledge scheduling, employee and customer satisfaction and
systems by using explicit knowledge and is capable of value creation are among the most highly cited benefits
1290 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.

of utilization and application of effective knowledge in Organizations need to have both social and technical
organizations (Maier, 2007; Aujirapongpan, 2010). communication infrastructure available for a more
Similar perspective regarding orientation of knowledge effective interactivity (Sagsan, 2006). Main components
process has been used by Sagsan (2006), Lee and Hong of knowledge structuring include ―sorting, organizing,
(2002), Awad and Ghaziri (2004) and Birkinshaw and codifying, analyzing and reporting information‖ (Sagsan,
Sheehan (2002). The categories that Lee and Hong 2006). Nonaka (1995) and Sagsan (2006) mention three
(2002) used include capturing, development, sharing and main reasons why organizations use knowledge. These
utilization of knowledge, while Awad and Ghaziri (2004) reasons include enhancing competitive advantage,
named them as capturing, organizing, refining and designing the product more effectively and enhancing
transferring. The authors define the step where quality, especially for services. The author defines
knowledge is obtained as knowledge capture. Databases knowledge auditing and the final process, as ―what
and data warehouses are examples of knowledge amount of knowledge can be used in organization’s
capture applications. Once the knowledge is captured, products, services and processes‖. Benefits of knowledge
analysts can analyze the data for a better decision auditing include defining knowledge based strategy and
making. This step is called knowledge development (Lee architecture, more efficient research and development
and Hong, 2002). On-line analytical processing (OLAP) planning, accurate intellectual capital measurement, etc.
and data mining tools are among the most common (Sagsan, 2006).
applications regarding this step (Lee and Hong, 2002). A similar but less detailed framework was developed by
Third step of the life cycle refers to distribution of the McElroy (1999). McElroy (1999) identifies two broad
analyzed knowledge. Internet and group support systems phases, knowledge production and knowledge integration
can be listed as common applications of this step (Lee as part of knowledge life cycle. Knowledge production
and Hong, 2002). Finally the last step in the life cycle includes four processes such as individual and group
deals with end users and how effectively they use learning, knowledge claim formulation, information
knowledge regardless of their familiarity with computer acquisition and knowledge validation. According to this
systems (Lee and Hong, 2002). Organizations need to framework, organizational learning begins with individual
develop user friendly interfaces or applications so that all or group learning within the organization. Next step is
employees can reach and use the knowledge regardless formulizing the produced or acquired knowledge. The
of their computer skills (Lee and Hong, 2002). third process involves improving the learning with
Birkinshaw and Sheehan (2002) examine life cycle for feedbacks from the integration activities. The final
knowledge and their framework for the life cycle which process ensures the higher value of produced
includes four phases such as creation, mobilization, knowledge. Knowledge integration process deals with the
diffusion and commoditization. This cycle emphasizes transformation and integration of the produced or
that knowledge will be generalized through organizations acquired knowledge (McElroy, 1999).
after it is created in one organization. Initially, the Another categorization regarding knowledge and life
knowledge will be mobilized within only one organization cycle has been provided by Firestone (2002). According
and then will be diffused to others slowly. The reason for to this framework, processes regarding knowledge have
diffusing this knowledge in this stage stems mainly from two main categories that also have sub-processes:
the difficulties regarding keeping the knowledge to itself knowledge production and knowledge integration.
(Birkinshaw and Sheehan, 2002). However, organizations Knowledge creation deals with information acquisition,
can develop strategies regarding diffusing the knowledge learning from individual and group perspectives,
and extract benefits and values from this situation knowledge claim formulation and evaluation. On the other
(Birkinshaw and Sheehan, 2002). In the final stage, hand, knowledge integration includes diffusing the
organizations attempt to manage the knowledge that is created knowledge, searching knowledge, disseminating
about to be exposed to the public. The authors state that, the knowledge and sharing the knowledge.
life cycle concept is not a static structure and executives Siemieniuch and Sinclair (2004a) have developed a
need to work hard to identify the correct stage they are in framework for organizational readiness for knowledge life
as well as their goals (Birkinshaw and Sheehan, 2002). cycle management. The authors examined how know-
In his model, Sagsan (2006) identify five processes: ledge was created, captured, utilized and retired within
creating, sharing, structuring, using and auditing as part the organizations. They also identified fourteen steps in
of a life cycle for knowledge management. Ability, order to be ready for knowledge life cycle management.
intuition, skills, behaviors and experiences of participants These steps include: a) building trust through leadership;
are the main source for creating the knowledge in an b) identifying roles; c) establishing ownership (that is,
organization (Sagsan, 2006; Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). process and content) policies for knowledge; d)
The author identify the requirements of knowledge identifying security policies to identify the leakage and
sharing as formal and informal communication networks ensuring the appropriate usage of knowledge; e) creating
involving oral, written, nonverbal communication, organi- generic processes and procedures; f) altering the pro-
zational learning, teamwork, exercises, etc. cesses and current infrastructure; g) identifying reward
Taskin et al. 1291

Figure 1. Proposed model for knowledge management development life cycle.

policies; h) performance evaluation on knowledge like a system development life cycle. However, this does not mean
management; i) developing measurement for knowledge that there are no differences between them. Awad and Ghaziri
(2004) identify the key similarities and differences between two
sharing; j) identifying communities of knowledge; k) types of life cycles. First of all, in the generic life cycle, usually, the
developing an activity-based costing approach; l) creating system analyst deals with the collection of data to be analyzed
"stretch-targeting process"; m) enhancing project review while in knowledge management systems life cycle (KMSLC),
procedures for knowledge; and n) building dynamic knowledge developer deals with collecting knowledge. While the
knowledge databases (Siemieniuch and Sinclair, 2004a). initial one is sequential (Lam and Chua, 2009) and deals with
Siemieniuch and Sinclair (2004b) have divided the novice users, the later one is interactive and deals with more
experienced people who have the knowledge about both the
framework for knowledge life cycle management, called problem and the solution. Another difference is regarding the nature
as CLEVER, into four stages as problem definition, of the systems: while generic life cycles are process-driven, KMSLC
solution overview, critical migration paths and right is result-oriented (Awad and Ghaziri, 2004). Last but not least, the
process. In the first stage, current problems, drivers of testing phase which is much more comprehensive in KMSLC.
the business, characteristics, sources availability and Unlike in generic life cycles whose testing phase is usually right
after building the system, in KMSLC, the testing takes places with
enablers regarding the knowledge management are
the beginning of the life cycle, through verifications and validations
identified. In the second phase, executives identify the (Awad and Ghaziri, 2004). Therefore, the life cycle that we are
specific components of knowledge management proposing address the life cycle of knowledge management
regarding the solution of the problem. Third phase is systems and different from the generic life cycle systems. In
more detailed than the second one and in this phase addition, our life cycle addresses the knowledge process and
specific paths for every problem or issue that are places it in the life cycle that has not been done before to our
knowledge. Considering the fact that a software development may
identified in previous phase are determined. The final be considered as a knowledge work (in a big picture), it is obvious
phase ensures the readiness of the organization to that the differences might be based on the additional properties of a
proceed with the knowledge management as well as the knowledge work. As it is in the system (software) development life
processes suitable for the chosen path (Siemieniuch and cycle, the proposed model for knowledge management
Sinclair, 2004b). Users can use templates that are sug- development life cycle has main elements or phases. The proposed
gested by the authors to decide whether their paths model that examines knowledge work from a broader perspective
rather than merely process level is shown in Figure 1 with its
require focusing on capturing, retrieving, propagating, different stages. Requirements for a life cycle for knowledge
sharing and maintaining knowledge (Siemieniuch and management system can be grouped under five major categories:
Sinclair, 2004b).
These different perspectives on knowledge and know- 1). Planning
2). Analyzing
ledge management provide some information regarding
3). Designing
the knowledge management and related concepts 4). Building, testing, and implementing
including the ones that will be used in the proposed 5). Evaluating
model as a solution for knowledge management system
development life cycle. Next section will provide the
model and related explanations. Planning

Planning phase includes several sub-sections such as

identifying business problem, analyzing current infra-
structure as well as identifying the alignment strategy bet-
A development life cycle for knowledge work or process is much ween knowledge work and business strategies. However,
1292 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.

while considering the knowledge work, not the knowledge associating the appropriate members to the knowledge
systems itself, the knowledge worker may not need to management system. Successful team composition and
address these issues in detail. In many cases, these team success depend on the quality of the members, size
requirements might have been predefined and knowledge of the team based on the complexity of the project and
worker may just need to obey them. motivation (Awad and Ghaziri, 2004).
In planning phase, knowledge worker can begin with
determining the type of project whether it is a new one, or
an existing one. Knowledge worker also needs to identify Designing
the size of project or knowledge work in the planning
phase (Bender, 2003). Design phase is arranged based on the objectives and
requirements. The tasks used in the design phase should
be layered and the design should be accomplished with
Analyzing an iterative approach (Bender, 2003). In this approach,
as the layers go down, more detailed information is
Analyzing phase is more complex compared to planning provided. This phase is similar to task-structure analysis
phase. Analyzing includes identifying and evaluating where each task can be divided into sub tasks and
processes. Analyzing can be done from different methods where these subtasks may be divided into other
perspectives and the major perspectives are technical sub tasks and methods. This approach minimizes risks
and managerial ones. Technical perspective provides and redundancy while improving the quality of the work
information regarding what tasks should be performed (Bender, 2003). In addition to that parallel development of
and how (Bender, 2003). Identifying the knowledge knowledge work is also possible with this approach.
management architecture, which can be categorized Based on the report, we can also say that the phases and
under analysis includes defining the system and its processes should be organized in a hierarchical manner.
components such as current infrastructure, platforms and Combination of the two approaches, process and generic
the technology, both current and required, is appropriate is initiated in this phase. The strategy for designing (push,
for the solution of a problem, flows, functions, processes, pull, index, search, profiling, etc.) is also prepared in this
and even task-structure analysis that will be used in the stage. There should be a design strategy for the format
knowledge work. Flexibility as well as support can be and the contents. This phase is the right one in order to
assured in the life cycle by separating the tasks from identify critical points for a knowledge work and the tools
each other and clarifying how to achieve or do these that can be used for that knowledge work (including the
tasks (Bender, 2003). Therefore, a task structure is a processes and tasks). If there will be any changes in the
crucial step under analysis phase. In addition, the project, these changes can be identified in this phase
categorization or identifying the types of knowledge also.
begins in this stage.
In this phase, knowledge work, including knowledge
process, is analyzed in terms of the knowledge Building, testing and implementation (BTI)
complexity and intensity. In this analysis, the goal is to
analyze knowledge and determine the number of steps in Building a knowledge process mainly involves following
a process, number of agents, process dynamics and the steps developed in analysis and design sections with
dependencies among resources that are based on the fit, methodologies appropriate and available in the current
share and flow of processes. system. Similar to the building section, testing section
Managerial perspective of analyzing involves organi- also involves following several rules determined at
zing, coordinating and controlling of a knowledge work planning and analysis phase. However, testing is different
(Bender, 2003). The report by Bender (2003) also states in a sense that it may be done in any section. Testing is a
that setting priorities within the functional area as well as continuous process and may be part of every step in
within a system; defining objectives regarding the knowledge work (Bender, 2003; Awad and Ghaziri,
reasons to conduct the project, benefits, etc.; tracking 2004). Testing can be done as soon as completing a task
through comparison of plans with the existing results; or after a set of tasks or processes. The objectives
change control through four characteristics of ―time, should be very well determined for the test phase.
function, resources and quality‖; risk assessment are Process complexity mentioned in previous section and
some of the topics that must be covered in a knowledge knowledge intensity can be determinants by issue of
work from managerial perspective. Works regarding when to test. According to the BRT's (2003) report, in a
generic approach begin at this phase. Staffing (that is, system development, cost is also another factor that may
designing teams) can be done under either analysis affect the timing for the test. The report states that,
phase or design phase, so we can write it under a mid usually cost is less in earlier stages. Simply, a test may
phase between analysis and design. Staffing or designing include a simple development life cycle in itself. This
teams requires identifying the potential stakeholders and development cycle may include some sections such as
Taskin et al. 1293

defining the test criteria, designing this criterion, building expert systems, etc.), reliability (such as accuracy,
test case, executing and verifying the test results consistency, etc.), usability (training, user friendliness,
(Bender, 2003). These criteria help to determine how etc.), access (availability, response time, etc.), service-
much of the system or project have been completed, ability (customizations, responsiveness, etc.), flexibility
whether the current work is appropriate with the success (scalability, etc.), and security (privacy, control, etc.) of
criteria, steps, fitness of the testing activity to the plan, knowledge management systems are among the top
etc. of the tests based on the planning and the analysis criteria for the quality assessment for knowledge
(Bender, 2003). management systems (Owlia, 2010).
Implementation may sometimes include several con- After completing a project, or in our case (a knowledge
versions that may require some amount of training in the intensive work), identifying some metrics regarding the
existing system. Implementation may also include a small desired outputs' goal may provide a valuable resource for
life cycle in itself. Setting various goals for imple- the current and future processes/works. As part of
mentation, defining the approaches and stages, including evaluation, management should address the issues such
the tasks and their sequences, inputs and outputs are as the degree to which the system has caused the
among the requirements of implementation part. Unlike organization to change, the satisfaction and perception of
the generic system life cycles, testing is not only after the end users to the new system and customers to the
implementation. On the contrary, testing is more com- organization, improvements in decision making, how
prehensive and starts with the life cycle (Awad, and business processes and organization have been affected
Ghaziri, 2004). financially by the new system (Awad and Ghaziri, 2004).
In this phase, preparing a lessons learned information A hierarchical manner is recommended for a standard
regarding mistakes, potential improvements in processes, life cycle (Bender, 2003). In addition, the phases in the
tools and platform selection, budgeting, critical points and development cycle are related and sometimes a later
success factor, etc. (Eppler et al., 1999) might be useful stage may affect the previous stage. For example design
for future process developments as well as preparing a decisions may affect the process of analysis and also
background for sharing and reusing the produced implementation decisions may affect design and also
processes and tasks. analysis phases (Bender, 2003).


The main objectives of a development life cycles include In today's business environment, greater emphasis on
productivity maximization and producing high quality knowledge has been placed. The use of knowledge, its
outputs (Bender, 2003; Maier, 2007; Chadha and Kapoor, categorization as well as benefits are still an active
2010). Knowledge management system should be research area. Knowledge and knowledge work has a life
evaluated to see whether it has achieved its goals or not. cycle as other information systems has. Understanding
Evaluation can be based on either financial or non- the life cycle and its dynamics allows executives to
financial metrics (Oliveria and Goldoni, 2006). Developing identify the criteria for the required knowledge as well as
metrics or measurement of quality or success of the the tools and methods to manage the knowledge
knowledge work has been encouraged by researchers (Birkinshaw and Sheehan, 2002). In addition, the life
(Ahn and Chang, 2004; Owlia, 2010). Developing metrics cycle can improve the understanding of executives or
about the knowledge work, project, or system allows chief knowledge officers regarding knowledge manage-
management to: i) evaluate and compare the objectives ment and guide them to succeed in managing the
and outputs of knowledge work; ii) identify the areas to be knowledge (Sagsan, 2006).
improved; iii) monitor the progress of the knowledge work Development life cycle ensures that all functional
(Owlia, 2010); iv) monitor the financial situation of the requirements and organizational goals are met by
investment for the knowledge management system providing a structures process involving different phases
(Turban and Aronson, 2001). (FEA, 2011). The phases allow knowledge worker to
Many times, while productivity is usually addressed track the development of a system that includes several
with amount and value, the quality is based on the return steps. Bender (2003) states that, it is not very important
on investment for that product or system (although there how the steps are called or categorized; the important
may be other methods for intangible assets). However, in issue in a development cycle is to be able to fully address
recent studies, in knowledge management literature, the items. The framework attempted to include as much
there are broad criteria for the quality assessment of different perspectives on process and knowledge work as
knowledge management systems. Functionality (provi- possible and tries to include different levels of pers-
ding primary knowledge and primary functions of know- pectives to be examined in the life cycle.
ledge process, user satisfaction, etc.), completeness This study attempted to provide a comprehensive mo-
(addressing the supplementary requirements such as del for knowledge management life cycle. The framework
1294 Afr. J. Bus. Manage.

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