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Dear Celia
How are you? thank you for your last seem to be having a nice
time in LA.
I usually go to school everyday.Here is Coronavirus everywhere,we are
very frightened,we save ourselves and we want to be safe.
we wear everyday clothes such as:jeans,trainers,jacket and ect...
what do you always wear? I think you wear a school uniform.
we have different sport activites in our school.
some of my classmates call me funny names.I wonder if how they ponder
such the funny names.
I like the degree of educatin in our school.I don't like online learning and i
hope i can go to school soon.
I have go relotionship with my classmates are
very friendly.
Some of them have teenage problems and they fell miserably.
I wonder why they have so much problems?
I had an important day in my life when i go to school first.
I am interested in how often do you spend time with your
what do you usually do in your free time?
I saw your photo with your classmates and I wonder how
awful clothes they wore?But,you were very pretty!
do you have any problems
in your school? If you have
some problems you can
call me.
I miss you so much!
Hope to see you soon.
sending virtual hugs!

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